War Hound Chapter 6

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#6 of War Hound

Tyria and Rebirth survive the blast but a another problem emerges

Upon landing Samantha helps Rebirth out of the car. Her friend felt rubbery and light and that concerned her. When they got into the apartment Samantha puts Rebirth on the couch and she asks. "You need anything?"

"Meat to further recover my strength." Samantha nods and prepares a lot of steaks while Rebirth rests on the couch thinking. Her pack had nearly killed her today. Her own sire a part of it. Well that was it then, her survival was paramount above all. As such she doesn't belong to them anymore. Her pack now was Tyria, Samantha, and Jackie. She will do her utmost to defend and support them as long a they lived. Jackie emerges from her room and races over to Rebirth and hugs the war hound.

"You feel weird Tyria." Rubbing the kit's hair Rebirth responds

"Not feeling the best furball, I was injured recently."

"Where does it hurt so I can kiss it and make it better?"

"Just kiss me here" she points to her forehead "and that will be enough." she says chuckling and the fox kit did so and stay by Rebirth's side as her mother prepared dinner. All of this did not go unnoticed by Samantha. She was pleased of the reactions by both Rebirth and Jackie. The two have bonded well and it appears that Tyria/Rebirth is Jackie's best friend. Ten minutes later 4 steaks were on the table and Rebirth weakly gets up from the couch. The war hound engulfs the steaks quickly and in minutes you see an improvement, she had a less glazed rubbery look. The rest of the night Rebirth watched tv till both Jackie and Samantha went to bed. Then shi reverted to war hound form to conserve mass and energy, thus allow her to heal faster. Rebirth went to bed a changed being.

Rebirth awakes the next morning with the sound of the bedroom door opening. Looking up it sees Samantha in a large T shirt staring at it. Remember what form it was wearing it quickly changes back into her human form. "Sorry Samantha I was hoping you wouldn't see me in that form."

"Out of curiosity why did you change?"

"To heal faster, I am smaller in that form."

"Oh, well I was hoping Tyria was back." Rebirth looks down on the floor.

"So was I." Samantha gives Rebirth a confused look. "You her and Jackie are all I can trust now. I have forsaken the pack and swear to you I will do my utmost to defend and protect you and Jackie." That moment Jackie's door opened and a squealing red ball of fur raced towards Rebirth. Rebirth bends down to pick up Jackie.

"You better now Tyria?"

"Yes, your kiss helped. How about some food I'm hungry." Samantha just shakes her head and heads to the kitchen. Rebirth played a bit with Jackie until breakfast was ready and they had a scrumptious meal. Since both Samantha and Rebirth had the day off Samantha decided to take Jackie to a nearby park and Rebirth decided that would be a good place to replenish and renew herself as well so the trio head out. Though when Jackie was getting ready Samantha asked Rebirth. "Any sign of Tyria?" Rebirth shook her head.

"Not yet, it feels like she's sleeping and I can't wake her up."

"I bet your slightly happy about that." Rebirth shakes her head and replies.

"Nope I like her. I admit we had a VERY rough start but I respect her and she is my parent."

While Jackie and Samantha head for the playground Rebirth found a bench to relax and quietly and think. This from almost completely natural to her now, she figure she'll be in this form for most of eternity. Thinking of that saddened her. Samantha and Jackie are mortal and will age and die on her. Tyria would never forgive her if she made them war hounds now maybe when there older and able to be in control. There has to be a way to replicate her situation. Her thoughts are interrupted when she sees Samantha run towards her with fear on her scent and face.

"Tyria! Jackie's missing. I check something in my purse and when I look up she's gone. I tying smelling for her scent but there's to many people around for me to find it!" Rebirth gets up looks around and seeing no one she reverts to a War Hound.

"I can smell better like this let's go." The pair race back to the playground.

In the urgency Rebirth leaves Samantha in the dust and it reaches the play ground. Sniffing around and ignore some curious kids Rebirth finds Jackie's scent. Following the trail it leads to a van at the far end of the park with a human male putting an unconscious Jackie in the back. Feeling great anger Rebirth races to the van. It was at that moment she feels Tyria wake up. <Whoa, what happened. WAIT YOU'RE IN CONTROL! RELEASE IT NOW!>

<Kinda busy right now I will when I can.>

<Know Now!>

<Let me get on this van and I'll explain Tyria please!>

<Alright.> With the discussion over Rebirth redoubles its efforts and leaps into the air as the van pulls away from the park. <WWWHHHHOOOOAAA!> Tyria comments as they fly through the air and lands on top of the roof. <That was so cool!>

<Yup now here's what's happened. Your Propane tank stunt work but you took the brunt of the explosion so I stayed awake. Now Jackie has been kidnapped by some human and we're now on the roof of his van.>

<Why would you care if Jackie would be kidnapped.> Tyria says scornfully.

<I am no longer loyal to a pack that nearly killed me. The only people I can trust are you, Samantha and Jackie so lay off. That hurt you know.>

<Alright my bad. Get Jackie and will talk later.>

<Deal.> The war hound rode the van for a half an hour before it lands in a warehouse. Rebirth sees cages lined up against a wall and a human at a desk. The driver gets out and goes to the back of the van and takes out a bound Jackie."You got a pretty one this time. She'll sell quickly." That was all Rebirth needed to hear. The Hound leaps from the roof and hits the man carrying Jackie. The bound kit flies through the air screaming till Rebirth grabs her with tentacles and gently puts the kit behind it. "Oh look a hero doggy." Rebirth smiles evilly and leaps at them and much screaming ensued.

Minutes later there was two moan and groan piles of humans. Rebirth looks back to see a slightly scared Jackie looking at it. "Good doggy." The kit says. Rebirth smiles and replies.

"I always am to my friends."


"Not exactly, but she's with me." Rebirth goes up and nuzzles the Kit. "I will never purposely harm you Jackie, I like you." Rebirth then changed in Tyria and unties Jackie. Hey Jackie could you go find some rubber for me?"

"Sure." The little kit runs off to look for the rubber.

<What are you up to?>

<You'll see.> Jackie comes back with an armload of rubber.

"Good work Jackie, now get some more I'll make sure the mean men won't harm you again."

"Okay." Jackie hugs Tyria/Rebirth and heads out again. While Rebirth ties up the men Jackie brings stack after stack on rubber items. A lot of them sex toys. Both Tyria and Rebirth get real angry at the items and their eyes glow.

"That's enough Jackie good girl, now check this out. Rebirth places a hand on the stack and the rubber deforms before taking a shiny furred form of a war hound. <Keep the hand on the doll of at least a part of are body and I'll control it while you control our body. Call the Police and when they arrive tell them that your 'dog' attacked them.> Tyria did as Rebirth asked and in ten minutes the police arrived. She explain a slightly altered version of what happened and the police took their statements. The officers petted Rebirth for a good job they did. Several furs from Jackie's age to late teens have gone missing and Tyria found a big clue for them.

Finally done with them Tyria called Samantha to tell her Jackie's okay and they need her to pick them up. Minutes later a crying Samantha runs out of the car and hugs her daughter. "Jackie I'm so glad your safe. I couldn't bear to lose you."

"I'm fine mommy, Tyria ans her friend saved me." Samantha looked up to see Tyria with the Rebirth doll.

"Thank you both."

"What are friends for Samantha. We care about Jackie to." Samantha nods and gets up.

"Then let's go home." The group gets in the car and when far enough away Rebirth absorbs the doll into herself and takes a backseat to her mother. Meanwhile Samantha was having a huge debate which will change her relationship with Tyria forever.

War hound Chapter 7

The car lands back on the street and the trio head in. Tyria played with Jackie as Samantha made dinner. Samantha looks close at Tyria. Tyria or Rebirth enter her life by saving her and Jackie. She then became a good friend and has defended her on...

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