Myths And Legends Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#17 of Pack Mentaility

Jezeca tries to find out about the world she was thrusted in

Sunlight awakes Jezeca and she was confused. 'This isn't the pack's den.' Then she remembered last night. Waking up in a strange room, in a strange building, in a strange city. She dreamed of the pack last night. Well at least she has allies here. The smell of eggs and bacon, not to mention her growling stomach got her to fully awake and grabbed her clothes. She was still pulling on her shirt as she opened the door to she sees her roommates, Jessica eating at the table with something in her ears. Jezeca's werewolf ears pick up strange sounds from it. She guessed some kind of music but NOTHING like she ever heard. Certainly an interesting talisman, must be cheap here for Lisa to afford it. She sat down and Lisa served her breakfast. The three ate in relative silence. Jezeca takes a break of eating and asks Lisa. "So what city is this?"

"Solaria City." Jezeca drops her fork with a shocked look on her face. "What is it?"

"That's impossible, there's no way this can be Solaria! It was nowhere near as big as this and I would have seen some of these tall buildings from where I live."

"Solaria has been like this for centuries." Jezeca frowned then asked.

"What year is it?"


"It was 2010 last I reckoned."

"How is that possible?"

"Magic, it's the only way. Before waking up in that strange room and building I was with my family. I know something happened.....something important and dark."

"Well hopefully we can discovered that but will have to wait. I have to take Jessica to school then head for work. Mean time check out the books I have." She pauses to think a bit before continuing. "Hey what skills to you have?'

"Well I was a mercenary for years, carved wood as a hobby and caravan guard for years. Oh I almost forgot, surrogate mother." Lisa hhhmmmmmed for a minute before commenting.

"Okay well you're strong and skilled. Let me look at work to see if we have anything you can do." Jezeca nodded and the mother and daughter left the apartment. The first thing Jezeca did was look for a map book. In the small library office Lisa had. While the font wasn't anything she saw before but the language was the same. She opens it and looks for her region. In a few minutes she found her region. While the key natural landmarks are what she remembers of maps she seen in the past this one was covered heavily by the city that now was Solaria and many smaller towns of which she never heard of before. She truly was in a future with no known way to get home, correction her proper time.

At the Lunacorp building Jake sat at his desk near the top of the building. He normally looked out at the gorgeous skyline but today he looks at a little wooden figurine. Hand carved and painted it was a beautiful piece of art only surpassed but the person who made it. A person currently loose in a world she knows nothing about. She is too precious to lose. The door opens and Sura walks in with a tray of food. "Though you might want to eat at some time." Jack snorts at the comment as she puts the tray down and hands him his plate and cup before getting her own. "You've been thinking heavily on her aren't you?"

"This certainty not gone as I planned. I plan to revive her, show the world they werewolves did exist and provide shelter for her as she tells me of her past."

"Why is that important?"

"It just is to me. So what about you?"

"Well shall we say I also have interest in her and leave it at that for now." She then sips her drink.

"Uh huh, well how is the search going?" Sura sighs as she puts the cup down.

"Nothing. No reports anywhere of a humanoid wolf anywhere."

"Well she is a werewolf, she has a human form. Look for any unusual events. She has to reveal her self some how." Sura just nods in agreement.

Jezeca spent most of her day reading anything she could trying to understand the time she now lives in. She hears someone messing with the door and takes a deep sniff. 'Ah Jessica is home.' The door opens and the young girl walks through. "Welcome home." Jessica is startled a bit before relaxing.

"Jeeze I forgot you were here." Jezeca chuckles at that and replies.

"I admit I take some getting use to." Jessica then goes to the table turns on the radio to talk radio as Jezeca watches mesmerized by the device. Jezeca asked if there was magic involved in the device. Jessica chuckles says no and explains the basics of radio. After done mentally Jezeca comments, 'amazing that they could do this without magic involved.'

<SO true.> Her wolf agrees. Jezeca went back to reading and Jessica went back to her homework. After a few minutes she heard Jessica growl in frustration. "What's the matter?"

"It's this stupid word problem." Jezeca looks over the teen's shoulder and looks at it. Jezeca has always been a problem solver, in more ways than one so it was easy for her to help Jessica with the word problem. Lisa came home surprised to see her daughter watching tv when she normally still working on homework.

"Honey did you finish your homework?"

"Yes mom with help from Jezeca." Lisa gave Jeea cold look and the female raised her hands in surrender.

"I didn't give her the answers just taught her how to figure it out." Lisa sighs and replies.

"Alright, well I'll make supper." Jezeca got up and watch er host make dinner, observing the new implements and how they were used. Dinner ended up being like breakfast. A silent affair with only the noise of eating around.

The next day Jezeca went to work with Lisa. Lisa worked as a inventory clerk for a large warehouse. They approach the boss for the day to day operation of the warehouse. He looks at Jezeca with a critical eye, assessing her ability. "Mr. Lugon this is Jezeca Dustwolf. She's the one I mentioned looking for a job." Jezeca extends her hand and Lugon takes it.

"Only if you can lift 50 pounds on a fairly regularly basis." Jezeca looks around and finds 3 boxes nearby. Jerking her thumb over to the boxes she asks.

"How much do those boxes are?"

"25 pounds each." Jezeca walks over and with both hands easily lift them up. She could do it one handed but that would raise some questions. Mr. Lugon looked impressed. "Alright will give it a try."

For the next few hours Jezeca helped Lisa with the inventory or help hauling in or haul out items. Lisa was surprised and Jezeca's stamina but they got through their duties fast and after a hard day headed home to relax. Jezeca with the knowledge she now had a job, Lugon completely convinced she could do the job.

A few days later though Jezeca had to deal with an issue, FULL MOON. She heads up to the roof of her apartment and lock the door behind her with the key Lisa made for her. She strips and places her closes in a duffel bag and hid it on the roof before looking at the object the made her chance from her birth form for years. She feels the pressure as she gets taller. Her legs shift and change to a digigrade form. Her mouth elongates to form a muzzle and she feels the retractable claws appear. Finally she feels the fur sprout from her skin go all over her body and surround her newly formed tail. Fighting an urge to howl she takes a form she has worn nearly constantly for a couple of centuries, woods were not that easy on being a naked human. After a couple of stretches she runs and leaps to the next rooftop, nearly as much fun as tree hopping. She also reflects her relationship with her wolf. In wolf form the wolf is closer to the surface but due to an agreement and barring emergency Jezeca was allowed control. When she was first changed, she still refuses to call it rebirth she despised the wolf. In her mind it represented something she lost. Her humanity and wanted little to do with it. Despite her feelings towards it the wolf loved her and did what it was created o do. Guide her with dealing being a werewolf. Today they are two for lack of a better word souls inhabiting this ageless body. While early on they could have merge and be virtually one that has long been impossible for them nor would either change that now. They are in harmony now.

In a helicopter flying over the city a group hunts for it's target. A team of six, four men and two women they were paid but Lunacorp to hunt for all things a werewolf. But hey Lunacorp has always paid well in the past. One of the females was in the copilot's seat manning the cameras picked up something. "Hey boss got something on a roof ahead." The head of the group looks over to the night vision screen. He saw a tall person standing on that roof and the way the feet were and the fact it had a muzzle said target to him.

"Alright people, our target is in sight. Remember, our employer wants it alive. Well let's go and get our paycheck!"

Jezeca took a beak on a roof top and survey's this Solaria City. She spent most of the night getting the lay of Solaria now and it certainly was bigger than the small town that she based herself off in it her change. She had to figure out where to go other than finding the pack. They might still be at the den but that will be close to the city and everything she read so far The locals did believe in magic and she saw a lot of advertisements for it on that lovely device called a TV but hardly any mention of werewolves. It seems they consider werewolves a myth. But obviously not everyone for someone brought her to this time. A strange noise gets louder and louder and she tries to find the source of the noise. She sees something in the air, at first she though it was a dragon but the configuration was wrong. And the wings didn't flap but spun. Then the beast turns and a part of it opens to reveal a black clad figure. He lifts something up in a stance that reminded Jezeca of a crossbow and she heard a pop as she moved. She heard something ping where she was standing earlier, hostiles then. She run jumps towards the flying object. She manages to grab it's long skinny feet and felt....metal? Ignoring that for now she swings a bit before her final swing the breaks through the belly. She flew the wound and found herself in a dark space with more black clad beings. Her old training kicked in and she kicked the nearest figure. The figure falls through the open door screaming as he falls too his dead on the street. Using her supernatural speed and her merc training she clobbers the others. When she bashed the head of the one sitting up front through the glass in front of him. Then she felt the craft go crazy and manages to find the opening and jumps out. She lands with a roll and groan as she gets up, that was a hard landing. She looks behind her and she sees the craft spinning around and slowly falling till it hit a roof and burst into flames. She looks at the flames a bit before leaving the area. <Well that was fun.> Her wolf quips.

<One thing is for sure. Who ever brought us here wants us back.>

<So we better keep our eyes out right?>

<Yup, so let's head home.>

<It is our home isn't it?> The wolf said sadly.

<Till we find the pack yes, Lisa and Jessica's home is ours. And I have a feeling that we'll need all the allies we can get.>

Myth And Legends Chapter 3

After that close brush Jezeca decided to call it a night and headed back for the apartment. She takes a runabout way to the apartment to shake off any tails. When she arrives on the roof. She takes a few sniffs and listened intently. Sensing nothing...

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Bombshell Bomber's Chapter 2

The compound was mainly quiet, most of the soldiers were asleep. This compound house the main armored elements of Colonial Militia. Out here in the fringes of Federation space Starfleet has little influence and colonies for the most part rule...

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Curse To Blessing

Curse To Blessing By Admiral Q based of Chakat Universe By Bernard Doove Shi woke up when the Sunlight hit hir eyes, shi hated it when it did that. But shi did forget to rotate the blinds to block it out. You live after all these years shi...

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