Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 16

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#22 of Chakat Universe

The Strange Cruise on the F.S.S. Pegasus continues and Red makes a major decision in hir life

Red was observing the engineers looking over the odd craft when something happen. "George WATCH OUT!" ZZZZZAAAAAAPPPPPP! Red saw some electrical spark and headed toward them. "Darn it George I told you to check if it was powered. You better go to sickbay." Red circled around to see 3 engineers, one cradling his left arm which was clearly burned. "I'll get him to sickbay, you two keep working AND BE CAREFUL." Red interjects. "Aye lieutenant." Red carefully helps the injured crewman to his feet and helps him to sickbay. A nurse quickly got him to a biobed and treats his wounds as Red again looks at the strange chakat. Shi was asleep as Dr.Kelly ran scans. "Well shi's not pure chakat. They're something else in hir dna but what I don't know." Curious Red asks. "How is shi doc?" Kelly looks up in surprise and then notices Red. "Oh Redstreak, well shi had a massive bump on the head and we had to bring the swelling down, but we have to wait for hir to wake up before we know how bad the brain damage was but other than that shi's fine." Red looked past them and commented. "And shi's awake." They all turn to find green intelligent eyes looking at them as shi looked from one to another. "Hello, I'm Doctor Kelly. You're safe here could you tell us your name?" "Where is here?" The Chakat asked. "The Federation Starship Pegasus. We rescued your craft and you're being treated. "Now tell the doctor your name please." Redstreak ordered. The Chakat looked squarely at Red and asked. "Why?" Red then felt pressure. Like a voice in hir head telling hir shi didn't need to know the chakat's name. Red focused hir might and through out the influence and shi saw the surprise in hir eyes. "You just tried to mind control me didn't you?" The medical staff gasped at the revelation. "Crap you didn't have the paw mark so I thought it was worth the shot." "What does a paw mark have to do with anything?" The chakat rolled hir eyes. "Don't kid me about that. Your Starfleet you've have a bunch of skunktaurs in the fleet so try again." "Skunktaurs? What in blazes is shi talking about?" Doctor Kelly asked. Red did a thinking pose then the proverbial light bulb went off. "Ah HAH! I remember now, when I discover I was stuck here with this body and did a crash course of history and I remember in the files about a friend of the Turners trying to make another species that would be skunktaurs but he had trouble getting funding. He was on his way to a meeting with some corporations when he had a car crash and died. No one picked up the project after him." "You've been here about 9 years and you remember that?" Red taps hir head and replies. "That nanos make sure I remember everything thing in detail." Some shi rather not remember like hir last image of Mounty. "So what are you suggesting Redstreak?" "That shi's like me, from another universe. Maybe one that these skunktaurs were made." Doctor Kelly then looked at the strange chakat and asked. "Would you tell us your name and what you last remember?" The chakat seemed to think of it for a bit before finally answering. "My name is Goldstrike and my first clear memory is waking up here." "But if you thought Starfleet knew of these skunktaurs..." Kelly started but Red interrupted. "I bet shi has general knowledge of hir world but personal memories are gone right?" Goldstrike sheepishly nods. "I like to test that to confirm if you don't mind." Kelly then takes the next couple of hours figuring out what shi knows. Red let Boyce know what was going on and he ordered hir to stay. If hir theory was right Red was the best expert of dimensional traveling they had. And hir theory was proven right. Goldstrike knew general knowledge so some of it was different then what they knew but anytime Kelly asked something personal shi couldn't answer. Other than hir name shi had no personal memories. The next day Boyce held a meeting and Redstreak was to attend. "Alright everyone let's figure out what we know. First The sensor readings of the anomaly?" M'Lai spoke up first. "We went over the readings and some of them are similar but different from what has been scanned when the doorway is open between us and Lt. Redstreak's home universe, but more than that I can't say. I suggest and full out science vessel study this further. I also suggest it have escort considering what else we found out here." "Speaking of which any news on that dark ship?" Midnight punches up the image and begins. "As you can see, despite the obvious color scheme difference the ship is very similar in design to the Pegasus." Red had to agree, the pylons didn't stretch back but curved out to the sides and the engineering section was considerably smaller. And there was something familiar about the design. Oh now shi remembers but shi waits for Midnight to finish. "Despite our best efforts we couldn't find any markings to identify her and our sensors were still on the fritz at that time so they were much help either but we can confirm that she was nowhere on are scanners. I can speculate on her form that she is comparable to us in abilities." "Thank you Midnight, ah yes Redstreak you have something to add?" "Sir I have seen a ship like this before. Back home they had a science fiction series called Star Trek. I often comment how similar your tech is to that series. That ship looks like a Galaxy class starship of....ironically a federation and midnight is right that the ablilites of a Galaxy are comparable to the Pegasus. AS to why it's black I can't say and to why it's here, maybe like our guest was brought here against it's will." "Interesting view Redstreak. Any proof to back it up?" "Mainly hunch sir but Commander M'Lai had reported stuff similar to what happens when Doctor Xanatos does his experiments and the fact it appears that our guest is an apparent hybrid of chakat and a race that doesn't exist here." Boyce then looks at Doctor Kelly who then gives her report. "I can confirm that our guest Shir Goldstrike is a chakat hybrid. After hours of data searching we found the records of Dr. Byrant Curtis. He was a friend of the Turners and was working on his own taur species but died in a car accident before it was finished and no one took up the project after his death. Some of those records did have the DNA blueprint he was working on and I compared them to the unknown DNA in Shir Goldstrike. 75% match between them so I believe it proves Lt. Redstreak's theory plus what hir general knowledge reveal many differences between the world shi is from and here. None of the records said that Curtis wanted a telepathic species but Goldstrike said that was a result of other factors and the sponsers Curtis got where shi is from. I did a scan of hir brain and while shi is minus the nanos that allows Lt. Redstreak hir telepathy shi has similar brain activity. Other than hir lost personal memories and some remaining swelling in hir brain shi is a healthy chakat. Shi may look chubby but that is muscle reserve. Shi can outlast a pure chakat in any physical challenge. And hir paw print is natural not a dye. Goldstrike says all skunktaurs have a version of it due to genetic manipulation by the sponsor corporations. A different color for each corporation. However they now signify that talent they have. Red is for Telepathy, Blue for Telekinesis, and Black for Astral Projection. And Hybrid children can inherit those powers and usually have the paw mark but not always. Other than that shi is a typical chakat." "Very well, Redstreak." "Yes sir." "I know you are already taking care of our shapeshifter but can you also take care of Goldstrike?" "Yes sir, I guess I won't report to my usual duties sir." "You guess right Goldstrike and Vox are your priorities now. Chief Sparks your report on Goldstrikes craft." The chakat that heads Pegasus' engineering cleared hir throat and began. "Sir it is an interesting craft. The bulk of it is ancient, I say about 200 years old but they jury rigged some tech that is close to ours. I even saw fed logos on some of the equipment but the serial number I got back say they're on a freighter in the Lakal sector. The ship is capable of low warp and sublight speeds and it seems to be made for something else to but what I have no idea right now." "Understood, we'll continue our tour then meeting dismissed." They group broke up and Kelly and Red headed for sickbay in silence. Upon arriving they both headed to Goldstrike. The chakat had an alert stance, ready to defend hirself at any time. Red used a combo empathy/telepathy to get a basic reading. <Strange,> shi thought<their almost seems to be two minds in hir.> Goldstrike looks their way. "So what are you going to do with me?"Goldstrike asked. "Well as soon as the doctor gives the okay you'll bunk with my family while on ship. Where you go from there I have no idea." "Well Redstreak," Kelly interjected. "Hir swelling is gone and everything else is normal so shi can go right now but if shi has any major dizzy spells get hir back here." "Can do doctor." Red extends a hand to Goldstrike. Goldstike looks at the hand then at Red's face before finally taking it and Red helps hir off the bed and the two leave sickbay. "So I have to ask. Why you out of everyone on this ship?" Goldstrike asks. Red smiles and replies. "Because I know what it's like, you are not the first other world traveler to this universe. I'm one to and I know what's it like to lose your memory. But at least you know your name, I didn't." "Is that why your the only telepath here?" "Nope that was a science experiment by a Human First branch." "So they are here too, drat. So where did you appear here and why didn't you go back memory?" "Not do to memory I didn't lose it till much later but I appeared in a transporter room at a spaceport on Earth." "Bet that was a surprise seeing a chakat suddenly appear not using a transporter." "I was human at first when I appeared then my future sister Medallion did the typical chakat thing and went to my aid. Unfortunately touching me caused a malfunction in the transporter and it activated and that's how I ended up in a clone of Medallions body." Goldstrike was speechless and they finished their journey in silence. When they walked in the first to greet them was Firestripe. Shi ran up and wanting a hug from hir sire which Red was more than happy to comply. Then the young kit started sniffing Goldstrike as Fish and Flameria walked into the room. "Red who is this?" Flameria asked. 'This is Goldstrike, shi came in the strange vessel we found and for the time being shi'll live with us. Note shi's telepathic." "Great! I now have to look over two of you." Fish complains, though Red saw a glint in her eyes. "Hey you got me as a mate and my family as yours out of the deal." "Best thing that ever happened to me." Goldstrike was then introduced to Vox and the family evening went well as both sides got to know one another. Goldstrike felt uncomfortable at first when they decided for everyone to sleep together. While shi didn't have personal memories shi had a feeling shi normally slept alone. The next couple weeks Goldstrike got used to the Redstreak family routine. Red went and did hir security gig, Flameria either stayed behind to watch their child or did forestry training on the holodeck, main teaching their but shi did learn a few things. Fish either counseled Goldstrike or some other client but spent most of her time with Vox, and Vox the odd shapeshifter either took classes to learn stuff about Federation history or tech but also spent the bulk of hos time with Fish. Sometimes Shi and Flameria had to relieve hir when those two got really frisky. Though a couple of times is when Red decided to get frisky with her. At one point as shi dragged the biped pink cat into the private room shi said. "She's my mate, thus I'm entitled to some imitate time with hir as well Vox." Cause Flameria to chuckle and say. "Don't worry Vox, I'll keep you company." She had that hunter's smile and Vox did feel like prey. In minutes shi was dragging him off to another room leaving Goldstrike to shake hir head. Other incidents did occur, one time Red was in a lounge taking a break from hir family and reading a book from a padd. "What are you reading Red?" Red looked up and saw Commander M'Lai there. "Commander M'Lai, some religious texts." "M"Lai is fine we're both off duty. May I look?" "Sure." Red hands her the padd. She reads for a minute then asks. "This is from that Christian religion?" "Yup the Holy Bible. I read it on occasion. I know the so called Holy Christian Kingdom gives it a bad name but that's not all of us." "I honestly didn't think you as a religious person before." "I wasn't much before my change but after so many brushes with death there has to be a God out there who wants still here." "You have a point. I admit I'm not that devout about my religion right now but I do believe in it." Red nods in understanding. "I believe God, no matter what form for he could have chosen any for your people or others. Doesn't want blind faith but knowing belief. He wants us to ask questions. SO he can answer them. By understanding the universe we get to understanding him more." The two spent the next couple of hours the two had a chat on religion and mutual respect and understanding happened. Another thing of interest was Goldstrike relation to the family. After a week shi came to trust Red and family, so one night shi went to Red and asked. "Are you the only telepath in this universe besides me?" Red nods and replies. "I got mine from a nano bot experiment and there is no other telepath around so I've been trying to do my best with it." "How you like help? My personal memories may be gone but my training is intact." "I'd like that, thank you." "Least I could do. It looks like I'm stuck here so might as well make what friends and allies I can." Red nodded in understanding. While they could use the technology that is still being worked on to connect this universe to hir birth one there's no guarantee that they could make it work for Goldstrike's universe. Goldstrike and Red went into one of the private rooms and Goldstrike directed hir to lay hir lower torso down. Once shi did that Goldstrike mimic hir then grabed hir head and bowed hir head so that their foreheads our touching. <Can you hear me now?> Goldstrike asks mentally. <Yes.> <Okay let's see if you can link to everyone on ship. Just the surface thoughts not too deep.> Red silently complied starting with hir family then expand to the beings on hir level. Shi slowly progressed level by level as shi heard the background noise of the crew's surface thoughts. Once shi had them all Goldstrike ordered hir to hold it for two hours if shi could. The two sat their not moving, not even acknowledging their bodies as Goldstrike observes Red's attempt to hold on to the link shi had made between hir and the crew. Finally Red hears. <Okay times up.> The two open their eyes and break off and just look at eachother. "You did well, you tired at all?" "No not really." The door opens and the chakats see Flameria there. "Red a vid mail came in from home." "Awesome." The Two chakats got up and Red went to the viewscreen in the main room and fired up the message. The first thing shi sees is an image of hir sister. "Hey sis, how are you and your mates doing? I doing well, work going great and of course our friends at Double H miss you and off course Alex getting nice and plump." "DALLIE!" Red smiles as shi here's hir wolf mate berate hir sister. "I'm eager to see you home and have your music fill the halls again. Oh I got knocked up again by Coal but I returned the gesture." The gold chakat gave a predatory grin before ceding the spot to Coal. Goldstrike raises hir eyebrows, This Coal was quite attractive. "Hey love, been taking care of your biped mate and child, making sure shi's got enough food for two and all. I hope to have you back soon but Dallie and even Tamira have kept me company and our children have been relatively good. The restaurant is thriving, the owner is considering expanding. Well cya soon my love." Shi breaks away and an obviously pregnant timberwolf appeared. "Hey honey, your family..." "OUR FAMILY." Dallie interjects. "Our family has been taking good care of me, too good if you ask me I hardly get out of bed when not at work. And the doctor reports the baby is fine. It's possibility digigrade too, she figure do to the fact your a chakat and your back legs are digigrade. You BETTER be here for it's birth. Cya then honey." Each of hir kids and nieces had their own messages and caused Red to smile. But then there was Larsa. She did a separate message from the others and was as Red expected, holding little Jewel. "Red, As you can see little Jewel is growing bigger and is happy." Tears start forming in her eyes. "She even called me mom and I didn't have the heart to correct her. I'm fifty five years old Red. I will live to see her get to adulthood but I'm afraid I can't really be there for her by that time. For my daughter's sake I want to be there for her but I don't know how. The only solace is the fact Dallie, you, and everyone else will be there for her no matter what. As much as I love your sister I always treasure your wisdom my friend and I hope to have a talk to you face to face." The screen went black and Fish looked at Red's face and saw grim determination on it. "You okay Red?" "I will be. I'm gonna do some research." Red got up and went to a private room and turned on a terminal. Days later the Pegasus orbits another planet. This one heavily tropical but another possible bread basket. This time Vox fully understood he wasn't going so He Goldstrike, and Fish were trying out Red's Bowling program with Firestripe. Red was on Midnight's team this time for the commander wanted to be teamed up with hir and being in charge of security shi could. Red didn't mind and was hoping to have some fun exploring. After the transporter beam released them shi felt hot. It was humid here, Florida humid. Shi looks over to Midnight and comments. "I hate having fur AND a uniform in this kind of climate." Midnight smiled and replied. "Went not on duty I only wear a vest Forest gave me so I completely understand the sentiment." The group spends hours looking at the various plants for edibility or medicinal purposes as well as a general survey of the land. When they heard a sound and Red and midnight sensed a presences the team ducked down. Red sense shi was the closest and not wanting the tricorder's sound to reveal hir presence shi took out a small binoculars to get a good look. One hundred yards away shi saw a biped figure. It had yellow black hair that was feathery like and it seem to have wings where the arms are supposed to be. They didn't look big enough to allow the being to fly but it did use them as arms as one held a spear. The being put one foot...no that a talon the being had bird like talons for feet on a rock The bring had more feathery hair just above the knee that divided the talon from the rest of the leg. It scanned away from Red's group before turning around and Red got a look on it's front side. It was completely naked and female from the looks. In this climate Red could understand the choice and wish shi could do the same. While hir chakat body had many perks the fur was a downside in hot and humid weather. As Red slowly scans down shi does see a pair of string holding a sword and a bag and scanning down farther shi had to make a correction. The being was a hermaphrodite not a female. Those were learly a cock and balls. The being had light brown sking except for the belley era and most of hir face which was tanish and the talon part of the leg was black. Red heard shuffling and got a whiff of Midnight's scent. Good thing they were upwind of the herm over there. "Red can you get into it's mind from here?" The black chakat asked in a whisper. Red looked back at the being and gave it a try. Shi got a connection, nodded to Midnight and dove in for information. For a few minutes shi experienced everything the being did as they were connected. Red made sure shi was passive using all the tricks Goldstrike has taught hir and getting the information they needed. Eventually they got out of range of the being and from a nod Red gave Midnight contacted Pegasus. "Midnight to Pegasus, we have sentient race here beam all teams up immediatley.' <Understood.> Pegasus replied and the transporter grabbed them again. At the next meeting Red got center stage as Boyce asked hir what shi got from the being. "They call themselves Paradisae. They are at the tech level of the Roman Empire and is nearly made up of herms with a few females. There are no males in their race I couldn't even find the meaning in hir mind for a male. It seems the females are treated similar to insect queens. They are usually live in a temple and are the goal of the standard Paradisae to become mates with. The Paradisae we encounter was doing a coming of age challenge." "Thank you Lt Redstreak. What about the planet itself?" That's when Commander M'Lai steps in. "Sir our study shows the plants are edible there's nothing special about them except for looks. And the minerals are of a standard variety." "Alright then Starfleet will send a science team to study the natives. Next stop is Cait then we head for Earth. Red smiled at that, not only will shi be soon home but hir plan was closer to completion. Days later Red was in hir quarters plying with Firestrip and Flameria when shi heard. <All Hands Yellow Alert!> Shi stood up and with a nod from Flameria shi raced to the nearest security center. Upon entering the center shi grabd the nearest phaser belt and asked the nearest person. "What's going on?" "Sounds like the sensors were picking up more of those wacky readings so I guess they want to be ready this time." Red nods and secures hir belt. A top can wait and shi waits for orders with the other security personnel. They all watch a veiwscreen mirroring the what the main veiwscreen is showing. Shi saw a black/bluish object blocking the stars. It just stay that way till something started to appear. Eventually a ship appeared spinning slowly. It had a saucer with a slanted neck attaching it too a oblong shaped engineering section with wing swept pylons attaching nacelles to the engineering section. And it looked familiar to hir. "Sensors, what do you have on that ship?" Boyce asks. "Well not reading any life signs on board. Energy signature is similar to our own. The design is similar to a cruiser we designed a century ago. I'm reading massive damage on her hull. She's been in a fight." "Any way to Identify her?" "I am seeing some under some of the scoring. U.S.S. Firefox, NCC-1732." "Can we send an away team?" "Yes sir she still has atmosphere." <Lt. Redstreak to bridge.> "Bridge here Lieutenant." Boyce answers. <That ship is the Enterprise.> "Um Sorry Red we've identified her as the Firefox not Enterprise." <HHHMMM....must be a sister ship. Sir do you see a United Federation of Planets somewhere?> Boyce looks over at sensors. "Sir I do see that on the engineering hull." "Red you just volunteered to be part of the away team. Midnight assemble a security and a damage control team." The teams onto the bridge of the ship. Red lights flashed and a klaxon was blaring and the room was some like smoke. The bridge was circular with a single command chair with two station forward of it with the other station wrapping around the outer hull. The pair of engineers went to a couple of stations. "Commander looks like the crew was ordered to abandon ship." One said. "Anything that could harm us?" "No commander we are all okay but I have found the ships logs just need some time to decode it." "Sir this ships impulse engines and thrusters are offline, nothing that can't be fixed. Give me a full engineering team we can be up and running in a few hours." "What about the ships tech? Is it like ours?" Midnight asks. "Off hand I say very close to what we had a nearly a century ago. Position of a few things are different but recognizable." Midnight nods and looks over the bridge. Everything on the ship seemed to be designed with bipeds in mind with chairs at nearly all stations. "Midnight over here." Shi hears Red say and moves to were the chakat was and asked. "What is it?" "Check this out." The gold and red chakat thumbed a plaque. It was gold and with a delta like star with flames encompassing it was at the top and directly below it read.

U.S.S. Firefox NCC-1732 Constitution Class Launch 2260 San Francisco Shipyards "Let Freedom spread like flames."

I guess this partially proves your theory, ever heard of a ship with this name in those shows you mentioned?" Red shook hir head. "Nope but everything else is nearly right." Midnight nods and hits hir commbadge. "Team Two, how's engineering?" <A bit of a mess but this ship's warp core is fine and stable.> Midnight then took Red and a the other security officer and look through out the ship just in case the Pegasus' sensors missed something. It was a bit hard since the ship proved time and time again to not be designed for taurs. The had to use the Jefferies tubes since the turbo lifts were just too cramp, heck the tubes were a little tight with a few funny moments for the two chakats. They find nothing but a few bodies humanoid in nature. With the ship secure Red and the others beam out leaving the engineers to repair the ship and gather clues. Hours later the command staff was gathered in a conference room to go over the strange ship drifting nearby. Boyce looked over to his firstwife and commander M'Lai and asked. "So what did this ship reveal?" The Caitian smiled at her mate before beginning. "Well from records we got and some help from Lt. Redstreak this ship is from another universe. This universe Earth is the core of a United Federation of Planets and intrumental in it's founding. They are much like us in stance but more military minded since in their universe they have other powers on par with them in strength while we really don't. That ship and her sisters represent the best of there tech at the time and does what Pegasus does here. As to how this ship got here I have some logs to view." She then hits a few buttons and a holo projection starts. They see a human made in his early forties wearing a red uniform with a white strip over his right shoulder with a gold cross like emblem. "Admiral's log September 9, 2285. With the critical repairs finished after our run in with Khan Noonieh Singh we and the Enterprise head home. This has to be the most melancholy trip home I've had in ages. Not only did we and the Enterprise take a beating but considering the Reliant was hijacked and with both ships just having cadets on board we did very well but with the bulk of the trainee crew reassigned the ship feels empty. But not as empty as the Enterprise. Spock's death have hurt us all. He was a good friend to me but almost family to Jim. He's got to be hurting and I feel helpless to help him. I only hope time can heal this wound." The log ends and another starts up. "Admiral's Log September 10, 2285. I thought nothing could beat Spock's death but the brass in there infinite wisdom are decommissioning the Enterprise AND the Firefox. I used what pull I have to delay the decommissioning of the Firefox. We have just lost Reliant and want both Enterprise and Firefox decommed as well? That's 2 heavy cruisers and a light cruiser down and some in brass agreed with me but in a couple of months She will be decomed. I think this is mainly do to 'The Great Experiment' that is the Excelsior. If it works it would render all Constitution class ships obsolete. The problem is we don't know if it will work but the brass has decreed and I've done all I can." That log ends and a new vid appears showing the other ships bridge and a handful of officers manning the critical stations when one reported. "Sir I'm getting an increase in power readings coming from the Enterprise." The officer goes over and asked. "Is she losing antimatter containment?" "No sir it's a control increase. Sir she is moving?" The officer in charge frown before hitting the comm. "Yellow alert! Admiral to the bridge, Yellow Alert!" Some amber lights begin flashing when a comm comes in. <Bridge, how in the heck do we have a yellow alert in Spacedock?> "Sir someone is stealing the Enterprise." <Heading up.> In the few minutes the bridge was filled up as people took their posts. Then the admiral we saw in the logs shows up. "Report." "Sir the Enterprise is heading for the nearest doors. No response to orders to surrender the ship, we and Excelsior have orders to pursue and the Excelsior is powering up." Taking the center chair They see the admiral with a focus determine expression. "Move about in a pursuit course." "They can't run far the doors aren't opening." One of the officers said. "Don't be to sure of that." The recording showed the view that the viewscreen projected. They see blue walls with white lights and a off white starship moving backwards to a pair of large doors. The ship had battle scarring on it with signs of recent on site repairs. The ship looked like it was going to hit the doors when at the last minute they began to open. The ship leaves the station and turns to head out. Another ship appears on screen. It was far bigger than the fleeing ship but seemed to have the basic overall design but beefed up. They watch both ships leave the station an attempt to close in on the stolen ship. They here over the comm a voice say, <Kirk if you do this you will never it in a captain's chair again.> They watch the ship go to warp as an answer. They were ready to see the big ship jump to warp but after a minute the ship actually stops. Even the crew of the Firefox was confused. The Admiral hits a button on his chair and asks. "Firefox to Excelsior are you alright?" <Our trans warp drive has stalled and we have lost engine power. Go on Spacedock will send a tug to bring us back in.> "Very well let's go to Warp." The video then change back to the admiral in an office. "Admiral's Log September 13 2285, We are still in pursuit of the Enterprise and as figured she's heading right for Genesis. Starfleet has sent out a warning about the Enterprise to the Grissom. There has been no response from her. Both me and Jim have sent Captain Estenban our complements but again no response. That's not like him." The video changed back to the bridge. The flight recorder showed it was the next day. The Admiral comes out of the turbolift And take the center chair again. "Report." "Sir we have droppede out of warp with the Enterprise Just ahead. We have seen no sign of the Grissom but the Enterprise did Report that they had a reading of a scout class vessel but it disappeared." "Sir should we engage the Enterprise?" "Not right now, something is not right here. Helm get us parallel with the Enterprise. Communications open a channel with the Enterprise." The next few minutes saw the sister ships fly together searching for the missing ship when The voice belong to this Admiral kirk said. <There, that distortion.> <It's getting bigger as we get closer.> Another voice responded. <What could cause it?> <An energy field?> <One big enough to hide a ship?> <A cloaking device.> They heard for admirals order their ships to red alert but neither raise shields figuring their opponents had to decloak to fire. "Think it's romulan sir?" An officer asks. "It's a good bet but can be klingons too, we'll know soon enough." "Sir two Klingon Birds of Prey decloaking!" "Open Fire!" The screen show's a volley of red phaser fire hitting a green colored ship who's form was like a bird with it's wings in a down flap. A wing was sheered away and the other ship spined out of control and got bigger. "BRACE FOR IM.."The ship rocked as the other ship collided with it and it was engulfed in flames. In the bridge view they saw people stagger up with the flashing red lights being the main source of lighting. Coughing the admiral yelled up. "Damage report." "Sir shields are not coming up, looks like the generator was hit. Impulse engines and thrusters are also offline. Heavy casualties in rear of the saucer." "What's the condition of the Enterprise and the other bird of prey?" "Enterprise got hit in the rear of the saucer, they're shields are down." "Sir I think their automation center was hit judge on where she was hit." The bridge engineer interjected. "So they be dead in the water." "Yes sir if there is only a handful on board." "And the bird of prey?" "Significant damage but they are operational." "Can we shoot them?" "No Enterprise is in our line of sight." They then hear Kirk hail the other ship trying to get them to stand down. Their response was to kill a prisoner, that prisoner was Kirk's son. It sounded like Kirk was surrendering but it seems that this ship's admiral had another idea. "Crap Kobyashi Maru, He's going to blow up the Enterprise. Can we maneuver out yet?" "Sorry sir still a few minutes away." "We don't have that long." "Sorry sir we only have warp." "Which if we use we would slam right into the planet." The Admiral hits a button and continue. "All Hands this is the Admiral. ABANDON SHIP. Use all shuttles and rear escape pods." he looks over to one of the officers on the bridge. "Jake you will be in charge inform Starfleet of what has happened." "What about you sir?" "Joining Jim down on the planet, now get going." As the klaxon blared and the computer order abandon ship they see the crew use the shuttles and pods to escape. Then they watch the admiral be the last one to leave the bridge and head for the nearest transporter pad. He does some things at the console and heads for the pad. He pauses to take one last look at his ship and says. "Not they way I would have like to be separated but you will be going down in a blaze of glory, thanks for everything." He steps onto the pad and it activates. The video ends and M'Lai concludes. The sister ship explodes. "Well after that the ships logs record it drifting some time before encounter some anomaly and ending up here." "So what's the plan." Midnight asks. "LT. Comm. Shortfall and her crew have repair the critical damage and Lt. Hampton will command the ship with a skeleton crew as we both head for Cait." Days later both ships are in orbit of Cait. The Firefox will be further repaired and studied here before being moved elsewhere for more in depth study. Red and hir family get shore leave and take it. Fish and Vox go out on their own, the pair have become inseparable and Red was very happy for them. Flameria took Goldstrike to check out the sites and Red got some alone time. Despite hir current body's needs shi need time to hirself at times. Shi was checking out the main market when shi found an interesting place. A small store claim to have special items. Curious shi checked it out. They had various items, potions, and lotions. One stood out It was in a white bottle. Shi picked it up to look at it curious when a voice asked. "See anything you like?" Red looks over and sees a female caitian. "Just curious about this?" "Ah that is one of the drugs from Amazonia, we got a shipment from Father's Love a while ago. This one is supposed to reverse aging a bit. But I don't think you need that shir." Red Thought of Larsa and her sadness of not being there for Jewel. Biologically they maybe grandmother and granddaughter but in ever way it counts Larsa is Jewels mother. "You sure this works?" Red asks. "Oh yes, my great grandmother's co wife took it to see my sister married." Red used hir talents and shi wasn't being scammed. "Okay, I'll take a bottle." After buying the bottles shi check out the rest of the market till it was time to return the ship. After a few days the Pegasus leaves heading for Earth and Red was eager to reunite with hir other mates, Especially Alexis and their unborn baby. The trip was uneventful Red spending time with hir family, training hir telepathy with Goldstrike and hanging out with Boyce's family when shi wasn't doing hir shift on board. Finally the Pegasus dock at Starbase one and said hir farewells to Boyce's family and was discharged. They beam down to the starport in New Minneapolis where Dallie waited for them. After the trade of hugs they head home. When they arrive Red immediately went to check hir mate Alexis. Shi found the wolf herm sitting in Red's office keeping up with the Double H's inventory, to Red's surprise the wolf herm was naked. When shi bunked here after the bombing shi at minimum shi wore a bikini and shi assumed that shi did the same when shi moved in after becoming Red's mate on Chakona. Red took a minute to appreciate Alexis' nude body and the obvious baby bump she had. Shi looked six months along even though shi was only 3 months along. They were closely monitoring the progress since this is the first ever known time a biped has carried a bady sired by a tuar. Though Red strictly said only the family's doctor was to do the job. This was a private family matter to hir and NO ONE was to mess with it. It was then that Alexis glanced hir way then looked back at the screen before looking back. "Red!" Even to this day Red was surprised how fast that pregnant wolf manage to go from the chair to hugging hir. "IT's SO good to see you love." "I can easy say the same, especially with you in just fur." Alexis could see the predatory look in hir mate's eyes. Shi never thought shi actually look forward to it after the rape. But then this was Red, the chakat had cared for hir and came to love hir. And shi loved hir back. "Well you sister's influence, the needing for more clothes that will fit our baby cause that. But I must say I never felt so free. It was like the clothes shackled me." "So I can expect to see you in all your glory for now on?" "Well it's only fair since you allow me the same." Red grinned and with hir tail shut the door. A sign to everyone else in the house that the two of them should be left alone. Red then stroked the swollen belly containing a miracle and kissed hir wolf mate which was returned passionately. Red slowly got them to the couch in the office and laid hirself on it so hir mate could be on top. Alexis wasted no time climbing on top of Red's lower torso and positioned hirself just above Red's aroused cock. Both herms take a moment to admire the form of the other before Alexis slowly takes Red's cock into hir. Red assists with hir handpaws and both groan in pleasure of their mating. Alexis rode hir taur mate, eyes closed in bliss and Red noticed hir mate's cock. The years since shi's been a chakat has gotten hir over some of hir limitations. While still heavily male biased shi didn't mind playing with a partner's cock. Shi stroked Alexis' cock making the wolf gasp. Alexis didn't last much after that and dual orgasmed and the emotional feedback cause Red to follow pumping hir seed into hir mate again. Eventually Alexis laid on Red in near coma from the pleasure overload of a duel orgasm, though Red made sure shi was on hir side as to not harm their child. Shi wraps hir handpaws around Alexis and the two doze off on the couch till supper time to which they moved their reunion into Red's room. The next day was Coal's turn then to Red's surprise all four of hir mates got some time with hir. It was actually the first time Fish has been without Vox nearby but still enjoyable. Over the next week the living arrangements were established. As typical the chakats slept together and Red notice continuing interest of Coal towards Goldstrike but Goldstrike seemed hesitant a bit. Shi hope that would work out well. Fish and Vox obviously preferred their own room, though not official it was generally accepted by the family that they were mates. Red wasn't at all jealous but happy for Fish. Red gave her a family but Vox gave her someone to love and as much as Red has come to love her it was good she had an alternative. Heck it took hir a whole day to recover from the orgy. Flameria, Larsa, and Jewel slept with the chakats leaving Alexis and Tamira who form an interesting friendship. When not having private time with Red or a comate shi slept with Tamira. It seemed a good arrangement and it made the unicorn happy. But the situation still sadden Red, Tamira had no real choice but to be attracted to females and Alexis was a little female bias. Those stupid nanos that changed her from the mouse herm shi met at Double H to a unicorn female PROGRAMED to be a lesbian. All attempts to reprogram the nanos have failed. Shi plans to get together with Goldstrike and see if they can do something. If Tamira wants to be a lesbian if should be HER choice not forced on her. Though before that shi had one other thing to do. During the middle of Wednesday Shi asked Larsa into hir room. "What's up Red?" "Remember that message you sent me, worried about not being there for Jewel later in life?" "Yes." The elder foxtaur said sadly. "Well I got this." Red reveals the bottle shi got at Cait. "This can reverse your aging a bit so you can be there longer for not only Jewel but my sister to." Larsa looked at the bottle, "You don't have to decide right away it's good for ever till you use it. Just make sure it's the right choice in your mind." Unable to speak Larsa shows how much this means to her and hugs the chakat. Larsa didn't immediately use it but kept it safe and locked away till she was ready. Red convinced both Goldstrike and Tamira to try to break the programing forced on her. The three of them went into room and the unicorn sat crosslegged and both chakats sat on their haunches and set their heads against hers and hold her head. What they did in there could not be described but they were at for hours before they finally emerge hungry. Thankfully Coal was ready for them and brought out meals. "Well any luck sis?" Dallie asked. Red sighs and answers. "I don't think so, at least not as far as I wanted to. But time will tell." "Well thanks for trying anyway Red." "Hey your family." The unicorn just smiled at that, she long ago resigned herself to being considered family by them. And not a bad family to belong to, they understand her needs and allow her to express them. Heck this attempt they tried was to free her of her chains. They were worth serving in her eyes. The average day goes on for months till a week before the big day. The doc at the last check up though it be a good idea to have some Chakat milk available. So shi approached Coal. "Hey Coal I want to have another baby." The dark colored chakat smirked at hir mate responded. "What Alexis' upcoming baby isn't enough?" Shi asked teasingly. "Well the doc said we might need some chakat milk on standby and I figure why shop for it." "I like that think but my heat is still a ways away I'm in rut right now." "I know and I'm in HEAT right now." Coal looked at Red in shock. "Y-You mean you want to be a mother?" "Yes, I thought I give it a try once and the timing couldn't be better." Coal hugged Red and pushed hir into the nearest room, thankfully empty being Dallie's old room and shi is at work. It didn't take long for the two of them to go at it. Playing with eachother's breasts and kissing passionately. Red soon laid on the mattress and felt Coal set hirself on top of hir. Grapsing Red's breasts which red brought hir hands up to trap them their and groaned as shi felt Coal's cock slide in fir the first time without a condom. Quickly their tails wrap around eachother and the two chakats kiss passionately again as Coal slowly pumps in and out of hir mate. Time had no meaning to them only the love and pleasure they shared. Red was ceertainly loving it. Hir breasts caressed and hir nipples occasionaly pinched my hir first love as hir love's cock fills hir again and again. Shi even felt hir own cock go erect beneath hir sandwich between the mattress and hir body. Soon the both cum and Red felt the joy of being filled for the first time in hir life. The rest of the next two days the rest of the family had to fend for themselves as the bulk of Red's and Coal's time was taken up with eachother. When the heat was over Red happily announced hir first pregnancy to the cheers of the house. As family arrived for Alexis' birthing party they had a lot to talk about, the first baby to be born of a biped sired by a taur was big news followed by Red's first pregnancy. Red finally got to meet Alexis's parents. Hir mother was a herm wolf to with dark grey fur and usual wolf patterns but shi did have lighter gray hair in hir fur showing shi was getting up there in years but hir body was still lean and strong. Hir father was a wolf male who's fur was a little more black than gray and clearly younger than his mate. Most morphs don't really show their age till they near 70 or 90 years and judging from Alexis' age she had to be late forties or early fifties. They first thanked hir for being there to support their daughter after the rape. They normally lived on one of the colony worlds and this was the first time they could return to Earth. Though hir father threaten that Red better be taking good care of his little girl. After appeasing him and a promise to see hir shi did ask about them. Turns out Alexis' father is hir mother's second mate. The first was murdered by Human First before their big coming out. Alexis' mother then worked hard to support Alexis' half siblings. Years later after the kids had moved out and Alexis' mother had free time shi started going out and met Alexis' father. Though young enough to be hir son the two got along well and in two years were mated and soon one was carrying Alexis. Shi showed them to Alexis room. Though their daughter would have loved to meet them at the door it became obvious why shi couldn't. Shi was stilling up on a bed watching TV still naked and not embarrassed but the first thing you noticed wasn't hir nudity. Hir belly was HUGE, it looked like shi was carrying triplets no one child (they checked there only one baby in there). The wolf herm looked over and saw hir parents. "MOM,DAD!" The two rushed over and an odd three way hug ensued. "You're so big honey, are you okay? Any discomfort?" Hir mother asked. "I feel bloated but more annoyed that they won't let me do anything." "Hey I was thinking ahead for your safety...and mine." Red exclaims and looks at Alexis' father. "You don't have four legs like me to support our treasure." "Shi does have a point daughter." Alexis' father states. Alexis sighs knowing both were right. Red left them to their small talk and rubbed hir own belly. Shi did have a noticeable bump in hir lower torso. Hir first baby, if when shi first became a chakat and someone said shi was going to be a mother one day shi would have laugh hir butt off. But here shi was pregnant for the first time and despite an increase of snacking, enjoying it. Shi met Alexis' half siblings as they met hir. The general consensus was that mating to Red did their little sister a lot of good and couldn't wait to see their niece. Two days later the party to celebrate the birth of Red's and Alexis' baby. Being held about nine months after the confirmed pregnancy but no one knew if the baby would make an appearance. All of Alexis' family, all of Red's family that was nearby, and friends from Double H were in attendance. Red relented in letting Alexis out of hir room to chat with everyone. Red carried hir on hir back to a sofa in the living room. Red was also glad to see Dr. Calmwaves and hir chosen crew mingling about ready to jump in if needed. If was amusing watching Alexis' family. They all came clothed but seeing their daughter or little sister nude and seeing ¾ of the guests nude they seemed a bit uncomfortable, not to mention a couple of tented pants from them. Red had hir music playing in the background quiet enough for everyone to have conversations and while Alexis was the center of attention that didn't let Red go unnoticed. Family and friends also asked about hir pregnancy and got some jokes from them who know hir clear male bias. The party went late but Red called it to an end with hir child not making an appearance. Shi helped Alexis on hir back and head to bed with hir mate while everyone else settled on sleeping arrangements. Two days later Red felt a shaking waking hir up. Rubbing hir eyes shi asked. "What is it?" "Red, my water just broke." Red stared at hir for a minute before hir eyes got wide and shi was fully awake. Shi shifted so that hir biped mate was supported by hir lower torso and telepathically sent out a call to wake everyone up. Chessboard was the first to arrive followed by Calmwaves. In minutes the room was filled with everyone in the house and Alexis groaned as the contractions hit. Both the midwife and the doctor had their tricorders out scanning. "Okay everything is looking good this baby is coming so breath deep and push Alexis." Chessboard says.The wolf herm cries out as shi tries. For minutes shi goes through this, all the chakats wincing at the pain they feel from hir. "Okay I see a head keep going." With the loudest cry Alexis does hir final push and actually faints as hir baby comes out. Calmwaves checks hir and confirms shi's okay and gives something to wake hir up again as Chessboard handles the baby. Alexis wakes up and looks up to Red. Red looks down and says. "You did good love, Chessboard has the baby." "And Shi's bringing hir to you." The midwife interrupts and hands the baby over to Alexis you puts the baby to hir breast and the child begins feeding. The parents get their first look at a miracle. The drying fur was the same gold as Red's with a gray underbelly with a red outline. It was a shi with a clearly sheath and vagina and expect since both parents were herms. Shi had a small bit of blue hair on hir head. Hir muzzle was a wolfs as were hir ears but hir feet were digigrade while Alexis' was plantigrade and shi had a chakat like tail. "Hey love did you have any digigrades in your family line?" "Not that I know of, Mom?" Alexis answered weakly. "I don't know of any either honey." Hir mother answered. "I guess shi got that from then then." Red commented, Hir rear legs are digigrade and who knows how the nanos alter stuff. A yawn from Alexis showed shi needed rest, and who can blame hir. Both mother and daughter were asleep and poor red stuck as a pillow. The everyone leaves the couple and red kisses both hir mate and daughter before settling down and back to sleep hirself. The next day Red to Alexis and hir new daughter they named Goldwolf to they hospital for a check up. Calmwaves met them and began a detail scan of little Goldwolf. Thankfully the baby was behaved but Red made sure to be in view and projected calm to hir daughter. After a few minutes Calmwaves gave a report. "Well little Goldwolf is a healthy child. My scan didn't reveal any abnormalities just a mixture of Wolf and Chakat DNA. I believe Redstreak is right about the digigrade feet for I did you at the genealogy of both families and as far as records show Alexis' family have all been plantigrade while all Chakats have a pair of digigrade." The Chakat doctor looked seriously at Red. "There is also a strong possibility that Goldwolf will have some empathy but only time will tell keep an eye on it." "Yes ma'am." Calmwaves smirked at the younger chakat. Shi been looking after hir since shi became a chakat and shi had an odd sense of humor sometimes. After that shi allowed the new family to head home. In the ensuing months Red made sure to have an assignment close to home. Not only to be near Alexis and Goldwolf but also the fact shi was pregnant. Shi manage to get a position at the spaceport and was glad that the Star Corps. Is very accommodating concerning pregnant members and while shi performed hir job well shi did have the issue of some of the female and female biased herm staff cooing over hir pregnancy. It drove hir NUTS. But shi did manage to spend time with hir family and even brought hir daughter Sandrock with hir. While Red showed hir hir current work area and hir daughter did pay attention whenever some made a comment of hir following hir sire's footsteps Red felt anxiety. When back home Red asked hir to come into hir office. "Honey I noticed some anxiety today, is something wrong?" Sandrock shook hir head and Red frowned at Sandrock. "Sandrock you know better than to lie to me now what is wrong?" The chakat cub sighs and looks down. "Daddy every time someone from your work went up to me they asked be if I was following in your footsteps. Dad I am not interested in security. I want to play chakker. But I didn't want to disappoint you." Red signs and hugs Sandrock closer. "While I am a bit disappointed I would be more disappointed if you didn't follow your dream to please me. All I ask is that whatever you choose to do with your life job wise is that you put 100% in. If you fail I would be proud of you for trying and we'll find something else. Now have you done anything towards chakker?" "Played a few games with my friends." "That's a start, tomorrow we'll start looking for a little chakker team in the area." The parent and child hug again. Finally the final two months had arrive and Red was on maternity leave. Red was actually enjoying the feeling of carrying a child. Thanks to hir usual work out shi had an easier time carry hir child's weight than the average chakat but shi couldn't work out like shi usually did. And Sandrock was a happy little cub. They found a nearby team called the Robbinsdale Robins and tried out. Shi got accepted and already played their first couple of games. But shi did find one thing odd. All the players wore headbands and shi didn't see them with the adult game. Shi manage to approach the coach and ask. "Hey coach I was wondering why they all have headbands? I didn't see the adults have them when I saw a game on Chakona." The elder chakat looks at hir and replies. "It's to protect the little ones. Chakkar is such a emotionally involved game that many players create empathic bonds. Such bonds can have a huge effect on the chakats in question. Hence the term Chakkar baby, they are a result of their chakkar playing parents getting that bond and going all they way. We don't want the kids this young to have an empathic bond so the rules have them were those bands to prevent it till they are old enough." "Okay that makes sense, thank you coach." "It's always good that the parent knows as well. I hate to have a young one suffer because of ignorant parents." Red also enjoyed hir time with hr daughter Goldwolf and Alexis, who remained nude in the house much to the enjoyment of Red. Even being pregnant didn't stop their fun but they made sure to wear condoms. Flameria took Firestripe on a camping trip to teach their child some of hir mother's foxtaur ways And Red hope they were having a good time. AS the expected due date got closer everyone was preparing for the birth party. Polka, Clarissa, Starlight, and even with Tailswisher in tow arrived. Even Tami and Jali found their way to get here much to Flameria's and Red's delight. Flameria enjoyed showing them Firestripe to which they both were ecstatic at the sight much to Firestripe's despair and shi was clamored over by them. Red and Flamy learned that both of them had obligation kits since the couple left. Very not surprising that the old huntmates spent most of their time together since this was really the first time they have talked in years. Even the surprise of the arrival of Goldfur and some of hir family was not enough to break up the reunion, if anything they got swallowed into it. Red was talking with Goldie when shi felt a sudden pain in hir lower torso. Goldie saw the twitch and nodded at Red with that knowing sign. Turning to the crowd the lion pattern chakat bellowed. "SHOWTIME FOLKS!" Everyone headed to the birthing room and Red laid down on the cushion nervous. This was hir very first time in the mother position Coal was quickly there and projected reassurance to hir as shi assume the father position. After going through another contraction Red looked around the room. Shi could clearly see hir mates and sister in the front. Alexis holding little Goldwolf. Chessboard was right there ready to get the baby and Red winced again and shi focused on bringing hir child into the world. The next thing shi knew shi heard a short cry and felt in hir head the hunger and need of hir new child. After cleaning hir up Chess gave the child to hir mother and the baby immediately went for hir right nipple and began to feed and Red felt contentment from hir daughter. Coal offered hir breast for the tired Red and the gold chakat eagerly drank from them as their daughter drank from hir's. When empty Coal removed hir breat and drank from Red's unused nipple so shi could start producing milk. The crowd slowly dispersed and wonder what the child be named. Red and Coal looked at their latest daughter with their other daughter Sandrock. Hir little sister had orange color fur but with a silver strip pattern much like Red's. The name was obvious to Red and the child was Silverstreak, Child of Redstreak and Coaldust. Days later Red and Coal with the young Silverstreak were at the doctor's after Silverstreak got a check up. Dr. Lilypud came to the quick. "Shir's Redstreak and Coaldust, your Silverstreak is in excellent health for a newborn. However I did find this in hir scans. Shi activates a hologram and it showed a chakat outline with many blinking spots. Red has seen this diagram before. "Silverstreak has nanos." Red stated and the doctor nodded. "Yes and they match your own. We can assume thatg any child YOU carry will have them and likely they will have the same traits you do of regen and telepathy. But shi and you are both fine and I don't see any real danger from this just that you have an added thing to consider when you Shir Redstreak decide to be the mother." Red looked down at hir daughter with great concern for hir future. "It will be okay Red." But Red looked back at hir with deep sadness and fear. "But we don't even know what these nanos have done or will do to me!" Red looks back at Silverstreak. "What have I done to hir?" "You gave hir life. Nanos or not you and I gave hir life. Now like you shi will have differences to overcome. But shi has you, shi has me and the rest of our family. WE will be okay." Red looked at hir mate flabbergasted. "I'm the older one, I should be the one with wisdom yet here you are with the wisdom." Coal smiled and replied. "Well someone had to knock you of that perch from time to time." They both leave the office, Red looking down at hir daughter. Hir first ever that shi carried. And silently promised Silverstreak that shi will do hir best to help in the time to come.

Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 17

A year had past since we last saw Red and shi was getting near the end of another leave playing with Goldwolf and Silverstreak in the backyard when Dallie called out. "HEY RED STARFLEET'S ON THE LINE!" "Coming." Dallie took care of her nieces while...

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The Lost Temple

The Lost Temple By Admiral Q Erin chopped another vine in the tropical forest wishing again that the professors took Erin's theory more seriously. Erin believe an ancient temple was located deep in the forest and could hold the key about data on the...

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From Ashes Chapter 1

From Ashes by Admiral Q and inspired by 'More Terrible than Chains' by Bernard Doove. Prologue Chris Rasmussen lean back on his chair and watch the starfield fly by at warp while he listened to his favorite music. Being owner and captain of the...

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