From Ashes Chapter 4

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#33 of Chakat Universe

Admitted long Chapter to end the story as a trip to a new world makes drastic changes to Shadow's life.

It's been two months since Bluesky and Shadow became mates and Shadow was grateful for it. Not long after becoming mates Starfleet had caught the spaceport bombers and were quickly put to trial. Shadow went every day and watch with such a cold look. If shi'd had noticed, several nearby Chakats winced and leaned away from hir as they felt hir cold fury. At night Bluesky held hir as shi cried for hir lost mates. The pain coming from hir mate almost made Bluesky try to convince hir not to go but shi knew that Shadow NEEDED this, for whatever reason. Shi remembered when Shadow, Yoshiru, and Val took vows that among them was good times and bad times. Shi now understood that. Being mates with Shadow would be some bad times considering what the Fox herm has gone through but Shadow always repaid with love and kindness during those good times. Hir presence during those bad times seems to help Shadow as well as the kids. Them and Bluesky seemed to be the only things keeping hir going right now. Finally after what seemed to Shadow a far too long trail the bomber were found guilty and sentenced to death. Shadow left the courthouse and a report ran in front of hir. "Elissa Hassleback from Taur News. How do you feel after the sentencing?" Shadow looked at her coldly. "That some justice has been served but the Federation has a lot to answer for. When is the Federation going to properly deal with this threat. I lost two mates and an unborn child in that bombing but it doesn't start or end with the bombing. For years this heightened Human First movement has plagued the Federation and it seems to do NOTHING." "So do you hate human now for the actions of these just sentenced?" "No I don't hate humans in general just those that think because they made morphs they can rule over them or the fact we were created by man not God have no souls. You want to know who has no soul. Human First. This is the second time I have been affected by their actions. Federation get off you butt and get this whole organization." Shi walked away from the reporter, got into hir PTV and headed home. When shi got home Shadowstripe ran into hir arms and shi walked carrying hir daughter. Shadowstripe unbuttoned the blouse hir mother wore to the trial and Bluesky came out of the kitchen. Well love you made the news with that little speech." Shi licked kissed Shadow and with one hand unbutton the skirt Shadow wore and got if off leaving Shadow naked from the waste down. Shadow always loved being stripped by hir mates like that and Bluesky caught on quickly. "Really?" Bluesky gestured with hir hand and still carrying Shadowstripe entered the living room with the TV on. < In other news the Metro City Spaceport bombers were sentenced to death today in court. Hundreds had died in they attack and many of the victims relatives were in court. One of them, a Shadow Phoenix by our Research team made some interesting comments on the outcome.> They then went to the recording of Shadow's comments at the court house. <With us today is retired Starfleet Captain Scott McCoy. Thank you for joining us Captain. What do you think of Shir Phoenix's comments?> <I think shi has a point. Till a few years ago we would have a random murder of a fur or a bombing of a fur establishment done by a single or really small group of people claiming to be Human First and we took care of that in the proper way. However just a few years ago this group gains a sudden influx of people and we had the riots and really started the current era of Human First. And we have had five major incidents since. The Gildedtongue Trial, The Cochran Incident, The Montgomery Scott Theft, New Kiev Assault, The Long Tail Day Massacre, And now the Metro City Bombing. It is safe to say this is truly a terrorist group and a high number of them from the Holy Christian Kingdom of North America. Sadly I think part of the problem is that even a bit of Starfleet has this cancer in it. The man behind the Long Tail Day Massacre was before arrested in the Cochran Incident and was waiting to be forced to have his mind read in that case when there is a sudden riot in the prison and he fakes his death with a transporter trick. He had to have inside help in that. Starfleet needs to nip this in the butt or a fear for the future of the Federation.> <In what ways captain?> <Well sadly people like Human First have existed since the end of the Gene War, but after the Long Tail Day massacre you saw many news channels interviewing many people and especially furs and many furs our now fearful of humans. That fear can easily be turned into hate and that could cause a fur version of Human First to arise that will do to humans what human First is doing to the furs around us. We could very well have a three sided war. Pro human on one side, pro fur on the other side with the rest of us caught in the middle.> The TV turned off and Shadow looked over and saw Bluesky lower the remote. "I think we heard enough of that for now. I want to think of more positive things." Shi looked amorously at hir fox mate which caused Shadow to smile. "You're going to have to wait till the kids are asleep love." The five of them played various games till the cubs were finally tired and put to bed. Now with the kids asleep the two adults went to their room and Shadow finally took off the blouse and be fully nude for hir mate. The two laid in bed and started caressing and kissing till it turn more intimate and passionate love for most of the night before falling asleep. A month goes by and everyone was at home. Bluesky had the day off and played with hir step children while Shadow got some work done. Shadow was asked to do a couple of speeches since shi made the news and accepted some. Some shi outright rejected for they were what Captain McCoy feared, clear anti human groups were starting to form and shi made them clear that shi wasn't anti human just sick of how Starfleet was handling the Human First problem. Shi heard the doorbell ring and let Bluesky answer it. A minute later hir mates head popped through the doorway. "Shadow there's some Starfleet officers here to talk to you." "Alright let me just finish this page up." Bluesky nodded and left and Shadow went to finish hir work before meeting the officers. When shi got out and saw the officers. One was a Caitian female the other was a rabbit morph female. Both quipped up eyes on hir nudity but when they spoke they didn't mention it. "Shir Phoenix, thank you for seeing us. I'm Lt. Morningspring and this is ensign Hopper" The Caitian said "Not everyday you have starfleet officers visit. So why are you here?" "We would like your help. Starfleet ran into a new alien race." She brought out a holoprojector and press a couple of buttons and an image appeared. The being appeared to be a fox with black fur but their very interesting features. She judging the image had blue streaks go apparently all over her body in a random pattern with a blue mohawk hair and green eyes. "They call themselves the Vulpamians and have several worlds under their control. We met in orbit of a potential colony world. The world is still under dispute and after a bit of exchange of history and culture we have maintain a fragile peace. We want a representative to negotiate with them and we want you to be that person." "Why me, I certainly have no experience in diplomacy and neither did Chris." "Minus the mohawk and streaks you look like them and one other fact we discovered is that they revere hermaphrodites as almost holy beings since they have had very few in their known history. While of course we have many herms in the federation you are our best option right now, no Starwalker Stellars is available and if you refuse we look for other herms. And as for experience consider this a business deal which Chris was good at and we'll train you on the way if you agree. We can even get the Ambassador if you like." "No. IF I agree I do not want THAT ship." "Okay we'll use another ship. And your family can come with on the ship." Shadow thought for a moment before saying. "Let me think on it." "Of course and thank you for your time." Bluesky saw them to the door and Shadow spent hours thinking. Bluesky left hir alone to think for most of the time but eventually found hir mate outside under the big oak tree. Shi was staring at the stones marking the final resting place of three of hir love ones, two forever together as Yoshiru was buried with her and Shadow's unborn child. Sensing now was a good time to approach, shi did and Shadow looked at hir before looking back at the tombstones. "So what do you think Bluesky, should I go?" "Yes Shadow, you still hurt bad from the bombing. I think a change would be good for you. Be away from Earth your job, and the ghosts for a while probably would be a good thing." Shadow sighed and leaned against Bluesky who caught hir and hugged the black fox. "I'll give it a try love." Morningspring got everything together in a week. Shadow and Bluesky were on a leave of absence and now both were packing up and helping their children pack. Finally done they lock up and head to the spaceport and beamed up to the Starbase in orbit. The ship they were going on was the Archangel and they walked to the airlock for the ship and stared in awe. She was a big ship. She had a very smooth shovel head shaped saucer a long wide smooth body with a bulbous aft with a pair of pill shaped nacelles below and parallel to the main body. Shi sees Morningspring wave at them and they head over. After passing the security Morningspring showed them to their quarters and after setting their luggage down they were directed to the sickbay for a check up need for all on board. Shadow got a rather tall and well endowed Caitian female to do hir. Since shi had never seen a caitian like that shi asked about it. The female, M'Kerrena, said she had a rare tumor that stimulated her growth hormones. Though they got a tumor out shi was left with this body. To Shadow's nose it seemed the caitian was in heat. Well shi hoped she had someone to fill that need. Giving the all clear shi waited for hir family then went back to their quarters to unpack. A few hours later they were at one of the side lounges and Shadow's children see the Earth fall out of view as the Archangel takes off and leaves orbit. Shadow then escorted hir family back to their quarters and shi went to the office Morningspring and Hopper will be using on board. They took notice of hir still being nude. "Shir Phoenix could you please wear something. Since you are going to be a rep you can use the diplomatic uniform." Shadow sighed but when to a replicator. "Computer you have my dimensions on file?" <Affirmative.> "Then one set my size of ship uniform, diplomat colors." A hum and a uniform appears and shi puts it on. "No undergarments?" Morningspring asked. "Hey i'm wearing something. A bit of slave programming remains and it causes me to like being nude. I could just take this off again." "No, no. Forget I said anything." Shadow noticed both of them blushing a bit. "Okay what is it?" Morningspring blushed some more before replying. "I didn't know you were a slave." "I wasn't but came very close to being one. I wasn't born I was created by killing a decent man I call my father." "I'm sorry. Um, let's go over the intel." Shadow let it drop and the three of them went over the basic plan. They were to get a recognized border between the Federation and the Vulpamian Hegemony. Trade agreement between the two powers and a settlement on the disputed world. Shadow decided that upon landing shi would be nude to leave no doubt of hir gender. Reluctantly Morningspring had to agree but got a promise from Shadow to wear something during formal talks. They took a break for lunch and they met up with Shadow's family and went to the main mess hall. They were halfway through their meal when they got a visitor, the ship's captain. He was a dog morph in his late thirties. He introduced himself as Captain Jacob Jelico and wanted to meet the diplomats. According to him he took command of the Archangel two years ago after his predecessor retired. This was his first really big mission and hoped to a successful mission. They all drank to that. Halfway to their destination a Vulpamian vessel approached them. Jelico looked at the ship, it was smaller, sleeker, and sharper than his Archangel but it scream predator. "Hail them Mr. Mayweather." The crewman nodded and after a chime signaling an open channel "This is Captain Jacob Jelico of the Federation Starship Archangel. We are transporting representatives to your home planet Forresteria." <We are the Vulpamian Defense Ship Arkarria. We have been sent to escort you to your destination.> "Understood Arkarria, your command crew is invited to a dinner on the Archangel." <No thank you Archangel.> The two ships flew parallel till they got to Forresteria. Shadow and hir family look out the viewports of the forward lounge as they approached the planet. The planet was mainly covered in green land with several small seas and a big ocean to break it up. In orbit they saw a massive station which appeared to be a combination defense structure and trade port. Some distance away was a shipyard with a couple of vessel under construction. Around them they saw ships of all types and functions flying around them. Clearly the planet was a major trade hub within the Hegemony. The Archangel was finally in orbit and Shadow said goodbye to hir family and head to the shuttle bay. Morningspring forbade hir family from joining hir down on the surface for the time being. They wanted the Vulpamians used to hir before introducing hir taur mate and children. So among hir personal affects shi had a transmitter so shi could talk to them daily. While Morningspring suggested a pilot Shadow refused. Chris was a good pilot and while shi had no interest in freight hauling shi made sure to keep that skill. Shi did a holo test flight on the way and Morningspring relented when shi passed. With the shuttlecraft sealed up shi activated the engines and launched out of the shuttle bay with Bluesky and the kids waving. Safely away from the Archangel shi began a decent to the coordinates they were given. Shi flew through the clouds and got a close look at the world. It seemed to be covered with trees not farm area shi could see Shi saw boats on a large lake till shi got to a city. The city itself was interesting. The buildings weren't cubed like Earth's but round. They had a very large base that thined to a long tube before getting wider again with skyways connecting each of them. It looked like the Vulpamians based their structures on the forests around them. COOL. Shi saw hir destination and it was the top of one of these buildings and shi was some figures. Shi brought the shuttlecraft into a landing and shut the engines down. "Well time to me the natives." Shi opened the hatch and stepped out to meet the Vulpamians. There was three figures close to hir with others many feet away and gave the impression of a security detail. The nearby figures were another story. They were two males and a female. All three had mohawks of different shades of blue and the streaks that match the blue of the hair went about in random patterns on their bodies. All three wore toga's of simmering blue material with a claps and a fabric in a belt form to hold it in place. They looked at hir in shock before the female signaled the males and all three bowed and the female said. "Forgive us honored one. We did not expect you among the off worlders." "Well there are many of my gender there but rise and tell me your names. I am Shadow Phoenix and I have come to represent the Stellar Federation during these talks." They rose and the female spoke. "I am Foluya of Clan Nighthall. With me are Fenriss of Clan Forestnight and Franck of Clan Wintermoon. I am a member of the Senate and have been purposed to see to your needs during your stay." "So what's first Senator? Meeting with the Senate?" "Oh no Honored one. It was scheduled for tomorrow but they may delay that for a dinner to celebrate one of the honored being among us. We will see you to your quarters." "Very well, just let me get my stuff." "Fenriss and Franck will get them Honored One." With a nod both males went into the shuttlecraft and manage to get it all. Shadow then locked up the shuttlecraft and followed them inside the building. The inside was typical of an Earth building but the lights. They had their lights on the side of the ceiling instead of the middle and were not as bright. They got to a set of doors and Foluya swiped a card and Shadow heard the clack of a lock and opened the door and gestured for Shadow to go in. Shi did and it was a large room filled with hammock like structures with three facing a tv hanging from the roof. Every piece of furniture hanged from the ceiling it seemed. "This is the hotel Hang Times finest suite and is yours during your stay. The staff has been ordered to handle your needs while you are here Honored One." "Very nice, thank you." "We are please to serve Honored One." That title was beginning to irk Shadow. "Senator, you have to honor any wish of mine?" "Yes Honored One. The only restriction is any order that violates the laws of our people. It is among the greatest pleasures of our kind to serve one Honored with the gift of both genders." "Alright then. It is my wish that you use the title Shir or Shir Phoenix then honored One in my presence. Is that okay?' "As you command Shir Phoenix." She said with a slight bow. "Well with that out of the way. I would like to see the city if that's possible." "Of course it is Shir. When would you like to get going?" "Just let me get some clothes on and we can head out. Unless you are needed elsewhere." "No I am yours for the day but if I may be bold Shir. Why did you come nude if you brought clothes?" "Senator do not be afraid to ask any question to me. This is a mission of knowledge and understanding. I came nude for two reasons. One to prove my gender without question and two, well I like being nude. I brought clothes so I would not violate any laws of yours." "Well there isn't a law against nudity Shir. Especially for ones honored like yourself." Shdow grinned and inwardly said. 'Take that Morningspring.' Outwardly shi said. "Well let's get going." They took an elevator down to the streets and Shadow with the trio of Vulpamians following explored the city. Shi saw what Foluya meant considering clothes. Most of what see saw was like swim wear at home or sluttly stuff. Shi even saw a hand ful of those like hir in the nude. The most clothing shi saw was the toga clad trio following hir. What shi also saw was every Vulpamian that saw hir started to bow when they noticed hir gender. They city was amazing in of itself. Many gaps between the building had small wooded areas with a store or two in them. Shi decided to check them out. Shi saw some of the basics of food utensils and food itself. And shi saw some items that were strange. And see saw some toys including stuffed version of the Vulpamians themselves. "My kids would love those." "Why not get them Shir?" Foluya asked. "I don't think they will take federation currency yet." 'I will pay shir. They government will reimburse me for any expenditure." "Cool, okay then I'll take thee off those with different hair colors." The store clerk nodded and got them as Foluya paid. They were about to leave when Shadow noticed a young Vulpamian looking at a toy. The scent told Shadow it was a girl and she stared longingly at a doll. "Honored One, Don't mind her. Her family is too poor to buy that doll so she comes in and stares at it. She doesn't bother anyone so I allowed it." "I'll buy it." Shadow said and Foluya nodded and paid for it. The store clerk gave it to Shadow and Shadow kneel down to the girl and tapped her should to get her to stop looking at the display toy. The child did and Shadow smiled at hir and handed her the toy. "here you go and you take good care of that toy." Shi said. The child took it looked at the doll in the package and looked back at Shadow with tears in her eyes. The young girl then hugs Shadow and says. "Thank you." Petting her head Shadow replies. "Your welcome." Everyone stared at hir in awe as shi left the store. After the toy store shi decided shi had enough for today. Shi went back to hir suite and unpacked. Shi then set up the comm terminal and turned it on. The first to appear was Morningspring. <So how was the first day Shir Phoenix?> "Great. I'm meeting the Senate tomorrow or the day after. And I can go around nude they were skimpy stuff if anything at all." Morningspring facepalmed in reply. "Also I think you missed how important herms are here. I was being treated like a holy relic." <Interesting, very interesting. Anything else of note?> After a couple minutes Shadow hung up and called Bluesky. Hir mate's face lit the screen. "Hi honey, how's the kids?" <Rambunctious as always. They make sure i'm not bored while your down their. So how are the locals?> "Interesting, they have fellow nudists." Shi saw Bluesky chuckle. "All their furniture that I have seen is like hammocks. Even their buildings are cool looking. And tell the kids I have presents for them." <They will be happy about that.> "Yup, hey when this mission is done you want to try for a kid?" <You think 3 kids were enough but yeah we can try for one.> "Good, good. I look forward to trying." Bluesky tilted hir head. <There's more to that isn't there? You want a child to fill the void were that unborn child should be.> Shadow nodded slightly and tears formed in hir eyes. <It's okay Shadow. I don't mind. I know you will love our child as much as you love that unborn one. I'm glad I can help.> "How did I get such a great mate?" <Went to a Double H and met a clueless tiger morph with a smart chakat friend.> Shadow smiled at that and signed off a few minutes later. Shadow woke up the next morning. Sleeping in the hammock bed was a new and interesting experience. Shi ordered breakfast and washed up a bit. The doorbell rang and shi opened it to a female with cyan colored mohawk with a cart. "Your breakfast Honored One." "Come on in." Shi opened the door more and the service female pushed it in. "Thank you." The female bowed and replied. "You are most welcomed Honored One." The female left and Shadow had breakfast. The food was different colored and shaped but tasted like some of the food from Earth. Shi was finishing up when there was a knock on the door. Shi got up and opened in to see Foluya. Shi let's the Vulpamian in. "So what's up for today?" Shi grabs a bacon like strip of meat and chews. "Well the Senate meeting is push back till tomorrow for we have a celebration party tonight. Other than that your day is free on our end." "Great I want to explore more of the city." They spent a few hours exploring the city and Shadow met the Vulpamians, getting to know their culture more. Shadow felt shi was making a positive mark on the locals but shi had to head back to get ready for the party. After a shower shi put on hir gold gown and Foluya nodded in approval and led hir to the hotel's main ballroom. The room was well appointed and shi say many mingling around till they noticed hir. All of the conversations stopped and it was quite quiet for a minute or too. Shadow was a bit embarrassed but decided to wave and say. "Hi all." Shi heard some chuckles as a male approached hir. "I am Veron of Clan Nightwalker, head of the senate. On behalf of my world I welcome you." He then bowed followed by everyone in the room. Completely blushing Shadow replied. "Thank you very much. I hope this party and out talks go well." With that Shadow spent the next couple hours eating and talking to the Vulpamians around hir. Telling them about Earth and asking them about their world. Eventually the party whined down and Shadow went back to hir room to rest for tomorrow. The next day shi was in the same outfit as shi was driven to the Senate building. Foluya and her aides were with hir. The Senate building itself was not Impressive in comparison to the other buildings. It was a large pillar with only a slight extension outward near the city. The car pulled into an underground parking area and Foluya lead hir into the building proper. They took and elevator up and it took them to the senate room. Shi nothing but a couple of small lifts till shi looked up. The entire inside seemed hollow and there were several small porch like spots dotting the wall. A floating platform descended And Shadow saw Veron also clad in a toga pilot it down to them. "Welcome Honored One. The senate and the world await your words." Sahdow blushed, shi knew shi did. And shi didn't have a speech planned. 'Oh well, I'll wing it.' Shi stepped onto the platform and it rose a ways till stopping. Shi saw Foluya taking a lift up to one of the porches and a floating device came close to hir. Probably a camera of some sort. 'Well show time.' Shi took a deep breath and began. "People of the Vulpamian Hegemony. I am Shadow Phoenix, chosen representative of the Stellar Federation. I have had the pleasure of exploring this city and your buildings are unique and beautiful. And your people kind and friendly of what I have seen. The Hegemony and the Federation can become good friends and allies. I hope my talks with your Senators will bring peace and lasting friendship to us all." Shi stepped back and the Senate erupted into applause. The platofrm went back down and Shi was directed to a room where a few minutes later several Senators entered. Foluya among them off course. "We are the committee who will negotiate any treaty for the Senate to vote on Shir Phoenix." Foluya explained and Shadow nodded and got to work. It was easy to define most of the border between Federation and Hegemony space with the one planet still in debate and any trade. They seemed at an impasse for the disputed word. It had resources that both powers wanted. "I have an idea." Shadow said at one point causing the senators around hir to stop looking at drafts and charts. "i know that within the Federation some colonies are sponsored by a planet not the Federation directly and one of them was a joint colony of Humans and Caitians. The plant melded both cultures into it and some of the Caitian pride families have human members. Why not something like that on the planet. There's enough room and resources for two settlements. The planet and the space around it as a free trade zone." "What about laws and customs, they can't be the same for both powers?" A male Senator asked. "True but even in the federation planets develop their own laws as long as they don't counter Federation law and cultures are very different but respected. Most Federation planets allow topless females and herms. Arisia allows complete nudity. So while that will be a turn off for some. There would be many not caring or excited about that." the senators looked at eachother for a minute before one said. "That could be possible. We should look closely at the details." "That will have to wait everyone." Foluya said. 'It is getting late and we can take this up tomorrow." Some looked at the time keeper on the wall and winced. They had been at this for hours. They broke up and everyone headed home. As Foluya stopped at the hotel she asked. "You want me to escort you up Shir?" Shaow shook hir head. "No thanks, not tired yet so going to head for the gym to get me wore down." "Very well Shir, you have a good night." "Same to you Senator." With that the two parted company and Shadow headed for the gym's locker room. For ease of everyone when chose the female room since besides hir dick shi looked female. After stripping down shi was about to head for the gym proper. Three of the nearby females charged hir and shi heard a hiss and they next thing shi knew was blackness. Shadow groaned and felt a bit hung over. Shi tried to raise hir hand to hir head but shi couldn't move it. Shi manage to open hir eyes and found hirself still naked and bound to a exam table that was slanted. Shi saw a male Vulpamian standing before hir. " Ah good honored One. You are awake. I apologize for any discomfort me and my brothers and sisters have put on you but our need is desperate Honored One so we have no choice." "WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS!" Shadow demanded. "Simple Honored One, We ocall ourselves the Followers of the Honored. You were created in the image of the creators far closer than the rest of us. We look to those Honored as you are to guide us on the mortal realm. But sadly there has not been an Honored one among us for at least a century. And even then only a couple and they produced single gender children. Since that time we thought we had lost favor with the creators of the universe. But here you are. A gift from the stars." He rubbed hir sheath and shi growled at him. "Your seed will be implanted in the wombs of all the females that are believers." "Problems with that scenario buddy. Though I'm unusually fertile there is absolutely no guarantee I am compatible with your species, looks aside. And even if possible it is doubtful I could service all your females and they will be looking for me so you have little time." "Valid points Honored One. But we are prepared for them. One this place was made when are group was first founded and never revealed to outsiders so we are quite safe here. Two is this." He held up a hypo of some kind with bluish liquid inside. "This was originally meant for the next Honored one to come from our species. However when we learned of other races we had our finest geneticist work on a new batch just incase an Honored one was found among other species. This gem will not only ensure you successfully breed with us it will ensure you have plenty of seed for our use." He then nodded to someone behind Shadow and shi felt a needle poke hir arm. Looking over shi saw an IV and then shi felt a hiss and looked back to see the first male grinning with an empty hypo. "Be assured Honored One. You will be well cared for as you provide the seed of our salvation." Shadow didn't have time to comment when shi was filled with a wave of arousal. Instantly hir cock got rock hard and shi heard something move. A robotic arm came down with a tube and a hose attached to it. It quickly encased hir cock and felt it tightened and a sucking sound began. In hir current state that was all that was needed. Shi came hard and felt the tube fill up with cum before being sucked out. Shi thought at some point shi would stop and rest but after an hour of constant cumming shi showed no signs of stopping. Shi was lucky to even noticed that. The pleasure was overwhelming and soon all shi could think was how good it all felt. And shi was right all shi did was grunt, groan, moan, and yip was shi was milked nonstop till shi finally passed out after hours of pumping seed into a machine. The attendants then turned off the machine and allowed hir rest petting hir as they checked the IV. Despite being passed out hir cock was still hard and ready but without stimulation didn't do anything. The next morning shi awoke and was deeply aroused that without any thought shi tried humping the machine. An attendant appeared and turn the machine on and shi was at it again. Shi went like this for days before Starfleet and the authorities found hir. They and Foluya torn the planet apart trying to find hir and they got really lucky. A satellite caught a glimpse of the cult carrying a body sized bag into the building. Figuring that had to be Shadow they raided the place. The cult out up a strong resistance but no match for a crack team of Rakshani marines. They busted into the room with Foluya and a Vulpamian team loyal to her and Dr. M'Kerrena. They found hir in pump mode and Foluya found the controls and turn it off. "NO!....PLEASE! I NEED TO CCCCCUUUUUUUMMMM!" Shadow bellowed. To Foluya's eyes the offworld honored One seemed different. Granted shi was likely under some kind of drug but hir body was different. Shi saw blue in hir fur. The offworld doctor scanned the Honored one with a device and tap a badge on her uniform. "Archangel two to beam directly to sickbay." Both she and the Honored One disappeared in a shimmering of lights And Foluya worked with the offworlds to uncover any information on what this cult planned. Things were not calm in sickbay. Shadow still pleaded to cum and had to be strpped down when shi nearly tackled M'Kerrena. The captain came in with Bluesky, the chakat sense the desperation and lust in hir mate and it took a lot of self restraint to not go to hir side. "How is shi doc?" The captain asked. "Not good. What ever they gave hir has severely affected hir system. Hir libido is in overdrive and clearly they did something more to hir was hir appearance shows. We've done a detail scan but to analyse it will take time. Meanwhile shi suffers." The Caitian looked directly at Bluesky. 'Shi seems to have an overwhelming need for sex and I'm afraid leaving hir unsatisfied will cause damage. "Shi's my mate doctor, I will do ANYTHING to help hir." "You prepared for a sexfest? That's what shi needs right now and no telling how long it will last." "Shi is my mate." Shi said with a clear end of discussion on that point. "Okay, we'll beam both of you to a vacant room and we have someone take care of the kids." Bluesky frowned but then nodded. It wouldn't due for the kids to see Shadow like this at all. Shi walked next to hir mate and they were both beamed to a room. Bluesky didn't get much chance to see the room as Shadow leaped, grabbed hir rear and shoved hir cock into Bluesky's pussy. THAT was a bit painful since hir pussy was dry and it was rough for the next minute or so till shi felt hir mate cum inside hir. That felt good and help lubricate the tunnel and shi felt hir mate thrust in and out again before cumming again. Hir mate had no stamina like this except of how many times shi came. WHICH ALOT. This was not the caring and loving fox herm shi got to know over the years but a rutting animal with only instinct in control. Bluesky just did hir best to ride with it. For hours they coupled. Bluesky manage to adjust hirself at times so shi could caress hir mate and when hir pussy grew sore shi either pawed hir mate off and sucked hir off. As hir mate finally passes out shi notices the mess made and commed for a cleaning bot before laying next to hir mate exhausted and fell asleep as well. The next morning shi just manage to get Shadow to have a meal before letting the fox have hir way with hir. Again hours went by with the two coupling again and again. Shi manage to do bathroom breaks and shower fun but that was the routine for days till after another run which Bluesky passed out before Shadow the ships Cheif medical officer, Dr. McConny scan them. "Okay get Shir Bluesky out of here. The poor chakat was been completely worn out." A foxtaur and another chakat came in and lifted Bluesky out as M'Kerrena came in and asked. "What do we do now? Bluesky can't do this anymore and we haven't come up with anything yet." "We could use another chakat but not many would be willing to end up like Bluesky." He then looked the caitian. "M'Kerrena your condition leaves you in constant heat right?" The caitian sighed. "Yes, though the drugs help it's hard sometimes hence the series of transfers." "Would you be willing to take Bluesky's place?" "But what about treatment?" "We aren't making much progress there. We need time and you can buy that in there. Honest you are more useful in there then in the lab. I can handle that but can't handle hir. You can." M'Kerrena looked that the black fox. Even in sleep hir cock was still rock hard, poor thing. She sighed and nodded and step into the room and stripped. Ironically that felt good. One of the side affects of her condition was she was very sensitive, especially with hir nipples. She had to wear custom bras to give her nipples room. Shi was in the room for only an hour when Shadow woke up and stalked her like prey. Thanks to her condition shi was already wet so it wasn't painful when Shadow entered her and she came to experience what Bluesky did and did pay any attention but to the pleasure of her new lover. Captain Jelico sat in his captain chair with a troubled look on his face. It has been two weeks since they rescued Shir Phoenix and they haven't had much luck in curing hir of whatever they did. Last week they had to remove Bluesky from the room for fear of hir health. Shi spent two days in sickbay resting before shi went back to caring for their kids. His assistant chief medical officer had been in there a week and still going gusto with the herm fox. 'Looks like they finally found someone to match the Caitians drive.' He thought. Before he could think anymore on the subject his comm officer said. "Captain a Senator Foluya wishes to speak with you." "Very well." An image of the local foxlike beings appeared. "Senator, what can I do for you?" <We are very curious to the Honored One's condition?> "Sadly nothing has changed. Shi and one of our people are at nearly nonstop and our doctors have had little success." <BY THE CREATORS! Captain my people were responsible for this I am ashamed to say. Please captain allow some out best doctors to help. Allow us to fix a problem we created.> "Hold on Senator." He gave the mute signal. He opened a channel to Dr. McConny. "Doctor the vulpamians are wanting to send some of their people up to help with the Phoenix issue. You have any problems with that?" <HELL NO SIR! Any help will be grateful. This level of genetics could be even better than the L.N.A.W.'s . please bring them in.> He gave the unmute symbol. "Senator you have got a deal, send them up." Senator got out of the transporter pad with the science and medical doctors behind her. 'Such an interesting device.' She thought. Though she had no medical skills she had to come. Shadow was her responsibility and she failed. She had to redeem herself and ask Shadow for forgiveness. She and her team were escorted to a lab and she let them get to work. With a groan Shadow opened hir eyes. Shi saw a ceiling that looked familiar. Then a familiar face appeared. Shi closed hir eyes and smiled. "Bluesky, hi. How are the kids?" "Eager to see you again. How do you feel love?" Shadow stretched and responded. "Tired....and horny." Shi saw a sad smile on hir mate's face. "Not surprising. What's the last thing you remember?" "A Vulpamian male saying I was the key for the future of the world and that my seed will impregnate many, then I rember lust. What happened?" "A group of religious zealots kidnapped you seemingly to have your seed make more herms. They....they altered you love. You are now part Vulpamian and left you with problems." "What kind of problems?" "Not did they make you part Vulpamian Shir Phoenix but they made sure that you would produce much seed as quickly as possible. You have spent the last 2 and a half weeks in a sexfest. First with Bluesky then when you wiped hir out Dr. M'Kerrena took over. Thanks to the Vulpamian scientists we manage to get a hold of it but not everything. In summary, with your outer alterations your libido is stronger than before. You will likely have to have sex everyday once and you will have a permanent erection for the rest of your days right now. We and our Vulpamian compatriots will still work on this but right now this is the best we can do." Shadow sat up and did see hir cock standing proudly close to hir nose. Shi was tempted to take it in hir mouth and suck and lick. 'I guess I'm going to have to get use to that.' Shi looked up and saw the concern look of hir make and the curiosity of the others. "I like to see myself." The doctor directed hir to a full length mirror. And for the second time in hir life shi had to see hir new self. Hir eyes were the same glow as ever but hir hair was different. It had bluish highlights and the from part near hir forehead tried to turn into the mohawk style of the locals. Hir build was the the same but hir fur and bluish streaks over it. Not as many as a Vulpamian but defiantly their style. And hir cock. It stood there and shi notice a couple of blue streaks on it and shi was fighting down a desire to mate right now. "You said that Bluesky tried to help me?" "Yes I did till you wore me out.' "Oh jeeze I am SO SORRY Bluesky." "Not your fault Shadow. You are my mate. In sickness and in health. And on the plus side. Despite me not being in heat you got me knocked up. We will have a child." Shadow manage a shocked look as Bluesky hugged hir and shi quickly joined it. They WILL GET THROUGH THIS. As they broke off Shadow asked. "Who filled in for you when a tuckered my poor kitty out?" "M'Kerrena, she's resting right now but she seemed to keep up with you throughout it all." "Good to know, send her my thanks.' Shi then noticed Foluya. "Senator Foluya." Whatever shi was going to say was lost when the toga clad female rushed hir and kneeled before hir. "Honored One on behalf of my people I give our most profound apologies for what has happened. For me personally I have failed you utterly. If you want another assistant I will make the arrangements." Shadow used hir finger to lift Foluya's muzzle. "I do not blame you for the actions of others. You will stay my assistant but understand I am taking a few days to get use to my new condition. Just promise me you are punishing those who did this to me." "As you wish Honored One." Shadow then left with Bluesky trailing behind hir. Shadow spent a few hours with hir kids. Shi was careful to not have them touch hir cock and cause some unwanted pleasure. After the kids were put to bed shi was in hir bedroom with hir mate. They lied next to eachother caressing. "I bet when I was not into foreplay the last two weeks?" "You weren't love." Bluesky responded and took shadow's head in hir paws and kisses hir. "But I bet you are ready to make up for it?" Shadow grinned and caressed Bluesky's breasts and kissed the chakat passionately. Shi felt hir mates forelegs hug hir and hir handpaws caress hir. Shi then moved to lick and suckle the chakat's nipples causing hir to purr and play with Shadow's breasts. After a few minutes shi switched to the other breast and repeated. After a bit shi silently got Bluesky to lie on hir backs and Shadow crawled on hir lower belly and rubbed hir mate's sheath and loved the feel on hir own cock sandwiched between their bellies. IT felt really good. As soon as Blue's cock came out Shadow commented. "I bet this didn't see much action two weeks ago." And took it in hir mouth and licked and sucked before Blue could answer in anything but a moan. Shi managed a few sucks and licks before Bluesky decided to play another organ that saw little action the past two weeks, Shadow's pussy. They two went at it with gusto in the sixty nine position. Soon Shadow felt a surge and shi started swallowing hir mate's cum and hir mate's licking soon had hir cumming as well. The two rested a bit before Shadow turned around to face hir mate. This made hir sandwiched cock feel good. Shi never thought the caress of fur would be so arousing. "So how was that for tender loving." Bluesky smiled and replied. "So good to have my true mate back. But shi still had needs to address." Shadow felt a handpaw stroke hir cock. No matter how female bias shi was this condition will for hir to attend hir male side more. But luckily shi had an understanding mate. The next week Shadow spent time with hir family. The next morning after the renewal of hir intimate and caring side hir daughter. Goldmine asked if shi was alright. "I'm better now honey but I have some changes to make." "Like your fur and your wee wee daddy?" "Yes, honey. Some bad people made me real sick and this is the result." "Well this for for making it all better.' Goldmine kissed hir sire on the head and went to join hir sisters leaving a smiling Shadow. Goldmine and hir sisters were the last physical connections to Yoshiru and Val thus hir most precious treasures. Bluesky sat next to hir mate and saw the whole thing. The feelings of love made hir glad to be part of this family. Shiu rubbed hir lower belly. 'And in a year I will make my own addition to this family.' Shadow also manage to talk to M'Kerrena to thank her for her help. "You're quite welcome Shir Phoenix." The Caitian replied. "It was nice knowing someone can keep up with me though I would have loved a bit more than just plain rutting." Shadow looked at the Caitian. While hir memories of the rut time were quite a blur shi had to scan the Caitian and M'kerrena was quite beautiful and made hir erect cock pulse a bit. "I'll tell you what. I owe you for that help so come tonight and I'll give you a night of foreplay and fun." Shi grew a smirk and finished. "If you dare." "OH you're ON!" And both left to take care of things before tonight. Bluesky suggested that they do it in M'Kerrena's place for more privacy than in their quarters. With some reluctance Shadow agreed. Wearing only a loose dress so hir cock wouldn't bother hir too much (shi had to figure out outfits that could cover but not stimulate hir cock when in public) shi went to M'Kerrena's quarters. The Caitian was wearing a robe that despite being technically loose still strained against her ample breasts. "Come on it Shadow." Shadow came in and looked around and saw a place not dissimilar to what shi used to live in. Nice and cozy but a bit dark till shi saw the table. A it was a small two person table with a nice red cloth over it and pair of nice plates and silverware were set and a pair of candles lit the area. "Wow you went all out for this." The Caitian shrugged. "I consider this a special occasion and don't get to go out as such often." M'Kerrena even went to a chair and pull it back for Shadow to sit. Shadow sat down and M'Kerrena pushed it in before leaving for the kitchen area where Shadow has been smelling sweet aromas. M'Kerrena brought out several dishes. Most Shadow didn't recognize so shi figured Caitian dish but there was a couple of human dishes as well. "I made some of my favorite dishes and tried to make some terran ones as back up if you didn't find any you liked." "That was thoughtful. Thank you." Shadow grabbed some of the terran food. Looks like M'Kerrrena chose the simple but good stuff. Hamburger, steak, a pasta. Shi also took a little bit of every other dish as well just to try them. They weren't bad in the end. Certainly a difference then hir usual fare. As they ate they talked about eachother's lives. M'kerrena was the youngest of six siblings from a full pride and had an average childhood till the tumor became known. Which drove her to her current career but has been difficult keeping in control and has caused a series of transfers. "Sometimes I wonder why I bother? It seems I can't keep a position on a ship. Maybe I should quit and maybe open a local clinic." Shadow reached over and touched M'kerrena's hand. "Yeah it's hard but you can get through it. You just have to find the right fit. I will have too with my new condition but heck I had to remake myself after I was turned into Shadow so it is possible. Never give up M'Kerrena." The Caitian smiled and both of them cleaned up the table. Before heading for M'Kerrena's bedroom. It was a nice cozy place with a circular bed with more than enough room for two. Shadow Quickly stripped off hir dress, shi had to be careful of doing that the bottom of the dress stroked hir cock. 'Man that is annoying.' Shi then turned to M'Kerrena in hir full glory. The Caitian actually got a chance to appraise the fox herm. Hir new exotic fur pattern was quite pleasing and hir body form while feminine was very fit and it should be considering the work out it had recently. Due to hir constant heat M'Kerrena has had lovers of both genders in the past and loved the female form as much as the male. But she wish she had found more herms earlier. And of course there was Shadow's cock erect and ready. Overall Shadow had an attractive body. "And now it's time to show hir MY assets.' Shadow stood before the tall Caitian allowing the feline alien to examine hir assets. After a minute the Caitian female smiled and slowly stripped off her robe to show off her body. Her fur was an orange gold combo with orange dominate. Her fur was a dark brown with the same on hir tail tuft. With Amber colored eyes to round it off. And speaking of rounding her figure was very round and feminine almost hourglass. And those breasts. As female leaning as shi was shi used to be male and with a female and two herm mates shi has come to love breasts as much as a male does and any would LOVE M'Kerrena's. They were the size of large melons and definitely pillow material. Shadow felt hir cock throb and pulse even more than usual at the sight. If hir cock had it's way it would have dragged the rest of hir till it was firmly in the Caiatan. But this was meant as a foreplay session not straight sex. "I'll tell you M'Kerrena, your body makes it awfully hard to keep the foreplay in." M'Kerrena only smiled in reply and the two embraced. They next few hours proved that Shadow did have enough self control to make a good foreplay session but it may be a bit before shi started again. And M'Kerrena proved her experience with a female partner when she played with Shadow's pussy. In the end Shadow did use the Caitian's breasts as pillows and hir cock felt so nice between their bodies as the two rested after a night of fun. Finally Shadow decided shi was good to finish hir job. Bluesky wanted to go with hir but both shi and the Captain forbade it for similar reasons. Blue and hir step children were herms as well. And thus a target for the radicals. Shadow had the added fear of losing hir as shi lost Yoshiru and Val. But shi was not going alone. Jelico assigned M'Kerrena to head down for any emergency AND the fact she could keep up with the fox herm at hir worst made it a clear choice. They beamed down right into Shadow's room in the hotel. Shadow wearing nothing since most of hir clothes were already in the place and with no nudity taboo and hir current condition and it was in hir room anyway. M'Kerrena was in a simple robe with several outfits and hir uniform if necessary. Though she suspected she be nude a lot down here. She looked around the living room. "By the Goddess all the ropes!" Shadow smiled at hir roommate. "Yup it's quite unique. Go find a room to store your stuff. This place was an actual suite with multiple bedrooms. Though I suspect you'll be sleeping in my bed for your stay." "I have no doubt about that, should be fun but this is a business trip too you know." Shadow stuck out hir tongue and the Caitian, familiar with Terran customs just laughed and pick a room to store her stuff. Yup M'Kerrena was not a bad alternative to Bluesky in Shadow's mind. Shi walked to the nearby comm and activated it. Shi heard a voice say in local language which shi understood from hir studies but couldn't speak it well said. <Room Service.> "This is Shir Phoenix. I have returned to the surface. Have Senator Foluya sent here as soon as she can." <OH! Honored One! Welcome back. I shall relay your message right away. Anything else Honored One?> "Not at this time thank you." And Shadow cut the connection. "Need any help M'Kerrena?" "No I'm fine, thanks." Shadow decided to check hir stuff shi left behind. But ten minutes later shi heard the door chime. Shi looked through the peep hole and saw Foluya on the other side and opened it. "Good to see you again Shir Phoenix." The Vulpamian said with a younger Vulpamian female Shadow hasn't seen before come in after her. "Thanks, Dr. M'Kerrena is going to be down here with me for the rest of the stay to handle my new needs." "Very well Shir. I also brought someone to stay for the rest of your stay. Vakaris." The younger female stepped up. She wore a blue robe that left her arms bare and narrowed below the navel and ended at the knees. Only a belt adorned the robe and had a gun holster with a firearm in it. She bowed to Shadow. "Vakaris will be your bodyguard for the rest of your stay. She is of my clan and my niece so you can trust her to do her job. You have given me a second chance and I will not waste it. I will notify the Senate that you are available for talks tomorrow." "To be honest I am eager to get these talks done and get back to my usual job so i'll see you tomorrow then Senator." Foluya nodded hugged and whispered something to her niece and left. "Well Vakaris welcome, pick any room but that and that one for your bedroom." "I shall do so later Honored One." "Note Vakaris. Address me as Shir or Shir Phoenix or just use my name. I have come to dislike that term." "Very well shir. I will try to avoid it." "That's all I ask." Not much happened that night, Vakaris usually stood by the door unless meal time or bathroom break which Shadow saw the rest of the Vulpamian's robe. Besides the top it did not connect the rear and back so her sides were completely bare with the belt helping to hold it together. Shadow asked her for a pair that would match hir size which Vakaris said she'd get the maker and arrange it. At night Shadow and M'Kerrena enjoyed eachother taking care of mutual needs. Over the next week Shadow worked out the fine details of the agreement but the core was unchanged from what Shadow proposed before hir kidnapping. Finally Shadow and Vakaris waited at the bottom of the Senate room as the Senate voted on the treaty. One by one the Senators gave their vote. Some opposed some in favor. A hologram showed the votes and after the final vote was cast Shadow heard Veron declare. "By a vote of 123 to 34 the Treaty is PASSED!" A Great cheer arose and Vakaris forgot herself a moment and hugged Shadow. With the vote done Shadow headed back to hir suite. Shi was throwing a party there and hir family was there. With a full Fleet team guarding the level from the zealots so they could take part. Shi opened the door and hir kids rushed to hir hugging yipping and purring. "Good to see you my daughters, I gave gifts for you." Their cheers got louder and Shadow got the toys shi bought weeks earlier. The kids LOVED them and kept them busy as Shadow greeted Bluesky and introduced Vakaris to hir. Foluya enjoyed the party and caught up with her niece and of course Shadow's daughters loved the hanging furniture and Bluesky and M'kerrena talked while Shadow milled around. Eventually the party wore down. Shadow found hir daughters sleeping in swaying couches causing hir to smile. Foluya gave her goodbyes and Shadow and Bluesky had some fun with M'Kerrena giving the chakat a double orgasm for a finale. Late the next day Shadow started packing getting ready go back to the ship and then home. Then the Comm terminal shi came with chimed for hir attention. Shi went over to the comm terminal and answered it to see the face of Captain Jelico. "Ah captain. We should be all packed up and ready for pickup within the hour." <No need Shir Phoenix.> "Huh?" <I just got orders from Starfleet Command. You have been made our permanent representative between the Federation and the Vulpamian Hegemony. Congratulations.> Shadow stood there in shock for a second then angrily replied. "I did not request or want the position captain. I have a career at home that I like, my daughters need to have some children like them to play with. Here they will be under threat from the zealots who would want to take them and try to breed more herms. AND my mate needs another chakat to stay sane so you will be picking us up." <No I won't. This is a direct order from Command. You will be staying on Forresteria. As for Chakat Bluesky, we will have a chakat among the security team assigned to you to handle those needs. And Dr. M'Kerrena will stay behind for all your medical needs.> "You and command HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO THIS TO ME OR MY FAMILY!" <Once you signed on yes we did. You are an Ambassador now shir Phoenix. Enjoy the privilege Jelico out.> The screen went black and Shadow let out a roar that most felines would be proud of. Sensing the anger from hir mate Bluesky came up. "What is it love?" "WE'VE JUST BEEN SCREW BY STARFLEET! THEY ARE LEAVING US HERE AS AMBASSADORS. I TOLD HIM NO BUT COMMAND SAID SCREW YOU. I'M TAKING THIS TO THE COUNCIL ITSELF." Shi turned back to the terminal. The device couldn't get to Earth on it's own it needed a relay with the Archangel provided. After a few minutes shi got a hold of one of the Federation Council member and relayed what just happened. The senator did not give hir good news. <Ambassador Phoenix, the committee on foreign relations suggested this course of action. You now being part Vulpamian it was perfect situation. I look forward to your future reports Ambassador.> And he signed off. Shadow growled. "Okay time to go to the public." Shi tried to get on to the net but was blocked. "So you want to play it that way huh. Well you forget that I'm a computer programer. In minutes shi broke through and sent the transmissions shi just had and posted them on the net just as the Archangel jumped to warp and the connection to the net was terminated. "Now it's up to the people." The next couple weeks Shadow was moved from the hotel to a complex on the outskirts large enough for Shadow's family, M'Kerrna, and the security team which still included Vakaris at Foluya's request. Shadow had the fed security team stay in the separate building but Vakaris was allowed to stay. Shadow refused to do any official duty but did talk with Foluya when the female visited her niece. And one day Vakaris saw shadow sitting in a more traditional couch staring at something and crying. Vakaris couldn't remain a stoic guard anymore, she had come to like the Honored One and hir family. She stepped over and asked. "What's wrong Shir Phoenix?" The tear filled eyes looked up at the Vulpamian. "Oh Vakaris here take a look." Vakaris grabbed the item Shadow had raised to her. It was a picture of the Honored one with hir mate and two others in a group hug smiling. "Pretty picture but who are these with you and your mate?" "My other mates. The Fox one is Yoshiru and the feline is Val. They were both my mates before Bluesky. Bluesky wasn't even my mate when that was taken just a good close friend." "Why aren't they here with you. You brought your children along why not them?" "Because today is the anniversary of their deaths. Yoshiru had just ended a tour and Val went to pick her up when the spaceport was bombed. They died instantly and Yoshiru was carrying my unborn child. I normally visit their graves on this day but Starfleet has prevented that with this move of theirs." Shadow started crying hard again and Vakaris bend over the couch to hug her charge. She was quickly joined by Bluesky and the kids and Shadow drew comfort from it. A couple days later a chime sounded from the terminal. That was a message packet chime. And Shadow went over to see what it had. It was a recorded message and a person Shadow never saw before appeared. It was a chakat with gray lines in hir fur. <Shir phoenix. I am Chakat Leapfrogger Child of Freethrow and Thumper and head of the Council's ethics committee. On behalf of the entire Federation Council I deeply apologize for the actions of the Foreign relations committee and Starfleet Command. Several of our members have been impeached or resigned and a couple of Admirals have been dishonorably discharged over their actions. The Archangel is on her way back to pick you and your family up and should arrive in a week. Leapfrogger out.> "Kids! We're heading home!" As the deadline approached Foluya arrived to say farewell and Shadow thought to pick up Vakaris but there had seemed to be other plans. Vakaris approached Shadow as they were packing and began. "Shadow you would please take me with you?" Now Shadow found it odd that Vakaris called hir my hir first name rather than Shir. Shir phoenix or even Honored One so this got hir complete attention. "Simple Question, why?" "I have never been off my world so curious to see another and...and I have grown to care about you a lot. It may not be my place but I offer myself as a mate." "Vakaris. It is unlikely that I would ever return here. Can you give up your entire family like that? Likely never to see your aunt again." "Shadow, I am the youngest of a whole brood of children my parents have. Aunt Foluya has been more like a mother than my own mother since shi hasn't had as many kids and she respects my choices. She trusts me. That's why she assigned me to you and supports my attempt here." Shadow sighed. Shi did care about the Vulpamian so shi looked to Bluesky who nodded hir acceptance so Shadow look to the kids. "Children, would you like a new stepmother?" They all nodded and Shadow looked back at Vakaris. "Well your in. Note my mate has as much rights to you as I do." "Understood Honored One and my mate. This should be exciting." The kids cheered and packing began again. Finally the Archangel arrived and a shuttle was brought down to pick them up since Bluesky was pregnant. Shi had a considerable belly bulge which Shadow loved rubbing. Vakaris beamed up with some of the luggage to save room but it was still a little tight. They finally entered the shuttle bay and Shadow saw Captain Jelico standing there looking a little ill. Shadow put down hir bags an approached him. "Shir Phoenix I was only..." He never got to finish as Shadow slapped him across the face. "Maybe you didn't deserve this promotion CAPTAIN. I was following orders is the LAMEST excuse. As a ship captain YOU had to judge an order on legalities and even if it's moral. You can tell both the Federation AND Starfleet I will not assist them anymore." With that shi left a stammering Jelico and returned to hir family. Eventually an ensign showed them to their room. That night Shadow and Vakaris mated for the first time. Vakaris had a beautiful body. Shi was lean and muscular and reminded Shadow a bit of Val. And the stripe pattern on her spread out from her belly and her breast were firm and perky. Shadow put hir arms around Vakaris and lick kissed her. 'I do seem to find good looking mates." Shadow commented. Vakris smiled coly at hir. 'Well it helps that you are a beautiful mate yourself you know." And kissed Shadow passionately to stop any further discussion. Shadow took the hint and caressed Vakaris's body. Sadly for Shadow though hir condition kicked in soon and tossed Vakaris onto the bed and entered hir latest mate for the first time. Both moaned in pleasure and Vakaris fits like a glove. Both open their eyes and look at eachother with love before Shadow started the age old dance of lover's. Both played with eachother's breasts as Shadow thrusted in and out. All too soon though the herm, came but shi was always ready for more. Vakaris knew such session would wear her out but she didn't care. She was a mate to an Honored One. The pinnacle of her culture and was loved back by hir and hir fellow honored mate. Any price was worth this. After a couple hours the two fell asleep with Shadow's cock still hard inside Vakaris but both were happy as Bluesky could sense from the kids room and vowed tomorrow that shi would join the fun. M'Kerrena though was in another state. She entered her old quarters and put her stuff way. The place felt hollow and empty. She decided to make a report of what happened during her time on the surface. It was detail report on the people who lived there and the end was a scathing report about the actions of her superiors on their treatment of Shadow. She stopped and looked around. She had a feeling her tenure on this ship was ending. She was on the side that disgraced the captain and whether they agreed with her or not she will be an outcast in the crew and would likely haunt her for the rest of her career. She had some serious thinking to do. Still about a week from Earth Shadow was playing with hir kids with hir mates when the doorbell chimes. Shi went to it and was surprised to see M'Kerrena there. "Kerrenie please come in." The nickname Shadow gave her on the planet caused the Caitian to smile and she came in. "Can I get you something to drink?" "No thank you Shadow." "So what are you here about. It's omething serious if I read you right." "You do read me right. I have been doing a lot of thinking on the way back and I have resigned my commission with starfleet. My career was in the dumps before I met you and doubt that would improve when your gone. I will never be part of a Pride because of my condition so no reason to return to Cait. So I thought of opening a clinic on Tera and if you wouldn't mind having another wife." Shadow just shook hir head and looked and Bluesky. "Why?" Shi asked. "Why do wonderful people give up so much to be my mates?" Bluesky put an arm around hir. "Because your attractive, caring, passionate, and loyal. How could anyone not." Shadow just shook hir head again and looked at M'kerrena. "Well better get your stuff and move in." the Caitian hugged hir and went to do just that. And that night a foursome was tried and Vakaris had her first female on female sexual experience. When they arrived home M'Kerrena worked on opening the clinic while Bluesky was on maternity leave and Shadow returned to hir work thanking God it could be done at home in the nude. And shi had a great stress reliever. Vakaris was officially paid by the her government through the Federation to be Shadow's permanent bodyguard so needed no other job so some days shi spent between Shadow's legs giving oral sex as shi work. It was surprisingly useful in keeping hir on task but not always as Bluesky found them one time going gutso with Shadow in the Vulpamians pussy and hir hands on the female not the keyboard. But hir work got in on time so that's all that matters. Not Shadow kept the job to stay busy. Shi got a huge sum of credits from the lawsuits filed against the Federation and Starfleet. To hir surprise it was Not Bluesky's family but the Kirovduna's who led that one and they were the first to meet the family at the space port. Shadow honestly thought they would be harsher to hir but it seems they understand hir new needs and in fact were thinking of moving to Metro City. Shadow's only regret was that Val couldn't see this. As the years pass and the family grew. With Shadow's new condition babies were a guarantee The family bonds got stronger. The Kirvoduna's found a place nearby and were a common sight in the house and constantly doted on their grandchildren, ALL their grandchildren but some friction happened when their younger daughter got hir own Vulpamian style robe but the Shadow's in laws seemed to not want a repeat with what happened with Val. Family was more important to them. Shadow did visit Forresteria one more time as the doctors found a better way to treat hir condition. Shi and Vakaris went on a private ship was trade between the two powers now well established. Foluya was there to meet them and Shadow noticed a few gray hairs in hir moehawk and fur. Shadow got the treatment and for the first time in YEARS hir cock retracted back into it's sheath but the doctor's did warn that shi would get easily aroused and can maintain an erection for long periods but at least it wasn't permanent erection anymore. After a few days together with Foluya they went home and were greeted by the family. With tear filled eyes Shadow had the one thing Chris Rasmussen Regret not having. A family.


A figure approached a row of tombstones under a tree in the fading light of the sun. The figure was naked and seemingly female but a closer look you saw a black furred herm with a moehawk with blue stripes and importantly a cock sheath. Shi came naked on purpose to show the graves shi knew what hir grandparents did and shi was ashamed of them. Shi stood there for minutes honoring the dead laying here and maybe with a touch of craziness waited for forgiveness to what hir Grandparents did to one who laid there. Well that sign did come as a foxtaur approached from behind. The Foxtaur had a black coat of fur with a gray underbelly and red sheathing hir legs and arms. Hir black and red fur was streaked with gray and hir once gold hair was now white. The Vulpamian turned to the foxtaur. 'Oh Goldmine I'm sorry. I am SO sorry for what my grandparents did to your sire. Could you ever forgive me." Goldmine hugged the biped fox alien and said. "There, there young one. You have no blame for the actions of your grandparents. That is their sin to carry. You cannot ask forgiveness for a sin you didn't commit. One thing my father was known for was rising from disaster and building anew. That's how I got so many half siblings. Now come on. It's a time of celebration. A lost relative has returned and my granddaughter Yoshiru has made a wonderful steak and the rest of the family wants to meet you." With hir arm over the Vulpamian's shoulder Goldmine directed them back to the Mansion that hir father began as the family grew. Behind them the spirits of Yoshiru, Val, M'Kerrena, Vakaris, Bluesky, and Shadow smiled as their family thrived.

Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 19: Mirror Invasion Part 1

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Sucky Scientist

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Song of the Sauia Chapter 5

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