Tales of Redstreak Chapter 9

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#15 of Chakat Universe

Paloci goes to far and Star meets someone she did expect to see, Note Bombshell and the Crew of the Sonovagun belong to Chatkat Bombshell

Flamy woke to the smell of cooked food. Blinking her eyes open she is surprised to see both Tami and Jali sleeping with her. They are slowly waking up to the smell as well and the 3 of them go to the kitchen to find Star making breakfast. They all drop jaws as they never seen Star cook before. Star looks over and sees them and smiles. "Go get the silverware, breakfast will be ready very soon." The trio scramble to get everything ready. Star emerges with eggs and bacon with milk. They take bits and the foxtaurs get a look of sheer bliss as they taste the food. Breakfast was finished quickly and with no left overs.

"That was great Star, since when do you know how to cook?"

"I thought I try it for once and once I got in the kitchen things just clicked and thus your breakfast." Jali raised a spoon and said.

"I say that Star be our official cook, those in favor?" Both the other vixens say.

"Aye!" With Star rolling hir eyes. With the decision made Star was left home while the three went out hunting. Shi defiantly proved to be good with lunch and dinner. Flamy once again helped with Star's heat that night.

As summer turned to fall the village prepared for the Harvest Festival. The festival was a combo fair and party before the coming winter. Flamy set up a kiosk for their meat and fur to sell for other supplies the team will need during the winter. Star had surprised them yet again when they need to chop wood for winter. Shi not only manage to chop a lot of wood in record time but was able to carry a bunch on it on hir one, including some with hir TAIL! Star hirself was looking forward to trying out some of the games that they had around. After help set of the kiosk to which Tami had first shift. Flamy stayed with Star as shi approached the archery range. Flamy decided not to participate this year so she watch as Star tried her luck. Star showed hir aim as shi hit bull's eye after bull's eye and had much cheering, but in the end shi finished third.

After a lunch break Star and Flamy headed over the obstacle course. There the found Paloci warming up for the run. She spotted the pair and toss her head away from them. They got on the starting line and waited. The course was set up at random each year by the the villages kits. The runners had to free reign on how to take the course but all runners had to go through each check point to truly finish. The first one to do so wins. The flag is dropped and the runners were off. Starlight soon found hirself near the rear of the group as the first part was pure running through the grass till the hit the forest. Shi lost sight of Flamy and Paloci when shi entered the forest. Shi goes through the forest with ease, doing things when shi looks back on it odd, like shi has done it before but shi knows shi hasn't done that while hunting. Shi passes the first check point with ease. Continuing through the course she manages to pass a few foxtaurs till shi spots the next check point. It was on a hill in clear view but it was surrounded by thorn bushes, cute. Starlight could already hear cursing from the bushes.Shi looks up and sees that the trees around were large with intertwining branches. Star began climbing a nearby tree and carefully hop along the branches till shi was in range. Shi then hops down onto the hill and passes through the check point and leaps and climbs on top the trees and heads out. Once clear of the thorns she drops down onto the forest floor and continue on.

The trail led down a rocking canyon, which Starlight effortlessly. Shi follows the trail though the bottom of the canyon till shi need to climb again. Shi hears a waterfall nearby and as shi climbs over shi feels something push hir and shi plunges into water. Sputtering shi looks up and near the edge of the small water fall was a pair of giggling kits. Shaking hir head shi gets out of the water and continues on. Shi was just starting to dry off when shi sees a large mud puddle with another check point on a wooden platform surrounded by tons of rocks. Starlight steps on the stones and does well till shi put a handpaw on a stone and shi slips into the mud. "I'm gonna kill them!" Shi cries as shi tries again, this time more cautiously. Shi finally reaches the platform to the laughing of the kits on it. With an evil smirk shi pushes them both in the mud before crossing the check point head raised, till shi step on another slippery stone and ending up in the mud again. Shi finally got out of the puddle and trudge onward in the direction the kits pointed to. Shi sees the village in front of hir with checkered posts at the outskirts. Going into hir reserves shi crosses the line. Panting shi asks, "How did I do?"

"You finished first, congratulations. There's a hot spring over there to clean off." Starlight walks towards the spring as the next runner came in. It was Paloci, also covered with mud. When the vixen sees Starlight she immediately yells.

"Cheater! She cheated, she had to to beat me hear!" The female foxtaur over seeing the event replies.

"The kits will confirm for us if she when through all the points. Till then no more say about this till all runners are in the the kits return. Now go get clean." The two head to the springs and the sit in the opposite sides of the spring as the other runners come in. Flamy came in tenth. And relaxed with her friend. When word of the return of the kits the group got out and went back to the starting line.

"Now the the kits are back they'll prove she cheated." The foxtaur looks at the kits and asks.

"Did Starlight pass through your check points?" One by one they all nodded, the two mud covered ones grinned and said.

"Yup, she gave us our mud bath." It was too much for Paloci.

"YOU!" She leaps at the feline. Starlight is only stunned for a second before shi instinctively reacts. Shi ducks and as shi feels Paloci's weight shi pushes up and the vixen goes flying. As the gold furred vixen lands Starlight climbs on her keep her down and helpless as the foxtaur rushes in.

"Shame on you Paloci, accept defeat like an adult. Now leave and if I catch you doing that again I'll call the Enforcers." Starlight allows the vixen up and after giving Starlight a look of pure hate she flees the scene. Getting a fine belt pouch as a reward Starlight and Flamy explore a few of the stalls till Flamy said it was her turn to man the kiosk so she leaves Starlight to hir fun.

When Flamy gets to the Kiosk and a delay of a spilled stall she finds it unmanned but there was a sheet of paper on the counter.

Flamy please join me in the old shack on the village outskirts. I found something important.


Curious Flamy heads for the old shack, it once housed a lesbian pair that never did obligation so they had no children to inherit it when they died and no one has claim the place in years. She walks into the shack and not seeing her friend she calls out. "Tami?" With no response she walks in more. She then felt something hit the back of her head and felt nothing more.

Groggily Flamy wakes up with a headache. She tries to touch her head but her arm won't move much. She then takes stock of her body. It felt like her arms were help upwards and it felt like her hindquarters were lifted up and her tail ties with her hands. She starts blinking her eyes open and the throbbing causes her to moan. "Oh good your awake." Flamy looks to the the source of the voice and sees Paloci. She tries to demand why Paloci has done this but fines her mouth forced shut. "I bet your wondering why. Well it's simple, YOU brought that FREAK to the village and endangered us with her impurity. You need to be punished and you will be." She then steps up and aggressively gropes Flamy's breasts. "For a commoner your not bad looking." Paloci comments as she continues to play with Flamy's breasts causing Flamy to moan a bit. Paloci plays with Flamy's breasts for minutes before stopping and starts to walk behind Flamy. 'It seemed that the old lesbian pair liked bondage and built this underground room for the more kinky endeavors, I discovered two years ago. We will not be disturbed down here." Reaching the raised hindquarters Paloci eyes Flamy's pussy. "Well,well your pussy is a little wet. Good."

'NO NO NO NO! Don't touch me THERE!' Flamy says mentally but it's no use as she feels Paloci's tongue licking her pussy. 'NOOOOO PLEASE STOP!' But Paloci continues inserting her tongue deep into Flamy's pussy and Flamy begins to dry as the tongue swirls around with gusto. Soon Flamy's body spasms in orgasm and Paloci gets her face coated with Flamy's fluids. Flamy was openly weeping as the door bursts open. Starlight stood there in all her glory with fierce anger in her eyes and after a quick look she lets out the loudest roar Flamy ever heard before leaping out of Flamy's view. She hears Paloci scream before the thud and ripping of flesh.

"STOP STAR! PLEASE STOP! LET THE ENFORCERS HANDLE IT!" She hears the sounds paused. "Please Star, Please." She feels someone hug her and the scent was Star's and she weeps openly in relief. Tmai comes down the stairs to a site. Flamy bound up and crying, Star hugging her with blood on her fur, and a gold fur vixen severely beat up and unconscious. She hears footsteps behind her as the enforcers arrive.

An hour later Star, Flamy, and Paloci were in the Healer's Den, Luna working hard on the battered foxtaur as her assistant treats Star and Flamy. The Enforcers took statements from Star and Flamy. It seemed Star was coming to check on Flamy to find the stall empty. Shi started looking around for her. Then somehow shi felt Flamy's fear and embarrassment and manage to follow it to the old shack and discover the seen, then everything became a blur except the rage. Only Flamy's pleas stop hir. Flamy herself glanced at Star, after breaking off the hug the feline was nearly dazed. As soon as she could Flamy hugged her friend which which seem to get her out of the daze. Hours later Flamy and Star were allowed to go home where they both went right to bed hugging each other.

Two weeks later both Starlight and Paloci appeared before the council and the enforcers. Starlight was first as shi stands on the platform before them. "Starlight," the head council member starts. "After reviewing the evidence we find you blameless for you actions for you were defending a Huntmate from an attack. You are free to go."

?gThank you council." Starlight steps away and Hugs Flamy and their huntmates as Paloci is brought before them, still bearing the bruises and some scars from that day. "Paloci Starfur, what we found gravely disturbed us. First you try to ought a village member with no real reason other then racism. Then you try to claim she cheated in a race with no proof and now to rape a fellow villager. That is not excusable. Therefor you are exiled from the village. You have 3 days to gather want supplies you need, an Enforcer will be with you until you leave. If you are found in the village again you will lose all rights as a Foxtaur and sold to a member of the village." The Head Council slams the gavel and the exiled vixen is escorted out.

Back at home the hunters had a party to the victory for Starlight. It was a big feast and Starlight was more like her old self. Late into the night though Flamy asks Starlight into the spare room. "Star, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and made a decision." Flamy took Starlight's hand. "Starlight, will you be my mate?" The feline stood there for a second before hugging the vixen. "Yes, Yes I will, thank you Flamy." They break off the hug and Flamy strokes the underside of Starlight's muzzle with a lustful look. The two then passionately kiss. Hands wander and start groping breasts and play with them before they had to break for air. Both smile at each other. Then Flamy turns and offers her rear to Starlight. Starlight caresses the tail as shi moves it aside

and climbs on top of Flamy and slowly inserts hir cock into Flamy. Shi then directs Flamy's head back to hir and the y kiss again as Starlight pumps into her. The pace slowly increases and the kiss is broken off again.

"Oh Star I'm cumming and CUUUMMMINNNNNNG!" Flamy cries as she orgasms which triggers Starlight's. They stay tense as Starlight's seed pumps into Flamy then the both slump down on the mattress and lick kiss each other before falling asleep, both with smiles as this has been the happiest moment for them in months.

Some time later..........

In Narnia's system he vastness of space is disturbed as a ship comes out of warp. It was made up of a large saucer with a nacelle above and below the saucer with a pair of torpedo bays attached to the smaller lower pylon. This Akula Class was once a frigate in Starfleet but it's class is no longer in active service. This one has been bought and retrofitted into a mercenary corvette with the name SunOvaGun on it's hull. On her bridge a chakat sat on the center cushion. Shi had nearly white fur and black spots, with blond hair and blue eyes. Shi was very relax in hir cushion and have a smirk on hir muzzle. The human at the helm looks back at hir and notices hir state. He smiles and says, "Hey sis if you get even more relax we're going to have to awake you when we reach orbit."

"I told you before bill to call me captain while on duty. And you should relax as well. The only thing that's been over here was the Fleet probe the notice the planet. Let Sonny do the piloting."

<Don't call me SONNY! Call me SUN captain. Sonny makes me sound like a kid.> The ships AI quips from the intercom.

"And how would you know what that sounds like you were never a kid." The chakat retorts to the Sunovagun's free A.I.

<I've seen your families Captain Bombshell. I think I have a rough idea.>

"I doubt that...Sonny." Shi smiles widely as shi hears Sun growl at hir. She loves teasing him like that and shi looks around the bridge. Hir brother at the helm, Feyouri the resident warbeast mutant in a feminine mood today checking the sensors. Bombshell guessed that Reigar was in sickbay reading the latest medical journals, and Crazahan an elderly Raskani was probably in engineering checking on the ships systems with one of Sun's bots. Bombshell admits shi got lucky with this ship, shi can have such a small crew thanks to Sun. Then again shi was lucky to even get this ship. She was recommissioned to be a test bed for many prototype systems and weapons. So she can appear to be an old warship sold as surplus then unleashes hell to surprise her opponents. And if outgunned she can activate a cloak and disappear. The ship was stolen from Starfleet by human first somewhere and hir group was capture by them but thankfully Sun liked them better and the H1people got shoved out the airlock, without suits. The ships was renamed and refitted for their use and their partnership has been very profitable. Hence their current vacation. As the close to orbit the nice green planet a beeping goes off at the communication and sensors. Feyouri presses a few buttons. "Captain we are getting a faint signal from the planet." Bombshell became more alert and asked.

"What kind?"

"It seems to be a distress signal, maybe fleet. I got coordinates."

"Looks like we head there first then, Half of us head down the rest wait up here till we figure this out."

Minutes later Bombshell found hirself in a forest with trees that seem to be a mix of pine and maple back home. Feyouri took out a scanner and in a couple of seconds then jerked a thumb to the left. "The signal's this way." Bombshell and Reigar followed. In minutes there by a large river til the spot a metallic object supported by some trees. Yep definably a fleet pod. Bombshell inspects the outside while hir wolf morph medic jump inside. "Well no bodies so they survived the landing."

"And it looks like the thing has sat here a while." Bombshell comments. Shi taps the bomb shaped commbadge on hir combat vest. "Bombshell to Sun."

<Sun here captain.>

"At the site, no bodies or graves and it looks like it's been here a while."

<Well my sensor have detected multiple cities on the planet and there's a small village east of your position.>

"Copy that, guys set your weapons for stun and let's check this out."

Minutes later the reach the outskirts of the village and observe. It seemed the that the locals were foxtaurs but they were different from the ones Bombshell knew. None of the them had head hair and a few had multiple tails. However the seem to have a similar living style to the standard foxtaur village. With a nod to hir men they begin walking into the village.

Flamy was making lunch today since Tami and Jali went off hunting. Normally Star would have joined them but something was wrong with her mate. After becoming mates everything was fine, heck they finally got star to call herself by her nickname, not just the 3 of them and things went well they were happy. Then during winter something changed. It wasn't sudden, it started with Star being tired more than usual. Then she would switch between depression and anger. Then sometimes she thought she heard something that wasn't there. Luna looked at Star but couldn't figure out what was wrong. All of them were concerned, even Star on what was going on. Flamy just didn't know what to do. She opens a cupboard for some spices to discover it empty. Great now she'll have to go to the market. She bought the spices and was about to head home when she saw a commotion at the end of the village. Curious she goes to find out what it is. A bunch of Foxtaurs were looking at 3 strangers. One was practically furless except for the head fur which reminded Flamy of Star. Another seem to be a two legged gray fox, and the last. The last was a feline taur exactly like Star. Hope became to spurt in her. Especially when the feline said. "I'm Captain Bombshell of the mercenary ship Sunovagun. Did you have someone arrive sometime ago that looks like any of us?" Flamy answers

"Yes, we did please come with me." It took everything not to run the feline back home to help Star."

"Reigar better come with me." Said the feline and the two head off to Star.

Bombshell followed the brightly colored vixen to the outskirts of town and Reigar asks the vixen. "What's the patient's condition?"

"We don't know. Her craft landed almost a year ago with a few bumps, bruises, burns, and no memory other then general knowledge. The past three months she becomes tired easily and has bouts of depression and anger." They arrive at a decent size hut and the vixen opens the door and says. "Star ! I'm home and I have someone you need to meet."

"WHY!" A feminine voice angerly replies. Yup Bombshell could sense the anger and depression but that didn't prepare hir to the site. A gold furred chakat with red hair and eyes and white gold streak above hir left eye showed a scar. The chakat had a look of annoyed anger till shi set eyes on Bombshell, then it became bewilderment. Shi approaches Bombshell and touches hir face.

"Are you real? Or just my mind playing tricks on me?" Bombshell grabs the hand keeping it to hir face.

"Yes, I'm real. The name's Chakat Bombshell Hamilton, child of Reefswimmer and Uilleam Hamilton."

"They call me Starlight, but Flamy and the others call me Star."

"Pleasure to meet you Star." Flamy interjects,

"So Chakat can you help her?" Bombshell looks at the vixen.

"Chakat is the name of my and hir species, My name is Bombshell and I'm already helping hir. Shi's suffering Empathic Feedback Withdraw."


"We chakats are all empathic, we sense the emotions of others so we're hard to lie to and it gives us better insight on other beings. You may have notice that shi was good at reading people."

"Well she was becoming the best hunter out of the group for she could always find prey."

"That's hir empathic, a nice talent but it does have a draw back. We need a feedback from another chakat to stay mentally healthy. Go to long and your already seeing the results."

"Is there a cure?"

"Yup, me. I will stay here the night and Star should stay close awhile to ensure the reversal, then she'll be back to hir old self. Meanwhile Reigar will take some blood and we'll find out who you are past the life you've made here." Star offered hir arm and the wolf morph took a sample.

"I'll take this to the ship right away." He taps the badge on his left side and says. "Sun beam me up." Both Flamy's and Star's jaw drops as Reigar disappeared in swirling lights.

"Cool huh? That's our transporter, a highly useful device." There was a knock on the door and the vixen heads over to answer it. The vixen returns with an elderly female.

"Captain Bombshell this is Lola Wheathunter our Head Elder."

"Elder." Bombshell says and shi nods in respect.

"Captain, I must asks what your purpose was to come to our planet?"

"It was for a vacation Elder. As far as the rest of this galaxy is concerned this is an uninhabited planet barely recorded anywhere. So we were surprise to find anyone here, especially hir." Bombshell jerks a thumb in Star's direction.

So what are your plans now?"

Well other than helping Star and checking you gals out rest a few days." A beep came from hir badge so shi taps it. "Bombshell here."

<Captain this is Sun, I've scanned the entire planet and the villages here are a couple hundred years old at most and give the technology they have they have to be colonist from somewhere.> Bombshell looks at Lola with an inquisitive look.

"Well Sun is right but we don't know from where either. Our legends say we came on a space craft 203 years ago but surviving was so much of a struggle that a lot of the knowledge was forgotten."

"With your permission Elder Sun maybe able to figure that out for both of us."

"Knowing our history better would be good, very well your Sun may."

"Got that Sun?"

<Yes captain sending an avatar down now. A still running a match for our chakat down there.>

"Let us know when you do."

<Aye,aye captain.> Lola then looked to the younger vixen.

"Flameria I trust you can see to our guest?"

"Yes Elder, she needs to be here to help Star with her problem."

"Very well, I'll leave you to it." Flameria escorts the Elder out and as she returns Bombshell asks.


"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Flameria Blazefur, my friends call me Flamy, my concern for my mate overrode my manners."

"Understandable, My friends call me Bomber," They spent the next couple of hours chatting when the other hunters arrived. Flamy got dinner going and she notice Star was a little more perky now. She hoped that was a good sign. In the mists of dinner though Bomber's badge chirped again. Shi tapped it answered.

<Captain this is Sun. I got interesting results on your chakat.>

"Oh, do tell."

<I got two hits on hir DNA. The first is Chakat Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. The second was Chakat Redstreak also child of Sunspot and Fireblaze.>

"That's odd."

<Get's even better captain, their images are almost exactly the same the only difference is hairstyle.>

"How's that possible?"

<Not sure captain but Reigar is contacting his fleet contacts in the medical field for answers.>

"Maybe they're twins." Tami suggested to which Bomber shook hir head.

"Nope, identical twins are impossible with us chakats. Our fur pattern is completely random. Twins are possible but identical are not. You couldn't tell if chakats are related by looks unless you observe them long enough."

"So which one do we have, Medallion or Redstreak?" Flamy asks.

<My processors have concluded that our chakat is Redstreak. Restreak was in the Star Corps and is presumed dead. Hir ship destroyed and base where the found the debris and an escape pod could end up here.>

"So if I'm Redstreak do I have any family besides Medallion?" Star or Redstreak asks.

<Yes you do Redstreak. Your parents still live, Ypu have an older sister named Crisscross Child of Fireblaze and Sunspot. You have a mate named Coaldust and two kids.>

"Well that's one mystery nearly solved. What about the foxtaurs?"

<Still researching captain.> After that the rest ate in silence with Star/Redstreak in deep thought. Some chatting afterwords eventually lead to bed and the 5 of them slept soundly.

Flamy woke to the sweet smell of breakfast. She gets out of the pile and walks to the kitchen and sees a site she was very glad to see. Star up and making breakfast. Her mate looked over and smiled.

"Good morning Flamy, still a few more minutes till breakfast is ready."

"Good, it is so good to see your old self."

"It is." Star's features droop. "Flamy, I'm sorry for my attitude of late." Flamy step forward and put a hand to her mate's lips.

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault so don't worry about it okay." Flamy then hugs Star. "I'm just glad you are your old self."

"Well the self I've been since crashing here anyway." Flamy said nothing as she hugged her mate.

Over the next couple of days Bombers crew got the rest they wanted if not the way they expected. Bomber spent half the time with Flamy and Redstreak as the Chakat slowly adopted hir old name. Eventually Bomber, Lola and one of Sun's avatars met to discussion this colony's origins. "Captain, Elder, I have studied yhe village records and our databanks and these are the conclusions I came up with. One, the foxtaurs here are an offshoot from the ones on Earth. Originating in Japan thus why many have multiple tails. They also didn't suffer Territory Attachment Snydrome like most Foxtaurs have to worry about. The very first were called kitsune and during the chaos of the final days of the Gene Wars they all disappeared. It was thought they were wiped out. In truth They got hold of one of the early colonizing ships and left Earth till the got here. From what I could glean from the records they had a rough landing and struggled to survive. Now as you can see they have a ever growing population and a thriving colony."

"Thank you for your report Sun." Lola says then turns to look at Bomber."What will your Federation due about us?"

"Most likely open up negotiations. They deal pretty fairly with people, heck I might get a reward for discovering you and Redstreak." The meeting broke up after that and Bomber prepared to spend hir last night at Flamy's den.

Star or Redstreak was packing things away with care when the door opened. There stood Flamy and it didn't take long for the foxtaur to say. "You're going aren't you?"

"Yes, I am. I have a family and a past to go to." Redstreak gets up and hugs hir mate. "I wouldn't be this far, heck I probably would be dead without you. I still love you and in that love I will let you go and live your life here. I will a null our mating for that okay."

"No it's not okay. My life was nothing after my sister died till you came. Your my mate and I'm not letting you go. I'm going with you."

"But what about Tami and Jali? They'll be two hunters down."

"They're talking with the survivors of the team that got hit in the storm two weeks ago and they will merge. They told me this yesterday realizing that I would go with you. Especially since I told them what I'm about to tell you."


"I'm pregnant." Redstreak stood there speechless for a minute before bear hugging Flamy.

"I promise to be the best sire I can be for our child. Hopefully his or her's half siblings will welcome our child." The pair shared the news with Bomber to hugged them both and congratulated them on their baby. Bomber wasn't surprised that shi was getting to passengers sensing the love between them. Tami and Jali offered the pair two vest made of fur. They tried them on and while stylish they didn't hide the breasts at all. Then again with these foxtaurs they can never imagine covering their breasts for anything. Red and Flamy hugged their huntmates and the group went to be for the final time together.

The next morning Red as the new or old nick name emerged made a big breakfast as a final goodbye to hir huntmates. Both did complain that they would miss Red's cooking but still were happy for hir. The group heads out side and after a final hug and promises to visit Bomber taps hir badge and the three of them disappear in shimmering lights.

When the lights are gone Red found herself on a large pad in a small room. Bomber puts the bomb badge on each of them saying it was policy and for their protection while on board. They store their stuff in the room they will have for their journey then headed to one of the rear view ports as they took a final look at their home. The gazed on with wonder at the planet then watch it recede quickly before in a flash it was gone as they head to their future.

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 8

Coal was enjoying hir day off, though shi still was cooking. Streaker was dropping off Whirlwind from preschool and hir other children were taking a nap. Heck the only thing off was no message from Red, shi was usually punctual about such things. Well...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 7

The whole incident with Xanatos and hir birth world took months for which enjoyed the extended time with hir family. But it was time for hir to go on tour again and this time without Coal and Sandy. She reported in and got to hir quarters, far smaller...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 6

Weeks have past since Red came to training have been interesting. Do to hir previous experience shi didn't get the standard training but a more focused one. Shi has spent weeks learning ship operations and safety, laws and regulations of the...

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