Tales of Redstreak Chapter 4

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#10 of Chakat Universe

Red's tour ends with hir meet some famous people.

Red and Alexis relationship changed a bit after that weekend. They both slept naked together and even though Alexis got hir medication for her heat they still had a few romps. When Alexis talked to Coal over the vidphone the chakat chuckled at their antics and was a bit jealous of Alexis have that kind of time with Red. Well maybe more envious than jealous considering hir and Red's mateship was fairly new and shi wanted to join in. Exhausting the branches in the GNA the pair heads to Australia.

AS the head out of the spaceport Red proclaims. "HOLY CRAP! IT'S HOT HERE! I think I might melt any second!"

"Oh come on Red! It isn't that bad." Grinning at hir friends antics shi continues. "And most of the Chakats on the planet live here."

"They're insane, they must be insane." Alexis couldn't help but chuckle at Red. Though shi'll be glad to be in the PTV and turn on the AC. Putting their stuff in the rent PTV they head to the Melbourne Double H Club. "I am curious Alexis."

"On what?"

"The PTVs, are they all electric?"


"So the environmental wackos finally won and forced everyone to drive electric."

"Not true, why would you say that?"

"Back in my time they were trying to forced people into those cars despite the disaster of the Volt. Let the marketplace decide not the idiots in political power the fun cars that cost too much don't go far and take a long time to charge."

"Well people aren't forced to Red, there are gas using vehicles around. Most of the companies build variations of the PTV and they're all fully customizable."

"Well still not happy with that but maybe it's just me and my old ways." Red grumbled.

"Maybe." Alexis chimed then shi hugged Red's upper torso. "But I wouldn't change it one bit."


They arrive the the Double H and Red enters first seeing a rabbit morph at the front desk. The Rabbit look up from whatever shi was doing, smiled and said. "Welcome to Hermaphrodite Haven, I'm Francine Vice President of this branch. "A VP that greets to." Grinning shi looks behind her to Alexis who has just come through the door. "I didn't know you had family here?" Alexis burst out laughing at the remark as Francine stood there a little confused.

"I'm I missing something?" Fran asks as but Red and Alexis start to laugh. Finally managing to control hirself Alexis approached Fran.

"I'm Alexis Timber the new President of our New Minneapolis Branch and I did the same thing. The comedian next to me is Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze." Red stuck hir tongue out at hir friend. "So mature, especially for a 40 year old."

"Call it my midlife crisis." Red retorted causing Alexis to chuckle.

"Well we were told to expect you. Will Redstreak be join ing you?"

"Nope shi's just here to protect me. Have fun Red."

"Only if I don't melt first." Red comments as Fran leads Alexis to their president.

Red went into the main area and quickly found the gym and spent an hour there before heading back up. After getting a cool drink Red lounged on a couch relaxing the best shi could. The AC wasn't on high enough to suit hir. Shi had almost dozed off when shi felt a weight land on hir couch. "Hi your new here my name is Tavitiana but my friends call be Tavi. Why do you have a gun and.." The collie morph said in a hyper accented voice. Red grabbed and shut hir muzzle.

"Switch to decaf Tavi." Letting go of the collie's muzzle shi continued. "I'm Redstreak, and I'm here on business as a bodyguard."

"Oh, cool, and I'm not on caffeine I'm just naturally perky. You're not Australian are you? Your accent isn't right.'

"I'm from America." Red takes a sip from hir drink. 'you guys don't keep it cold enough in here, it's hard to cool down."

"Where in the GNA?'

"Minnesota." Tavi just gives hir a confused look.

"New Minneapolis."

"Ah, so it would be hot here for you. Why don't you try the pool. It's a great way to cool down."

"But I didn't bring any swim ware." Tavi grins at hir.

"The pool and the green room are the place where it is fine to be nude. The kids kinda forced it that way. Come on I'll show you." The little collie lead Red to the elevator, up a few floors and through a small corridor opening a door to a alrge pool area. "You can store your things in the locker over there and there are blankets next to it. They're our showers on the other side of the door for the chlorine. Now I wait to go back and wait for some friends and enjoy!" the collie hops away and Red glances at the pool before heading over to the lockers. Paying for the locker she puts hir gun shirt and equipment belt in and puts the waterproof key around hir neck. Dipping into the pool shi sighs in the cooling pleasure of the pool. Shi swam for a few minutes thanking God that Breaks taught hir how to swim in a six legged form. Finally shi goes to the edge of the pool and leans hir upper torso against the concrete as hir lower torso floated in the pool. Soon hir eyes were closed and shi almost purrs at the relaxation till a voice broke it.

"Now that's a relaxed cat." Opening hir eyes and looking to the left Red sees a cougar furred chakat with waist length blond hair sticking to hir since shi had a swim as well. "G'day mate I'm chakat Goldfur, child of Longstripe and Desertsand."

"Chakat Redstreak, nice to meet you."

"Your from America aren't you, I can tell by the accent my mate is from there. Do chakats there not give their parents names in the greeting?"

"Doh!" Red facepalms. 'My apologies I was just recently adopted so I have to remember to include them. I'm the Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze."

'What about your birth parents?" Red's smile fades away as shi looks down .

"Gone, for a long time gone." Red feels a hand on hir shoulder as Goldfur says.

"I'm sorry Redstreak."

"It's okay, some wounds never fully heal but my new family is very good at treating the pain."

"I know the feeling. I lost my daughter Stonefur in the first of the Human First riots last year."

"How old?"

"Shi and hir twin Greypaws were barely a year old when that happened. Thank the Makers that Lupu survived."

"Those monsters, Humanity never seems to remember for long. I'm so ashamed of them."


"Long story, so what do you do for a living?" Grateful for the change of subject Goldfur answers.

"I am a technician with the Star Corps, fixing everything that is broke you?"

"Currently as a bodyguard for my Double H's President as shi recruits replacements for our branch."


"I'm from Minneapolis." Goldfur winces having heard of the bombing that happened there.

"So what about before that?"

"Worked at the home I live with my mate Coaldust, our co-mate Medallion and my niece Whirlwind."

"Nice, so how do you like Australia so far?"

"I'll give one guess why I'm in this pool." Goldfur grins and answers.

"You were a little warm and needed to cool off? Malena was the same way when she moved here." Red snorted.

"A little, and Malena?"

"My first mate, I met her during shore leave one time and we clicked. Her mother was open to me but then Malena left the village and though I didn't know it without her mother's blessing hurt her mother didn't speak about her and things became icy between me and my mother in law. Thus she lived with me and my sister adapting I later met her brother when he heard what happened. Turned out he was a technician in the Star Corps as well and after a tour together we also fell in love and he became my second mate."

"Ouch not the best start for a family."

"True but after sending her pictures of her grandchildren mellowed her a bit. Enough for us to visit and after playing with her granddaughter and seeing us together helped some more. The final straw was when I gave birth to my and Garrek's daughter. She asked us to visit and there she apologies for her treatment of us and ask Malena to return home since Garrek and I are on ship tours a lot. Malena refused the offer though having made a life for herself here though on occasion we'll drop her off to spend time with her parents before going on tour. How about you?"

"I just have one, Coaldust. Shi and Medallion helped me through a traumatic time and after the bombing I agreed to be hir mate."

"And Sunspot and Fireblaze?"

"Medallion's parents, the accepted me as a daughter from day one but I wasn't ready for that yet, but I since changed my mind. A second brush with death will do that to you."

"So this is where you went to Goldie?" A voice interrupts them. Red looks to see a jaguar furred chakat with shoulder length black hair and an impressive rack of breasts. Both stare at each other's breasts for a full minute before Goldfur breaks it.

"Enough staring at hir breasts sis before you both have an accident." It was then that Red noticed hir cock peeking out. Desperately trying subdue hir pending erection shi greets the chakat.

"Hi, I'm Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze."

"Chatkat Forestwalker, child of Desertsand and Longstripe." For a couple of hours the trio talked. It seems Forest as shi prefers to be called was a regular attender of the club and dragged hir older sister here for a break from career and family. Finally though the rumblings of there stomachs brings them out of the pool. After wash up and drying Red grabs hir gun belt first than pulls on hir Stars and Stripes T-shirt (A gift from Dallie) and joins the sisters to the diner for dinner. They were just sitting down at a table when Red notice Alexis and waved hir over. After introductions the group decided on meals and gave their orders. Goldfur and Red continued their conversation, mainly about the Star Corps while Forest and Alexis talked about local things and Double H club business. After a hearty dinner (Red had a huge plate of hard shell tacos) the group split up with Goldfur and Forest heading home while Red and Alexis head up to their room. They strip and cuddle to the small surprise of Alexis since they've become very intimate after the heat incident but after a long exhausting day shi fell asleep fast. Although equally exhuasted Red couldn't sleep yet. Hir mind can't stop thinking about Goldie's relationship with Malena and her brother. During diner Goldie hinted that Malena may want a child by her brother and Goldie didn't really see a problem with that. Yes Goldie acknowledge that repeated incest would be bad for a bloodline but once wouldn't and it would be between the hir fox mates on that. Finally though sleep got the better of hir and hir head rested against Alexis' neck.

Late the next morning Red wakes up to an empty bed. Alexis must be in a meeting again. Shi thinks. Shi gets up to shower than have breakfast before leaving the room. Still troubled by yesterday and knowing calling Dallie and Coal at this hour would not be good shi grabs hir belt and heads out into Melbourne. Shi wandered aimlessly till one place caught hir eye. A modest building with a sign saying it was the Down Under Community Church. Shi admits shi wasn't much of a church goer in hir old life but shi always found church such as these non to little affiliation the best. These past few years shi has gone to church not sure how they would react to hir and during that suicidal phase had little faith in God but troubled as shi was shi was willing to gamble again. Taking out a T shirt to cover hir breasts shi heads in thankfully for the AC again. Shi steps into the auditorium and looks around, not a bad setup for it's size, simple, yet elegant.

"May I help you Shir?" Red looks behind hir to seea man in his forties, maybe fifties in a simple but comfy out fit of a T shirt and slacks. He extends his hand and says."Sorry if I startled you, I'm Brandon Spencer. This is my church." Red takes the hand and replies.

"Chakat Redstreak, I came here looking for advice if you don't mind?"

"Why would I mind?"

"Well I wasn't sure how a church would accept me?"

"Well I admit I don't have any chakats in my flock I do have a few morphs and I consider them all children of God no matter how they originate. Come into my office and let's see what troubles you." He lead hir to a an office behind the auditorium. Setting hir rump down on the floor next to the guest chair shi waits for him to sit behind his desk.

"Well I think I'll start by saying this. I wasn't raised like a chakat but closer to human norms and some christian beliefs so when somethings in chakat culture, maybe in some of the other morph cultures that seem to conflict with those beliefs I'm not sure what to do."

"Not the first time I've been asks this though it's normally by humans. The Bible was written well before morphs ever existed and I know some use the verses on bestiality to bully and threaten mix matings but I try to keep an open mind a bit and love the most important commandment. 'love your neighbor as yourself.' It's ultimately between them and God but one thing I do notice about chakat relationships is that they are the most stable despite how many are in the group for lack of a better term and the handful that I see that breakup do so on good terms, so maybe chakats got it right I honestly don't know. I will say this you Chakats seem to embodied the church tenant of loving one another." Red nods with things clearer for hir.

"Thanks pastor that does help."

"Glad I could help. Will I see you here on Sunday?"

"Nope, I'm only here a couple of days before leaving for the next city before heading back home in America."

"Well may God bless your journey, here's my contact info if you need to talk again." They link their padds and exchange contact info.

"May God bless your day pastor, goodbye."

"Goodbye Redstreak." Red leaves the church with a clearer mind shi heads back to Double H. After heading back shi spent more time at the gym before heading back up to the room taking off hir shirt and relaxes. After lunch shi took a nap only to be awaken by Alexis.

"Red, Time to go Goldie's expecting us." Stretching Red remembers that Goldie invited them over for dinner today. Getting into the rented PTV the pair head over to a large one story house. As Red and Alexis get out two small blurs races towards them to reveal a pair of Chakat cubs who began sniffing the newcomers.

"Snowcloud, Patchwork get back here!" Red looks up to see a wolftaur female trot down.

"It's okay they remind me of my niece Whirlwind." Red says as shi picks up a tortoise furred cub who is fighting to be let down but years dealing with normal cats allowed Red to find the sweet spot to hold the cub. "And who's this?"

"That is Patchwork, the one playing with your friends tail is Snowcloud and I'm Lupu."

"Redstreak and Alexis, Goldfur invited us to dinner."

"Well come in then." The pair heading and they meet Garrek a BRIGHT red foxtaur and Kris and Trina, a pair of anthro foxes one red one artic. They Also met Midnight and all black chakat with lovely blue eyes. Midnight turned out to be Forest's Denmate soon to be lifemate. After some greetings the group sat down and exchanged stories. Kris and Trina met Forest when Kris had an accident while hiking and the two grew to love each other and became mates, though the seriousness of the injures the pair was airlifted away and Forest didn't see them again but a few years later they reunited during a hike and they found out how much the three had in common the fox pair decided to become Forest denmates and also soon to be lifemates since the clicked so well. Midnight met Goldfur first on a ship since Midnight was a security/scout on board and while friendly with each other they weren't mating material for each other but Midnight had a deep need to start a family so Goldfur introduced hir to Forest during a hike (the same hike where Forest was reunited with Kris and Trina) And found out to like similar things and their personalities clicked. Midnight was male biased while Forest is female biased. Lupu was the newest member of the family. She was exiled from her pack and not a hunter by trade she was starving when she stubbled upon the Motain Glade village and it happen to be at a time where Goldfur was visiting and the chakat helped the wolftaur get a meal and bring her into hir home. Grateful Lupu offered to carry Goldfur's child. Goldfur said no offhand but stated that Chakat's have children with those they love and offered Lupu to be hir denmate which Lupu accepted.

Alexis told hir story which shi'd admit not as exciting. The family was curious about Red though and ask hir story. Red sighed and looked to Alexis. "Alexis could you tell them?" The wolf nods and Red goes to play with the cubs. Alexis looks carefully at the family ans seriously says.

"What I say here doesn't go beyond your family. Red's story is still fairly painful for hir and I don't know all the details, I think only Medallion and Coaldust do." Alexis then proceeded to tell the company on Redstreak's origins. The family was shocked and dismayed at what happened to Red. Then it turn to admiration at hir determination to live as a chakat now. Forest did get up to check on the kids and to see most of them playing with Red. Sensing the approaching chakat Red turns and Forest sees a serious determination with a hint of pain in the strange red eyes.

"I don't need your pity, I just need time to heal." Forest closes in and hugs Red.

"No pity just friendship, friendship and love can heal lot of wounds."

"That's true. Dallie and Coal proved that well. Figures that it takes a second near death experience to knockout my fears, stubbornness, what ever you want to call it and fully accept what they offered. Both them and Dallie's parents."

"You mean your parents."

"I'm still getting use to that so forgive the goofs. Heck my niece is technically my daughter so I'm allowed some grace there."

"The important thing is that you have a family that loves you and you have made more friends tonight. So no more depression."

"Yes ma'am." Red gives Forest a mock salute. Noting how late is was getting Alexis and Red try to head back to the club but the family wouldn't have it. Before either guest could respond the duo was lifted and carried to the main bedroom. Kris and Trina got to try out Alexis while Red was smothered by the taurs. Having no chance for the remnants of hir human beliefs to object shi was drawn into a taur orgy to which shi'll remark later. "Thank God I wasn't in heat then." Eventually everyone ended up in a big furpile and slept the night away.

After a hearty breakfast Alexis and Red said goodbye to their new friends and head back to the club. They stay two days more and Red met more of Forest herm friends before moving on to the next branch. They pair visited 3 more branches before they were on the way home when Alexis got a call. "Timber here."

"Alexis, I've got bad news. The wacky sisters can't make the reopening."

'What why?"

"The ship they were touring had a engine malfunction. It won't be repaired on time and none of the ships near them will get here either."

"Crap! Well thanks for telling me Stephi, gives me a little more time to find a replacement."

"Good luck boss." Alexis sighs as shi hangs up.

"Heard that call so this band was to be at the reopening of the club?" Red asks.

"Yes, and it will be hard to find an all herm band this close to reopening." Red thinks on this before shi decides to take a gamble.

"I know a herm that is open but shi likes to keep hir identity secret so shi doesn't do appearances but I may be able to talk hir into coming out for this."

"If you can I'll be grateful Red."

"I'll call when we get back home."

When they arrive at the airport Red sees Coal running to hir and the lion pattern chakat opens hir arms as hir mate hugs hir deeply. "I missed you Red."

"I missed you to Coal, but I had good company. Did Dallie take good care of you?"

"Yes so good I got hir knocked up."


"And here I though me and Dallie were the males of the group?"

"I wanted the pleasure of siring a child and give Dallie the pleasure of baring one. Unless you were willing to."

"No way, I haven't gotten that far yet. Well congrats." Red and Alexis claim their luggage and head home.

Later that night in the privacy of hir room Red called Larsa. "Hey Red how was the trip."

"Fun and enlightening. Larsa I need you to get in contact with Alexis, head of the Double H branch in my city. RS is going to make a cameo there but only there and I want it to be a surprise even for Alexis, can you do that?"

"Yes though it will be hard not to tell hir who it is. I wish I could see it."

"I'll make sure that Coal or Dallie film it for you but only for you got it?" Grinning Larsa replies.

"I got it, now what equipment do you need?" The two spent and hour going over there side of the details. Eventually Red called Coal into hir room.

"Yes Red?"

"Coal, I had sexual relations with Alexis, and with Goldfur's family. Alexis started because of hir heat and the loss of hir pills but we continued after that and Goldfur, well I had no control there." Coal gets close and lick kisses Red's muzzle.

"It's okay Red this is just your old ways interfering with a good thing. We chakats have a more open relationship than most other species. But if it will make you feel better." Coal steps back and raises hir right hand. " I Chakat Coaldust swear to allow Redstreak one of my loves and mates full permission with anyone shi wishes." Shi looks at Red again sees tears in hir eyes. "Will that satisfy you?" Red walks up to Coals and grabs hir head with both hands.

"Does this answer your question?" Red then passionately kisses Coal for three minutes before breaking off and Coal replies. "Hmmm not sure I think I need a clearer answer."

"Oh I'll give you a clearer answer." Red then pulls Coal onto the mattress and the emotions from the two chakats cause a little orgy in the house.

Laying on the mattress with Coal laying on top of hir both stroking each other. "Coal, I'm ready to have a child with you."

"Mmmmm, good thing my heats in a few days. Should I expect Alexis to be a co-mate soon?"

"Not sure, we became close during the travel but neither of us offered it. I'll just see what the future brings." Coal then begins to suckle on Red's nipple. "Aren't you sated yet?"

"Nope, and just think how much better it will be during my heat."

"I'm going to need Viagra!"

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 5

The next day saw Alexis talking with Larsa on the details of the concert. Red smirks behind the wolf as shi moves into the living room. And meets hir twin. "Quite a homecoming last night huh?" Red blushes as the twins hear Coal laugh from the kitchen....

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Debbie Chapter 5

Finding a secluded clearing she sat down and looked inward. \<Okay cat let's have a talk. What is your problem with Jezeca's pack?\> \<They're wolves they always hate us and try to destroy us. It's are survival I'm concerned about.\> \<Has Jezeca...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

She felt a throbbing in hir head and that shi was lying on hir backs. Daring to open hir eyes shi finds Coaldust by hir side holding hir hand. Medallion was behind hir with Medallion's parents behind that. "Hey everybody." Red says weakly. Everyone...

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