Bombshell's Bombers Chapter 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#27 of Chakat Universe

Chakat Bombshell decides to truly follow in hir father's footsteps.

Bombshell's Bombers By Admiral Q Bombshell and crew belong to hirself and used with permission.

A decommissioned Starfleet vessel docks at gateway station in Earth orbit. It was repainted in the colors of her new owners, The Sunovaguns but the paint had new phaser burns and torpedo blast marks on her hull. The airlocks between the ship and the station open and a chakat emerges. Shi was average size and bust for a chakat. Hir fur was white with faded black spots that gave hir hir name. Shi also had dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. Shi wore a black T-shirt and a small leather jacket with hir groups logo on it. Shi had saddle packs with hir personal items and a holster with hir phaser in it. After shi was check over shi was allowed to beam down to York Redux's space port. It was a dreary day today at the city. Built to take New York's place as a shipping hub York Redux lived up to the name and the large skyscrapers. Shi rents a PTV and heads for A mansion in the suburbs of the city. Getting out shi admires the building. It was much bigger than when shi was little, but that's a growing family for you. Shi places hir hand on the pad by the door and after a moment the house AI welcomes hir home. Shi passes through the entry way and up the stairs while eying the mementos hir parents gathered over their adventures. Shi found hir parents in the kitchen. Hir mother eating sweets while hir father read from a pad, mostly likely the latest news. Hir mother had a two tone light blue and white fur with green hair and green eyes. Hir coloration and hir pension for swimming in the ocean when shi was young gave hir the name Reefswimmer. Shi looked up and cheered. "Bombshell, my darling. Welcome home." The two chakats hug in the typical greeting. "Thanks mom, where are my mates?" "Out visiting their families or shopping." "You can't expect them to sit here waiting while you're out hoping around the galaxy. I was lucky with your mom that shi liked to as well." Hir father comments. Uilleam Hamilton was in his early forties but fir and trim for a human male. Shi smiles at hir father and remembers how much fun it was to tell the truth about him. Many assume that he's hir step dad and that hir sire was someone else. An easy guest to make, they're many such relationships among chakat families. But shi love blowing their minds that he is hir sire. Normally it is impossible for bipeds to have offspring with taurs, genetic incompatibility with biped males and it would be very dangerous for any biped female to try to carry a taur child. However Uilleam was genetically modified so he could impregnate my mother, However he's incapable of having children with biped females now. So far Bomber has never sensed regret from him, only love. "And hello to you to dad." "What are you doing over there? Come give your old man a hug." Shi does so saying. "You're not old, just seasoned." Hir father chuckles to that remark and replies. "Leave it to a chakat to think with their third, no fourth favorite organ, the stomach." "What's the top three?" "Dick, pussy, and breasts." Bomber just grinned, no use denying that when it's true. Since home Bomber went topless and enjoyed a bath before heading down to dinner. There shi found Shawni and Zeena, hir two foxraur mates at the table. Hugs ensue as the denmates are reunited. Dinner began post haste and it would have been hard to tell the difference between the four taurs and a black hole. Eventually there was no more food left to get sucked up and Bomber felt it was time for hir to tell them of hir idea. "Everyone, I want to form my own mercenary crew." "You will be leaving the Sunovaguns?" Shi shakes hir head. "No, I like to form my own branch within the group. I plan to fund it and run the crew." "Well, I wish you luck my daughter and the infrastructure of the group is available for you to use." Shi hugged him and said. "Thanks dad." "Well you are my daughter and I want you to succeed. Now will try to get crew from the Suns?" "I'm going to try to. There's got to be some who would be interested. I know my brother will." "Bill is like that. As I said luck luck. May fortune smile upon you as it did me." The next day Bombshell went to the local scrap yard for a ship. Shi didn't need a big own, just one that can be maned by a small crew, decent cargo space and hopefully weapons. If necessary shi'll refit an old freighter but shi hopes it won't come to that. With hir brother in tow shi heads out to the yard. After telling the yard master what shi was looking for and how much shi can spend. The transport down to a plains area littered with small craft. They inspected several craft ans some were too small, needed to much work to make even serviceable, or just not right. Finally they came to an interesting ship. It was oval shaped with a pylon going upward with a small torpedo bay before connecting to the old school fleet nacelle. Shi noticed a lot of scarring on the ship's belly."This is the RX-7 assault boat. She was designed for planetary assaults and support yet still be technically a starship. She has 8 phaser ball turrets and a single forward firing torpedo launcher. She's is capable of warp 7 and has a fully functional replicator in the galley and a transporter pad. The three of them enter the ship and the corridors were dusty and old, like 60 years old. The yard master continues, "Though design for Starfleet the rejected the idea and the ship had limited production in the private market. They check out the engineering room and everything seemed there and due to hir father both Bomber and Bill had rudimentary knowledge in engineering. Everything was old but looked okay. With the yard master's permission they powered up the ship. She came up easily and without any problems. They then head for the bridge. It also was old and dusty but seemed okay. Bill took the helm position and got the screen up and powered up the engines. Engaging the thrusters the ship lifts off the ground and the landing gear retracts as the ship rises off the ground and the thrusters sputtered and died and the ship hits the ground hard shaking those aboard. "What just happened?"Bomber asks. "The thrusters suddenly gave out." "Great, lets keep looking." However those they found were either in worse shape or would need a major refit to convert it. Bomber when with the RX-7. Thankfully it took off without a hitch and they took off for the Son's yard in mars orbit and order a basic overall on the ship with special attention to the thrusters when the cut out again when landing. "Are you sure it is the thrusters and NOT your DRIVING?" Bill just sticks out his tongue at hir. He was glad dad fell in love with Reef, mischief was much better with company and Bomber always found it somehow. Shi grinned at him to which he smiled back. Yup she was a good half sister. With the ship bought and being overhauled, granted the ships phaser are old but shi's sure that the techs at the yard can tweak them and as long as they work that's more funds else where shi looks for a crew. Shi goes through the roster of the Sunsovaguns. A few stick out to hir. Crazahan was an elderly Raskani with a nack for engines and shi worked with him before. Shi never ment Feyouri before and doesn't he or she have a background. From a colony of warbeast discovered years ago she/he found a way to channel the fight instinct with the Suns and has an odd trait. Being a shapeshifter Feyouri can take any shape desire. Heck it's not even known what gender Feyouri truly is. The record show good marks but Bomber plans an interview first. Last shi had in mind was Reigar a self proclaimed country style doctor. Shi met him a couple of times and liked him. He put the patients ahead of everything. He dislikes the large ships that the group has and was waiting for a nice small ship to serve on. Bomber had no doubt he'll be interested in joining. Bombshell waits in an unused office in the Sun's Earth complex for Feyouri. Shi was checking on the progress for the RX-7, for which shi still needs a name for when Feyouri walked in. Feyouri had amazing Red gold hair that was in stripes with the gold being the stripes. Fetouri was female this time and she had a very buff figure. She wore a jacket with the Sun's logo and a red shirt underneath. She wore tight blue pants brown cowboy boots and a disruptor in it's holster on her hip. "Feyouri reporting." "Hello, I'm Chakat Bombshell Hamilton, child of Reefswimmer and Uilleam Hamilton." The two hug and Bomber settles on a cushion while Feyouri sits in a chair. "Well Feyouri I have to ask what gender are you really?" Feyouri smiles. "Well I prefer female in form but going male has it's uses, especially when they're looking for a female and I go male and vice versa. As such I've been used for infiltration many times. I've got good communications skills but other than that just your standard grunt." "Well my ship is small so you'll be important there. Can you handle being in a small ship?" "Not at all and I generally get along with the crews fine for the most part." "Good, well we'll see how it goes. Report to the loading bay at the main complex in a week." They shake hands and Feyouri gets up to leave when she looks back and asks. "I'm curious, what would have happen if I didn't meet the requirements?" "Then you would be back in the general pool of the Sun's roster. Your a good fighter Feyouri and with a group this big there always a place fr you. We just have to find it and I hope with my crew we did." The warbeast nods and leaves. Nothing of note really happens the next week. Bomber spend time with family and mates while hunting for work. Nothing relaxes you like having needy mates after a long absence. Also one of the Foxtaur Twins was in heat and wanted a child so Bomber found hirself busy for a couple of days. As the time came close Shi rested the last few days, taking care of hir mates can be a chore sometimes but it's for those shi loves. Shi also lined up a job for the ship after a shakedown run. Escorting a freighter to a fringe colony. Should be easy and allow the crew to get to know each other. Finally the day arrived and the crew was introduced to each other and they took a shuttle to the Martian yard. There the RX-7 looked good, cleaned and ready to go with the Sun's colors. However instead of the usual Sun's logo with Sunova over a handgun it was Sunovaguns in white painted on a classic bombshell in black. Bomber did notice that the belly though cleaner still had the scaring of past crashes. They crew enters the ship for the first time and head to the bridge. The bridge was also clean and the consoles modernized a bit so there weren't completely antiquated. Bill took the helm, Feyouri communications Crazahan the engineering console for the bridge and Reigar was in the sick bay looking over the equipment and supplies. Bomber sat down on the retrofitted command cushion with a sigh of contentment. Those yard workers really know their job. "Captain, the engines are up and ready to go." Crazahan says from the engineering console. "Good" Bomber replies and looks over to Feyouri. "Are we cleared to launch?" "We just got clearance from the tower. They wish us good luck." "Very well. Bill, liftoff." They all felt the rumble as the thrusters kicked in and soon the ship was lifting off the ground. It got about ten feet before the thrusters sputtered and died. They hung in the air cartoon style before dropping back to the ground with a loud clang. Everyone scrambles back to their seats when Bomber asks. "What just happened?" "Thrusters conked out again." "Why didn't they FIX THAT?" "They check the thrusters and the relays and besides some cleaning were good." Bomber sighs and looks and the Raskani. "Check the programing." He nods and they leave the atmosphere. Bill kicks in the impulse drive. And the ship speeds out of orbit. When they were clearly out of orbit they prepare for the warp test. "All engine systems green captain, we're ready to go." "Fire her up then." "Engaging warp drive now." Bill says and the stars elongate as the ship goes to warp. The jump was nice and smooth and after a minute Crazahan said. "Everything is still green and smooth." "We're holding steady at Warp 5." Bill reports from the helm. "In a few minutes go to Warp 7. That's supposed to be our max speed." In a few minutes they push to Warp 7 and they here the engine whine but she got there and the held it for ten minutes before dropping out of warp and set course for the testing field. They dropped out of warp in a asteroid field. "Okay people, time to test our phasers." Feyouri brings up the weapons systems and the phasers charge up. "Ready captain." "Fire." The phasers unleash a zap zap, zap zap, and the old school phaser pulse streams of energy at the target. The asteroid was clearing getting scared and chuck flying off and the beams carve it's surface. "100% accuracy captain and the ball turrets are running smoothly." Feyouri reports. "And power output is 150% of what's standard for these emitters. Are techs did good again." "Should be for the price my dad pays for them." Feyouri looked at Bomber. "Your telling me that you're related to the Big man himself?" "Yup, I don't have the name Hamilton for kicks." "So he fell in love and mated your mother or sire?" "My mother then he sired me." That got hir a jaw drop from both Feyouri and Crazahnan causing hir the smile. "But it's impossible for a biped to impregnate a taur." Crazahan remarks. "Not impossible just costly. But I think they got repaid with me?" "Or they wanted a refund." Bill quips to which Bomber sticks hir tongue out at him. "Well this is already turning into an interesting crew." Feyouri comments. The ship maneuvers through the field testing out all the phasers. They all worked and the ship did well in maneuvering so the Head back to Earth. They head for the main Sun's complex and prepare for landing. There were about 20 feet from the ground when the thrusters sputtered and died. The ship slams into the ground, THEN the landing gear extends. Everyone tries to recover when Bill comments. "Sis I think I have a name for our ship." "Captain while on duty Bro, but what's the name?" "Groundshaker." Bomber smiled. "I like it." Shi then looks at Crazahan. "Captain I look over the programming and saw nothing wrong, I can't explain it." "Well we're just going to have to adjust to it." The ship was powered down and secured and the crew went to their homes. Two days later the launched out and meet up with the freighter that hired them for escort duty. The freighter dwarfed the Groundshaker, with name freshly painted on. Bomber sat on the command cushion and hailed the freighter. "Jayden's Pride, this is Mercenary Combat Ship Groundshaker. We are ready when you are." <We read you Groundshaker. Approach our starboard side and go to Warp 5. Here's to a nice peaceful voyage.> "Copy that Pride, Groundshaker out." The Groundshaker pulls along side and both ships jump to warp. The next two weeks the ships flew in tandem and the Groundshaker's crew got to know the ship and each other. It was not surprising to see Bill and Bomber together since they're brother and sister. Crazahan tinkered in engineering with various devices. Reigar was usually seen reading a medical journal and there was already bets on when he would hit a wall while reading. While Feyouri did train with Bomber on handling taur opponents Generally kept to herself. But so far no blood and everyone seemed to be able to work well. Feyouri was manning the conn when the ship suddenly dropped out of warp. She looks over the sensors as the Klaxon rang and red lights flashed. In a couple of minutes Bill and Bomber show up and Feyouri surrenders the helm. "Report!" "We hit a gravity mine Captain. We and the Jayden's Pride are out of warp." "What have you got on sensors?" "Getting fade readings far out." Bomber hits the intercom. "Crazahan, how are we for warp?" "Not for a few minutes and I bet longer for the Pride." "Captain those readings are coming in fast. We got a freighter and two raider size craft. We're getting a message." <Freighter, this is the Loki Pirates. Prepare to be boarded and no harm will come to your crew.> <This is Jayden's pride. We refuse.> "That's our cue. Lets go." Groundshaker rose up from behind the Jayden's Pride And quickly unleashed a phaser barrage. The raiders scattered from surprise And Groundshaker chased after one. The two ships weaved and with the raider a little more maneuverable Started to pull away when Groundshaker unleashed her phasers again. The raider gets hammered in the rear but the shields held and pulls away from that phaser's arc and into another. The second volley pierces the shields and peppers the hull. Two weave again and the other Raider opens fire on the Groundshaker but her shields held and Groundshaker fires a torpedo and turn away. The raider tries to dodge but the torpedo is too close and hits and a fireball is created. Groundshaker tries to shake the tail but the Raider stays with the firing it's weapons. But Groundshaker does have rear weapons. Her phaser lancer out and batter the shields and blind the raider. Groundshaker makes a tight u turn and fires another torpedo and phasers and the raider explodes under the onslaught. The pirate freighter runs for it's life. Bomber is smirking in hir cushion and asks. "Damage report." "Minimum and that's from the mine. Are shields are recharging, we're good." Bomber Nods and presses hir comm button. "Groundshaker to Jayden's Pride, how are you guys?" <Never touched us Groundshaker. Great job, well be looking for you in the future for protection.> "Happy to be of service Jayden's Pride." They arrive at the colony and dropped off the supplies without a problem and escorted the Jayden's Pride back to more secure space and a nice paycheck for the crew of the Groundshaker.

Bombshell Bomber's Chapter 2

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 12

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