Tales of Redstreak Chapter 13

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#19 of Chakat Universe

Meetings and partings, Life and Death

When Redstreak awoke again shi felt shi was on a bed of some kind. Laying on hir back shi felt a warmth near hir. Lifting hir head to look shi sees Whirl there sleeping with hir upper torso laying across Red's lower torso fast asleep. "Shi hasn't really left your side since you got here." Red looks up and sees Dr.Kelly above hir with a padd in her hand. "How do you feel?" "Tired, how long was I out?" "About a day or so." Kelly hands hir a glass. "Here drink this it's nutrient filled." Red did so but grimaced at the taste. When done shi hands the cup back to Kelly, places a hand on Whirl and falls asleep again. Shi wakes up later to feel Whirl gone. Using hir talents though shi discovers that the kitten had gone to the bathroom. Shi starts trying to sit up as hir stomach growls. A nurse comes over. "Good to see you awake again." "Thanks but I could use some food, I'm hungry." The nurse nodded and left to get some from the replicator. She came back with greens, and veggies and bread with some orange juice. Red looked at her with a raised eyebrow and said. "You've got to be kidding me." " What? This is a healthy and nutritious meal." "FOR A RABBIT! I need hamburger's, fries, and a large chocolate shake! NOT GREENS!" "But that's so unhealthy!" Red grabs the nurse and brings her face to face. "I'm more carnivore than anything else, AND I haven't EATEN in a DAY. GET MY POINT!" "But.." "Oh give it up already Jubilee shi's not a vegetarian." A wolf female morph shows up with a tray of what Red requested that already had the chakat drooling. Setting the plate down Red manages to squeeze out a thanks and takes a big chomp of the burger to Jubilee's horror. With Red's look of pure bliss the wolf nurse nods and turns to Jubilee with a scowl. "Also Jubilee you were taught better than to force your views down a patient's mouth. Serve what is appropriate to the patient and the situation. Do that again and I'll write you up now go on to other duties I'll take care of Ensign Redstreak." Jubilee leaves and if she had a tail it would have been between her legs. The wolf watches her go and says to Red. "Sorry about that Ensign, she wants to help but her beliefs get in the way of her work." "No kidding!" Red takes another bite as Whirl appears and the 7 year old kitten starts drooling. Chuckling The wolf replicates another meal of the same style but geared for hir smaller side. The two chow down in silence as the wolf walks away to eat in peace. Their meal was halfway gone when Commander M'Lai arrives. "Good to see you up Ensign." She pets Whirl and smiles before it fades as she looks at Red. "Want to explain what happened with Tailswisher?" Red explained what happened during the raid in detail. "I knew I couldn't let hir kill the doctor, as much as she deserved it but I didn't want to shoot hir either. So I tried entering hir mind and it worked, but it was tiring. Just barely got back to the Sun." "Interesting, I'm gonna have Tailswisher go through therapy for that, but no charges." "Give hir Fish, she would be more useful there." "Nope she stays with you." M'Lai walks away hearing Red grumble with a smirk on her face. A couple hours later Red was released and shi heads back to the captain's quarters. Shi was met by Midnight who gave hir a hug which Red realized shi needed it. The next couple of days pass by with the Pegasus crew going over the station why Red stayed put and Tailswisher got counseling. However one day Midnight returns from hir shift and opened door reveals the main area empty. Curious, Ember usually comes to greet hir mother. Using hir senses shi finds hir daughter in one if the bedrooms happy and shi hears muffled music playing. Shi walks over and opens the door. There shi finds Fish near the door smiling and all the children sitting on the floor or pillows looking at Red who was playing on a keyboard. Red seemed immersed in the song shi was playing, hir eyes closed and hir tail acting as a monotone. It took Midnight a minute or so to recognize the music. Goldie and Forest played it a lot at home. 'Well, well no wonder RS has been quiet lately. Midnight fines a place to sit and enjoy the music. It was and interesting mix of a feeling of space, sadness, and hope. It didn't take long to Midnight to smile and be enthralled by it. Red was surprised when shi ended hir song and heard clapping. Shi knew the kids were there but shi opens hir eyes and sees Fish, and Midnight clapping. "That was great Redstreak! I didn't know you did music!" Fish said as she hugs the chakat. "At first I was but then I realized where Goldfur got hir signed copy of a RS album, real cheeky Red." Fish looks back and forth between the two chakat's and on the keyboard before the light dawn in her eyes. She squeals and tacles Red saying. 'You're RS, RS! I'm such a BIG fan!" "I gathered that." Red chuckles. The main door opens again and Boyce and M'Lai come through. Fish runs to them. "Admiral, Commander Redstreak is RS! That is so cool!" Red facepalms as hir secret is revealed. "Fish I'd like to stay anyominous so don't tell anyone else." "Tell anyone what?" Rose asks. "Redstreak here is the famous composer RS." Boyce responds causing Red to growl. After some further teasing on Red they have dinner and chatting before calling it a nite. Though Red was surprised when Fish joined them. The next day Red visited Tailswisher who has been in a separate room since the raid. Allowed to go in the room alone. Red found Tailswisher looking out the viewport. "Hello Tail, how are you doing?" Tailswisher looks at Red. "Been batter, but improving." "I understood why you tried to kill her. I saw the image of your family in your mind and felt the love you have for them. I'm the same way with mine. But if you succeeded with what you did they may have never seen you again." "Did you get into my head somehow?" Red sighs. "Yes, I couldn't let you shoot her but I didn't want to shoot you either. So I was able to enter your mind and stop you. I admit I saw things about that I swear will never tell anyone what I saw. That stays between us. I did what I did, because I'm your friend and want to see you go home to them. If my actions has cause the lost of our friendship then I'm sorry for that but I won't change what I did." Tailswisher looks at hir for a minute sense from the gold and red chakat honesty and love from hir. Tailswisher ran to Red and embraces hir. "I forgive you Red. You're still my friend and will get through this some how. And I honestly miss the company." "I'll see what I can do. And if she does get free I'll help hunt her down and kill her." Red lick kisses Tail and leaves. The next day Red's group was ordered to the main conference room. Tail was there with a guard as well as Bombshell. Everyone took there seats and Admiral Kline begins. "We've gone over the facts and notified starfleet on what we found. It seems these 'people were heavily experimenting with nano technology for various reasons, we saw hints of Human First in some of the files so Starfleet intelligence is sending a team for a more through investigation. We will be leaving to drop off the prisoners at Station 140. Some things were however decided right now. Ensign Redstreak please come here." With some neverousness shi got up and walked over to Admiral Kline. "Ensign for you exemplary service, it is my proud duty to promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade, congraduations." Red wore hir uniform at the meetings and Boyce put on the hollowed pip to signified hir new rank. When done Red stood a little more proudly and said. "Thank you sir." Boyce nods and his face got more serious. "However Starfleet also feels that for the foreseeable future you will have a consular assign to you so I assign Fish to you as you learn this new talent of yours, and no there's no negotiation." Red growled in anger and frustration. Boyce ignored it knowing the normally very independent chakat would have to vent. Looking over to Tamira he has a solem look. "We also discovered you you used to be. Tamira Giodone, a mouse herm missing for two years." The unicorn was shocked and Red gasped and commented. "Shi was a bouncer at my Double H club, oh Tamira." Red goes over and hugs the unicorn. They unicorn holds on of Red's arms as she looks at the admiral and asks. "Can anything be done?" "Not by us, maybe the team coming might, but it looks like her nanites were specifically programed to change her body and personality. We will try to restore your personality if we can, sadly restoring your body is beyond our means at this time." The unicorn nods and Boyce addresses the rest of the group. "After dropping off the prisoners we plan to bring you all home." He looks at Tailswisher. "Now Tailswisher can I dismiss the guard and allow you to rejoin Red and the others?" "Yes sir, I'm sorry that my need to defend my family put you in a hard position sir." "Well as long as you are on board this ship you will have appointments with your consular." "Yes sir." "Well with that taken care of Lt. Red, you and your group can leave." Red salutes and sees Tail and Whirl back to their quarters. When they were settled shi went to visit Tamira. Sening hir friends sadness shi used hir new talent to brake the code and the door opened for hir to hear sobbing. Shi sees Tamira sitting on a chair with her face in her hands weeping. Red goes to her and hugs her. "It's okay, I'm here Tamira, I'm here." It took Tamira a few minutes to realize she wasn't alone. "Red, how did you get in?" Red just smirked and replied. "I have my ways." Red's smile disappears and shi continues. "I know how hard it is to adjust to a new you." "I just don't no where to go? I'm not the person I was before. Not the friend you knew." "Then stay with me and my family Tamira." "Why would you do that?" "Because you're my friend." The Unicorn shakes her head. "But I'M NOT! I'm a creation of a perverted female's dream!" Red takes Tamira's chin so the unicorn looked at hir. "No matter how you came to be and no matter what version of Tamira you are. You are STILL my friend." Tamira saw the truth in the chakat's eyes and Tamira hugged Red deeply. "Uuuhhh......Tam...Can't ...breathe!" "OH!" Tmaira let's go of her friend and Red just sits there recovering hir breath. "Man...you have..a.. strong...grip." "Exercise and nanos." Tamira replies sheepishly. "I'll say." Red then grabs Tamira's arm. "Come on you shouldn't be alone right now." And shi drags the uncorn to the admiral's quarters. She was received happily and when they lied down for the night she ended up with the chakat's minus Midnight and she really felt relaxed cuddled in with them. Over the next few days Tamira found herself sleeping with the chakat's every night and she honestly felt better. More capable to taking on the universe. During this time Red decided to check out the holosuite. She programed in hir favorite bowling place in hir birth universe. When shi was ready shi enters the suite. As shi enters the entryway shi looks to the right and sees a bar with a large pool table area. To hir left shi sees an arcade with various games. Nodding in approval and walks pass them. Shi skips the shoe rental area and heads for lane one. "Computer activate Lane one." A tone sounds and the lanes lights up and the screen above the lane had hir name with a bowling score board. Shi goes and finds hir usual ball size and walks over to the lane. Smirking at the Brunswick logo shi readies hirself, and amazed that the ball feels so much lighter. Shi starts hir approach and just before the foul line shi swing hir arms back. The ball hits hir flank and the ball is knocked out of hir hands and nearly smashes hir paw. It takes hir a few minute of practicing hir form before it was right. So shi goes for hir second attempt. Everything goes smoothly, shi swings back then forward letting go of the ball. It's doesn't roll it flies, shattering the pins. After telling the program to reset those shi goes back to get a heavier ball. The last ball was the 13 pound, so shi tried a 15 pound. This touch the ground and shi got 6 pins. After two hours hir arm was tired so shi told the computer to save the program and left. Shi rejoined everyone who were still in the quarters; Tamira, Tailswisher (back from hir session), Yeoman Hannity who looked after the kids to young to be in classes, and of course Ember. M'Lai's daughter and Whirl were in classes at this time of day. After a chat and a snack shi headed off for a nap. Shi was awoken by a playful niece climbing on hir lower torso which earned said niece a tickle attack. During dinner shi mentioned hir time in the holosuite and all the kids begged to go. Red and Boyce relented, promising to take the kids tomorrow. The adults were rudely awaken by the kids the next morning. After breakfast, during which Boyce reserved a suite for their use they head out and check out what Red had made. When the doors open the younger kids saw the arcade and raced over to check it out. But Whirl and Larshana stayed with the adults. As they move to the rear Boyce sees a box counter with a space and a small bar behind it. Too either side were bowling alley's and the name Brunswick XL on the walls. "Bipeds get your shoes at the counter, everyone else find a ball you like." Everyone got their ball and if needed their shoes and Red taught hir fellow chakat's how to bowl without hitting themselves. After a couple of practice runs everyone was ready and Red said. "Computer, Cosmic mode." The lights darkened considerably and laser and LCD lights lit up and a disco ball started spinning as music played. The other notice the unique way the pins were lit. Red grins at them all and comments. "Cosmic Bowling, the only way to bowl." Boyce, M'Lai, and Midnight were forced to quit and resume their duties after a couple of games but everyone else stayed with happiness on their faces, both Red and Fish we're glad to see Tamira with one after her revelations. After a couple of hours the group was exhausted, Red being the most experienced won the bulk of the games but the others did give hir some challenged. Walking back Fish did go up to Red. "Thanks for the game Red, that was fun! Did you recreate that all from memory?" "Pretty much, I think the nanos gave me the ability to recall something in perfect detail. They just needed time to sort out the order." "Interesting, look Red I know you didn't want me to hang around and...." Red shuts her mouth with hir hand. "Fish, I don't blame you for the orders of your bosses. It's them I blame. If your hurt from some of my vent at that I'm sorry. With that?" Red releases her mouth. And Fish replies, "Deal." It was not surprising when they got back to the quarters that the chakats collapse in the communal den with them needing more sleep. Tamira and Fish chatted and Fish covertly counseled the unicorn. Boyce and company return with Bomber in tow around dinner time with a serious expression on his face. After everyone gets together and helps get supper ready and with everyone seated does he tell them the news. "Starfleet has ordered the Pegasus to stay out here due to reports of pirate activity in the sector. As such I cannot get you and your group Red to the Chakona, heck I'm not even stopping at the nearest starbase to drop off our prisoners. A transport is taking care of that. Captain Bombshell has offered to take you all the rest of the way." Red looks over at Bomber a comments. "Looks like you're finally able to take me home." Bomber gives a big grin in reply. The group did it's best to enjoy eachother's company for one last time tiring out the kids. Then everyone heads to best not knowing when they see eachother ever again. The next day Red and company pack what belonging they have and Red hugs Midnight. "Don't be a stranger Midnight." "Same to you Red, say hi to your mates for me." "No problemo." Red then joins hir group on the transporter pad and the beam over to the Sunovagun. Bomber got them settled again and the corvette breaks off from the massive cruiser and heads into warp. Somehow Red and company found themselves sleeping with Bomber, thankfully for once shi didn't end up in the middle. Nope it was Fish and Tamira who got that honor, much to their blushing. Sadly for Red hir heat kicked in but Bomber and Tail were willing to help and to Red's surprise shi didn't mind the female role as much anymore. The rest of the time Red took care of Whirl, pump iron in the gym, trained up hir other skills in the holodeck, and make more music as RS. Two weeks later the Sunovagun is in orbit of Chakona docking with the Gateway Station. Bomber said shi had some business to take care of and Red beamed down with Tail. They were thinking of renting a PTV to get to Tail's rural home. However as the leave the main spaceport building they see a digigrade cat morph by a PTV. "TULI!!!!!!!!" Tail yells and shi runs and hugs the cat morph while Red smiles at the antics. Breaking off the hug Tail extends hir arm towards Red. "Tuli, this is my friend Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. Shi helped free me, in more ways than one." Red offered hir had to Tuli, who took it and turned it into a hug. "Thank you for bring hir back to us. We feared the worst while shi was gone. Please tell me you can stay with us awhile?" "Don't know how long the Sun is going to be here. But the next time I'm around I promise to visit. No you care care of your sister." "We try but you know how shi is." Tail sticks hir tongue out at them causing both to laugh. After one last hug the they part ways, Red watching the PTV fade into the horizon. Red taps the commbadge Bomber gave hir. "Red to Bomber." "Bomber here, what's up?" "How long are we staying here?" "Well we're loading up some cargo so a few hours, sorry" "Don't be I can check on some friends here." "Okay, Sun will comm ya, an hour before we go." Smiling as shi signs off shi rents a PTV and heads out. In minutes shi finds the house shi was looking for. I nice cozy house big enough for 4 taurs to live comfortably. Walking up to the door shi presses the doorbell. In a minute a female gray foxtaur opens the door and shi sees Red and shi lights up. "RED!" She hugs the chakat in earnest to which Red returned. After a minute of hugging the foxtaur named Clarissa then looks over Red. "Wow what happened to you? Even your scent has changed." "Long story, is Polkadot at work?" "Yup, shi..." Clarissa is interrupted by a gray blur that stops at Red's right fore paw to reveal a chakat with gray fur and yellow dots sprinkled around. "Well hello Starlight." Red picks up the cub to get a good look. Hir belly fur was a white and shi still had gold dots all over down there and hir hind paws were a light gray. Tickling the cub for a couple of minutes Red let's hir go. Clarissa and Red then lounge on couches as Red updates Clarissa on what's happened lately with Clarissa listening to full attention. Clarissa updated Red on happening here and the funnier stories of Starlight's antics. Eventually Clarissa got serious and Red felt fear and hope coming from the foxtaur. "Red, I have something serious to ask you. Will you be my denmate? Have grown to truly love you and I want a child by you." "But we live on different planets Clarissa, with that and my job it would be hard to see each other enough for that." "I know, But I still want your child, Polka can help me raise hir. I know your schedule would be busy and when your here you can bunk with us and visit our child." Red sat their and pondered a bit before replying. "Clarissa has Polka given hir approval for this?" "Yes, though shi said I didn't need to that it would be between us but shi'd be honored to help raise our child." "Well I have to check with my mates first. They will likely says yes but I want to still be sure, the human still in me I guess. Will that do?" Clarissa sighs and nods, but Red goes up to her and lick kisses her. "This was not a no, but something this serious and needs serious discussion." Clarissa nods and the two begin to make love being companions and all. Hours later Polka came home and finds Red and Clarissa asleep in their bedroom with young Starlight curled next to hir mother. A beep from Red's commbadge wakes up the adults and Red taps it. "Redstreak here." Shi says sleepily. "Wakey time Redstreak, we leave in an hour so come on back." Red yawns and replies, "Alright I'm on my way." Shi taps it again and puts on the vest. And hugs both of hir friends. "Sorry about the timing Polka." "It happens, have a safe trip." Red bends down and pets hir namesake before heading out the door. Red enters hir quarters and the first to meet hir is Fish. "Where did you go?" "To meet up with some friends." "You should have told me." "No I shouldn't, you may be ordered to live with me but I will not have you be a shadow. I'm sure you don't want to go into the bathroom with me." "Maybe to share a shower." That got Red to raise an eyebrow. Before that conversation could go any further Whirl shows up and hugs hir uncle. "You saw Auntie Polka and Auntie Clarissa?" "Yes I did Whirl." "And you didn't take me, I wanted to see them." Red sighs and rolls hir eyes. "I just can't win." Causing Fish to chuckle. Red glares at her and the cat just smiles back. Red just walks away shaking hir head. A week and a half later the Sunovagun docks at the Earth Gateway station. Shi hugs Bomber thanking hir for the ride. Shi then takes Whirl, Tamira, and Fish and heads for Dallie's shop. It took forever to convince Tamira to wear bikini bottoms, she truly is a die hard nudist now and Red promised that she could go nude at home but in public she needs the bottoms. "You go out nude, why can't I?" Tamira asks. Red shrugs and replies. "It's a taur thing, It seems to be a blind spot for them. Please just do it for me." Now the approach the Old General Store and walk in. Shi with the pair in tow walk past he various food and items to the counter. Dallie was looking at something on a padd when shi sense someone approaching. "How can I help you?" "By being you." Red answers. Frowning Dallie looks up to see hir sister standing in front of hir with the biggest grin ever. Security responded to a call about a scream coming from the Old General Store. They arrive to see the chakat manager on the floor on top of another chakat lick-kissing the other's muzzle while a strange horse morph, a cat morph and a young chakat cub holding their stomachs while they laugh hysterically. Took a half an hour to get security to leave and that it was just a happy chakat reunited with hir sister. "I still can't believe you manage to get OVER the counter to tackle me sis." "I was just happy to see you again Red." Dallie looks over to hir daughter. "Now were you good to your uncle Red?" "Yes papa." Dallie then hugs Whirl. "We were all so worried about you two." "At this point nothing short of me being in a nuclear blast will stop me from coming home to my family." Dallie smiles at hir then looks at Tamira. "So you're our new house guest, well welcome to the craziness." "That's nothing new." Tamira comments. "Well I wish I could go down with you but I'm in charge of the store right now, so I'll see you later." The sisters hug again and the group heads to the transporter room. Red rented a PTV and headed home. The journey was boring but healing for Red. Shi was back home. Getting out of the PTV shi unlocks the door and opens it. Taking a huge sniff shi inhales the scents of home. Grinning at it and the sounds of the house filled with hir love ones shi announces. "Honeys, I'm home!" There's a pause of silence, then duel squeals of glee and Red has just enough time to say, "Not again" before being slammed by a pair of adult taurs and 4 cubs. It took a few minutes to get the horde to get off of Red. It was then that both of Red's mates took a good look at hir. Coal was the first to comment. "It certainly is different." "I like it, it gives hir character and makes hir different that Dallie. I don't have to look for the hair do anymore, shi even smells different." Flamy chimed in. "Well the important thing is that shi's back and shi better not plan on going anywhere without us for a while." Red held up hir hands and replied. "Hey I'm on leave as far as I know and for the record this last time I was on leave when I was taken." Coal hmmpphed and Flamy asked. "Hey Red who are these with you?" "The pink cat is Fish, she's a counselor and has been assigned to me. The unicorn is Tamira, both will be stay with us for the foreseeable future." "Tamira, that's coincidence, we have a friend with that name." Coal ponders. "This is our friend Coal, They kidnapped and changed her. She doesn't remember being our friend but it's proven to be our butch herm mouse." Coal gaps in shock and looked at Tamira before rushing over and hugging the unicorn. "You poor dear, please stay as long as you need." "Thanks Coal, Red has been very supportive." Due to the size of the house Tamira and Fish share a room and the two unpacked what possessions they had. While Coal got reacquainted with hir daughter and Red with Flamy and hir daughters. It was not surprising to Red and Fish that soon after unpacking Tamira went fully nude and checked out the back yard having never been truly outside since her change. Coal started dinner as Dallie returned from work and both gave each other hugs as Coal brought hir up to speed. "What is it with hir? I have been so stressed lately while shi was gone." Dallie grabbed hir mate's arm. "You know that it wasn't hir fault. Shi's been a victim of circumstance since the day I met hir. And the best part is through most of it shi was determined to break through it. You have to admit life hasn't been dull with hir. Now would you have rather not have met hir?" "No, no" Coal sighs, "I really need to have a vacation. But we need to do something about the house, we're getting crowded." "I now, it's happened earlier than planned. We could probably afford 2 more rooms." "More than that." Both mates look over to see Red in the doorway. "Since I brought our new room mates I'll pay for it. RS has brought a lot of funds to us, so we have plenty to have more rooms. I'll call a contractor tomorrow. When you you like to start the renovation?" "well the best time is in two moths, we'll be on our way to Chakona for the Clan Gathering." "WHAT CLAN GATHERING!?" Red asks causing Dallie to wince a bit knowing shi forgot something. "Every ten years the Clan goes to Chakona. It's our way of keeping in touch, sort of like a big family reunion." "AND WHEN were you going to tell me?" "Well I was going to tell you earlier but then you were kidnapped." Red sighs and hir posture relaxes. "Okay, that's understandable." But Red thinks of this Clan meeting. Birthing parties were quite an event and shi can only guess that a clan meet is ten times worst. Shi shudders at the thought. Dallie pats Red's head and says. "Be brave sis." Red glares at hir to which Dallie gives and unrepentant grin. After dinner Coal and Flamy drag Red into hir room as Dallie will sleep with the kids. The door shuts behind them and Red hold the hands of both Coal and Flamy. "I missed you both." They all begin to stroke each other as Coal responds. "And we missed you." Coal lick kisses Red as Flamy strokes hir lower back. No more words were spoken and the strokes got more intimate. Soon both Red and Coal were sporting erections and Flamy got in front of Red and moved hir tail out of the way. Red didn't waste anytime going on top of her and slowly entered hir to both of their groans. Red hints hirself in Flamy and waits a sec before shi feels Coal's cock enter hir and does the same. A rhythm began, When Red pull out of Flamy Coal thrusted in and groan and moaning of pleasure ensue. They tried to make it last as long as possible but the pleasure was too much. Red yowled in pleasure as shi comes from both hir cock and pussy bring hir mates to orgasm as well. Red felt dazed like a drunk, THAT was SOOOO much pleasure. Shi collapses onto the bed and knew nothing more as hir mates grin at each other and make love as they have gotten close during Red's absence. After a couple more rounds they exhaust themselves and cuddle next to their mate. 'So that's what a dual orgasm feels like' Red thinks as shi gets up in the morning. Hir mates already gone and the smell of breakfast in the air it didn't take hir long to wake up fully. After a hearty breakfast shi gets on the comms with a building contractor and with the holotank Dallie purchased a couple years ago. With Dallie with hir the three of them went over the house plans and the planned renovation. There adding eight rooms to the house. A larger communal sleeping den with rooms around it to hold personal items. Two though will be for Tamira and Fish's use If they leave they would become guest rooms. The dinning room and kitchen were also expanded to have more room. Lastly a studio would be created to Red could make songs in more private then before. The whole thing would take 3 months so all of them planned a nice long vacation during that time. They ended the call and Red went over to work on hir next song. Meanwhile Dallie called Alexis and they began planning. A few days later Red returns from work, Star Corps has hir guarding on the orbiting Starbase for the time being. Shi finds Dallie waiting for hir with one of hir favorite shirts in hir hands. "Change, we're heading out." Red strips out of hir uniform and opens a safe by the door. It opens and shi stuffs the uniform in it for now and grabs hir gun as Dallie tosses the shirt to hir. Shi puts it on and puts hir gun belt on. After the kidnapping shi isn't going unarmed anymore. "Were are we going?" "To Dual Nature (The dinner attached to the Double H club)." Red shrugs and the two ride in silence to Double H. After parking Dallie leads Red through the diner's doors and a waiter escorted them to a private area. Red could detect people on the otherside. They were excited and shi heard a thought. 'Man Red's so gonna flip from this.' Red coudn't figure out who said that but shi's still learning hir telepathic talent. As they are lead inside a chorus of voices yell. "SURPRISE!" Red near reaches for hir gun but the people yelling were people shi knew. Hir friends who worked, lived, or hanged out at Double H, Hir family, Fish, Commander Antilles, And Tamira. Tamira was an interesting site, she actually had something on hir torso. The Fish net shirt technically covered her breasts but they left little to imagination. Even Crisscross was there with hir family. Giving hir sister a look she turns to the crowd and smiles as shi walks into the beast. The party gets into full swing and Red prys out of Dallie the reason for the party. Hir return home and the need to cheer Red up. Red then made the rounds with hir friends and family. Shi walks up to Tamira and comments. "You in a shirt, I should take a picture." Tamira snorts and replies. "They told me I needed a shirt and this is the only one I'm comfortable in." Red looked at the fish net shirt again. Instead of the typical black fish net it was instead gold colored. Smirking Red asks. "Coal help you pick it out." The unicorn nods. "Well shi has good taste at times, enjoy yourself Tamira." "Plan too." Nodding shi leaves hir friend and wanders around. "Hey Red!" Red looks to see Alexis arm in arm with another wolf. Reds nose tells hir the other wolf was a male and hir newer sense was going off. Something was off about this wolf. Never the less she put on a smile to hir friend. "Alexis!" The two hug before breaking off and the wolf herm looks over Red. "I like the look Red." "It does add difference. Now who's your guest?" "This is Al Reed, my boyfriend." Al held out his hand and Red took it. The sense was increasing that something was off. "A pleasure to meet you Red, Alexis told me all about you." "I hope you've been looking out for hir while I was away?" Al smiles and responds. "I try." Alexis harrumphed at this. "Well if you don't mind I like to catch up a bit with hir. Please enjoy the party." "Will do." Red takes Alexis' arm and leads hir away. After a a minute or two Red finally speaks. "How have you've been Alexis?" "Good, missed you of course but things have been normal till Al showed up. Then things have gotten better." "Well I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't say this. I'm getting a bad vibe from him. I don't know why I just do so be careful for me please. I'm hope I'm wrong but I would hate it if something happened to you." "Still guarding me even though I'm not paying you." "You needed to pay me to do that. I look out for my friends. Now go enjoy yourself while I pray that I'm wrong about him." The two hug and part ways. Red has settled down to eat with hir kids when a familiar foxtaur appeared before hir. "Hello Larsa, enjoying he party?" The older taur smiles at Red and replies. "Very much but I had to see my favorite client." "But not just me is it Larsa, Dallie and nothing to do with it?" The older foxtaur had to blush at that and Red sensed it. "It's okay Larsa. If Dallie makes you happy I'm happy. Where you two decide to go with it is up to you." Red snorts, 'You know it's ironic that me a human turned chakat has more makes than to natural born chacats. Though I have an feeling that Coal and Flamy are becoming more then comates." "Well I admit I have strong feelings for Dallie. Hir youthful outlook is addicting. I'm not sure where will go but I do care for hir." "Well that's between you but you certainly have my blessings to take it further." Larsa squeezes Red's hand and walks away. Eventually the party broke up and people headed home. In the days that followed Red prepared for the trip back to Chakona which reminded hir of another issue to talk with Coal and Flamy. Shi got them together in hir room and started. "You both remeber Clarissa on Chakona?" They both nod. "Well she asked me to be her denmate and have a child with her and I wanted your thoughts and blessings." 'How does she want you to raise hir, she lives on Chakona and we live here?" Flamy asks. "Her mate Polka will help her with the day to day caring of the child, and I'll visit when I can. So no moving and Coal you know I'll be eventually assigned to go back into space eventually." "Why are you asking this Red? You know you can have more than just me and Flamy." "I know but a decision like this means a family decision. I want your input before proceeding." Coal walks uo to Red and touches hir arm. "Red it sweet to take us into account. This is ultimately between you and Clarissa so if you want her as a mate go for it." Flamy nods her agreement. Red feels a tug on hir tail so shi lifts it to bring it forward and shi sees Firestripe clinging to hir tail. "So you want to play you little rascal." Red then begins tickling hir child. "See," Flamy interjects, "You're already a good father. You can pull this off my love." Red smirks back at them before continuing to tickle torture hir daughter. The next day Red called Clarissa and made arrangements. Luckily Clarssia would be in heat during the period of the Clan Gathering. The foxtaur ex human was eager to meet her future comates in person. Red was becoming very optimistic with the idea. A month to go before departure Red got an order to go to Star Corps Headquarters in New Minneapolis. There Commander Antilles reveled a large trunk in his office. "This came through a portal that formed in the base. It had you human name on it." Red goes over and opens the trunk. On top was a letter. Shi takes it, opens it and reads.

To my friend Redstreak My refinement of the portal continues. I have sent this trunk as further testing. Hope it got through well. Your family sent some things you would want to have. I hope we can meet in person again. Till then take care. From Doc.

Red was almost teary when shi finished. Looking up The commander said. "Go ahead and take the day off." Red shuts the trunk and lugs it out of the office and rents a PTV. Once shi's home shi strips off hir uniform and goes through the trunk. Shi found several dvds of hir favorite movies and shows. Hir awards shi got over the years shi did security. There was also several photos or hir birth family and of course hir former self. Even some of hir favorite possessions were there. Tears were falling down hir cheeks at the display. Flmy came in and saw her mate crying. "Red what's wrong?" Red looks up and starts to wipe away the tears. "Nothings wrong, got a package from my birth family." Flamy comes over and looks. Seeing the various items Red had in the trunk she picks one up of her mates old self. "This you?" Red nods. Flamy looks back at a grinning Luke Harter before putting her arm around Red. "Don't take this the wrong way but I prefer the current version." Flamy then passionately kisses hir. After a couple of minutes Flamy breaks off. "Well I have to admit, it has it's perks." Flamy then leads hir to hir room and no one saw them again for awhile. It was hours later when they emerged to find Coal cooking dinner as usual but find Dallie checking out the trunk which was left in the living room. Dallie was looking at the same pic Flamy was. Looking over to see them coming Dallie quips. "Man you were a hunk as a human sis." "You know Dallie, I actually find it disturbing that my sis thinks I was hot." That causes Dallie to laugh hard. Finally able to breathe again Dallie replies. "Red I wish we could have grown up together." "Then God save our parents if that had happened." That caused both chakats laughing histerically. Later in the privacy of hir room Red gets a holo recorder ready. "Begin Recording." <Recording.> "Hello my family, it's been awhile. As you can see there's been some physical change." Shi shows hir lower jaw for the camera to see the red color. "This is not a dye job. One where to begin there. Well to summarize I ship I was on was attacked and destroyed. By luck I survived but was stranded for awhile. I met someone there and she became my 2nd mate. I know that sounds strange but with chakats they don't feel jealousy and like to share. I have two happy mates and children from them. They are all eager to meet you and me for you to meet them. Well getting treatment from the effects of a lost ship I was kidnapped and the end result is the image before you. Well I pray you are all well and continue to be so. I have some pics with this message so you can see our extended family. Redstreak out. End recording." A month before the gathering Red was leaving the Star Corps offices having delivered hir package to hir family. Red was surprised to see Larsa carrying a newborn foxtaur kit out of the nearby clinic. "Hey Larsa!" The middle aged foxtaur looks up and smiles. "Red!" The chakat goes over and takes a closer look at the kit. Normal coloring for the local foxtaur clans and the scent told Red that the kit was female. "Meet my granddaughter." "She's cute, what are you doing hear though?" "Well she had a fever and it was the nearest clinic." "What about her parents?" "Out hiking so I'm taking care of her for a week or two." "Oh, well can't blame them. They won't have time for that soon. So what's her name?" "She doesn't have one yet. That's part of the reason for the hike, trying to get inspiration." Red was opening hir mouth when the Air raid sirens started blaring. "What the HECK!" "This is Redstreak, what's going on?" <Lt. Redstreak we have an out of control Frieghter that's too far from the bases to get tractored. It's heading for North American continent so we're issuing evacuations and alerts for people to head for bomb shelters.> Red taps hir commbadge and grabs Larsa. "Come on, this way." Red leads Larsa into the Star Corps building and head on the stairs till they get to a hardened door. Once inside they see it filled with hundreds of others and the door closes behind them and locks. Since this was a Star Corps bunker it still had connections to the outside. Someone opened the comms and they heard the disaster unfold. <Darkfang here are tractor beams are overloading we have no choice but to break off.> <This is Magnus we're in range engaging tractor beam now.> <Evacuations are underway from the projected crash area.> <What's the likely crash area?> <Right smack in the middle of North America.> <This is Magnus, it's too much our tractors are overheating.> <Yeah, she's hitting no doubts order the crew to abandon ship.> <Valdeiz, you've done all you can get out of there.> <No can do, we're going to try to steer it away from any city.> <Alright good luck. Get med teams ready for deployment in the crash area.> Silence follows for a few minutes then. <Her forward thrusters are firing.> <She's moving away from the city.> <Which city?> <New Minneapolis.> <Crap the thrusters just exploded.> <Looks like she'll miss the city and hit north.> <There she goes.> The building shook as something hit the ground. <She's down sending out med teams.> <Anything volatile in her?> <Just her warp core and that's already exploded.> The door unlocks and Red leads the people out of the shelter. The Klaxon still sounds in the building but the all clear was sounding outside. Stepping outside Red and Larsa look around. Red sees a plume northeast of their location. "That's the direction where my village is. I've got to get there." Larsa starts to head for a PTV to get there when Red grabs her arm. "You're not going Larsa." "The HELL I won't! That's my FAMILY OVER THERE!" "You've got family right here." Red points to the child still in her grandmother's arms. "Larsa right now you have to be sure your granddaughter is safe before going out. Racing out now will endanger her." Larsa begins tearing up. "You're right but I've got to do something." "I know come with me." Red leads them to a transporter room. Waving off the chief shi sets coordinates and the timer. "Where are we going Red?" "Well you need to check on your family but you also have to ensured your granddaughter's safty. Dallie is working on gateway right now so the kit will be safe with hir and we can head out." "Thanks Red." "You're practically family so no problem." The timer goes off and they are beamed to the station. They race over to the store and see a worried Dallie. "You two alright?" "Yeah but it looks like the ship crashed near Larsa's village and she wants to check it out but her granddaughter is with her." Dallie sees the kit Larsa is holding. "Oh, I see well give her over I'll take care of her but you two be careful okay." With a little hesitation Larsa hands over the granddaughter. "She'll be safe with me Larsa, I swear now go you two." "I'm taking a couple of medpacs and I'll replace them later." Red said to which Dallie nods. Going into the back Red grabs a pair and leads Larsa back to the transporter pad. The rescue teams were getting there by shuttles and such rather transporters for safety reasons. "Larsa we can't beam into the village so pick a spot for us." Larsa comes over and looks at the map. "Here, this is a good spot." Red sets the coordinates and they heads down. They look around the small clearing and see a huge pillar of smoke and head that way. Ten minutes later the reach a ridge. One of the reasons Larsa picked it so they could get a good view of the village before heading in. Larsa stood there, her fingers going limp and the medpac she was carrying drops to the ground. Red looks and sees what Larsa sees. "Oh Larsa I'm so sorry." Where the village should be there was just a great billowing fire. The freighter missed the city but looks like it hit the village nearly dead center. Vehicles were already overhead dumping flame retardant on the fire. "Larsa your kid, where did your kid and in law hiked?" "They....they.... they headed that direction." She manages to put to their right. Red picks up the dropped medpac and shi pulls the foxtaur in that direction. A hour of searching they were sadly getting close to the village's outer limits and they see shredded trees all around them. "Sequa! Nononononono Sequa!" The foxtaur runs to two bodies on the ground. Red chases after her and gets a good look. They were a male and female foxtaurs and they were clearly dead. They had to be a hundred wood splinters puncturing their bodies. Just for safety's sake shi scans them only to confirm what shi already knew. Larsa held the female wailing and crying her name. Red let her mourn a lost that even beats the suffering Red has suffered. At least shi knew hir birth family alive. Larsa has no one but her granddaughter left. Eventually some EMTs arrive and it took some cajoling to let them take the bodies away. "Larsa, we're getting your granddaughter and I'm taking you to my home. You are not alone Larsa, my family stands with you and now your granddaughter needs you more than ever." Larsa just barely nods and Red takes her arms and lead the foxtaur to a shuttle heading to the gateway. Hours later finds everyone at home. Larsa never letting her granddaughter out of her sight. Red didn't need to tell Fish to help her. No left Larsa alone. News said the freighter had propulsion and navigation failures that led to the disaster. So far no survivors of the village have been found and the firefighters have replaced the rescuers to battle the fire. Officials were reviewing the incident to try to figure out how to prevent such a disaster again. When they went to bed all the chakat's slept with Larsa and for once, when they woke up Red wasn't the one in the middle. It took a few days for Larsa to even speak again. Which gave they others hope for her. Dallie helped even more when shi entered the computer room. As usual her granddaughter was in one arm and with the other she search the web. "Whatca looking for?" "A new place to live. It's doubtful that the village will be resettled anytime soon." "You have a place, right here." "But..." "NO buts your place is here with us, with me." "Dallie..." "I know this is not the best time but I love you Larsa and I thought you felt the same. Would you be my denmate? Would you let me help you raise your granddaughter? We have accepted you into our family, will you accept us into yours?" "But Dallie I'm 45 years old." "One who has aged well. Until recently your fur was bright and shiny. Your figure was still fit and you had a zest for life. I was attracted to those. I will treasure have you around however long it will be." Larsa then hugs Dallie and sobs in a combination of sorrow and joy while Dallie projected hir love back to her. At dinner Dallie announced the mating and everyone hugged the foxtaur. When that finally broke up Red plays a bit with Larsa's granddaughter and said. "Now we just need a name for you little one." "Her name is Jewel." Larsa said with determination. "She is all I have left of my family, thus she is precious to me." Dallie raises a glass. "To Larsa and Jewel Redback, the newest members of our family." Everyone toasted to the newest additions. A week to go before leaving saw things speed up. Dallie and Larsa legally were mated and Jewel officially recognized. It seemed Larsa was slowly getting back to her perky self but was was also very protective of Jewel. The kit rarely left her sight and if then only with people she trusts completely. Red hirself was helping the local police for a warp core going off nearby has been causing power and computer problems. Shi handed off hir charge and was on the way back when shi saw a sight shi didn't expect to see. Alexis in an office holding a cup of coffee. Deciding that some officers may not tell hir shi uses hir new talents to get into Alexis' mind. Just what shi feared happened but much worse. Not only did hir now ex-boyfriend rape hir he had a friend along as well. Red goes and opens the door. Alexis looks up and sees the chakat runs to hir. "Red, you were right, you were right about him." Petting the wolfs back Red whispers. "I'm sorry I was Alexis, I'm sorry I was. Do they still need you here for anything?" "Just to sign a couple of things. Why, taking me home?" "Only long enough to grab some stuff and you're staying with me. You need company right now and as useful as Double H is your position there negates it's effects." Alexis manages to smile. "Still looking out for me eh Red?" "Aren't you blessed." Red says with a grin causing Alexis to roll hir eyes. The police officer shows up and seeing Red's Star Corps security uniform nods and asks hir to leave the room. Red does so and waits for Alexis to finish. Getting into the PTV Red rented they head for Double H. Alexis grabs hir stuff and they went back out to head home. During the trip though Red did ask. "How much vacation time do you have?" "Lot's, I love my work so much a rarely take a day off. I think my superiors were going to force me to take some soon." "Well you're taking some. My family is doing a reunion thing on Chakona so it will give you time away from everything. And give you time to forget Al." "Do I get any say in this?" "Right now? Nope, you make sure the cub is good without you for a few months and I'll care care of you. Show that you are loved." Alexis was taken back by that last word as Red drove them to hir home. When they got home Red told them what happened. All of the chakats went and hugged the wolf herm. Mentality Alexis admits, if your feeling down hang out with chakats. You won't be for long. Shi wasn't surprised when shi went to bed and was covered by Red, Coal, Flamy but was surprised to see Larsa and a foxtaur kit. Shi was told what happened there and shi had to smile. Red and company always there for there friends.

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 14

The day has arrive to head for Chakona and everything was a buzz Alexis noted. She's been living with Red and Dallie again for the past couple of days. They're comfort and kindness were beyond Alexis' words, even Fish use her expertise to help. Alexis...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 12

Bombshell enters hir ready room. Originally it had been a cramp little room but the refit allowed hir to expand it. It was brightly lit and a good portion of one wall had pictures of hir denmates and children. At 37 shi already had 10 children both...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 9

Flamy woke to the smell of cooked food. Blinking her eyes open she is surprised to see both Tami and Jali sleeping with her. They are slowly waking up to the smell as well and the 3 of them go to the kitchen to find Star making breakfast. They all...

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