Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#34 of Chakat Universe

inspired by a Cat Named Fish. I give you a story of the most unusual way to get revenge.

Project: VENGEANCE By Admiral Q and inspired by Cat Named Fish

It was a beautiful night, the sounds of the nearby carnival destroyed any nighttime silence but at least it was a pleasant noise. While the sounds and lights of the carnival was some distance away we see a couple walking down the street. The male was a human with wild black hair and some glasses. His companion was a fox morph female in brilliant red fur and gold hair. She held a pink cat plushy, a prize her boyfriend won for her at the carnival. She loved it very much and called it Fishy. They were chatting happily unaware of the figures lurking in the shadows till they were surrounded. "Looky what we have hear boys. An animal and her pet human. How sweet." The other man aww sounds and the first continued. "It makes me want to kill something and I bet the animal would make a nice fur coat." The male with the fox grabbed her and pushed her back as well as hit the panic button he installed on her comm unit to get the police. "Leave us alone. We have done nothing so let us pass." "Oh we can't let you leave with out paying." The man stepped out of the shadow. He was a human male in his mid teens with brown hair and blue eyes that held a lot of hate. "And her moans of pain is the currency." The man tried to punch the teen but he was a scientist not a fighter and the kid easily grabbed it and forced it behind the man's back painfully before punching him hard in the face making him fall to the ground. "HENRY!" the fox vixen cried. And tried to go to him but the other teens grabbed her and heard her and the leader came up to her and ripped off her shirt and bra leaving her topless. "Nice set of jugs, too bad they have fur on them but they would still be fun." He groped them and the vixen manage to kick him the crotch. He grimaced and held his family jewels and said. "Why you..." He swung a fist and hit her right in the face causing her to scream in pain. And started punching her everywhere. Henry tried to get up to defend her but some of the guys friends kept kicking him and keeping him down. Soon his girlfriends scream became whimpers and then they heard sirens. "Crap Fejeda cops. Let's get out of here." The group runs away and Henry limps to his girlfriend. He could barely recognize her with a the blood covering her. "Sasha, Oh Sasha I'm right here and help is on the way." He heard her whimper and he manage to get to her side and saw that the plush toy was nearby blood splattered. "I'm right here love. You're going to be okay. The docs will get you all patched up." "I....I....Love you...Henry." Sasha said weakly and she closed her eyes and her armed dropped. "NO Sasha Don't GO! We were going to by a house. Start a family. Don't leave me Love. Please open your eyes. Please, please. PLEASE SASHA!"

10 years later

Neal Fejeda didn't know where he was. It was wet and he felt something attached to his face. He couldn't remember where he was before. The earliest memory was on one of the groups ships. Since then just floating and feeling shifting and pressure in his body. 'What happened to him?' <Fejeda..........FeJEDA.... You awake yet?> Neal opened his eyes and saw a green tinted fluid and a blurry room beyond. He was in a tube of some kind. <Ah good you are. I have been eager to talk to you.> Neal saw a blurred figure approach the tube. He could see black hair and a white lab coat and glasses. There was something about those glasses. "What happened where am I?" His voice didn't sound like his own. What was going on here? Henry looked at Neal and smiled a dark smile. He was so close to his goal. "Where you are. On Chakona near the Caitian settlement of Harrn'tuk'harr. They allowed me to do my work in peace. And it has been a long work project. Ten years, ten years I have planned on this and now it will come to fruition." A hologrphic image of a being clothed in a cape and point cowl appeared. <Doctor, Starfleet Security is closing in.> "Thank you Dark Night. Do what you can to delay them without killing them and prepare for program Dark Night Falls." <Yes doctor.> "Looks like our time together is coming to an end." <What time? I just woke up. Nevermind You better let me go or so help me God.> "DO NOT TELL ME ABOUT GOD! YOU OF ALL PEOPLE HAVE NO RIGHT! MY SASHA DID NOTHING WRONG. SHE WAS A GOOD WOMAN, CARING AND COMPASSIONATE. Many in school were envious of me. That I had the love of such a beautiful person. But no, you hated her because she happened to have fur, tail, and a muzzle. AND YOU KILLED HER! And like always the authorities failed to get you and your friends, so I had to take matters into my own hands" He grabs the pink anthro cat plushy that had bloods splatters on it and looks at it. "And we did didn't we Fishy. For the last 10 years I looked for you and think of a proper punishment. For it is no longer good enough to kill you. No, that would be too easy and you wouldn't suffer as I have." The alarms and the red light flashed and Dark Night reports. <Sir! Our first line defenses have been breached. Security is entering the lab complex.> "Activate Dark Night Falls." <Yes sir. EMP charging. Detonation in fifteen minutes. It's been an honor Doctor.> "You were a great help Dark Night, thank you." Henry looked deeply at Neal. " Thought how best to punish you and I finally found it. It took years to get it right but it was worth it. What was the best way to punish you? Well since you hate furs so much why don't I make you the ultimate version of that you hate and with the added bonus you will feel the very hatred you have sowed." Henry looked at the new chakat form floating in the tube. Saw the realization dawn in his or correctly hir eyes. "Yes you have been in my company for weeks being changed. Sadly you don't have enough mass to be made an adult Chakat but enough to be a midteen and that also me you will suffer long so I don't mind." <NO! NO Nononononononononon!> Neal planted his hands and handpaws against the glass. The glass cracked then shattered spilling the fluid to the floor and Neal laid at the bottom of the tube and henry scan the readings he got. "Interesting. You have Telekenetic powers. I thought for sure I got pure Chakat samples. I guess one of the donors had a bluepaw Skunktaur in hir bloodline. And I certainly like your new look Neal." Henry started hearing sounds from the door. "One bit of advice Neal. I wouldn't tell them who you really are or you will join me. It's to bad I won't have the time to see all your talents, that would have been fascinating." The door opened and a combination of Security and cops came through the door. "Hands up!" One ordered and Henry complied without a word. Most of the team around him were Chakats and Caitians as expected. They quickly cuffed him and the Chakat nearest him declared. "You are under arrest for suspicions of piracy." They walked him away and he had a smile on his face. No matter what happens to him his Vengeance was complete. Neal looked at his hands. They were smaller and lean, feminine, and covered with gold brown fur that match his hair color. Well his old hair color. A streak of hair fell in front of his face and it was a neon green in color. He looked back down at his hands speechless. "It's okay, you're safe now." He look up and to the right to see a dual gender animal approaching him. He backed away with a snarl and actually felt a growl in his throat and come out. The animal frowned then extended hir hand. "Come on don't be like that. I won't hurt you." Neal felt a calming presences from the animal and that just made him madder. He instinctively hissed and swiped with a hand claws extended. The animal hissed as red streaks showed on hir hands. Neal and back off again till he was at the wall. He quickly looked around and there was only one way out. Through the animals. This was going to be interesting. Seashadow was confused. Hir precinct joined up with Starfleet security to get a mastermind behind a pirate attack. Shi didn't live in Harrn'tuk'harr. But the local cops felt they didn't have the manpower for this kind of op. Harrn'tuk'harr was still a relatively young settlement and only needed a handful of cops so hir precinct offered to help out since it was the nearest one in the Amistad. Some of hir fellows were stunned but no one killed and the broke into this room that had a human male and the mid teen chakat cub. The cub sat on a bottom of a broken tube and stared at hir hands with shock and confusion being projected. Shi tried to offer comfort but the cub instead of taking it as shi suspected the cub backed away and projected hatred with a tad of fear. Shi tried again and project calm and peace to the cub....and got a scratched on hir hand for it. Shi sensed anger and determination from the cub. Shi was at a loss of what to do when shi heard a phaser fire and the cub slumped against the wall unconsciousness. Shi looked over in shocked at the Caitian female who had fired. "Why did you do THAT?" Shi asked. "it was the best way to get to hir. It was on light stun and how long and how many cuts would we have trying to get hir out?" Shi sighed. "The Caitian had a point.' Shi went over and picked the cub up. If shi had to guess age the cub was about 14 terran years old. 'Why did that human take hir and who are hir parents?' Shi started carrying the cub when all of a sudden the lights went out. "What the hell?" Someone asked. Shi heard the team leader say. "Snowshadow to shuttle, Snowshadow to shuttle can you hear me?" Other fiddle with their comms or other devices and get nothing in response. "Shir I think that was an EMP. Our gear is fried." "Okay half of you get back to the shuttle and call in new gear. Seashadow you take the cub to the Harrn'tuk'harr's hospital for a check up." "Aye Shir." Shi adjusted the cub to shi would lay on hir lower torso. Seashadow did notice something odd. The cubs green furred seemed to glow a bit. Weird but shi finished adjusting the cub and head out to the shuttle. When Neal woke up again he was clearly in a hospital room and light strapped to the bed. 'Not surprised after that way I reacted to them.' He looked up and finally had a clear head to think. 'Okay, an insane guy has turned me into an animal for revenge. He needed to get out of here and contact the group. They could help him out. This could be a blessing. There would be no way to get his old body back but with the Oceanwalker's process he could get a new and clean human body. They would be looking for Neal Fejeda not who ever he would become. So that means acting a bit like an animal to let their guard down. The door opened and a Caitian animal came in wearing a nurse outfit. "Well your awake little one. Feeling better?" Neal's response was to turn his head away. "Well you checked out so that's good news. Were looking for your family so it would only be a matter of time." 'They won't find anything.' Neal thought and wondered how long they would keep him. Eventually they took off the straps and Neal went to the bathroom to see his new body. They had a full length mirror and he saw what that human had done to him. Most of his body was covered with the gold brown fur that matched his old hair but a neon green went from his muzzle down his belly and...breasts and down his lower belly in a fox like pattern. His hair and tail were also neon green and his eyes a bright amber color. He stuck his tongue out and it was a standard pink. Hey took a look at his lower regions and saw the sheath and pussy. He shuddered at the pussy but the mantra, 'It's temporary. It's only temporary.' The hair was shoulder length. He looked for a pair of clippers to cut it. But found nothing. He did find a rubber band and used it to put it in a simple ponytail. He helped his sister with her hair when she was alive and those tricks stayed. There was a knock on the door and the nurse came in with dinner. Seashaow was in a debriefing on the raid to the weird lab. Hir chief came in and they went over the raid. One of hir fellow officers asked. "So did we get any data from the raid?" "Sadly no. This guy was through. The EMP fried everything so no record of what went on there. All we got on him is that he is Doctor Henry Soloman. He move to Chakona 5 years agho and settled near Harrn'tuk'harr and built that complex. The Caitans said he was a quiet isolated guy but when he did come in town he was very friendly to them. Nothing pointing to him as a fur hater or even a kidnapper till we interrogated the pirate crew he hired to attack a freighter, which also was EMPed. So we have no clue why he hit that ship." "Has he said anything?" "Only that vengeance has been fulfilled and justice met. Nothing else." Seashadow raised hir hand to be noticed and was shi asked. "What about the chakat cub we found?" "Shi is even stranger." The chief replied. "We ran hir DNA to find hir family and nothing as come up. I have sent it to Federation authorities directly but right now shi has no family on Chakona and shi won't reveal hir name. Other than that shi is fine. Heck the hospital is only planning to keep hir a day or two more for observation. Then if no family is found shi will be handed over to foster care." Seashadow thought that was a crappy ending for the poor thing. Shi decided to have a talk with hir mate Windbreeze after the meeting was done. Neal was looking out the window from his hospital room and checking out the scenery. This was a beautiful planet. Shame that the animals got it instead of his kind. The door opened and he looked around to see who came in now. It was a chakat with bluish purple fur, dark blue hair and a pair of green eyes. Shi also wore a cops uniform. Shi smiled at him. "Hello little one, how are you today?" He shrugged and looked back out the window. His senses told him the chakat was frustrated a bit and that caused him to smile. "My name is Seashadow, child of Bluemoon and Jollydancer. What's your name?" Neal didn't answer. Couldn't answer. Even his first name would show he wasn't originally a chakat and might lead them to his true identity. "Come on it can't be that hard to tell me can it?" Neal just nodded. "You don't remember your name do you?" Neal just refused to answer. "Okay, that's okay. How about I give you one?" Neal just shrugged again. He didn't care and an alias in this form would be useful. "Now let's see, what would be a good name for you?" Neal assumed shi looked at him for a minute for shi was silent. "I know, Glowlight. When I carried you out of the lab your green fur almost glowed. How does that sound?" Neal was surprised by that. "I glowed?" He asked. It was still strange hearing a female kid's voice out of his mouth. "Yes it was odd. But the docs say nothing harmful. Heck the doctors are ready to release you so now you have a choice to make. We haven't found your parents or any family yet so you can either go into foster care or you can live with me and my mate. We have a daughter a little younger than you but always happy to have more. Would you like that?" Neal thought about it for a bit. A house would be easier to break out of then a foster care place. That would be very useful for he needed to find the local H1 cell here for help. Yes he could do that. He nodded. Yes Seashadow just gave him the best aid he could get.

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