Tales of Redstreak Chapter 14

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#20 of Chakat Universe

Red and Family head to Chakona for a Clan Gathering

The day has arrive to head for Chakona and everything was a buzz Alexis noted. She's been living with Red and Dallie again for the past couple of days. They're comfort and kindness were beyond Alexis' words, even Fish use her expertise to help. Alexis was starting to feel hopeful for the future. Things were chaotic however. The place was more crowded then shi was last here. Red had hir latest mate Flameria or Flamy as she like to be called and of course Fish who was put on Red for reasons only Star Corps really knows. Then Dallie had Larsa as hir new mate and as with any chakat family, the tons of children running around. "Alexis you ready?" Alexis looks over to see Red walking up to hir.

"Yup I'm all packed. I'm actually looking forward to this."

"I'm glad one of us is. Meeting relatives that I'm now related to, very stressful." Alexis put a hand on Red's arm.

"You do fine." Red holds the hand there.

"Thanks to everyone, they help anchor me." Alexis smirked and commented.

"And you think it will work for me?" Red grinned back.

"You better believe it." Red looked around. Seeing see how a lot of people were still nearby Alexis could understand why she suddenly heard Red's voice in hir head. <Beside one other person only Dallie and Coal know this. At one point during my transition from Luke to Red and nearly committed suicide.>

<What?> Red nods and continues.

<Yes I nearly ended it all. It was only Coal's love the I pulled back and started becoming Redstreak. So if they can stop that. We can cheer you up.> Red then elbows Alexis and says aloud. "Come on, let's help the others."

Two hours later the group is beamed up to the liner Starlight Express. A crewman showed them to their quarters, a very big family quarters. Red whistled at the luxury, Dallie and Coal must have saved up a lot. The doors open again and Streaker, Fireblaze and Sunspot showed up with their children hugs started. Sunspot then looks at Larsa and hugs the vixen. "I'm so sorry about your lost, but I'm glad you found a home with my daughters."

"Thank you. And they do have a knack of rescuing people."

"They should. They've had enough practice." Both Red and Dallie stick their tongues out at their mother. Cause Sun to laugh and comment. "It's times like these that is hard to imagine there weren't born and raised together." The two look at each other with a bit of surprise, shrug and make a face at their mother. "And times that they don't seem to have grown up." To which Red replies.

"Midlife crisis, deal with it." Everybody laughs at the reply.

As everyone was settle Red learns that hir adopted parents helped pay for the suites they now occupy and if shi wasn't kidnapped shi would have paid in as well. Oh well shi's paying for the expansion of the house. The ship had all the nice amenities and the trip was nice. Red spent time with Sandy and Firestripe, A lot of time with Alexis making hir forget hir ex boyfriend, and time with Fish or more accurately Fish spending time with hir as shi bonded more with hir adopted parents. Among the more interesting things was when Alexis asked Red to hir quarters and the two were not seen but they were felt. It was noted that the chakat's were late to breakfast sometimes though some of the mates were with with in the lateness. Also another interesting moment happened halfway to Chakona.

Lunch has just been completed and Red sighed in fullness. "Man Coal this is supposed to be a vacation. Let other people do the cooking for once, I thought we might have to hold you down."

"But I LIKE cooking, I'm RELAXED when cooking." Red sighs and rolls hir eyes and Coal continues. "However I'll try to cut back for your sake." Red nuzzles Coal and says.

"Thank you."

"You know I expect a payment later for it."

"I think I can arrange that."

"GET A ROOM!" Streaker yells causing the two to blush a bit and everyone else to chuckle. However Larsa approached Dallie with a serious expression.

"What is it Larsa?"

"Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze and my mate. Would you do me the honor of siring my next child?"

"What brought this about Larsa?"

"Well besides Jewel my family is gone. While all of you have accepted me into your family and made it mine I'm not a young vixen anymore and I need to continue the line so will you do it Medallion?"

"Off course I would. You never had need to ask. So when's your next heat?"

"NOW!" Larsa passionately kisses Dallie and Red had to quip.

"Looks like you're the one who needs the room sis." Dallie breaks off the kiss and gives hir sister a look then pushes the foxtaur to one of the rooms. Red was smiling till she felt a tug on hir arm. Shi looks over and see Coal there.

"I think it's time for some of that payment." Red turns back to the group with that knowing smile and let hir mate lead the way.

The door closes behind Dallie and the kissing turns into much more. Larsa gropes Dallie's breast with one hand and slides the other along Dallie's torso. Dallie meanwhile held Larsa's head close with one hand and returned the grope. Dallie then tweaks Larsa's nipple causing the vixen to moan in hir mouth. Eventually even they had to break for air. Both look at each other with love, compassion, and lust. Larsa then turns away to reveal her very wet pussy. As Larsa lays down Dallie walks till shi's on top of her. Dallie grabs both of Larsa's still firm breasts and the two kiss again as Dallie enters her. Both couldn't help moan in pleasure and just sat there joined together, though it didn't take long for Dallie to start thrusting in and out of hir mate's pussy. It starts slow and steady but soon the pace increases and Larsa was pushing her rear towards hir mates cock. They both grunt with the effort and there tails twine together and soon Larsa cries out. "Dallie, I'm- I'm cumming I'm CCUUUUUUUUUMMMMMINNNNGGG!" Larsa's pussy clamps down as she orgasms. The squeezing of hir cock causes Dallie to joining and roars as shi unleashes hir seed. When done shi collapses on top of the vixen as both pant. After a few minutes the two go at it again trying different positions till after the last orgasm Larsa passes out. Also exhausted Dallie lies next to hir newest mate and lick kisses the vixen's muzzle then starts to fall asleep. Hir cock still in hir mate, hey it was nice and warm in there.

The next morning Dallie and Larsa looked a little ragged and Red hands them both coffee with energy drink mixed in. They shot hir a questioning look. "hey I have a foxtaur mate to, so I know what they are like when in heat." Larsa gives her sister in law a small smile as Dallie snorts. The two wolf down their breakfast before disappearing again. Red grins and shakes hir head till shi hears from behind hir.

"So you think foxtaurs are like that eh?" Red looks behind hir to see Flamy with a mischievous smirk on her face. Red returns it and replies.

"You know it is, your almost as bad as chakats." Red then leans forward and licks Flamy's muzzle. "And that's what I like about you." Needless to say that Red and Flamy were missing that day. However so were many others and the crew notice that the ship seemed a little more happier and a tad hornier during the trip.

When Larsa's heat was over she raced to the sickbay on board and it was a joyous vixentaur that returned. She was pregnant and a party was started to celebrate. Things went even crazy enough when Larsa was lifted up and paraded around by the chakats with everyone else holding their sides from laughter. Above the group with no eyes to really see, Larsa cries, not from sadness but from happiness. Yes she will always miss the village and the family she had there. Now though she has found a new family, one that loves her unconditionally and stops everything to be there for hir and a child that's not even remotely related to them. She was blessed to have known them for she can't imagine trying to raise Jewel alone and without a home. God and the Makers bless them all by inspiring the Turners to make such a loving and caring species. Fish eyed all of this with envy. Her charge had everything she lacked. A home and loving family and the confidence that shi can endure anything. Fish wanted that, wanted it very much.

After the party Alexis left the bathroom, you can only take so much punch. With Fish they were the odd ones in the bunch since they both wore clothes, even in the privacy of their suite. Alexis hirself wasn't just ready for that yet. After Al shi hasn't felt comfortable doing it. Except when around Red. During the parade shi didn't look at Larsa, shi looked at Red. They've been friends for years and for that short time lovers, but shi can't help how beautiful Red looked. The chakat's muscular figure appealed to hir and that Redstripe. Shi felt hir cock swelling up and shi was just thinking about hir. Alexis feels a hand on hir shoulder and looks to see Red smiling at hir. Then the feline visibly sniffed and said. "You forgot your pill didn't you?" Alexis was confused for a second before shi realized what Red was talking about. Hir pheromone suppressor that kept hir hyper pheromone's in check.

"Oh crap!" Shi tries to head back to hir room but Red holds hir.

"Don't worry, your pills are in my room for later and you not a danger yet. You still need some therapy and I know the best type." Red urges Alexis to hir room. The wolf herm thought about protesting but decided against it. It would be nice to let go and Red has experience hir super heat before, not to mention Red can't impregnate hir. Shi is however surprised when the doors open and she sees Flamy waiting for them. "Flamy wanted to experience it too Alexis and she can keep your cock busy." Alexis just shakes hir head and let's loose.

Sometime later you see an amazing site. With hir handpaws on top of a pair of cushions Red thrusts into Alexis with both hir torso's aligned. Alexis rides Red's cock as hir own was in Flamy, who was upside down and licking Red's pussy. Mons, groans, and grunts were heard as well and the sound of flesh and against flesh. With the hyper pheromones it didn't take long for all three to orgasm, so the pause was short before they went at it again. Even the pheromones override the sex overlord that herms can get from dual orgasm. However it could only do that so much in an hour the trio collapse in a tangle of fur and limbs.

Red awoke later feeling Alexis sandwiched between the taurs. There was a smile on the wolf's face, one that hasn't been there in weeks. Red was glad shi could make the wolf feel happy again, for more than one reason as hir cock was still in Alexis' pussy semi hard from the pheromones and the slight stimulation. Flamy stirs on the other side and slowly awakes. <So what do you think Flamy?> Flamy had a surprised face and was about to say something aloud when Red blocked her mouth. <I don't want to wake hir. Think of what you want to say and direct it at me.>


<I hear you love.>

<Weird but kinda cool, okay I thought what was fun. We have to convince hir to let us do that again.>

<We can try.>

<So is this is what telepathy is like.>

<Sometimes. Most of the time it's like an extra layer on my empathic senses. At least it's not whispering voices in my head at least. Had a couple nights in the Pegasus sickbay before I figured that one out.>

<Can't you get help?>

<There's no other telepath in the Federation. That's why Fish is with us now. She was to see if I went insane or have other odd quirks.>

<Then how will we ever know? You're odd all the time.>

<Haha.> The two fell back to sleep re cuddling with their friend.

Besides when Flamy went and got food the trio did leave the room having convinced Alexis to go this heat cycle without hir pills. They had fun, of what they could remember and it took a smell of Coal's cooking to wake them up after the heat period was over. The trio were exhausted so they just lounge around for the next day or so recovering. When hir strength returned shi spent time with hir kids. Sandy was five now much to the surprise of Red. In hir mind hir first born was only born just yesterday. Shi and hir....we go with sister Whirlwind got alone well and both seems to be including Firestripe in their play. The young odd hybrid stop hir play and ran over to hir sire. Smiling Red picked hir up and nuzzled Fire. Over all the events Red has gone through hir kids made it worth it. As Luke Harter he never married or had kids. His sister was always desperate to find him someone. Well shi found quite a few people and if ever given the choice to undo the accident that sent hir here shi would refuse hands down. Shi would miss this life for the universe.

After 3 weeks of travel the arrive in orbit of Chakona. The family after packing had headed to the main lounge to observe the approach. As the liner approached the Chakona Gateway the saw various ships. Red saw hir adopted sister's freighter in orbit. But what got hir interest was a very large freighter. The ship seemed to divided into 3 major sections. The forward section was a typical large bulk freighter, but much large then any Red has seen, you could easily hold several large ships in just that section but there also seemed to me an attachment on the top and Red's Star Corps training told hir it was Two large container soheres put together. The middle section was a long boom with cargo containers sprouting from it making it look like a corncob. The last area as a bulbous engineering section with pylons leading to 2 nacelles in a raking forward position. "That's a big ship." Red finally comments and shi feel Fish step up besides hir.

"That's the Folly. She's owned and piloted by a human named Neal Foster. And she certainly proves her name. She's worked with the fleet sometimes and engineers go crazy trying to figure out how she works."


'From what I've heard she is too big to be cost effective for she would eat a lot of antimatter just to get to warp, yet I've seen her maintain pace with Starfleet ships. Heck she even carried a couple I was on and refueled them. My counseling sessions are always interesting when she's around. Especially with engineers who've had a chance to peek at her systems."

"Interesting." The liner docks with the station the group goes to get their bags. The group was large enough that they will have to take turns beaming down. Alexis and Red were in the last group when the console beeped. The operator frowned and pressed a few more buttons before saying.

"Miss Timber, could you please step off the platform." Alexis does so with Red following.

"Is there a problem?" Alexis asks.

"According to the scans you're pregnant and I can't transport pregnant beings. The rest can go." Alexis looks at Red worried and confused.

"But you let me beam up and I've only been with taurs." The operator shrugs and replies.

"The transporter says you're pregnant. Thus I can't transport you. We do have shuttle service that can get you down." It's Red who answers.

"Book under my name." Red turns back to look at the others and says. "The rest of you head down and let the others know. Me and Alexis are going to head for Amistad General Hospital and figure this out." Fireblaze nods and replies.

"I'll make sure someone is waiting for you to get you to the clan house." Red nods and the group beams down. Red and Alexis head to the shuttle bay and Alexis stated.

"I swear Red I've only been with you and Flamy and it's impossible for you to impregnate me. I don't understand this."

"I believe you Alexis. We will find the answer. If the transporter screwed up I'll make sure to get a refund for the shuttle ride."

After a half an hour wait they get their shuttle ride. The ride was beautiful as the enter the atmosphere and flew over the city. Red notice how the city was setup. It wasn't a rough square blocks and tall rectangular skyscrapers. Instead every building was unique and try to adapt to the land it was built on. There was also a lot of green. It seemed that the Chakona's wanted to preserve the natural plants as much as possible making the whole city look like a paradise city. They land at the spaceport and they go to the meeting spot to see a single chakat there. Shi had yellow fur with orange patches all over. Seeing them the chakat waves and says. "Greetings, I'm Chakat Autumnsun, child of Sunflower and Crystalfur and your fellow clanmate." Red hugs hir and replies.

"Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. And this is Alexis Timber."

"Hello Alexis," Autumnsun then looks back to Red. "I'm to drive you to where ever you need to go then to the clan home."

"Thanks, we're going to the local hospital for a check up."

"Very well get in and we'll get going." The three enter the PTV and Autumnsun takes them to Amistad General Hospital. The main hospital of Amistad had an attached clinic for walk ins and such and that was their destination. They walking in a see quite a site. A group of Raskani females, a foxtaur female, and a female rabbit. All of them clearly pregnant. Red and Alexis go to the front desk and sign the wait forum. Red finds a nice cushion next to a chair for Alexis.

"Looks like this might be a while." Alexis observes and Red has to nod in agreement. The foxtaur approaches them.

"Hello I'm Weaver" She gestures to the group behind her. "And these are my comates Dessa, Zanch,Kestral,Whitetail, and Susan Pebble." Each give their greeting.

"I'm Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze and this is my friend Alexis Timber."

"You two from here?"

"No, we just arrived off the Starlight Express. WE had to stop here for the transporter said shi was pregnant and since shi's only been with taurs it seems unlikely. But this detour is delaying our meeting my adopted clan. Heck one of my clanmates is waiting for us."

"Oh please then go ahead of us. We're all just checking on out babies."

"Thank you, you local?"

"Oh no, we got here a couple hours ago off the Folly."

"YOU'RE OFF THAT SHIP! WOW, that's a HUGE ship." Reaver chuckles at Red's comment.

"I admit I had a similar reaction when I saw her the first time. Granted I saw the inside first so had an idea that she was big." A nurse comes out and looks at a pad.

"Mrs. Weaver?" The grey furred foxtaur waves a hand to Red and Alexis.

"Please allow them to go first, They have people waiting for them." Red looks to Weaver.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Red and Alexis follow the nurse into one of the offices. There they see a chakat in doctor attire though the famous lab coat was the only thing shi wore.

"Please sit and what seems to be the problem?" It was Alexis who replied.

"I wasn't allowed to transport down because the machine said I was pregnant. I've only been with taurs since beaming aboard our liner, so we like to see what's going on." The doctor nods and grabs a scanner and focus it on Alexis belly. Shi waves it over hir belly for a couple of minutes before turning it off and attaches it to a console. Shi looks at the readings for a minute before saying.

"Well Miss Timber, you're pregnant. Been so a couple weeks. Who were you intimate with?" With a scared look at the announcement shi points to Red.

"Red here was the only one with a cock." The doctor takes a tricorder and asks.

"May I?"

"Of course, I want this solved as anyone else." The chakat scans Red for a couple of minutes and goes to the console and after a few more minutes shi faces hir patients.

"Well my early readings say that Red is the sire of the child. It has both of your dna's. Now I would like to monitor this for I don't know whether the baby will be a biped or taur. If taur I may need to operate for both of your safety."

"Thank you doctor but we are only visiting for a few weeks."

"Then give me the name of your doctor there and I'll relay the findings. Shir Redstreak would you please come tomorrow for a full scan. I need to figure out how this happened." Red sighs and replies.

"Very well doctor." The doctor comes up to both of them and hugs them.

"Congratulations, I'm sure you'll be good parents." The doctor escorts them out and outside the clinic Red looks seriously at Alexis. Shi grabs the wolfs hands and begins.

"I know both of us didn't plan this and considering what you went through with Al I'll understand. But I want to help you raise this child. Alexis Timber will you be my denmate?" Alexis looked at Red for a minute before taking hir hands away and shi paces for a couple of minutes. Shi eventually stops and looks at Red.

"Red, this is all so fast. I need time to think about this."

"Okay, that's okay. The offer will always be there. Come on let's join the others." They head out and meet Autumnsun with serious expressions and got into the PTV. The tree all were silent as they drove on Autumnsun knowing something big happened at the clinic kept silent hoping shi'll learn soon. In twenty minutes they're outside the citywide and spacious suburbs. Eventually they approach a fairly large building. Nearly a mansion it looked like it could how a couple of chakat families comfortably. Both Red and Alexis looked in awe before Red comments."That's a big house."

"It's the Clan house don't you know our clan history?"

"I was adopted into the clan so no."

"Oh, well our clan got started a hundred years ago by Lilypad, Corsica Rainbow, Moonsun, and Twilight at this house and it has slowly grown over the decades. Our current Matriarch stays there with hir mates and it host the clan gatherings." The pull up to the front of the house and Coal was waiting for them. Shi hugs them both and Red whispers into hit ear.

"Get Dallie and Flamy and have them in the rooms will be staying in and no one else besides Alexis."

"Got it." Red follows hir to the room, they had the third floor on the right side and it was a fairly big room with several dressers for what clothing needed and a bathroom with full set of items. After unpacking hir stuff in an unused dresser when Dallie and Flamy came in. Alexis was a little neverous and ws looking at the floor like a child caught breaking the rules. Everyone was looking at Red and Alexis with confusion as the chakats felt Alexis worry and hir own confusion and Red's concern.

"Well the doctor confirmed that Alexis is pregnant and that I'm the sire. I've offered Alexis to be my denmate. Shi has yet to answer me. No matter hir answer I will support the child. Until shi makes hir decision I don't want this own. I want no pressure on you Alexis."

"Thank you."

"And since you are my mates and sister I live with I though you should know the full story. Now brace me as I meet my adoptive clan." Coal and Dallie chuckle and hugs Red.

"You'll do fine sis." Dallie says and looks at Alexis. "And it won't be just Red who will support you, I will. You've been a good friend for years and no matter your decision I will consider you family." The group then hugs Red and Alexis.

That night at dinner Red got to meet some of hir clan members. There was a wide variety of ages and wider variety of colors. And not all were chakat's either. Various beings of morph decent. Many taurs with a smattering of bipeds. That night Red let Clarissa know shi was on Chakona and they figured out the foxtuars heat cycle. Luckily it was in a few days. Meanwhile Alexis did sleep with hir chakat friends, hir thoughts on the course of hir life and the new one forming in hir womb.

The next day Red left to visit the doctor who spent the next hour scanning Red every which way. After saying it would take a few days to study the data. Red headed back and got time to spend with hir sister Crisscross. They talked about their travels in space and they're families. Crisscross was thinking of having another child. They're first one Starhopper was playing with Whirlwind and the other kids their age area. That night the whole group goes into the main hall since it was raining that night. In a large ballroom everyone was around various tables eating dinner. Eventually a Chakat with white fur and a yellow circle on hir upper torso. Shi had gray hairs in that circle on in hir blond hair as shi walked on to the portable stage. "Hello everyone, I'm glad to see you all at our tenth Clan Gathering." Shi's interrupted by clapping, when it ends shi continues. "I'm also glad to see our clan grow so much and have good friends. All of those you are friends of the clan please stand up." Through the room a handful of beings stand up and the Longtail continued. "Thank you all for supporting our clan. Everyone give them a round of applause." The clan does so causing some of the guests to blush, including Alexis. When the guest were allowed to sit down again the Longtail continued. "We should note one interesting addition to our clan. Normally you're either born in the clan or mate in. Shi was Adopted in and yet still by blood born as well. Shir Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze come up here." Red was shocked as a spotlight turns on at hir seat. Shi is shocked for a moment before glaring at Coal and Dalle who grin unrepentantly, heck even hir adopted parents were grinning as well. Shi shakes hir head and heads up to the platform. There the Longtail smiles at hir before looking at the crowd. "Redstreak here joined our clan years ago when an accident gave hir this body. Since the shi has greatly helped our clan branch on Terra ad has already contributed to our clan already." The Longtail then hugs Red and says. "Welcome to the Firelight Clan." The room cheers when the hear that and Red stands their with the Deer-in-the-headlights look.

The next morning Red leaves the clan home to visit Clarissa and Polka, and truthfully after last night shi needed some space. How the chakats not get overwhelmed by it was beyond hir. Shi pulls up to the small house the pair called home and shi sees Clarissa playing with hir namesake Starlight when she looked up and smiled. "Red YOU'RE HERE!" She gets up and hugs Red while Starlight looks curiously at them.

"Yes I am, Where's Polka?"

"Inside, shi has the day off." Red nods and bends down to look closely at Starlight.

"Hello Starlight." The young cub sniffs Red as the older chakat projects friendship and love to the cub. The cub smiles and allows Red to pick hir up. The adults smile at each other and head in. Polka was reading something when they came in and shi looked up and smiles.

"Hello Red, glad to see Starlight take to you."

"What can I say. People like me." The older chakat chuckles and the two hug.

"So how long are you hear this time?"

"A few weeks, clan gathering." Polka winces a it.

"Yeah, I know what those are like. I can understand wanting to get away for a bit."

"And I had a promise to keep. My mates approve of me and Clarissa being denmates. So I come to give Clarissa the child she wants."

"And Clarissa's in heat so good timing. I do have an issue though."


"I want to be in on it. She is my mate and I'll be help taking care of the cub, so I want to be part of the process." Red sighs and steadies hirself and replies.

"Very well. When should we start?"

"When Starlight's asleep and I have just the thing." Clarissa says and she goes into the kitchen. Red looks at Polka and asks.

"What about your family Polka? You an Clarissa live here but I've never seen anyone else from your family ever here."

"Most of them are explorers and settled on one of the new colonies. I didn't want to go so stayed here. It's the main reason I spent a lot of time with Clarissa's family. While there's more than enough chakats to take care of feedback Clarissa's family treated me as one of them." Clarissa returns with a cup of what looks like milk and gives it to Starlight. The little cub gulps it down and Clarissa's smiles. She notices Red's curiosity and explains.

"It's a milk formula I discovered. It make's Starlight go out rather quick." The trio did some catch up till Starlight was sleeping peacefully. Clarissa smiles and picks up her cub and puts hir in hir room. Clarissa returns to them and tells Red. "There we sound proofed hir room so we can be wild without waking hir."

"What if shi wakes up and cries for either of you?" It's Polka who explains.

"Hir room has a microphone in it and the AI is programed to let us hear it for anything."

"So we can be as wild as we want." Clarissa comments. Red looks at polka with an amused look and comments.

"I guess her libido is up since the pregnancy." Polka shakes hir head.

"Nope it actually went DOWN!" Shi says chuckling.

"Well enough talking." Clarissa tries to push Red into the bedroom. Red goes in followed by Clarissa and Polka. The bedroom was one of the larger rooms in the house and had various nicknacks from both Polka and Clarissa and gave the room a cozy feeling. Then there was also the nice BIG mattress that they slept on. Clarissa lead Red to the bed and stated stroking Red's muzzle. Red smiles and takes a deep breathe to get Clarissa's pheromones in. Shi then kisses the foxtaur and gropes her breasts and hir cock comes out. Clarissa falls on her backs and Red lays on top of her and thrusts hir cock in causing the two to groan in pleasure. The two finally break off their kiss and both see love in each other's eyes. Polka was not unaffected by the actions of hir mate and co mate and hir cock is out and shi climb on Red with hir hands rubbing all over Red and shi enters the chakat and soon the three were in a good rhythm. Red hir self never really don't sex both ways was blinded by the pleasure and hir normal reluctance about female couplings never had a chance to form this time, only the pleasure of entering and being entered filled hir. In a time that seemed to hir both minutes and hours long before shi came. What shi felt was indescribable before shi blacked out. It was an hour or two later when shi woke up only to start again. The next two days the trio went at it. Starlight did a sleep over with a friend of hirs during this time and the bond between the three adults grew.

While Red got intimate with hir new denmate and co mate Alexis was thinking about the future. Shi sat in a chair on a balcony think of hir situation. Shi was nearly raped months earlier with no family to help hir, then Red came to the rescue and offered hir home as Dallie did when Double H was bombed. Shi looks down at hir belly and put a hand there. There in hir belly grew a miracle, but with it a complicate choice.

Shi wasn't sure how long shi sat there with hir thoughts when shi heard a question. "May I join you?" Startled shi looks to hir right and sees the pink furred cat their smiling.

"Oh, Fish to startled me. Please have a seat." Fish takes the chair next to the wolf herm and they both view the scenery for a couple of minutes before Fish spoke again.

"Alexis I know what you and Red talked about when you got hear."

"So you know that I'm..."

"Pregnant with Red's child yes. I didn't catch all of it but I figured Red offered a denmateship didn't shi and that you haven't answered hir yet." Alexis just nods and Fish made a sound of affirmation. "Well Alexis tell me how you both first met." That got the wolf to smile.

"I first met hir as a prank. I haven't seen Dallie in weeks which was odd for hir and Trea was having hir graduation party so I called hir the day before. Shi said shi was still coming and was bringing a friend. When I asked who shi replied. 'Some one you don't know but you have seen hir face before.' The next day a I see Dallie arrive and hug hir in greeting but..."

"But it was Red."

"Yup, since then shi was a regular at the club and became a good friend. Shi even to offer to guard me when I went on a job tour for the company." Alexis paused before continuing."We became closer after that trip. And when shi returned to us I had to throw a welcome back party."

"And when you were raped, shi was among the first to your side." Alexis nods again and Fish continues. "So you have known hir for years. You've seen hir be loving,caring, and protective. Shi's been a sire a few times already, so why your hesitancy? Is it a scar of the rape or something else. You have to figure that out for you, Red, and the Child in your womb." Fish gets up and leaves Alexis on the balcony with hir thoughts.

Red was smiling as shi drove back from Polka and Clarissa's place. Those two certainly know how to give a good time. It will be a couple of days before they find out if they were successful. They biggest surprise was how well shi took to being mounted. Maybe shi's slowly adapting more to the chakat way of thinking then shi thought. No doubt shi'll be a strong male bias chakat for the rest of hir life but maybe, just maybe things are getting better for hir. When shi got home shi found all hir mates and family. They really were family to hir now, blood and all. Shi got to the house, checked on hir mates and Alexis and crashed still tired from hir romp with Clarissa.

The next day a local clan member invited them to a Chakker game. Having never seen it before Red was curious. They drove over to the arena, as they walk to one of the entrances shi notice the name Friendship Arena. Since Amistad is another word for Friendship Red had to smirk. They bought their tickets and some snacks before heading to the seating. Red looked around. The field seemed similar to soccer in layout. The was scoreboards on each major side of the arena. The seating was wide enough to easily accommodate taurs. However shi didn't see places for bipeds so shi asked Thunderchild, the chakat who invited them on where the bipeds sat. The Chakat smiled and replied. "Check this out." Shi walks over to one of the spots and lifts a small hatch. It reveals a handle that shi grabs, turns, and lifts. A square box lifts up till it's about chest height then Thunderchild turns the handle again and pulls it away from the field. The top flips back to reveal a cushion for butt and back.

"Cool." The group goes into the row picking their seat partners. Red ended up with Flamy on one side and Alexis on the other. Red returns to the scoreboard facing them. It show the local team, the Aphrodites versus Curtisport Paws. The scoreboard seemed no different then those Shi grew up with and was reassuring that some things remained the same. Eventually game time happened and Red watch hir first chakker game. The ball offhand looked like a soccer ball but brown and red instead of black and white and had football like stitching. The game play was interesting, The layour was like soccer but chakker players could use their hands and even TAILS to advance the ball. It was a fast pace game with the ball flying everywhere and thankfully some good scoring. Red hated soccer for the low scores that games usually have. Red completely got into the game with an arm around Alexis. The home team squeezed out a victory in overtime and Thunder took them out to dinner to celebrate hir team's victory.

The next day Red and Alexis went to the doctor after shi called the day before. Both were eager and anxious on the findings as they stepped into hir office. "Well I went over the readings and your files. And what me and my colleges agree is that those nanos in Redstreak's are responsible for the pregnancy. Those little suckers are highly adaptive and they made Redstreak's sperm compatible to you Alexis. We guess it wasn't the first try so if your not planing children Shir Redstreak where a condom. Now I want Alexis to have regular check to make sure the baby and hirself are all right?" They both nod and shi smiles. "Now this is still a joyous occasion. You have made a life and current scans show it to be fine so celebrate." They leave the doctor's office and head for the house. When they get into their suite of rooms and informed the family of the update. Alexis looks at the ground the whole time and when Red was done with the update shi takes a deep breath and spoke.



"I want...I want to try to be a family." Red rushes over and hugs the wolf herm.

"You won't regret this Alexis." Flamy, Coal, and Dallie join the hug. Fish watched the site tear filled, she wanted this. Shi wanted a family. Red put down Alexis and looked at Fish was well as the other chakats sensing her sadness. "What is it Fish?"

"I want it. I want you have. I want a family. Will you let me be your denmate as well?" Red looks at hir new mate then at hir other two mates and said.

"Well what do you three think?" The three look at each other before each comments.

"She's practically family already." Coal comments.

"I like her." Flamy adds.

"Well she helped me with my decision so why not." Alexis states.

"Well my mates have spoken, so Fish. Welcome to the family." Cheers went all around as Red hugs hir newest mate. Then Red took both Alexis and Fish to consummate they're union.

LATE the next morning the three mates emerge from Red's room hungry. Near the end of their breakfast Larsa with Jewel in her arms walked up to Red. "What's up Larsa?" Red asks as shi pets hir step niece.

"Work called, a music magazine called Space Tunes wants an interview." Red thought for a bit before asking the foxtaur.

"Do they understand my requirements?"

"Don't worry Red. The video feed will be blocked and I have a voice modulator installed. You're identity is safe."

"Alright, I'll throw them and your company a bone. When is the interview?"

"Anytime you want, it isn't a live broadcast."

"Okay how about in a couple hours?"

"I'll tell them."

Hours later Red sat alone in hir room and no one else. Shi had hir keyboard on and playing hir tracks at low volume. Shi then heard a chime, indicating of an incoming call. Pressing the answer button shi says. "Hello?"

"RS? This is Jan Tooner from Space Tunes."

"I'm RS Jan."

"Thank you for the interview."

"Not to big of a problem."

"Alright, I hear music in the background."

"I figured you would want it during our interview."

"Smart, okay I'll begin recording. Hello listeners! This is Jan Tooner in an exculsive interview with one of the latest sensations. RS. Now for personal reasons RS is not allowing a video and has a voice modulator to protect um it's identity. SO RS when did you start playing with music?"

"It had to be in my twenties as a hobbie that I did off and on. A few years ago it helped me with some personal issues."

"How did you get involved with Spacewave?" Red chuckles as shi responds.

"That can be blamed on my mate and sister. They send in a recording of my work and Spacewave showed up at the door. I figuring they would nag be if I refused I accepted. It's been prosperous and I gain a sister in law in the end."

"Congraduations there, So what inspires your music?"

"Mainly old video game music. I add my twist on them and bring them to a new generation."

"It sounds like you are an old being, no insult intended."

"The answer to that is complicated but I have been around a while."

"So what do you see in the future for your work?"

"Just what is going on now. I'll occasionally release an album and make money on it."

"That's very simple."

"In the end this is still just a hobby for me. I have a family and a job as well as being RS."

"Well thank you for your time RS."

"You're welcome." Red signed off and turned hir keyboard off and sat back and relaxed.

A couple days later Red was by the front door when the doorbell ran. And sees a Chakat there with a Rabbit morph behind hir with a strange device on his head. The Chakat asks. "Are you Chakat Redstreak?"

"Yes." Shi answers. The Chakat smiles and nods to hir friend. Flicks something on the head attachment. Shi looks at hir friend and says.

"This is Chakat Harmony of Melody TV here at the current residence of Chakat Redstreak, known more famously as the composer RS. Tell us RS, what's odivation for your work." Trying to contain hir rising anger Red replies as politely as shi is able to right now.

"What makes you think I'm RS."

"We have from a reliable source that you are RS and recently was in an interview with Space Tunes." Red sighs as shi knows ly8ng would be useless and more so against what shi was taught.

"If you want an interview with RS then you go through Spacewave. Bother me or my family again this way and I'll never agree to one." She shuts the door on them and looks for Larsa. Shi found the 45 year old vixen playing with her granddaughter. Recognizing the scent of her client and sister in law She sniles and looks up and Red had a very serious look on hir face. "Red have a problem Larsa. Some news groupa know I'm RS. Now I did tell Space Tunes who I was so we need to check where this leak came from." Larsa nods and replies.

"Of course." The two head into her room as they contact Spacewave.

Hours later a frustrated Red sat on the balcony as early night falls. Shi, Larsa and the Spacewave heads comb everyone to figure out who leak Red's identity. They found nothing, not a SINGLE thing. Shi was so focused on the issue shi was surprised when shi felt a small hand touch hir flank. Shi jerks and looks down to see Sandyrock looking at hir sire with concern. "What's wrong daddy?" The little cub asks. Red pcik up hir daughter and answered.

"Life just got harder for us Sandy."

"Why it seems pretty easy now?"

"Well you know the music I work on?" Sandy nods. "Well I kept my name secret so we wouldn't be bothered fans of my music. But now the secret has gotten out somehow. Now we'll have to deal with them coming at anytime." Sandy hugged hir sire and said.

"You'll protect us dad. You always do." Red smiled as shi held hir daughter close causing the cub to purr as true night hit. Sandy fell asleep in Red's arms and Red just starts to sense someone behind hir when a voice said.

"There's nothing like a cub to brighten your day, even as night falls." Red looks behind hir to see Longtail Brightlight smiling at hir. She looks down at hir now sleeping daughter.

"It's one of their secret weapons." Red replies, The older chakat pets the cub and comments.

"You're worried about something. We could all feel it."

"Crap, sorry about that. I worked hard to protect my identity with my music. And now it's all undone. They know who I am now and my child's first line of defense is gone."

"You can't protect them from everything Redstreak. The only thing you can do is show that you love them."

'That's true. And I do my best for them."

"You'll be fine then." Brightlight looks up to the stars. "I am curious about your telepathy."

"Ask away."

"How do deal with it on a day to day Basis?"

"By having it mainly shut down. Otherwise it's like a crowded room. Right now I get just a little more then you get from empathy. Though if I wanted to I could take control of a person completely it's draining."


"That's putting it mildly."

While Red and Brightlight talk Flameria and Larsa were in the kitchen making a snack. Jewel sleeping in a basket nearby. Wind Dasher Brightlight's granddaughter walks up to he foxtaur pair. "Hey Flameria isn't?" Flameria nods. "I hope you don't take offense at this I'm just curious, but I've never seen a foxtaur female without head hair before."

"I'm from the Narina Colony, all of my kind have no head hair." Wind Dasher frowns and holds hir chin.

"I have never heard of a colony with that name."

"We were rediscovered a few years ago. I'm the first Kitsune Foxtaur to enter the Stellar Federation and to have a chakat mate."

"Oh now I remember, so how do you like the federation?"

"Far more advance than home but the core between the two remain. Chakona itself reminds me of home with the balance of technology and nature."

"And how did you meet Redstreak?"

"Shi fell from the sky." This causes Larsa to laugh out loud. And the chakat frowns and says.

"Come on I'm serious."

"I am being serious." Flameria looks down and continues. "I was out in the woods mourning my sister when Red's escape pod crashed. Shi's was injured and unconscious and I carried hir to my village healer. With no memory shi went by the name Starlight and lived with me and my huntmates, and I fell in love with hir. I arrived in the Federation carrying hir child and a new motivation in life."

"At least a happy ending for you." Then Wind Dasher looked over to Larsa. "What about you did you get into this family?" Larsa sigh and turned to look out the window. Wind Dasher felt the sadness radiate from the older foxtaur.

"I first met them when I came to recruit Red into Spacewave music. Turned out hir mate and twin sister Dallie sent her stuff in without hir knowing. For a couple of years we're good friends and admittedly I grew attracted to Dallie. All that changed a few months ago. My daughter recently gave birth to my granddaughter and being any doting grandmother I wanted to spend time with her. Thankfully my daughter and her mate wanted to do a little hiking for a day or two so I agreed to watch over the as yet unnamed granddaughter. I was at the clinic when a Frieghter went out of control and hit Earth." Both Flamy and Wind Dancer got close and touch Larsa. "The freighter hit my village head on and destroyed it. Everyone was gone."

"What about your daughter and son in law?"

"When the freighter exploded many trees were pulverized and hundreds of wood chips hit them. They didn't make it." Larsa stated sobbing a bit and both of the other hugged her. "After that I only had Jewel and Red took me to live with hir and hir family. I didn't get embraced by the family, I got swallowed by it and Dallie ask me to be hir mate and with nothing to return to I accepted. Red and the others make living bearable." The three stood there hugging bonding and for Larsa healing.

The next morning the clan had a group breakfast and it barely started when Cat's eye walks in with hir hand in the scruff of the neck of hir daughter. "Shir Redstreak, were you looking to figure out gave away your identity?" Red nods and the chakat continues. "My daughter has something to say." Cat's Eye pushes hir daughter forward. Everyone can feel hir fear as shi stammer's out.

"I-I.....I saw you during your interview and went on Pawbook and told my friends that you are RS. I'm sorry, it's just I'm a fan with my friends and thought it be cool to tell them." Red gets up from hir seat and approached the chakat kitten.

"Do you know why I tried to keep that hidden?" The kitten shook hir head.

"I knew if I was successful fans you clamor to my house and harass my family. I did it to protect all of you from it. With your action you know have to deal with fans, magazines and other media wanting to know about me." Red then hugs the kitten and says. "I forgive you but remember. Your choices have consequences. Learn from this well."

"I'll try."

"That's all I asks." Breakfast is resumed and goes uninterrupted. However at the end Brightlight breaks the silence.

"Since your identity is out how about you give us a little taste?" Red nods and heads up. A few minute later shi comes down with hir keyboard and sets it up. Music soon begins to play and it doesn't take long for dancing to begin. The impromptu dance turned into a clan wide party that took all day.

Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 15

A week has pasted and it was time to head for home. Red grinned. 'Going home with two more mates. Not bad for one not born a chakat. I'm even beating Dallie and Coal with those numbers.' Shi places a shirt away when Coal opened the door. "Hey Red,...

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Myths And Legends Chapter 1

Myths and Legends By Admiral Q In a clearing in the woods and by a rock outcropping and cliffs and man digs in the dirt. Drawn here my old family stories he searches for a long buried past. He has carefully searched the area looking of those...

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Bombshell's Bombers Chapter 1

Bombshell's Bombers By Admiral Q Bombshell and crew belong to hirself and used with permission. A decommissioned Starfleet vessel docks at gateway station in Earth orbit. It was repainted in the colors of her new owners, The Sunovaguns but the...

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