Runaway Plant Experiment: Forced Union

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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Striker gave me permission to write this so enjoy how a plant brings two furs together

Runaway Plant Experiment:

Forced Union

By Admiral Q Inspired by Striker SA

Emerald got out of her car with a smile on her face, her first place of her own. Granted a small apartment but it was hers. She had recently graduated from college and already secured a good job as a intern for a company in the city of Huskyville and with the money she had left over from college she rented an apartment near her work. She enter the complex and took the elevator to the fifth floor and unlocked HER apartment. This was the second time she had been in the place, the first when she checked it out to rent. It was a basic apartment; Living room, bedroom, bathroom with a kitchenette in the living room. It had basic furnishings of a couch, bed, Table with a couple of chairs, and a chair or two. The rest she will have to provide. She headed back down stairs to empty her car. After twenty minutes all her personal belongings were in her apartment but not she needed to buy some more furniture and utensils for the kitchen and of course FOOD. She got groceries first then went to get more furniture to add her personal touch.

Lilika was walking down the stairs when she heard grunting and cursing and looked at the landing below her. There she saw a gray furred wolf female with black hair trying to lift a dresser up the stairs. She just shook her head in pity. The wolf may be healthy and fit but strong, nope. She decided to help the poor female. "Hey need a hand?" The female stopped and looked above her revealing her beautiful, bright emerald eyes to Lilika.

Emerald looked up at the voice that asked her the question. On the landing above her was a muscular female. Not body builder but certainly close to the ancient legends of amazons. She had gray and white fur similar to a foxes and gorgeous red hair that was like a mane around her head and piercing red eyes. All under a tight halter top and shorts. Emerald gave a slight smile and said.

"Yes I could, thank you." Then the two did a small dance as the fox female got passed Emerald and the dresser and put herself in a position to the lift the bottom.

"You ready?"


"Then lift in one.....two.....THREE!" the slowly but steadily got the dresser up the stairs and into her room.

"WHEW! That was harder than I thought." The female fox chuckled and replied.

"That's why you need to know your limits. Is this all you needed up?"

"Sadly no, I have a desk, a couple of small tables and a couple of chairs."

"Okay let's go get the desk next."

"Oh wait, I couldn't take more of your time." The fox shrugged it off.

" NAH! I was only going down to the gym for some exercise. This not only does that but allows me to know my new neighbor."

"Oh well my name is Emerald Graywolf.'

"I'm Lilka Foxwolf." the two shake hands and went back to work.

Two hours later all of Emerald's stuff was in and the two sat on the couch sipping pop. "Thanks for the help." Emerald says.

"No problem, glad I could help."

"Well let me cook diner for you in thanks. Dinner will be at 5:30."

"Deal." Lilika then left and had a shower to clean up and put on a change of clothes and took care of some finances while looking forward to dinner with the beautiful female wolf. Emerald also showered but then right on to making dinner happy to already have a friend in the building. At 5:20 there was a knock on the door and Emerald let Lilika in. It was then Emerald figure out she was wrong about Lilika. While the taller buffed female had a fox like fur pattern she wasn't a fox solely. The ruffled style of her fur was like that of Emerald's own and her tail while still fox fluffy it was wolf size. So her new friend was a fox wolf hybrid. Such hybrids were uncommon but not rare. After a bit of small talk Emerald served dinner. It was simple affair but well prepared and Lilika treasured the effort the wolf put in. While eating they discovered they were the same age of 23 and Emerald told of her job and asked what Lilika did.

"So what do you do Lilika?"

"I run and own the small gym in the basement."

"I saw a sign but couldn't find it off hand. Surprising to find a gym under an apartment complex?"

"Well the building's owner is a strange old elf but it works, most of my clients are living here."

"So your family rich?"

"Nope my fund were from a lucky lotto win. Not one of the big wins but got a couple hundred thousand. Enough to make my gym and allow me to live comfortably."

"I bet your parents are proud?" Lilika snorted.

"My parents couldn't care less. I couldn't be what they wanted so when 18 I left and legally changed my last name."

"I'm sorry to here that. Not everyone can have parents like mine. They were proud that I got a good job already."

"Then treasure that luck my friend. But don't pity me. I have my friends and they fill the gap my parents left and I can at least chose them." They moved on to better topics for a couple more hours before ending for the night but Lilika did say this. "Hey Emerald, try out the gym you have a week of free trials with this.' Lilika hands her a card. "After that if you like it you can get the 'Friendly Neighbor Discount'."

"Okay thanks."

And thus started the friendship between them. Emerald did become a full member of the gym with Lilika as her personal trainer. She went from cute and curvy to curvy and strong. She admitted to not wanting to be amazonian like her friend but she did get defined muscle. She also had her parents over and they enjoyed their stay but Lilika did notice a cool reception by Emerald's parents. She guessed that Emerald some how beat the bigotry that her parents have. However an event might change that.

It had been nearly a year since Emerald had moved into the apartment. Now normally she could get to sleep fast tonight she was restless. She decided to get dressed and work out hoping that would tire her out. She took the elevator to the basement and went into the girls locker room to put her towel away for the shower after the work out. Sleepy in sweaty fur is not a good idea. She then heard a shower in the communal shower room turn off and then she saw a naked Lilika walk out drying her fur till she noticed Emerald and both stared silently at eachother in shock. Emerald more so for there she saw Lilika in her nude glory, or more correctly HIR, that was a cock sheath just above the hybrid's vagina. Emerald back away a bit and Lilika sighed. This was exactly what shi was afraid of. Herms like hir are very rare and shi just happen to be one of the lucky ones. The issue with hir paretns was they wanted hir to be girly girl but shi couldn't thanks to hir dad's genes. Hir mother was a fox vixen and hir father a wolf. And he really wanted a daughter and tried to have hir in dresses and girl stuff while hir attitude was more tomboyish. After they tried to arrange a marriage shi left. Since shi kept hir true gender hidden usually using hir apartment's shower to clean up but it was late at night with the gym technically closed so shi thought it was safe. As policy those you lived in the complex got 24/7 access. And most of them were hir close friends and only hir closest friends knew hir true gender and shi had hoped to add Emerald one day to that group.

"Yes Emerald I'm a hermaphrodite. I meant to tell you when the time was right."

" just stay away from me you FREAK!" Lilika winced, that hurt and shi had heard it before when shi was a kid. "So all that time you were with me was just so you could stake another conquest well I'm not a prize."

'No, not rue I like having new friends, maybe it could have lead to something more but I was just looking for friendship."

"LIES, all lies. My parents told me about herms and I want nothing more to do with you." Emerald raced out of the room and back to her apartment. Lilika stood there in shock before punching the wall in anger. This could not have gone worse.

A month has past and people in the building complex knew that something went down between the two. Lilika's closest friends guessed right that it was about hir gender. Emerald stopped going to the gym despite the fact Lilika made clear that she could still go and arrange for another trainer for her but she refused to go. Shi strode by the TV while the evening news was on. <In other news the rash disappearances of several beings continues to grow. Authorities advise people to stay away from the beaches at this time. Mayor Luna has dedicated the entire police department to finding these missing people and bring their kidnappers to justice. We have also heard reports of Military units being mobilized but nothing confirmed yet.> Lilika frowned at the news and hoped the mayor shi elected could do something about this. Shi stripped and took a shower lament hir destroyed relationship with Emerald. Shi couldn't put the wolf fem out of hir mind. Shi had to face it. Shi was attracted to the wolf and her refusal hurt.

Eventually hir shower dragged hir thoughts away from that and hir rinsing felt like a cleansing on not just hir body but mind as well. Shi always loved they way the fur dryer felt on hir body. Shi stroked hir body as the hot blast dried hir fur. Shi opened the door and went over to grab hir sweaty work clothes when shi suddenly felt something go up hir butt. Shi looked behind hir seeing a green rope attached to hir rear and leading out of the room. Shi tried pulling it out but unknown to hir the bulb of the tentacle had inflated making removal impossible. The tentacle then pulled hir out of the bathroom and started dragging hir to a window. Shi manage to grab hir heavy sofa and pull back. Shi manage to keep hirself from going any further but nothing more. They seemed to be at a stalemate and Lilika called for help till shi felt something touch hir leg. "Seriously some HELP HERE!" Shi cried out again and felt it go up hir leg then in thrusts itself into hir pussy hard. Shi nearly lost hir grip then. The tentacle grind into hir pussy till it was in deep then it started thrusting in and ouch of hir. It was painful at first, shi wasn't aroused at all so it went in dry but over time it started feeling good. Shi tried to resist but as the pleasure built hir hold weakened. Despite the fact hir pussy was being raped shi felt hir cock come out due the feelings of pleasure and felt it bounce between the floor and hir belly. All of it was too much for Lilika and shi orgasmed right here and felt hir strength go and shi lost hir grip on the table. Shi was dragged across the floor somewhat painfully since shi was belly down and hir cock was still out. All hir attempts at purchase failed and shi looked behind hir to see some sort of bit bug by the window. Shi renewed hir attempt to get free but then the tentacle in hir pussy started again. The next thing shi knew was that hir body was halfway in the bugs tube like mouth. Shi tried one last time to call for help but all for naught. Shi was fully in the tube and felt it squeeze tight as it swallowed hir. Shi then felt the tentacles oull out of hir before shi was plopped into a opening here grunts and yells inside. Shi looked around and saw many of hir neighbors inside this thing including Emerald who was right next to hir.

"So it got you to." The wolf said coldly. Lilika ignored the remark and looked around but didn't see a way out and the area they were put in was like a a very comfy chair they you need someone's help to get off. After a minute of shifting shi only ended up in the same position and helplessly waited with the others as the bag fly searched for more prey.

To Lilika it seemed about an hour before something other than more beings being added happened. The tube they came in opened and instead of someone new it was a bunch of tentacles. The grabbed the nearest being and Lilika noticed a different tentacle attach to her muzzle and quickly the female went limp and was carried out. Eventually it became Lilika's turn. Shi tried to resist, even bitting the special tentacle but all useless. It got onto hir muzzle and shi smelled something sweet and shi became drowsy then shi felt somethings squeeze against hir body before hir body hit something and the tentacle mask released hir. It took hir a bit for the drug to wear off and was getting up when another being joined hir. It was Emerald drugged like shi was and Lilika went over to help her up. As son as Emerald was clean of the drug she yank her arm away. "Don't touch me!" Lilika raised hir hands.

"Sorry just trying to help. Save the attitude when we are out." Emerald sighed, Lilika had a point.

"So where are we?" Lilika looked around for the first time. Everything was lighted in a green light and shi saw they were in a big cavern filled with...pods? They looked like pods each filled with a liquid or gel with a being in it with tentacles holding them and place and.....RAPING THEM? Shi also notice most of the pods near hir had two beings in them both opposite and same sex couplings.

"Where ever we are we better get out of here." Lilika knelt down and continued. "Emerald get on my shoulders and try to force the top open."

'Yah like I can lift hir, here we go.' Emerlad gets on Lilika's shoulders and the tall buffed fox/wolf easily gets Emerald to the top. The wolf tries to get the top opened but it seemed seal like it never could open but she kept trying. Suddenly the top shot gas at her. It smelled sweet and she quickly felt very aroused and wanted a cock in her. She tried to fight off the feeling and get back to the task but she was SSOOO horny and needed a cock and she knew where the nearest one was.

Lilika stood there supporting the wolf and looked at a nearby pod. In there a Unicorn mare and a female dragon were going at it with gusto; rubbing and caressing eachother as tentacles were in their pussy and butt, two more latched to their nipples and seemingly milking them, another mask one looking to provide air for them as the remaining tentacles loosely held them. Lilika couldn't be help but be a little aroused by the sight. While a herm and thus technically bisexual Lilika was always more attracted to females over males shi figured it was hir dad's genes contributing to that. And the way hir parents treated hir. Wanting hir to a normal girl just with a dick kinda made hir more interesting in hir male half. Back to the issue at hand it seemed that what ever this was didn't want to eat them but why it wanted to rape them shi had no clue. They still had to get out of here. "Any luck Emerald?" Shi asked and in response the wolf dropped down and move to the front of the fox/wolf. Her eyes clouded and before Lilika could ask what happened the wolf jumped a bit arms closing around hir neck and kissed hir passionately. To say that Lilika was shocked was an understatement. Shi forced Emerald away. "Emerald what the hell we've got to get out of here."

"I don't care I need that cock of yours in me..NOW!" The wolf jumped again for another kiss. Again Lilika grabbed the wolf to force her off again when shi smelled a sweet smell and made hir cock shoot out and hir pussy leak. Shi needed sex and shi needed it now. Shi knew Emerald was right there and she would do. Without ceremony shi impaled the wolf on hir cock causing the wolf to groan, till the plant she was a virgin so still very tight. Shi then starting thrusting in and out of the wolf not noticing the pod filling with fluid that was somewhere between gel and water, nor the tentacles or more accurately vines emerge. Four of them quickly attach to the two's nipples and began milking them for their milk. Two more closed in and went into their butts causing more moans between the two. The vines went deep enough to take their waste and as the plant learn earlier it vibrated the vine causing more pleasure for it's victims. Two more came up one entered Lilika's pussy and started thrusting in and out as the smaller branch covered hir clit and pee hole. Another smaller one slowly got between the two lovers and coiled around hir cock before splitting two ways. One covered Emerald's clit and pee hole and the other entered Lilika's cock slit to collect some of hir semen. More vines coiled around their arms and legs. By this point the fluid was at their necks and two mask vines came down waiting for an opportunity to attach. It came soon enough as the two came and howled their pleasure till muzzled and both felt a small tube enter their mouth to feed them and the breathe air and a bit of the gas that kept Lilika hard but shi couldn't do much for hir cock had a knot like hir father's. Both lovers rested a bit but not long as the gas took affect and Lilika caressed emerald's breasts and started thrusting again much to the pleasure of the wolf.

It didn't take long for all thoughts of escape to leave and soon the gas was no longer necessary. Thus how their days progressed, sex and rest with being fed their milk and semen through out it all. Not event Emerald's pregnant belly got much in the way. The only time did something get in the way was when Emerald gave birth to a child but they were soon at it again afterward. The plant itself was very happy with the energy it got from these strange dual sexed food. Sadly for the plant it captured to few of them. It seemed there weren't many of such food so over the time it tried to make sure any child a duel sexed food had was also duel sexed. Luckily it's preservation fluid kept it's food from aging so it had time to study the problem. It did have some success and even had two of such offspring partnered and it got much energy from that pair. It's Queen Tanzi approved of its work till she stop caring and enjoyed her partner Mr. Hood. As for Lilika and Emerald, their issues no longer existed on the pleasure of eachother existed and the plant that made it happen. They didn't care about anything else in their eternal partnership.

* * * * *

Of course this wasn't the only ending of the story of the Runaway Plant Experiment thus on the only ending for Lilika and Emerald.

Lilika didn't know how long shi has been in the pod but shi certainly had a good distraction with hir forced mating with Emerald. The wolf female was a good lover though this thing did giver her a hand. Emerald herself seemed to just be waking up from after their latest sex round. Lilika was curious, this THING didn't give them enough time after a rest period for hir to have rational thought so why now? Shi felt the tentacles holding hir let got though the ones in hir butt, pussy, and around hir cock gave hir a tingle of pleasure. Shi got use to them in hir as well as hir cock hard nearly all the time. Shi then looked up and saw their pod emptying. Was this thing letting them go? Nice but why? Quickly the pod was drained of fluid and the two stood their with soaked fur wondering what to do next when the top opened up and tentacles grabbed them and lifted them up and both went through a tube till shi was plopped on a soft ground. Shi felt a blanket cover hir and someone helped hir up and away.

Shi eventually found hirself on a cot in a medical tent sipping a coffee after the medical teams poke and prodded hir more then the thing did. One of the personnel finally approached hir and asked. "How are you feeling?"

"Relieved and confused. Why did it let us go?"

"It was part of the deal with the plant's Queen Tanzi and Mr. Hood."

"Deal? Plant?"

"What got you was a plant created from an accident in a government lab."

"Heard about that, I thought they killed it?"

"The original yes but this was an offspring that survived thanks to Tanzi. Well Mr. Hood met with Tanzi and a deal was struck. Tanzi's plant gets to live and Tanzi herself work for Mr. Hood and the plant frees all of it's victims it used for a food source."

"So all that yiffing it made us do was for food?"

"Yup it feeds on sexual energy." Lilika snorts then asks.

"Okay how is it going to live if everyone is being released?"

"I don't know the details but prisoners were mentioned and a resort setup."

"Well thanks, when can I go home?"

Shi went home the next day and had to first clear out the fridge since it had been nearly a month since shi was captured. Thankfully shi didn't have to worry about late rent since the owner was in the plant to. Shi tried to resume hir life as it was before the plant though shi noticed shi went nude more often, clothes just didn't feel the same. But other than that things became normal. Shi did learn the plan for the plant. It seems that Hood planned a island resort for those willing to temporarily wanted to be taken by the plant for a kinky vacation. For a more permanent supply all life sentenced or death row were to be giving to the plant to spend the rest of their lives as nothing more than a food source. 'Well that was one way to solve the prison population issue.' Shi thought as shi head down for the gym and notice Emerald coming out over her next door apartment. The wolf seemed have a more desperation about being away from hir. It seems their forced union didn't break her feelings about herms. And that hurt, it shouldn't but it did. Emerald went by without even looking at hir and headed downstairs. Lilika tried to work out the frustration and pain but shi kept seeing Emerald in hir mind. The feel of her fur, the tightness of her pussy. Shi sometimes wish they were still in the plant without dealing with the outside world. Shi's been tempted more than once in the weeks since shi was freed to go to the island and work out a deal to be a permanent food source. Shi eventually tired hirself out and went up to hir room and showered before relaxing on hir couch think of what to do next when the doorbell ran. Grabbing a T-Shirt large enough to cover hir bits shi opened the door to see something shi didn't expect to see.

Emerald knew she was desperate but she had no where else to turn now. She wished that plant never existed. She lost her job during the whole incident. The business was far from where the plant roamed during it's time and many of it's employees were not captured so her now ex-boss couldn't wait so they hired a replacement. Shi was job searching but right now she had a burger joint job but that could only do so much, especially with the news the med teams gave her. Everyone released by the plant were given a through examination and hers showed that she was pregnant and their could be only one father, Lilika. Her bad luck that her heat was during their captivity and since other than resting they were yiffing their brains out in the pod for a month it was probably unavoidable. After getting her place and work in order did she finally visit her parents. They talked a bit went she was freed but not much since. They invited her in and offered her a drink when her mother asked how it was going. "Mom I wish it was better. I lost the job I had before being captured by the plant and right only found a job at a burger joint and to add to it all I'm pregnant."

"Who's the father?"

"Lilika Foxwolf." Emerald's father's look went from very cold to a burning rage as he screamed.


"It wasn't my fault dad the plant..."

"THAT'S DOESN'T MATTER. WHAT MATTERS IS THAT I NOW HAVE A FREAK FOR A GRANDBABY FORMING IN THE WOMB AND EVEN WORSE, YOU LOST THAT JOB. I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO DISAPPOINTED IN YOU EMERALD. YOU HAVE FAILED ME!" He let out a deep breath and turned so his back faced her. "Get out, I no longer have a daughter so get out and never come back." Tear filled Emerald looked to her mother for help but her mother look down and away with a shamed look on her face. She was ashamed of her daughter to. Sadden beyond belief all she could feel was betrayal and anger. She stood up and snarled at her former father.

"FINE, IF THAT IS HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT ME THEN YOU WEREN'T WORTHY OF BEING MY FATHER. IT IS EXPECTED FOR A PARENT TO SUPPORT A CHILD AND YOU HAVE CLEARLY FAILED. YOUR BELIEF AND PRIDE HAS BLINDED YOU." She then looked at her former mother. "AND YOU, don't even have the strength to defend you own child but then you believe the same as him don't you. The world has to fit in your little box about it. Never minding the circumstances that led to it. I came for help and support and all I got was rejection. I was wrong about the two of you. You don't want me anymore well the same applies to you so SCREW YOU!" She then threw the glass she was holding at her dad and ran out the door and drove home never to see them again.

When she got to her home she collapsed on her bed weeping for the loss of family. After about an hour she needed to think. She's pregnant with a low paying job and no family for support. Things were not good and she firmly did not believe in abortion it was a coward's way out. But she needed help and she could sadly only think of one you might do it. She got up and straighten herself before going to the door of Lilika's apartment. She was scared, she hadn't treated the fox/wolf well since she learned hir true gender. She took a deep breath and released it and knocked on the door. The door open and Emerald saw a look of shock on the hybrid's face. "Could..could I have a word with you?"

Lilika didn't know what to make of it. Emerald has spent all this time avoiding hir. Now here she is, looking small,weak, submissive, and desperate. Part of hir wanted to slam the door in her face but the look in the eyes got hir curious. Shi moved out of the way and the wolf came in. Lilika offered a seat which Emerald took and shi took the couch and waited. This was Emerald's show. The wolf female looked down to the ground and began. "Lilika I owe you an apology. You didn't deserve the treatment I gave you. My only excuse was that's how my parent's raised me. I realize that they were wrong. You see Lilika, I carry your child and my parents didn't take it well, they disowned me so I ask for your help with this child of ours." She was crying at the end but the tears were affecting Lilika as effectively as they normally would.

"DO you know how much you hurt me Emerald? I considered you a friend, getting to be a close friend. In a couple months I would have revealed my true gender. Then even after the plant you got worse and that hurt more, so why should I help you?" Emerald got on to her knees in front of Lilika sobbing.

"Please, I'll do anything. I can't raise this child alone. I ask for mercy for the sake of the child." Lilika watched her and shi made a decision.

"I will help raise our child.' Emerald looked up with joy in her tear filled eyes. "But you still have to pay for the way you treated me. So we will begin a new pack with me as alpha and are my sex slave now. You work your job but went home you are mind to do with as I please and the first in that is this. I want you naked at home. You have a beautiful body and I want to see it. But don't worry." Shi took off hir shirt. "You get to look at me to. We will raise our child together no matter the gender and it will know it's loved. Now to seal the deal between us. Strip and suck on my cock." Emerald was surprised at the conditions and with the hesitation she caused a growl from Lilika. "If you want me to believe your sincerity then do as I command."

Emerald gulped and closed in on the fox/wolf's sheath. She noticed no balls under it so they must have be internal so shi just saw the sheath and the pussy of the hybrid herm. She paused just inches before the sheath with part of her mind saying that this was wrong, but that part was taught by the parents that disowned her so screw it. Gathering her courage she nuzzled the sheath taking the musky scent in. It did smell good. To her tender care Lilika's cock comes out and Emerald takes it into her muzzle. She felts the hot meat on her tongue and with her tongue caressing it as much moved her muzzle up and down the cock. She heard Lilika moan in pleasure and manage a small smile. Lilika may dominate her for now on but she did have some control and she was starting to like this.

This continued for minutes before Lilika pulled away and stroked hir cock till shi sprayed hir seed all over Emerald. When down shi looked at the cum covered wolf and smiled. "Thus now your mine, now let's get you cleaned off." Lilika led her to the shower where shi cleaned her off but couldn't help claiming hir mate again.

Emerald gave birth to a herm child that they named Dawn. Shi had the coloring of a wolf but hir belly area had a slightly lighter gray and hir sire's red hair. Both hir parent's silently swore to love and support their child no matter what. As for Emerald's relationship with with Lilika was interesting but healthy. While many times Lilika showed hir dominance most of the time shi shown love and care, constantly caressing and kissing Emerald's growing belly before kissing Emerald. Which usually led to other things. Lilika had the wall between their apartments and making a condo out of it. And Emerald did get a better job went Dawn was old enough and they seemed happy. However Emerald sense unease in her mate and decided to be bold. "What's wrong love, you don't seem very happy lately?"

"Drat I hoped I was hiding it from you. You know I love you and our daughter very much?"

"Of course my love, we might have had a very rough start but I wouldn't change this for the world."

"But for some reason I'm feeling a lack somewhere, even though our jobs are successful, our mating is healthy and our child is happy." Emerald thought about the problem, she started stroking her mate's sheath as she did so causing her mate to moan slightly. But as her hand went down she brushed the top of Lilika's pussy and the proverbial light bulb went off.

"I got it love!"

"You do?"

"Yes, you are a herm. You have male and female needs. While I can provide for your male needs I can't for your female needs." Lilika sighs.

"Then we have no solution then."

"Sure we do. Go find a male." Lilika was shocked to say the least.

"But, us? Our daughter?"

"My love, some packs the alpha has the right to have multiple mates. While those who raised me didn't practice it, others did. But if you are worried so much. I grant you permission to find a male mate."

"I'm usually the one granting permission. Very well I'll start looking....tomorrow." Lilika then kissed hir mate and pushed her down on the couch and began a love session.

A week or so later Lilika was checking the supplies in the girl's locker room when Colleen walked in. The Collie morph was among Lilika's close friends and knew hir true gender. They said their hello's and the collie got dressed into her work clothes when she said. "Hey Lilika a friend of mine has moved into the city and I'd like hir to meet my friends here."


"Yup shi's a herm like you."

"Oh, cool. When and where?"

"Tomorrow night at the movie theater."

"Okay I'll bite as long as Emerald can come. What movie?"

"Sure she can come and it's Kung Fu Creatures On The Rampage..3!"

"Oh jeeze they made another one. Okay cya tomorrow night then."

The next night Lilika and Emerald left Dawn in the care of a babysitter and went to the local theater. Their they saw some of their friends from the gym and others. Colleen was talking to a gold dragoness with a slim figure when Lilika and Emerald walked up. Colleen saw them walk up and greeted them. "Lilika, Emerald, welcome. This is my friend Treasure. Treasure, this is Lilika and Emerald Foxwolf." The Dragon turned to them and lilika could understand hir name. With hir gold scales and green eyes shi was like a living piece of treasure.

"Good to meet you, Colleen has told me about you." Shi extended hir hand which took Lilika a moment to take. The group went inside got their tickets and snacks and went in. Somehow Treasure got seated next to Lilika and they watched the film. The film was not the great but entertaining. They left bemoaning the lack of imagination of Hollywood these days. They went to dinner and Treasure and Lilika really got into a conversation leaving both Emerald and Colleen smirking.

Over the next months the four of them went out at various events and activities. Colleen even invited Treasure to the gym and had Lilika coach hir. She did notice some of the blushes the fox/wolf had at times. Colleen and Emerald got together on day and talked about the two herms and plotted.

Lilika was walking into the restaurant, Emerald said she had a reservation for hir and shi was curious to why hir mate wanted a dinner hear where they have to be clothed instead of at home in fur. Shi walked up to the waiter and said. "There should be a reservation for a Lilika or Emerald Foxwolf." The waiter looked through a paper and replied.

"Yes we do have one for a Lilika Foxwolf, please follow me?" He led hir through the restaurant till the reached a table, but it was occupied. Treasure was as surprised as Lilika was. Lilika went to the waiter.

"Sir this table is occupied."

"Yes it's a combined reservation for Lilika Foxwolf and Treasure of Clan Sungold." The two herms look at eachother shrugged and Lilika took a seat. The waiter handed them their menu's and walked away.

"I think we've been had." Treasure says.

"I agree I think I know why Emerald did it but what about Colleen assuming you were to meet her."

"I was supposed to meet her. (sigh) Let's have dinner first before we discussed this." Lilika nodded and they opened their menu's.

They had a nice dinner and had some small talk but as the waited for desert Lilika popped the question. "So as I said I know why Emerald did this but do you know why Colleen would set you up?"

"Well part of the reason I moved here was to settle down a bit and start a family. My clan heavily populates my home town so most there felt like my bothers and sisters than a potential mate. And after 10 years with the special forces I had my fill there. I knew Colleen moved here and liked it and Striker and his mate liked the area though when I asked why they giggled. So I said might as well try here."

"And for me while I love Emerald very much and she satisfies my male needs very well I still have a female side that she can't satisfy. I'm guessing She and Colleen notice my admittedly attraction for you and decided to force the issue."

"Well I admit I was attracted to you as well but thought you were unavailable. But if your mate put this together then she has given her blessing. So what do you say? Wanna see where this goes?" Lilika admitted to hirself that having a herm mate would be good, they could satisfy eachother's needs and shi didn't have to worry about how someone would take it like Emerald first did.

"Yeah, I'm willing to try." The paid the bill and got into Lilika's car, Treasure took a cab tonight to get there and they headed for Treasure's place. During the drive Lilika absently said.

"Striker, that name sounds familiar." Then the light bulb went on. "I know! He was in the plant with me and Emerald."

"You were in that thing!?" Lilika nodded.

"I just got out of the shower when that thing nabbed me. It then put me and Emerald together and we were stuck in that thing for about a month before the deal was struck." They arrived at Treasure's apartment. Shi had a corner apartment and nicely furnished and perfect for a single being. The went to hir bedroom and began stripping eachother. Lilika loved the exotic feel of the dragon herm's scales It's texture so different to what shi was used to. Treasure meanwhile enjoyed the feel of Lilika's fur, so soft and cuddly. Most of hir home town were dragons and shi never was intimate with anyone in Striker's group so shi never felt fur like shi did now. AND SHI LIKED IT.

The two continued to caress eachother till they were next to the bed and Treasure pushes the fox/wolf on to the bed and both got a good look at eachother. Treasure saw hir lover's body without hinderence. It was a perfect blend of fox and wolf and even male and female. Lilika had muscle but shi still had clear feminine figure. Shi was like a amazon except but the well endowed cock jutting up from hir sheath. Shi liked what shi saw. Lilika meanwhile got hir full view of Treasure. The Dragon had a healthy body but not a fit one. Shi looked forward to changing that. But it was clearly more feminine than hir own and hir cock looked ridged. The issue with herms that no matter which role they plan to be in a sex act both sets of organs respond. Treasure got onto the bed looked eye to eye with Lilika and passionately kissed hir as shi entered the fox/wolf. Both groan into eachother's muzzles and Treasure doesn't move just to feel the pleasure of being in Lilika. Then shi started moving. Lilika for part was in complete bliss. Shi never had a dragon lover before so shi was new to the ridge cock and man did it feel good. Shi had hir tongue hanging out and playing with Treasure's breasts. The next few minutes all either could think about was the pleasure they brought to eachother till Lilika started saying. "OH Treasure! I'm CUMING! I'M CUUUUMMMMING!"

"ME TOO!AAAAAHHH!" Lilika howls and Treasure roars as they cum together After a couple of minutes Treasure collapses on top of hir lover and the two rest for a bit before trying other positions and even switching roles throughout the night.

Treaure moved in with hir new mates and liked the house rule of nudity. Shi did have to hide what shi was here and loved that feeling. Shi and Emerald also became close and good lovers. All three of them had many wonderful children together and Lilika did buff up the dragon a bit. The three had a very happy life and were the beginning of the influential pack. All it all began from a encounter with a freaky plant.

War Hound Chapter 8

Samantha felt a rubbery surface on her belly as she woke up. She was confused till she saw her mates sleeping form underneath her. It was the first time she had seen them sleep in this form. IT amazed her that when she first saw this form she was so...

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Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 17

A year had past since we last saw Red and shi was getting near the end of another leave playing with Goldwolf and Silverstreak in the backyard when Dallie called out. "HEY RED STARFLEET'S ON THE LINE!" "Coming." Dallie took care of her nieces while...

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Myth And Legends Chapter 3

After that close brush Jezeca decided to call it a night and headed back for the apartment. She takes a runabout way to the apartment to shake off any tails. When she arrives on the roof. She takes a few sniffs and listened intently. Sensing nothing...

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