Tales of Redstreak Chapter 7

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#13 of Chakat Universe

Red's Next tour doesn't end routinely

The whole incident with Xanatos and hir birth world took months for which enjoyed the extended time with hir family. But it was time for hir to go on tour again and this time without Coal and Sandy. She reported in and got to hir quarters, far smaller than the last since shi is alone. After settling shi heads for lunch. Getting hir meal shi looks around, shi knows shi has to find the other chakat or chakats on board but shi doesn't see them in the mess hall right now so she finds a place and settles in for the meal.

Shi was halfway through hir meal when shi hears a familiar voice. "Allo, say you look familiar." Red turns around to see what shi suspected, a cougar patterned chakat with gold hair in a ponytail with a male foxtaur in brilliant red next to hir. "Redstreak!"

"Hey Goldfur nice to see you."

"Well give me a hug." And the to chakats hug and Goldfur continues. "What are you doing here Redstreak?" they break off the hug.

"This is my part time job, I'm security so don't try anything funny."

"What about a bribe?" Shi gives Red a lustful look. Red rolls her eyes.

"Chakats! I you think about is sex." Red says exasperatedly.

"So true." Garrek quips earning a look from Goldur and the cougar chakat hits hir mate with hir tail. He chuckles and continues. "I'm not complaining it's just true." The pair join Red and eat as they start a conversation.

"So Redstreak, what made you join the Star Corps?"

"Well three things. One, I did security work before my change and guarding Alexis revived my need to do it again. Two, I always wanted to see space. Three, you and our conversation helped make my decision."

"Well, glad to have you, so how have you've been?"

"Good, me and Coal had a daughter, Sandrock."

"Oh congrats, who was the mother?"

"Coal of course, I'm still more male bias."

"Well it was a guess."

"No I've adjusted but I haven't changed that much."

"Still a child is a wonderful thing. Though Eudora and Blaze can try your patience."

"Yes Whirlwind, Sandrock, and Stovy can test that." Red finishes hir meal. "Well have to get back on duty, cya around."

"Come to our place tonight." Red raised an eyebrow at hir."Just to chat."

"Alright." They exchange quarter numbers and red returns to hir duties while the couple finish their meal.

Red assisted again to check on the cargo hold on their current supplies. Everything was in order and ship did a patrol of the ship. She was on the F.S.S. Grissom this time, a larger ship class than the Jefferson but it didn't take long for hir to familiarize hirself with the layout. Finally it came time to head for Goldfur's quarters so shi heads over. Shi knocks on the door and it opens to revel Goldfur. "Hey Redstreak, come on in." Red steps into a nice size quarters for 2 taurs. Garrek steps out of the restroom and greets Red. After offering hir a seat, Goldfur got started. "So now we don't have any time constants. How has your family been?"

"Good, my adoptive parents took a mate, Streaker and they had a couple of daughters. Coal had a another daughter before giving birth to Sandrock. I got to meet with a man from my universe." That got bug eyes from hir hosts and shi explains what happened there. "So he took the briefcase with my message and pictures of my adoptive family. Hopefully they got it." Goldfur and Garrek were speechless for a bit. Finally Garrek finds the ability to speak.

"And we thought we have an interesting life."

?Life is what it is Garrek." Red comments. The trio talked for a few hours more before red heading back to hir quarters for bed.

Red peered around a tree with hir phaser raised. She scans for hir target. The forest was quiet except for the wind through the trees. Hir breathing was slow and steady as shi used hir nose...over there. Shi turns and fires, and the deer gos down. Shi races over and yes is was a good and clean kill for a head shot. Shi takes out a knife and bends down to clean the kill. In minutes shi was done and lifts up hir meat when the forest disappears to be replaced by a black room with gold grid paint. The weight of the deer meat was also gone and Lt. Skyclad approached hir. Skyclad was a wolftaur female who couldn't stand the ignorance of her people so she took what she learn from them and joined the corps. She also was in charge of the survival class on the ship, Red has been taking the class for the last two weeks since the ship left earth. "Well done Ensign, an excellent shot and a very through cleaning, much better than your first attempts at it." Red winces as shi remembers hir first attempts at cleaning a kill thank God shi was always a good shot. "I think you've ace this part of the course Ensign Redstreak. When we leave Chakona we'll start the next course. Hey you have any family on Chakaona?"

"No Lieutenant, nearly all my family is on Earth. At least as far as I know."

"That was an interesting answer Ensign."

"Well my family is a complicated and LONG story." Skyclad dismisses hir and shi heads for lunch. Other than the survival training shi's, doing regular security work, working on hir next RS album, and spending time with Goldie. Both know each other well enough to use nicknames. As expected shi found the couple at a table waiting for hir. Smiling shi grabs a plate and heads over to hir friends.

The Grissom docks at Starbase 3 and Red is assigned to patrol the area with the local security while they load and unload supplies and equipment. Halfway through the process hir combadge goes off. "Ensign Redstreak here."

"Ensign, this is Lt Commander Pokadot of station security, would you please come to my office?"

"Right away shir." Shi was going on a guess that the Lt. Commander was a chakat from the name. Shi heads over to the office and there shi finds a Chakat in a security uniform with LT Commander's pips and a female gray furred foxtaur. Shi goes and salutes the chakat. "Ensign Redstreak reporting as ordered."

"At ease ensign, my guest has something she like to say to you." The older chakat nods to the foxtaur. The Foxtaur was about Red's age and she gets up and before Red could act she races over and hugs hir.

"Oh THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'm Clarissa Sullivan and you saved my life!"

"You must have me confused with someone else I have never seen you before." The foxtaur breaks off the hug and smiles at Red.

"There's no mistake. I have never met but you being here saved my life."

"Maybe you should explain it better Clarissa." Polkadot remarks.

"Of course Polka." Clarissa's smile goes and she puts on a serious face. "Redstreak, like you I was born human. However I had a incurable illness. I was looking at dying in a few years in a slow and painful way. Then I heard of an experimental process that a chakat professor named Starthinker came up with after trying to help you. Now I'm a healthy Foxtaur with decades ahead of me. So thank SO MUCH!"

"Well I'm glad my suffering saved someone's life. Make dealing with it better, But how did you find me?"

"Well I first got your house number but they said you on a star corps ship so I talked to Polka here and poff hear we are. Now I'm sure your busy but I wanted to thank you, you have a good day Redstreak." She walks out of the room. Red feels affection coming from the older chakat. Turning to her hir Red asks.

'You care about her?"

"I was with hir parents when she was born, our families were friends. Her parents died 5 years ago and she came to live with me. Despite her illness she became my denmate and now..." Shi tears up " Now she will live and we can have children, and it's all thanks to you. If you ever need anything from us let us know. WE owe you a lot." Red puts hir hand on Polka's shoulder.

"I don't have anything right now. But just consider me a friend."

"Same here Redstreak, same hear."

Minutes later Red returned to hir duties and and slept after wards. Late the next day they Grissom departs for recently explored space to resupply and rotate the crews at some potential colonies. However Red did receive a surprise as shi leaves the survival class. As shi's saying chao to a fellow student shi hears a familiar voice. "RED!" Red turns to see a cougar running towards hir.

"Monty!" The two friends hug for a minute before breaking off. "I didn't know you were on this ship."

"Neither did I, hey we should catch up I'm off duty are you?"

"Just got done for today and was going to have supper."

"Sounds good let's go." The two friends head for the mess hall where Mounty met Goldie and Garrek and the four shared stories and opinions.

A couple days later They make they're first stop. Goldie and Garrek head down to work on repairing or replacing equipment. Mounty help directed where supplies need to go. Red meanwhile patrolled the outskirts of the base camp viewing this still largely unexplored planet with a hint of awe.

It was very tropical but with odd colors with blue trucks and orange leaves with a green sky. They spent three days on planet doing they're things when they left orbit. Unfortunately for Red shi went into heat during this time and Goldie offered to help. They retired to Red's room, just the two of them. Red always preferred to take care of her heat in private. "I don't think I'll ever get use to this." Red mutters. Goldie just rubs hir back in sympathy, but that soon turns into a more intimate rub. Soon Goldie gropes a breast and turns Red's face and kisses hir. It doesn't take Red too long to return in kind. Empathy is a big help in this kind of thing. Goldie strokes the back of Red's lower torso causing Red to purr. She then moves Red's tail a side and climbs on top of Red. Shi then kisses Red and shi slowly drives in hir condom coated cock into Red causing the lion chakat moan in their kiss. Goldie breaks off the kiss as shi begins thrusting in and out of Red as shi gropes one breast and strokes Red's torso with the other. Unconsciously they both twinge their tails around each other as they grunt in their intimate moment. Soon both cry out in pleasure as the cum together and collapse. They laid there for a few minutes till Red adjusts hirself to look at Goldie. "Hey Goldie are you in heat at all?"

"Not for a few weeks why?"

"I like to that you for your understanding and need to know whether I needed a condom to."

"You going to show me how male you are?" Red grins evilly at the cougar chakat.

"Oh yes!" Red then kisses Goldie as he gropes both breasts. It felt good to Goldie but she was surprised to find a third hand playing with hir pussy. Or more correctly a handpaw.

"I didn't expect that." Shi says breathlessly.

"I'm talented." Red replies.

"Prove it." And Red did, for a couple of hours.

The rest of Red's heat was very enjoyable, little by little shi gets used to hir female side. Things continued in a rotine fashion on board until one day Goldie was working alone doing basic maintenance on Red's corridor. Shi had the panel off and working on some wiring when shi accidentally opens the nearby door. Shi hears music coming out of the room. Walking over shi notices that it's Red's room. Peaking in shi sees Red with hir back to the door playing on a top of the line keyboard. Red was playing a tune Goldie didn't recognize (Sky Chase Zone by Mindwipe mindwipestudio.info) But shi recognize the style. Well, well, Redstreak is RS. Very cute Red, hiding your id using letters. Goldie admired Red's focus, the chakat hasn't notice hir there as shi stands as Red finishes the song. "Great Song Red, Or should I say RS." Red whirls around to see Goldie and droops realizing shi's been caught.

"I guest you know now, I like to keep my Id a secret. My life's complicated as is without fans clamoring over over me." Red walks over and grabs hir latest album and takes out a pen and signs it. "Here Goldie, a little incentive to keep your lips seal." Red hands over the album. Goldie takes it and smiles.

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me. I have to get back to work." Goldie leaves the room and continues hir work, shi notes that the music doesn't resume till the door closes again. She smiles and continues hir work. Then the klaxon starts and Goldie races to hir station as Red grabs hir uniform and heads for security.

Shi arrives and Lt Skyclad is there, she sees Red and nods. We received a distress signal so were moving to intercept. Wordlessly Red nods and gets hir equipment. Shi and the others stood ready to attack till the report said they found an escape pod. They stayed on Red Alert for ten minutes after retrieving the pod before going to Yellow alert. They did find a live human male on board and after an hour of patrolling the area the ship went back to normal operations and to its next destination.

The Grissiom arrived at it's next stop and did the usual transfer of supplies as well as report that the survivor was from a freighter that was attacked by pirates and recommended a Starfleet patrol for the area. The new guest on board hafter a check up in sickbay roamed around the ship with an escort. He seemed interested in the ships layout than the personnel on board. It didn't take long for the crew to get use to him.

As they were arriving to their next stop Red spent some time with Mounty since the stop after that was where she was assigned. "So I told my mom that I'd bring her something exotic from my job so I'll see what flowers there are for her. She's developed such a green thumb lately that she keeps wanting me to haul a plant around in my travels." Mounty just shakes her head at her mom's antics while Red laughs.

"Family is a wonderful thing even if they drive you crazy sometimes." Red comments.

"So true I-"

<Ensign Quickgraze.> Mounty sighs and taps her commbadge.

"Quickgraze here."

<Ensign I need you to grab some encrypted files for me. I've got my hands full right now so I need you to bring it to me. Ask the tech in charge for the padd and files.>

"I sir." Mounty taps her badge again and looks at Red. "Sorry duty calls."

"I know, but we have time yet so get it done and comeback my friend." Mounty hugs Red and heads out.

It takes her a few minutes to get to the main computer room. As the door opens for herd site. The technican slumped over a console with their recent guest doing something at another. The man turns around and before Mounty can act he fires a phaser at her. She falls to the group in pain from her chest. She manges to open her eyes again and sees him go back to work on what ever he's doing on the console and she sees a download bar on the screen. Clutching her wound with one hand she taps hir badge with the other and with a pain filled voice she says. "Security.. Alert...Compu-" A second shot silences her.

Red was in her room with Goldie and Garrek down on the surface again doing their thing shi mailing off her latest song to Larsa when shi senses deep pain from Mounty. Shi races from hir room heading towards the computer room. As shi is going the klaxon sounded again.<All hands to battle stations freighter under attack, all hands to battle stations.> Red ignores the alert as shi continues down the corridor. Shi won't be needed right away. She gets to the level shi needs when the intercom buzzed again. <Security alert near the computer room, repeat security alert to the computer room.> Red then races to the room. The door opens and shi finds the technician and checks him. He was dead, shi then looks around and finds Mounty. Mounty's eyes stare at nothing as the burn on her head shows the fatal wound. Red walks up to hir friend and pets the cougars hair. Hir grief over hir friend turning to righteous anger. Shi then see flickers over the consoles and thumps against the hull. 'Sabotage we've been sabotaged,' Red thinks and races to the nearest escape pod. If you had sabotage a ship you need to flee some one and the pod would be the closest thing to use.

On the bridge a few minutes earlier. The crew was at their station as the ship jumped out of warp. "Scan the area." The captain ordered.

Sir I'm not reading any freighter only a vessel destroyer size. Their firing!"

"Return fire." The captain ordered and the shields take the blast. Lights star flickering more than they should for that kind of hit.

"Sir! I'm having multiple malfunctions in the system, everything is being affected."

"Crap it was a trap." The captain has a grim look as he desperately tries to defend his crippled ship.

Red raced down the corridor as sparks fly and the ship shakes under the attack. Shi finally spots hir target. The survivor from the freighter, or more likely a pirate. He was using the pad to the side of the pod. Red leaps at him as the pod door opens. He's knock away from the pod but he pulls the phaser again and fires. The beam grazes Red's lower torso. Hissing in pain shi whirls around and knocks the phaser out of his hand. Then A huge explosion rocks the ship and a wall explodes sending debris everywhere as the ship's gravity fails. Taking a large metal beam he hits red on the head and sends hir flying. Towards the pod, hir hand hits the panel and with the virus messing with the system that was all that was needed. As the chakat hits the back of the pod the door closes and the the pod is launched. The force fields don't activate and the mans final words are, "NNNOOOOOO!" As he is sucked into space. The destroyer seeing the pod moves to pick it up when the Grissiom explodes. Being in the middle of a diving attack the destroyer is hit by it and suffers the same fate. The shock waves make the pod tumble and with Red not secure shi hits hir head on the bulkhead and only knew blackness and the pod tumbles through space.

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 8

Coal was enjoying hir day off, though shi still was cooking. Streaker was dropping off Whirlwind from preschool and hir other children were taking a nap. Heck the only thing off was no message from Red, shi was usually punctual about such things. Well...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 6

Weeks have past since Red came to training have been interesting. Do to hir previous experience shi didn't get the standard training but a more focused one. Shi has spent weeks learning ship operations and safety, laws and regulations of the...

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Samantha's Third Change Chapter 12

Late at night Jackie and Tona slept with Samantha that night. Tona eventually woke up to answer nature, but as she returned shi saw a black figure raising a item the gleamed in the night above Samantha's bed. Shi runs and collides with the intruder....

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