Bombshell Bomber's Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#28 of Chakat Universe

A friend is made and Bomber has hir first failure as captain

The compound was mainly quiet, most of the soldiers were asleep. This compound house the main armored elements of Colonial Militia. Out here in the fringes of Federation space Starfleet has little influence and colonies for the most part rule themselves. Currently the Planet New Havana was in the middle of a civil war that was at a stalemate. A couple of guards manned the main entrance and looked bored when a figure approached them from the compound side. It was a skinny looking male wearing a Militia uniform and carrying a backpack. The two bored guards nod at him and he returns it before heading into the city. A couple blocks away he steps into and ally and strips. As he strips his body changes. Hips get bigger, hair gets longer, and breasts appear. Feyouri pulls out some female clothes and puts them on before reaching for a remote. She presses it and the garage area of the compound goes up in flames. Feyouri smirks as she starts walking again. 'Now the rebels should be able to gain an advantage. Man it's good to be a merc.'

Bomber sat in hir command couch as hir brother powered up the engines with Reigar maning the sensors and communications and Crazahan manning the weapons while Feyouri was returning from hir mission. The Groundshaker was to fly in support to the rebel's ground forces. The Assault Boat slowly rises in the air and leaves the rebel base behind. The early morning sun gleams off the boat's hull as she approaches the battlefield. Ordinance flies through the air as the two forces clash just outside the city. Fighters dog fight in the air above and the Groundshaker becomes an obvious target. Lasers strike her shields to little effect. Groundshaker's guns on the other hand did. Several fighters become fireballs as her phasers unleash their fury. With the Militia fighters forced to withdraw and the bulk of their armor destroyed by Feyouri the Militia is forced to retreat into the city.

A couple hours later the Groundshaker flew over the city in a slow pace occasionally firing her phasers. <Groundshaker we need some fire on a building in sector 39. Coordinates are 32, 57, 29.>

"Coordinates verified standby." Crazahan flies over the console before saying. "Squad five fire in the hole." The ships jerks a bit as the torpedo is fired at the target.

<Good hit! Target is destroyed.> Groundshaker provided that type of support for a few hours before they are done for the day and she heads back.

She makes her approach and as she gets to the landing zone a lot personnel giver her a lot of space. She starts her descent and as usual her thrusters suddenly give out and with a loud clang as she hits the ground. They personnel resume their normal activities as the gangplank comes down to reveal Bomber leading hir crew down. Shi shakes hir head as shi sees Feyouri lounging on a lawn chair in a bikini soaking up the sun. "Glad to see you found a way to relax." The female shapeshifter smirks back at hir.

"Hey I get a tan and a nap at once. Also nice to see the modified landing gear work as planed."

"Good." Since the freak bug of the thrusters won't go away Bomber had the landing gear modified so the can easily take the shock of hard landings regularly. "You've been debriefed?"


"Well get your butt up and come on." Shi tips the chair over send Feyouri to the concrete while the techs resupply the Groundshaker. The debriefing went smoothly and the crew headed for their quarters in the base.

The next day they weren't called out but instead sent to a special briefing. They would be joining the rebel commandos for a strike against the Militia's HQ in hopes to bring an end to the war sooner. The plan was to have the main forces attack the city in the opposite side and after two hours of engagement the strike team will go in and do as much damage as possible. After dismissal the crew had a meal then suited up.

For Bomber this was an interesting process for being a taur there are some pluses and minuses and trying to get a full encompassing suit is one of them. She had hirs open and spread out on the floor. Shi steps into the boots and sensing hir presences the boots latch themselves. Shi lifts up the front and puts hir arms in the sleeves and when shi could wiggle the fingers she turns hir upper torso so shi can pull the suit over the lower torso. Then it took well practiced arm movements to reach the zipper and start closing the suit. When done shi put on the armor panels that hide the zipper and put on hir belt which held her pistol holster, grenades and light demolitions. Last shi puts on hir helmet and turns it on. The visor over hir eyes gives hir a radar attached to hir suit and various info as a mike extends down. Shi really wished for that new armor that auto conformers to hir body but that sucker is very expensive so shi has do make do with this one though a pain still a durable suit that can stop bullets or reflect beams. After checking hir pistol a Glock 150 she checked hir main gun, the P200. The P200 is a descendant of the venerable P90 whose unique horizontal magazine made it a compact, durable, and hard hitting weapon. Bomber found those traits useful and always used it for ground ops. Shi looks over hir crew as they put on their various armor and guns. Once done they enter a shipping truck commandeered for the op with another team in it and the door slides close. Thankfully a light was turned on above them as the truck took off and joined a convoy.

Everyone was quiet during the trip with nervousness, they'll be deep behind enemy lines with no real support. All they heard was the drone of the engines till it slowed down and stop when the truck was at a check point. The passes must have been good for they never ran into trouble during these stops. Finally after about an hour The light above goes out. The signal to be ready. The first truck was rigged to be remote piloted and was sent to blow an opening within the improvised base. Upon hearing the explosion Bomber lifts the door up and the two teams jump out of the truck and head to the hole. The bomb truck made a nice hole with the edges still in flames when shi leaped in. Shi just sees debris and a couple of scorched bodies as the fire alarm goes off and shi's pelted from the sprinklers. "Let's go team."Shi says as the teams split up and head for their various goals. Hir team had the northwest section of the building. The ground floor they found nothing of interest. The second room they found computer servers. Bomber to out hir specialized PADD and connected it to them. After getting past the security programs which since all of this was commandeered for the Militia? use most of the security was civilian level and hir PADD intrusion program got past them easily and shi had it download while the other planted C4. In ten minutes the download was done and they head out. They start hearing gunfire and over hir comm reports and requests for a medic. The next floor they run into militia and the two groups open fire. Bomber's group was heavily armored while the militia had just their uniforms and side arms. The fight ended quickly and they proceed upward. They hear more gun fire up the next stairs and hir radar said that friendlies were by the door fighting against red forces 20 feet away. After comming their presence shi opens the door and runs to the wall across the entrance. Once there shi fires on hir opponents while Reigar checked the wounded. After shi removes an empty magazine and puts in a fresh one shi tells Feyouri. "Come on let's flank them." The two head down the hall while the rest of their teams assist the rebel team. They slowly walk through thew hallways for five minutes before their radar picked up the fight again. Shi peeks around the hallway corner and finds a pair of Militia guarding the route. Bomber takes out hir pistol and pus a suppressor on it and waited for the opportunity. When it came shi took two quick shots and the Militia fell to the ground dead with a head and heart shot in each. Bomber looks over to the female shapeshifter and both grin at each other. The silently approached the other side. Shi sees the Militia still firing on hir team and allies but none notice hir. Shi arms a grenade and rolls it on the ground. The Militia never knew what hit them when it went off. The last two were taken down by Bomber's bullets and rejoins hir team. The spend a minute or two tending the wounded before moving on. The next level they discover a makeshift armory in an old storage closet. Bomber has hir team take anything they can carry for their use or to sale to the rebels as the plant charges. They move up the levels fighting off an few more guards before their at what's believed to be the command center. Shi goes on the main comm line and asks for the other team's progress reports. Two of them were still a couple floors down so shi waited. Using a little camera shi scouts the room. There were tons of portable computers and PADDs and was as a mobile holo table. Finally the other teams are in position and in sync the open the doors and throw grenades in. After the grenades went off the the teams rushed in and finished off the survivors. Ten minutes later the teams enter the trucks again with their dead and wounded, thankfully Bomber's crew is intact....wounded but intact. As the truck moves away shi hits button on the remote shi has and the charges shi left behind went off.

With their command post wiped out the Militia's lines collapse and the rebels pushed through securing the city. With the data Bomber stole the rebels manage to get the upper hand on the rest of the Militia's armies and in days the Militia was forced to surrender. Bomber was preparing hir crew to leave. They and the other mercs were no longer needed so Bomber plan to head back to home base for some R&R. Shi was walking to hir ship to get some preflight work done. Shi hears commotion and sees the kitchen area of the base busy. The Rebels, or should I say the Free Star movement was smart when they planed the base. The galley's kitchen was on one side of the building and has a fold up wall to they can serve more than the galley can hold. It was currently being used to help refugees, one of the reasons shi agreed to the contract. The FSM wanted the people to have more freedom and better lives. Bomber watches a Chakat in hir late teens head for the kitchen serving area with multiple trays, must be for hir family. Bomber was about to look back at a PADD shi was reading when shi notice something odd. A cat morph wearing a winter jacket. It was late fall for this part of the planet it wasn't cold enough for a winter jacket. Human yes, a morph no. He was near the center of a group of tales when Bomber shouted out. "Hey you!" He looks over to hir with a look of pure hatred and yells out.

"FOR THE PEOPLE"S MILITIA!" He opens his coat and Bomber just gets a glimpse of box like items before he disappears in a large explosion. The shock wave pushed hir to the ground and ringing in hir ears. Shi slowly gets up and where the tables and the refugees were was a flaming crater. As the ringing fades from hir ears shi hears the klaxon blaring and quickly fire crews and med teams start showing up. Bomber sees that young Chakat getting up with a gash on hir side bleeding and seeing the blaze the chakat actually tries to run towards it. Bomber manages to intercept hir and the young one cries out.

"Mother, Father! NO! I must go! I must save them!"

"Kid they're already dead. You'll kill yourself for no reason."

"Nonononono, MOM, DAD!" The young teen collapses and sobs allowing Bomber to force hir away from the crater. Shi manages to get the teen in the Groundshaker and buttons it up before hitting hir comm badge.

"Crew report in."

"Feyouri here. At the bar with Bill, thought I felt an explosion and the klaxon is going. What's going on?"

"Crazahan here. Heading back to the ship."

"Reigar here I'm in the ship."

"Alright people, we just had a terrorist attack on the base near the galley. I want everyone back to the ship and Reigar head to sickbay I have a patient for you." Shi gets a chorus of rogers and shi leads the young chakat to the small sickbay. Shi gets there just before the the wolf medic. "Check on hir I'm heading to the bridge and get the sensors up just in case there's more."

"Yes captain." Shi left the teen in his care and shi heads up to the bridge.

Hours later the rest of the crew arrived and the base is still on high alert but the bulk of their attention was recovery. Bom,ber had the Groundshaker go down to Yellow Alert and went to check on the teen. Shi enters sickbay and Reigar was as usual looking at a PADD and the young teen was lying on one of the two beds with a bandage on hir upper torso. "So how's our patient?" Shi asks Reigar. Without looking up he responds.

"Fine, shi'll have a scar on hir torso but physically shi's fine." Bomber than looks at their guest.

"So what's your name kid?"

"Deepblue." The teen says. Bomber nods. The young chakat had deep blue fur with a lighter blue on hir belly and torso with green eyes and purple hair.

"Well I'm Bombshell but my friends call me Bomber. I'm the captain of this ship and part of the Sunovagun mercenaries. Now I'm sorry for your parents but is their any relatives we can contact?" Deepblue just shakes hir head.

"No, our clan was small and moved here before I was born. Me and parents were all that was left due to the war. I have no idea were any relatives outside of the clan are." Bomber nods in understanding and looks back at Reigar.

"Reigar, check hir DNA with the library to see if shi has any living genetic relatives." The doctor nods still looking at his PADD. "Till then your welcome to stay with us but if you do you have to follow my lead." Deepblue looks down to the ground for a minute before looking at Bomber eye to eye with deep sadness.

"I have nothing left here now. Nothing to go back to but pain. I'll go with you."

"Very well, I'll draw up papers to make it official and assign you quarters. Till then eat and rest." Bomber left hir new crew member rest.

A month later the Groundshaker was heading in for a landing at the main Sun base. Deepblue or DB as shi was being called found hir spot in the crew as cook. Shi could make use of the replicated ingredients like no one in the crew. As the ship closes in to the strip and DB looked in awe. Bomber smirked at hir. "The Sunovagun is a quite large and successful mercenary unit. My Bombers are an independent branch of the unit. I get to go on any contract I want and use their facilities. In return they get to put their logo on my stuff." DB did notice the image of a semi auto projectile hand gun with the merc name on the barrel on Bomber's left shoulder. Shi remembered seeing a classic bombshell with the same name on hir other shoulder. Bomber glances back at the screen. "DB better buckle in, we're about to land." The teen quickly finds and empty chair that changes to fit a taur and straps in. The ship slowly approaches the pad and pauses above the pad and starts to slowly lower. Then it falls fast and the whole ship shudders as it lands hard. DB looks around and sees the crew unbuckling and shi asks.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!" Bill smiles at hir as he gets up.

"That was the reason we call our ship Groundshaker. Since we....I (Bomber was giving him that LOOK) mean Bomber got her the thrusters always cut out when landing. And believe me we tried EVERYTHING and it they still do that."

"At least I got those shock absorbers installed." Bomber interjects.

"Yes thank God." DB looks at them surprised.

"You mean the landings were worse?" All on the bridge nodded and left the bridge for some personal things. Db didn't have anything to get, shi lost it all during the war. Bomber sensed DB's sadness and put hir arm around hir. Shi projected kindness to the teen and lead hir to the ramp. "Bomber what about your stuff?" The older chakat smiled.

"I can get it later come on." They walk down the ramp and Bomber sees hir parents waiting. Hir father was the first to greet them.

"Daughter! Welcome home." The two hug and Bomber replies.

"Thanks dad." Shi then hugs hir mother before both parents look at the stray their daughter brought.

"So this is Deepblue. For what it's worth I am sorry for your loss. Please consider our home yours."

"Thank you, I guess I'll be the second chakat you adopt."

"No you're the first."

"But what about Bomber? You must have adopted hir when you mated with hir mother."

"Nope, I met and mated Reefswimmer before Bomber was born. And no shi wasn't pregnant till AFTER we mated."

"But....but......." DB had the look of utter confusion causing Bomber to smile. Shi LOVED seeing people react to hir origins. Hir parents explained it to DB and when hir brother join them they headed to the house.

Shi met hir mates and went off for some BONDING time meanwhile Reefswimer entertained there guest. "Now dear when Bomber told us about about your problem and we had our people look all over for any genetic relatives of yours. We could find any, I'm sorry. But I did contact a distant cousin of mine to see if shi be interested in taking you in. Shi was. Now I should note shi lives on a mining station in the fringe of Federation space."

"But what if I want to remain on the Groundshaker?"

"You won't be." Another voice interrupts and both look to see Bomber with a tray of food.

'Daughter?" Reefswimmer says with a look of curiosity.

"Need to keep our strength up mom." Shi then looks at DB. "DB you've already had enough violence in your life. I will NOT put you there again so soon." DB looked down in disappointment. "DB you're still very young. Live with my mother's cousins for a couple years and if your still interested then I'll hire you. Okay?" DB sighs and nods and Bomber hugs hir before going up to rejoin hir mates.

Reefswimmer did get to contact hir cousin again and hir and DB got to talk a lot at Reefswimmer's expense. Bomber manage to knock up one of hir mates and threw a send off party for DB as shi heads off to the station with hope for the future.

The Groundshaker cruised through space doing a patrol that they were hired to do for a colony fearing pirate activities. It was near the mining station DB lived at. Shi's been there a couple of years and kept in contact with the crew. Sounded like shi would be joining the crew soon and Bomber guessed everyone will be glad. While they could cook DB had the talent to make stuff good. Still smiling at the thought shi hears a beeping from the communications console. Feyouri heads over and taps a couple of buttons. "Captain we're getting a distress signal. It's very garbled but I have the coordinates."

"Helm set a course for those coordinates and engage. RED ALERT!" The Alert lights starts flashing red as the ship goes into a battle stance and her crew gets ready as she jumps to warp.

Bomber felt a slight jerk as the ship dropped from warp and saw Feyouri's hands fly over the console. ?aptain I'm reading 1 ship out there with several metallic debris.?n the view screen the see a freighter, the small kind used by independent shippers. She looked adrift with clear battle damage. Looked like someone used a beam weapon like a laser scalpel.

"Status on the freighter?"

"No lifesigns sever damage to the engines and multiple hull breaches. Odd though I'm not reading any bodies."

"Give me a close up on the debris." The view switches over to the metallic pieces. There wasn't much to help figure out anything. It took minutes to find anything useful. A piece of debris had a logo on it. It was a ribbon colored red with two white capital R's in it. "Well well, Red Ribbon." The Red Ribbon Army was a hodgepodge group that was more pirate the mercenary though the past few years they were getting good equipment. Frowning Bomber comments. "There's no way a freighter like that one can do so much damage to a Red Ribbon ship. Reading anything unusual?"

"Well the energy signature for the weapon used isn't any standard weapon we have on file and getting strange spacial disturbance but can't localized it." Feyouri answers. The Groundshaker stayed a few more hours trying to figure out the mystery before giving up and head to the Knight system where DB lived.

They dropped out of warp to a strange site. Two ships orbited the mining station. One looked like a modified freighter, typical of pirates and mercs. This one though was heavily with weird black hull patches with a sickly light green glow. The other vessel was a simple sphere made up of the same black hull seen on the freighter with the green glow as well. Bomber couldn't see any obvious engines, sublight or warp. "Feyouri what are you reading?" The shapeshifter didn't respond for a couple of seconds.

"Captain The frieghter's IFF shows her to be part of the Red Ribbon and I have no match for the other ship anywhere in the database. Nor can I find a bridge or engineering area. Very decentralized. Both of them and the station have shields down and I am reading life signs but their odd."

"Bill have they responded to us at all?"

"Not yet captain." Bomber sat there for a few minutes with a frowning thinking pose.

"Alright, Feyouri send out a message to Starfleet what we've found and ask for assistance then you me and Reigar and heading over the the station. Bill get us in transporter range but on the opposite side of the ships. Then you and Crazahan stay here ready to beam us out in a moments notice." The crew responds and closes on the mystery.

The away beams over to the station in an isolated area. The room was dark accept for a blinking red light above them showing the station was technically at red alert so whatever happened here wasn't friendly. The room was empty so the leave it for the hallway. It was also empty accept for the blinking red lights. The team cautiously headed for the main areas. In minutes they start seeing odd sights. The walls stating to be covered by tubes and other devices in the same color scheme as the sphere ship. Walking further the see more of the walls covered then out of another hallway they see a being emerged. It was a cyborg, biped with grayish skin no clothes and covered in implants. It continued walking into another corridor and the team silently follows the cyborg. As they get deeper into the station the walls change again. There were now filled with slots and in some of them were more cyborgs. They wore nothing but implants on them, not even fur. They were still clearly catian, terran morphs, and rashkani but the lack of fur was disturbing. It looked like they were recharging and asleep. They walk on further and deeper and Bomber looks to Feyouri and asks. "You recording this?" The shapeshifter silently nods. Up ahead they see another cyborg working on a strange console. This cyborg was a taur, likely a chakat by form but when it turned around is what made Bomber gasp. While having no fur and hir scent covered by the metallic smell the scar on hir upper torso gave hir away. This is...was DB. "Oh no." DB looked directly at them and Bomber couldn't see the soul in hir eye, the other covered by an implant. Bomber focused on hir empathy and didn't get DB's usual signature, just and iron clad sense of purpose. Fighting back tears shi took out a tracker. Something Crazahan tinkered with and should hopefully go unnoticed. Shi step up to what was hir friend and placed it on the lower torso. DB stopped and looked back to Bomber. Bomber took no moves as Db scanned hir for a minute before turning back round and going about hir business. "Come on (sniff) let's go the the command center and get the logs."

Minutes after leaving what was their friend they find a turbo lift and take it to the command center. They emerge to the command center and see several cyborgs working on various tasks. The center was mixed of standard consoles and the weird ones these cyborgs brought in. Bomber goes to a standard console not being used and syncs hir tricorder to it and begins download all the logs. An alarm sounds and several cyborgs awake from their slumber and close in on the away team. Bomber fires hir phaser at one cyborg and it was just absorbed by a green energy shield. "Crap!" Shi taps hir commbadge. "Away team to Groundshaker. BEAM US UP!"

"Roger!" Shi soon hears the hum of the transporter and the next thing shi sees is the transporter booth. Shi hits the comm panel.

"Bill get us out of here." As shi and hir team head for the bridge the Groundshaker breaks away from the station. The Sphere and Red Ribbon ship break off to follow. As Bomber enters the bridge the speakers broadcast a message from the hostiles.

<We are the Borg, lower your shields and surrender your ship. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is futile.>

"Get us to warp bro." Bomber says but then the ship shudders and everyone puts their hands out to prevent face planting on their consoles.

"THEY GOT US IN A TRACTOR BEAM!" Feyouri reports.

"Break us free!"

"Trying!" Bill replies and they heard the engines groan trying to break free.

"Feyouri fire phasers." Bomber watches their phaser fire hit the spherical ship holding them.

"No damage."


"I'm not registering any damage."

"Captain our engines can't keep this up." Crazahan reports.

"Shield's are failing!" Feyouri shouts out.

"Sis I'm reading another ship coming in." Bomber looks at the view screen when a large Fleet Cruiser drops out of warp and blazes away at the two ships. The tractor beam is released and Bill moves the Groundshaker in an evasive maneuver.

"They did no damaged either captain." Feyouri reported, "Captain the Fleet ship's IFF is calling her the Pegasus. They're hailing."

"Onscreen." The screen showed a human male with brown hair and hazel eyes. What Bomber did note that he did not have the captain uniform shi expected but a uniform of an admiral.

<Groundshaker, got your call came as soon as we can. What's your status?>

"We're good but our weapons are useless against these....." Shi looks to Feyouri and asks. "What did they call themselves again?"

"The Borg." The shapeshifter replies.

<The Borg? Heard of them......Okay we're sending data over to help your weapons be effective.> He looks over his shoulder. <Tactical remodulate phaser frequencies.> The signal ceases and Bomber looks over to Feyouri.

"Captain they sent a program over, it seems to change the frequency our phasers."

"Use it." Bomber looks back to the screen and sees the Pegasus fire on the sphere. "Fire on the other ship." Groundshaker's old but modified phaser fire out again."

"Reading damage on both hostile ships captain."

"Fire at will!" The four ships dance a deadly dance as they trade fire.

They former freighter fell first from a barrage of torpedo fire from both Pegasus and Groundshaker. As the freighter explodes the Sphere fires out a redish beam at Groundshaker. They ship shuttered from the hit. On the bridge Bomber desperately tries to hold on to hir cushion when the computer reported. <Hull breach level 5 section 5.> Shi looks over to Crazahan and sees his hands flying over the console trying to deal with the damage. Looking back at the screen shi sees a salvo of torpedoes from hir ship hit the sphere followed by a salvo from Pegasus. The sphere was clearly damaged, it's beam ceases it's attack and fires back with a few torpedoes and a beam here and there. Bomber pressed their attack with the Groundshaker's phasers and torpedoes unleashing fury into the breaches with Pegasus Hammering it on the other side. The assault was too much and the sphere implodes before exploding. The Pegasus then closes in on the station and opens fire. "What the HECK is he doing!?" Shi punches the comm button. "Groundshaker to Pegasus, What the HECK our you DOING there's Federation citizens over there."

<Groundshaker, we're only reading drones over there. Protocol dictates that any ship or facility at this level of compromise be destroyed......I'm sorry.> Bomber watched helplessly as the Pegasus destroyed the mining station that held hir transformed friend and extended family.

It didn't take long for the Pegasus to destroy the station and loop around to approach the Groundshaker. The Cruiser was nolonger the pristine Starfleet vessel that came to their aid. Her hull was peppered with blast marks and phaser burns. "Captain, they're hailing." Feyouri reports. With a nod to the shapeshifter she opens the channel.

<Groundshaker do you require assistance?>

"No." Bomber answered coolly. "We can take care of ourselves there. You've already meddled enough. Have a safe trip home.> Bomber starts to get up and head to the turbolift.

<I'm sorry Captain Bombshell. I had no choice. Hopefully you can forgive me someday.> Shi lifts up hir head a bit and replies.

"Maybe someday but not today." Shi makes the cutting symbol and the connection is broken. The Pegasus leaves minutes later.

For the next few hours Bomber and crew do some makeshift repairs on the Groundshaker but it was obvious that a repair facility will be needed to make her combat worthy again. After having a meal shi heads for hir quarters and collapses on hir bed and starts sobbing for the loss of a friend and family as well as hir failure of DB.

Bombshell Bomber's Chapter 3

Months after the destruction of the mining station and the death of Deepblue the Groundshaker was ready to earn money again, the question remained was her captain ready again? In the months of repair work Bombshell was constantly surrounded by hir...

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