Burning the Midnight Oil

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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And the prodigal son returns, bearing with him the promise of a rubbery tomorrow :) Heya babies! I'm back! :) this is the first on my queue, and I'll surely get to work on more soon!

Here we have the touching story of a gryphon who just works too hard! Our dear Frysco has been handling some late-night work, and even gone under the radar about a few...less legal things. When Mr. Dark finds out, he won't be happy...even if Frysco agrees to show him his newest project!

In the darkness of the lab, the silence could be almost deafening. Thick walls reduced outside noise (a rather trivial feature considering they were underground), the windows were made of a soundproof Plexiglas, and the floor was padded with a thick layer of concrete beneath the marble cover. The cubicles were empty, chairs pushed neatly into the desk as was required by management, the lights were all off...save for one.

A little gryphon typed away at his keyboard absently, occasionally glancing at the white square to ensure he'd entered the data properly. His fingers were sore, his head aching, but he had no desire to stop! Quite the opposite, actually, he felt more inspired to work through it. He had to finish it, he _had_to! It was the biggest project he'd come up with on his own, and that meant that if it managed to attain the Mr. Dark Seal of Approval, he might be promoted! The thought excited the gryphon, who shook out his beautifully multicolored feathers and went back to work with a smile. So engulfed in his work, he was, that he didn't even hear the quiet clicking of footsteps behind him.

"Burning the midnight oil, are we, Mr. Frysco?" a smooth voice slunk into his ears. If it'd been anything but that voice, he might've jumped in shock, but he knew this voice quite well. He turned in his chair and rubbed his avian eyes, exposure to his glaring computer screen forcing him to take a moment for them to focus. When they did, they locked onto the white button-up shirt of his draconic boss: Mr. Dark. The dragon was wearing his usual attire: black business suit, red tie, white shirt, but he had slung his jacket over his shoulder in a laid-back kind of way.

"Mr. Dark!" Frysco said with a tired smile. "It's um, nice to see you!"

"Likewise," the dragon smiled and shifted his weight. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Hm? Oh, um, just trying to finish up some private projects before the sun rises," he smiled. His eyes widened nervously as the dragon placed his foot on the back of his chair and gently nudged him out of the way. Frysco could've objected, but Mr. Dark was like a hungry beast...he _might_ignore you if you just stay very quiet. Yellow eyes danced across the screen, noting the bits of data and the various strings of computerized genetic material with a doctorial interest. Frysco opened his mouth once or twice to try and speak, but found he couldn't. On the third try, however, he managed to squeak out a question: "So...um, what are you doing here this late?"

The dragon looked at him quizzically, raising an eyebrow as if astonished the little creature could speak so outwardly.

"I always visit my labs after work," he chuckled, turning back to the data on the screen. "It helps me keep track of my various projects. I must say, Mr. Frysco, this project is quite intriguing!"

The gryphon's ears perked up at the praise, a small blush creeping across his cheeks. Mr. Dark noted the small blush and chuckled, leaning on an elbow against the cubicle wall. The gryphon sat back in his chair, suddenly struck by Mr. Dark's seductive stare.

"You...like it?" he asked the dragon hopefully. "It's...I mean...it's not quite done yet...but it's pretty close!"

"Oh?" Mr. Dark smirked and looked over the data once again. "I can see, Mr. Frysco...but strangely enough, I don't remember seeing something this interesting come across my desk."

"You...can just call me Frysco," the gryphon said nervously as the dragon turned and leaned in suddenly.

"Well then, Frysco, I'd like to know where this project came from," he said, smirking. "Because if it hasn't come across my desk, it isn't being legally funded by my company."

Frysco's eyes widened as he was gripped with a staunch terror. Funding for his prototype hadn't necessarily been attained through the usual (legal) channels, which was a high offence against T&B, Inc. He had only borrowed, like...a measly $600,000! He was going to pay it back once his project had been fully tested and approved! He had hoped the dragon wouldn't notice, but now he was mentally braining himself for it! The dragon knew everything that happened in the building!

"I...um," he began, his voice catching in his throat. "I was..."

"Meaning there are two possible explanations: you've got much deeper pockets than I remember being on that labcoat, or you've been borrowing from me," Mr. Dark said, raising his eyebrow. "You now have thirty seconds to explain yourself before we find you a nice little spot in the Isotex containment chamber. Begin."

Frysco's voice caught in his throat as a burning entered his lungs. He had seen the intensity that was the ICC: walls coated in greenish jelly, various employees stuck to the ceiling and floor moaning desperately as they climaxed forever. The very thought brought shivers to Frysco's spine, but were nothing compared to the dragon's voice when next he spoke.

"Time's up," he said and grabbed the smaller gryphon by the scruff of his neck! Frysco squealed and pulled away as the dragon tugged him towards the elevator.

"Mr. Dark, please!" he begged and tugged against the dragon's stronger grip. As they neared the elevator, Frysco became desperate! "Please! I'll show you the project! I promise you'll like it, I promise!"

The gryphon's desperate pleas seemed to douse the anger in the dragon's heart and stopped him. Though he still held the gryphon hard, he glared at him through slitted pupils.

"You promise?" he asked, a dark smile creeping across his lips. He chuckled quietly and released the little creature, who rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes! Yes, I promise!" he gasped, relieved to be free.

"And if I don't?" Mr. Dark asked, his grin becoming a snarling smile. Frysco's heartbeat increased rapidly. "If I don't like it, you're moved to my office."

The very thought made the gryphon shake fearfully. "Y-Your office?"

Mr. Dark nodded slowly. Only the worst offenders went to Mr. Dark's office to be used as furniture or decoration. He remembered talk of the "wedding" not a few weeks ago where the old Sec-Team captain was plasticized and hung from the ceiling like a chandelier! What terrible things could be done to a "thief"...he didn't even want to imagine...

"I...I..." Frysco stuttered. Mr. Dark reached out and patted his cheek, snickering.

"You've dug yourself a hole, little winged one," he smirked. "You can either dig your way out or take my hand. Considering your lack of funds to begin with, I presume you don't have $600,000 on hand to pay me back. That means that until you do, you're in my debt."

Frysco nodded and looked up at the suave reptile.

"So, why don't we go see this little project of yours?" he asked, bumping his nose against the gryphon's beak. Frysco blushed involuntarily, the slick male's advances making him both nervous and at the same time quite excited. He had never been one to say outwardly that he was interested in males, but at home he could say and do whatever he wanted!

The dragon's footsteps echoed down the stark white halls as Frysco led him into one of the unused testing rooms. Mr. Dark noted the chamber's status as occupied, but hadn't authorized such a thing. The gryphon had outsmarted him cleverly.

"Didn't register, did you?" he asked, smiling. Frysco looked up at him curiously.

"What?" he asked.

"You didn't register the chamber through the system, you just locked the door," the dragon chuckled. Frysco's eyes widened momentarily, then shot down to the floor.

"I...I thought no one would notice," he said meekly. Mr. Dark rested his claw on the gryphon's shoulder and continued chuckling.

"I didn't," he smirked. "Well done."

Frysco's ears perked up, but his eyes remained cast at the floor. He felt a burning in his cheeks conjured by the reptile's nimble claw lying against his feathers. The dragon could be quite smooth once you got past the veil of mystery he always wore about him. He was really quite sweet when you got to know him...and didn't piss him off...or bring him his tea late...or shuffle his papers...or leave footprints in his office...or bring him the _wrong_tea (Good lord, you'd never seen so much rubber till the day an intern brought him orange-pomegranate instead of Earl Grey!). But he visited the labs so frequently, it was like he never left!

Frysco saw him come through at least once or twice a day, just to make sure that all projects were on-point and functioning properly. The doors slid back on the testing room to reveal a dark chamber, which was suddenly bathed in a warm grey light. In a corner of the room there sat a large pink mass, quivering at the introduction of the two creatures. It was like chewed bubblegum, but held a more sinister tone as Mr. Dark realized it was not alone. Inside of the viscous mass lay a squirming figure, the material drawn so tightly over its face that Mr. Dark could make out its expressions as the substance did unspeakable things to it. Mr. Dark mewled to himself and stepped into the room. The mass seemed to notice him, and began slowly sliding across the floor in his direction while leaving enough of its mass on its "victim."

"So break it down," the dragon ordered. "What is this thing?"

"Hm? Oh! I, um, well...this is Project 3D-Niner-" he was cut off by the dragon's loud sigh.

"I know it doesn't have a real designation, just give me the shorthand," he insisted, smirking tiredly. Frysco blushed hard and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Alright, well I've been calling it Empathex...it's an analog of the original Isotex code," Frysco explained. Mr. Dark raised an eyebrow.

"I thought changes to the A25 and B34 strands produced instability?" Mr. Dark asked, turning to Frysco as the mass slugged towards him.

"It does! It does, but there's wiggle room between the F56 and the G02 for a bonding agent. Unfortunately, it tends to make them a little...sluggish," Frysco explained as the little creature stopped where it was as if resting for a moment.

"Ahh, I see," Mr. Dark smiled. "Clever! And its...*ahem* food source? I see you've already gotten that under control."

Frysco blushed again and noted the squirming captive. "It's not so bad...it's not a leech or anything like Isotex can be. It's almost entirely photosensitive. The victim provides base kinetic energy to fund gross movement, but otherwise it just needs sunlight."

"You merely immobilized my Isotex?" Mr. Dark asked, frowning. "The data looked so much more complex! Surely this can't be all?"

"Well..." Frysco said as he noticed the blob sneaking closer to the dragon. The thought flashed across his mind...just let the Empathex take him...then we can leave the country! We'll run to, like, Cambodia! "There's more to it than that..."

The liquid material suddenly burst to life! It slogged onto Mr. Dark's leg and held fast, beginning the process of eating through his clothes! The dragon stepped back slightly, only barely fazed by the attack. He turned to Frysco with a disappointed smirk.

"I presume you're trying to tell me something?" he asked, smiling at the gryphon. Frysco shook with both anticipation and absolute terror. He didn't speak, lest he make his sentence worse if the dragon escaped, but merely kept his beak shut and watched the dragon struggle as the Empathex slid up his leg and over his crotch. At the touch, Mr. Dark's face became a blissful mask of lust. He fell to a knee and moaned loudly as the substance slid over his sensitive organ, between his legs and all over his smooth scales. Frysco shuddered, the look of pleasure on the dragon's face a truly arousing sight! He had an urge to run in and save the dragon, but knew that was the worst course of action. Then, he might get slubbered himself!

The Empathex continued to envelop the darkly-dressed dragon, until it reached his chin. Slowly, it slid until only his mouth was free.

"Frys...co," he whispered. The sludge seemed to stop and wait for him to finish.

"Y-Yeah?" he called back, nervous and afraid for what was likely a warning for him to run as fast as he could.

"I...love it!" he said and clamped his jaw shut. There was a small popping sound as a hidden capsule was broken by his sharp, draconic teeth. A white liquid bubbled forth from his mouth and sent plumes of white smoke into the air as it touched the pink Empathex! The mass squealed loudly and began to withdraw, slowly piling up in the corner until the dragon was free once again...

Frysco stood in terrified awe of the tall creature approaching him. The mass had eaten his clothing away, but left him with an unstoppable erection that bounced as he walked. Frysco felt a swarm of butterflies in his stomach, but couldn't find the strength to move as the dragon gently held his head and leaned in to kiss his beak. The gryphon's eyes fluttered as he relaxed into the dragon's grip, letting his tongue explore and fence with the dragon's. They moaned and embraced until finally the dragon broke it and looked down at the blushing Frysco.

"I love it," he said and kissed him again. With a smirk, he leaned back and reached underneath the gryphon's shirt and labcoat. Gently, he rubbed and teased his chest, letting the muscles twitch beneath his fingers as he felt a feathered hand start to gently stroke his throbbing dragonhood. Mr. Dark moaned and smiled as he played with the gryphon, kissing his neck until he was practically purring in submission. The dragon wasted no time, then, and hefted the smaller gryphon into his arms.

The next thing Frysco felt was the embrace of a slurry, warm substance that seemed to flow like water...

"No!" he cried, eyes widening as the Empathex engulfed his arms and legs! The shock broke him of his romantic haze and left him in the tingling clutches of the pink mass. Mr. Dark kneeled next to him and petted his head soothingly.

"There, there," he cooed. "Shh, you're not in trouble."

"But, I was good! I impressed you! Didn't you say--" he was silenced when a cool claw pressed his lips together.

"You're_not_ being punished, Frysco," Mr. Dark said again, sternly. "This is a reward!_I love what this organism does. I thought I was smart by _inducing pleasure in subjects, but Empathex transfers pleasure, doesn't it? For every victim in its grasp, it stimulates the nervous system cumulatively."

"I...Please, Mr. Dark, I'd rather stay with you!" Frysco begged as the substance slid further up his chest. Mr. Dark reached down and continued stroking his chest ever so softly. The gentle touch made the gryphon moan as he felt warmth enter his malehood...

"Your victim looks like he's been here a while...how long? Two months? Four?" Mr. Dark smirked. "Well, I think it suffices to say that maybe you do need to be punished just a little...for taking all that money from me. And you are still in my debt, remember? So, how about this: I'll come back for you in 600,000 hours. Does that sound good, boy?"

"Mr. Dark!" Frysco cried as the substance gripped his chin and slorped into his mouth! He squirmed and squealed as he felt three months' worth of pleasure enter his cock and balls! The previous victim's squealing became his own, and the two were joined in orgasmic suffering together, bound entirely and for as long as their draconic boss desired.

"Hm, what an interesting evening!" he beamed, looking down at the now-bound gryphon. He watched as the Empathex forced him to the peak of orgasm, then slowly worked him back down to being completely flaccid. It was quite beautiful, actually, whenever one of their erections would tent the gooey stuff, the other would become soft and vice versa! Mr. Dark chuckled. "Alright, boys, I'll be back for you sometime soon. If you can still hear me in there, Frysco dear, your time begins...now."

With that, he struck the lights and left the room in complete darkness. If Empathex was really photosensitive, and required sunlight to even stimulate its victims, then they would be even more slowly pleasured! Mr. Dark wondered if they'd even be sane by the time he let them out?

"Now_that's_ a bet I'd like to take!" he smirked and whipped out his phone. After a few moments, a soft female voice picked up the other line and giggled.

"Good evening, Sir! How may I direct your call?" the voice said.

"Fay, dear! I need you start a betting pool on the executive floor, tell them I'll explain the parameters at the next briefing," he smirked as he walked down the hallway, still naked.

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