Tales of Redstreak Chapter 6

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#12 of Chakat Universe

With special training done Red goes on hit 1st tour and gets a blast from hir own past

Weeks have past since Red came to training have been interesting. Do to hir previous experience shi didn't get the standard training but a more focused one. Shi has spent weeks learning ship operations and safety, laws and regulations of the federation and the Star Corps, and combat training so shi could use hir taur body better. After pushing hir body to the limits and sometimes beyond it. Video talks with Coal and Dallie were a god send. Two weeks ago shi finally convinced Coal to go on hir first voyage with hir. It will be nice to have Coal and Sandy with hir. Then it was hir turn to step on to the Commander in charge of the base. Shi approaches the commander and salutes. The commander returns the salute and hands Red a paper and attaches hir new rank to hir uniform. "Congratulations Ensign Redstreak. May you do the Corps proud."

"Thank you sir." Shi turns around and heads down the stage winking at hir roommate still waiting. Another ten minutes go bye before the class is dismissed and the ceremony over. Red heads back to pack for hir stay with hir family before heading out on hir first assignment. Stepping out of hir bedroom for the last time shi sees hir roommate, a cougar morph biped name Mounty Quickgraze also leaving her bedroom. The Two get close and hug and Mounty says.

"I'll miss you Red."

"Same here Mounty, now you be careful. I won't be there to watch your back."

"I thought you were the once who got into trouble?" Red gives her the look that causes Mounty to chuckle. The two chatted till the got to the bus stop and went their separate ways. Two hours later Red ended up in front of hir home. Shi unlocks and opens the door.

"I'm home everyone." Shi annouces.

"DADDY!" a tanish blur screams as it speeds towards Red. Red picks up hir daughter and hugs hir.

"I guess you missed me." Sandy just responded by purring.

"Welcome home Red." Red is surprised to see Streaker approaching hir.

"What are you doing here Streaker?"

"I'm the only one off today so I had to look after the kids and I decided to do it here. Whirlwind should be home any second."

"Well let me put my things away and I'll give you a hand I know this group can be a handful."

"NO KIDDING! I thought it was bad with just my and Sun's kid."

A half an hour later the door open again to reveal Whirlwind. The young chakat saw hir uncle( shi called hir that as a joke and it stuck) was home. Shi smiles at hir uncle and says.

"Uncle Red."

"Hey Whirl, you good at school."

"Of course, why would you doubt me?" Red snorts,

"Because I'm your uncle and I know you well." Whirl just smiles at Red. And Red helps hir out with hir homework until Dallie and Coal finally came home. They both hug Red and Coal went to start dinner. They chatted about what happened since the last time they talked of the vid and when supper was over Streaker to hir and Sun's kid home and while Dallie slept with the kids Coal and Red got reacquainted intimately.

Over the next two weeks Red let Coal and Dallie have their fun for both Coal and Sandy will be with hir on hir first tour. Red also made sure to visit the club to catch up with everyone and spend time with them before leaving. They all wished hir the best and good luck. Red also contacted Larsa to notify her of the status change and that her song writing will be slower. Thankfully hir songs were still a big hit and the company was making great profits from it so if it was at a slower rate it was okay, as long as shi did work on it. Red wave hir hands in surrender and agreed to work while in space. The extended family did get together to celebrate Red's success and a safe trip for Red, Coal, and Sandy.

Finally the day arrived for The family to depart. Dallie drove them to the space port and after a final hug they part ways and Red and group beams up to the Starbase. After beam up Sandy asks. "Dad, what ship are we looking for?"

"The F.S.S. Jefferson." Sandy looked around in awe, it was the first time shi ever was on a station and if it wasn't for the leash Red attach to hir shi'd be all over the place. In ten minutes they found the docking port with a human in security gray standing beside it. They approach him and seeing he's an ensign as well Red says. "Ensign Redstreak and family reporting in." The ensign took out a padd and looked down it.

"Ensign RedStreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze." Red nods and the guard points to Coal. "And you are Chatkat Coaldust, child of Snowboard and Nightsky?" Coal nods and then the guard looks down at Sandy. "And who's this?"

"I'm Chakat Sandrock, child of Coaldust and Redstreak." The guard nods and looks back at his padd and hits a couple of buttons.

"Okay your all in, Your quarters are on deck to room 50. Then Ensign report to Lt. Commander Dustrunner for your duties this tour." Red nods and they head in. After taking a turbolift down a couple of levels they get off and deck ten and in minutes found there room. It was a modest room with a living room, 2 bedrooms and a small bathroom. On this ship the showers were communal except for the officers quarters and the meals were taken in the mess hall. The Jefferson was a small corps vessel that did supply runs and some exploring and it showed. After unpack Red heads for the security office. Red enters the office in uniform and saw her commanding officer for the first time. Lt. Commander Dustrunner was a male coyote morph in his forties. He was behind his desks looking at a padd when Red step up and saluted. "Ensign Redstreak reporting for duty sir." The coyote looks up from his padd and returns the salute. "At ease Ensign." The coyote glances at the padd and hits a couple of buttons and viewed the padd a bit before going back to Red. " Looks like you have some experience in security. That's good, I'll assign you to Lt. Skierski's crew in the cargo bay. Report to hir tomorrow at 0900."

"Aye sir."

"Dismissed." Red saluted again and head out to rejoin hir family. Two hours later the 3 chakats stood in the rear lounge and watch as the Jefferson detaches from the Starbase and left orbit.

"Now that's a beautiful site." Red commented.

"On that I agree my love." Coal replies then hugs hir mate as Earth and the Starbase get smaller till the ship jumped to warp.

"Now that was cool. Very Trekish, it's like I'm living a dream."

"So I'm not real Red?"

"If you are I don't want to wake up." Coal lick kisses hir muzzle.

"You say the sweetest things." The family eventually moved to the mess hall for dinner. Coal wasn't thrilled with the meal and thought shi could do better. After supper the trio headed back to there quarters and played with their daughter before all three head to bed.

0700 the next morning Red woke Coal and Snady and the 3 head to the communal showers. The water invigorated the trio and soon the dried off and headed over for breakfast. After an okay breakfast, this was really trying Coal Red said goodbye to hir mate and child and headed down to the cargo bay. There she finds a female cheetah morph with Lt. JG pins on her. Red walk up to the morph and saluted. The Lt directed hir to scan the crates for anything strange. Things looked find, the crates secure. That took most of the morning so the broke for lunch.

After grabbing hir tray Shi finds hir family and sits next to them. Coal once again didn't look happy with the meal causing Red to smile. "Excuse me?" Red looks over hir shoulder and sees a chakat with dark blue fur with green spots. "Hi, Am Chakat lilypad, Child of Bluemist and Forestgrass. I thought I meet my fellow chakat's onboard today."

"Well have a seat, I am Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze."

"Hey you did that without prompting bless the makers!" Red sticks hir tongue out at hir mate.

"The comedian beside me is my denmate Coaldust, child of Snowboard and Nightsky and that is our daughter Sandrock." The group hugged one another in the traditional Chakat greeting. And they all settle down for lunch.

"Sorry for not meeting you earlier our division had a long meeting. I haven't any of you before you new?"

"Yes this is our first tour."

"So you would expect to meet me then?"

"Why should we?"

"Empathic feedback."

"Huh?" Red asks.

"One of the flaws of we chakats is our empathy. While useful it also puts an extra requirements on us. We need feedback from other chakats to keep ourselves sane, go to long without it and we go insane. I heard a rumor that several Fleet and Corps brass were demoted or discharged as well as a couple of researchers losing their licenses for forcing an experiment on how long a chakat could go without one of us with. So any Fleet or Corps ship that wants a chakat onboard needs a minimum of two chakats on board. You three our the only other chakats on board. So I had to meet you, hopefully intimately."

"If you do it will be with Coal here." Red responds before taking a bite. Lilypad was surprised by that response.

"Did I say something wrong?" Shi asks.

"No, it's not you it's me. So where are you from?" And that started a good conversation between the chakats for twenty minutes. Finally with hir lunch done Red lick kisses Coal.

"I have to go back to work love, cya later. And you Sandy, be good for your mother."

"Yes dad." Red leaves the mess hall and Lilypad leans closer to Coal.

"I didn't mean to offend hir.."

"It's okay Lilypad, Red was introduce into this life in an odd way so hir standards are different than ours. Shi doesn't get intimate with near strangers but shi respects my beliefs, so if you need relief you can come to me and shi won't get in the way."

"Sounds like an interesting mate."

"Oh, shi is, shi and hir twin sister are among the joys of my life."

"Well a pleasure to meet you and your family."

"Likewise, don't be a stranger." The chakats go there separate ways.

After a week on their voyage Coal had it with the cooking ad pleaded with the captain to take over the kitchen and teach the resident cook how to really cook. The captain was hesitant to let hir but Red confirmed that Coal was a good cook and noted that shi cooked in a restaurant for a living. The captain gave hir a couple of days to prove hirself. It was no contest. Hir first meal received high praise as people wanted seconds and thirds. Three days after the test started the captain appointed Coal as ships cook for the voyager and that hir predecessor learn from hir. Morale improved on the ship after that as the made there first stop. A military space station position to monitor pirate activity in the sector. Coal and Sandy explored the station while Red helped guard the transfer of supplies to the station. Things went smoothly and a day later the Jefferson departs for it's next stop.

On there way to their next stop Lilypad went into heat and Coal spent the night assisting hir with hir need. Lily also had many meals with Red's family and they all became good friends. Red also worked more on hir next album during hir off shift hours, shi went more for a space theme in hir tracks

and Sandy and Coal enjoyed listening to it. Coal secretly wondering if the crew might find out who else Red was. There next stop was a nebula the the Corps wanted to get more detials on to the Jefferson spent a week surveying the nebula. The family could be seen in one of the lounges watching the nebula with wonder. After the nebula they stopped at a colony still in development and dropped off need supplies to assist in it's growth. Red found the planet fascinating. The whole planet has a tropical climate so the colonists adapted a more chakat style of decorum of wearing almost nothing accept equipment belts or during hazards. Red couldn't blame them it was STEAMY. Red had a few embarrassing erections during the stay to the amusement of hir mate. At their next stop Red caught a stowaway and an attempted robbery of the cargo. Shi even stopped an attempted kidnapping on the station earning hir a condemnation for that act.

Most of the rest of the tour was uneventful. Red spent hir time either patrolling the ship, guard the supply transfers, further combat training, and quiet time with Coal. Lilypad became a good friend and common guest for them and doted on Sandy. After six weeks the Jefferson returns the Starbase One over Earth. Red and Coal hug Lilypad goodbye and they go to sign off on their tour of duty. They and Sandy leave the ship and hang out at the cafe waiting for their shuttle. Why not a transporter? Well if you look at Coal's lower torso you will see that shi is clearly pregnant. Yes Red knocked hir up again much to hir pleasure. An hour later the land at the space port and they meet their mate/sister there. Dallie eyes Coal's condition and comments. "Couldn't help yourself eh sis?" Red just shrugs in replies and the trio hugs before heading home.

Dallie shared the good news with the entire family and soon a improvised party happen to celebrate their return and to their new daughter. In the weeks that follow Coal gave birth to their second child, a orange with red on hir paws, ear tips, and tail fur pattern and called Blazefire (a nod to hir grandsire). Red admitted is was fun nursing again though it will be a hassle when shi leaves on hir next tour, thankfully the ship quarters did have a fridge.

This won't go as planned though as Red lounges on a couch in the porch enjoying the weather when Dallie came out. "Red, the Star Corps just called. They want you to report to the administration building at the starport right away."

"Alright, I wonder what's up." Red heads in and puts on hir uniform and heads out. In 30 minutes shi arrives and the starport and shi heads into the Administration Building. Shi heads towards the receptionist desk. "Am Ensign Redstreak, I was told to report here." The receptionist checks the logs and replies.

"I have you ensign. Report to Commander Antilles on the 20 floor room 2."

"Thank you." Red head to the turbolift and heads up. Shi finds room 2 and enters it. Shi finds a waiting room with a lieutenant sitting at a desk. Walking up to the lieutenant, "Commander Antilles Order me to report."

"He's expecting you go on in." Red salutes and heads in. The familiar human was sitting behind a large desk looking at a padd when Red came in and saluted. The commander looked up and smiled.

"Redstreak no need to salute me and that's an order."

"Okay sir."

"Now don't you look good in uniform, very buff."

"Thanks sir, now what do you need me for?"

"Well we received a guest by strange means and the name he gave us made me think of you. Come with me." They leave the office and take the turbolift down to the basement levels of the building. They then enter a small room with a large window and another door. They step up to the window and shi looks in to see a human male in his mid forties in a white lab coat. He looked familiar and then shi notice the logo on the shoulder. A gold G over a grid sphere, the logo of Globaltech.

"Doctor Xanatos!"

"I thought that might interest you. He came similar to how you did. Though without your changes."

"Can I see him?"

"Of course that's why I order you in. Maybe you can get him to open up." Red nods and heads in. Xanatos had a shocked then a look of curiosity As Red stepped in.

"Well doc, it's good to know you survived the first accident, that haunted me for years."

"You can talk?"

"And much more doc."


"You don't know the half of it doc."

"Strange that you seem to know me but I don't know you."

"Ah but you do, you just don't recognize me. Did you replace those steel balls you fiddled with when in deep thought." Only two people knew about those balls, Xanatos looked at Red with widening eyes.



"What happen to you man?"

"Well my arrival here wasn't as easy as your's, Medallion tried to help me and the effect of your device acted out and activated a device called a transporter. Both of our mines were fine but my body's data was gone. With no other choice they put me in a clone body of Medallion's and I've been here ever since."

"It's good to know you're alive. It was part of the reason I resumed the experiments, though much safer of course. So how is it being a girl?"

"Well I'm not quite a girl, the species I am now chakats are all hermaphrodites but still it wasn't easy."

"I so would like to see this world Luke."

"My name's Redstreak now, but you can call me Red. Let me check with my boss." Xanatos nods and Red returns to the previous room. "Any problems with his request sir."

"Well he'll have to have a guard. The fact he safety transported himself here has the interest of Starfleet. Hmmm, I got it you will be his guard, you have history and the proper training. Consider yourself reassigned ensign."

"Yes sir. I'll have him check out my place." Red activates hir wrist comm.


"Hey Dallie it's Red, I need you to convert the guest room for human use. I'm bring home a special guest."

"Oh, who?"

"You'll find out when we get there."

"OOOHHHH, you meenie!"

"Isn't that what sisters are for?" that cause a chuckle from Dallie as Red signs off.

"We want him back here tomorrow to talk with our scientists.'

"Yes sir." Red goes back to the room. "Doc I'm taking you to my home and tomorrow you get to talk with your fellow eggheads."

"Thank you Luke, I mean Red."

"No problem." Shi leads him out of the building and to the PTV. The doc studied the machine in fascination, especially when one of the cushions converted into a chair.

"Such amazing technology, they're way more advanced than home.'

"Well they are 300 hundred years ahead of you there."


"Yup, it's 2336 here."

"So we're in out future?"

"Not quite..." Red proceeded to explain the differences between his world and here. They arrive home and Red shows the doc in.

"Nice house."

"That's what I said when I first saw it."

"Welcome home Red." Medallion says as shi enters the living room.

"Hey Dallie, Doc meet Medallion, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. Dallie, Jack Xanotos, chief scientist at Globaltech Industries."

"Globaltech, wasn't that where.."

"Where I originally came from yes."

"Nice to meet you Doctor."

"Likewise, you taking care of Luke...I mean Red?"

"I try, shi doesn't always make it easy." Two blurs appear and hug Red's forelegs one of them yelling.

"Dad,dad,dad!" Red rubs Sandy's head while picking up Blazefire.

"Doc, meet my daughters, Sandrock and Blazefire."

"You the mother?" Red snorted.

"No the sire."

"Had to ask." Coal arrived an hour later and shi and the doc were introduced. Coal made supper as Xanatos updated Red on what happened at home. He perfected the reactor he was working on and named it the Harter Reactor after the guard who saved his life. Having a theory that Luke my still be alive He started researching into the accident and this was his first real attempt and glad it had worked. During the dinner The pair remembered old times and jokes. The next day Red took him back to the starport and he met with some of the Federation's scientists. Their tech talk quickly went over Red's head so shi sat back and made sure it was only interrupted by meal times. Shi also thought heavily on what shi could do if the doc succeeded. As Xanotos working on the device Red worked on hir own project. Months pass as the scientists work on a device. Xanotos was only held back on not being familiar with Federation tech as they work. Finally the device was done this one generated a portal but the familiar bolts were still present but they seemed controlled. They sent a probe through the portal. The feed the came back to reveal a lab complex with a bunch of surprised people. The wall had the Globaltech logo on it. The probe flow through the window, Red and Xanotos saw the familiar skyline of the IDS building, The Metrodome and even Target Field. "Yah that's home alright." Red said. The probe returns through the portal.

"Alright I heading home. It's been a pleasure working with all of you." Xanotos said then he looks at Red. "You coming Red?" Red smiles but shakes hir head.

"No, I wouldn't fit in there anymore. I have a family and a life here, but I do have something for you to take." Shi reaches to the saddlebag and takes out a suitcase and hands it to the Xanotos. "Give this to my family."

"Sure thing Red. I promise to find a way to make this more stable so you could visit them or they you."

"I have faith in you doc to pull that of, until then live well." The Doc steps through the portal and the feed he gives the thumbs up and the portal closes.

That night Xanotos visited Luke's family, he called earlier asking them to gather. Knocking on the door it's answered by Luke's sister Rayna. "Welcome doc please come in."

"Thank you." He walks in and places the case on the table.

"Okay doc what is this all about." Asks Rayna's husband.

"Well and experiment I tried worked, as you know I've been gone for months. While I was gone I found Luke hater, he is alive and well in the world I visited."

"Then why didn't he comeback with you! Is this just a sick joke?"

"No it isn't, There are reasons that he didn't come home. I send a recording with a few other things. Now I have to mention that he has been change physically so you won't recognize him but believe me it was him." Xanotos opens the case and takes out a small dish and places it on the table and press a button. An image of Red appears wearing a RS t-shirt. The Harter family was shocked at the look.

"Hello everyone it's me, Luke. I know my appearance is a shock, Dave shut your dropped jaw." Everyone did look at Dave and he had a dropped jaw. "Believe me getting this body was a surprise as well. My arrival was not as easy as the doc's was. As you can see I could return a live a normal life like this and there was no chance of getting my old body back so this is better than being dead. But that isn't the only reason, I have made a life here with people I love and who love me. I do miss you all and maybe one day we can see each other face to face. Until then here are a few things of me and our extended family. I love you all and if we don't see each other again know that I'm happy and I wish you all a long a good life. This is your son/brother/uncle/in-law Luke Harter now Redstreak signing off." The image disappears back into the device and the family looks in the case seeing photos of Red and hir..their extended family.

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 7

The whole incident with Xanatos and hir birth world took months for which enjoyed the extended time with hir family. But it was time for hir to go on tour again and this time without Coal and Sandy. She reported in and got to hir quarters, far smaller...

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Samantha's Third Change Chapter 12

Late at night Jackie and Tona slept with Samantha that night. Tona eventually woke up to answer nature, but as she returned shi saw a black figure raising a item the gleamed in the night above Samantha's bed. Shi runs and collides with the intruder....

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 5

The next day saw Alexis talking with Larsa on the details of the concert. Red smirks behind the wolf as shi moves into the living room. And meets hir twin. "Quite a homecoming last night huh?" Red blushes as the twins hear Coal laugh from the kitchen....

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