Tales of Redstreak Chapter 12

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#18 of Chakat Universe

Red meets the crazy crew of the Pegasus and learns more about hir altered self.Boyce and company belong to himself and used with permission.

Bombshell enters hir ready room. Originally it had been a cramp little room but the refit allowed hir to expand it. It was brightly lit and a good portion of one wall had pictures of hir denmates and children. At 37 shi already had 10 children both sired and carried. On hir desk was pictures of hir 3 lifemates. Shi touches each picture before going to desktop unit. "Feyouri get the Pegasus for me." "Aye captain." A male voice replies. Bombshell waited for the day the shapeshifter really through them for a loop and try being a herm. In seconds a bunny morph appeared. "This is the F.S.S. Pegasus." "This is Captain Bombshell of the M.C.S. Sonovagun. I need to speak with Admiral Kline." "Hold please." Some annoying music comes on as Bomber waits. A minute later the screen returns and Bomber sees a Human male in his thirties with brown hair and hazel eyes. He started out as an engineer and got all the way to chief engineer but he had a dormant tactical mind until his ship was ambushed and the bridge destroyed. As rank officer alive he manged to not only save the ship but take down the attacker. Thus ended his career as an engineer and began is captaining career. "Well Bomber long time no see how you doing?" "Okay, making ends meet, you?" "Getting broken in by my fifthwife Rosepetal." "FIFTHWIFE! Last we talked you only had two." "Been busy since we last talked." "Are you sure your still just human or did those Rakshani alter more than your sperm?" "I admit there are times that I ask myself that but luckily they have a good rotation among them so I'm not too exhausted." Bomber chuckles but then goes more serious. "Well the reason I'm calling is calling in that favor. I just rescued some captives and I don't have the tools to see what's all been done with them." The admiral's smile disappears as he asks. "Basic details." " chakat's, two adults and one cub, and the 4th.....well she calls herself a unicorn and it seems to fit." "Okay where are you?" "In the Chahoo sector." "Alright I'll me you at the Wriges system." And the screen goes black. Bomber gets up and heads for the bridge. "Bro set course for the Wriges system." "Aye Captain sis." Bomber shakes hir head and goes to check on hir guests. The first room had the unicorn Tamira, still naked and reading something again. "Everything good Tamira?" The anthro being looks up from her book and smiles. "Yes thank you captain. It's nice not having a locked door." "Good, um why didn't you replicate some clothes?" "I just don't feel comfortable in them at all so why bother." "Well you're going to need at least something for the nether regions when you go planet side. And if you do leave the room at least replicate a vest to put your commbadge on. It's for your safety okay." "Yes captain." Bomber nods and checks with Red and Whirl. Shi finds them in the next room but was surprise to see Tailswisher there as well. "Hey Bomber thanks for the save." Red says as shi gets up from playing a game with Whirl. "That's twice now Red, you're making a trend." "Well this time I was just heading to the clinic for more memory therapy when a fake cop, it had to be a fake cop stun me." "Well that sucks." Bomber looks at Red's new fur pattern and now notice a slight change in the base scent. "Well you really are Redstreak now hhmmm?" "Interesting isn't it but on the plus side My memories have returned though a bit jumbled." "Alright I've set course to a Starfleet ship to see what all they did to you and the others." "Well thank you for saving us captain." Tailswisher says from where shi is. "Is there a problem with your room?" Bomber asks. "It's a nice room but I'm alone in there and Red and Whirl don't mind." "Alright just remember to wear vest for your commbadges." Bomber then leaves them to ship business. Red then goes to the comm panel and says. "Hey Sun patch me through to Earth and get my home.""Fine, Whirl come here." The cub does come over and Red wraps around hir niece. "Sun begin a recording." "Coal, Medallion, Flamy and of course my many children and nieces. Me and Whirl are alive. Though I've changed again but I'm alive and Whirl is unchanged. I may be awhile before I can come home and Coal, Dallie I will do my best to take care of Whirl. Sun will help you to contact me. Hope to see you all soon. Redstreak and Whirl out." "Thank you Sun." Looking over to Tailswisher shi continues. "Well time for dinner no?" Over the next couple of days Bomber sees hir guests doing various things. Tamira was either in her room or in the gym maintaining her muscle tone. Tailswisher just hanged out with people and never really seen alone. Shi also seemed to lookout for Whirl when Red was doing something else. Red hirself was either taking care of Whirl, in the gym with Tamira or in the holodeck shooting range and Bomber notice a difference in hir friend. Shi was more confident than when shi first boarded the Sunovagun with Flamy. She handled the guns liked shi'd used them all hir life and sometimes gave out knowledge that someone hir aged shouldn't know. Shi was still pondering the mystery of Redstreak when a call came in. The red and gold chakat tap hir combadge. "Thanks Sun...Umm where can I view it?" "Follow me." Bombshell says and Red follows to a vacant room. "Here you go Red." "Thanks Bomber. Jeeze it feels year years since they helped with the change. But sometimes my mates and sister make me feel the age this body is." That comment really blew Bomber for a loop as the door closes. Okay know shi has to ask but who knows how long shi'll be. "Sun, when shi is done have hir come to my quarters." The white and black chakat he's to hir quarters with question running in hir head. Red walked up the the view screen and said. "Sun play the message." the vid screen lights up and the first image is that of Coaldust. "Praise the Makers that you both are still alive. I feared the worst about the both of you. Now we've been doing well and I'll let Dallie and Flamy talk but you BOTH COME HOME as soon as possible." Coal steps away and Flamy shows up. She's hold Firestripe in her paws. "Shi's grown a bit since you've last seen hir love. I knew you were alive. Your to determined to die on us. But I do miss you please come home soon. Firestripe needs hir father." She steps away and Medallion's face appeared smiling. "Well sis you get in trouble again, Honestly I don't how you do it. I never got into such trouble except when I first met you. You think having my body would shield you from it. But it seems you truly are my sister, no clone could pull this off. Please return soon sis. I've already had to deal with you being gone once now I don't want to see that again. In the few years you've entered my life I can't see my life without you in it." During this Red extended a hand and touch the images of hir family. They truly were hir family, have stood with hir and for hir on many of occasions. Why did God bless hir with two loving families? Well shi make the best of it no matter what. Only death will ever stop hir returning to them. "Very well Sun, thank you." Bomber sat on a cushion reading a ship report when the door chimed. "Come on in." The doors open to reveal Red. "Red please have a seat." Red took a cushion on the opposite side of the room. Red felt intense curiosity from Bomber while Bomber felt calm resolution. "Well you Red are a great mystery to me. Before this latest trip you were identical in looks to your sister, that just doesn't happen, you have the wisdom beyond your years. Then your comments before the message. So explain this please." Red got up and walked over to the window to the starscape out side, stars streaking by as they travel at warp. "Though my memory has returned it's still jumbled. However I am older than I appear...." Red proceeded to explain how shi became a chakat while Bomber listen intently. Red never moved from hir spot always looking out the window. When Red was done Bomber got up and hugged Red. "You certainly been through a lot my friend." Bomber grabbed Red's muzzle and made Red look at hir. Red saw affection in Bomber's eyes. "Sonnny, tell Whirlwind and Tailswisher that they're sleeping in my quarters tonight." Bomber led Red to hir bedroom. Red need to let go and forget a bit and showed shi isn't alone and Bomber was willing to do so, besides what's one more companion. The Sun dropped out of warp in a system full of useless dead planets and asteroids. The corvette made it's way to the other ship in the system. Red and hir group was in the a room with a forward viewpoint and saw there destination. It was a big ship. The saucer of it could easily eclipse the Sun and clearly hold hundreds of people comfortably. A slender neck connected the saucer to a large and long engineering section with a big deflector dish in the front with a warm yellow gold glow. A sleek pair of pylons rake back and connect two pill shaped nacelles to the rest of the ship. On the bottom of the saucer with a light illuminating it was F.S.S.Pegasus with below that NCC-2121. The Sun parks under the saucer and Sun calls out. The group leaves the room and head to the nearest transporter room. The group beams over in a shimmering of lights. Rosepetal was walking to her quarters for lunch. She avoided the mess hall for good reasons. Though she is a caitian she's nearly as tall as a raskani she has almost white fur from her bottom muzzle going to her inner thighs and a dark tan over the rest of it. She had brown hair and a tuft on her tail. But not only was she extremely tall she was also very well endowed. She has had many males and even a few females ogle her in the past. She bedded many males but they never stayed, though didn't didn't help that she was transferred a lot. And the reason for that was also the reason for unusual size. When she didn't stop growing when she reached puberty she was examine and they found a tumor in her brain that stimulated the growth areas. Thankfully they got her to stop growing but ran into another problem with the tumor. It also affected her sexuality. She's a clinical nymphomaniac which means she is in constant heat and that has cause problems in the past. Hence her going into the technician field. She could spends hours without anybody around, heck she's been tempted to have a vibrating dildo while she worked sometimes. But since assigned to the Pegasus things are different. Things started usual with Commander M'Lai being lead know for her issues. She suggested a martial course to help her. It seemed to work and became friends with the instructor, Lieutenant Commander Midnight. The chakat then invited her to a dinner and she met her lifemate Forestwalker. And saw M'Lai again and a surprisingly small fennec fox morph called Leanna. Her big surprise she saw Admiral Kline. The human look at her with attraction and not much time later M'Lai offered her to be the fifth wife of Kline and avatar of Fertility. Not expecting ever to be offered and the fact that she loved Boyce she quickly agreed and she has been very happy ever since. As she passes a viewport she sees a site that catches her eyes. And old Akula class starship approaching the ship. Though this one seemed customized, it had sleeker nacelles on her hull. That had to increase engine efficiency. Rosepetal continued her journey curious to why they were meeting and old ship. Red and company beamed aboard the large Pegasus to be greeted by a caitian. She had dark gold red fur with dark red hair and tail tuft. She stood on digigrade legs and wore a science division jumpsuit with a commander rank bar on her neck. "I'm Commander M'Lai, first officer of the Pegasus. Welcome aboard and follow me." Red and company follow the small feline. M'Lai only went up to Red's shoulders. They walked the spacious halls with Whirlwind by hir uncle's side. They eventually entered the sick bay and the medic swarmed over them, at least it seemed that way to the group. When a nurse tried to take Whirlwind away from Red the cub clutched hir uncle's hindleg and said. "No I stay with Uncle Red." The nurse lean down and said in a soft voice. "Honey we're just giving you a check up that's all." Whirl clenched the leg tighter cause some mild discomfort for Red and shook hir head. "No, I'm not leaving my uncle." Red interjects. "Shi's fine. They fed both of us and I'm the one they experimented on, they never did a thing with hir so shi stays with me." "But." "No buts, shi stays with me." "Is there a problem here?" M'Lai's voice cuts through as shi approaches them. "Commander, the cub is refusing to come with me." "Shi's my niece commander and shi stays with me. I'm not budging on that." Red crossed hir arms and had that 'I dare you' look on hir face. M'Lai thought for a bit. Protocol say the should be checked individually but since having two chakats as co mates she has learned never get between a cub and hir parents. Red may not have birth or sired the cub but the cub was family. Thankfully Doctor Kelly helped out. "Let hir stay commander. She draws comfort and security from Shir Redstreak and I think shi needs that more than a check up." "Very well doctor." Kelly then looks at the two chakats. "Please come with me." The pair follow the doctor while the commander tapped her commbage. "Commander M'Lai to councilor Fish." "I have new patients for your, report to the sickbay and focus on Chakats Redstreak and Whirlwind." M'Lai then heads out to report to the admiral and her husband. Fish just got finished talking with the commander and started to walk to the nearest turbolift. She was filled with irony and depression. She is supposed to comfort and counsel others when she can't even do it to herself. She felt alone, she had no family. no lovers, and very few friends. She didn't even have a house to live in, only the quarters of the various ships and stations she was assigned to. Well enough moping, helping others out always made her feel good. The check up wasn't to bad Red thought. They took a sample of hir blood and various scans, all while Whirl watched within arms reach. Red thought the scans gave new meaning to technicolor trance when the sickbay door opened. Stepping through them was a tall, slightly chubby feline morph with pink fur with blackish stripes and a lighter pink hair. Her eyes were a sky blue and her ear tips were black. "I'm looking for chakat Redstreak." "Over here." Red says lifting hir hand up. The Pink cat walked over with her arms out for the typical chakat greeting. The two hugged and Red said. "Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze. And this is my niece Whirlwind, child of Coaldust and Medallion." "The name's Fish. And yes that's my only name and it drives the bureaucrats crazy." Red couldn't help but chuckle at that. "So what do you do Fish?" "I'm a councilor." Red immediately got angry. "I don't need a shrink, I came here to know what they did to me fully then just get a ride home." The pink cat shrugged er shoulders and replied. "Just following orders." Red just snorted when the doors opened again to reveal a black furred chakat. "Midnight!" "Hey Red, glad to see you. Been some time since we're last face to face." "Yes it has, not since that tour of clubs, when was that? My memories aren't lined up properly yet." "About 5 years ago. How have you've been?" "Been better, been FAR worst. Having friends and family helps." "Well your both welcomed to dinner tonight, unless the doctor has objections?" the doctor just gave a thumbs up while staring at a screen. "But shi needs regular checks during her stay." "Got it doctor." Midnight looks around to the whole group. 'Well who's hungry for lunch?" After a hearty lunch Midnight showed them their quarters. Tailswisher insisted on being in the same room as Red and Whirl so they got what was normally a couples room. The trio relaxed for bit and chatted till it was time for Red and Whirl head for the quarters Midnight told them. The door opens and Midnight greets them with hugs. "Welcome Red, please come in." Red did so and was immediately surprised to see Rosepetal there in skin tight clothing...if you could call it clothing. "Oh hello, I'm Chakat Redstreak, child of Sunspot and Fireblaze." "I'm Rosepetal Silpurr, a pleasure to meet you." The two hug in chakat greeting. Another door opens to reveal commander M'Lai. "Commander!? It's a surprise to see you here." Red looks pointedly at Midnight. "You've gone up in the world since we last met." "You only know the half of it." Red got comfortable and the two started to catch up when the main doors opened again and a white human male with brown hair and eyes walks in wearing a uniform with admiral rank pins. Shocked Red stood up at semi attention and whirled to Midnight. "YOU"RE MATED TO AN ADMIRAL!?" Midnight just grins at hir as the others snicker and the human just looks confused. "MAN DID YOU SCORE THIS TIME!" That causes everyone to laugh at Red's comments. Finally Midnight calms down enough to say. "I'll admit it wasn't planned, but it has worked out great." "Since when is love planned." Red retorts back as the human approaches. "You must be our new passenger. I'm Admiral Boyce Kline Jr and I see that you've already met my mates." "Chakat Redstreak, Child of Sunspot and Fireblaze." The two hug in the traditional greeting. "I remember Forest talking about an odd Chakat with that name." "That be me, unfortunately the oddities haven't stopped." "That's life for you." A kitten cried came out and the black and red spotted kitten from before appeared and raced to Boyce. "Ah and has my daughter been good today?" He says as he picks hir up. "So you adopted hir or is it a comate thing?" Red asks. Boyce shakes his head. "Nope shi is my biological daughter." "I thought that was impossible." "Normally you'd be right but my 2nd wife's species has beings they call deities looking over them and one of them decided to have fun with me. I'm now the most studliest guy in the galaxy." Red gives him a knowing grin which Boyce returns. "You don't seem to shocked Red." Midnight says. "After all I've been through it will take a lot to shock me anymore." Both sides talked about their back stories before dinner. Red observed the admiral and how he interacted with his family. He was friendly, charming, and most importantly caring. Shi also knew that shi was observed by the admiral and M'Lai. Red was right, both of them heard about Forests and Midnights encounter with a chakat with an interesting history. Red seemed to be a lively and opinionated chakat and both and it seemed to be fully at ease but the way Midnight looked at hir said something else. Making the excuse to get more food Boyce silently signals to Midnight. As they get into the kitchen area and start getting seconds Boyce asks. "Okay, what's going through your head?" "It's Red, shi may looked relaxed but shi isn't. Shi's in a mode that I am on when I scouted a planet. Not expecting trouble but prepared for it. The best way to describe it Boyce is using our alert system. Shi isn't at red but at yellow when shi should be green." Boyce thought for a bit before asking. "What's your plan to help hir?" "Well since you'll be busy with Rose tonight I want to invite hir to sleep with me. Shi knows me and I think having someone shi can trust nearby will calm hir down a bit." "Worth a shot." The two return to the table with the plan in hand. If shi was still human Red would have lean back and pat hir stomach. Man shi was full! It was then that Midnight came up to hir and asked. "Good meal?" Red nodded. "I was wondering if you'd mind staying with us tonight?" Red put hir head down in deep thought. While shi knew Midnight from hir visit to Australia it was the one time they met. Could shi trust hir enough? Shi looks at Whirl. Shi was talking with the slightly older caitian cub, M'Lai's and Boyce's daughter from what they told hir. Meanwhile the little Ember was trying to catch Whirl's tail without much success. Whirl stared laughing at what was the girl's name? Ah yes Larshana, Whirl seems so very happy right now. Red got up and walked over to the pair. "Whirl can I speak to you in private for a minute?" "Sure uncle." Rosepetal directed them into one of the bedrooms and Red asks Whirl. "Whirl would you have a problem sleeping here with Midnight's family?" "That be great uncle! Larshana is a fun person to talk to." "Alright then." Red Leaves the room with Whirl in tow and shi approaches Midnight. "Shi's fine with us sleeping hir but there is one issue, Tailswisher. Shi doesn't like being alone. Shi has slept with me and Whirl since we left the station." "Well ask hir to join us." Tapping the commbadge shi was given Red says. "Redstreak to Tailswisher." "Tailswisher here Red, what's up?" "Midnight's family has asked us to sleep over, do you wanna join?" "Ummm." "I asked because I know you don't like sleeping alone." "Thanks for considering Red, I will try but if it doesn't work out." "Then you can leave, we'll see if Tamiria would be available then." "Thanks for understanding Red, I'll be right over." Whirl and the other chakat cubs were put to bed and the adults continue to chat when Tailswisher arrived. The orange furred chakat slowly walks in inspecting everyone with a small smile. That smile increased when shi saw Red but it completely disappears when shi sees Boyce. Shi edges away from him to Red and Red comes up and hugs hir. "It's okay, I'm here, I'll protect you." "It's just that there's a human here. I get uncomfortable around humans." "Well he won't be sleeping with us but all the other adults in this room are his mates and wives, so he doesn't hate furs." Red continued to rub Tailswisher and the other chakat slowly calmed down. After some more chatting the chakats of the group call it a night and a fur pile develops in in minutes with Red hugging Talswisher and the cubs in the middle. Red awoke the next morning to find hirself in the middle of the pile. 'HOW DO THEY DO THAT!? ALL THESE YEARS AND I STILL HAVEN'T FIGURED THAT OUT!' Shi says mentally. Raising hir upper torso shi finds Whirl and Ember sleeping on hir lower torso. Leading over shi kisses Whirl on the head and carefully places both kittens on the mattress and gets up. After a stop in the bathroom shi heads to the dining area and sees the Admiral and Commander already there eating. The admiral notices hir first. "Morning Redstreak, sleep well?" Shi smiles back. "Very well, and wake up confused and amused as always." They ask hir to explain that and shi tells them of hir experience on waking up in a middle of a pile. Boyce chuckles at it and comments. "Having two chakat's as wives has made sure I'm never bored." He goes to a pot and tries to pour its contents. Nothing comes out. "Honey I'm out of coffee, need to make more." "That was the last of your coffee, my love." Boyce went from a calm expression to one of utter shock and horror. "How? How could we let such a tragedy happen." "Well have of the stash we brought went bad and we've been out here longer than planned so we run out." Boyce was speechless as the shock and horror expression return making both M'Lai and Red laugh uncontrollably. "All this over some coffee! I knew of some addicts in my time but wow. Why not just replicate some more?" Red comments as shi still chuckles. Boyce glares at hir and replies. "Replicate Chippendale Coffee? That's sacrilege!" Red just shakes hir head and gets hir breakfast. The door chimed and M'Lai opens the door to see Fish there. "Oh! Commander what are you doing here?" "These are my quarters consular." "Oh, my apologies commander but the computer told me Redstreak was here not that these were your quarters." "That's alright, please come in." The pink furred cat walks into the quarters and M'Lai directed her to the dining area to see her latest charge there. Shi was eating Pancakes and bacon with chocolate milk. A bedroom door opens behind hir and a little black with red spots chakat comes out and stalks Redstreak's tail. The cub tries to pouch on the tail but the tail grabs hir and lifts hir off the ground and brings the two face to face. "Well morning to you too. My tail is not breakfast." The doors open again and the other chakats emerge. "Morning Red is Ember bothering you?" Midnight asks. "Not really." Red look back at the cub still held in hir tail. "Ember huh, that's a nice name for you kitten." Red grabs Ember Then hands hir to hir mother. Midnight hugs Ember before putting hir down. As the herd of chakats get to eating everyone felt the happiness emitting from them. Midnight was especially pleased. It seem Red has gone to green alert around them. Being able to fully relax would do wonders for the chakat. Fish was also busy watching Red and how shi interacted with the others. Shi absolutely doted on the 7 year old cub who called hir uncle. Fish somehow found herself pulled into the joint breakfast and as the commander poured replicated normal coffee to which Boyce sighs. "You live dear." Red grins and just before sipping from hir cup shi asks. "So when are you taking on that station?" Boyce looked up suddenly. "Where did you hear that?" Red looked at him confused. "You talked about it last night, And how dangerous such a place can be. I know you plan on having Bomber with you and I want in." "Red, there was not discussion just a thought of Captain Bombshell and a agreement to assist if we went in. I THOUGHT about it nothing more." "But I could have sworn you taking about it, I heard your voice." "I think you better get a detail scan from the doctor Redstreak, Fish please escort hir to sick bay." "What about Whirl?" "Shi can go with you." Red sighs and looks at Whirl. "I'm okay uncle go and get well." Red steps to Whirl and hugs hir. "I'll do it only because you said so, now stay out of trouble." Shi gestures to the door. "After you Fish." "Wait you need a combadge." M'Lai says The replicate hums and the small Caitian grabs the commbadge and looks at Red and sees a problem, Red wasn't wearing anything. Red sighs and heads to the replicator and repeats M'Lai's motion of placing a hand on the panel. "One small vest in red please." A hum starts again and hir vest appears. Shi puts it one but it doesn't really cover anything. Extending hir hand to M'Lai the commander puts the badge in hir hand and shi puts it on the left side of the vest. Fish and Red then headed out to sickbay. As they walk Fish quietly observed Redstreak, the chakat seemed calm and reserve, just like another day at work for hir. However Red wasn't as calm as shi looked. Shi was annoyed of having to deal with this. Shi just wanted that group captured and brought to justice and head home to hir family who shi missed dearly. They both enter the turbolift and head down in silence till they reach sickbay. The head doctor Kelly looked up and saw them come in. "Problems?" She asked. "The commander wants you to take a more detail scan on hir brain." Fish replied as Red grumbled a bit. Kelly directs them to a corner and uses a more powerful scanner on the chakat. After a minute or two Kelly puts the device down and says. "Well we will study the results as we go through everything else. Is there any other problems?" "Nope doc." Red says and shi heads for the door with Fish following hir. Red was about to head for the turbolift when shi left someone grab hir arm. Looking behind hr shi sees Fish. Fish shakes hir head and points the opposite way. "Come on, we have an appointment and my office is this way." 'I don't need to see a shrink, been through that enough thank you." "Well I was ordered to do so by the commander so unless your a captain in rank your stuck dealing with me." "Crap I'm only an ensign." "And I'm a lieutenant so I out rank you so come on." Red follows grumbling the entire way. Fish's office was colored nice and had the obvious couch to lie on and spill your guts on. Red didn't take it, instead shi walked up and sat hir haunches down my the viewport and stare out at the stars. After a couple of uncomfortable moments Fish began. "So.....What are you thinking?" "That this is a waste of time." Red looks at Fish and asks. "What do you know of me Fish?" "Just what I've read in your file and what I have seen so far." "And that is?" Red asks as shi looks back out the viewport. "You were born a human male in a different time and world. That's so cool by the way. You got your current body by a transporter accident that sent you here and unable to get your body back you took the name Redstreak and rebuilt your life with the family that you were now genetically related to. After a couple of years you joined the Star Corps as a member of security. You had a couple of commendations before you presumed killed with the Grissiom a year ago. You were rescued and sent home with the hope of recovering your memory which was lost after Grissiom and you we're reported missing by chakat's Coaldust and Medallion three months ago leading to here. From what I've seen you are protective, caring, stubborn, and intelligent. But you're also hurting and that needs to taken care of." "NOT BY YOU. My family is all that I need so this is over." Red stomp out of the room leaving a disappointed cat behind. Hours later Fish was working on some of her other cases and writing reports when the commander called. "Ensign Farland told me Redstreak returned from your session early and looked annoyed." "Yeah, I don't think therapy sessions are going to work with hir. Shi's been through so many times shi has literally shut the door there. Shi is utterly convinced all shi needs is hir family to heal and nothing I can try will change that." "Well then observe hir and see if any radical changes happen but no more sessions. You will watch hir moves everyday until ordered otherwise." "Yes ma'am." The commander signed off and Fish sat there thinking. Spending time with the kids helped calm Red down. 'Why couldn't they leave hir alone? They always want some shrink to prod hir jeeze.' Tamira stop by and spent time with Red and the others before heading back to her quarters. As usual she only wore a vest for the commbadge. She also defiantly ogled Rosepetal but Red couldn't blame her there, the caitian was a sight to behold. Red was thrown for a shock when Tamira and Rosepetal went to Rosepetal's room for the night. Shi didn't think Rose swung that way but maybe with her unique issue she got relief from any who offered and with two chakat comates she would be more open. In the end Red shrugged to hirself and joined the chakats to bed. The next day Boyce calleda meeting of his staff and invited Bomber and Redstreak's group.As everyone gets seated Boyce signals the human doctor and Kelly began. "After intense study of Redstreak, Tailswisher,and Tamira we find that all of them have nanites in their systems doing various things." She presses a few buttons on the table and a hologram appears of a chakat with hir brain, brain stem, and veins viewable. All three had sparkles on them, especially the brain. "This is Redstreak, as you can see the nanites are all through hir blood stream and are in all of hir major organs but the bulk have focus on hir brain which maybe why hir memories have returned and the incident you mention sir. These nanites are beyond the federation's tech in that area but I wouldn't be surprised that Shir Redstreak's healing and cognitive abilities have increased." She presses a few buttons again and the chakat image changes a bit to where the sparkles are more evenly spread out. "Shir Tailstalker is different, hir's are spread all through out hir body and as shi has demostrated it can allow to change shape, but only it seems to other taur types." She press some more buttons and the hologram focus on Tailswisher's tail at the tail collar. "Unlike Redstreak Tailswisher's need this collar to regulate the nanites. We're not sure why but are guess are that the nanites are either an older generation or because of what hir nanites do." Kelly switches the image to that of Tamira and the sparkles are fewer in her than in Tailswisher but still evenly spread out. "Miss Tamira here is very interesting, her DNA is primarily horse but with a few unknown samples. One interesting thing was mouse DNA, there's not much left but I bet Tamira's original form was a mouse." The hologram is shut down and Dr. Kelly looks at Admiral Kline. "Sir we must secure this facility these nanites in the wrong hands are a danger to the Federation." "Which why I'm going for a raid on the place. Bomber you and the Sunovagun go in first under cloak with a strike team on board until LT. Commander Midnight's command. When the Pegasus begins the approach to the station decloak and board to secure the lab area. You will be paid for your services of course." Boyce replies. "Admiral what about my request?" Redstreak asks. Boyce looks seriously at Redstreak and sees the fire and determination in hir eyes. He then looks to Dr. Kelly and asks. "Do you have any problems with that idea?" "No sir, shi would heal any wounds faster than anyone else." Boyce then sighs and says. "Midnight test hir, if shi passes then shi can go with you." "Thank you sir." "We will attack tonight be rested and ready." With that the group breaks up and Red approaches Midnight and says. "Let's get this test over with shir." Midnight nods and silently enters some data on the padd and they head to the nearest holodeck. "Ah good it's free." Midnight comments. "Huh?" Red asks. "Well someone could have been using it. The holodecks are a great place to relax." "You mean they're for general use?"Red asked. "Yup, you didn't know that?" "Nope." "Well now you do." Midnight syncs hir padd to the holodecks computer and when shi gets the confirmation light comes on the door opens and both step through the doors and begin. Two hours later two tired chakats leave the holodeck and wordlessly head to their quarters. The doors open and Ember and Whirl race to them. Midnight picks up hir daughter while Red rubs Whirl's head. Boyce looked at Midnight and the black furred chakat just nods. Redstreak was going on the mission. Dinner was a quiet affair, or nearly quiet as you have 3 children under ten around. Boyce and Rosepetal head to the main bedroom for some alone time,then the chakats head to bed for the busy day tomorrow. M'Lai saw the children to bed and looked around the quarters. "Yes," she quietly said. "A well run household." She nods to herself and heads for the spare room, content with the universe. The transporter hummed and Midnight and Red appear with various morphs and human's behind them, all of them wearing security gray and phasers. Bomber was there to greet them and they got off for the next group. The strike team would consist of 20 security officers. Half were then sent to the other transporter room on the Sun. Bomber hit hir commbadge. "Sun, cloak the ship and Tell Bill to head in." In seconds the lighting dimmed as power was transferred to the cloaking device. The merc corvette flew through the field till she was almost touching the station's hull and waited. Minutes later they read rising power levels on the station and the station shields go up to protect it from the approaching Pegasus. But also trapping the Sun INSIDE the shields. Red hears the hum of the transporter letting go of hir body and glances around with hir rifle up and ready as the klaxon blared and red lights flash. Hir five man team secures the area as the second team beams down. The plan was to enter the station from two different points with 10 man teams. Lt. Shizo and Caitian male lead Red's team and after consulting his tricorder points to a direction and the group heads out. Minutes pass till the run into a pair of figures who were quickly stunned. They press on till the run into a security team. The two sides open fire. Badly out numbered the security team is knocked out but not before one of them sent out a warning. Picking up the pace the raid party heads down more corridors towards a turbo lift to hopefully get them to the lab since the plans they were reading were from the scan Sun took before the Pegasus approached. The pair of guards at the lift were dispatched quickly And Shizno Pressed the summon button. "We take this down to level 35 then head to the starboard side." "INTRUDER ALERT! INTERUDER ALERT!" An automated voice blares from the intercom. "Well there goes our surprised." Shizno comments. The lifts doors open but it wasn't empty. A security team was in the lift with there weapons out. Shizno aims his phaser but a beam goes through his chest. As he falls Red fires hir phaser and gets a heads shot and a another flies and just barely misses hir and shi hears gurgling behind hir. Another guard goes down and Red fires again. Soon the battle was over and Red asks. "Lt. Shizno?" "Dead, and Lt Harper is badly wounded." Red looked over and the Lt. Junior grade was missing her lower right leg. Another crewman lie dead with a phaser shot to the throat. Red goes over to the wounded Lt. And tap her commbadge. "Sun beam Lt Harper to the sickbay." The rabbit morph disappears in a transporter beam and Red goes and picks up Shizno's tricorder and looks it over. "Okay, we have a job to do so let's go finish it. The raiders head into the lift and Red punches the destination. The doors close and what's left of hir team heads towards their goal. During their trip through the lift they heard thudding and felt the station shake and lights flicker. Obviously they haven't surrendered. The lift finally stops and with phasers ready the doors open. Seeing no one they continue onward. Red eventually senses Midnight approaching and the two teams meet up in front of a heavy door with a large keypad. The two look at the pad and Red leans in for a closer look as Midnight looks back to hir demolitions expert. "Shape charge." Shi orders. "Hold on shir." Red replies and hir fingers start pressing buttons and a fairly fast speed. In a minute the lite above turns green and Red opens the door for Midnight. The black chakat looks questionably at Red who just shrugs and replies. "I just felt that I could break it, don't know why." Midnight says nothing and the raiders head in. The main lab looked to be packing up to move. The raiders spreads out and secure the area. Red finds the female doctor in an office packing things. The female looked over and she brighten when she saw Red. "You're back!" "Yup, to take you into custody." Red draws hir hand phaser at the doctor. "Why I was just trying to better all species?" "By experimenting on beings against their will. Come on." Red takes the doctor out when a wolftaur with Lt pips approaches. "Ensign Redstreak, Commander Midnight wants to speak with you. I'll take care of your charge." "Yes ma'am." Red heads away but a minute later something urges hir to go back. Shi throws hir senses to where shi was and shi still felt the confusion from the human but the wolftaur had great happiness and something about it seemed familiar. Focusing more shi feels the wolftaur's thoughts, or more accurately Tailswisher's. 'Yes she will finally pay for her crimes by MY HAND.' "Crap!" Red raced to where shi sensed them. Shi gets their and sees Tailswisher in hir true from pointing a phaser at the doctor. "TAIL DON'T!" The other chakat looks at Red with surprise and dread. "Red don't stop me! She needs to pay to what she did to us." "Not this way Tail. Let it be a public trial and her example of what actions cost you." "But what if they let her go? No I can't risked that. It was me this time. Next time it could be anyone of my family." Tail don't make me shoot you and you will lose the freedom we just gained." "If it protects my family it's worth it." Red didn't want to shoot hir friend, but shi couldn't let this happen either. So in a gamble shi uses hir new found talent and enters Tail's mind. Tail was surprised and had know defense. Red saw Tail's family. Saw them die in an accident and with no known ties to any others shi was moved to one foster home to another till shi was sick of it and went out of hir own. Shi found others that had no real family and together the formed one for them selves. Red gains control of Tail and has hir lower hir phaser. Tail's face held no emotion as Red grabs the doctor and leads her to midnight with Tailswisher still under Red's control. Midnight was inspecting the lab and was about to contact the Sunovagun when Red appeared with a human female with a lab coat on and...Tailswisher! What's shi doing HERE!? And something is odd with hir, I have never seen a chakat with such a bland look on hir face and Red looks exhausted. 'Sir please take custody of the human and I'm beaming me and Tail to the Sun." Sensing Red's exhaustion and sincerity Shi nods and takes the human and Red hits the commbadge. "Red to Sun, two to beam up." The hum of the transporter takes them away. Red and Tail appear on the transporter pad with Feyouri waiting. "Lock hir up in some quarters." Red manages to say before the exhaustion overwhelms hir and shi blacks out.

Tales of Redstreak Chapter 13

When Redstreak awoke again shi felt shi was on a bed of some kind. Laying on hir back shi felt a warmth near hir. Lifting hir head to look shi sees Whirl there sleeping with hir upper torso laying across Red's lower torso fast asleep. "Shi hasn't...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 9

Flamy woke to the smell of cooked food. Blinking her eyes open she is surprised to see both Tami and Jali sleeping with her. They are slowly waking up to the smell as well and the 3 of them go to the kitchen to find Star making breakfast. They all...

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Tales of Redstreak Chapter 8

Coal was enjoying hir day off, though shi still was cooking. Streaker was dropping off Whirlwind from preschool and hir other children were taking a nap. Heck the only thing off was no message from Red, shi was usually punctual about such things. Well...

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