Song of the Sauia Chapter 5

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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Judith gets use to the bond but an event will shake her to her core and a dark truth is brought to the fore

Judith felt warmer then usual on her bed. Not a good thing considering the recent heatwave. She moved her hand and felt fur not her own. Lyenu, the magical feline had slept with her since the storm came in last night. She could sense the Sauian still asleep. She got up and did her morning routine. When shi was done the Sauian was still asleep so shi dressed and opened the window for Lyenu to get out on hir own. Shi had breakfast and went to school. Along the route she felt Lyenu wake up. Mmmhhh Morning Little One. That is a very nice sleeping spot, I felt very relaxed.

"I'll say, but I opened the window for you so."

So I could get out without your parents knowing I know. I am thankful for that Little One. Judith felt a little ticked from that and she felt and heard Lyenu sigh. Little One you must accept the fact our minds are one, at least for the foreseeable future. The quicker you accept that the easier for both of us. Now I'm going to get a meal then be near the school in case you have need. Judith did not respond accept to head into the school.

For the next few hours she attended class on history, geography, and literature. If a lunch break in there. She chatted with her friends and they didn't see a difference between the Judith two days ago and the Judith now. That gave her some hope but she felt Lyenu observing through her eyes at the interaction and during some of the more boring classes she saw Lyenu practice hir stalking on the students. Now she knew Lyenu wouldn't attack them since they were a potential vessel for hi race like Judith now was but the Sauian tried to get as close without being detected as possible. The real torture though was gym class. The Doberman in charge of it was a mean old male that seemed to take pleasure in his students suffering. By the end of it Judith was exhausted with the shower only helping a bit and making her horny. Shi dried of and got back into her normal clothes but she was feeling even hornier. <OH CRAP! BY THE DIETIES!> She raced out and headed to the secluded spot were Lyenu seemed to hang out and began stripping. She felt Lyenu appear and asked. "Why do we need to do this again so soon?"

Yes it should last longer then this and...Oh, that explains it.


The training the doberman put you through made the eggs drier than normal activity would.

"So every time I have gym I'm going to need to be serviced?"

If he works you like this, yes

"Great and I just took a shower and yet another hassle to deal with in all of this." She got on her knees and felt Lyenu climb on top of her and nuzzle her.

Remember you are not alone little one. Lyenu entered her again and both became lost in the shared pleasure.

And that became the routine for the next couple weeks. Judith went to school, helped on the farm, mated with Lyenu to keep the eggs moist, and studied books any books that might free her from this. So far no success. She checked her mirror one morning and looked at her belly. She thought it looked a little bigger than it did before. She wondered how long she could hide that fact she was essentially pregnant. She sighed and grabbed her clothes and went to school. She chatted with friends on the way and as she entered the school a tiger came up to her. It was Darren a cute tiger she had been interested in before Lyenu thrust hirself into Judith's life. "Hey Judith, I haven't seen you after school much anymore." He brushed the fur on her face. At one time she would have loved that touch but now she felt nothing.

"Been busy Darren."

"Well let's go out tonight."

"Sorry Darren, I'm still busy." She starts to walk past when he forcefully grabs her arm.

"Don't just brush me off Judith!" A teacher appears with a stern look and Darren releases her arm and she fearfully says.

"Sorry Darren but something major came up and I have to take care of it." And she dashed to her class room.

You okay Little One? Judith heard Lyenu's voice in her mind and was strangely comforted by it.

"Our condition has really put a wrench in things I had planned. I was going to date Darren but now he doesn't interest me, why is that?"

Maybe a result of the Bonding. Remember until you my kind bonded with foxes, wolfs, any beast that was big enough to carry our young so this never was in the training I got.

"That's just great. You know I would want kids of my own. I may be carry these eggs but they are not mine they're yours and who ever you mated with before putting them in me." Judith felt mix emotions from the Sauian. Hurt for Judith not claiming the eggs and concern for Judith.

You make a valid point Little One. We can't have your kind die out because of carrying my kinds age. If you find an eindriel to have children with I will not stop you. But these eggs you carry are as much yours as mine. You have as much claim to them as I do. Well no matter what the conversation calmed Judith even if she didn't agree about the egg issue.

After school she took out one of the books she rented again looking for someway to break this bond and have her life back. She looked up after a few minutes and realized she was in the middle of the woods. She wondered why when she felt Lyenu somewhere ahead. Her body was trying to make them closer. She stomped her foot down. This bond was not going to control her. She turned around to head back to the road when she saw Darren and a couple of his buddies with him. He looked around and commented. " A nice spot in the woods, so romantic, and so isolated." He had a dark gleam in his eyes. She took a step back and before she knew it his buddies grabbed her. She tried to struggle and call for help but they were stronger than her and Darren approached slowly. "We are quite a ways from the road Judith. So nice of you to lead us here. Made it a whole lot easier." He grabbed her shirt and ripped it open to reveal her breasts. He played with them as she screamed.

"NONONO! STOP THIS PLEASE!" He then used a knife to rip open her shorts and panties. "Oh DEITIES! NO! NOT THAT!" He stepped back and loosed his belt and revealed his raging erection. He then stepped forward and entered her and she screamed. A roar stopped him from going further and Lyenu appeared. Shi snarled and growled and hir tail whipped about. Darren's guys let go of Judith and Lyenu pounced on them raking them with hir claws before turning hir attention to Darren. He was scared, very scared. Especially when Lyenu eye his condition and Judith's. Shi leaped at him and unleashed fury. Blood flew everywhere and a lucky hit with a branch dazed the Sauian and allowed Darren to flee. Lyenu clear's hir head and glances in his direction before turning to Judith.

Are you alright Little One! The Sauian closes in to sniff the eindriel. Judith responded by hugging the Sauian and sobs in hir fur. It's okay Little One, I'm here now. I came as soon as I could. I'm here, you're safe with me. Hang on tight Little One, I'm getting us out of here. Shi felt Judith comply without the usual resentment which worried hir. Shi took the larger piece of Judith's ruined clothes and put her book in it figuring Judith would want them and carrying it in hir mouth shi left the area with Judith holding close riding hir.

Lyenu had to use their magic to help hir through the window this time since shi was carrying Judith. Shi carried Judith to her bed and Judith let go a bit to lay on it. Lyenu got up to move but shi felt a hand grab hir rear leg. Shi looks back and hears. "Please, don't leave." Judith says with fear. Lyenu moves around and nuzzles Judith. I will not leave Little One. Shi lays down and Judith hugs hir. Lyenu liked the feel of Judith hugging hir but wish it was for other reasons. They stayed there for some time.

Hours later Judith heard the door open downstairs and heard her parents voices. A growl in her stomach told her she had to eat. Grabbing some shorts and a shirt she went downstairs. "Judith, are you okay! There's reports of a large beast about." her mother said.

"Yeah and his name is Darren. If it wasn't for Lyenu he might still be raping me."


"yes mother. I was reading in the woods when he approached me with a pair of his friends and ripped off my clothes and entered me. If Lyenu hadn't appeared." She started crying again. And her mother raced to hug her while her father had anger in his eyes.

"I'll make sure the right people know." He left and Judith's mother made dinner. Her father returned in time for dinner and when it was finished a pair of Ducal Guard came and took her testimony and she showed them the remains of her shirt. The big help was the fact that she hadn't washed and the Guards smelled Darren on her. They left to question him and his friends and Judith went back upstairs. There she sees Lyenu climbing back through the window again.

"Had a meal?" Judith asked.

Yes Little One, as well as some other business.

"Well maybe you should stay inside for the time being. Till the Ducal Guards tell everyone. Many think you are a danger."

I know and I sadly have to agree.

"It's ironic, in some ways you did worse than him. You raped me and impregnated your eggs in me. Yet I feel safe with you. I know you did it out of desperation not greed like he did." Lyenu rubbed hirself against.

I'm not proud of what I did but proud to have met you. My feeling for you may have started with the simple fact you carry our eggs. But I have grown to love you. You have never been alone in this and with our bond never will. Normally, Judith would have sniped back at that but tonight no. Right now it was good to know she was not alone. She felt Lyenu's happiness at even this small and likely temporary victory.

In a week Darren and his buddies were in the dungeon and will be for ten years for that stunt. But Judith wasn't off the hook either. Lyenu was determined that Judith learn more of their growing magic so she wouldn't be so helpless while Lyenu raced from where shi might be. Lyenu was a hard task master, Judith was glad while Lyenu was stuck in her room shi didn't start then. Shi was content to comfort Judith after the attack. Judith felt Lyenu's feelings during that. Dig point about Lyenu raping her hit home. As noble and desperate hir and hir race's plight was the truth was Judith was right, hir and all of hir race rape any species female to lay their eggs in them. The only consolation Lyenu could provide was that that the bonded female was considered more important than the Sauia that impregnated a Sauian like Lyenu. Lyenu projected to the area where their thoughts merged a simple fact. Lyenu was attracted to and loved Judith, shi felt blessed to find the lioness first and will support her in any way possible. Even if as right now Judith goals differ from hirs. And Judith admitted Lyenu has been nothing if supportive since this whole thing began. Judith looked out her window and she feared the future. If she found a way to free herself would it be so long that she wouldn't want to break it. They greatest regret she feels in Lyenu that she can't make that choice on her own anymore. Judith wasn't alone in her mind anymore and thus lost the freedom to choose solely of her own will and that may have been the greatest rape of all.

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