Tales of Redstreak Chapter 5

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#11 of Chakat Universe

The family grows and Red makes a big decision.

The next day saw Alexis talking with Larsa on the details of the concert. Red smirks behind the wolf as shi moves into the living room. And meets hir twin. "Quite a homecoming last night huh?" Red blushes as the twins hear Coal laugh from the kitchen. Putting an arm around Red's shoulder Dallie continues. "I'm glad you two get along well, I'm blessed to have hir and you though I wonder is blessed more us or hir?"

"Hir." Both grin at each other and Dallie comments.

"Good choice." As they both head to the table Coal glances over the kitchen island at hir mates and notice there were more differences between them. When Red left weeks ago shi and Dallie were virtually identical minus expression and hairstyle. Now Dallie has a slight bulge in hir lower torso made by their baby, while Red was more muscular now defiantly showing hir male biased. Coal was feeling wet down below. Coal set down breakfast and bellows

"BREAKFAST!" Si looks down to see hir mates rubbing their ears since they were unfortunately in front of hir.

"Coal," Red says "I'm surprise the neighbors didn't complain last night."

"Well" Dallie starts "Dune and blossom across the street were wondering what was going on." Red groaned and face palmed.

"Please tell me you apologized for me?"

"I did no such thing, they ask if they could join in." Red blushed deeply and pound her head on the table. Dallie and Coal grinned at each other, sometimes Red's human reactions were priceless. Alexis emerge to save Red from any further teasing and the only one with clothes on if they are only a bikini top and shorts, not yet comfortable being nude with everyone here yet. Whirlwind was the last to arrive in hir usual blur. Breakfast was a silent affair with everyone eating. Then the door bell rang and Red got up, "I'll get it." Shi open the front door to see Dallies, correction hir parents with Streaker. "Red!" Sunspots cheers as she goes and hugs red. "Good to see you home daughter."

"Thanks Sunspot." Red returns the hug.

"Please call me mom."

"I'll try just don't expect it over night okay?"

"Deal." Red steps back and let's them in.

"We're in the middle of breakfast if you care to join us."

"Sounds good." Fireblaze states as shi walks in patting Red on the shoulder also being a male biased chakat. Streaker is the last to come in and glances down Red.

"You look good Red, fit."

"Visited the gyms at the clubs while we were away."

"Nice." Streaker gives hir a thumbs up. The trio find spots to sit at the table as Coal serves them breakfast.

"What are you doing here mom?" Dallie asked.

"Well we had to see our daughter after hir long trip and we have an announcement to make."

"Thanks...mom." Red replies get a smile from Sunspot.

"Well the announcement is that me and Fireblaze asked Streaker to be our den-mate and shi accepted." Both Dallie and Coal hugged and congratulated the trio. Sunspots sensed trouble from Red and asked.

"What's wrong Red?"

"Well your old enough to be hir mother or father."

"That's true but after some time living with us me and Fire fell in love with hir and shi with us."

"It's true Red. I came here having lost what little family I had left and Dallie and Fire open their homes then Sun and Fire opened their hearts how can you say no to that kind of love as you know."

"Ya I do. Just nevermind me, culture clash I have to get over." Red starts to turn away when she feels arms wrap around hir waist. A sniff reveal it to be Sunspot and shi feels Sunspots head rest on top of hirs.

"I won't nevermind you, you're my daughter and your opinion matters to me." Red grabs Sunspots hand.

"Thanks..mom, thanks for trying to understand."

"That's what mothers are for." Red thought of something and chuckled. "What?" Sunspot asks.

"Well, you give a whole new mean to the term cougar for me."

"Cougar? I don't look like a cougar."

"Where I come from cougar not only means a type of big feline but a female taking a much younger male as a boyfriend." Sunspot hugs Red saying, "My silly daughter" shi licks Red's muzzle. "I wouldn't trade you for anything." Red smiles. Sunspot might not have given birth to hir but it did matter, shi was Sunspot's daughter in Sunspots eyes and Red was starting to feel the same. Red then approached Streaker and extended hir hand.

"Welcome to the family..." With a glint in hir eye and an evil smile, "..uncle." Streaker took the hand and turn it into a hug.

"You troublesome little nephew, come here." Streaker then proceeded to noogie Red to the laughter of everyone.

After breakfast Dallie and Coal went to there jobs while Alexis and Red chatted with the trio for an hour more before they went home. Soon after Red drove Alexis to the club and while Alexis over saw the repairs to the club and the preparation of the new staff members (which they just barely got enough of), Red met with the sound crew to prepare for RS's arrival. Larsa certainly had to work hard to gather in all herm crew to assist in the club. The bulk of the equipment was lights and screens, shi would provide the keyboard and the programing. It took a couple of hours to get everything ready. Red pulled out hir keyboard and hooked into the system and did a small test to make sure things were working right. That done shi checks out the new club. The repairs and redesign were almost complete with just the finishing touches of paint, decorations, or equipment test had yet to be down as well as wait for the replacements to arrive. Red found the gym and grinned at the equipment there in the new wing since the building next the club was trashed so bad it had to be demolished. Sadly the owners of the store were killed and Red heard they were very kind to the club members. Going back to the main area she sees the herms who lived at the club return after living with their families, or with club members living outside the club like Alexis is doing with Red. Life was slowly returning to the club.

Hours later Red drove them home, with Alexis checking out hir room today it seems this will be hir last night with them. Red was sadden by that for shi enjoyed the wolf's company, well more reason to visit the club more. During dinner Alexis's announce hir return to living at the club to a tear filled group and they hugged hir wishing hir the best. Shi left the next morning with Red dropping hir off. Hugging the wolf Red said. "Don't be a stranger."

"I won't, thanks for everything." The wolf herm went into the club and fully assumed the leadership on this branch of the club.

A couple days pass and during one morning Coal went up to Red after Medallion left for work but dropping off Whirlwind with hir grandparents first. "Red I'm in heat and I have the next two days off so I'm all yours."

"I better get the Viagra then." Red said half jokingly as they head to Red's room. Red barely has time to shut the door when Coal is kissing hir passionately. Returning the kiss they pair starts groping each other. This continues for minutes before Coal showed hir rump to Red, hir pussy wet with need. "No." Coal loves back in shock when Red explains more. "I want to make this one special, lie on your back." Coal nods and lies down on hir back revealing hir light gray bellies to hir lover. "Beautiful." Red comments.

"I can say the same." Red then lays on top of coal as the kiss again and Red gropes Coal's breasts as shi enters hir love slowly. Groaning and purring in pleasure Red slowly pumps in and out of Coal. Both wrap there tails together making them one. Red tried to keep going slow but with Coals pheromones and the pleasure of their joining was too much for hir as shi starts thrusting faster. "YES my LOVE FASTER!" Red was only to happy to comply. Red thrust into Coal deep and both roared out in orgasmic pleasure and Red filled Coal with hir seed before collapsing on top of Coal. Licking Red's muzzle Coals states. "We have to try this position again love." Red only nods and in minutes they were at it again. Throughout the day they tries various positions and styles. They even did it while showering, but the most interesting thing Coal would note later was when they gave Red's cock a rest and Red allowed Coal to take the male role. When they first had to do this when Red went in heat it nearly broke hir. Now though shi seems nearly accepting of it though only with Coal and only when Coal hugs hir deeply. AS far as Coal knows Red has never taken the female role with anyone else but hir and Coal felt special because of it.

Dallie came home to find hir mate and sister passed out in Red's room with Red's cock still in Coals pussy. Shaking hir head at hir families antics shi closes the door and waited for hir parents to drop Whirlwind off. It took the smell of dinner to wake the sleeping pair and the ate and went at it again while Dallie and Whirlwind slept in Dallie's old room. Red and Coal were hardly seen the next day, mainly during the meal to which Coal announce shi was pregnant. Dallie congratulated them both but conceive didn't stop the pairs fun. There was a change at night when Coal grab Dallie and dragged hir into the room for some 3 way fun. Once again though is was mainly Coal having fun with Dallie while Red played with hir. Finally the trio fall asleep exhausted but sated.

Two days later was the reopening of the club and the entire family went to see it. Dallie setting up a camera to record for Larsa. Alexis went up to Red nervous. "Red I don't know if the musician is here?"

"Oh shi's here I saw hir not to long ago. Shi'll come out after your opening speech and I'll introduce hir okay?"

"Alright I just wish I could meet hir first?"

"Nope you won't but I'll talk to hir to see if you can later. I'll go and talk to hir now okay?" Alexis nods allowing Red to leave. Alexis then chatted with Sunspot and company till it was time. She heads back to the stage area and gets behind the mike. "Welcome everyone to the reopening of the New Minneapolis Hermaphrodite Haven. Many of us were harmed one way or another in the bombing," Alexis pauses for a moment of silence that all the members respected as the old ones remember the dead. "We have a memorial to those stolen from us and like a phoenix we arise stronger than ever!" This got cheers from the crowd. "Now Redstreak will introduce us to our entertainment tonight. COME ON OUT RED!" Red appeared from the right side of the stage wearing a leather jacket and walks up to to mike.

"Thanks Alexis." Looking over the crowd shi continues. "now the entertainment Alexis planned had to cancel I knew someone who could do this on short notice. Shi has never playued before a crowd before and shi hopes you will respect hir desire for privacy, Now without further ado I present." Red turns away from the crowd and unzips the jacket and swings around throwing the jacket to reveal a black T-shirt with the RS logo as the same logo appears on the screens bracketing the stage and on the screen above says 'WELCOME BACK DOUBLE H!' Shi than start playing on hir keyboard hir latest song (Angel Island Zone by Mindwipe, check out Mindwipe goes Sonic at mindwipestudios.info). Over half the crowd cheers as they recognizes who was playing for them. RS played 5 of hir new songs (All on previous said album) as the crowd danced and partied to hir tunes before shi took break to the claps and cheers of the crowd as a computer took over the music. As Red gets down from the stage shi hears. "YOU!" Looking over shi sees Alexis stomping towards hir with Dallie following behind. "You kept this from the the WHOLE TIME!"

"Wasn't the wait worth it though?"

"Hir reaction was sis." Dallie interjects, "Hir jaw was dropped for the entire first track. Don't worry I got a pic of it." Red looks back to the still fuming wolf and offered hir arm.

"Well Alexis you wanted to meet me, now you have me." Alexis takes the arm.

"You're still going to get it."

"Oh come on, what's life without surprises? Trust me I know." The rest of the night went well, Red did some more songs as RS before having a meal but as the night wore on the part dissolved. Most that remained were those you lived at the club and as Red puts hir stuff away preparing to leave Alexis Returns to hir and asks.

"Why RS?"

"It's truth hidden in the mystery." Alexis thins a bit then exclaims.

"Oh RS, RedStreak nice."

"Thanks, cya later Alexis." Red rejoins hir family and they all head home where Dallie reveals that Sunspot was pregnant with Streaker's kid and Streaker pregnant with Fireblaze's. Red just shook hir head and comments. "Looks like there will be a lot of birth parties in the future."

The months pass and Red loves the look of Coal heavy with hir child and would occasionally stroke the bloated belly causing Cal to smile. Two months before the child was due Dallie gave birth to twins. One had dark red fur on hir front and it slowly turned to black with green eyes thus shi was named Twotone, hir sister had a light green with black spots and Red eyes. They were going to name hir Camo for hir fur but hir trait on hopping on any and everything thus instead shi was called Hopper. Once again Red was assisting in feeding the cubs since she was excepting hir first kid. Sunspots and Streaker though beat Coal having a joint birth party. Sunspot gave birth to a cub with black fur with red stripes and gold eyes, at Red's suggestion shi was named Stovy for the looked like an old fashion stove. Streaker's cub had snow white fur with gold patches with brown eyes was named Sparkles. Finally the day arrived when it was Coals turn. It seemed the child didn't want to leave for it was nearly midnight when they moved to the guest room for the birth. Red was nervous this being hir first time in the prime positions. With Coal leaning on hir from the front shi sensed hir mates nervousness. "It will be okay Red,everything is fine." Chessboard was at Coal's nether region waiting to pick out the baby. Coal push with the contractions as Red encouraged hir to push. Soon their cub emerge and Chess cleaned the cub before handing hir to hir mother to feed and Red and Coal fed on each others milk, when down the check out their daughters feature's. She was cougar patterned except for that from hir muzzle down hir belly and on hir tail tip and the bottoms on hir feet and hand paws were grey. When shi finally open's hir eyes they will be gold and thus shi was named Sandrock, child of Coaldust and Redstreak.

December 2nd, 2335 Red was in the porch looking towards the sunrise in deep thought. Shi hears Footsteps coming towards hir and with hir empathy feels it to be Coal. "You okay love?" Coal asks.

"Just thinking." Coal takes a seat beside hir.

"You've been doing that a lot lately, on what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking of joining the Star Corps."

"Why love? Don't we have enough money, I know we aren't filthily rich but with us all combined we're not in need."

"I know and it isn't the money."

"But?" Red sighs before continuing.

"Coal, I've spent most of my life protecting people and protecting Alexis sparked a need for me to do it again. And when I was young I dreamed of going into space and here in this time and place some of the beings make that traveling a regular basis. With the Star Corps I could do both of those and yet not be gone for long periods of time, weeks at most. The kids have grown enough to be okay. Whirlwinds starts school next year and with Dallie's promotion shi's home more. I just want something to do more than being RS. And if I fail to make then at least I tried."

"You really want to do this don't you?" Red nods. Then Coal hugs Red close. "I'm going to miss you while your gone."

"Well maybe you can come sometime, I read they take on civilian contractors."

"I might." The two sat in silence as the sun rose through the snow covered woods.

Later after telling Dallie of hir intentions, to which Dallie wished hir the best shi called Commander Antilles. "Hello Shir Redstreak."

"Hello commander, I am interested in joining the Star Corps as security. Can you help me out?"

"Yes I can, I know you did security work where you came from is there anything else to add to it?"

"Well a couple years ago I did some body guard work for Alexis Timber and I have a carry permit for guns."

"Very well, let me look this up and I'll get back to you in a couple days."

"Until then Commander." Two days later the commander called and arranged a meeting between Red and a Star Corps Training instructor. Red drives to the local Star Corps facility and shi sees the commander out side.Next to the Commander was a tall feline with a tiger pattern fur in odd colors, tan and green.

"Shir Redstreak this is Lieutenant Zakane, one of our instructors. He test you out for the job." Red walked up to the tiger and craned hir head up. Shi was guessing this was a Rakshani. MAN THEY WERE BIG! Redstreak Stood straight and saluted the Lieutenant. "Sir." The rakshani returns the salute.

"Follow me Shir Redstreak." Red follows him into the building. "Your record said you work in private security?"

"Yes sir, 25 years ten of them as the chief."

"Since it stated you were building security that's where we'll focus today. You ever fire a phaser?"

"No sir, but check them out in on the net"

"We'll head to the firing range first."

Once there Red sees a tray with a phaser on it. At the lieutenant's nod shi heads over. Shi picks it up and examines the device's mechanism. She attaches the power supply and powers up the weapon aims, turns off the weapon's safety and fires*pause* fires twice *pause* fires six more times. While that was going on Zakane studied the chakat. Shi knew the procedure keeping the safety on till the last. Was able to figure out the basics of an unfamiliar weapon in a short time and a good shot if the target was any indication."Very good Shir Redstreak follow me." Redstreak detaches the power pack and follows Zanke down the corridor into and armory. There Zanke hands hir another hand phaser with a belt and a padd. "You have ten minutes to study the plans then head through those doors." He points to doors on the other side of the room. "leave the padd when done." Red nods and starts studying the information on the padd. It was blue prints for a building, looking like a lab of some kind. Shi studied what the security measures were. Ten minutes up shi puts down the padd and heads through the door. Shi walk down the corridor scanning the walls. Shi figures out shi is in the left wing of the complex. Shi walks in the direction to the center of the complex. Shi greets some of the beings walking by when and explosion rips through the building and klaxon begins. "You okay!?" Shi yells to the beings nearby.

"Yeah, but what's going on?"

"Don't know but stay with me." They nod and shi heads down the corridor till shi gets to a terminal. Clicking the intercom button shi asks. "This is guard Redstreak what's the situation ?"

"Redstreak we have a Human first raid in progress in the left wing heading to the center."

"I'm in the right wing with some civilians once I get them to safety I'll head your way."

"Acknowledge." Shi turns off the intercom and looks to the civilians with hir. "Okay follow me." Shi lead them through the wing with caution, thankfully not meeting any problem till they got to their destination. Opening the door Shi gestures in. "This is a safe room, you be safe here don't open until the all clear is given." They nod and shi shuts and locks the door and heads out again.

Shi slowly advanced occasionally running into those who have to be lab technicians. Shi orders then to get so a safe room and continues down. Shi finally gets to a corridor and shi hears a shot fired. Shi triesto use hir empathy but feels nothing so shi does it the old fashioned way and peeks around the corner and spots a human shooting and otter morph in the head. Red lifts up hir phaser and fires before leaning back using the corner as a shield. With no answering shot shi peeks over and sees the terrorist on the ground unmoving. Checking shi finds him dead and continues forward.

Shi hears phaser and gun fire and races towards it to find a pair of security guards taking fire while behind a hallway corner. Going to the opposite side Red yells. "How are you guys doing?"

"We manage to force them back everywhere but hear."

"I'm going to try to swing around them can you hold?"

"Yeah, good luck." Red nods and heads away. It took 5 minutes to approach the side of the terrorist. They were three of them, one handling the ammo with his back to hir. With a chomp on the collar cause him to passed out and shi takes out the other 2 with hir phaser. Shi and the guards join the rest of the security detail in pushing the terrorist back, passing the bodies of those the human fanatics killed. Finally they were force the terrorist through the opening the bomb created when Red notice a truck barreling toward the hole. With little time to think Shi unleashes 3 shots. One goes through the windscreen, another hits the grill, and the last a tire. The vehicle turned and tips to it's side before exploding. Red tried to brace hirself for the wave but it never came.

"Good work Redstreak." Zanke's voice comes out of speaker somewhere and Red opens hir eyes to see a blank room that was black with a gold grid. "Ah a holodeck." Shi thought in hir mind.

Zanke put hir through many more test of various kinds of security situations for hours before ending it. Zanke approached hir as shi had a meal. "We'll go over the results and will call you to let you know if you make it or not. Have a good day Shir Redstreak."

"Same to you sir." Zanke nods and walks away. When hir meal was done shi headed home and collapsed in hir bed from exhaustion. Shi found Coal by hir side with Twotone, Hopper, and Sandrock with hir. Smiling shi lick kisses Coal before laying back down. It was good to have family.

It was three days later when they received a call. Redstreak was to reports to Fort Timberwolf for further training. Coal hugged Red. "Congratulations love."

"Thanks Coal." Red head back into hir room to pack.

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 6

Weeks have past since Red came to training have been interesting. Do to hir previous experience shi didn't get the standard training but a more focused one. Shi has spent weeks learning ship operations and safety, laws and regulations of the...

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Song of the Sauia Chapter 4

Judith woke up the next morning feeling much cooler. Looks like the world had finally had enough of this heat. Judith gets up from her bed and goes over to the window. The sun was shinning and those darn faens chirping and a nice breeze blew into her...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 4

Red and Alexis relationship changed a bit after that weekend. They both slept naked together and even though Alexis got hir medication for her heat they still had a few romps. When Alexis talked to Coal over the vidphone the chakat chuckled at their...

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