Tales of Redstreak Chapter 2

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#8 of Chakat Universe

Redstreak welcomes a new addition to the family

A few months pass with not much happening except Coaldust getting noticeably bigger. As the big day approaches shi decides to asks Red something important. Shi opens the door to hir room and, predictably, Red was at hir keyboard working on the next song. Coal just stood their admiring Red's work. Shi really wished that Red would become a den-mate, but shi must be patient. Maybe Red will be one, one day, and shi still has the long road to travel in hir new life. After a few minutes Shi calls out. "Hey Red!" The lion colored chakat looks up towards the door to see Coal standing there. Smiling, the other chakat asks.

"What's up Coaldust?"

"I was going to ask if you would do something for us. With both me and Dallie working , I feel we might need a little help in nursing our daughter. I was wondering if you would help?"

"What would be required of me?"

"Well, remember when Dallie's sister had hir birthing party here?" Red nods. "Well, remember that Yellowmoon drank Crosses milk. That was to get hir milk production going. If you agree, you will have to do the same. Every day you will need to empty your breasts for a year. So Will you do it?" Red goes into deep thought. While that would defiantly be weird for hir, Medallion and Coaldust made hir family. Shi was taught to always assist the family when you can, and Shi can help them. Shi looks back at Coaldust and finally answers.

"I'll give it a try." Red is quickly hugged by Coal, who kisses hir on the muzzle and, man, did that feel good to Red. Coal breaks off the kiss and sees Red with a dazed look on hir face. Coal smirks at the look, saying. "Thanks Red, I'll let you get back to work." Coal leaves the room with Red still dazed.

Finally the big day arrives and the family was there. Dallie's and Coal's parents notice a change in Red. First shi was topless with hir breasts proudly displayed. Hir hair style more like Dallie's, but with the distinctive streak of red hair that shi keeps separate, to give hir the name shi current has. Shi was also more outgoing than the last birthing party, and Sunspot considers it a good thing. The various conversations that were going on were interrupted by a yelp. Everybody looks in the direction of the yelp and sees Coaldust there with a grin. "I guess it's time everyone." The entire mass of family and guests move to Dallie's and Coal's old room, they sleep with Red in hir room. Red has a front row seat this time,due to hir closeness to the parents, and with what shi's about to do. With the wet nurse and hir mate encouraging hir, Coal grits hir teeth as shi pushes hir cub out. Thankfully, shi doesn't experience the pain human females do, just a slight discomfort. After a few more minutes a cub emerges and Chessboard cleans hir off. Shi was then handed back to Coaldust, who brings the cub to hir breasts and allows hir to feed with a look of bliss on hir face. Medallion then offers hir breasts to Coaldust,who then drinks from both of them eagerly to replenish hir strength. After drinking from both breasts, Coaldust lets Medallion drink from hir unoccupied breasts. After a couple of drinks Medallion backs up and signals Redstreak to come forward. Steeling hirself, Redstreak steps forwards and cautiously puts hir face level with Coaldust's breasts and looks to Coaldust's face. Understanding the unspoken question between them, Coaldust nods and Redstreak latches on and begins to suckle. Soon Coaldust's milk enters hir mouth, which was warm, rich, and creamy. Rather good tasting also, in Redstreaks opinion. Soon shi empties Coaldust's breast, and Medallion proudly displays the now full cub. The cub's now dry fur showed shi had white fur with blue swirls, a tuff of blue hair, and a blue tail. Everyone claps for Medallion's and Coaldust's success, and the group piles out of the room. Redstreak made a move to join them, thinking that Coaldust and Medallion would want some privacy. But Medallion grabbed hir arm, saying. "You can stay, you're helping us raise our daughter." Redstreak decided not to argue and stayed, looking over Medallion's shoulder at the cub. The new cub was sleeping in hir mother's arm, and all three chakats smiled at the cub.

"I have a name for our child." Coaldust states.

"What is it?" Redstreak asks.


"I like it." Medallion says, then shi takes the sleeping cub and walks out to the guests. "Meet Chakat Whirlwind, child of Coaldust and Medallion." Glasses were raised in toast to the new member of the family. A couple hours later, most of the guests leave except the grandparents who were sleeping in Dallie's old room. Meanwhile, the now larger family settles in to sleep with Coaldust and Whirlwind in the center for a change, dreaming of the future.

The next day Redstreak was working on hir keyboard when shi felt hunger that not hir own. Shi stops playing, and here's Whirlwind crying in Medallion's old room. Shi was moved there so that Redstreak's music wouldn't disturb hir naps. Shi walks into the room and there was the young chakat crying for milk, and hir parents were at work so Redstreak gets to do hir first milking. Picking up hir niece, for lack of a better word, and remembers this morning. Shi woke up to find hirself in the middle of the pile, with Whirlwind laying beside hir and hir mother on the other side. Shi went to bed on the edge, so HOW DO THEY DO THAT!? Shi thinks. Shaking the amusing memory away shi brings Whirlwind to hir breast and the cub latches on. There was a little pain, as Whirlwind bit a little too hard but soon the cub drinks, and it surprisingly felt good. With hir empathic talents shi feels Whirwind's pleasure of feeding, and it causes Redstreak to purr in pleasure. Shi was purring long after Whirlwind was done, and the cub now sleeps cuddled next to hir chest. Coaldust found them like that when shi got home an hour later. "You must have really enjoyed that."

"Huh?" Redstreak is finally snapped out of it, to see Coaldust giggling at hir. Coaldust points to the still sleeping cub.

"So how long have you been like that?"

"What time is it?"

"3 PM."

"Whoa, I say about 3 hours. Well you've experienced that, but I bet you were prepared for it, I wasn't."

"Still, glad you enjoyed it." Redsreak snorts and looks down at the still sleeping cub, hir niece, a concept that shi was coming to terms with, and shi thinks shi and hir niece will get along fine.

"WHIRLWIND!" Red's bellow sounds around the house ,and Coal sees a white and blue blur run to hir.

"Momma save me, Auntie Red is trying to Kill ME!" Coal grabs hir daughter, just as a furious Red comes into the living room.

"Don't you dare shield that trouble maker, shi deserves every bit of the beating shi's going to get."

"Everyone calm down and explain what happened."

"I go out to do a little shopping, and when I return I find my music station a mess with hir in the middle of it." Coal frown's at Whirlwind and says.

"Whirlwind you know better than to mess with Red's music stuff, it's how shi works." Coal proceeded to spank the naughty kitten. After watching a bit, Red was satisfied and went to clean up the mess hir niece left. Still amazing how active the little rascal was at two years old.

Later that day, Redstreak returns home after picking up Medallion from work and as they enter Whirlwind yells out. "Daddy!" And the young chakat cub runs to the correct chakat, much to the confusion of Redstreak.

"I still can't believe shi never mixes us up."

"You have to pay more attention to your empathy Red. Our empathic signatures are different despite out identical bodies. Whirl can sense that difference, so shi'll always make the right choice. If I was hir mother it would be even easier, thanks to the bond mother's have with their daughters."

"Ah." Medallion plays with hir cub when Coaldust walks in.

"Ready to go Red?"


"You still want to bring Whirl along after what happened today?"

"Better with us than hir messing with my stuff again while we're gone." Medallion's eyes narrow as shi looks down at hir cub.

"What did you do?" Coaldust explains what happen and that Whirlwind had been punished. Medallion yet gives out a wide yawn and Redstreak suggested that Medallion take a nap. With some reluctance Medallion agreed, and Redstreak, Coaldust, and Whirlwind head out to Double H.

The drive there went well, with Redstreak and Coaldust chatting about mundane things while Whirlwind looked at the passing buildings and such. They park a ways from Double H for it was a nice day and the walk was nice. As they get on to the block where Double H was the see a shipping truck speed by them. It suddenly swerves into the Double H doors and explodes. Redstreak instinctively through hir years of security shield Coaldust and Whirlwind with hir body and a second explosion happens and Redstreak felt something hit hir, and nothing more as the darkness engulfs hir.

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

She felt a throbbing in hir head and that shi was lying on hir backs. Daring to open hir eyes shi finds Coaldust by hir side holding hir hand. Medallion was behind hir with Medallion's parents behind that. "Hey everybody." Red says weakly. Everyone...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 3

She felt a throbbing in hir head and that shi was lying on hir backs. Daring to open hir eyes shi finds Coaldust by hir side holding hir hand. Medallion was behind hir with Medallion's parents behind that. "Hey everybody." Red says weakly. Everyone...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 1

In the weeks since Redstreak made hir name change which was now legally Redstreak. This have been good few weeks, Redstreak or Red as Dallie and Coal call her finished up with the historians and got a good bit of money out of it. Hir music grew more...
