Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 19: Mirror Invasion Part 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#25 of Chakat Universe

Redstreak's Ship engages the strange ship while Diamondstripe meets a new friend.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPuAbTB4zEQ&feature=youtu.be

Doors open and Boyce walks through them. This wasn't the typical Admiral Boyce Kline Jr. we all know and some may love. The smile of a friend pleased to greet a good friend that he typically wears is replaced by the smirk of a predator on the hunt. His uniform was also different. He typically worse the standard red and black uniform of command with the gold lining to represent his admiralty. The one we see wears a gold vest with a number of medals, even that standard commbage that was a claw or comet (depending on view) with a circle under it was gone. In it's place was a circle with a angular S and curved H with a sword piercing it. He wore a gold sash and tight black pants witgh black boots with a gold top. On his sash was a phaser, a dagger, and some remote device. This was Admiral Boyce Kline Jr. of the Stellar Empire. Boyce thought of the road taken to get here. It started with a lack of manpower. Birth rates were low in the early 21st century and they needed workers. While one solution was to encourage procreation another trued a new path. Mixing human and animal DNA they created a hybrid creature. Intelligent enough to do the job and would have a need to procreate in them stronger than humans. It worked flawlessly and the manpower issue was solved. But another issue rose to take it's place. While the morphs were working excellently in the job many found a new use for them. Slavery returned with a vengeance in sex slavery. Morphs had no rights so any kind could be created to suit the needs of the buyer and a new market rose. But many humans and more intelligent morphs hated it and tried to shut it down. Eventually after years of tension the argument broke in war. A War that lasted decades before the pro slave side won. The surviving morphs were forced into gene therapy to prevent them from rising up again. But the war devastated Earth and the new formed Human Empire went to the stars to get resources for the healing of Earth and to prevent the extinction of their race. After meeting and conquering the voxxans they forced the voxxans into the gene therapy to ensure loyalty and changed their name to Stellar Empire. The Caitians were conquered next with the only real challenge was the Rakshani. They fought long and hard but were out teched and succumbed in the end. But the Empire recognizable they're worth and our now the shock troops of the empire or as the one walking behind him shows as bodyguards as well. Zhane not only guards him but is part of his harem of slave he keeps for his personal use. She protects him and protects his harem and is fun to romp around some times when he's too restless. Yes a Rakshani bodyguard was a common sight. It was his other bodyguard that raised some eyebrows. It was another morph and part of his harem. It had black fur and crystal blue eyes. Midnight was a chakat. Developed my Charles and Kathrine Turner for spear head any colonial efforts. Their taur bodies allow them traverse terrain and theur dual gender allowed them to reproduce quickly making an effective slave labor force. Their empathy allows them to monitor the feelings of the crew and spot any potential rebellion. While somewhat common on starships it's rare to see one in as a body guard. But Boyce saw one time when a mate and a child of a chakt was threatened and the fury he saw on that chakat's face. He knew they had combat potential. Heck back home he has funded a program to make more combat oriented chakats. To help ensure loyalty he has hir mate Forestwalker on board and is also in his harem and when not studying plants on new worlds shi takes care of the kids or serve his needs. Foretswalker's sister is also on board as one of the techs and again reinforces loyalty. Last he heard Goldfur was mated to another chakat tech named Sparks and a foxtaur male named Garrek. Boyce encourages the relationships. He is making a force he can totally depend on. While all morphs and conquered species are loyal to the Empire they can be used in power plays thus the need for bodyguards. With his program of breeding and the slight alteration of his semen and his harem he will have an army of slaves loyal to him.

The doors to the turbolift open and he steps inside and heads for the bridge. Upon arriving he spots Rosepetal kneeling by his chair. She was the overseer, the highest rank a slave can receive. She makes sure the slaves on board are properly taken care of and doing their assign duties. She also makes sure the harem runs smoothly. Their communications and computer skills have been adapted for the Empire's use and when not being overseers which the bulk of overseers are they are manning communications or computer techs. Originally a rather small race discovery of a handful with a tumors that increased their size, assets and felt their females in permanent heat mode was a god send. Nearly all Caitians were altered to be like these once rare Caitians. Now only 30% of their population is in their original form, some liked them that way. Petting Rose's hair he takes his seat and his bodyguards stand watch by the turbolift.


"Two minutes till we jump out of warp master, All stations are ready and Lt. Mcrab is ready to send the troop carriers out to retrieve wounded and new slaves." Rosepetal reported. While she can't give orders except to slaves she could report on activities and Boyce bounced ideas off of her. She had an intelligent mind and if she wasn't born a Caitian would have been his first officer instead of Commander Mensk who leads their ground effort. Boyce was glad he encounter that black clad human who gave him the blue prints to a device that can open the gateway to another dimension. He knew another engineer was working on such a device but was not yet near completion. Thus he gets to be in charge of this operation, and he looked forward to breaking in new slaves. The problem of his time is that all furs are well and truly broken, but the scouting that has been done before this incursion showed that furs are treated equal here. That quirk of fate the pro slave side lost here. Well Boyce was going to change that.

"Admiral sensors are picking up a ship at destination." A Caitian sensor slave reported. Boyce cursed, and issue at the portal site caused him to leave the planet before it was fully secured. He left half his fighters to protect the ground troops long enough for him to return he hoped. Frowning he ordered red alert and lights flash red as the ships prepared for more battle. They dropped out of warp and with them the destroyer ISS Plunder which had just arrived from the home universe. At first they see the planet and the wrecked station in orbit. That station had little in terms of defense and he manage to beam several assault teams over before beginning the planetary assault. Now though he saw a ship in orbit near the station. It was long with a blunt shovel head like forward section with a thin middle section with multiple pylons connecting it's long nacelle to the ship with a bulky rear section. He guessed this was one of their warships, this was going to be fun.

Captain Nikol Stonefur looked pensive at the view screen. One was a massive vessel, far Bigger than Guardian with a destroyer sized vessel next to it. And the name. ISS Pegasus, that was disturbing. The Foxtaur took a deep breath and ordered. "Open a channel." A crewman silently complies and the chime sounds and she begins. "This is Captain Nikol Stonefur of the Federation Star Ship Guardian. You have violated Federation space and if you have attacked our colony you are to withdraw your troops and leave our territory immediately."

"They're hailing." And on the screen an image of a human appeared. It was Kline but in an outfit she never seen him wear before and the look, the look of a predator not friend she had seen a couple of times.

"This is the best they send. A ship commanded by a fur! Well This is Admiral Boyce Kline Jr. of the Imperial Star Ship Pegasus. This world and soon a;; pf your territory will belong to the Stellar Empire. Surrender now and I guarantee that you and your crew will be treated kindly by my ship as you assume your rightful role as our slaves."

"If you think that then you are dead wrong." She cut the connection and continued. "ALL HANDS BATTLE STATIONS!" The Klaxon renewed it's alarm and she launch fighters and had the Guardian maneuver to engage the hostile vessel. The Guardian moved up and around the crippled station and opened fire on the Pegasus while the fighters attacked the destroyer till the Pegasus fighters engaged. The Guardian phaser turrets unleashed on Pegasus shields to which the Pegasus responded with phaser arrays dealing much more damage to the aging star cruiser. The Guardian rotated to show undamaged shields and launch a volley of torpedoes while her weaken side fired on the plunder trying to flank and as she turned she did a full broadside on the Pegasus. The shield's of the imperial ship held but she had damage this time. Pegasus turned and did her own and Guardian got hammered and turned away trying to get some distance and allow her damage shields to recharge but the Plunder closed in.

Red was very frustrated, shi was helpless as Guardian fought for it's life. She was out numbered and out gunned. Even her fighters didn't help for they were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of enemy fighters. And there was nothing Red could do. Then shi noticed a shimmer behind the enemy destroyer. The shimmer became an old Federation frigate with a distinctive paint scheme. Shi smiled as Sonovagun fired on the destroyer hurting it bad and it broke off but Red's smiled died when Guardian was hit again and clearly she took damage and scorch marks were appearing. Sun focused on the Pegasus unleashing a volley of phasers and rapid fire torpedoes. The Pegasus shields held but she quickly responded to the Sun and hit the merc ship hard. <Guardian to Redstreak and Sunovagun.>

"Redstreak here."

<Thsi us Sun.>

<Sunovagun I want you to pick up Lt. Commander Redstreak on the station and get hir and hir team out of hear and report what has happened here.>

<Why can't you pick them up, We can cover you and we can all get out of here.>

<We can't, the hit the warp drive and our communications are down. Please Sunovagun, the Federation has to know what happened here. We can last long enough for you to get out.>

<Sigh, Alright Guardian we'll swing by the station and get hir out.>

"Captain, it was an honor."

<Likewise Redstreak, likewise. Alright crew let's make sure they never forget the name Guardian.> The comm such off on their end and the screen showed the aging star cruiser unleashing a fury of phaser and torpedo fire as the ship charged for the Pegasus. Red motioned for Darnspark to be next to hir.

"Sunny note I have a chakat with me without a badge."

<Got it Red.> Red hugged the younger chakat and soon a transporter beamed them away.

They appeared on the Sun's transporter pad and Red raced to the bridge with the others following. Shi saw the light's dim as the Sun engaged it's cloaking device and took a turbo lift to the bridge and saw what was on the viewscreen. The Guardian was prominent on the screen. She was battered and had fires on multiple decks but shi was still firing with what weapons she had left and barreling towards the larger ship. The Pegasus figured what she was up too and tried to move away but Guardian and put a lot of her remaining power to the engines and adjusted it's course. They were going to hit. Red joined hir away team in saluting the ship and her crew and notice escape pods jettisoning from Guardian as she closed in. just before the ships would hit the destroyer rams into the Guardian. The smaller ship is completely destroyed but the explosion and inertia pushes the guardian up. Instead of hitting right into the large bulky ship she grazes her collapsing the bigger ships shields and drift away with fires everywhere. Then they saw no more as the Sun jumped to warp.

With Red off doing Star Corps stuff Vox and Fish were left to figure what to do with their merge life and their feelings for Red. The Red issue was easy to figure out. Fish of course was mated to Red and still loved hir despite having stronger feelings for Vox. Vox had felt that Red was an uncle or a sibling but he knew how much Fish loved hir so he started looking at Red in a new light, going over photos and such. And he admits Red is attractive so he wanted to try to be mates with hir as well. But figuring out what to do with their life. He wasn't interested in counseling and Fish lost her love for that but he himself had lived of the kindness of Red's family. Though he did try to help when he could he just didn't consider a career in anything. At a lost what to do they decided to head for Double H and hang out free there minds so to speak. And it has been relaxing but now they were hungry so they head to the diner took a table and checked out the menu. It's been interesting to find what their merge body likes. Thankfully most of their favorites still are but what to eat has been hard to decide at times. They looked over the list of meals and Vox speaks first. "how about the popcorn shrimp?"

"Not today love. The filet steak?"

"No we had that yesterday."

"Oh right. How about Lasagna?"

"Tempting, but looking for something with more meat." Thus the debate over a meal continued, unbeknownst to them however was that they were being watched. The person was a chakat with white fur all around but shi had three oddities. First on hir right upper arm shi has a black paw mark. Even hir parents, for the short time shi knew them had no clue how shi got that other than the wacky fur pattern issue, Shi also had mismatched eyes gold on the left, blue on the right. With last but not least black hair with pink highlights that match hir pink nose. Shi was just got off a tour in the Star Corps a week ago and was settling in well to this new place. Shi used to live elsewhere but hir roomated fell in love and mated and planned to move in with hir mate's family and since shi couldn't afford the place alone long term went to find a new place and city to live so shi tried here and lives in Double H for the time being. Shi was coming into the diner for lunch when shi noticed the exotic color chakat sitting alone. Shi first thought shi looked pretty then noticed the odd things about hir. Hir features were pure chakat but more chakat fox, that's odd considering the hyper dominancy of chakat genes. For most chakat hybrids their features are pure chakat but would likely have the non chakat parent's fur pattern. Say in example a fox is the non chakat parent the child would have red fur and black or brown socks on the legs and maybe the arms, all on a chakat body. But here shi saw a perfect blend of chakat and fox features, quite curious. Then to add to it shi is speaking... to hirself. Shi is alone at the table, shi doesn't have a head piece on and hir comm unit at a glance isn't in active mode. Besides why would you discuss your meal over a call. Shi had to meet this strange Chakat.

They were still debating on a meal when they heard a voice say. "Excuse me is this seat taken?" They look up to see a white furred, black haired chakat. They smiled and replied.

"No it isn't,.Please join us."

"I'm Chakat Midsnow, child of Whiteloud, Blackthunder, and Softstripe. May sound a bit strange to have three parents but my birth parents were killed and Softstripe adopted me."

"We understand that. We both lost our parents and weere also lucky enough to find family. We are Diamondstripe, child of Fish and Vox."

"Interesting names for Chakats." They smiled at hir.

"We aren't Chakats."

"So you are adopted?" Shi asked.

"Nope, Vox and Fish are the parents to this body since ours were used to create it."

Midsnow was really confused. Diamondstripe kept using the pronoun we and referred to hirself as hir parents. And the other chakat was clearly enjoying this.

"Okay let me get this straight. Your parents our Fish and Vox who are neither chakat or your adopted parents and you refer to yourself like your them."

'That's because we are. We are a merged being. Two minds one body."

"But that's imposs..." Shi started to say but stopped hirself. Shi was reading the emotions coming from Diamondstripe and it was odd. Shi could read hir clearly but there was an echo, like the emotions weren't in sync. "Okay say I believe how did that happen?" The chakat looked at hir with a smirk.

"How much time do you have?" 'Did hir eyes just change color?' Midsnow thought. Outwardly shi replied.

"As mush as you need. I'll even by lunch. What topping do you want on your side of the pizza?" Shi saw the chakat perk up.

"Pizza does sound good, um okay half sausage and half pepperoni right love?"

"Right." Fish said but to Midsnow it sounded that the same person.

"Okay you got." Shi order the pizza and drink and Diamond told hir the story of their merge.

They were into their SECOND Pizza by the time Diamond got done with the story. "I almost find it hard to believe but from the first I saw you the oddity of the fox feline features were so rare that I had to come over and talk. You gave me more than I thought I would get. So how is it being in one body?"

"Still getting use to it. We've only been Diamond for about a month tops. But we think we work the major kinks out."

"Yeah the major issue is when both of us want to do something at the same time you'll see our arm go everywhere."

"Can't you just mentally ask for permission to move it?"

"No, we can't. In order to keep our identities we have to be mentally separate as possible."

"Thus why you look like you've lost it. You have to speak aloud to communicate with eachother."

"Well we haven't, lost it anyway." Midsnow chuckled and they joined hir. As they calmed down they looked at the time.

"Oh jeeze, we've been here for hours it's gotten late. I have to go the family would be worried. Good to meet you."

"The same, I hope to see you again."

"Well we can be here tomorrow."

"I'll see you then." Diamondstripe then left the club and headed home.

They entered the house and Medallion was the first to meet them. "You two were certainly out late. I would have thought you two were having a intimate time except you are both in one body." Diamondstripe blushed at that before replying.

"We were just at Double H and met a new friend and lost track of time."

"Have our merge pair have found a new mate?" They laughed at Dallie.

"Oh please Dallie, we just met. We had a nice conversation and a big dinner. Nothing more."

"Uh huh, right."

"DALLIE! YOU ARE INCORRAGEBLE!" Dallie just gave them an impish smile.

"WE swear you and Red have to twins even before the accident."

"You might have a point Diamond. But that still doesn't mean I'm wrong." Diamond sighed and shook hir head and went deeper into the house with Dallie smiling at hir.

The next day They went back to Double H and spent time with friends. Then in the afternoon a familiar white furred Chakat appeared. They excused themselves from their friends and greeted the Chakat. "Good to see you Midsnow."

"Likewise Diamondstripe." Midsnow directed them to a couple of couches and lounge on them. Fish quite liked this aspect of being a taur. It was so relaxing to lounge like this.

Vox got started this time. "So Midsnow we never did get to ask what you do for a living?"

"I'm an analyst in the Star Corps. I know and speak many languages that are used in the Federation. Just got done with a tour and the roommate I did have on Earth has mated and moved in with hir new mate so I decided a change of scenery would be good and Double h was a good choice. Whether I moved into somewhere else don't know yet but Double H is very accommodating in that regard. You two?"

"Well Fish was a counselor in the Star Corps and was permanently assigned to watch Redstreak after shi was captured by pirates. Vox didn't have one after being rescued from his homeworld. He just helped out at the house till we merged. We were trying to figure out what to do when you showed up."

'Well sorry for ruining your concentration."

"Forget it. It was nice meeting you and there is no hurry. The family is very supportive."

"Really, do tell." And Diamondstripe told hir of the various tales of the family helping others till it got too late and both went their separate ways.

A week later Daimondstripe was watching a recording from their mate Redstreak. They had told hir of their new friend in their last message. <So the poor ensign was standing in the hall buck naked as I and Captain Stonefur rounded the corner. He put up a crisp salute and I do believe the captain eyed the package he carried. And he said. 'Sirs I can only report a partial success in the personal cloaking device.' We retruned the salute and I said.

'Clearly this project was a failure ensign. I suggest you cover it's flaws.' Then he got his furry butt out of there and me and the captain laughed all the way to the mess hall. By the way this Midsnow sounds interesting, do I have a future co mate in the works other than you two?> They rolled their eyes. Fish was bound to prove that Red was cubnapped at birth, changed to a human, and sent to that other Earth for shi and Dallie are too alike. <I am eager to see you two again when this tour is done. Till then take care.> They touched the now stopped image of their mate Red with a smile on their lips. The next day Diamondstripe and Midsnow met at Double H and went out and just ot hang out. They enjoyed their time with the white Chakat and were at one of the parks overseeing the Mississippi River then Midsnow's comm buzzed. Frowning shi tapped the button and all three heard. <All Starfleet and Star Corps personnel. All leaves have been canceled. Report to your ships or assign stations immediately.> Midsnow looked with concern and Fish commented.

"That does not sound good. In all my years in the service I never heard a call like that."

"Me neither. Well I have to get going."

"Take care Midsnow."

"I will, I think I found something worth coming back to." Diamondstripe had the decency to blush. And Midsnow kissed them on the cheek and ran off to get a PTV to base.

The Sunovagun dropped out of warp a few minutes after leaving the Unikraken system. Bomber looked over at sensors. "Feyouri, any sign of those ships?"

"No Captain, we are clear for the moment."

"Crazahan, how's the Sun?"

<We're good Captain. Only minor repairs to a couple of systems.>

"Feyouri, Hail Starfleet. Tell them it's urgent"

"AYE Captain." And the Shapeshifter got to work and in a couple of minutes a Starfleet Commander was on screen. Bombershell explained the situation and send a copy of the logs Guardian sent to the Sunovagun before her destruction. The commander transferred them to an Admiral. A Tiger morph appeared.

<I am Admiral Tartikova of the 5th Fleet. You brought disturbing news Captain and sadly I believe Starfleet is ill prepared for this. I'm going to advise Starfleet to mobilized all of Starfleet and the Star Corps for action but we need intel. Your ship is in the area so till further notice your Starfleet. Lt. Commander Redstreak will stay on board to liaison between you and Starfleet.>

?gUnderstood, What about the other Guardian survivors or the civilian??h

<Consider them your crew until further notice and sadly the chakat will have to stay aboard. We need the intel fast and can't afford anymore lost in time.>

"Understood Admiral. We'll contact you when we can on enemy strength."

<Very well. If you need supplies head to any Starfleet and Star Corp facility. They will be noted to help in anyway. Tartikova out.> The screen went back to the starfield and Bombshell looked over hir new crew.

"Well Sunny, assign them quarters and you guys get some rest. And Sunny plot course to give us a goo and speedy search pattern."

<I Captain.> Bombshell then looked at Red.

"looks like it's now official Red. Welcome to the crew though I wish under better circumstances."

"Likewise. I'll see to the others and see you later."

Later Red finally settled down in the quarters shi was given. After making sure hir crew was settled and sending a message to hir family that shi was fine shi was prepared to relax when hir chime sounded. "Come in." The door opened to reveal Darnspark. Shi looked tense and Red sensed fear and stress on the younger chakat. "You okay Darnspark?"

"If you don't mind me just staying with you for a bit?" Shi responded. Red patted the spot next to hir on the couch and the young chakat raced over, laid next to Red and hugged the upper torso of Red and sighed. Red felt the tension and fear ease from Darnspark and the younger chakat hugged tight and rubbed hir head against Red's chest just below hir breasts.

"I haven't felt this safe in years and I don't want to lose it." Red just smiled and petted Darnspark.

"If you want you can stay with me. I know the healing power of a companion can be. It worked for me so why not you."

"That you Redstreak."

"Call me Red.' And Red continued petting Darnspark till both fell asleep.

Admiral Kline walked down the corridor with a slight frown. The Damage to the Pegasus was pretty good but the ship should be ready for action in a few hours. But it could have been worse if it wasn't for the sacrifice of the Plunder he could have lost his ship. The colony was now secure have a desperate battle by the fed ships gorund party and the slavers were busy. This would be one of the main depots for the invasion of this universe. He opened a door to one of his most private area's of the ship and look forward to what lay inside.

Nikol Stonefur was barely awake. The last things she remembered was charging towards the other Pegasus ordering the crew to abandon ship. Then hazily beating treated. Now she was in the dark, arms shacked above her head and her legs shackled to the ground. Then the door opened and the Other Kline appeared. "I do have to hand it to you Nikol was it, you did pretty well. Heck if it was me I would have tried the same thing. Which is why I'm glad my people found you in the wreckage. Now you were a bit on the older side but my medics had a drug to reverse it so now you are a healthy 20 some year old again. So I have a much longer time to play with you." He grabbed a long dildo and turned it on. "Oh yes, I shall have an enjoyable time breaking my new toy in." Nikol had a look of fear as the door closed.

Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 20: Mirror Invasion Part 2

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