Myth And Legends Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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Jezeca finds a new profession and Sura revels her past.

After that close brush Jezeca decided to call it a night and headed back for the apartment. She takes a runabout way to the apartment to shake off any tails. When she arrives on the roof. She takes a few sniffs and listened intently. Sensing nothing out of the ordinary she changes and puts her clothes back on. She then went down to the apartment that was now her home strip again and went to bed.

A few weeks later Jezeca was reading when Jessica burst out of her room. "Hey Jezi!" It amazed the werewolf that Jessica came up with the same nickname Pup gave her centuries ago, it made this place more like home. "I just won a couple of tickets to tomorrow's wrestling night, you wanna come?"


"Yeah, guys and gals fight eachother till one is pinned. I can be fun to watch when it's local."

"Okay you're on" The young teen hugs her before going back to her room leaving a smiling Jezeca behind.

The next night the two headed for the SWL Arena. It's on the small side for an arena but then it only host's the cities wrestling league so it was large enough. They got their snacks and found their assigned seats. Jezeca looked around. The place wasn't lit well, all the lights were focused on a rectangular platform in the center. The area around the platform was blocked from the crowd as well as a path between the platform and a stage at one side of the building. Twenty minutes later the lights dimmed more and Jezeca saw her first modern day wrestling match. She saw scantly or skintight clad men and women wrestle eachother and taunt eachother and excite the crowd. The martial styles used intrigued her. Heck the whole thing had her interest. They enjoyed the show and as they leave the arena Jessica asked. "So what do ya think, fun huh?"

"It was good. Do you know of a way to sign up for it?" Jessica looked at her with a shocked face.

"You want to be in the SWL?"

"Don't act surprised, I beat that gang that attack you and your mother. Before that I was a mercenary in my own time plus being a..." Jezeca paused as she almost reveled her wolf nature.

"A what?" Jessica asked.

"A leader of a group." Jezeca slides the truth on that one.

"Well good luck. Jezi."

The next day Jezeca had off from the warehouse so she headed back to the Arena. She walked through the main doors and saw the box office. She walked over to the only window that was open. "May I help you?" The ticket woman asked.

"Where do I sign up?"

"You want to fight?"

"Yes." The ticket woman looked her over then shrugged.

"Two hours before show starts you go to the side entrance. It's labeled so it's easy to find. And you have to sign some forms."

"And costumes?"

"Can't be naked or topless. After that anything goes." Jezeca thanked her and went shopping for an outfit. She wished she still had her dragon scale armor but she found a skin tight bright red top and bottom the covered what was necessary and she changed to she it fit easily on her werewolf form. Changing back she bought it and headed home.

Two nights later Jezeca went through the side entrance. After the guards wand her she goes to a desk she was pointed to. The woman there handed her a couple of papers and a pen and pointed to a desk normally seen in school. Jezeca went over and looked at the papers. In essence it was her agreeing that she has come of her own free will and any injuries in the ring are not sue able. She signed those no problem. The next was her personal info. She filled that out thankful for Lisa helping her make a identity. Who would have though the government needed to know so much. The last part asked for her call name as a wrestler. She put Luna as a name. She handed the papers back and the woman checked it. "Okay Luna, sign this sheet of paper to sign in and again when you sign out for the night. In a couple days we'll have a card for you. The general dressing rooms are down the hall and to the right and good luck."

"Thanks." Jezeca signed and went into the general dressing room. In truth it was divided in half. One for men, one for women. After that it was a main room with lockers for the wrestler's stuff, a shower area and a more private changing area for the more shy. Jezeca went into one of the private rooms striped and changed. After that she put her costume on and stuffed her clothes in the duffel bag she brought and stepped back out. Many of the other omen stop and stared at Jezeca. She smirked and one of the other women fighters comment.

"Wicked costume, how long did it take you to make that?"

"A while." Jezeca replied and began some stretches to loosen her muscles. When done she was directed to a waiting room that all the wrestlers would wait in.

A half an hour before the event started two people emerged with clipboards. The women with the clipboard summoned all the females over. "Alright ladies here's the match up tonight. Nina versus Linda, Maid versus Hera..." She listed of the match ups till she got to Jezeca. "Luna versus Amazon." After the matchup was done Jezeca stayed in the lounge room waiting the TV that showed the matches. She watch her fellow fighters in the ring as they called it. Seeing their moves and looking for weaknesses when she fought them. Finally the match before hers was up and she went to the stage entrance. "Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you. AMAZON!" She hears the announcer yell out. A few seconds later she hears. "Any her opponent tonight. A newcomer to the ring." The stage hang signals her to go. She heads out as the announcer says. "I give you, LUNA!" Jezeca walked down the isle towards the ring. She climbed into the ring and looked at her opponent. She was a mix indian and black heritage with a lot of muscles with her hair up in a ponytail and wearing a one piece leotard outfit. They stood on opposite sides of the ring with the referee just off the middle. The bell rang and the two went at it. Jezeca ducks a punch and delivers one of her own. It hits Amazon in the gut causing her to step back to which Jezeca kicks out and trips the woman with a kick to the legs. Amazon topples to the mat and Jezeca quickly dives in and holds the woman in a pin. Amazon tries to break the pin but it was no use and the third time the referee's hand hit the mat the bell rung and Jezeca let the woman go and the referee took one arm an raised it up as the announcer declares. "And the winner is LLUUUNAAA!" She heard some cheering but many were shocked by how fast that fight was. Jezeca then walked over to Amazon who laid there shock by how fast she lost and saw Luna above her smiling with a hand extended. With a little hesitation she grabbed the hand the Luna pulled her up.

"Strength isn't everything, speed is a factor."

"I'll say, you were almost a blur but you do have a good punch." Luna just smiled at her. That is one heck of a mask. The two enter the waiting room with Amazon vowing to get better for a rematch.

The rest of the event went on and Jezeca was allowed to stay for sometimes the more veteran fighters might request a match with some of the newbies or the owners had a special event planned but nothing happened tonight and the fighters were allowed to change. Jezeca went into the private room and changed back before strolling to the showers naked, centuries of being a werewolf destroyed her modesty and took a shower because it would be expected after wearing a full body costume though in truth she didn't break a sweat. Dried and reclothed she signed out and waved goodbye to her fellow fighters. Out the side door and walking past the main entrance she heard. "JEZI!" She looked and saw Jessica running towards her.

"Hey little Jes. Enjoy the show?"

"Oh yes, I didn't see you at first but then I figure you had a costume and going by looks and guess your Luna?"

"Spot on."

"COOL! You beat Amazon in like a minute and with the REALLY cool costume. Can I see it?"

"Nope sorry, only in the ring will you see it."


"Sorry but that's the way it is. Come on let's go home."

The next few days Jezeca was in the ring as Luna and dominating all her opponents fairly quickly and rose in the ranks. The fighter manager though told her that people like to be entertained and the fights were going to quickly and that she should try something fancy in her next match. Jezeca thought about it and did observe the more veteran fighters doing flashy moves and the crowd eating it up. She had always been taught that the quicker the fight the better and while truth in a life or death fight here in the SWL it wasn't. SO as she got into the ring the next time fighting a woman called Meter Maid she climbed one of the corner posts and howled to the crowd. They ate it up and she hoped down to fight her opponent. Meter maid was dressed in a scantly clad version of a uniform she had seen on the streets. The bell rang and the two went at eachother and grappled for a bit before breaking off and Meter Maid trying for a punch to which Jezeca jumped and flipped over Maid to the cheer of the crowd and kicked maid causing the woman to fall forward. Then Jezeca rang to the rope as she seen other fighters do. Stretch it a bit and used it to catapult towards the getting up maid with an arm outstretched. It hit dead on and maid fell to the ground again. Jezeca howled again and turned back to see maid rolling of the ring to the cleared floor below. Jezeca followed only to have the prop Meter maid brought with her. A meter pole hit her in the belly. Jezeca staggered back holding her belly.

"Okay that hurt." Maid swung the meter again and Jezeca jumps and flips over the woman and unleashes a kick that hits maid in the head causing her to fall to the floor dazed as her head hits the floor. Jezeca then grabs maid and throws her back into the ring and leaps up to go into the ping. Maid was too dazed to put up resistance as the bell rang. She then helped maid onto the stretcher that pulled up and allowed the healers to do their work. She did favor her right side as she walked back to the lounge when a man with a mike as she heard them called raced up.

"Luna, Luna! Rex Ryan for NWN. That was a much longer fight than you previous matches, you have any idea why?"

"Simple Mr. Ryan. Some of my fellow fighters suggested I be more flashy for the crowd. They pay money to be entertained. I can do that."

"You sure it isn't just she was tougher?"

"Oh she was tough, especially with that meter but I could have ended it earlier." She walked away and she hears the man say.

"You heard it from Luna herself. She's doing it for the fans."

When she got back to the apartment Lisa and Jessica were watching something on the TV. Lisa waved at her and she waved back before heading for her room. Once in she had a strong scent of Jessica in her room. She smiled that Jessica is still trying to find her spare suit. Luckily for her she carried her suit with her always.

A few weeks pasted and Jezeca made enough money from wrestling that she quit the warehouse job. They were sorry to see her go but wished her luck. The cool part wa she now had an intro. The stage changed to blue and white lights with an image of a full moon on the screens. With music playing the crowd either howled or chanted. "LUUNNA! LUUNNA!LUUNNA!" She walks out and the crowd howls and when she gets to the ring she climbs a corner and howls with the crowd howling again. She hops of the corner post and faces her opponent. Panther was a black woman clad in a black catsuit so tight against her skin you could see the lines of her muscles. Panther was among the top female fighters in the league. Both took their combat stances then the bell rang. What followed was a great display of acrobatics, speed and strength. Ten minutes after it began Jezeca heard the ref hit the mat a third time with his hand and the bell rang. This was quite a work out, it took all her effort not to let her tongue hand out as she panted for fear of revealing her true nature. She helps the heavily breathing Panther. "Good......match." Jezeca says between pants.

"I...can..agree....But....I ....want....a ....rematch...someday..."

"Look forward to it." Jezeca then helps Panther to the lounge. As Luna Jezeca has gain the reputation of being merciless in the ring but kind and friendly out of it.

She rested in the lounge as the rest of the fighter went to the locker rooms to change. The reason she wasn't it was a full moon night and couldn't change back. She was luckily to last long enough to punch in and get to the locker room before the change hit. She waved to the unclad Panther as she leaves the building. Even before their fight a budding friendship was forming. Finally the last fighter left and she punched showered and punched out. Left the building with her clothing in a duffel bag and after looking around for anyone she leaped up to the roof. She then roofed hopped from roof to roof and a half an hour later she's on the roof of her apartment when she heard a whistling sound. Instinctively dodging she hears something hit the ground from where she was before. A dart! She looks around and sees a small group of black clad people leaping from magic carpets, one distinctly a wizard of some kind. Tossing her bag to the side and gets into a combat stance. A couple of the attackers raised their guns and shot again. Jezeca dodge and closed in. She quickly disarms them and knocked them to the roof just to be hit by a blast of magical energy. It throws her ten feet and she has a bit of trouble getting up. She see's the wizard prepare another spell and tries to get him before he completes it when another of his friends steps in the way and swung a sword causing her to break off her attack. "He wants you alive, not unharmed." She swung some more getting some good cuts on Jezeca before falling with a broken neck but she bought time a blast of magical energy with with a silver aura hits her dead on and the pain was tremendous and she falls to the roof breathing hard till the wizard picks her up so she can see him in the eye.

"You killed my girlfriend, be blessed that my employer wants you alive but he's paying double now when I show you to him." Using her reserves she flip kicks him and lands hard on the roof belly first. He wasn't so lucky being next to the ledge. The kick knocked him over the side and he screamed till a splat was heard. With her strength gone she crawled to her bag and got her cell phone out. It was such a remarkable device and loved it. Especially now but she did fear what the future meant for her but she was out of options. She dialed Lisa's number.


"Lisa I need your help, I've been attacked on the roof."

<I'm on my way.> She hung up. And Jezeca waited.

She barley rested when the rooftop door opened and she hears Lisa. "Jezeca, where are you?"

"" Jezeca hears Lisa get close.

"OH! GOD! I got to call an ambulance!" Jezeca grabs Lisa's arm.

"NO!, No ambulance! Just help me." Against her better judgment Lisa does as asked she looks over her shoulder to her daughter.

"Jessica put a beach towel on the couch." Her daughter nods and races down as Lisa carefully lifts Jezeca up and puts an arm over her shower and the two slowly make their way to their apartment. Once in the apartment Lisa laid her down on the couch as Jessica hands her a medkit. "Good now go get Jessica's bag honey." Jessica didn't want to leave their side but the look her mother gave brook no argument. Lisa look back to her friend and started cleaning the wounds. "Obviously this is no suit." With a sigh Jezeca responds.

"Yes, I'm a werewolf. I never mean any harm to you and Jessica. You to are the only people I can trust in this time. I have been ripped out of my own time and doing my best here. If you want me to leave after this I will." Now it was Lisa's turn to sigh and petted Jezeca's hair.

"No, you're practically family and you have saved our lives. But I want total truth between us for now on."

"Deal." Lisa went back to her work and the two were quiet as Jessica return with Jezeca's bag.

"So will these heal?"

"Yeah, they'll just take longer since their silver and magic silver based."

"So silver can kill you?"

"Yup, anything the can puncture my heart or take off my head or head shot will kill me but anything else I will heal from."

"Cool." Jessica comments.

"Ya, being a werewolf does has it's perks." Once her wounds her bandaged they got her into her room and laid her down. She fell asleep soon afterward. The cops did question Lisa and Jessica and not knowing that Jezeca was home was not questioned about the dead people found. It was later put down as a gang squabble that went bad.

Jake was in a bad mood. Another team had encountered Jezeca and got owned. The two survivors reported their attack and failure. It seems the stories were right about her skill. He can imagine her being an alpha of a pack. But his mood couldn't last long. He was walking up to Sura's home. He hasn't been allowed here before so he was curious. She answered the door herself.

"Jack! Please come in." He did so and looked around. The place a a magnificent mansion. High ceilings, various paintings and other works of art. But the biggest thing of all was the feeling of home to it. Despite it's gaudy looks and artifacts the place had a feeling of home in it. Sura lead them to a big dinning room and said. "You have good timing, the chef just got done please rake a seat." He does take the seat offered allowing him to face the fireplace the cast the room in a warm glow. The dinner was a steak with potatoes and a nice champagne. They ate for a few minutes in silence until Sura asks.

"So what do you think of my place?"

"It's very nice and has a feeling of being a home rather than a building and..." He pauses as he sees the painting above the fireplace. Sura smiled as she waited for this. Jake looked on in shock. Their above the fireplace was a near life size painting of a werewolf with the same fur coloration as Jezeca. Jake looked at Sura with an unsaid question.

"You have wondered why I supported your efforts, this is why. My ancestor made this centuries ago. What her story said was she was captured and raped by a crime lord until said crime lord took a girl under the protection of a werewolf. That werewolf killed the crime lord and freed her. She fled home but never got the werewolf's name but remembered her looks and painted this."

"That does jive with what I heard about Jezeca and the picture is a perfect match to our wayward werewolf. So what happened after that?"

"Well after months of therapy she bought a male werewolf slave and he became her bodyguard and lover. Much to her father's displeasure. This painting was her second one. The first left behind as her father's house was overrun by his political enemies. She at first escape with her lover but an assassin killed him but was in turn killed by a werewolf she had allow to escape her owner. The two went to the hideout her father made and became lovers and raised the child she bore from her male lover. This mansion sits where that hideout used to be. I myself am not fully human but I can't change to a wolf form but I do have strength and stamina greater than a pure human."

"Amazing and I bet you are still trying to repay the debt right?"

"Yes but I think bring her back from the dead paid it but I would like to know about her."

"So do I." Suddenly a load noise was heard and Jake hears Sura growl (very much like a wolf's).

"Just a minute I have to deal with my brother."

"I go a meet him." She shrugs and the head to the 2nd floor and Sura opens the door.

"RICKY I TOLD YOU TO KEEP IT DOWN!" Ricky a ten year old look at her and said.

"Sorry sis but wrestling was on and Luna was fighting." Both adults look at the screen and see a female dressed in a coyote colored costume being a cat suited female. Jake got close to the TV smiled and looked back at Sura.

"I think we found her." On the screen showed a grinning Luna, or should I say, JEZECA.

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