From Ashes Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#31 of Chakat Universe

Shadow begins hir life as a herm fox

Shi gets not 5 steps when shi here's someone call hir name. Looking shi spots a Starfleet officer in medical colors coming up to hir."Shir Phoenix I thought I miss you. If you will come with me." "Why I am formally dismissed from Ambassador and I want to get home?" "Sorry Shir Phoenix but we need to run some tests at are facility first." "And why? Chris Rasmussen is dead. He died giving birth to me. This is my body now, Lucian says my mind is whole and Ambassador's Doctor gave me a clean bill of health. So what reason should I go with you? I have a life to rebuild." "Sorry Shir Phoenix but I was given orders to get you and run some more tests."Shadow sighed. "Okay but I better be paid for this." "Very well Shir." With reluctance Shadow followed him to a transporter pad ad went to a Starfleet medical research building. Two hours later an annoyed Shadow emerges wearing only some shorts. If people were annoyed that shi was topless too bad. It was legal, shi was more comfortable that way, and shi was annoyed and wanted to share it. Thankfully the did pay hir but shi warned them that was the end. Shi headed to hir place. The manager handed hir a new key since Chris's was gone and shi enter hir place for the first time as Shadow Phoenix. It was a small apartment, Chris spent most of his time on Isis so never needed a big place. The main room was a combo living room kitchen. The place had small bathroom with sink, toilet, and shower and a decent bedroom. Once inside shi locked the door and fully stripped and feeling wonderful nude. Shi rested a bit before going out shopping for food but rested the rest of the day glad to be home. The next day shi went online and looked for work. Chris's money and what shi earned on the Ambassador were not enough to get a new small freighter and shi wasn't interested in hauling freight. However if the need arise shi could still pilot a ship and shi made sure to keep that ability. It always paid to be prepared. After a few hours shi applied to several computer companies but haven't heard back yet. Shi went to hir closet and took all of Chris's clothing out. Shi kept a few of the T-shirts but shi didn't like anything else or it no longer fitted. With those clothes in a tote shi leaves the room as the door across the way open. A female human came out."Oh! Hello, what are you doing in Mr. Rasmussen's place?" "He's dead. Killed by pirates and as his only living relative I inherit the place and my place went up not to long ago so I decided to move in." "I am sorry to hear that. When he was here he was a good neighbor. Trissa Jenkins and you are?" Trissa holds out a hand which shadow takes and shakes. "Shadow Phoenix and you will be seeing more of me then you did him." "Well have a pleasant day." "You to." The two new neighbors part company for now. Shadow drops off the clothes at a charity and decides to head for a mall to get a few more clothes. Shi maybe an avid nudist but some places it just isn't proper to be nude or topless. Shi found some good casual and fancy outfits and was on hir way back home when shi notice a fairly larger complex across the street. It had the distinctive Double H logo. 'Ah! Hermaphrodite Haven. You know it would be good to know other herms.' Adjusting the backpack shi bought to carry hir clothes shi decided to head in. Shi opens the door and looks in. In front of hir there was a wall the went only halfway across the room with the looks that it hides something behind it. To hir right was a desk and a door. The desk was manned by a collie morph. The collie looked up, smiled, and said. "Greetings, welcome to Hermaphrodite Haven. A haven for the dual gendered in the federation. What can I do for you?" "I was interested in checking the place out." "Well this club is exclusively for herms so you have to prove it to get in." Shadow nods and lowers hir shorts enough to show hir sheath to the collie. The Collie looks for a second then nods. "Okay, you're one of us." Shi goes back to the desk and takes a card out of a drawer. 'Here's our free day pass enjoy your stay but you will have to wear a shirt inside. We only allow nudity in certain areas like the green room and the pool." Shadow takes the pass and drops hir backpack and unzips it to pull out a small shirt top. Putting it on the collie directed hir to the hallway that was hidden from the front doors. "There is a locker room for your backpack and again enjoy your stay." Shadow nods and opens the doors to see a large room with with chairs, couches with small tables and a balcony. Several doors lead to other areas and one said lockers. Shi headed in paid the fee for the renting and put hir backpack in and had the key around hir neck and went back into the main room. Shi walked around before finding a nice couch to sit on and relax. Shi observed those around hir as they chatted with friends when a feminine voice said. "I don't remember seeing you here before, you new?" Shadow looked to the source and found a BIG tiger morph looking down at hir. "Umm...Yeah, I'm new." the tiger laughed and extended hir hand. "Sorry if I startled you, Can't help my height. The name's Valdena Kirvoduna." Shadow did notice an accent. Shi shook the hand and introduced hirself. "You mind if I join you?" "Not at all." Even when the tiger sat shi was still so big in comparison to Shadow. The two chatted for a couple of hours. Valdena was a Amur Tiger from Russia. They were all herms there and a heavy presence in one city. Valedena moved to Metro City for the way of life and better weather. Shi worked as a bouncer for the connected dance club. Shadow said that due to a recent family tragedy shi had moved here and was looking for a job. They went to the restaurant for dinner and Val as Valedena prefer being called explained how the place worked. The main building was exclusively for herms and only need maintenance people can be non herms but they are isolated as much as possible from the crowd. There was also living quarters in the main building for workers or herms that live here permanently like Val. There was the restaurant and dance club were more open so member could have their non herm family with them. There was gym and a pool in the main building and a larger pool on top of the club for general populace. Shadow did enjoy the time but it was getting late so shi said goodbye to hir new friend and headed home promising to visit again and become a member. Val watch Shadow go with a smile on hir lips. There was something about the black fox morph that shi really liked. Since shi became employed at Double H shi saw many strange morphs. It seemed that most herms were throwbacks so a black fox wasn't strange. Heck shi remembered seeing a taur version a couple years ago brought in by one of the local Chakats. Shi remebered that the chakat was the parent to the foxtaur and the foxtaur had the same russian accent that Val had. Hir thoughts are interrupted when hir friend Bluesky said. "Someone had an effect on you my friend." Val looked over to hir friend. Bluesky was a chakt with blue fur with an even lighter blue on her under side like a fox with green eyes. The two have been friends since Val moved here and by Chakat terms they were companions, much to Val's parents disappointment but hardly the first time. Bluesky had a smirk and a look of clear amusement on hir face. "Has my little tiger have a crush on a certain black fox?" Val snorted and replied. "We just met today and while admittedly attractive Shadow is currently just a friend. Even you chakats don't work that fast." "Point but shi did have an effect on you, I can sense it." The chakat laid on the couch and brushed Val's boobs. "You're sure that it isn't your feelings that you sensed?" Bluesky smiled and replied. "While I am in heat it didn't cloud my reading on you. But I can certainly use some relief." "When good thing for you I'm off tonight." "VERY good thing." Shadow stayed home the next two days before heading out again. Shi stop for a while and had dinner again with Val and met hir chakat friend Bluesky. Finally shi got an interview with a computer company. Shi was in the waiting room with a nice conservative dress when shi was escorting in to the interviewer's office. The interviewer was a male rabbit morph that introduced himself as Jack Thumper. They shook hands and took seats as Mr. Thumper looked at hir resume." So you did some work for Starfleet and the officer in charge of your shift gave you great reviews. SO why didn't you stay?" "I was not a commissioned officer Mr. Thumper. I was just a contractor and have no interest of spending most of my time in space." "Understandable, well you have the skills we are looking for so a two week trial and we'll go from there.' "Thank you Mr. Thumper." They shook hands and parted. Shi proved hirself after the two weeks and the job became permanent and shi celebrated with Val and Bluesky. On hir day off Shadow was chilling out at home. While it was fun to go to Double H but shi had to have hir nude times and in hir place shi can be as nude as shi wants. Shi was laying on the couch enjoying a movie when the doorbell rang. Pausing the movie shi went to the door and opened it enough to stick hir head around. Shi saw Val in the hallway."Val how did you get here?" "A friend that has access to the membership info. May I come in?" "Of course." Shadow steps back and the door opens more to allow the tiger in. Val stepped in and saw a nice cozy little apartment the same size as hir's in Double H. Shi then looks to hir friend and pauses a bit. Shadow was completely nude and Val could feel hir cock stiffen a bit. Shadow had a nice body to Val's eyes. Shadow notice hir reaction. "Sorry wasn't expecting company and I prefer to be nude. I can go put something on." "No,no that's okay just got me by surprise and I did come uninvited." "Well have a seat." Val sat on the couch and Shadow took one of the chairs. "Nice little place you got here." "I do make the best of the place and the neighbors I met are good." They then chatted for an hour with Val slowly getting comfortable with a nude Shadow. But Val did ask an interesting question. "I am curious, are you a throwback Shadow? I have never seen a biped Fox morph with your coloring." "You could say that." Val knew hir friend was hiding something But before shi could ask further Shadow said. "I need to pee so look around and I'll be back." The fox herm heads into the bathroom and Val decided to take a look around. Shi was right it is very much like the layout of hir place in Double H though arranged differently. Shi didn't see much in personal belongings. Mainly pictures and those were of note. Many showed a human male who seemed to be on a space ship of some kind, which was later confirmed by a pic of said human outside of the ship in one picture. There was only a handful that had Shadow. They show Shadow on what looked like a Starfleet ship by the uniforms. One had Shadow smiling with a Chakat Family another with Shadow wearing a fleet uniform with a Foxtaur female. Val saw none of Shadow's childhood or hir parents. "Finding my bedroom interesting?" Val turns to see Shadow in the doorway leaning against a side. "Just the pictures. Shadow I see a lot of this human male and very few of you in them. I honestly want to know what you're hiding." Shadow looked down clearly uncomfortable. "I rather not talk about it." Val sighs and thought of something that might open hir friend up. Walking to the bedroom window shi began as shi looked out. "I'll tell you a bit about myself. Only Bluesky has any idea about this. My kind as I have told you is all herms and our focus in a few cities in Russia. What I didn't tell you is that they are deeply religious there. They all marry to one and dislike being called mates. I wasn't as religious as my parents wanted. To get away from their nagging and holier than thou attitude I moved to here and came to enjoy the freedom of being myself without scowling or that teacher attitude. And my relation with Bluesky also displeased my parents who urge me to marry Bluesky. I believe in God just not the same way they do and they can't seem to understand that...or me." 'I've had similar feelings Val. I will tell you about me. That human in those pictures....those used to be me." Val was shocked but Shadow continued. "This was his place was where he hanged out when his freighter Isis was being worked on. That ship was his real home. He was captured by a group experimenting on humans, changing them into morphs for sex slaves in the N.L.A.W. But I was lucky they were intercepted by a Starfleet ship while he was amid transformation. Sadly the damage was done. The body was complete as what you see before you, but the real danger was mentally. The programing was incomplete and was causing issues that would kill us. The only solution was for the Skunktaur on board was to merge Chris's personality with the programming. The result is me." "So you don't consider yourself Chris anymore?" "Nope. I have is memories and knowledge but I am not him. I consider him my parent." Val having not heard anything sadder went and hugged Shadow. "Thank you for telling me my friend. I promise to keep it between us." "Thank you my friend and it's okay if Bluesky knows but no one else." They talked and Shadow made dinner for them before breaking up for the night. This would be the start of many visits between them and Bluesky. Two years later Shadow was happy at hir job. Shi had been promoted and was earning good income. Shi had valuable friends with Double H and it was like a second home for hir. Shi was just finishing up some stuff online when the door bell rings. Getting up shi wondered who it could be. Val was working tonight and Bluesky was with family. Shi opens the door to a familiar fox face. Shadow just stood there for a sec speechless before squealing. "YOSHIRU!" and hugs the foxtaur. "Come in, come in my friend." Shadow releases hir friend and allows her in. The red and gray foxtaur looked around the room noting everything. "You want anything to drink?" "So pop." "Coke, Rootbeer, or sprite?" "Coke." Shadow went and got a can while Yoshiru lounged on the couch. After handing her a coke Shadow settled in a chair and asked. "So how long can you stay?" Yoshiru finished a sip and answers. "AS long as you want me to.......I resigned from Starfleet." "What! WHY? That assignment was the ticket to your career boost." "Yes it was and it went well but." Yoshiru paused for a bit before continuing "It didn't feel as rewarding as it should. It felt empty. Then I thought of you and I felt happy again. I made a decision and a gamble. Shadow....Will you be more than my lover.....will you be my mate?" Shadow was a bit shocked. Yoshiru just through her career away out of love for hir. Shi never thought someone would go that far for hir. Well shi always loved the foxtaur and missed her and Chris's feelings of loneliness did die with him. "Yes, Yoshiru, yes I will be your mate." Shi then kiss hir new mate passionately till the foxtaur broke it off. "We should move this to a more comfortable location love." Shadow nodded and directed them to hir bedroom. There Yoshiru laid down first and Shadow took off the foxtaur's vest and belt leaving her just as naked ad her mate and the two kiss passionately again and played with eachother's breasts. Afer a couple minutes of that Shadow adjusted hirself, hir erect cock brushing over Yoshiru's fur increasing Shadow's pleasure as as shi position's hirself above hir mate's pussy and begins to kick as Yoshiru bent to lick hir's. They licked and moaned and moaned and licked and to Shadow's surprise Yoshiru stroke's hir cock. The pair continued giving pleasure to eachother till they both came with Shadow cumming in both genitals. Shadow for a minute or two lays on hir mate's lower torso basking in the afterglow before the two started again. For a couple hours the two reacquainted themselves and consummated their mating. Yoshiru even allowed Shadow to mount her. The foxtaur just imagined it to be a very well built dildo that can pleasure them both and Shadow rode her a couple of times before exhaustively lies against hir mates body. Yoshiru hugs her mate and both fall asleep happy as can be. It was dual growling stomachs that woke the couple next morning. Yoshiru felt a little crap and when shi stretch they both heard the cracks and pops. "This bed is a little small for you." Shadow comments. "True but it comes with the greatest perk." Yoshiru then kisses Shadow causing the biped fox to blush. "We this place has been great and met my needs it isn't suited for taurs long term. I now want a place suitable for US." "I like the way that sounds." 'Good, now is that all you brought with you?" Shadow gestures to the vest and belt on the floor. "Now I have more personal stuff in a PTV I rented." "Well go get them so it doesn't cost you anymore credits and I'll make breakfast." "Sounds good." The new couple then split. The next ten minutes Yoshiru brought in her personal belongings and stacked them in a corner and then released the PTV before have a big breakfast with Shadow. Shi noticed her mate still nude. "So I see you prefer being nude since you're not on ship." "Yup a remnant of the programing but I don't mind." Shadow makes a serious look. "And I expect the same from you. It's not fair if you get to admire me all the time and me not you." "Aye,aye shir." Yoshiru responses with a mock salute before showing a true wolfish smile. "So what do you plan on job wise? I don't think my budget can handle a taur for the long term and you wouldn't be happy sitting around doing nothing." "You call last night nothing?" "I do have to go to work eventually, your lucky it's the start of the weekend." Both smile at eachother. "Well I do know there is a major park nearby so I figure be a guide there." "Sounds like a plan." They finish breakfast and after a little relieving they went at it again. The sun had set by the time the rose from the bed again. Go use the shower I'm taking you out for dinner." Yoshiru groaned, "Can't you just order in?" "No I want you to meet some friends of mine. And dress up." Yoshiru groaned and got up to shower while Shadow called Val and Bluesky and told them to go to Toni's to meet someone and to give some important news. Yoshiru noted that sharing a shaower will be impossible right now since this one was only designed for bipeds so she was going to be cramped. As such she took a quick shower and then let Shadow use it as she put on a fancy vest and some jewelery she got from her birth village. Shadow left the bathroom and saw Yoshiru dressed up and commented. "If you can't be naked that is the next best thing love." Then shi went into hir room. A few minutes later shi emerged with a glittering gold dress that complemented hir eyes. Yoshiru silently agree, 'yup the next best thing after fur.' Outwardly she did a foxtaur equivalent of a growl and she actually saw Shadow blush. The two finally got into Shadow's PTV (having a taur friend shi made sure to have a taur adaptable model) and head off. "So where are we going?" the foxtaur asked. "Toni's, it's a nice restaurant attached to the Double H I go to." Yoshiru knew of the Double H club so her next statement was an honest one "But Double H is herm only, they won't allow me in." "Only the main building is herm only, the restaurant and the dance club are open to everyone. Double H is practical that many of it's members would have single gender mates." "Then why herm only for the main? "You know my story love but even it pales in comparison to some of the herms I've met there. Chakats aside mainly have issues with herms and that has made many herms only comfortable with other herms. And as the second H in Double H stands for such herms need a haven from the rest of the world and the club provides that." "It is such a shame that we still have to deal with those issues." Yoshiru comments. "Yes we do. I know some people still have issues with gays. In your culture the simple fact there are more females than males easily allowed you to become a lesbian there while in the rest of the world the genders are a bit more equal. Though I wonder if you will still be considered a lesbian since you are mated to me?" Yoshiru noticed the little tease but went with it anyway. "Well you know my favorite parts of you so I say yes. Your cock is just a nice well design dildo in my eyes." Smiling Shadow responds. "Nice to know you consider it well designed." The two then chuckle as the PTV pulls into a parking spot next to the Double H. "Wow this place is pretty big." Yoshiru comments. Though she had heard of Double H she had never seen one of their complexes. 'It has to be. The main building is also the home for many herms that either work here or need a safe place to stay." The enter Toni's and Shadow scans around till shi sees Val waving at hir. Elbowing Yoshiru they make their way to the table. While Shadow took a seat and Yoshiru a pad that shi took from a stack Shadow asked. "Has Bluesky arrived yet?" "Right behind ya." And the blue fur Chakat takes hir own pad. "Okay now that everyone is here I like to introduce Yoshiru Leannera. Yoshiru this is Valenda Kirvoduna and Blusky, Child of Oceanswimmer and Skydive." With introductions done everyone checked out the menu and order something they liked. The conversation went around to what Yoshiru and the others did. Val explained shi was a bouncer for the club attached to Double H, Bluesky was a self employed working that did IT support from home. Yoshriu explained shi just got back from a planetary assignment and was having a interview for the local park. "Why aren't you with Starfleet or was that a contract job?" Bluesky asked. "I was with Starfleet but something was missing and I found it here so I resigned." "Me and Yoshiru have declared ourselves mates!" Shadow squealed. The couple were so happy announcing it that they missed the strange look on Val's face. Val hirself felt like shi was gut checked hearing that. Bluesky raised a glass. "To Shadow and Yoshiru and a long mateship!" They all raise their glasses with Val's being the last. They chatted a bit more during desert before Yoshiru wanted to go home. Bluesky smirk at the emotions shi was getting from the foxtaur and figure some more intimate moments to come for the new couple. But Shi looked at Val and said. "Your place now." The two head for the little apartment and when Bluesky closes the door shi starts. "Okay I felt your reaction to their announcement so spill." "I....I was just shocked. I felt hit from it." "I told you that you had something for hir and you didn't listen." "I guess it's true. You never realize how important something is till you lose it." "And whose to say you lost it." "SHI has mated with someone else! Thus I lost my chance." "No you haven't, your orthodox raising is biting you in the butt again. Whose to say Shadow is only interested in a single mating and I know foxtaurs and it is very common fo have multiple mates." Bluesky's features soften from the anger. "Val, you have got to tell hir how you feel about hir. It is not good to keep that hidden." "Fine I will but later, this is their moment." "Fine but you better tell hir soon." The next day Shadow was at hir computer working when shi felt something on hir shoulder and then a tongue lick kisses hir muzzle and hears. "What are you working on?" Shadow nuzzles hir mate's muzzle and answers. "Our new home, what do you think of this one?" Yoshiru looks at the house's features. From her perch on her love's shoulder. Two bedrooms, a kitchen, living room, two vehicle garage, basement, not furnished but plenty of room especially with the words 'taur compatible' defiantly lend to the place but the picture showed it in a cramp neighborhood. "No to cramp on the outside need a big yard." She said at last. "Okay, big lawn then." They go back to going through propsects for the next couple of hours. Yoshiru decided to tease her love by slowly stroking hir breasts. She smiled when she felt her mate's nipples harden and even a bit more when she sees her mate's erection. That made her again question her status as a lesbian but she cannot deny that cock had felt good. Or maybe it's more it's a sign that she is arousing her mate. She was one lucky vixen she thought, Shadow was beautiful for a biped fox hir coloring making hir unique that is only shared by the Starwalkers. But it's more of how Shadow has reacted to her. When she first came forward and revealed her feelings about Shadow the black fox accepted it and revealed something very private and allowed Yoshiru to clear her thoughts then offered hir bed so she wouldn't feel lonely anymore. And where that lead to their sexual relationship. And even in sex Shadow was considering in her feelings playing with her pussy, and using hir tongue and fingers and hardly hir cock. Most of the time it's Yoshiru who brings it in to relieve her mate. She dealt with the cock because she knew that Shadow loved her and wanted her happy and it was only fair that Yoshiru returned it in kind. They finally found some prospects and went to bed....and fell asleep 2 hours later.

Three months later.... Sun rays beamed into the bedroom waking Yoshiru further then she already had. They were in their home, Just finished unpacking yesterday but she wasn't feeling well the last couple days. She thought it was a stomach flu. She got up leaving her mate sleeping on the bed. She smiled at the sleeping form. It was amazing the sun manage to make Shadow's black fur glow. But her stomach made her run to the bathroom and she puked in it. She did that for she didn't know how long but during a break she hears Shadow declare. "That's it we are taking you to the doctor. I have already called both our works saying we won't be in. I'll get dress and we'll go." Yoshiru sighed..and puked again before managing to clean herself up. They head to their doctor a Foxtaur female named Lily Furred. There Lily asked Yoshiru for symptoms and Yoshiru describe them as the doctor scanned her. "So doc, what's wrong with me?" "Nothing it's just morning sickness, some pills should help with that." "Morning sickness, YOU MEAN I'M PREGNANT!" "Yes congratulation." "But that's impossible. I have only been having sex with Shadow ans shi's a biped. Bipeds can't have kids with taurs." "Not completely true.' "Huh?" "Some biped males have had their reproductive parts altered so they can have kids with a taur mate. Then there's Admiral Kline. I believe you since you say you have only had Sex with Shadow so I'll compare the child's DNA with hir's to see if shi is the sire and if so how that can be." The doctor looked up Shadow's records and pulled the DNA pattern and compared it to the baby's. "Well Shadow is the sire. I'll look further into how but they may take time. But take the pills and the rest of the day off and you should be able to go back to work for awhile." "Thank you Doc." They met Shadow who was looking concern in the lobby and Yoshiru relayed the news she got from the doc. The biped fox hugged hir mate then said. "No matter what my love, this child is OURS. A child of love and will be loved and cared for. I'm glad, surprised but glad, WE have a child. Something normally impossible, let's celebrate it." Yoshiru smiled at hir mate. Shi was right. This was a miracle and a good thing in the end. In the PTV on the way back Shadow called Val and saw both the tiger and their chakat friend on the other side. "Hey Val, Bluesky we have great news." "Oh?" The chakat quips. "Yoshiru is pregnant with my kid!" Both felines just stood there speechless. Val is the first to speak. "How?" "Don't know yet but you two are the first to know." Bluesky looked at Val frowned then said. "Hey let's celebrate at my place tonight. I'll get the rest of my family out and the four of us can celebrate." "Why drive your family out?" Shadow asked. "Trust me it just needs to be the four of us. Come over at six." Bluesky then broke the connection. The two mates just looked at eachother in confusion. Bluesky place a knife down as shi set the table. It took some work for the family to be else where tonight but it happened. They understood the need for privacy for things, but shi did owe them a dinner party to celebrate Shadow and Yoshiru's kid. Val was the first to arrive with a frown on. "What's this about Bluesky? I know it's not just for Yoshiru and Shadow's child." "You're right. I am forcing your hand. It's been over three months and you haven't done a thing in regards to Shadow so it's happening tonight. You are not leaving this house till Shadow knows how you feel about hir." Val's head and feature's drooped. Knowing it was useless to argue against the chakat. A few minutes later Shadow and Yoshiru arrive. Hugs were exchanged and after a little bit of chatting dinner was ready. It was a good well cooked meal and as they were finishing up Bluesky elbowed Val and gave the tiger herm THE LOOK. "Shadow I have something important to say. Something I should have told you earlier. I....I love you Shadow. I admit I found you attractive at first and it slowly happened and I didn't realize how I felt about you till you became mates with Yoshiru, it felt like I lost something but I didn't want to tell you, didn't want to spoil the occasion. But Bluesky felt I waited long enough. There's the truth Shadow." Val then hid hir face in hir arms on the table and all could hear hir crying. For a minute Shadow was quiet then shi looked at hir mate in an unspoken question. The foxtaur just nods. "Val, we would be honored if you were our mate." Val looked up in shock. "Our?" Shadow shrugged. "It's a package deal, you get me, you get her." Val then looks at Yoshiru. "My culture it is common to have multiple mates and comates due to lack of males. I have found you to be a good friend in the months I've known you and you're not bad looking." "You're sure Shadow?" Shi asked with hope in hir voice. The black fox herm got up, grabbed Val's muzzle and made the tiger herm look hir in the eye. And shi saw love there. "Quite sure, we've all made our decision. The final choice is yours." "Then I say yes." Val then kisses Shadow. "I think it;s time to head to the bedrooms. I'll take Yoshiru." The foxtaur was surprise but allowed the chakat to lead her away as Shadow and Val went to another. With the door shut the two herms looked at eachother. Shadow started to strip when Val said. "No, let me." Shadow removed hir hands and Val's replace them. Tonight Shadow wore a nice little dress for the celebratory dinner. Val pushed the straps off the shoulders and the dress fell to the floor. Val raised and eyebrow and asked. "Do you ever wear under garments?" Shadow smiled and answered. "Of course not." The fox then began to strip Val. Shi took the t-shirt off and reveal a bra which shi quickly removed as well. Val had shapely breasts, firm as well muscular as being a bouncer Val kept hir body strong and fit to appear menacing. Looks were one of the main tools of a bouncer. Shadow purred appreciatively as shi caressed hir new mate's torso. Shi then pulled down both Val's shorts and underwear and shi was greeted by a semi erect cock. Shi caressed it and it jumped out more then the two kissed passionately. Still kissing they made their way to the bed. But the don't lie on it yet. Val lifts Shadow and enters hir causing a gaps of pleasure from the fox. Val then lifts Shadow up and down to mutual pleasure. The two continue that way for minutes with Shadow's cock bouncing between them. Finally Shadow orgasms and hir clenching pussy brings Val over. Both moan and collapse on the bed and spent a few minutes catching their breath. But Val noticed Shadow's still hard cock and guided it to hir own pussy. Shadow took the invitation and entered hir new mate. Shi thrusted in and out, in and out. Both played with eachother's breasts and again in minutes they came in unison. Through the night they tried multiple poses and some oral before lying on the bed tired but sated. Val caressed Shadow's body and said. "I want to get married." "Out of curiosity why?" "My beliefs say so and it is important to me." "Okay, but it's not just me then, it's Yoshiru as well." "Deal, I'll go find a minister who will do it." "Okay but tomorrow." The two kiss one last time before falling asleep. A week as passed since Val declared hir love to Shadow and accepted mateship. Val had a turn with Yoshiru the next night after the party Bluesky promised hir family. And Bluesky tried out Shadow for the first time and it was very enjoyable for all. Three days later all three got married, Val wearing a wedding dress while Shadow wore the glittering gold dress and Yoshiru the fanciest vests she had. Bluesky, hir family, friends from Double H, and fellow workers all witnessed the union of the three. Now all three were at the doctor's place. 'Well it took a bit to get Starfleet to release the records they got from the pirate ship that created Shadow but I got them. It seems Shadow you were design to be a stud/baby factory. Your sperm can match any known race and your womb accept any seed. At least that was how you are planned. My scans of you show that to be likely true but not easy. It may take multiple matings with saw a taur before you successful have a child. Now we could try to limit that if you want." Shadow shook hir head. "No I want children with my mates." "Very well, my scans show Yoshiru's kit healthy but will be wanted more checkups than usual okay." "Very well doc." Later that night the three did a threesome to celebrate. Six months have past and Bluesky with Shadow, Val, and Lily all surround Yoshiru as she lies on the mattress, hir belly heavily extended from the baby about to arrive. Lily wanted to do it in a hospital since it's a baby coming from a biped and a taur but all three mates overruled her. However she did get to play wet nurse and was currently encouraging Yoshiru to push. The foxtaur did and both her mates were stroking or holding a hand doing their best to comfort their mate. Finally though her child came out. shi, that is a sheath their had black fur with gray underbelly and dark red sheathing hir feet to foreleg and hir hand to elbows. And as hir furred dried it had a tuff of gold on hir head. Both Val and Shadow smiled and rubbed their bloated bellies, yes both got eachother knocked up so Shadow's and Yoshiru's child will have siblings to play with. "So what should we name hir love?" Shadow asked. Yoshiru looked at the newborn kit drinking from her breast and answered. "Goldmine." Both of her mate's nodded in agreement. Their family has truly started now.

From Ashes Chapter 3

Shadow was finishing hir latest work when hir daughter Shadowstripe came in. "MOMMY!" Shadow turned and extended hir arms as hir cub leaped into hir arms. Shadowstripe was the child shi had with Val. Hir form was feline like hir sire but hir fur was...

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Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 16

Red was observing the engineers looking over the odd craft when something happen. "George WATCH OUT!" ZZZZZAAAAAAPPPPPP! Red saw some electrical spark and headed toward them. "Darn it George I told you to check if it was powered. You better go to...

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The Lost Temple

The Lost Temple By Admiral Q Erin chopped another vine in the tropical forest wishing again that the professors took Erin's theory more seriously. Erin believe an ancient temple was located deep in the forest and could hold the key about data on the...

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