Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 17

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#23 of Chakat Universe

Sorry for the long Chapter a muse can run amok, Red visits hir birthplace and Vox and Fish get a change they weren't expecting

A year had past since we last saw Red and shi was getting near the end of another leave playing with Goldwolf and Silverstreak in the backyard when Dallie called out. "HEY RED STARFLEET'S ON THE LINE!" "Coming." Dallie took care of her nieces while Red answered the call. It was in the holotank Red installed some time ago and saw Commander Antilles in it. "Yes Commander?" Shi says as shi salutes. "I got a great assignment for you. Is the room secure?" Using her tail Red shut the door and locked it and pressed a button on the holotank's console. "It is now." "Okay the eggheads have perfected the world traveling device and the government is ready to send a team. I'm going to represent the Star Services and a Federation Senator will do the negotiations But I want you with me, you know that Earth so you can give us advice." "And be a good PR spinner." "Yup, you can have some of your mates or family along but keep it small. Call me back when you know who's going and we leave in two weeks." he signed out and Red went to tell hir family. They discussed for a awhile before deciding that it should be Red, Dallie, Coal, and Alexis with Goldwolf, Silverstreak, and Whirlwind. Flameria excused herself since she got to be with Red on the Pegasus. They waited on the next two weeks with anticipation, especially Red. The day of leaving had arrive and Red packed. It was a good thing Tamira wasn't going. While on the other Earth Red said all will have to wear something. The chakats needed tops and Alexis and Goldwolf some clothing and Tamira being a avid nudist would never wear enough to cover her bits. With the saddle bags packed and Goldwolf and Silverstreak on leashes they head to the lab were the dimension traveling device was located. It bear a resemblence to the device the doc was testing those years ago but clearly modified with Fed tech. She saw Commander Antilles there and like hear with his uniform on. Next to him was a Caitian female and a Voxxan female with a pair of security guards. They were standing next to a metal rectangle as Red's family came in. "Good timing Lieutenant and well dressed." He then nods to an engineer and they hear something power up. Red got some goose bumps as shi recognized the sound. The last time shi heard that shi ended up here. The bolts appeared again and an image appeared in the metal frame and it looked like the inside of another lab. Red recognized the doc. "Portal stable sir. You can enter when ready." And engineer reported. With a nod of his head Antilles encouraged Red to go first. Shi and hir family did. Shi felt a tingling sensation then shi was standing in the lab at Globaltech with many of the nearby scientists gasping at hir appearance. The Doc got in front of hir and smiled. "Hey Red, welcome home." "Thanks Doc." He then looked down to hir children. "And who are these?" "My daughters, Goldwolf and Silverstreak." He petted both of them before leading them away to outside where a pair of helicopters waited. Whirlwind took a whiff and complained. "Uncle it's smelly here." "That's because nearly all cars use fossil fuel to power them so the air is a bit dirtier than home." "Why don't they use electric ones like back home/" Whirlwind asked. "Because this is 2045 and that tech isn't reliable yet. They have some here but all of them are not as effective or as cheap as the gas ones. Imagine only going 80 miles and have to spend half the day charging your battery." "That's not very good." Whirlwind comments. 'Yes thus gas power is still the preferred choice for such vehicles." They were escorted into the helicopters with Red Coal and the kids in one and Alexis, and Dallie in the other with Antilles and his group. They looked over the city as they flew to the airport. Red explained some of the city features to them. "Over there is Target Field and Target Center. The Both are mainly sponsored by Target thus the name. Target Center was made in the 1990's for the states basketball team the Minnesota Timberwolves and hosted the women version the Lynx. Target Field is much younger built in 2010 so the baseball team the Twins could finally have their own place and it's a good design, sadly though the team was crap in the era and have only recently gotten good again with a change in owner. They have two world series under their belt and several division championships. The city itself has an extensive skyway system which is useful during winter and over there is the Metrodome. The oldest of the three stadiums it was built to host both the Football team the Vikings and the Twins till Target Field was built and is the last of the original stadiums that hosted the first Monster Truck Jams." "Hey love what's that over there?" Coal asks and Red looks. "Oh, that's St.Paul. It and Minneapolis are connected thus got the nick name Twin cities." "Thus why you have a team named the Twins." Coal commented. "Exactly, St Paul has the science museum, The Excel Energy Center for their hockey team the Wild and the Westwood Arena for their rival Hockey team the Cyclones as well as the state capital." "State Capital?" Whirlwind asked. "Yes, this Earth is much more divided. Back home we have GNA, HCKNA, and Quebec. Here it's the United States of America, Canada, and Mexico. The USA consists of the middle part of the GNA and the HCKNA with Canada all of the north and Quebec and Mexico all of the south. We are in the USA, the last superpower in the world and came out of a deep recession just over 30 years ago. The left the cities behind and as they approached the airport Whirlwind squealed. "Over there is the starport and there the Mall of America!" "Yup though at this point it's an airport not a starport. Besides unman probes the farthest we gotten here is the Moon." Red was silently glad the mall had survived the gene wars with only minor damage where the Twin Cities were devastated and rebuilt into New Minneapolis. The copters land and there guide, a Globaltech administrator lead them inside the airport and to a private terminal for Globaltech and they walk down a walk way connecting to a Globaltech jet. It was small for a passenger jet but not the little business jets that only seat 10. this could seat 100. But when they got in Red was surprise to see a layout much like what shi would see in hir new home. Seat adjustable for bipeds or taurs. The Admin smiled at hir. "After what Xanatos described in your world we thought it be easier for you to have a comfortable flight to DC." Red narrowed hir eyes and smirked. "And if relations get better you have the means to make business." "We're nothing if not efficient." Red laughed and look at seat and helped hir children and niece. The plane took off and soon in the air and when the seatbelt light came off Antilles the the two Fed reps came over. "Red this is Senator Moonbrezze and her aid Luxana Tailzoid." Red greeted them in a chakat hug and introduced hir family. "Shir Redstreak we came to ask about the layout of the government here. We have a rough idea from record from our time but you have a fresher perceptive." "Okay. Well since we are going to DC, Short for Washington DC we are meeting the President and Congress. The President is likely a Republican for they have been in dominance ever since the Obama's disastrous term. Heck the Democrats had to rebuild their party after that and while they have had a president or two and occasional control of the House and Senate but have been careful not to repeat the mistakes of the 2008-09 term or Obama's 4 year term. Whi9le we meet the President it's the Senate you has to pass any treaty we make." "And the chances of that Shir Redstreak?" Moonbreeze asks. "Pretty high, they will be cautious for terrorism is still a major concern here but despite the economic prosperity they still have a large debt to pay off and a new source of income would be welcome. Oh and Address the President as Mr. President." The discussed the ins and outs for an hour then broke for Lunch and allowed Red a rest. Two hours later they are over DC. Red's family looked in wonder at the city. On their Earth Washington DC was destroyed in the Gene Wars and never rebuilt. Red hirself smiled as shi looked on. The plane landed and rode in a hummer limo so they were comfortable to the hotel. There they were put in the biggest and finest suite. "Globaltech had us customize the suite to fit your needs." "Like the limo and plane right." "I believe so Ma'am." "For the future it's Shir." Red handed him a tip. When they arrived Antilles gave hir some money to use. "Understood..Shir." Red patted his arm. "It's okay, we're new to you and if things go as I hope your hotel will get more. It's friendly advice for you and your fellows." That got the bellhop to smile. "Thank you Shir. You have a good day." "Same to you." After they designate rooms they unpack and relax. The whole family was seeing the President tomorrow and Red Addresses Congress the day after. After that it's all by ear as news of Red and the Earth shi now lives in gets spread. Red was lounging on a couch when hir sister came up to hir. "Hey sis I have a question. How come all the buildings in this city are so short. Your Minneapolis had much taller ones so it's not a culture thing." "No it's a tradition thing." Red looks around then spots what shi is looking for and jabs a thumb to the left. "You see that obelisk?" Dallie sees a white colored obelisk and nods. "That is the Washington Monument. It was made in honor of the man who led this country's first army to victory over it's former rulers and became the country's first President. No building in DC can be taller than it." "Interesting, thanks sis." "Anytime." that night after putting the kids to bed the parents went to bed but didn't sleep till hours later. Coal and Dallie paired up while Red Enjoyed Alexis' body. Thankfully Alexis wasn't in heat so it wouldn't get to bad for the hotel. Though at home Alexis hardly used hir pills for hir super pheromones as the entire family enjoys those nights. Alexis considered hirself blessed. Red was a protective, kind, loving, funny, and imaginative mate. Shi never thought shi would have a chakat mate or be able to love again after the rape. But Red proved hir wrong and by a miracle they had a beautiful daughter. All hir think after that went out the window as Red entered hir. The next day Red was putting the finishing touches of hir dress uniform and glanced over to see Alexis win a sky blue dress and hir hair did up in a ponytail. Red purred at the site before asking. "So how do I look?" "Military but nice. Though I prefer fur." "I can agree with that last statement." Soon the family was off in the limo again. They all got a nice look at the White house as the Secret Service let them in. As the walked through the halls of the White House everyone looked in awe. But for Red it was more. As the human Luke Harter he never got close to being here, yet as the Chakat Redstreak shi got to be in one of the sacred places for an American. They were lead into the Oval Office and shi saw the current President. Joshua Lodge was a governor when Luke became Redstreak but it was easy to see him be a president. He had a reputation of keeping the government slim and out of peoples lives except where needed. And now he was the 3rd Black President in history. He shook hands with the Commander and the Senator before looking at hir. "So I hear that you were originally from here?" "Yes Mr. President, Luke Harter was my human name. Just an average joe till all of this." "Isn't that the way of things. Take ordinary people and put them in strange circumstances. Now who are these with you?" Red introduced hir family and all got comfortable in the legendary office. Each President makes their own changes to the the White House during their time. Some minor, some major and took stock of the Oval Office in it's current form. Most of it is like it was for nearly a century but Red did notice a change shi remembered seeing a few years before hir accident. For decades the seal of the country and President had an eagle clutching a olive branch and a set of arrows with the eagle facing the branch. But a few years ago a President decided with the changing times to move the eagle head back to facing the arrows. Shi heard that that was the way it was made when it was first introduced and after World War 2 it was changed to the branch. "Well what exactly does the Stellar Federation want with our Earth?" President lodge asked. "Mr. president." Moonbreeze began. "The Stellar Federation would like formal relations with your Earth and it's various countries and hopefully trade treaties." "But from what I hear your technology is far greater than ours so what value to we have?" "History Mr.President." Red answered. "As advance as their technology is they went through a Third World War called the Gene Wars and much of the history was lost. This building, this city was all destroyed in their Earth. The US and the rest of the countries have that history to trade plus the income from tourist visiting this city and other sites. There is a lot of economic plus for this Mr. President." The President and the Senator spent another 2 hours in talks with Red adding a comment here an there but finally it was over and Red and company toured the land sights in the city and told hir family of hir birth country's history. They had police around them as they did this for protection and it was needed for they did see some run and scream but they also saw the curious. As the sun set the family head back to the hotel and after a fine diner rested. Red certainly needed that rest as shi waited in a room off the house floor messing with hir dress uniform waiting to be called. Moonbreeze said that Red would be better to address the congress and the wider world since shi was from there. She was the PR person after all. A knock on the door and it open to reveal an aid. "Show time LT Redstreak." Shi nods and walks through the door taking a big breathe to calm hirself. Shi walks to the podium with camera's going off during the walk. When shi got to the podium shi ran into a problem. Most Chakats are not very tall and while Medallion had a bigger bust than the norm shi was of average height for a Chakat. Shi stood on hir hindlegs and put hir handpaws up to support hir and everyone can clearly see hir. Once shi figured shi was good and stable shi looked to the crowd. "You remember when someone asks for a hand? Well i've got a handpaw." Shi moves one of hir forelegs out and waved with hir handpaw causing some to chuckle. With the ice broken shi began. "My fellow Americans, yes I'm an American. Born in Minnesota, raised their, and had a good career with Globatech till the accident that placed me out of place, out of time and even out of body. But I persevered and followed the ideals of this great country and got a family out of it. I know my appearance is strange and even frightening to some people, but underneath the fur muzzle and limbs is a human soul. I hope that the United States and the rest of the world can form a close relation with the Stellar Federation and bring better prosperity for all. I feel lucky to have a change to return to the country I love and hope with knowledge from the Federation we can avoid the costly mistakes they have dealt with. God Bless the USA." She steps away from the podium to cheerful applause. When shi gets to hir family they all hugged hir and shi hears Moonbreeze. "Great speech Lieutenant, ever consider a career in politics?" "No, the Star Corps, family, and RS take enough of my time." "Our loss then." The family heads to the hotel and watched the commentary on Red's speech. Some liked it, some didn't. The more off the rails were fearful of a take over by the Federation and animals. The next day the family just relax at the hotel though Red got a call from Dave O'Lannitry, a opinion show host to took over for Sean Hannity when he retired and asked for an interview tomorrow night. After some discussion they agreed to it and enjoyed the day. But night of the show they head out to the studio, Red decided to wear hir RS shirt instead of hir uniform for this was more personal and my ease the fear of some afraid of invasion. They met the host Dave who was in his early forties and greet them kindly. They took the couches that had been provided and were given microphones to clip onto their shirts. With some small chatting to by time till the intro music started playing. "Welcome to O'Lannitry and tonight we take a whole hour to talk with the latest news item Lt. Redstreak from the Stellar Federation." He turns to look at them. "Thank you for coming Lieutenant Redstreak, is that your last name now?" "I actually have no last name. I'm addressed as Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze." "And they are?" "Medallion's parents, they offered to adopt me from day one and I eventually accepted." "So exactly what happened to you to end up there as you are." "Well I was a security chief for a Globaltech lab complex. They were experimenting with what I later found out a new power source. The thing went out of control and I ordered an evacuation. But the head doc, Doctor Xanatos was stubborn and tried to get under control. I finally got him to leave but was hit and I felt intense pain and the next thing I know I'm looking like hir." Red points to Dallie. "You don't look like hir now, dye job?" "Nope. The detail is classified but in essence I was illegally experimented on and among the side effects was the fur pattern change." "So there is crime in your federation." "Yes, the federation isn't perfect. The biggest issue is a group of radical humans named Human First. They believe morphs have taken jobs away from humans and that should stop. They call us animals and should be submissive to their masters." "That does sound dark." "It is. From what I've learned morphs were created to take care of manpower shortages in all fields. Sadly that quickly degenerated into slavery, and sex slavery. But not all humans were okay with this and fought for morph rights. This tension lead to what they called the Gene Wars that lasted for four decades before peace happened and they started rebuilding. Since than there has been Human First around but it wasn't big but a few years ago they suddenly got bigger and more violent since." "It's amazing that you're in the future and still have that problem." "A future Dave, The Earth I live in is an alternate Earth. I didn't exist there when I was human. My parents never met. And What they know of their history is we should be having our own morphs now. I tell this story in the hopes it won't be repeated here. On their Earth the Southeastern US is it's own country and calls itself the Holy Christian Kingdom of North America and I feel a major issue equal to Iran of this time. They have a twisted version of the Roman Catholic Church. The Church runs the government and a growing belief many in the church have is that since morphs were created by man not God they have no soul." Red looked at the camera now. "To the people in the HCKNA, I was born human and ended up in a morph body. I dare you to prove I have no soul. I have seen morphs act more human than humans themselves. The last time humanity went down that path was the Nazi's so think carefully about your actions." "Let's switch topics, tell me how you met your current family." Red explained how shi met hir family and what shi did. "So what is you're species now?" "Chakat, named after the humans who created them Charles and Kathrine Turner. They were design to be good in colonization. I'm strong, the taur profile allows me better footing in uncleared areas, can eat things that are poisonous to humans and other morphs, and can reproduce quickly thanks to our dual nature." "Dual nature?" "All chakat have fully functioning male and female genitals so we can carry and sire children. Thus easily doubling the population." "Wow, I was going to ask how it was switching from male to female." "Trust me being a herm did take a LOT of adjustment. Lucky for me I had two stubborn chakats to get me through." Said Chakats grinned impishly to which Red stuck out hir tongue. "Why don't you introduce your family." "Well next to me is Silverstreak, my daughter with Coaldust, then Coaldust hirself, then their daughter Whirlwind, then Medallion, then that's Alexis Timber with our daughter Goldwolf." "So both Coaldust and Alexis are your wives?" "Well, yes. Polygamy isn't a taboo on their Earth. And with Chakat's it's very common. Chakat's don't feel jealousy they way humans do. If a mate of theirs has sex with someone else they would be curious how it was and would like to try said person. Trust me it took a while for me to adjust to that but they have a point with it. Dave how many times do we see stories of adultery in the news. With Chakats that doesn't really happen. It works." "Well I can't judge on that but maybe with time we'll see. So Coaldust what do you do?" "I am a cook at a local restaurant where we live. Met and Medallion first and was planning to move in with hir when Redstreak arrived." "And shi is the cook of the house, though any attempt to not make hir the cook would have been futile." Dallie commented. "I like cooking." Coal said defensively. "And what do you do Medallion?" "I'm a shift manager for a store on Earth's Gateway Station. It's one of two major station that orbit Earth. The Gateway is mainly for civilian business acting as a trade port or rest area." "Now that is cool and must be quite a view." "It is." "And what about you Mrs. Timber?" "It's Shir Timber Mr. O'Lannitry, and I am a branch manager at Hermaphrodite Haven. A place where herms can feel safe. For even in our Earth some have a hard time and herms are usually at the top. So we made a place where they can relax. To note the Federation does not discriminate but a lot of beings have a hard time dealing with herms. Even Family can have a hard time. Thus Double H, our nickname for Hermaphrodite Haven does its best to fill those needs by providing a place for them to live and work. I use to live there till I mated Redstreak. About half our members are herms you live outside the club and come to socialize with other herms." "Very fascinating. Now Shir Timber how do you deal with members who have single gender mates and how successful is Hermaphrodite Haven?" "Well the main building that has the living quarters and such are hermaphrodite only. For again some of our members have had it rough. But the Haven itself is made of multiple buildings, usually a restaurant and club to which the single mates of our members are invited. And the Hermaphrodite Haven is very successful on Earth with many branches in different cities. We haven't gone much beyond Earth but there has been some talks of going to some colonies but nothing more." "Thank you Shir Timber for the info. Now Shir medallion what was it like to have a twin?" "It was cool. I did feel sorry for what had happen and wanted to my best to help hir but with my kind identical twins are impossible so I got a rare chance to have one. And though it took Redstreak a while to accept it. I took hir as my sister and my parents as their daughter from the get go and my only regret is that we never got to grow up together. But even this way has helped others." "How has Redstreak incident helped others?" Red answered. "The scientist who tried to get my original ody back discovered that the process used to make me a chakat can work for others. They couldn't help me for the data that held my DNA was gone but if they have the DNA they can do swap bodies. I already know one person who was born human like me but she had an incurable disease that would be a long painful death. But with the process they made she is alive and well as a foxtaur and happily mated with two kids." "So there are other taurs species?" "Yes, us chakats, felinetaurs, foxtaurs, wolftaurs, and quange." "So who are these little ones you brought with you?" "Little!?" Whirlwind snorted. "Well that's my niece Whirlwind. Shi is Coaldust's and Medallion's daughter. Over there is Silverstreak, my and Coaldust's daughter and that little miracle is Goldwolf, my and Alexis' daughter." "So taurs and two legs can breed?" "Commonly no, while someone can be altered to breed with a taur or biped. It is usually expensive and the result means not compatible with your species. However Goldwolf is a unique case dealing with me." "And man they are cute, but did you say Coaldust is a parent to both Whirlwind and Silverstreak? Biological parent not raising them." "Yes, Coaldust is mated to both Medallion and me." Medallion then interjects. "In chakat culture we would have multiple mates and co-mates. It does make a large family easily but then we would have a lot of support. With those of us here I'm mated to Coaldust and co mates with Redstreak and Goldwolf. Which means I am intimate with Coaldust but not with them but I could be but I respect Redstreak's views on that." "Yes incest is not only a taboo here it's against the law. But Coaldust how did you end up being mates with twins?" "Well I knew Medallion before the accident and we were already about to declare ourselves denmates and for me to move into Medallion's house, I had an apartment at the time. Then Redstreak showed up and something just clicked. Both were physically beautiful to me but also there personalities drew me in. Medallion here is a pure bisexual and I'm female biased and Redstreak here is strongly male biased and that male biased drew me in and in the end help Redstreak get through a dark part of hir adjustment." "And how have you adjusted Redstreak?" "Well I obviously changed my name, that I think was needed for me to let go and i'm very happy. Before my change I was 40 years oldwith no wife or kids. Now went I first got this body it was 20 years old and baring illness or injurey I can live another 100 years and I have many wives and kids to love and love me. And I wouldn't trade it for the world." "Nice to see a nice ending story but Redstreak I as we get near the end of our time I see you are not wearing your uniform." "That's because I'm mainly representing me and my family as well as the civilian side of the Federation." "Any significance for the symbol on it?" "Yes it's the logo of my music persona RS." "Oh could we hear some of your music?" "That's why I brought my keyboard. Note many of my tracks people of this Earth have heard before." Red set up the keyboard and played a couple of tracks then the host ended the show and thanked them for coming. The next day Red and company spent the day as a family, no interviews, no touring, just them as a family. But the next day was exciting. Antilles thought that Red did a great job with the TV interview he decided it was time to do the one thing Red really wanted to do. Go see hir birth family. Red was bery eager to have hir families meet, 'shi was giddy as a cub' hir mates and sister would recount. Soon their things were packed on the modified jet took them back to Minneapolis and a another hummer limo waited for them and took them to hir sister's house. Hir sister got it from their parents when they died and was on the edge of Minneapolis bordering the town of Robbinsdale. The limo door opens and Red gets out to the waiting guard, they had four Secret Service agents for guards. The house was just as shi remembered it. Tan and light green color siding, a small porch in the front, a light pole and a brick wall next to the side walk. Shi walked up to the steps and rang the door bell. The door open to reveal Red's sister Rayna. "Hey sis, sorry I lost my key so had to ring the door bell." Rayna looked at hir with some shock. He her brother was, in the flesh with that new body. She manages to stammer out a come in And she sees the side of the family she had only seen in pictures. As the family walks in they see for the first time Red's birth family. Rayna had all the family gathered for this occasion. Red looked around hir, all of hir close living birth family were hear to see hir. Shi couldn't help the tears coming down hir muzzle. Both Coal and Dallie felt Red's emotin and stroked hir upper back for comfort. It was Whirlwind who broke the ice. Shi walked to Red's niece Jasmine who was in hir late teens. "You're Jasmine right?" Whirlwind asked. "Yes?" Jasmine clearly question where this was going. Whirlwind then hugged her and said. "Uncle Red told me all about you. Good to actually meet you." Jasmine hugged the chakat and there was aaaaaawwwww coming around and Red's current family join his birth family and talks began. Red waited a bit so see how things went before joining in. Shi spent a couple of hours talking with family. Hearing from their mouths how things have been for them and shi told them hir life in the Federation. Eventually a smell from the kitchen began and shi went over to check to see hir sister cooking. "I'm surprise Coaldust isn't in here." "Coaldust is the dark one right?" Red nods, "Well shi looked in here shook her head and walked away." Red did look around the kitchen, it wasn't very big, it would barely fir two humans let alone a chakt. "Well it would be crap for our taur forms, looks like you get a pass but if shi doesn't approve shi WILL be in here despite the size." Red sniffed the air again. "AAAAhhhhhh! Mom's recipe's. I missed them. Coal's cooking is very good but I missed mom's recipes." "I'll make a copy." "Thanks." Red left waving with hir tail. It didn't take long for Coal to show up. "Were you dissing my cooking?" "Not at all, but Coal isn't there times you miss your mom's cooking." "Actually no shi is a terrible cook, dad cooked for the family. But I get your meaning." Coal rubbed against Red's upper torso. "But I better not hear anything against my cooking." "Like I would ever do that." Dinner was begun and everyone was chowing down. Rayna did tap Red's shoulder and as Red looked at her shi pointed to the agents outside. Red nodded and grabbed a plate and drink and head outside. Shi apporached the closest agent. "Ma'am, everything alright?" "Oh yes but our family ha a tradition, everyone eats when dinner is served. Now I know not all of you can eat at the same time so take turns and who gets this first?" Agent Mallory thought for a bit. He and his detail were assign to protect these strange creatures from another Earth They seem friendly enough and he would normally refuse but they do represent another government and this Redstreak understood their duty. They haven't seen any danger right now. "Very well, SIMMONS! TAKE THIS MEAL." "Yes sir." His fellow agent responds. Red hands Mallory the plate and drink. "When he's done send him in the next one with the plate and we'll give him a new one." "Thank you Ma'am." Red nods and heads back in. As supper was finishing up Red checked up stairs. The steps were steep for hir taur body. This used to be his room when his parent's lived here. And shi was shocked to see how much of his stuff was here. He had an apartment when he was human and it looked like hir sister too all the good stuff and put them here. Shi looked at a photo of hir, Rayna and their parents smiling during a vacation. "You're really are my brother aren't you?" Red looked over to see hir sister by the stairs. "Yes, my body and a bit of personality changed but the core of me is still your brother." "It's just that you changed your name Luke." Red's features drooped and shi looked out the pair of small windows looking out to the street as the sun set. "I had to sis, I needed to rebuild myself. You see sis. I nearly ended my life over there." Shi hear Rayna gasp. "Yes, even now I can't explain it except the sense of loneliness and need to escape it all. Sis our parents never met in their world. Mom died in Desert Storm and Dad's family died during their Gene Wars so their was no family to connect to." "What about Coaldust and Medallion?" "At the time I felt I was taking their time, they were focusing on me rather than their love for eachother. I felt like a fruad in this body. But Coaldust is a stubborn chakat and Medallion is close behind. They wouldn't let me go. And I just needed to rebuild myself to heal from that." Red felt arms wrap around hir. "I'm so sorry bro that you had to go through that but I'm glad you stayed and glad you have a pair to knock some sense into you when I'm not there." Reed laughing and felt better again. "So how does it feel to be part girl?" "Had it's ups and downs but I've grown to love this body. And I know what it's like to carry a baby, Silverstreak was carried by me." "My brother, a mother." She started laughing which Red joined in. A bond restored. Red and company did spent the night there. The house simply wasn't design for taurs so they when to the hotel suite adapted for them during their stay. A couple days later They went to Red's favorite team, a hockey team called the St. Paul Cyclones. They enter the Westwood Arena through a private entrance and taken to a modified suite. Red had never been in one of these before but noticed half the chairs striped out for the chakats to sit down while watching the game. Whirl was curious of the room. The team the Cyclones were formed during the prosperity of Herman Cains presidency and that was their golden years with an unrivaled team. Sadly that team had retired by now but it seems the successor team is doing well, these were the playoffs right now. As the game came closer to starting Red had the family go to the seat area outside the suite room and noticed the carpet where the seats were removed to their taur bodies. They sat down and they here the announcer say. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's game. Our Cyclones take on the Calgary Flames, But that's not all folks we have with us tonight some special guests. Over in the section 113 suite we have our visitors from another Earth, LT REDSTREAK AND HIR FAMILY!" A spotlight flashed on them and after a brief surprise Red waved to the crowd with hir family following. "Thank you for joining us Redstreak. Now Please rise and remove your caps as we sing the National Anthem." Medallion looked over to hir sister, shi hand hir hand over hir upper heart and sing with the crowd, hir eyes tearing up but Medallion sensed happiness of a type shi never saw in hir before. When the anthem ended they sat down again. And the lights beging to dim as Medallion here's the crowd make a noise. THUMP! THUMP! CLAP! THUMP! THUMP! CLAP! The whole crowd stomp their feet and clapped their hands in a rhythm. Spotlights twirled around as a siren went off and music began to play. (Queen's We Will Rock You) The screens began to show CYCLONE'S ROCK as the announcer introduced the players. Each Cyclone player after being introduced went to the center of the rink and skated in a circle, as more players got into the circle they tap their sticks on the rink before hitting the sticks together in rhythm with the fans. Medallion would give them this, they knew how to put on a show. And that show didn't end when the game play started. The Cyclones were an aggressive team, always keeping the Flames on the defensive and getting more opportunities on goal. The team also perfected the one timer play showing very good team work. But it did amuse Medallion that hir sister was as giddy as the kids during the game which ended 4 to 1 in favor of the Cyclones. Redstreak stayed giddy all the way back to the hotel and it took the combo of Alexis and Coal to sex it out of hir. The next week Red spent most of the time with both families with the occasional interview from the locals and a meeting with Antilles and Moonbreeze. It seem they would be returning home in a few days. A treaty was written up to allow trade between the Federation and this Earth and an Embassy would be established on this Earth. Red was offered the position of Representative but shi refused. Shi had a family back in the Federation but shi did agree that if can be called on if needed. Despite the refusal hir actions in representing the Federation earn hir the promotion to Lieutenant Commander. Red decided to take the whole family out to celebrate and went to the local restaurant. Vic Mantalli has own the restaurant Papa's Pizza since his dad retired a couple decades ago. His dad founded the place back in the turn of the century and has been a going concern since. As he worked in the kitchen still viewable from the main dinning room he notice it got quiet over there. <That's odd.> He thought, <There's always chatter in the dining room.> Then a voice called out. "HEY VIC! You still serve cardboard with your pizza?" Only one person made that joke to Vic but he was dead. Turning around he saw a feline head poking out from the edge of the counter top. Must be one of those Chakats he heard of on the news. But how did she know that joke? Leaning over the counter to get a good look at the feline he said. "A Chakat eh, well welcome to my place but how did you know that old joke? The guy who made it is dead." "Not dead though I did get close a few times Vic. It's me Luke." Vic looked beyond and did see Luke's sister who nodded at the unspoken question. "Well welcome back my friend. Free meal on me." 'Well two of you largest pizza's with a standard large then." The Chakat ordered. Red got hir family to sit at tables they combined and got comfortable as possible with everyone looking at them. A five year old kid ran up to them before her mother could do anything. "Kitty!" She yelled and hugged Medallion's lower torso. "So soft." as she rubbed the fur. Dallie purred and picked up the girl. "Yes I am but maybe it would be better to stay with your mom." Shi carried the child over to her mother and handed her off and petted her head. And the chakats felt a calm fall over the people around them. They then answered some questions till their food arrived and chow down. Afterward they were walking back to Rayna's house when Red felt something menacing the other chakats felt it too and Red extended hir telepathy and shi felt hate, hate for hir and what represent. And how shi was going to go away. Shi heard a car screech and shi yelled out. "DUCK!" Shi forced hir family down and pulled out a hand phaser as their guards pulled out their guns. The car drives by and a man sticks out a gun muzzle and unleashes a hail of bullets. One of the agents goes down as the others return fire. Red fired hir phaser aiming for the wheel. The rubber wheel melted from the beam and the car crashed into a lightpole. With a nod from hir the agents go to secure the car as Red looks over hir family. The kids were scared but okay and the adults were all looking around for more threats. Red then head over to the down agent. She was still alive and holding her side. Red push back her coat and ripped the shirt so shi could see the wound. Red took out a tricorder that shi had as part of hir equipment and scanned. "Okay the bullet is still in there, I'm going to get it out. Red extends hir claws and painfully extracts the bullet before taking off hir shirt and uses it to clot the bleeding. In minutes the ambulance from nearby North Memorial Hospital got the agent, still clinging to Red's shirt is help up and sped away. Once done the police and the remaining agents quickly went to the house and had Red and company escorted back to the hotel. Their the entire family hanged out, though Rayna was a bit uncomfortable with Red. "Brother could you PLEASE put a shirt on?" Red looked down and saw hir bare breasts, shi didn't put on a replacement in all the commotion. Shi grinned at hir sister and commented. "What, you don't like seeing your former brother have tits?" Shi caressed said tits and Rayna growled causing hir to laugh as shi head to hir room for a new shirt. When shi returned shi did comment. "When you visit our home you are going to have to get use to that, many walk around topless and Tamira is an avid nudist." They were eventually questioned by police and then Red had a couple of interviews over the phone but the family barely left the hotel. They did hear that the agent had survived and was recovering. The came to return home and Red and family reunited with the Commander and Moonbreeze and the portal was reopened. Red hugged hir sister and walked to the portal. Shi pauses to look around. Though shi was very happy with hir chakat family but now reunited with hir birth family shi felt truly whole.

* * * * *

While Red and hir chosen company were visiting hir birth Earth things went as normal in the house but even with some of the members gone it can still be a bit crowded in the house. Thus Fish and Vox decided to go into the woods for some alone time. Fish was at her happiest, Red gave her a family that loved her and she loved back but she connected with Vox and Vox loved her. She knew Red didn't mine taking a back seat to Vox just as long as Fish was happy. Though Fish admits Red is good in bed so they would stay mates and so far Vox and Red have been nothing more than co-mates. Fish lead them to a small shack Dallie built when Red was first presumed dead and then was kidnapped. Coal wasn't the only one to take those events hard. She had seen Dallie's body language with hir sister and knew that shi loved Red dearly and if it wasn't for Red's beliefs she could easily have seen them intimate and bond the way many chakat sisters due. Fish had already brought out a inflatable mattress and a lamp when it gets dark. Once inside she artfully strips for her lover. Vox already nude couldn't do the same but he'll make it up. As soon as Fish was nude Vox laid her on the mattress and they kissed passionately and started fondling Fish's breasts and Fish stroked his upper torso. The two continued this for minutes before Vox shifted and entered Fish to the mutual groan of pleasure. Vox just stay there enjoying Fish wrapped around him before thrusting in and out with building pleasure. All too soon they both came but this was only the first round. Through the rest of the day and into the night the two went at it. Vox even switched to a biped form for a change of pace but both preferred his taur form. It was late night with Fish on top riding him caressing her breasts as his forelegs held her hips and his arms behind his head watching his love and mate riding him. Soon though he had to close his eyes to as he got closer and closer till he yipped in pleasure cumming inside his love again cause her to orgasm as well. Finally sated and tired fish laid on his lower torso and said. "I love you Vox." And she closed her eyes but did hear him respond. "And I love you my little Fish." he had his forelegs hug his biped mate and turned off the lamp and joined her in sleep. Larsa was in her room and glanced out the window to see Vox and Fish head into the woods and smirked knowing what the two young lovers were about to do. <Ah those were the days.> She thought. She remembered how she and her mate Zaberrek doing the same. As well as many in her village. Thoughts of her village brought back the pain of it's destruction. Even in the years since the disaster it hurts like crazy, the lost of her family and home but Dallie's family was a good salve for that pain. She walks out of her room and sees on the first floor the young Kitsune Foxtaur Flameria playing with her daughter Firestripe and Jewel. Ah precious Jewel, her last connection to her first family and village. Larsa was quite shocked how ready Dallie was to adopt Larsa's granddaughter as hir own but I the time since becoming Dallie's mate she had learn the love chakat's have. Blood doesn't matter as much as claiming. Dallie loves Jewel as a daughter and who care's if Jewel is not a blood relation. Larsa loved Jewel like a mother's love even though she was her grandmother not mother. But a fact Larsa sees everyday. She was on the high end of sixty and her age was starting to show. She had more gray hairs every year and trying to lift Jewel was becoming painful. Though she still has many decades left she felt the age. She walked back to her room and looked at the mirror. She saw a foxtaur still shapely and beautiful if you look past the gray hairs. But the eyes reveal the true. She was sad and depressed again. She has had these bouts since the disaster and mainly flare when she's in a job low. While technically still employed by Spacewave they gave less to work on. Heck right now her main job is managing RS's interviews and releases. Money was not an issue. Not including the fact that anyone of the family would loan her money without question the settlement from the disaster has her set for life though hardly equal to the lost of her village and family. She needed the work to keep the lost away when Dallie was not available, though she has taken Tamira for a ride or to. Being a foxtaur it was easy to be bisexual when females outnumber males and the unicorn defiantly was fun. In true it's only since she became Jewel's parent did she start worrying about her age. Jewel needed someone to be there as she becomes an adult and while Dallie and even Red would do it without question SHE wanted to be there now for her late daughter. She HAD to be. She goes to the small safe she had in her room and took out a vial she kept there. Red got it a couple years ago for Larsa knowing how she felt. It's supposed to reverse aging a bit. She has stare at it many times. She was raise to value nature's course which caused her to be hesitant but that village is gone and her granddaughter needed her as much as she needed Jewel. FAMILY came before tradition now. She open the top and gulped the vial's context down. She looked out the window and saw it dark. Had she really been thinking on that long? She better get Jewel for it was bedtime for the little kit. She went down the the first floor and ran into Goldstrike, the Chakat Skunktaur hybrid from another world. "You okay Larsa I felt some strong and sad emotions from you?" "Why don't you just take it from my mind?" Larsa said harshly. "You know I would never do that without permission. I just thought you may have needed an ear?" Larsa sighed. "Sorry that was low of me. But I'm fine and I appreciate the offer." "Forgiven." Then Larsa saw Jewel enter the room and her stomach growled a bit. "Okay honey, dinner and then bed time." Jewel yipped in response not being able to talk just yet. Larsa had a big meal before feeling full and cleaning up she fell asleep with her granddaughter next to her making her more comfortable. The sunlight glaring through the doorway woke Vox up. He blinked is eyes a couple of times and stretched and notice the absence of Fish on his lower torso. <maybe she's getting breakfast?> he thought but was surprised to feel full even though he spent hours making love with Fish. He got up and noticed Fish's clothes still in the shack, while nudity was completely accepted in this household Fish didn't normally partake in it. Maybe she was having fun in the forest. He began sniffing around but could find her scent. The most recent was in the shack but nothing lead out to it. Weird. "Fish." he called out but after a few minutes he heard nothing so called again. She better not be playing a game with him on this like she did with her sister when she was a kitten. That was fun. <Wait how would I know that? Heck how do I know she has a sister? She's been pretty quiet about her past.> Leaving that for another time he called again and looked around for any sign of her when he suddenly felt a stinging sensation on his chest and he looked down. He saw the upper part of his chest expand outward till it was obviously a part of breasts of impressive size. <Now why did that happen?> He thought and tried to make it revert back only to have a sudden rack of pain. He looked down and the breasts were still there. He then felt more tingling sting all over his body as he touched a breast, <man that felt good.> Then he noticed his arm, while it still had the black glove he had always had since he got the imprint to take a more solid form and was thinner more...feminine? He scratched his head and his hair felt longer. Grabbing a piece so he could see it he was shocked to discover it was....PINK!? <Did Fish dye my hair as a joke?> He swore he could hear her giggle. "This is Not FUNNY FISH!" he still heard no response and he was growing concerned. He decided to look at the rest of his body. It was still a teal color fur but it now had a elongated diamond shape stripes on the lower torso's back and on bot sets of hips. Like before his right arm and foreleg were gloved while the left was clear teal but he did notice a diamond patch on the left upper arm. His rear legs seemed fine till he noticed that his toes were white instead of black. His tail was the same teal with a black stripe near the end and a white tip but unlike before the diamond stripe pattern was there as well. His front legs however also seemed fine till he noticed that they were a bit thicker than before and the toes were longer. It reminded him of a chakat handpaw. "What the heck is happening to me?" He questioned aloud and suddenly felt his muzzle open and yawn. <Where did that come from?> Then to his surprise he heard Fish's voice out of his mouth. "Hey Vox did you carry me outside?" "Um, no. Where are you?" "I think outside the shack but how did I get here?" Vox felt his arm go up and he heard Fish gasp. "What happened to my arm, It's like yours?" "That was my arm." he replied. Wait, the pink hair, breasts and stripes. Plus the fact he couldn't see Fish anywhere yet could hear her voice he could draw only one conclusion. He and Fish were now one and the same and apparently Fish came to the same conclusion for in unison both said. "UH!OH!"

Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 18

To say they were in a panic is a bit of an understatement. Both immediately though about getting help from the family and try to head for the house. Only to face plant into the ground. Both tried to head to the house but Fish was not use to using four...

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Myth And Legends Chapter 3

After that close brush Jezeca decided to call it a night and headed back for the apartment. She takes a runabout way to the apartment to shake off any tails. When she arrives on the roof. She takes a few sniffs and listened intently. Sensing nothing...

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Bombshell Bomber's Chapter 3

Months after the destruction of the mining station and the death of Deepblue the Groundshaker was ready to earn money again, the question remained was her captain ready again? In the months of repair work Bombshell was constantly surrounded by hir...

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