War hound Chapter 7

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#7 of War Hound

Tyira's and Samantha's relationship goes to a new level and both Rebirth and Tyria experience changes in themselves.

The car lands back on the street and the trio head in. Tyria played with Jackie as Samantha made dinner. Samantha looks close at Tyria. Tyria or Rebirth enter her life by saving her and Jackie. She then became a good friend and has defended her on more than one occasion. Even now she treats Jackie like her own child. When she was injured it was Samantha she ran to for help and without hesitation she went and rescued Jackie from those slavers. <Yes,> Samantha thought <She is worthy.> Dinner was a happy affair with the safe return of Jackie. The three played together until it was Jackie's bedtime. After putting her kit to bed Samantha approached Tyria. "Tyria I come to a decision, You have been more than a friend. You have save my life and the life of my daughter twice now. You even step up to deal with Jack as well. I am surprised to find myself attracted to you and I love you. Will you be my mate?"

Tyria was shock to hear this. She did care for Samantha and Jackie but never really thought about this. <Well you should Tyria. She is a potential mate for us.>


<WE may appear female but we can be any especially now. Samantha is lovely, caring, and willing. I know you have no other prospects and I like being with them.> Tyria got up and paced in deep thought. Could she go through with this. She never thought herself a lesbian. However she looks at Samantha. The vixen looked at her with nervousness. Her eyes filled with hope, fear and....love. That hit Tyria's heart.

"Alright, I accept." Samantha smiles and hugs Tyria and takes her to her room. On the way Tyria was a bit afraid, she didn't want to disappoint Samantha. Rebirth sensed this. <You know if it will make you more comfortable I could be the dominate one for now?>

<Yeah, yeah. I have no clue what to do.>

<Okay, mother I'll take care of it> Tyria was kinda thrown back by being called that. Before Tyria could dwell on that further more she sees Rebirth approach Samantha and begin taking the vixen's shirt off. Her red fur felt so soft to their hands and soon Samantha's shirt was on the floor and her breast bare to the duo. Rebirth purred at the site. Samantha had generous breasts. The Purring made Samantha blush and Rebirth closed in and caressed each one as she kissed Samantha. They all moan at the sensation and Samantha reaches to remove the duo's shirt. Sadly it's a T-Shirt and Samantha can't remove it without breaking off. Rebirth though of that and the shirt merged into her body leaving her breasts bare. Samantha caressed them and loved how SMOOTH they were without fur. They break off the kiss and Samantha pulls them onto her bed. Hands slide over eachother's bodies and Samantha begins pulling on the latex pants the duo wore. Rebirth let her this time as she works on Samantha's jeans. She soon uncovers the white fur covered pussy of the vixen. Rebirth moves so she now faces the vixen's pussy. Rebirth licks her lips as she comes up with a sweet idea. She elongates her tongue and dives into Samantha's pussy. Samantha gasp in surprise and pleasure. For a minute she just lays there holding their body drowning in the pleasure as Rebirth's tongue works it's magic. It didn't take Samantha long to cum, so she yipped and collapsed on the bed in the after glow. Rebirth looked back at her mate, smiled and asked. "Did that feel good?" Samantha still breathing heavy a bit smiles and replies.

"Does this answer your question?" She sits up and begins tonguing their pussy noting the rubbery feel to it but licks away any way. While rebirth has really focused on that part of Tyria's body when she took it for hiding she was surprised to find it very sensitive and they feel great pleasure from the treatment. This was how most of the night progessed for them. Trying various positions till both collapsed and went into an exhausted but sated sleep.

Tyria was the first to wake the next morning. She saw Samantha's furred legs in front of her and looked behind her to see the vixen still asleep. The morning rays lighted the vixen and made her look beautiful in Tyria's eyes. <Beautiful, isn't she?> Rebirth asks and letting Tyria know she was awake as well.

<Admittedly yes.>

<So what did you think of last night?>

<You were very creative, I'm glad I took a back seat this time.>

<Well I did get ALL my traits from Midnight. So do you think you can do it next time?>

<I think I'll just let you handle it for now. Before this I was straight so I'm uneasy on how to proceed with this aspect of our relationship with Samantha.>

<Okay, it's nice to have control when not in an emergency situation.> Tyria maneuvers them so they now lay side by side with Samantha and watch her sleep till she finally wakes up. "Morning Samantha." The vixen jerks and looks over and sees Tyria and notes her nakedness.

"So it wasn't a dream."

"Nope, what happened last night was real." Tyria sighs and continues. "I think I need to clarify some things. First it was Rebirth more than me last night, she has no problem seeing you as her mate. I was along for the ride and did enjoy the experience."

"But you're unsure about us?" The vixen asks and Tyria sighs again.

"Samantha, I do love you dearly but till yesterday I considered myself straight as a pillar sexually. I....l just don't want to disappoint you. I want to make this work for everyone's sake but I'm in unfamiliar territory. That's why I relied on Rebirth last night. I agreed to be your mate I let Rebirth control the fun last night because she has the confidence I lack right now." Samantha sat up and looked at her lap for a bit before responding.

"Tyira, I considered myself straight to. But after Jackie's dad running and Jack trying to push himself into my life I got discourage from seeking any romantic life. Then when jack thought we were lovers it began a train of thoughts in my head. You as either Rebirth or Tyria were there for me time and time again. You saved my life before you even knew me. Then after yesterday I figured give it a chance. I'm taking leaps of faith here hoping my choices are right." Tyria sat up, took Samantha's chin and made her look at them for she and Rebirth were practically one in this.

"Samantha, let's agree to take this one day at a time." The vixen nods and Tyria kisses her on the lips. "Now I'll go make breakfast.' She gets off the bed and heads for the door when Samantha asks.

"Hey aren't you gonna put on some clothes?"

"I have nothing to hide anymore now they we are lovers and Rebirth does prefer being nude." Rebirth gets to the fore and looks behind her to the vixen with her eyes glowing a little more and jests. "Now the question is do you have the courage to do the same." Both of them heard the vixen squawked as she closed the door. Tyria went to the kitchen to begin breakfast. Rebirth formed an apron but only an apron. Rebirth loved the feel of the air on her skin. The main bedroom door opened again and Samantha came out...naked. They grinned and purred in appreciation causing the vixen to blush a bit.

"I'm...gonna wake Jackie for breakfast." They smiled bigger and watched Samantha's behind walk to the other bedroom. Before getting back to breakfast. Samantha soon appears and takes a spot at the little table in the apartment. A few minutes later the fox kit came out of her room rubbing her eyes. She sat on the chair and began to grab a bite when she actually opened her eyes and asked.

"Mom, why are you and Tyria naked?"

"We decided to do so for now, but only in the house. Which comes to another topic." Samantha looked at Tyria before looking back at her daughter. "How would you feel if Tyria lived with us for now on?"

"Really?" The kit asks Tyria. The human/ warhound Hybrid nodded at her. "That would be so cool!" The kit ran to Tyria and hug them which Tyria returned.

"Jackie dear return to your food."

"Yes mom."

"Also my daughter, We'll have to move. While our home can fit the three of us for a bit. Tyria hadn't brought all her things. When her things are here it will be too small for us." The kit's mood went saddened. And Tyria went to the kit.

"Hey I know it's scary to leave a home but the three of us will be together. Your mom and I have to find a place before we can move, so it won't be right away." Tyria then hugs the kit for a minute before serving breakfast.

Breakfast was enjoyable. And both Tyria and Samantha shared a shower...that took longer than usual thanks to Rebirth. Both Tyria and Rebirth loved the fur dryer though and Samantha giggled at their response to it. Sadly for Rebirth, it was time to head for work and she morph their work closes and Samantha donned hers. Both head for their separate cars and jobs. Thankfully Samantha's place had a daycare. Tyria mean while headed to the garage and parked. When she got out both of them had their senses alert for more Warhounds. Thankfully working on cars relaxed them as Tyria worked on a thruster on a car. However their thoughts weere on the future. Not the positive one with Samantha and Jackie but with the warhounds. Some probably survived the blast and sadly Rebirth agrees that they will be back. Neither didn't know how to deal with this issue. Going public wouldn't help for by nature they are a warhound, maybe no longer a pure warhound but a warhound none the less. Well they will do there best to defend there love and kit. A knock on the hood broke them out of their train of thought. I sniff of her nose said it was Leo. "Yo Tyria, lunch break."

"Oh thanks Leo." Again they watched for warhounds. They had fun eating and joking with their friends before heading back to work. After work they quickly scanned the area before launching their car. A plus of air cars was they were harder to track. With them selves home Rebirth recedes a bit believing the area safe now and Tyria is more there. There relationship is interesting now. Most of the day they in essence one being not two beings in one body. Tyria worked while Rebirth watched for the warhounds. She never though that possible and it was down right frightening. She and Rebirth may have come to a good understanding but she didn't want to lose who she is to the warhound.

<Are you okay Tyria?>

<Yeah, yeah I'm okay.> She didn't want Rebirth knowing her thoughts on that. To appease the warhound she retracked her clothes as she closed the door behind her and she did feel the hounds happiness of the nudity. <I do wonder why you like being nude so much?>

<It's the sensitivity of your skin. It was among the first things I noticed when I first took your form.>

<I by that, you're practically rubber in your form form aren't you?>

<Yup.> Tyria then looks and sees Samantha reading a paper, clothed. Rebirth came to the fore again and smiled and said.

"Clothed still, such a naughty vixen." The vixen grinned and replied.

"Well maybe you should make me." Rebirth growled in reply, grabbed the vixen and sped into the bedroom with Samantha and Tyria along for the ride.

That night sitting on a rooftop Midnight look at the city. Out there was it's child, alone and ill and it was helpless to help it. And it was haunted by the fight in the construction sight. It nearly lost it's child there. That situation went completely out of control and could not happen again. IT could NOT lose it's child. It headed out into the city to find it's child again.

Over the next few weeks Tyria and Samantha found a new place for the three..sorry four of them to live. Tyria slowly got into the more intimate part of her relationship with Samantha though since she nominally as control of their body most of the time. She decided that Rebirth can have the intimate area but Rebirth always allowed her to feel everything. One thing both Rebirth and Samantha notice was that they were changing. Not sure how or why but both feel they were no longer a warhound as they were created. The few fights they had with the warhounds they encounter or that average mugger, when they change from Tyria they change to that hybrid form. Rebirth can't even remember the last time she was in pure warhound form. However Rebirth loves the feels of the air and other things on her skin. Her warhound form just didn't have the same sense of feeling, even they hybrids form has more feeling. Where this will lead neither knew but all that matter to them was the safety of their new family. After putting Jackie to bed they too head for bed but Tyria notice an intoxicating scent. IT was coming from Samantha and it was making her horny. "Samantha, are you in heat?" Tyria asks. The vixen nods sheepishly. Tyria tilts her head and Rebirth comes to the fore. "It's a good thing Tyria has the weekend off then." Samantha perked a bit. She's able to notice when Tyria and Rebirth switch control. Their eyes glow a vit more and their voice deepens a bit. The average person would miss it but after living with them for weeks and shared intimate moments she could tell. Sometimes like now it surprises her but she had long ago came to accept Rebirth as her mate to. She no longer fears Tyria's alter ego, heck the warhound was very creative in bed and this will be their first heat together. She has also change a bit herself. She was proudly nude as after weeks of she guessed mainly Rebirth teasing her. It has nice during the summer weather for as short as her fur gets it still got warm. And she loves the looks she gets from her mates, for it's defiantly both of them appreciating her form now. And she has come to appreciate theirs. She lays on their nice big bad and posed invitingly. They smiled and laid on top of her and they kiss passionately. They caress eachother both getting aroused by it. Then in Rebirth something happened. Without will or conscious effort she changed. Her skin turned to black and she gets larger. Her legs go digigrade, her ears get pointed and move up on her head, her hair disappears and a muzzle forms. Her hands get claws and her feet become paws. Samantha opens her eyes to see their hybrid form before her with one big difference than previous times. A big pulsing cock. Samantha certainly was surprised and looked into their eyes. They were of course the glowing red eyes that she saw months ago. They were not filled with malice but with love and lust. She closed her eyes and waited, trusting her mates.

Neither Tyria or Rebirth were aware of their change. Heck they barely had sentient thought, they were so filled with the need to take their mate. They hold their mate and position to enter her. While most of their mind was drowning in need and pleasure there was still enough reason to be gentle in holding their mate and they enter her for the first time. All three moan in pleasure and the pleasure was overwhelming to the warhound being, neither sides of hir have ever experience male pleasure before. For a minute or two they just sit there with their cock deep in there mate feeling her tightness. Then instinct forced them to start pumping. They only pumped twice when they cum, spurting black colored sperm into their mate. They stayed there pumping in their sperm for a minute or two before laying next to their mate. But being that close and they smelled her pheromones again and their still hard cock got harder and they started it all over again. Poor Samantha was taken for a ride. Despite when her mate came in her it was pumping away. Thankfully it was very pleasurable and she enjoyed it till she passed out with her mate cumming in her again.

Tyria awoke the next morning nearly sated and felt Samantha next to her, but the vixen felt smaller. She looked down and yes the vixen was smaller. She started to reach for her love when she noticed her hand. Black clawed hand, she was in her hybrid form but why. She also felt something tight around her crotch and it felt....good. She feels movement and sees Samantha wake up. "Mmmmmmhhhhh, morning love." She said.

"Morning," Tyria replied. "Did I scare you last night with this," She lifts up a clawed hand. "Honestly I and Rebirth had no clue we did."

"I was surprised but I trust you two and it did come with a nice toy." She wriggled a bit and they received a shot of pleasure. "By the way how did you get such a nice toy?"

Rebirth answered. "After the blast we were in bad shape and Jack saw the battle. He tried to blackmail us into having you and me for sex. I absorbed him and used him yo repair some damage. While we could have had a dildo there before having him make it more realistic for us."

"So Jack is in their with you to?" Samantha said fearfully.

"No, he did what was supposed to happen to Tyria. His body what used as raw material to help repair mine. His knowledge and memories are here. But he is gone. Admittedly this cock is the template for this one but this is me and Tyria making love to you not him, never him." They resume their Tyria form....for the most part, their cock didn't want to go. It took some tricky work to hiding in their body. Outwardly the looked fully female again but just below the surface it was still erect and wanting to be in Samantha again.

"Why did you change, I was actually looking forward to more and I'm still in heat."

"While as a warhound I might not need for, YOU do. So meal time then more fun." Samantha huffed.

"Fine but only if you have the hybrid form again. I'm in heat and have a craving for male meat."

"Deal." They had breakfast and got Jackie to play over at a friends house. With the larger apartment all theirs the two grinned and Tyria reassumed her hybrid form with hir cock proudly erect and eager. Samantha waltz up to the latex creature and caressed the cock teasingly before the latex creature grabbed her. Impaled her and walked to the bedroom moan as the walk teased them both.

War Hound Chapter 8

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