Song of the Sauia Chapter 4

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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With Cerulean Haze AWOL for over 2 years i took it upon myself to try to finish the Sauia story. the original 4 chapters are here

Should Haze return, doubtful at this point I will deffer to Haze.

Judith woke up the next morning feeling much cooler. Looks like the world had finally had enough of this heat. Judith gets up from her bed and goes over to the window. The sun was shinning and those darn faens chirping and a nice breeze blew into her room. It will be nice to finally close the window though wish she could have done so days earlier. Then she would be stuck with eggs of a catlike being in her gut and that cat's mind merge with her own so she can't even consider herself truly Judith anymore. Even now she was an echo of Lyenu having a meal somewhere. Since there was no school today her mom has her help out with the farm her mom created. She gets on some work clothes as she feels in her head. Morning little one.

"Morning Lyenu. Don't have school today so don't expect me there."

I know little one, I got that from your mind.

"That is still so creepy."

You will have to get use to it little one. I will only get stronger as time goes on.

"AS far as you know Lyenu. I plan to find a way to beat this super maternal instinct and find way to safely remove the eggs. I'll tell the authorities of your plight and you can find someone willing to be bonded to you." She feels guilt and sadness through their bond and it disturbs her to. Getting up from the bed to face the window again. "Look Lyenu I'm mad at the situation not you. I wish there was a better solution."

So do I little one.

"Stay safe Lyenu."

I will little one, I have six reasons to live.

<Six?> she thought, <There are five eggs, she surely can't mean me. I'm just a baby carrier for her.> Judith felt the lie in the statement from Lyenu. Driving those thoughts from her mind she heads down to eat. After all she's eats for many now. Going down the stairs she sees her dad heading out to work at the shop. "Bye dad."

"Bye honey." he manages to say as the door closes behind him. Sitting down at the table her mother set down a plate of food for breakfast.

"Looks like it will be a good day to work on the crops."

"Thank the deities at least we have shade in the house. Working the crops in that heat? That's cruelty." Her mother nods as Judith chows down on her meal.

"Well did you sleep good after your thing last night?" Judith blushes remembering what her mother thought she did last night. Judith just nods and her mother continues. "Well it is certainly one way to exhaust yourself to sleep." She chuckles as Judith facepalms and blushes more in embarrassment and Lyenu is no help as she is amused by the conversation. Finally done with her meal she and her mom wash and dry the dishes then put put on visors to shield their eyes from the sun and they head out to work on the crops.

The heat was not kind to the crops either. The various fruits and vegetables were all wilted and in need of water. Judith and her mother did what they could but the thing really need they couldn't provide so the quit early and Judith headed in to the shaded woods to relax and and read a book she was interested in. A couple hours pass by and She hears movement in the woods. She looks up from her book scanning the woods when she hears in her mind. It's just me little one. Lyenu emerges from the woods and lays next to Judith. "Why are you here Lyenu?"

Use your mind Little One. Judith wait for Lyenu to continue but after a few minute she sign and tried. She finds the area where there thoughts and feelings intersect after the speed bump of the wall she put up to retain her identity and she finds the Sauia's explanation. Besides hunting for her self she only has to protect Judith and the eggs and convince Judith to speak to the eindriel on the Sauia's behalf. Judith sigh and went back to reading her book. A fantasy about a lion that a taur body where her legs were supposed to be and how she or shi was the author points out lived being that way. This Doove guy certainly had an imagination.

After a few hours she closes the book with her current issue eating away her interest in the book. Returning her book to her room she grabs a money bag and heads out. Lyenu did follow her till the woods ended and she bet the Sauia was watching her still. Yes I am Little One. Judith heads to the town library and began searching for anything to help. Thankfully the super maternal instinct hasn't shown up. Grabbing various books on medical, technical, and magical theories and practices. The librarian raised an eyebrow at her.

"Research for a school project." Judith explained. Signing out the books she heads back home. Putting most of the books in her room she grabs a medical book and returns to the grove of trees and began reading. Lyenu returned licking her paws, obviously she just had a meal and lays next to Judith as she continues to read. She tries to understand what she is reading but she is still in school and medical field wasn't where she was planning to go to. Her focus on trying to understand the book it took her while to notice the increasing feeling of pleasure. Confused she looks up from the book and hearing purring she looks over to Lyenu she sees her hand stroking the Sauia's fur. She lifts her hand up in shock and Lyenu comments.

That felt good please don't stop Little One. Judith stared at her hand and through her mind the realization of what just happened hit. 's okay Little One. This does not help as Judith puts her book down and begins rocking, her eyes looking forward but not seeing anything. Sensing her bond mates distress Lyenu gets up and nuzzles and licks the eindriel's face. While Lyenu wouldn't change meeting Judith, she has grown quite fond of the young eindriel she hates the fact that she and her races desperation is the cause of her bond mate's suffering. The Sauia doesn't believe her elders took the einfriel thinking fully into account. Yes they would have a better survival rate but the force binding seems to be having a larger affect then among common beasts. She can only hope it won't be this bad for volunteers. Both Judith and Lyenu cured fates for making this situation what it is. Judith eventually got up took her book and head back to home. Lyenu let her go for no matter where the einfriel goes she can not run from their bond as the presence of her bond mate is always in their mind though though the side of them that was Judith is desperately trying to keep her identity as it was and Lyenu will let it slight...for now. But one day she'll have to confront Judith on it and she thinks that will be among the hardest days she'll ever have to go through. She prays her children will never have to make such a choice.

As night starts to fall Judith heads up to her room after dinner Judith headed back up to her room to read another book and hopefully wouldn't have another episode like this afternoon. She goes over to her candle and tries to light it but her flint wasn't working well and minutes she was frustrated. Huffing she tosses her flint on the desk and sits in the chair before she feels Lyenu again. What's the trouble Little One?

"The darn flint isn't working so I can't light my candle." Judith feels Lyenu search her thoughts for understanding and frowns when she feels Lyenu's chuckles.

This is easy Little One you can use our magic. Focus on the candle and project heat towards it. Sighing Judith decides she has nothing to lose she looks at the candle and thinks heat.....and nothing happens for over a minute.

"It's not working."

Try again Little one, focus. Shaking her head Judith closes her eyes lifts her hand towards the candle and thought. <Light candle.> She stoof there with her eyes closed for a minute before peeking an eye open. The candle was lit! It's flame proud and strong. She did it! She feels Lyenu's approval and pride at Judith's success. Judith then grabbed a book and began reading till she grew tired. Blowing out the candle she strips and climbs into bed thankful to be able to pull her on sheets after days of heat and she falls asleep content.

Judith awoke with a great need, a need she was familiar with. Those darn eggs were bothering her again. Not wanting to endure what she did the last time she made no hesitation in calling Lyenu. "Lyenu...I Need you."

I am coming Little One, make sure your window is open. Judith forced her self up. Unable to stop her claw from playing with her pussy she goes and checks the window. It was open, so she head back to her bed to wait for Lyenu.

It took Lynenu a few minutes but soon she was climbing through the window. Ah I see Little One, I'll service you.

Judith assumed the position again commenting.

"The eggs have lousy timing. I was sleeping so well." Judith feels amusement from Lyenu.

You weren't the only one who's sleep was interrupted. Judith feels Lyenu make a couple of thrusts before finding her pussy. She can't help but purr in relief as she feels Lyenu drive deep into her. Soon Judith's nipples peak as she thrust up as Lyenu thrust down as the mating continued. Soon both nuzzle each other as the pleasure and lust take over. The last time couldn't compare for then they were still mentally separate. Now joined as they were they easily felt one another's pleasure. Soon any and all thought left both of them as the pleasure increased and soon Lyenu thrusts deep and her cock locks in and both cum as an orgasm rips through both of them. Judith manages to shift a bit so her filling belly wouldn't be so uncomfortable this time. They both laid there joined body and mind unconscionably purring and panting for minutes as the eggs soaked in Lyenu's seed.

That was amazing wasn't it Little One? Breathlessly Judith answered.

"Y..eee...sss." Slowly reason thinking returns to Judith to discover a problem. If Lyenu pulls out now it would create quite a mess on her bed. "Ummm Lyenu could you hold off on pulling out?"

Why Little One? Lyenu asks with amusement.

"Well I don't want a huge mess on my bed."

You have a solution?

"There's an empty pot in my closet I can dump it in."

How do we get to it?

"Could you lift yourself up just a bit?" Judith feels Lyenu move up an inch making a burst of pleasure through both of them. Judith then rotates so she is now belly to belly with Lyenu both purring again from the pleasure it caused. "now lower yourself again." Lyenu does as she asks making the lioness a bit uncomfortable as her bloated belly is sandwiched. Judith then wraps her arms and legs around the sauia. "Okay head to the closet." Lyenu stands up and carefully gets off the bed not wanting to harm Judith and the eggs and she walks to the closets. Her sway causes both pleasure again but they manage to get to the closet and Judith grabs the pot and positions it under their joined crouches.

"Okay, pull out." When Lyenu's cock leaves Judith squats over the pots and lets loose feeling the pleasure on her stomach emptying though sadly not completely. It was then that both heard the thunder. Both look at the window to see heavy rain pouring down and flashes of lightning. Judith races with the pot and dumps it out the window as the wind picks up and blows towards Judith she manages to close the window with her naked chest only a little damp. "I'm not letting you head out there in that weather."

Is that concern for me Little One?

"If you die I'll die after going mad with lust, so yes it is." Looking at her hard wood floor she sighs. She lays down on the bed and pat the mattress. Lyenu understood the gesture and climb in the bed. Licking Judith's muzzle she lays down hugging her eindriel.

Good night Little One. Yawning Judith returns it and the pair fall asleep, their issues saved for another day.

Song of the Sauia Chapter 5

Judith felt warmer then usual on her bed. Not a good thing considering the recent heatwave. She moved her hand and felt fur not her own. Lyenu, the magical feline had slept with her since the storm came in last night. She could sense the Sauian still...

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