The Lost Temple

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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Loosely based off of Felekar's All Doll up story on

Erin discovers a temple that shi quickly wishes shi hadn't

The Lost Temple

By Admiral Q

Erin chopped another vine in the tropical forest wishing again that the professors took Erin's theory more seriously. Erin believe an ancient temple was located deep in the forest and could hold the key about data on the culture that once lived here. But no, they believed it was just youthful optimism or as Erin felt a biased against HIR. Shi was a herm lion morph, a surprisingly uncommon state for a morph considering hir kind started as sex slaves. Shi figure both hir origins and gender made hir disliked by the college. Oh sure they didn't sabotage hir schooling but they felt shi was only there to show diversity and since shi had now graduated they didn't need to cater to hir anymore. It is ironic, the professors always espoused that they were tolerant and for the rights of the minority and they treat hir like this. Meanwhile shi is accepted without condition by the conservatives the professors always said were backwards, redneck, hate filled people only interested in the rich and white people. Shi never saw that. Most were just the average person making a living and wanted a smaller government that will stay out of their life. It was also this hate filled racist group that was the biggest supporters for hir kinds freedom. The hypocrisy was astounding to say the least. Shi had to do the odd job to get the money shi needed for the supplies shi need to get here, not to mention the plane ticket. Again the average person helped hir their while the professors lifted their noses and send a dime to help hir. Well if shi finds that temple they will have to take notice of hir now. Chopping a few more branches and vines shi finds hirself in a clearing. Green grass was every where....except for a white stone pyramid. 'YES SHI'S FOUND IT!' Shi races to the pyramid as a kid in a candy store.

As shi raced to the pyramid shi takes note of it's state. It was made of white stone that really stood out with the green of the plants. It was also in sorry shape with blocks fallen off the pyramid littering the landscape and vines covering a lot of the surface but it seem stable shi just has to be cautious when shi enters. She sets up camp and takes a break to eat. As shi eats she takes a picture out of hir parents. Hir mother was a dark gold furred lion morph with dark red hair cut in a tomboyish style. Hir father was a light tan lion morph with her blond hair flowing down behind her. At times it can be all the way to the butt. Shi got hir mother's fur coloring but hir hair is a combination of both and generally goes just beyond the midway of hir back unless it's in a pony tail like now. Shi got hir gender from hir father, hir parents were an interesting couple. Hir mother was very tomboyish in attitude and looks and if she had never meant hir father she probably would have ended up as a lesbian but their chance encounter at a coffee shop. It's ironic it's the parent without the dick is the more masculine of the pair and for love was willing to do an obvious female thing to carry their child. When ever shi felt down shi could always rely on hir parents to cheer hir up. It was thanks to their encouragement that shi was here now. Smiling shi puts the picture away and got to work.

The outside of the pyramid held no pictures or any kind of writings. It seems the people thought it would be a waste of time on the outside where the weather and jungle could destroy it. Shi heads for the main entrance with flash light in hand seeing how dark it look inside. Moving through the main doors shi turns on the flash light and looks around. It was a small hallway going nearly the length of the pyramid with a door going to the inside of the pyramid. However before trying the door shi looks at the walls. Their were pictures there, the pictures were crude depictions of the humans that had once lived nearby doing various tasks. Some worshiping strange objects that from the depictions floated in the sky. Some deformed looking humans giving the people strange items. And some with apparently male figures with ...erections? Yup the placement leaves no other choice but and erection. Interesting. Shi looks back to the previous carvings and it isn't till the deformed humans that pictures of males with erections started. The carvings continue on leading to the construction of this pyramid like temple. With the cravings done shi head for the doors leading further in. Tries to push them open but they wouldn't move much. Frowning shi looked to the wall figure that their must be a trigger somewhere. Shi moved hir hands over the stone wall looking for anything odd. The one wall everything felt the same so shi moved to the wall on the other side and did the same. There a wear difference between on stone and the rest of the wall. Shi pushed that stone and it goes into the wall a couple inches and shi hears the clanging and groaning of unseen devices and shi sees the doors start to open. Halfway open the doors jerk and shi hears something unseen break and on of the doors falls to the floor with a loud thud. "Guess time wasn't kind to those doors." Shi says aloud as shi walks into the next room. It was a much larger room as shi scans the room with hir flashlight. There was a few pieces of stone strewn around but the room was empty accept for the pillars supporting the roof. The bulk of the pillars were craved into the forms of males and females, all naked and the all the men with erections though some of the men were castrated from damage the pyramid has had over time. Several doors leading away from this chamber. Shi explored them to find empty rooms that could have been either living quarters for the priests or priestesses that had lived here or storage rooms except for the last door. It was smaller than the others and lead down. A few minutes later shi's at the bottom of the stairs to a door. When shi touches the door is crumbs to dust and shi looks into the room. It was a small room with a raise platform with a strange pulsing purple orb floating above it. Surrounded by a darker purple pillar of light. Shi carefully walked toward the orb wary of traps for this was the only thing shi saw that was of value in the entire place. When shi neared the orb shi took hir machete and wave all around it. Not only did it not trigger any traps but it showed the orb was not hanging from anything. It was just floating there. Putting the machete away shi touches the orb. It was at first cold but it quickly warmed in hir hand. Again no traps triggered shi nodded in satisfaction and turned to leave when shi looked at hir hand again. The baseball sized orb was melting on hir. Shi tried to drop it but it was stuck to hir hand.....and spreading. Shi manage to get hir free hand in a glove and tried to remove the orb with it...only it got stuck to and shi removed hir hand from the glove and watched in horror as the orb seemed to absorb the glove into itself and looked over to hir arm. Shi saw it absorb hir FUR leaving the skin beneath alone and continue to climb up her arm as the orb shrank. The orb didn't need a trap, IT WAS THE TRAP. Shi started running to the stairs to get to hir comm unit to call for help when the purple goo spurted out and onto the floor. This caused hir to fall hard and look back to see the goo starting to encase hir legs and dissolve hir boots, socks, and the fur beneath. Shi gets up on hir knees and pull hirself upright but shi was stuck to the floor by the goo now crawling past hir knees and completely encasing hir right arm. Shi was helpless as the two parts of the goo connected on hir belly and moved up. Shi really got scared as it went up hir chin. 'So this is how i'm going to die, suffocated by goo.' Shi thought as it covered hir muzzle. To hir surpise shi could still breathe but every had the scent of .....latex? This stuff was made out of latex? Shi closes hir eyes as the latex covered them and soon hir whole body was covered in latex. It even got between hir and the floor. Shi risked opening hir eyes and found shi could though everything that shi could see was purple tinted. Then shi felt a wave go through the latex encasing hir and felt it get thinner a bit on hir overall but the extra latex was focused on one area, hir sheath. Shi felt it open hir sheath and spill in forcing hir cock out making hir kneel there with an unwanted erection. Even hir cock was still covered by a layer of the latex as still stood there proudly displayed for anyone to see if they're were anyone around.Then in hir view range shi saw strange symbols scroll across. Shi just stared at it in confusion and then saw it flash a couple of times before disappearing. Then with no way to explain how shi felt it understand hir confusion and a minute later shi saw the words 'STAND UP' flash. Shi had no problem agreeing with that and shi got up. It was strange, shi could still feel the stone floor but also felt the latex acting as a cushion between them. Shi walks to the outside of the pyramid. Shi turns to get to hir camp but after a step shi is frozen and after a bit of struggle shi saw the words. 'Disobedience results in punishment.' Shi then felt the latex over hir cock shift. It created waves gliding over hir cock causing Erin to feel the pleasure that can bring. It kept stroking hir cock and the pleasure increased shi managed to think. 'This doesn't seem like a punishment, yes this could be embarrassing if other people were hear but walking around naked with an erection is also embarrassing so not much difference.' Shi felt the pleasure build and soon shi would cum.....only shi didn't. Shi was confused. Shi felt like shi should cum but it wasn't happening, it was stuck. For minutes shi stood there on the edge of orgasm but could go no farther. Shi couldn't stand it anymore and relented. The latex sense this and toned down the stroking of hir cock, but sadly didn't end it. In a few more minutes shi had calmed down a bit. Shi was no longer on the edge of orgasm but the light stokes (like fingers slowly moving around hir cock) made sure shi was still horny. 'Now what?' Shi thought before the latex gave hir commands to head to the side of the pyramid. It then ordered hir to remove the vines. 'If it meant getting out of this latex I'll do it' shi thought and proceeded to remove the vines.

It took a couple of hours and shi was surprise that shi neither had to go to the bathroom or even drink despite the heat that is usually a part of the jungle. Shi felt fine temp wise it seem the latex kept hir comfortable, except for hir constantly teased cock. Even at this low level it was hard to ignore. With the last of the vines gone shi thought. 'Is that it, are you going to let me go now?' instead the latex told hir to approach a area where some stone blocks had fallen from the pyramid. 'Pick up stone and place it back in it's spot.' Shi looked at the stone, it was big enough to be a makeshift table.

'No way, it's too big.'

'Disobedience results in punishment.' It replied and shi felt it increase the stroking on hir cock and then felt it put pressure on hir mouth. Shi tried to stop it from going into hir mouth but shi really had no chance. It got though, covered hir teeth making them useless and formed a dildo in hir mouth. Ironically it's shape felt like hir cocks and it started pumping in and out of hir mouth. If shi could moan shi would the pleasure of cock being stroked and the dildo in hir mouth was so good but again in minutes shi was again on the edge of orgasm but no farther. Shi mentally sighed and said mentally. 'Okay I'll do it but don't blame or punish me when it doesn't work.' Shi felt the stroking on hir cock lessens and the dildo stops pumping but it is not removed, great. Well shi bends down and grabs the edges and just a bit of the bottom and lifted. To hir surprise shi was lifting it that it felt like it weighed a half full tote box. Shi had to admit that was cool. Shi followed the suits directions and placed the stone in it's proper place. Allowed a samll break, well a break that you can expect with your cock being constantly stroked. The suit then directed hir to another stone and shi followed it. Finally was the day ended and the sun had pratically set shi hoped that the latex suit would let hir go...or allow hir to cum, or better yet BOTH. The pyramid already looked better then when shi first arrived with the vines gone and a few of the stones put back. The latex directed hir inside as it forced hir arms down and merged their latex with that of the latex that covered hir sides and legs. Shi couldn't move hir arms at all except when shi moved hir legs while walking but they were still fixed to hir sides through that. Eventually it led hir to the room where shi found the orb. 'Get onto Pillar.'

'No please no, just let me go.' She shook hir head and refused to go farther.

'Disobedience results in punishment.' Shi saw flash and again the latex increased the stroking of hir cock and the dildo in hir mouth began pumping. Shi also felt the latex push into hir pussy and form a second dildo that also started pumping in and out as well. Shi had never had both hir genitals serviced at the same time, never found the right couple to try it with. It all felt ssssoooo good but like always shi couldn't cum hir cock was throbbing beneath the latex encasing it but it just couldn't cum. Despite the pleasure, the frustration, and the denial shi still refused to budge and pleaded. 'PLEEAASE just let me GO PLEASE!'

'Increasing punishment level.'

'Oh no." Shi thought as the latex now started pushing into hir butt. Shi was never into butt sex thing but now shi has no choice as a THIRD Dildo forms in hir butt and also pumps in and out. If that wasn't bad enough the suit was now playing with hir nipples and breasts. Stroking, caressing, and pinching. The level of pleasure was beyond anything shi ever thought of.....and the worst part is despite it all shi still couldn't cum, even with the dildos in hir butt and pussy vibrating, twisting, and pumping. Shi couldn't even think for untold minutes as shi was awashed in the pleasure and denial of it all. Shi couldn't even move hir tail as the latex kept that still. Shi opened hir eyes not realizing shi had closed them and the order.

'Get onto Pillar.' kept flashing. And with the largest mental groan shi relented taking a step forward. Shi felt the vibrations and pumping lessen till shi was in the middle of the pillar of light then it stopped but the dildos were not removed nor did the stroking lessen on hir cock. It seems shi'll have to deal with that a while longer. Shi suddenly felt hirself lifted off the ground and float in the air. Shi then felt hir legs forced together and the latex merged making it impossible for Erin to move them at all. Hir tail was even forced to wrap around hir now merged legs and it's latex merged with those of the legs. Slowly the stroking lessened but not to where it was before. Eventually Erin discovered that in all these hours shi still wasn't hungry or thirsty, just tired and horny. Tiredness won out over hir arousal and shi fell asleep.

Heavy stroking woke hir up the next day. To hir surprise shi managed to sleep but hir dreams were filled with sex but sadly not orgasm. It seems shi is even denied that in dream world. Shi felt the floor on hir feet and the latex binding hir arm, legs, and tail together loosen enough for hir to use them. But it still stroked hir cock and shi still felt those dildos in hir, the nightmare has not ended. The suit gave directions and shi followed them exactly. Shi was helpless, nothing shi could do can free hir of this thing. Shi did not want to go through the fight shi had last night. Shi work on the tasks the suit gave hir and at night floated in the pillar of light with hir limbs bound to hir body. In it all shi didn't eat, drink, or relieve hirself. It seemed the suit preserved hir so shi only needed the sleep....and the need to cum which shi feared will never come. Shi lost track of time as shi put clay mortar to secure the stones back or fix in replacements that the suit have hir make if the originals were too damaged. The only thing that could tell hir time was the state of hir camp. The last time shi saw it. The cloth of the tent was ripped, the equipment that wasn't blown away by weather showed signs of wear and unlikely to work if shi even could access it. The suit had hir even repair the statues inside the pyramid. Till finally it seemed that the pyramid was whole again and still plenty of daylight out. And Erin hoped that it would finally release hir and shi could go home. Shi even mentally pleaded with the suit to let hir go. There was nothing left on the pyramid to repair. But the suit directed hir back inside. Shi hesitated for a moment and shi felt the suit increase the teasing on hir cock and get the dildos started. Streaming tears that the suit absorbed quickly shi went in to hir room and felt the suit bound hir up again and shi felt suddenly sleepy and quickly fell asleep with the glaring knowledge that the suit will never release hir from it. Shi can only hope that some day it will let hir cum.

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