Bombshell Bomber's Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#29 of Chakat Universe

Bombshell recovers form the loss of DB only to lose another thing in hir life, but gains much more from it.

Months after the destruction of the mining station and the death of Deepblue the Groundshaker was ready to earn money again, the question remained was her captain ready again? In the months of repair work Bombshell was constantly surrounded by hir family. Hir mate's made sure shi got some therapeutic sex in and even got one pregnant. Finally they got hir out of hir funk but shi was different. Shi was more serious and less playful now and the empathically talented could find an echo of pain in hir but shi entered the bridge with an air of confidence. Everyone was aboard and the ship stocked of her supplies. Taking the center cushion shi ordered. "Bill take us out." "Aye captain." And the Groundshaker lifted off from the landing pad and headed for space. "We've entered orbit captain, freighters onscreen. They have seen us and ordered us into formation." Bombhell nodded. A convoy of small freighters were heading to the outer rim of Federation space and requested some escort from the Sonovaguns and Bombhell's Bombers were top of the list. They and the corvette Stingray from the Sun's main group were proving that escort. "Captain the Stingray is hailing us." "Onscreen." The image of a Voxxan male appeared with the rear of his bridge behind him. "Hey Bomber, good to see you active again." "Thanks Rolin." "Well here's to a nice escort run." And he signed off. The convoy signaled they were ready and the convoy went into warp. Rolin was right the run ran without a hitch and the couple missions after that went fairly well but the crew noticed shi checked the plays more and tended for more overkill on targets than before, however they made a profit and life was good. The Bomber's were right now patrolling a sector of space for a colony. They were many missing ships reported so Groundshaker was hired to look into it before Starfleet could send anything. So far they haven't found much just some debris so likely pirates and confident that Groundshaker could take some pirates they continued. The Groundshaker cruised through a system looking for pirate activity when behind them a vessel decloaks, swoops in and fires on the Groundshaker. Bombshell grabbed hir arm rest as the Groundshaker shudders under the impacts. "REPORT!" "Hull breach, Deck 3, Starboard side." Crazahan reports. "Reading a ship out there, Frigate type. Onscreen" Feyouri reports. The viewscreen shows an old Starfleet frigate. It consisted of a saucer with two nacelles attached to the saucer via pylons with a torpedo bay on the shorter pylon below the saucer. This frigate class as been retired for a couple decades and was of the more stylish line Starfleet tried rather than the typical the big bulky brickish designs that is standard till the class Pegasus is. "Get the shields up and return fire!" Groundshaker began some evasive maneuvers and returned fire it suped up phaser hitting the other ships shields and fired a pair of torps also hitting the shields. "Minimal damage, THEY'RE FIRING AGAIN!" The ship suddenly jerked to one side. "That was a FREAKING phaser array not emitter. They REALLY supped that ship up." "Shields are down to 50%." Crazahan reports. "Send out a distress signal and hit them with everything we got." The Groundshaker released a volley of phaser and torpedo fire strafing the frigate. "Their shields down to 70%. They're firing again." Bill tried to dodge it and managed to dodge most of it but a pair of torpedoes hit. Sparks fly and the ship jerks to one side. The main lighting goes down leaving the status lights that flashed red as the main source. "Shields DOWN, weapons OFFLINE!" Crazahan reports and Bombshell hears the whine of transporters and a bunch of humans with weapons beamed over and pointed their weapons at the crew before they could pull their own weapons. "Hands up!" One of the human's ordered. With reluctance Bombshell raised hir hands and the crew followed. They were relieved of their weapons and then, one by one they were all beamed to the frigate starting with Bombshell. They five of them were put in the brig and Bombshell looked at hir captor's in clear lighting for the first time and saw the symbol of Human First on these guys. 'Great H1.' Shi thought. Reigar check everyone for wounds but other then bruises and small cuts they were fine. They then just sat there waiting drawing comfort from eachother when a human walked in. With the way the only humans responded to his presence he was obviously the leader of this group. He looked over the Bombers with a frown and said. "Sadly most of you are too old or human to make a real profit on but we might get something." Then he looked at Bomber hirself. "You however will fetch a nice price. To sell a chakat would be worth a lot. The slave pens will have fun breaking you down. Enjoy your stay and your ship made wonderful target practice so you have no where to run." He laughed as he left the brig with the other humans leaving the Bombers alone in the brig. "Hang tight Bombers, we're not beat yet we just need the opportunity." Bomber said to hir crew. <I can provide that.> "Who said that?" <I don't have a name yet but I am the AI installed onto the F.S.S. Bernard Doove.> "This is still a fed ship?" <Officially yes, The Doove was recommissioned a year ago with the idea to deceive pirates and other thinking she's an obsolete ship when in truth it was gutted and rebuilt with more modern and powerful weaponry, shields and a cloaking device. But while in testing and I still forming we were attacked by pirates. They killed the crew and took the ship and were using it to attack shipping when I came online. Since then I have been biding my time waiting for the opportunity to come up. I was able to scan your logs before your ship blew and I liked what I saw so I'll help you.> "Why didn't you notify Starfleet?" <I checked and it seems my creation was a somewhat rouge project so they would destroy me to cover up what happened.> "Okay then let's get started." The force field turns off and the AI says. <Armory one deck down and no one in your way. Take a left and turbolift down the hall.> They followed the instructions and as promised no one was around and they entered the armory. Grins were on their faces for there was a lot of high tech weaponry. Top of the line phasers and phaser rifles, shoulder mounted pulse cannon, personal shield belts and auto conforming battle armor. Bomber nearly did a happy dance seeing the armor and hir crew quickly put them on and armed themselves. <I've jammed their comms so no warning can be given.> Bomber hear's through the helmets comm. "Excellent, good work." Shi heard the AI giggle a bit. Hir team then systematically sweeped the ship stunning the human firsters as they went, some did put up a fight but armed only with hand phasers vs fully armored people no contest. All 20 humans were rounded up and placed in the brig, then to everyone's surprise the transporter activates and the human firsters are beamed away. "Where did they go?" bomber asked. <In to space.> "Why did you do that?" <After what I saw them do to the crews of the freighters what they just got was kind.> "Next time let me know." <You mean you will take me?> "Why not, we need a new ship and this one is better than any other option and you did help free us so you earned the chance. But remember I'm the captain." <Aye,aye Captain.> With Human First taken care of the crew finished the repairs the previous crew started and were finishing up when the AI annouced. <Ship dropping out of warp, Starfleet cruiser. IFF reads F.S.S. Pegasus.> "On my way to the bridge." Bomber replied and took the turbolift up. Once on the bridge shi walked to the command chair as the tone for a hail was chiming. Sadly the center seat was a seat instead of a convertible cushion, 'Have to replace that.' Bomber thought as shi answered the hail. "Bombshell Bombers here of the the mercenary group Sonovaguns this is Captain Bombshell currently commanding the Bernard Doove." A familiar face appeared. <Captain Bombshell, we got you distress call and came over. Where's the Groundshaker?> "Destroyed by this ships former crew." <Why would fleeters attack you?> "Because they were Human First who had this ship. But my crew took care of them." <Isn't beaming them out into space a bit overkill?> "We didn't do that. A computer malfunction caused it." <Uh-huh.> "Honest truth, none of my crew beamed them into space. And I am claiming salvage rights to the Doove." <Well my officers just told me that the Bernard Doove is a decommissioned vessel and you claimed she was under pirate control you have legal claim there.> "I'll also send over what data the ship has on this cell." <Deal, you need any assistance?> Bomber looked around the bridge. "Nah, the she was refitted for some more automation so my crew can handle her and we were nearly finished with repairs when you arrived." <Very well.> He signed off and a few minutes later jumped to warp with the data The AI sent the Bernard Doove jumped to warp and Bomber reported hir findings to the planet that hired hir. After payment the ship again went to warp heading for home for further repair and refit. <Captain what will you call me and my body.> The AI asked. "I decided on Sunovagun after our main group. And you Sunny as a nick name." <SUNNY! AH! Come on captain.> Bomber smiled as Sunny went on a tirade about his new name.

Three weeks later........ Bomber launched the shuttle pod for hir visual inspection of hir ships new paint job and repairs. In minutes shi went from the Gateway station to the shipyard currently housing the Sonovagun. Her hull gleamed in the sunlight, most of her hull was fleet white still. It was the cheapest paint around but she did have noticeable differences. Painted on her hull was the Bombshell Bomber's logo and the main Sunovagun logo with M.C.S. Sunovagun painted where it used to say Bernard Doove. The techs went over the ship and they found out the ship had phaser emmiters normally found on a fleet cruiser as well as a compacted warp core that could generate the same power output of a cruiser with enhanced shields and a cloaking device to boot. Some pirate would receive a big surprise facing this ship. Despite the improvements from the outside the Sonovagun looked like a old Starfleet ship bought via surplus. She had the old style nacelles, impulse engines, and the only recently returned saucer style. Most of the fleet had a big blocky style but on occasion they've tried this style. It certainly is prettier than the blocky style currently used and with the improvements in warp tech it's actually being proven more efficient so in time we'll see the move from the blocky style of the Galactic Star Cruiser and more of Pegasus style. Satisfied with hir ships looks shi docks with the Sunovagun and heads in. Most of the innards of the ship remained unchanged but shi did have to repurposed one of the luxury rooms for the captain's quarters since the original was for a biped. The ship could comfortably crew 50 people, had one transporter, a small cargo bay, And an armory. Shi finally enters the bridge and sees hir brother manning the helm with Feyouri next to him manning sensors and weapons. Reigar was in the sickbay, happier to have more than one biobed and Crazahzn in engineering, on the Groundshaker engineering was little more than a room with two consoles and a warpcore so he was on the bridge with her. Here though he's got a true engineering room and with Sunny they can man the ship but she leaves room if Bomber ever wanted to add crew members. Taking hir new command couch shi asked hir brother. "We ready to go?" "Yep, Sunny shows green across the board." <Will you quit calling me Sunny! I'm not a kid you know.> "You're less than a year old Sunny, you qualify as a kid. However you are the most useful kid ever." Sunny groaned and the Sonovagun left the shipyard. The shake down went well and Bomber was amazed at the power shi now wield with the Sun. The Bombshell Bombers will make a name for themselves. Their first mission in the Sun had them doing a patrol of a few colony worlds with reports of pirate activity. They did find a band and the Sun ripped them to shreds and the Bombers got good salvage out of it. However another time they found a derelict freighter and Bomber and Feyouri beamed over in their armored suits to investigate. Bomber absolutely loved the autoconforming suits they now had, much easier to get in and out of armored suits now. Hearing hir breathing in hir helmet and the clank of magnetized boots shi and Feyouri moved through out the ship. Sadly they found the remains of the crew floating in the ship. Bomber and Feyouri took samples so they could be identified later. Feyouri then went to engineering to get the logs while Bomber checked the cargo bay. It was a little tough to get the doors to the cargo bay open but thanks to the Turners chakats have remarkable strength and got them open. The light from hir helmet revealed a small hold full of robots, humanoid in shape. "Bomber to Sunny." Shi hears a sigh over the comm. <Sunny here captain.> "What do you make of these robots?" Shi activates a camera on the helmet and slowly scans the robots in the room. <Checking, got it. Labortech series 5 robots. There is a small robotics market for jobs too dangerous for even morphs to do. Labortechs series 5 was supposed to be their cement model for the company but all 10 prototypes were lost 50 years ago and the company went under from the lost.> "So how much would we get for them?" <We could get a profit, but not much. They're more useful to me.> "How?" <I can use them as avatars so I can be even m ore useful and I can see stuff outside the sensor of the Sunovagun.> "Alright they're yours." <WoHOOOO!> Bomber just had to smile at Sunny's cheer. Well the logs showed that the ship was not hit by pirates just suffered an engine failure from poor maintenance. With communications also out and no planets in escape pod range they were force to wait for rescue and froze to death. At least their families know what happened to them and still a decent profit from the salvage. A few weeks later they were on patrol when they received a distress signal from the Fleet cruiser. They had suffered and Ion storm and now were under attack by pirates. Bomber order the ship to cloak and raced over to the coordinates. When they got there they found the Fleet cruiser with several flames along her hull and her weakly firing back at her attackers. Her attackers was a pair of freighters converted to carriers for the pirate fighters and a couple of Raider type ships (ships like the Groundshaker toeing the line between full starship and shuttlecraft). Bomber ordered them to decloak and fire on the first raider. From the outside from behind one of the raiders you see a shimmering before the Sunovagun appears and swoops down on the raider firing phasers and torpedoes. The raider didn't even know it was under attack when it exploded. Flying through the fireball the Sunovagun fires more phasers taking out a few fighters before the pirates could fully react. They eventually did though and the fighter swoop over the Sun firing their lasers and phasers at the corvette. They all bounce harmlessly on her shields. Her hits did not bounce but penetrate what shields they had. The pirates tried to cut their losses and flee but he arrival of the Explorer Class Starship ended that attempt and the survivors surrendered. Bomber was looking for damage reports when Sunny reported a hail from the Pegasus. The Admiral's familiar figure appeared. <Well Captain Markus was glad to see you show up and I have to agree. I think I would have arrived too late.> "Just give me the salvage rights and I'm good." Boyce laughed at that. <You sure you're not a pirate? But deal. But thanks for the rescue and Captain Markus gives his ship thanks as well. Sadly I have to get back to work helping with repairs.> "I'll leave you to then. Sunovagun out." That conversation was the first of many between them. They actually developed a friendship, Bomber never officially forgave him but both had an understanding. DB and the station were NEVER to mentioned. After a few months Bomber declared vacation time. The Sunovagun put into stationary orbit and the crew beamed down to their respective areas. Bomber opened the door to hir family's house. "Mom, Dad, we're home." Bomber heard the pitter patter of bare feet and hir two mates came around the corner and bear hugged their chakat mate. "About time you got home, we're your mates and have needs." Zenna declared. "Yes like shopping!" Shawni declared after that. Her sister gave her a look then looked to Bomber. "No I was thinking of just having hir here as well as other needs." Zenna stroked Bomber's lower torso causing a purr from Bomber. "LIKE SHOPPING!" Bomber looks and Zenna. "She's in the mood isn't she?" "Sadly yes." Zenna then looked at her sister. "Our mate just got home, shopping can wait." You have never seen a sadder face then what was on Shawni's face. Neither bomber or Zenna could resist that face. "Oh alright! But when shi leaves again you have to be my toy for the day got it?" "Deal." Bomber beg enough time to change and then they were off. Shawni took them all over the place and had Bomber try on new stuff. As much as shi loves hir mate it is times like these shi feels like the toy doll that she dresses up. Maybe shi should have more frequent breaks so shi won't be bombarded this bad next time. But Shawni did have good eyes and picked stuff Bomber liked. When Bomber did wear clothes they were male oriented and both hir mates knew hir well. Finally though Shawni was shopped out and they head home. During dinner shi finally saw hir parents and noticed hir mother with a noticeable bump. Looks like shi has a sister on the way. Shi told them the exploits of the Bombers to which hir father ws proud of,and was eager to see the Sunovagun first hand. After dinner Zenna dragged Bomber upstairs. Shawni followed and close the3 bedroom door behind them. "Now you have an obligation to fulfill Bomber, I want a kit and YOU'RE gonna give it to me." Bomber saluted and said. "Yes ma'am." Then kissed passionately for a minute before breaking off and heading for the mattress. Bomber laid down first with hir bellies up and hir cock already peaking out. Zenna licked it to get it hard while Bomber and Shawni kissed passionately. As soon as Zenna had gotten Bomber hard enough she moved and impaled herself on her mate's cock causing both to moan in pleasure. Zenna rode her mate and either caressed her own breasts or her mate's lower torso while both Bomber and Shawni kissed and played with eachother's breasts. This dance went on for minutes before Zenna yipped out. "I'm..ooooh I'm cumming!" She cums and her pussy clenches down and caused Bomber to cum. "OH YES! Fill me with your seed. Give me a kit." Zenna laid on her mate for a minute before Shawni pushed her off and put Bomber's cock in her mouth to which Zenna responded my licking hir sister's pussy. This three way dance went throughout the night till the fell asleep. Thus the next couple of days during the day Bomber spent time with friends, hir parents, and hir mates doing various tasks. At night shi was bombarded by the foxtaur's sexual appetite. Days later Zenna announced she was indeed pregnant and Reefswimmer took them out to celebrate. Secretly Bomber was glad hir mother was pregnant again, shi could provide the milk hir granddaughter would need. And just when shi those shi could take it easy Shawni went into heat and thought it would be good if there was a third child and the dance happened again. By the time the vacation was over Bomber didn't feel as relaxed as shi hoped. Yes it was good to see hir mates again but sometimes shi wonders if hir mates were throwbacks with their sexual drive. So when the crew arrived shi announced. "Crew our vacation is not done." "Now what are you up to sis?' Bill asked. "I was thinking of checking out a recently charted world. Scans should it to be M class and a figure a few days away from everyone would be good." "And give you more time to recover from the Sex Sisters." Bill teased and Bomber frowned. "Yes." Bill laughed and the rest of the crew smiled before taking their positions ans the ship went to warp.

The Lost Temple: Starlight's Discovery

Starlight was packing hir case when shi notice something missing. 'Where was hir hairbrush?' Shi thought when shi heard a knock on hir door. Shi looked over hir shoulder to see hir sister Marey. Marey was hir younger sister and to the surprise of both...

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