War Hound Chapter 8

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#8 of War Hound

Here it is the final Chapter of this story. hoped you all enjoyed it. I also like to thank ShadowDragon00000 for his work that inspired my story. his here http://shadowdragon00000.deviantart.com/

Samantha felt a rubbery surface on her belly as she woke up. She was confused till she saw her mates sleeping form underneath her. It was the first time she had seen them sleep in this form. IT amazed her that when she first saw this form she was so scared of it's menacing features but now when asleep it wasn't so fearsome but strong and attractive. She looked the entire length of her mates and this body was their true from in her eyes. A perfect union of both of them. A growling stomach brought her out of admiration of her mates body. She needed energy for her final day of heat. So with reluctance she lick kisses her mates muzzle and heads to the kitchen to make breakfast. With only her apron one she cooked some eggs, bacon, and toast. The smell was so delicious she couldn't wait to bite in. "That smells good." Samantha looks over to see her mates in Tyria form, still naked but human looking for now. And still beautiful but she wanted that hybrid form. Good thing she was making a lot.

"I have a deal for you my loves.'


"Yes, since you wanted nudity which I agreed to and love I want you to be that hybrid form when home." They considered it while their meal was cooked. In the time they have lived with Samantha and especially since the pack attack their internal relationship has changed. Neither fought for control anymore and while Rebirth allowed Tyria control most of the time she could act without hampering by her mother.

"Deal, I'll change back after breakfast." They ate in silence and when done Tyria shifted back and carried her mate back into the bedroom for some more love making.

Two hours later they were taking a small breather laying next to eachother with only tender caresses. "I can't believe you prefer us in this form not counting your heat." Tyria asked.

"Well in my mind it is your true form. The blending of the human Tyria Dragon and the War Hound Rebirth into a perfect and beautiful form. I see both of you in this form." They respond by hugging her and they hears the intercom buzz. Samantha sighs. "Guess who's home." They return to Tyria form as Samantha unlocked the lower door and in minutes opens the door for her daughter and thanked the mother of Jackie's friend who noticed the naked state of Samantha and the human looking Tyria and shrugged. Each family has their own quirks. With the parent gone Tyria reverted back to hybrid form while holding the kit.

"Well I guess that puts an end to our romp?"

"No, Jackie just has to learn that her parents are in love and she will have her own heat when she is older." Samantha went to her kit. "Honey, go play in your room and don't disturb your mommy and Tyria okay?"

"Okay mommy?" The kit kisses both of them and Tyria lets her down and the kit goes to her room.

'She took that well."

'Not the first time she has dealt with her mother in heat though you are much better than a dildo." Tyria grinned, swooped her mate up and headed back to the bedroom for a few more hours of love making.

The next day Samantha was at work, she work as a secretary for a company. She said her hellos and got to work. When those were done she went online looking for a home. Tyria didn't have time for this at her garage so Samantha promised to look. As she was looking a fellow coworker passed by and saw what see was doing. "That doesn't look like company work."

"I'm done with Mr. Cunningham's work so until he assigns more I'll look for a new home."

"I thought you liked your apartment?"

"I was but it's too small for 3 people."

"THREE!? You mean you finally found someone?" Samantha nodded.

"Was it Jack?"

"Hell no, while I admit he's better than some suitors out there by willing to be nice and maybe care for my Jackie he just didn't fit."

"So who's the lucky male?"

"It's Tyria Dragon."

"But that's a girl's name?" Samantha nodded.

"With Jackie I didn't think you swung that way?"

"Well my luck with males hasn't been great and Tyria has save my life and Jackie's twice now and she cares for Jackie very much."

"Does she make you happy?"


"Well it's not illegal and if she does, okay I can't judge." With that her coworker walked off and Samantha continued her search. Though interrupted by the occasional task by her boss she did manage to find a few prospects and emailed the details to herself so she and Tyria can look together back home.

That night after Jackie was in bed the 3 mates looked over Samantha's findings and rejecting some till Rebirth found one shi liked. It was a small 3 bedroom house with one of the bedrooms in the attic but a completed basement. "This is why I like it." Rebirth said pointing a claw to the picture. "That wall in the back is high enough for us to be in this form." Shi then nuzzled hir mate's head. "So I can still be as you requested my mate. And it's equal distance from our works."

"Okay then, we'll go there tomorrow and let Jackie have a look for our final decision."

"Good, now with that out of the way we can get on to more important things." Rebirth then groped Samantha's right breast.

"You do know I'm not in heat anymore?"

"True but I think my rut has just begun and trust me, your kinds style of mating is much more pleasurable then mine."

"I'LL VOUCH FOR THAT!" Tyria quips.

The next morning Samantha managed again to beat her mates to the real world. <It's a good thing we decided to go nude in the house. I'd have to spend a fortune restock my clothes after they rip through them.> Samantha took Jackie to daycare and then her work as Tyria and Rebirth went to theirs. After work they took Tyria's car to the house they thought of and Samantha asked . "Jackie, do you like this place?" The 6 year old ran around the outside before the agent took them in and the fluffball was a blur checking out the house. Besides the bedrooms it had a nice living room, small kitchen attached to a dinning room, and a small den area. It had two bathrooms, one on the main floor with a combo bath and shower and a smaller one with just a shower in the basement. The basement also had to other rooms but nothing in them at this time. The attic room was nice cozy but was too small for Tyria's hybrid form but a good guest room and maybe a addition to the family.. They also discovered a two car garage, something both parents ovelooked but when done Tyria repeated Samantha's question to jackie and the lit said yes. Both Samantha and Tyria signed the papers and tomorrow they will begin moving in.

Midnight was a frustrated War Hound. Twice its attempts to get its child have failed and the last one almost kill its child and the anger from it was palatable that it took weeks for the War Hound to learn that one of them knew the location where its child was currently living. The whole troop moved in to the building and checked each floor and apartment as silently as possible. Went Midnight got into one apartment it smelled its child's scent, but it was faded a bit. It looked at the occupants but none of them were a War Hound thus its child. Nor did it see any clue to Rebirth's whereabouts. Leaving the apartment it took the form of a delivery man with a package and knocked on the door.

The human woman it saw earlier opened it. "Yes?"

"Are you Tyria Dragon, I have a package for her?"

"No I'm not, you must be after the previous owners. We moved in a week ago."

"Do you have an address for her at all?"

"Nope sorry." Midnight then tried the landowner but also no luck. It then ordered the troop to look around the city again. It would not be denied it's child.

Weeks past and Samantha was at work, though she wasn't working. Instead she was bowing to the porcelain god loosing her lunch. Finally when her bellies contents were gone she washed up and left the ladies room and saw her boss looking sternly at her. " Miss Foresttail, I order you to go to the hospital. You can't work if your this sick."

"Yes, sir.' The sternness leaves.

"Your a good worker Samantha, I don't want to replace you so get checked up, get well, then you can work." She manage a smile and did as ordered.

At the hospital Samantha waited for the doctor's results. He came back into the exam room and she asked. "Well doctor did you find what's wrong with me?"

"Nothing more than morning sickness."

"Morning... I"M PREGNANT!?"

"A couple weeks along from my readings." He gave her a bottle. "These should take care of the sickness. Rest today and you can work tomorrow." Samantha excitedly got dressed again and went home to prepare a special treat for her mates. She picked up Jackie and told the kit the good news. Jackie was excited for have a little brother or sister. She then had Jackie go over to a friends house for the night. And began preparations.

Tyria returned home after a long day of work. There was a major pile up a few days ago so many where using shop for repairs. Good money but even with War hound stamina it was trying. She opened the door, locked it and put her purse by the small table and changed to her hybrid form. Shi felt Rebirth more in hir mind. Shi noticed when ever shi took this form Rebirth seemed stronger but both still equal. While either can control either human or War Hound one persona is usually to the fore and the other a back seat. As a hybrid they our undeniably equal and can effortlessly assume control. Tyria guessed that Samantha was right, this is their true form now, their true union. And be honest Tyria felt more comfortable in this form than the form shi was born in. Though shi is still getting use to the cock. It seems it's now a permanent part of this form. It was strange that Jackie hadn't come running to be picked up. "Jackie?" Shi asked while sniffing for hir adopted kit.

"She's at a friends house come into the dining room." Tyria did as asked and stopped in shock. The dining room was lit solely by several candles creating a nice atmosphere. The table was set out nicely with a 3 candle candle holder lighting that area with the fine china out and ready. Then there was Samantha. She was technically violating the house rule of nudity where a robe like out fit that left her arms bare for use, however the robe was made of such fine material that all of Samantha was revealed underneath it making it totally useless for covering anything. Tyria's cock poked out a bit at the sight.

"So what's the occasion for this lovely setup?" Tyria manage to ask.

"Great news my loves, I'm pregnant with our child." That hit both of her mates like a ton of bricks. They stood there taking in that information before rushing over to hug their mate.

"I am so happy love, That is great news." Eventually they got to dinner and had a great romantic time before Rebirth had enough and wanted to take hir mate in the most basic but undeniably loving way that night.

Weeks past and Samantha's belly has a very noticeable bump. She explained to her coworkers that she and Tyria wanted to raise another kit and have a sibling for Jackie so they got a nameless donor for the seed. Samantha didn't like lying to them but they couldn't know the truth of the situation. While buying what they need for the new born they were noticed by one of the War Hounds. It followed them back to the house then an idea formed in it's head. It headed to the Alpha, NOT Midnight to report and get it's orders.

Midnight was resting a bit and becoming not only frustrated but depressed. It's child was out there somewhere. The city can only be so big. One of it's troops appeared. "Midnight, report back to the den immediately." Midnight sighed, it would rather stay here but that was likely a direct order so did as ordered. When it got to the den he saw the usual spattering of War Hounds at the den. They have slowly grown over the centuries absorbing the occasional hiker or animal large enough so there was about 50 members of this pack. What caught its attention was a female fox morph being clearly guarded and she looked around fearful and not wearing hiking gear so not the usual hiker pickup.

"Alpha what's going on?" The largest and oldest of the pack looked at Midnight.

"Ah my child, what's going on well it's the start of the end of this headache. We will use this female to bring my grandchild home to be healed. It seems Rebirth lives with this female so the perfect lure. Rebirth will either join us or watch us absorbed this female into one of us."

"And if that's not enough?" Midnight asks.

"Then Rebirth will die. It is too much of a threat to us. I know it is your child, it is my grandchild but our mission is more important." Midnight sags and nods before leaving the area for a ridge to ponder. Hours later it approached the female. To the guards it said.

"I like some privacy with the prisoner."

"We have to keep her in visual range."

"Fine but what I have to say is for her ears alone." The two Hounds looked at eachother and nod and go far enough for the privacy Midnight requested. "You have lived with Rebirth yes?" Midnight asked having been able to mimic human speak from its mouth.

"Yes Rebirth and Tyria are my mates."

"How has Rebirth been. I have been worried since all this began."

"Been happy till now. She's probably worried sick." The female rubbed her bloated belly. "And we just learn I'm carrying her child."

"That's a child?" Midnight asks using it's muzzle to point to her belly.

"Yes, our child of love. We just found out a couple weeks ago and we were so happy. Don't you have anything similar?"

"No, we all come from absorbing and converting another being to create a new War Hound. And that takes only a few minutes so never encounter that experience."

"Tyria told be about the absorption, Is that what you plan to do to me? Why do you hate her so much that you will hurt her this way?"

"I don't hate Rebirth, I love Rebirth, it's my child. The alpha hopes that Rebirth will surrender since we have you and if that's not enough have you absorbed in front of it." Midnight heard the female sob. "I had nothing to do with this plan. It is reckless and after the fight in the construction sight I was against any reckless move." Midnight looked at the female and it's features soften. Here was someone who loved its child as much as it did and has been drawn in to this fight. And the fact that the alpha was willing to kill Rebirth disturbed midnight. It now knew what it had to do. It got close to the female. "Stay strong, you will be fed and cared of here. I will get Rebirth hear and get you out."

"If your honest she's at 3900 Sickamore lane." With a nod to the guards Midnight walks away. After far enough away Midnight ran as fast as it could to its child.

Both Tyria and Rebirth were worried about Samantha's lateness. It was just a simple grocery run but that was hours ago. Jackie kept asking where's mommy and Tyria couldn't really answer her. A knock on the door has her go human and she opens the door. And sees a War Hound. Without hesitation they revert to there Hybrid form. "WAIT CHILD IT'S ME! I'M NOT HERE TO FIGHT!" Still in a combat pose Tyria asks.

"Then why are you here?"

"Because the pack has captured the female you live with. They plan to tell you this within a couple of days and if you didn't go with them they would absorb her into a War Hound."

"Then why are you telling us now?"

"Because this has gotten beyond what I wanted. I wanted you well my child, but I believe that is no longer possible. However innocents should not be involved in this, it was bad enough with the whole construction site fight of which went way too far. But come my child. Let us save that female." Tyria was unsure but Rebirth could sense hir parents honesty in this so shi followed Midnight after telling Jackie to go to bed and mommy would be with them in the morning. The three raced off into the night on a rescue mission.

It was late night by the time they arrived at the packs den. Nothing had change since Midnight left. Rebirth and Tyria observed the layout and came to a grim conclusion. "We can't rescue Samantha and get out safetly the whole pack is here. And beside they would continue to hunt us down."

"So what's the plan?" Tyria/Rebirth looked at Midnight and it could clearly see two souls looking right at it and the combined form's eyes glowed more intensely.

"We finish this tonight." With that They leap into the air and landed with a huge thud distracting the whole pack as Midnight raced to Samantha's side. "ALPHA WE HAVE A GREVENCE WITH YOU!" All the War hounds gathered around them and for once Midnight could take the time to look at what its child had become. It was beautiful in its eyes. The Alpha set forward.

"So the wayward pup returns early. Now are you willing to be healed Rebirth?"

"I do not need to heal, I am one with my parent Tyria Dragon and we have had enough of this Alpha. We tried leaving you alone but first the attack at the construction site and now this. This ends tonight."

"So YOU Challenge ME for leadership?"

"No, we have no interest in this pack, we have our own. We win you stop going after us. And if you win, we stay here."

"What about the female?"

"She leaves no matter the outcome." The Alpha pondered for a bit then nodded.

"Deal." The circle gets bigger to give them more room. Tyria/Rebirth stay in hybrid form for the fight for it is both of them and the pack should reap what it sowed when they had Rebirth commissioned. The two paced eachother for a minute before Alpha charged. Next was the series of leaps, jabs, bites, and ripping. Alpha used tentacles to which the Hybrid made blades and cut them. After some more clashing the two break off taking a break. Both have cuts and leaking latex and panting heavily. The hybrid then launch an attack and the blur of limbs and latex followed. In a couple minutes the action stopped. The hybrid having the Alpha pinned to the ground. The alpha struggled a bit but the hybrid had partly covered the alpha with it's own latex.

"Yield." Tyria/Rebirth commanded. The Alpha tried a bit more but finally stilled and said.

"I....yield, you are free to go." They got of it and Samantha ran to her loves and hugged them. Their look softened and lifted their love's muzzle and kissed it passionately. Some of the hounds assisted the Alpha up and the Alpha looked at Midnight. 'Don't think I forgot your part in this. Midnight, you are hereby banished form the pack."

"I figured that my parent, goodbye." Midnight started walking away before looking at its child. "Tyria, Rebirth, my child by any other name. Live long and be happy and avoid the mistakes I made." For once Tyria actually pitied the being that started all of this but it was Samantha who shocked them all.

"Wait Midnight." The War hound paused and looked at her. "IF you're willing to follow our rules you can come with us." Midnight looked at her child and again saw both souls in it's eyes.

"I know Rebirth would be happy to have you with us and I'm willing to indulge her IF you follow our rules." Midnight then walked to the hybrid and bowed.

'My alpha, I'm yours to command."

"Then let us go home."


Months later Samantha gave birth to her and Tyria/Rebirth's child. Named New Dawn shi was an interesting kit. While in the fox pattern instead of red fur shi had black latex with a red fur underbelly. Luckily she learned how to mimic fur on hir latex part before shi started school. And shi was the first of many children between them. Midnight for it's part first guarded jackie and New Dawn but after watching some batman flicks decided to be a crime fighter absorbing criminals to start a new pack. Though it kept a couple of them permanently implanted when it met someone and like it's child fell in love and they had children together.

They eventually bought a secluded house for the whole family to live peaceably and learn of massive drops in crime but surge in missing people. It seemed the Alpha saw the effectiveness in midnight's antics and copied it to other cities. But Tyria/Rebirth became worried as the decades past. They were an ageless being and while they mimic aging when they went into the city they were still strong and fit as the day they were forced together and seeing their love age displeased them and they worked over time to find a way to duplicate what happened to them. When Samantha was on her death bed they offered her the option and she took it. The result wasn't fully what they had expected. While it did reverse her aging she did not become a War Hound, nor a Were Hound as they called them self but more like their daughter New Dawn but with colors and fur reversed. Nor did a new persona join Samantha's but the key goal was reached. She was now ageless as they were.

Centuries later some aliens invaded Earth and while the military manage to hold them back the packs of the War Hounds and Tyria/Rebirth's family join in and turned the tide and help drive off the invaders. While there was initial shock that the War Hounds survived and some wanted them destroyed the fact they came to the aid of Earth swayed many people. A deal was reached between the packs and Earth's Governments for them to be accepted back in the fold but a strict law against absorbing the unwilling except when life threatened or criminal sentence. Tyria/Rebirth were happy to see this but also sad, Both Midnight and the Alpha perished in the fight. Midnight hirself died protecting Jackie who had join her mother into being part War Hound.

To this day it is still unclear why Tyria survied the transformation from human to War hound and how that lead to her and Rebirth becoming a Were hound and more how both manage to be themselves and not merge as one mind in all this time. But what was important to them was they had their family and their love.....For all eternity.

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