Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#9 of Chakat Universe

After the bombing Red makes a great leap...in more ways than one

She felt a throbbing in hir head and that shi was lying on hir backs. Daring to open hir eyes shi finds Coaldust by hir side holding hir hand. Medallion was behind hir with Medallion's parents behind that. "Hey everybody." Red says weakly. Everyone moves closer and Coaldust asks.

"How you feeling Red?"

"Head hurts, but are you okay? What about Whirlwind.?"

"Look at your legs." Red looks down and sees hir niece curled up by hir lower torso sleeping. Laying back down Red says.

"That's good, the pain is worth it."

"You scared me Red. I thought I lost you for a bit." Coal said.

"Shi's barely left your side since the bombing." Sunspot said.

"Then again most of us haven't left much either. Only Dallie has because of Whirlwind." Fireblaze interjects. Red feel the love from all of them and it touched hir deeply. The door opens and Breaks-a-leg shows up with Chakat Streaker, the male biased Chakat the helped Red during hir transition from male to herm.

"Told ya shi'd be fine." Breaks comments to Streaker.

"I wasn't the one who made a bet against you I agreed. Red is a tough chakat."

"Well my head at least, though it feels like someone is playing drums up there."

"Well at least you didn't break a leg." Everyone groans and Breaks pun.

"Well Streaker what are you doing here." The tall blue and yellow color chakat's features droop and emits great sadness.

"I came to confirm that my sister was indeed dead. Shi and hir mate were caught in the blast."

"Oh! MAKERS! Do your parents know?"

"No they're dead. They had me and my sister late in life and died years ago. Shi and hir mate were the only family I had left." Everyone except Whirlwind (who was still sleeping) and Red hugged Streaker.

After a few minutes the group hug breaks and Sunspot says.

"Streaker please stay with us, You shouldn't be alone in this." Streaker is speechless at list and doesn't respond for a bit until Red interjects.

"Just go with it. This group is a stubborn lot, trust me I know."


"You won't regret it." Sunspots says. The door opens again and Larsa appears.

"Oh goodness I came as soon as I could." The foxtaur looks over Red. "You don't look to bad."

"My head hurts and a little sore on my upper back." Looking over to Coaldust. "How long was I out?"

"Three days."

"Not bad." A grumbling from Red's stomach interrupts hir. Shi looks at everyone with a sheepish grin till the door opened once again. This time a nurse came in.

"Oh good your awake, I'll tell the doctor." She leaves and a few minutes later a doctor comes in and stats checking Red's head and Eye reaction.

"Well Shir Redstreak your doing well for someone hit in the head from a flying building. There's signs of a light concussion but we like to keep here for a couple more days to be sure."

"Alright but can someone get me something to eat, I'm starving." That causes chuckles from everybody and the doctor leaves to inform the nurse to bring some.After an okay meal (It's hospital food people) the group starts to leave to give Red some rest. Medallion, Coaldust, Whirlwind and Medallion's parents all kiss hir good night and after answer a call from nature Red heads to bed pondering something profound.

Red spent 2 more days at the hospital before they decided shi was okay. Though the doctor told Medallion and Coaldust to keep an eye on Redstreak for the next week. Coaldust drove them home since Medallion had to work today. "It's sad Coal. In 300 years and hospital food still tastes awful, can't wait to have some of your meals." Coal chuckles at Red's rant but shi did notice something interesting. Red just called hir by hir nickname Coal instead of Coaldust, shi's never done that before.

"A little forwarning Red. Dallie's parents have been staying since the bombing as well as Alexis since her place went up when the truck hit."

"Ouch is shi okay?"

"Yes shi was away when the club was hit. With no where to go we offered our place."

"Alright so we'll be crowded for awhile. No big deal." When they got home Red saw Alexis at the dinner table looking over stuff. Shi looked up and saw Red and smiled.

"Hey Red, good to see you up and about."

"We both got lucky." Red put hir hand on Alexis's shoulder.

"I know it's hard but you can survive and rebuild, trust me." Alexis grabs Red's hand and nods. The rest of the day Red spent playing with Whirlwind and relaxing, though shi called Larsa to tell her shi was taking a break from composing for a bit. Larsa said she understood and hope shi has a restful break. Things were busy in the crowded house but the inhabitants were content to happy. Just before dinner Red stood up and chimed hir glass. "Everyone I haven some things to say." After a pause shi continues. "I've had time to think since my second brush with death and I made some conclusions." Putting the glass and fork down shi grabs Coal's hand. "Coal, will you be my denmate?" All the chakats felt Coal's happiness as shi leaps and hugs Red hard. It took everything Red had not to be tipped over by it. "I'll take that as a yes." Looking over Coal's shoulder at Dallie's parents and asks. "Is that adoption offer still open?"

"Of course...Daughter." Fireblaze says and looks at hir lifemate they both grin and engulf red in a hug causing the overloaded chakat to fall over.

"GET OFF! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME BEFORE YOU CAN ADOPT ME!" Red says half jokingly making everyone laugh as the 3 chakats finally let their new mate/ daughter get up.

As they finally start eating dinner the general mood of the group was up, while not unharmed by the bombing it could have been far worse.

After dinner most of the adults chatted but Red and Coal went to their room to consummate the union. Though not planning a child just yet since neither are in heat. Red shuts the door behind and as shi turns shi is hugged and kissed passionately by Coal which shi returns. Despite the added lungs they still eventually need to come up for air and they reluctantly break off the kiss. "I'm sorry it took me so long Coal."

"That past couple of years haven't been easy for you Red. I didn't want to force you into anything and the wait was worth it." They resumed their kissing and they grope eachother's breasts. Coal then turns hirself around and presented hir vent to Red. Red climbs on top and slowly enters Coal and both moan in the pleasure it gives them. Red slowly humps in and out. This was an act of love not need so they took their time. Red eventually groped Coals breasts and Coal swings hir head back and they kiss again. Red slowly goes faster and hir instincts drive hir. They twist their tales together and Red squeezes Coal's breasts causing Coal to moan in hir mouth. Soon the pleasure is too much and the orgasm together. They couple a few more times before the lay exhausted on the bed. "Definitely worth the wait." Coal says breathlessly as the new couple fell asleep.

A few days later the entire family and friends were at the memorial for all those lost in the bombing. There wasn't a dry eye in the group as the names of the lost ones were told. The only blessing Red saw was that their close group of friends was intact but shi knew some of the dead. After the service the group went home and had a personal consoling time with eachother. Nothing like therapeutic sex to make one appreciate life. The next day Sunspot and Fireblaze decided to go home and Streaker was going with them. They seemed to get along well and it would be one less mouth to feed. However the do stop at the city hall and formally adopt Redstreak as their daughter.

A couple days later later Alexis was at the table reading something as Red walked up. "Hey Alexis, whatca reading?" Alexis looks up and gives Red a sad smile.

"It's official, I'm the new branch manager. This is not how I wanted it."

"No one ever does."

"Well I have to find replacements for the staff we lost so I'm going on a tour of the other branches to find people interesting in a job here. But with Tamira in the hospital I have to find a herm bodyguard." Tamira was the muscled Mouse Red met on hir first trip to Double H. Shi Worked as one of the bouncers for the club and it was pure luck that shi survived but will be bed ridden for a while.

"Well you could use me." Alexis raised an eyebrow. "I was in security for nearly 30 years Alexis, and I have a carry permit and have practiced since coming here, if anything my aim is better now. Granted I might be a bit rusting in doing security work and have not done it in this body It should be enough to guard you. And I'm someone you can trust." Alexis considered it, She did know Red and shi wouldn't cost the club much for hir services and it would be nice to have one friendly face in hir travels.

"Alright, get packing I'll order the PTV for tomorrow."

"ALRIGHT!" Red fights pumps and goes to tell Dallie and Coal.

Dallie was glad Alexis will have a friend with hir but was sad to see hir sister go. They hugged, something Red notices shi does more often now and Dallie wish hir a safe trip. Coal was a little more hesitant. "We just became mates Red and you want to leave?"

"I want to help a friend in need. Shi's had a rough time lately and having something stable like a known friend in this will help. Remember it was my security instinct that prevented you and Whirlwind from being hurt that day."

"Alright but please be careful."

"Of course, I have something to return to." Red then passionately kisses Coal. They spent another night in passionate love.

The next day Alexis and Red waved goodbye to the family and get in to the PTV already packed with their clothes and other necessities. Red had hir gun in it's holster with two extra clips in hir security mode. The strategy was check out all the GNA branches first before doing a world tour. The Bomb killed or knocked out half the staff for the Minneapolis staff so there's a lot of replacements to get. "Hey Red?"


"I notice all that music equipment. Play in a band at all?"

"Nope, just love to play. It helped a bit in my adjustment time."

"I like music myself. I especially got into that music by RS, you can really swing to it. Are you an RS fan?" Grinning Red replies.

"You can say that."

They arrive at the next Double H branch and with one hand on the drip of hir gun Red looks around. Though it wasn't official, it's believed that H1 was behind the bombing and if they were willing to do one like that there could be others. Shi continued scanning the area as shi and Alexis walk through the front doors. The receptionist lead them to the office area and they meet the branch head and head into hir office to go over the staff. After two hours Alexis looked over to Red who has been attentive but not really hir area. "Red."

"Yeah Alexis?"

"I don't need you for this go enjoy the club okay." Red shrugs and gets up.

"If your sure?" Alexis nods. "Well cya later then." And red Heads out to check out the club. The layout was surprisingly similar however shi did notice an additional door. Opening led to a stairway going down. Shi heads down the stairway and ends at a locker room, beyond that shi finds a gym. Smirking shi heads in to test it out.

Adjusting hir gun belt shi lays down and grips the dumb bell with hir standard weights. Securing hir grip shi lifts it off the supports and starts pumping the dumb bell up and down. Shi does this a couple of times surprised by how easy it is to lift. It weighed almost nothing! Shi puts the dumb bell back on the supports and inspects the weights. The weights were the right size, one shi always got a good work out with so what's wrong? Sratching hir head shi glances at the wall which was a mirror, the who;e gym had mirrored walls. There shi see hir image, a golden lioness patterned chakat with red hair with a tuft of red on hir tail tip. Shi stares at hir image and the duh moment comes and shi facepalms. The last time shi used weights was when shi was human, shi remembers Streaker mentioned that chakats were strong as standard. Grinning again shi doubles the weight to 150 pounds and tries again. This time they actually felt heavy and shi decided that was good enough...for now.

After three hours shi had enough and wiping hirself with a towel shi head back up, it was near dinner time and decides to head to the cafe for dinner. As shi enters the door connecting the club to the dinner shi hears hir name called. Looking shi sees Alexis waving hir to a table where shi sat with a couple others. Shi heads over and was about to take a chair when shi remembers shi doesn't need one and plops hir rear on the floor. "Red I like you to meet Silvia and Fredrick Greytail, Silva used to be at our branch before shi met Fred. Silvia, Fred, Chakat Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze." They three shake hands since the table prevented hugging.

"Glad to meet you." Silva says, " I wonder though. You are a dead ringer for Dallie and I don't remember hir family ever mentioning you."

"I'm adopted and an accident made me have similar looks to Dallie." The waiter showed up and the discussion halted as they made they're orders. After the waiter leaves Alexis resumes the discussion by asks Red.

"So what have you've been doing since I told you to scram?" Both chuckle and Red replies.

"I found their Gym. We better have one after the rebuild, I haven't had a workout like that in years."

"What about during your therapy?"

"That was all about learning how to use this body. It was a perfectly healthy chakat body, that I didn't know how to use."

Silva comments, "Sounds tough."

"It was, and if it wasn't for Dallie and Coal I wouldn't be here." Alexis lifts up a glass and says.

"To the power of friendship." The rest join in the toast as the dinner arrives.

Eventually night came and after a hard days ravel and work both Red and Alexis turn in. Heading up to the living quarters area Red asks. "So where am I staying."

"Well.." Alexis blushes a bit "They are having us bunk together." Red shrugs and Alexis opens the door. They find a modest little space with a small kitchenette and a living room dinning area combo with 2 additional doors. Alexis stopped by earlier to put there luggage in the living room before dinner. Red checks the bathroom and found it equipped with taur equipment with attachments to adapt them to bipeds. "Red we have a problem."


"There's only one bed, well more of a mattress." Red looking in and yes there was a large comfy floor mattress and a decent closet. "I'll go and see if there is another room." Red yawns and grabs Alexis.

"I'm to tired to deal with it. Let's get to bed and there shouldn't be a problem as long as we only cuddle." Alexis nods and heads to the the bathroom to change. When shi returns shi finds Red asleep and naked. Remembering that Dallie mentioned that Red preferred being topless shi faintly shakes hir head and lays down next to the chakat.

The smell of something good cooking wakes Alexis. Sc retching shi looks around to find the mattress empty. Shi gets up and opens the door to find Red still nude minus a cooking apron saying 'Love the food, Love the cook' on it causing Alexis to snicker. The sinckering gets Red's attention and the chakat looks over and smiles at the wolf. "Morning sleepy head. You have good timing breakfast is almost done." The meal was simple but good, which Alexis would expect from someone with a cook for a mate.

After spending a couple more days there they move on to the next branch, then the next. Over that time they never had a second bed in there rooms having gotten use to each other and Red did note that shi always slept better with company, blaming it on hir empathy. If anyone was to look on them when they slept they would see Alexis curled with in Red's lower torso with the chakat's tale covering the the wolf. Alexis always complained when Red beat hir in waking for it always got chilly when Red left causing the chakat to belly laugh. Sadly not everything went well as they parked near the next branch they ran into trouble. This branch was in a city near the HCKNA. They both get out of the PTV when a bunch of humans neared them. "GET OUT OF HERE YOU GENE FREAKS!"

"The only freaks I see is you guys." Red shot back. Hir hand gripping hir gun. Sensing some eagerness behind hir but unable to look away from the group in front of hir shi was about to ask Alexis look behind them when Alexis screamed. Glancing behind hir shi sees Alexis struggling with a human. Red kicks with a hind leg to separate Alexis and the human and shi pulls out hir gun and takes a shot at the man that attacked Alexis before turning and shot at the ground in front of the main group. "My next shot won't miss you neo nazi's so beat it."

"Neo nazi?" One of the human's asks.

"Look it up you idiots. And maybe you'll see the danger your placing yourselves in by following that path." Hearing sirens the group breaks off running though one of the females in the group looked back for a bit with a thoughtful expression before following the others. Replacing hir gun back in it's holster shi walks over to Alexis. "You okay Alexis?"

"Yes thanks to you, nice kick." The police finally arrived and they took their statements and after an hour the pair were finally allowed to continue to Double H. After a brief meeting with the branch president they had dinner during which red noticed a scent coming from Alexis. After dinner the pair went up to their room, unpacked, and relaxed. At least Red did Alexis seemed uneasy. "Alexis you okay?"

"I'm fine, maybe just ticked about what happened but fine." Red frowned, while there was some truth in that shi has been around to long for that to work, then shi remembers hir empathy (shi sometimes forgets shi has it) shi sensed sexual lust from hir friend.

"Alexis are you going into heat?" The wolf reluctantly nods. "You must have had that planned for so what's the trouble."

"My pills to contain it were in my purse and that human stole it."

"Shoot so you have to deal with it in other ways."

"Yup." The wolf let's out a breath before heading to the door. "I'm going to head out and find someone before we might do something that you'll regret." before shi could open the door Red gets in the way.

"What might I regret?"

"That we had sex. I know that you were human and your standards are different than a chakats. And I'm a throw back."


"Some of us morphs still have genes from the old days when we were sexual play things. Most of them are dormant but they can awaken in some of us. I have hyper pheromones so any male, herm, even females on occasion. SO I have to find someone willing to help before they can help it."

"Would you rather to this with a friend." The wolf nods.

"Look Alexis, I may have different standards then a typical chakat, but then I'm not a typical chakat. I would be honored to help you in this time of need. I do find you attractive and considering what happened today I would feel better to have you with me."

"You sure Red? I don't want to lose your friendship with this."

Red raises hir hand in a n oath position. "I Redstreak swear that you will not lose my friendship from what will happen tonight." Red then picks up the wolf and carries hir to the bedroom as the wolf yells out.

"RED! PUT ME DOWN!" Shi can help but giggle at the former humans antics. Red tosses hir on the mattress and pins hir with hir lower body as shi rips off Alexis's clothing.

"Such a nice body to guard." Red comments making Alexis blush. Red then kisses Alexis and the wolf holds hir head as shi let's go of what control shi had of hir pheromones. Red gets the full dose and nearly instantly hir cock shoots out throbbing with need. The chakat grips and squeezes Alexis's breasts before ramming hir cock in Alexis's pussy which thanks to the genes and Red's efforts was wet and Red started pumping. The rest of the night was nothing more than a blur for either participants, well a blur and pleasure. It would be hours before they collapse in sleep sated.....for now.

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 4

Red and Alexis relationship changed a bit after that weekend. They both slept naked together and even though Alexis got hir medication for her heat they still had a few romps. When Alexis talked to Coal over the vidphone the chakat chuckled at their...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

She felt a throbbing in hir head and that shi was lying on hir backs. Daring to open hir eyes shi finds Coaldust by hir side holding hir hand. Medallion was behind hir with Medallion's parents behind that. "Hey everybody." Red says weakly. Everyone...

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War Hound Chapter 6

Upon landing Samantha helps Rebirth out of the car. Her friend felt rubbery and light and that concerned her. When they got into the apartment Samantha puts Rebirth on the couch and she asks. "You need anything?" "Meat to further recover my...

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