Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 18

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#24 of Chakat Universe

As Vox and Fish deal with their current situation Red is about to discover a horror that is coming

To say they were in a panic is a bit of an understatement. Both immediately though about getting help from the family and try to head for the house. Only to face plant into the ground. Both tried to head to the house but Fish was not use to using four legs. "Fish allow me control, I'm used to four legs."

"Okay." Vox got back up and after taking a couple of tentative steps before running to the house for help. They barge throught the rear door and see Goldstrike there looking curiously at them.

"Well who are you dear?" Shocked Vox exclaims.

"It's me Vox Goldstrike, well me and Fish. Somehow I absorbed her PLEASE HELP US!" Goldstrike used hir telepahty and found two minds in this body, both familiar to hir but something was off about them.

"Okay, okay. Get in the PTV and I'll take to the hospital." Vox nods and heads to the garage as Goldstrike relays what's going on.

As the head to the hospital Goldstrike tells them. "My basic scan got both of you in their but your usual signature. Then add in your change of voice you are lucky that I have telepathy. No one without could tell."

"My voice?"

"Yup it's different, more feminine and a slight echo." That gravely concerned Vox as the PTV pulls into the hospital and they head for the emergency room. There Goldstrike requests the doctor most familiar with the odd family. In minutes they were in an exam room when Doctor Calmwaves came in. Shi was a chakat with various blue shades going in a wave pattern, thus hir name.

"So what did you two do to end up this way?" Vox blushed a bit and admitted.

'Well Me and Fish decided to have a romantic evening away from the family. After an enjoyable night we laid together then I wake up and slowly changed to this then started getting Fishes memories and even heard her."

"Do you still hear her now?" Vox looked inward and mentally called for Fish, but she didn't answer.

"No I can't right now.' He responded with fear. He then noticed the doctor was scan him with a tricorder.

"We I do get Fish's DNA in your new body but let's get you to a full out scanner and Goldstrike I want you to scan them with your talent and see what's going on in their head." Calmwaves had them stand on a pad and a device began scanning their body.

Two hours later Red enters the hospital. Shi had just got back from hir home world when shi got the news about Vox and Fish so shi immediately headed over. A perk of being in security shi was able to get to the room where hir combined mate and friend were. It was then shi got hir first look at them. They had Vox's teal fur but Fishes hair and stripes. Red also noticed a couple subtle things. Their muzzle was shorter than a fox's but longer and narrower than a feline's and their tail was more fluffy than a feline's. Shaking hir head shi walked in. "I leave for a couple weeks and this happens. Can't you two something normal for a change?"

"We did do something normal, Just something odd happened!" Vox replied back. And Red hugged them.

"Just teasing a bit so what have you got so far?" The doctor was first to respond.

"Well I did a complete scan on them and got interesting results. They are now in essence a chakat, fully functioning organs are all consistent with a chakat." The doctor looked at the combined being. "Vox's core is next to your upper heart and your DNA is a combination of your shapeshifter, foxtaur, feline, and surprisingly chakat DNA all jumbled inside you."

"Well I can sample beings by touching them and I have touch many chakts since I moved here, but what about Fish?" The doctor turned on a hologram and it showed an internal diagram of Vox and Fish and Red saw an odd shape next ot the upper heart.

"This is Vox's core, While his body perfectly functioned as a foxtaur he needed this. If someone shot his hearts it will hurt that crazy but wouldn't kill him, but if he loses his core he IS dead. Now normally this is in a perfect circle but as you can see it's not and that tumor if you will is slowly disappearing. THAT is what's left of Miss Fish."

"NNOOO! Oh Fish I am SO sorry!" He started crying, he absorb the being he loved the most. He felt a arm go up and brush a tear and he hear their voice say. "It will be okay." He then felt another arm and looked up to see Red next to them hugging them.

"I'm right here you two we will get through this." Red then looked at Calmwaves and Goldstrike and asks. "What about their minds?"

"I got both of their brain patterns but I will leave the rest to Goldstrike." Calmwaves said.

"From what I got from them is like the doctor said they are both in there right now Vox is dominant and the pain you got a couple of times is when you both want to do something."

"Should I let her have control at times?"

"Right now absolutely not. There is currently a thin barrier between you two. If you did that that barrier is gone and so is either of you and the new persona will emerge."

"So what do we do?" Red asked. The doctor replies,

"I see three courses of action. One, we get Fish a new body. Right now their brain waves are clear and separate and I know how to do the Starthinker Process and am authorized to do it. I have the biogel to make a body. If we could get a sample of Fish's DNA I can make a body close to Fish's original body and Vox can keep this one. Two, they both stay in there but allow the barrier to fall and a new persona comes in. Three, Goldstrike and Red here could try to reenforce the barrier and tweak it to allow both of you to control this body."

"I don't want to make this choice without input from Fish. Is it possible to chat with her before we decide."

"Of course Me and Goldstrike can provide that. Goldstrike." The other chakat nods and both closed in and touch their heads to Vox and Fish's head. Vox couldn't help but close their eyes.

When he opened them it was mentally and he looked around. He was by the shack Medallion made but he could see a building of his race in the background. He looked down and saw his old form then he smelled a familiar scent, he looked over to the shack and saw a bit of pink. He runs into the shack to see Fish as he last saw her. They quickly hugged eachother and again Vox apologies for what happened and Fish kept saying. "It's okay." After a couple of minutes they hear a cough and both see Red standing there.

"Sorry guys but this is important." Vox nodded and looked to Fish.

"Honey did you hear what they said." She nodded.

"So what do you think we should do?"

"Well I don't want to lose who I am and the new body is tempting."


"Like this I'm always with you. We certainly didn't plan this but if this had to happen I wouldn't want anyone but you to be with in one body."

"Not even Red?"

"I love Red dearly but if there was only a choice of one I would take you over hir. Shi gave me a family and you gave me your love." She kissed him passionately and Red comments.

"Okay going for the out of the park option. I will consult with Goldstrike, till then I leave you two alone." Shi disappears and the two knowing this will be the last time to see eachother like this made every available use of it. He quickly stripped her of her clothes and caress eachother and it didn't take long to get to the bed that appeared Vox laid on the bed allowing the pink cat to stroke his lower belly. He meanwhile looked up and her feline body, A little chubby but it was all the more for him to love and it didn't take long for him to get aroused and erect and Fish impaled herself on it again. What follow was like they did the night before only more desperate as this will be the last time they could ever do it. It felt like an eternity for them but in truth only minutes passed they hear Red speak.

"Okay show time." They both say to each other.

"I love you." And kiss as their world faded away.

From the outside world Calmwaves watched the two chakat's have their heads connected to the merge being between them not moving the muscle, not even their tails move as the focus their will on the task on the mind. Scarflank scanned their vitals and they appeared normal but their brain wave patterns were highly elevated. Then they suddenly drop and Calmwaves looked up to see both Redstreak and Goldstrike moving away looking wiped as they lay Vox/Fish on the ground. "Did it work?" Calmwaves asked.

"We won't know till they wake up but I think so." Redstreak answered tiredly.

"Here let's get you three a room to rest in." Shi summoned a couple of nurses and got the three to a nearby room. Once there both chakat's fell asleep.

Vox woke up on a bed not his own. A quick look around and he sees a hospital room with Red and Goldstrike laying in their own beds asleep. He lifts his upper torso and saw pink fly in front of his eyes. He grabs it noticing his had was different but looked at the pink object. It was hair, his hair and everything came back to him. <Fish you there?> He asks mentally. After a couple minutes he said. "Fish you there?"

"Yes love I'm here. Looks like it worked."

"I guess so." He look down at their body taking in the details before he felt their body move a little unsteady towards a full length mirror nearby. Eventually Fish got the hang of four legs and they step up to the mirror. Both looked at their new body. They found the same things Red and others saw and Vox had to admit, it wasn't bad though he still had to get used to the boobs. He felt their head tilt in typical Fish fashion and he noticed their eyes had a blue color, like Fish. "Out of curiosity do you hear my thoughts?"

"No, do you hear mine?"

"No." Vox looked over to the sleeping chakats. "Maybe they can answer." Vox looked back at their imaged and was shocked. Their eyes were now GREEN! Before the merge he had green eyes, the same green that is before them. "Fish, were our eyes green earlier?"

"No I thought it was blue." Vox starts walking them to Red and shakes hir awake. Red starts rubbing hir eyes and yawns before seeing them.

"Well how are you two?"

"Still two of us in here, but we can't hear the other's thoughts."

"Good, that means the barrier is good and strong. To keep you both from merging we had to set a barrier. The plus is you truly remain separate persona's the downside is you have to talk aloud if you want to communicate with the other."

"So then people might think we're crazy if we're talking to ourselves."

"Which is has changed how?" Red said with a smile to which they gave hir a raspberry and hit hir with a pillow. Their commotion woke Goldstrike and they brought hir up to date and Calmwaves entered.

"So how are our patents?"

"Still separated and ourselves but we seem fine." Vox replied for them. "But I need a comb for our hair?" Fish quipped.

"Why?" Vox asked.

"Because it's a mess!"

"Seemed fine to me." Fish sighed.

"That is such a male thing to say." They both stop when they hear Red roaring in laughter and hugging hir sides. With them looking at hir in shock. "What's so funny?"

"You two, I swear life will not be boring dealing with you two as you are." Both shake their head. Clamwaves meanwhile scanned their body during all of this. Vox noticed and asked.

"So how are we doc?"

"Well your core is a perfect circle again so I say you have fully absorbed Fish's body now and I noticed your voice no longer have an echo in it any more. But everything appears good. My last observations say that you are now a lot more solid than before. Though it would be harder for you to break your bones. I would not be surprised if you could bend your limbs more than us but please don't try. Everything seems good eyesight is average for a chakat though the blue eyes are uncommon for chakats."

"What their blue, I thought they were green?" Vox asked.

"I thought they were green to?" Red comments. Calmwaves got close and took a close look at their eyes when they turned it to hir and they were green. Shi asked Fish to talk then Vox and nothing changed but when shi asked Fish to move their body shi saw the eyes changed to blue. Then they went back to green with Vox moved them back.

"Looks like the shapeshifting effects your eyes, changing the color depending on who's mainly in control."

"So could we change more?"

"Color appearance maybe but don't experiment for a while. Your body could be still settling to it's new form."

"Okay was just curious."

"So what do we call the new you?" Calmwaves asks.

"Vish?" Goldstrike says.

"Fivox?" Red comments.

"Give us a sec." Vox says and walks over to the mirror and they look at their body again trying to find a name for it. They stood there for a few minutes before Fish says.

"How about Diamondstripe? I mean are stripes are like diamonds and we are practically a chakat." Vox looked at the stripes on their body and they did look like diamonds and it was better than anything he could think of.

"Yes we are Diamondstripe."

"Child of Fish and Vox?" Red asked and Diamondstripe looked at hir and smiled.

"I like that." They both say.

"Okay I'll put it in the records. You can go home now." Calmwaves said. And they three head home.

When they get home nearly everyone waited for them and the news they bring. "Where's Larsa?" Red asked.

"I'm coming." Red and the others look to the stairs and see a youthful vixen coming down the stairs with Larsa's fur pattern. Man she looked good. Red smiled and commented.

"So you finally took the vial." Larsa smiled at hir.

"Yes I did and I'm certainly pleased with the results. So what's been happening and who is that?" Larsa points to Diamondstripe.

"This was Fish and Vox, it seems Vox absorbed Fish after their romp last night and they are now permanently merged and decided to share the body. They decided to call the body Diamondstripe."

"Can't anything normal happen to this family just for once." Coal pleads. "Well you're just in time for dinner." The whole family head for the table and ate though Diamondstripe not so much since Fish did fill hir up. After dinner Dallie took Larsa up and they weren't seen the rest of the night though Diamondstripe thought shi saw them heading to the bathroom a couple of times. Meanwhile Fish moved her stuff into Vox's old room and was now going to be their room. She had less stored up then Vox did. Vox loves getting stuff to play around with. Probably a result of being alone so long. After rearranging the room they joined the others and chatted about various things and Red sharing more of hir birth world. The big question was how was the other Earth. Coal was the first to comment.

"Fun and interesting but going to the bethroom was hard. Their soo crap over there."

"They were fine to me." Alexis quips and shi is pelted by Pillows by all the taurs that went there. Red then left with Flamaria for some reacquainting. They looked around their room and head for the mattress for some sleep, tomorrow they will start their new life.

Of course falling asleep alone doesn't mean you wake up alone. Diamondstripe found themselves in the middle of a fur pile. Rough guess was Medallion and most of the chakat cubs all over them. They just shook their head and knowing they were not going anywhere went back to sleep with the comfort that no matter the form they were loved. A couple hours later only a couple of cub were still with them and they gingerly got up without waking them and took care of typical morning business before heading to the kitchen seeing Coal cooking something. "OOHHH that smell's good, what's for breakfast?" Coal turned and smirked at them.

"Breakfast? Try lunch, it's 11:30 am."

"Wow we slept in."

"It happens, we chakats need more sleep than most."

"And you consider us a chakat?"

"It's the closest model that fits." They shrugged and replied.

"It fits. So you need any help?"

"Well you can set the plates out to start."

By noon lunch was served and Diamondstripe chowed down having been finally hungry. Everyone but Dallie and Alexis were home. Coal returned to work tomorrow, Star Corps was giving Red a few days before having hir return to duty, Larsa worked at home since the her village's destruction to take care of Jewel though at lunch she seemed tired. She and Dallie had a lot of fun and little rest last night. The rest currently don't work besides the odd jobs, though Fish had heard Tamira was going to an interview tonight to be, of all things a pole dancer. With the meal nearly done Red asks Diamondstripe. "So after you both are done adjusting to being Diamondstripe what will you do for work?" They put their cup down and replied.

"Honestly we don't know yet. Fish isn't interested in counseling anymore and I haven't thought of a job yet."

"It's okay low on the priority right now but it is something to consider." At their nod shi looked over to the younger Larsa.

"Have to say that worked out well for you, plan on increasing work with the younger body?"

"Nope being your agent is enough. I have Jewel, Dallie, and the family. That's what make me happy right now." Red hugged the vixen and they finished lunch.

A couple hours later Red was walking by Diamondstripe's room when shi heard a moan. Feeling that at least one of the chakat's personalities was bummed shi went in. Shi saw the chakat with a frown staring at their mirror with a very tight shirt on. Red recognized the shirt shi gave to Fish on Christmas. "It still looks nice to me Diamondstripe." The merged chakat looked at hir.

"But it's really tight my nipples completely show through." Red could only nod in agreement hir eyesight at said breasts. "Even worse ALL of my shirts are like that."

"Why bother with shirts? I don't."

"We aren't you and some of us are used to clothes, heck it's still strange to feel air on my rump." Obviously Fish was in charge right now as the tell tale blue eyes attested.

"Okay let me grab my belt and we'll go shopping."


"Yes, I know what it is like to restock your wardrobe." They did decide to drop off Tamira at her interview but soon they were heading for the nearest mall.

Once there they got out Red taking a moment to feel the breeze. It was fall and the leaves were all turning colors. This was why shi loved Minnesota, you can se the change in seasons. They went into the mall and Fish took them to several stores. Red got amused at what was obviously Vox's look of shock at some of the tops Fish chose for them. He certainly drew the line at a corset Fish wanted to try. "Absolutely not! I am not wearing THAT!"

"But love it is..."

"I DON'T CARE! I have to draw the line somewhere to preserve what's left of my male card. You have any choice of T-shirts not matter how girly there but a CORSET? HELL NO! Next you would want pantyhose."

"Well they do have a sale..."

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!" After his scream did they notice a roaring laughter and look to see Red laying on the ground hugging hir upper torso laughing like crazy.

"You think this is funny!" Vox demanded. Took Red a minute to answer.

"I think it hilarious. You should hear yourselves and consider an outside view. Upon glance they would think your nuts. Talking to yourself."

"But surely the voices would clue them in." Fish commented.

"How do you sound to eachother?" Red asked.

"Well I hear Fish's voice when she speaks."

"And I hear Vox's."

"Well I only hear one voice. It's a mixture of both of yours I think but no matter who's speaking it's that voice we hear." That made them thoughtful for a bit before they finish up their shopping.

They were on their way top the parking lost, saddlebags full of Diamondstripe's clothes when Diamondstripe noticed something. "What the heck is this?" Red looked to where they were pointing. Shi saw what looked like an old telephone booth but painted blue with a lit up sign saying Police. They both got close to look at it. "This certainly wasn't here when we arrived."

"You think some prop for and advertisement?"

"Maybe." Before they got any further and man in what looked like dated clothes and with a female human pushed passed them and said in a british accent.

"Excuse me ladies. Come on Dona." And got into the box. But stared at eachother till they heard a door open and the man came out again. " Oh a little suggestion for you ladies some rough guys are about to come around that corner. I suggest RUN! Toto loo!" Then the door close and a muffled voice of the man saying. "Allongez!" Then they hear a weird grinding sound and the box just faded away. Diamond looked to Red for any kind of explanation. Red for hir part just threw up hir hands and said.

"I'm not touching this one. Life is weird enough as is." Diamondstripe just shrugged and they were heading for the parking lot when a group of Human's come around and Red felt the hatred off of them and shi looked deep. <HUMAN FIRST!> And they were planning on an attack after finding that man who went into the box. Shi pulled out hir gun and yelled. "EVERYONE DOWN!" Some look to hir and some followed hir order. Shi noticed the Human First people only ducked and pulled out their weapons. Red saw them start aiming and shi didn't hesitate. BAM! BAM! Dead shots to two of them. And trained on the rest. "If you want to live throw down your weapons." The human firsters looked around and security was closing in and with two of their number already down they surrendered. Security and the cops kept hir longer before they finally let hir go and shi was more than ready to go home after that incident.

A week later Red was taking Diamondstripe to Double H since they now could come though they dropped off Tamira to her new job. She easily got the job as a pole dancer though Red did ask why that kind of job. "It's one of the few that allow complete nudity and I'm not just sitting somewhere doing nothing." Red just shrugged and dropped her off and shi and Diamonstripe headed to Double H. When they walked through the doors Alexis greeted them, shi still preferred the front desk rather than the office shi has as a branch head, though shi still uses it for the more critical stuff. Shi kissed Red before handing a pass to Diamondstripe. "Here's you free day pass you two and enjoy the place." Shi then looked at hir mate. "I'll have fun with you later." The chakat grinned back then ushered Diamondstripe into Hermaphrodite Haven. Fish had heard of the place but being a single gender before she was never allowed in. Now shi could. They main room was like a large lounge. Several couches, chairs, beanbag cushions, and tables littered the room. Several furs of all types mingled around, all herms like they were now. A dog morph in hir early twenties came up to them and hugged Red.

"Good to see you again Red."

"They same Trea, you've grown more beautiful since I last saw you." The husky/german Shepard had the decency to blush.

"Thanks Red and who is this with you?"

"This is Diamondstripe, a new guest here." Trea hugged them to which they returned.

"Welcome Diamondstripe, I'm Trea Frostpaw. Been a friend to Red's family since I was born." The two herms took Diamondstripe on a tour of the complex. It amazed both of them by how much was actually in the complex, it was nearly a city in of itself. Red and Alexis treated Diamondstripe to dinner to which Trea joined in. Both Fish and Vox decided they could enjoy this club and made a more permanent membership.

A week later though they went to Red's studio just as shi finished a session. Shi first smiled at them but as shi sensed their anxiety it turned into a worried frown. "What is it you two?"

"We need to talk privately."

"Close the door then." When Diamondstripe did so Red then ask. "So what's on your minds?"

"You mean you haven't checked?"

"Hell no, I only use that talent when needed. Right now it's just in empath mode." (With the nanos mainly shut off in this area still boosts Red's empathy rating, shi is now a E5.)

"Okay, nice to know. Well Fish was wondering if you don't want her as a mate anymore?" Shocked and appalled Red asks.

"What made even remotely think that?"

"Well you have been distant from us. You haven't even slept with us since we got home. And Fish fears you don't love her anymore." Red then hugged them and replied.

"I still love you. The reason I have been distant is because you both just had a major change in your lives. And I had to figure in Vox's feelings in this. I wanted both of you to be certain of yourselves before I tried anything. Heck I was afraid you didn't love me that way anymore." Diamond joined the hug and replied.

"You did out of concern for us. We understand but Fish has missed you. And Vox, well you were already a comate before all of this." Shi didn't get further when the door opened and Flameria says.

"Sorry for intruding love but Star Corps called and they seem urgent to speak with you." Red broke the hug and lick kissed Diamondstripe.

"Hold that thought." Shi told them and shi went to the vid phone. On the screen was a grey furred foxtaur vixen with captain pins on her uniform. She looked anxious and Red thought shi saw some hope in her eyes.

"LT. Commander Redstreak?"

"Yes I am, what can I do for you Captain."

"Captain Nikol Stonefur of the F.S.S. Guardian. I'm glad I could reach you. I need your help. My ship is down to one chakat since the grandmother of one of mine's is very ill so shi just took a leave of absence but I find myself short and now only a day away from departure."

"I'm going to guess that there are no other chakat's available right now?"

"Yes All the active chakats are not at Earth right now and others just can't get away. Seems to be a big time for chakat births. Plus your leave is just ending and you can not only take care of the chakat issue but with the role shi left open. Shi was our second in command for security and your traits and promotion allows you to fill that role well."

"Good points Captian." Red sat there and thought for a bit. "Okay you got me."

"Report at 13:00 hours tomorrow and thanks Commander." Red nodded and ended the call. Shi walked back to hir studio, Diamondstripe was still there.

"Okay work wants me to be on a ship tomorrow for a tour so here's the deal you two. I will sleep with you tonight and while I'm gone I want you two to think on what being a merged being is going to be like. I do not want to be mated with only one of you if the other is against it. Be sure being my mate is what you BOTH want. When I get back we'll have this discussion again, deal?"

"It does sound reasonable. Agreed But we have that discussion as soon as you get back!"


The rest of the day Red told the family and none of hir mates could go with hir not being able to have time off so quickly and Red refused to have Diamond go since they were still learning how to sharing a body. So Coal whipped up a great feast for a send off. And as promised Red slept with Diamond after some romping with hir mates.

The next morning after breakfast shi and Dallie head to the spaceport. After a short wait the both beamed up and hugged goodbye before going their separate ways. Red then looked around for the gate that held the entry for the Guardian. Took hir about a half hour but shi found and stood and looked at the ship. While the Pegasus was bigger this was the biggest Star Corps own ship shi has been on. She and Pegasus were diametric opposites. With hir big saucer, graceful curving neck, expanding engineering section with two pill like nacelles attached to rear raking pylons the Pegasus was a work of art. Guardian however is a much earlier design. She was much more blocky in design. Her front was a angular saucer shape connected to a long body with a larger rear. The ships nacelles were thinner but much longer than Pegasus but not as powerful. Red bet that the Guardian use to be the top of the line ship for the Starfleet but she was now refitted to spend her final years for the more civilian oriented work of the Star Corps. Shi stepped up to the guard at the airlock. Handing hir ID over the guard scrutinized it. After checks on the ID it was handed back to hir and shi was allowed in. Shi stepped through the airlock and onto the ship. Shi heard huffing down the corridor and a feline morph running. Shi stopped in front of Red and panted for a couple minutes. "You're.....here....early....we....didn't.....expect you....till....13:00."

"My sister works at the Gateway so more convenient for the family that way."

"Got it...huff. Well I'll show you you're quarters but your meeting with your superior Lt. Commander Sharpclaw will still be at 14:00."

"That's okay, gives me time to study the ship." A few minutes later shi was in hir quarters. It was a single taur's place with a many couches and lounges with a chair or to with a desk in the main room. It also had a kitchenette with a replicator and taur size shower and a nice size mattress with a nearby dresser.

After unpacking shi review the ships layout and donned hir uniform and explored the ship, getting a feel for her. By 13:00 shi entered the security office and met hir boss. Sharpclaw was a female Raskhani with Blue fur and red stripes, certainly the most exotic coloring shi's seen in a Rakshani. She was like all of her species tall but also very buff. Red couldn't determine her age visually. The commander looked up from her PADD as Red step up and saluted. "Lt. Commander Redstreak reporting for duty." The Rakshani returned it.

"At ease commander, welcome aboard. Sorry we couldn't meet earlier but my duties had to be done first."

"It's alright ma'am, gave me time to study the ship."

"I like that commander. Well I see you have done some good work in your time with the Corps but no real command experience."

"Well before my change ma'am I was a security chief for a company."

"Really, hhhhmmmm. I guest I have more digging to do. Well still guarding a complex is different that a starship. Normally my second would handle the night shift but for the time being you'll work with me till you get the rhythm of the ship."

"Then what do you need me to do?" Sharpclaw showed hir the protocols of the ship and their section heads. By the time all that was done it was dinner time. After saying their goodbyes Red headed to the mess hall deciding to go there tonight. Shi got hir meal and sat hir haunches at a table when a voice asked.

"May I join you?" Red looked over and saw a chakat. Shi wore a red uniform top over hir purple fur but shi did and a gold slash on hir flank on the lower half that matched hir hair and green eyes.

"Sure go ahead." The chakat sat across from hir.

"I'm Chakat Scarflank, child of Rainfall and Cresentwave."

"Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze." They shook hands since a table prevented hugging.

"I'm glad they could get you. With Starfire going to hir grandparent's place I was afraid we be stuck for weeks or months waiting for a chakat."

"Hope that goes well but the brass really need to get better on this. This is the second time I had to fill in for a chakat posting.'

"No kidding, so did they ruin your leave?"

"Not really this time. I was expecting an assignment soon. But timing could have been a bit better. Things were still a little hectic at home and a couple more days would have been nice. But I think my family has got a handle on it."

"The perk of a large family. So from the uniform and rank you work in security and I should salute you."

"I'm filling the shoes your friend left behind in more ways than one and only on duty will I take a salute. And what do you do on this ship?"

"The ships main helmsman or helmschakat in this case." Red chuckled at the pun. "So you have a family, how big?"

"Well I live with my twin sister and we both share a mate. Then I have 2 other mates, and co mate, My sister has a mate that I'm not mated to, A friend also lives with us and we have a pending mate waiting. Plus the gaggle of kids and a denmate on Chakona You?"

"Still technically single, me and Star are companions for now but just haven't found the right ones."

"I know the feeling. It took a major event for me to get looking. I suggest don't take too long otherwise you might be filled with regret."Now Scar was curious. Shi guessed that Redstreak was hir age but shi sounds like shi is older. Shi wanted to know this chakat more. Sadly though lunch was fast and other than a story or two about their time on ships they ate but both felt a friendship forming.

A couple weeks later the ship was in deep space on patrol. Red hirself was acquitted well and assumed the night shift command. It deeply reminded hir of hir Globaltech days staring at monitors showing the various activities on the ship. The only action shi saw was went a couple got violent in some disagreement. Shi had them cool off in the brig and assigned them different quarters and mandatory consoling. But a week later Red had an issue of another sort.

The door bell to hir quarters chimes as shi was reading a book. Shi had a shorter shift today for hir boss was doing some training of some of the lieutenants. "Come in." Shi says and the door open to reveal Scarflank. "Hey Scar what can I do for you?"

"Hey Red it's just that time of month." Red took a whiff and released hir talents and yup Scar was in heat and common practice was that chakats help relieve it. Taking a deep breath and exhaling shi responds.

"Okay." Shi saves hir spot in the book and gets up. But Scarflank sensed Red's feelings.

"Is there something wrong Red?" Red just shook hir head and replied.

"Should have known I couldn't keep it hidden. I wasn't raised in the chakat way so normally just intimate with my mates. However I am willing to help a friend in need." Red wrapped an arm around Scar and lead hir to hir bedroom.

Scarflank woke to an empty bed. Shi smirked. Red was one of the better lovers shi had met. Shame that shi isn't more open but that could be self preservation in play for shi would be in high demand. After stretching shi went looking for Red. Shi found hir sitting at the desk with a plate of eggs and bacon with chocolate milk while looking at something on the terminal on the desk. From the sound it looked like a message from someone. Red paused the recording and glanced up. "Morning Scar go get some breakfast."

"Will do, that your family?"

"Yup." Scar walked to the replicator and got hir own meal and sat down as Red finished the recording.

"You're family means a lot to you doesn't it?"

"They've helped me through some hard times and I manage to help them through some of theirs." Their small talk went into how to take care of tomorrow, Red was back on duty in the evening. They figured it would have to be a late night romp as soon as Red gets off duty. After breakfast Scar heads out for hir place for a new uniform and hir shift while Red went back to sleep.

The next thing shi knew the Klaxon was going off and over the comm shi heard. <All personnel man your battle stations!> Shi grab hir uniform and heads to the security office while donning it. When shi got into the office shi asked. "What's going on?" It was Sharpclaw who responded.

"Freighter distress signal. Reported multiple pirates." Red nodded and donned some armor and grab a phaser rifle and pistol as well as a combat belt. Sharpclaw had Red lead the boarding parties so shi went to the nearest transporter room and waited for the chance to board.

Guardian dropped out of warp to a scene. A large freighter surrounded by 3 ships and several fighters. The three pirates were converted freighters, one was a carrier the others equipped with multiple weapons systems. Upon seeing the Guardian it appeared they would try to flee but they planned their ambush a little too well. They forced the freighter into an asteroid field to prevent a warp escape and limited maneuverability at sublight. Now they were stuck to for Guardian was at the easiest exit. They open fire with their century old phasers and torpedoes while Guardian returned fire with her ball turret phasers and her own torpedoes as she launched her fighters. As the fighter dogfight eachother as the larger ships exchange fire. In a minute or two the pirate ships shields fail and Red is beamed over.

Red looked around. They were in a workshop of some type. Shi had 10 security with hir here with more spread at other sections of the ship. Shi order hir team beforehand to secure 3 areas, Bridge, Engineering, and the cargo bays. Hir team heads out and goes through the corridors. They marched for a couple minutes. Till Red gave them the silent command to halt. Since beaming over shi had both of hir talents on full. Shi sensed two prates in the corridor to the right. Shi silently signaled to hir team about the pirates. They setup and on hir command they turn to the hall and fired. The pirates were dead before they knew they were under attack. Hir team only met a couple others as they approached the bridge. By know the captain knew he had boarders so the hatch to the bridge was locked. One of hir officers took out a shape charge but Red held him off. Shi looks at the panel and starts pushing at a surprisingly fast pace. Another gift of the nanos is shi is a very good problem solver. Shi hadn't notice hir becoming a genius but put a puzzle in front of hir and shi can solve it fast. In a minute it goes green and shi takes out a stun grenade and pushes the open button. The door opens and shi throws the grenade in. BOOM! The bright light and roar stuns the bridge crew and hir team races in and secures the bridge. Red comms hir other teams. "Status report?"

<Team 3 here. Cargo bay secure.>

<Team 2 here. Mopping up in engineering.> Red looked to the view screen. Shi saw the Guardian take up a good portion of the screen and shi saw the occasional fighter go back dog fighting but the big ships seemed to have stopped firing. In minutes shi hears the all clear signal and smiled at a job well done.

At the debriefing hours later Red took stock. Half the pirates dead the rest captured. They lost a couple of pilots and 10 security people. That wasn't bad considering the numbers invoked. Guardian will guard the captured pirates till some tugs and their escorts arrive to which they will take the ships and their crews to the nearest starbase. They render aid to the freighter and she was on her way to her destination so repairs to Guardian and the fighters were happening. Finally the debriefing as over and shi heads for hir room.

Red took a shower to clean the gunk and sweat out. Shi laid on a couch when the door bell chimed. "Come in." The door opened to reveal Scarflank again.

"I hope you don't mind me being early. One of the pilots who died was a friend so they let me off early and I don't want to be alone right now." Red responded with a pat on the couch. Scarflank hurried over and laid next to Red hugging the loin pattern chakat. But laid their saying nothing just comforting eachother. But after an hour or two Scarflank had to do more. Shi was still in heat and shi stripped hir uniform off and kissed Red. This started another night of passion and allowed Scar to forget the lost of hir friend a bit.

A couple weeks later the Guardian was back on normal patrol when shi received a garbled signal from one of the out lying colonies nearby. Upon dropping out of warp they get into a standard orbit for the colony, Everything seemed normal to Scarflank as shi took the ship into standard orbit.

However as the Gateway came into view they knew something was severely wrong. There was scorch marks all over it and communications could not get any response from it or the capital. "YELLOW ALERT!" The Captain bellowed and the ship raised shields, pilots manned their fighters and security geared up. "Commander Red, take a team to the gateway, look for survivors and records of what happened here."

<Aye sir.>

"Commander Sharpclaw take a the bulk of our security and medical personel to the capital and figure out what's happened their.

<Acknowledge.> Captain Stonefur looked at the viewscreen wondering what the heck happened.

Red's Team was beamed into the main promenade deck and already didn't like the view. The main lights were off with emergency and klaxon lights providing illumination. They saw bodies here and there some with obvious phaser burns. Shi signals hir team to crouch and they slowly find cover. Shi had a team of ten, 5 security, 2 medics, and 2 techs. The medic took out their tricorders and scaned. After a minute they confirm what Red sensed. The bodies were all dead. They started moving towards the jefferies tube when they heard commotion. Red looked over to where they heard it and by a store front shi saw three figures. One was the mid teen chakat with blackish fur and maybe purple markings with dark hair. The other two were human and they wore what looked like Starfleet uniforms but there was some differences. They had a silver belt and slash combo, their commbadge was the wrong shape, and both had daggers. Red was behind a bush nearby and close enough to catch their conversation. "So who gets the kitten?"

"Since we both found hir I say we flip a credit chit."

"Deal but the loser should have play rights."

"Deal. Heads or tails?"

"Heads, you know when the Admiral be back?"

"Depends how long it takes to take that freighter out." Shi hears a sound of someone flipping a coin.

"Hah! Tails! I guess shi's my little sex toy. Shi will be fun to break." Red heard enough. Signaling one of hir security officers they both take aim and take out the fake Starfleeters. They went down with out a sound and Red rushed over to the teenage chakat.

"You okay?" The chakat was fearful but shi sensed sincerity and concern. Shi broke and hugged the lion colored chakat and sobbed. "SSShhhhh, it's okay. You're safe." Shi took a vouple minutes for the chakat to calm down. "Can you tell us what happened here?"

"It started out a normal day, everyone working I was scrapping for food when I heard some thuds and some humans wearing those weird uniforms beamed in with some furs. The furs also looked weird. All wore collars and they either killed or took everyone. I hid in the jefferies tubes till I got hungry." Red took out an energy bar which the chakat ate quickly.

"Your name?"


"Well Darnspark, you the best way to sneak into ops?" Darnspark smiled and lead them to the nearest tube.

Minutes later they were in a junction next to ops. It was normally used by techs for repairing and upgrading systems. Red and hir team set up to take ops. Shi felt four beings in there. Shi felt darkness from them. They were more of these fake Starfleeters. On hir signal they opened the door and neutralized the occupants. They secured the room and Red accessed the station logs and downloaded it to hir tricorder as shi commed the Guardian. "Guardian this is Commander Redstreak, this station was attacked. The force wears uniforms similar to Starfleet. Downloading station logs now. Note they expect their ship to return soon."

Captain Stonefur acknowledge the Lt. Commander's report just as sensors reported a ship dropping out of warp. The screen changed to show the arrival. The ship was bulky and large. It was somewhat boxy with a command section that started like a box before narrowing v shape at the bottom. A long spar connected the command section to the huge main body. Two thick pylons connect it's nacelles, old box and slim like. Similar to Guardian's. But the thing they got them the most was what was displayed on the flat front of the command section. In clear Terran the words for all to see.

I.S.S. Pegasus


Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 19: Mirror Invasion Part 1

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