Mr. Dark's Indulgences

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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Everyone has their bad habits, and Mr. Dark is no exception! However, some people have stranger habits than others, and this is certainly the case with our favorite weird dragon! :D So, what does Mr. Dark do for fun? Find out!

The muscled bull awoke with a start, realizing his head was pounding uncomfortably. He opened his eyes slowly and realized with a startling sense of dread that he couldn't see anything! He tried opening his mouth, but it was snugly fit with a squeaky rubber ballgag, making anything more complicated than a low bellow impossible to produce. He struggled, pulling at the chains that held him so tightly to the concrete ground. The bull could hear noises to either side of him, similar muffled bellowing indicating his fellow captives' predicaments. There was a quiet clunking noise and light suddenly poured into the room as a large door rolled out of the way. Two silhouettes stepped into the rectangular, concrete room and the door rolled closed behind them as bright lights burst to life!

"See, Mr. Dark?" one of the silhouettes asked hopefully. As the bull's eyes adjusted to the light, he could make out the features of a tall, black dragon in a business suit and a smaller female lizard in a tight labcoat. The lizard held a clipboard tightly against the pillowy mounds on her chest, smiling hopefully at the dragon. "I told you they were exceptional!"

"Indeed," he mused, tilting his shades down at the bull, who angrily glared up at him. The bull was wrapped in many tight, thick leather belts that kept his delicious physique on display. "Something to say, big boy?"

Mr. Dark pulled the gag from his mouth and let it dangle around his neck. "What is this, you slick piece of shit?"

"That the worst you got?" the dragon chuckled. "This is going to be a hell of an evening."

He stood back up with a smile and presented himself before the other bound males, whom were a variable mix of stereotypically hefty male species: a thick brown Clydesdale, a full-bellied black bear, a toned rhino with a series of tattoos covering his back and shoulders, and a particularly beefy polar bear. When the dragon's eyes landed on the white-furred god, his jaw dropped.

"My god!" he whispered and slid to his knees before the chiseled male. "Wendy, where did you find him?"

"He was special," the lizard giggled, walking up behind him on her cloppity high heels. "Imported from your Arctic fighting circles. He was the first place champion for two months before I had him brought here for your...little habit."

"Consider yourself promoted, Wendy dear," he mused as he ran his claw over the abs and pecs of the deliciously muscled beast. He ran his claw up to the male's chin and gave him a loving pat. "You're one of my fighters, eh?"

"Da," the bear growled through his thick Russian accent. "I am the strongest."

"I can see!" Mr. Dark smiled. "Such a beautiful boy...I'd hate to put you somewhere that pretty body couldn't be seen. You want to stay active?"

"I like to fight," he growled with a smile. With a suggestive glance, the bear looked the dragon over and smirked at him. "Or whatever you want."

"Smart boy, too," the dragon smirked. He turned to Wendy. "Not this one. First he goes to the muscle farm, then he goes to the country house."

"Yes sir," the lizard scribbled the order down on her clipboard turned to the bull, who was still struggling. "I think this one's a real fighter, too, sir."

"Him?" the dragon asked, returning to the bull. He knelt down and gave his nipple a gentle rub. "That true? You a fighter?"

"Y-Yeah," the bull growled, the dragon's touch giving him goosebumps. He maintained his gravelly demeanor, though, and was straining against his chains once again. Mr. Dark stood up and turned to Wendy.

"Alright, I've seen them," he chuckled. "Bring them to the Città."

The bull struggled as the lizard slipped his ballgag back into his mouth with a little giggle and then sprayed him in the face with a sweet-smelling gas from her wristwatch. The bull's vision flickered and he fell into a deep sleep, his head slumping against his thick chest.

Hours later, he felt light flood his weary eyes. They popped open and darted around before the bull rubbed them tiredly, looking around at his current confinement. He was lying in a wooden cot, propped against a clay wall in a Grecian-looking dwelling. There were sounds coming from outside, a huge ruckus of wild moaning and delighted shouting, the sounds of men having a party. The bull shook his head and stepped out of the small dwelling into the hot sun, looking at the scene before him...

He was overlooking an enormous Grecian courtyard, with tall pillars holding up a slanted marble roof bearing pictures of muscled males in various sexy positions. He gasped as he saw males of all species frolicking in the courtyard, splashing and wrestling in the elegant fountain-centerpiece of the whole place. There were shouts as bellows as two males took the stage of wrestling in the fountain.

It was the polar bear from earlier! He was standing opposite a hugely muscled Grizzly bear, panting aggressively. The men suddenly charged each other and fell into a rolling grapple! They splashed around, trying to get a hold of one another and prove their strength. Eventually, however, the bear was trapped in an uncomfortable spread eagle and forced into submission. As the polar bear held his legs and arms apart, other males approached and began fondling the defeated bear. He struggled for a moment as the other muscled beasts began stroking him off and rubbing his nipples, eliciting deep groans of pleasure from him. The bull couldn't stop his malehood from slowly pumping to life, extending from his sheath a good seven inches...and he was not yet hard. He tore himself away from the spectacle at the fountain and remembered a name: Mr. Dark. That dragon from before! He must've brought the bull to this strange place, he must be the one in charge.

He began asking around for the reptile's whereabouts while also refusing requests of love from the other lusty males.

"Hey man, you seen a black dragon 'round here?" he asked another bull, equally as hefty as himself. The bull snorted as he heard the question.

"Mr. Dark?" he clarified, smirking. "What business a hunk like you got with the boss?"

"I'm tryna figure some shit out, alright?" the bull growled back. "You know where he is?"

"I might," the other bull smiled and leaned against a marble post. He glanced down the bull's thick body, raising an eyebrow at the male's semi-hard cock sticking out in front of him. "But I don't just go telling secrets for free..."

The bull got his drift and turned away with a scoff. He wouldn't be reduced to handing himself out to strangers just so he could get some info, he could find the damn lizard himself. He was about to walk away, however, when it dawned on him the sheer volume of males in this place! There were at least seventy in his peripheral, not to mention the other fifty he could see before him! Looking for the smaller dragon would take forever if he didn't know where to look...

The bull turned back to the other bull and rolled his eyes. It wasn't that he didn't like guys, he did, he just thought it seemed a bit...whorish to put out simply because he needed to find someone. He guessed, however, that it wasn't much worse than his old job, and the experience suddenly began seeming like fun! He could play with some other males, have some fun, get a little drunk, and then deal with this Mr. Dark guy!

He smirked at the bull, who was scratching his tight tummy expectantly.

"What could I give you to help me find that dragon, hm?" the bull asked suggestively, sauntering up to the other male and wrapping an arm around his waist.

"I got a few ideas, boy," he growled with a smile and put his hoof on the top of the bull's head. With a gentle push, the bull fell to his knees before the older male and found himself staring down the fattest cock he'd ever seen...

"Wow," he grinned, licking his lips. His cock was throbbing now, fully exposed and jumping with the beat of his heart. He took the other bull's thick cock in his hoof and began stroking it expertly. "What's your name, big guy?"

"Daren," the bull growled as the younger male stroked his cock.

"Sexy name. I'm Keith," Keith said as he licked Daren's dripping cockhead. His pre swirled around on Keith's tongue, making the younger bull drip a little, too. He suddenly slid the cock down his throat and began bobbing on it passionately as Daren moaned above him. The younger bull had sucked plenty of cock before, and he knew where to hit a man to make him roar. With a firm grip, he took the bull's balls and juggled them on his palm, stroking with a thumb over the heavy sac. Daren shivered quickly and tilted his head back as the bull sucked and fondled, the older bull's legs beginning to shake.

"Damn, boy, you got a good mouth!" Daren groaned as Keith sucked him harder, pulling his cockhead to the very bottom of his throat and suckling his shaft. Keith was so busy he didn't have time to pleasure himself, he merely let his own fat shaft bounce beneath him as he sucked the hefty male. After a moment, the bull had put his hoof on Keith's head again and forced him into a hard deepthroat as hot cum began pouring down the younger bull's throat! Daren loosed a deafening bellow and spasmed as he shot thick rivers into Keith's belly, which ate his seed like a hungry vacuum-cleaner. When his cock slipped free of Keith's lips, Daren was still panting like a dog. "Whew, where you been all my life, boy?"

"Around," Keith smirked, wiping a little drop of cum from his lower lip and swallowing it. Daren put his arm around the younger male and led him up a long set of stairs.

"So what business you got with the boss, eh?" Daren asked, rubbing Keith's chest with his free hand. "You trying to get in his graces?"

"I'm trying to get out of here, or something," the bull explained, taking Daren's hoof and guiding it to one of his erect nipples.

"Get out of here?" he asked with smirk. "What makes you think you can just get out of here?"

Keith stopped. "What're you talking about?"

"You got brought here for a reason, boy, we all did," he explained. "I was right where you are ten years ago, you get used to it."

"Get used to it?" Keith asked, suddenly angry. "This punk thinks he can lock me up and make me his bitch?"

"Ha! Hahahaha!" Daren laughed and turned back up the stairs. Keith followed him questioningly, his question still unanswered. "You think he's trying to make you his bitch?"

"I mean, what's he want?" Keith asked.

"He wants you to make him your bitch!" he chuckled cryptically and kept walking. When they reached the top, Keith found himself in the presence of a regal, Grecian throne occupied by a giggling male dragon and at least four other burly males. They were whispering to each other and drinking from large goblets, occasionally bursting into laughter and kissing.

"Mr. Dark!" Daren shouted. The males turned to the interrupters, two of them standing up and approaching them protectively.

"What's up, boys?" a horse asked, flexing his chest. "Mr. Dark's a little busy."

"This one wants to chat with him," Daren nodded to the younger bull next to him. The horse snuffed and chuckled.

"Alright, whatever," he said and stepped to the side. "I'm too drunk for it."

"I remember you!" the dragon slurred as the bulls stood before him. "You're that meaty lug I spoke to with Artyom's shipment aren't you?"

"I, uh...?" Keith had no idea how to answer. He didn't know who Artyom was, he had no idea what "shipment" he was talking about, and he was certainly didn't acknowledge himself as a "meaty lug." He was pushed out of the way suddenly by the enormous polar bear, who had ascended the stairs after noticing the scene at Mr. Dark's throne.

"I am Artyom," he growled and stood before the dragon, who was still sipping from his goblet and smirking at the two.

"Now, now, boys!" he chuckled, stumbling into the polar bear. The muscled male bent and lifted the dragon into his thick arms, creating a beefy bed for the reptile to swing in. He tossed his goblet away and held his claw out expectantly. One horse brought him a filled bottle of red wine and then backed away, letting the dragon swill from it drunkenly. He turned to the bull, who was smirking at him. "What can I do for you, sir?"

"I was...actually just looking for an explanation," Keith said, looking around at the other males. They chuckled, Mr. Dark included, and the dragon pointed in the direction of a gorgeously green garden. Artyom began walking slowly in the direction that he pointed, inspiring the bull to follow. They entered a long, meticulously-kept garden, complete with swirling hedges and sculptures of burly beasts in suggestive poses. They passed one particularly attractive sculpture, whose likeness was so lifelike that Keith couldn't help but stop and admire him! He gasped and stepped back, however, when the male's unfrozen eyes darted to him and glared at him desperately!

"Oh, they're not statues," Mr. Dark mumbled from the muscled bed on which he lay. "They're just bad boys."

"Bad?" Keith asked, catching up to the reptile and his manslave.

"Bad, yes," the reptile confirmed. "They either tried to escape, or did something I didn't I had them put in time out."

"They just sit there?" Keith asked. They reached a large gazebo and stopped, Mr. Dark looking at the bull curiously.

"They do. So, what do you need explaining, Mr....?" the dragon asked.

"Oh, uh, Keith," he responded. "I...was wondering where we were? And what's all this?"

"Ah, you want the rundown," the dragon chuckled and kissed the hunky polar bear's chin. "Alright, here goes. Right now, you're in beautiful Italia, in my Città di Muscoli. Why? Because one of my agents thought you looked like a suitable hunk to join my little harem. That's it!"

"That's it?" Keith asked. "I just look good?"

"Yup!" Mr. Dark smiled and turned back to Artyom. "Isn't that right?"

"Da, boss," he smirked and kissed his drunken lips.

"But I mean...I think I read about you once, I didn't think you were...uh, into guys?" Keith asked curiously. Mr. Dark laughed heartily and reclined in Artyom's strong grip.

"If I wasn't interested in men, why would I be sitting in the arms of the largest, sexiest Russian beast I've ever seen and purring like a kitten?" he asked, swilling from his bottle. "Or have invested tens of thousands of dollars in building a six-acre-long pantheon occupied entirely by naked males? Doesn't really add up, does it?"

"I...guess not," Keith laughed a little. Artyom sat down on the gazebo bench.

"Aww, not getting tired on me, are you?" he asked, petting the polar bear's chest.

"Never, sir," he smiled and nuzzled the dragon's scaly head.

"So you're gay?" Keith asked. Mr. Dark looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Gay?" he laughed. "I'm not gay!"

"Could've fooled me," Keith chuckled, making Artyom laugh as well. The dragon snapped between looking at the polar bear and the bull accusatorily.

"Fine maybe I'm a little gay," the dragon slumped into the polar bear's muscles. "But who isn't nowadays? And these little excursions of mine are rare. Annual."

"You do this every year?" Keith asked, surprised. "You just get all the biggest guys around to drink and wrestle?"

"I don't even usually drink!" he laughed and tilted his head back. "I've got billions and billions of dollars, boys! I can do whatever I want!"

"Power of money," Keith chuckled and sat down next to the dragon and his vessel. "So, you think we could be friends?"

"Friends?" Mr. Dark asked, looking over at him. "Friends how?"

"I mean, you want to...I don't know, keep talking after this party thing?" he asked hopefully. The dragon sat up and leaned over to stroke the bull's cheek.

"You're very pretty," he mused, clearly drunk. He suddenly chuckled and leaned back. "You're already my friend, big boy!"

"Yeah?" Keith smiled.

"Of course, every single male here is my close friend," he said between gulps of wine. "Very dear, very close friends, all. You're all my boys!"

"I guess so," Keith shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. Artyom looked at him curiously.

"You want more?" he asked, smirking. "You want to be his mate?"

"What? No, I was just saying..." the bull protested quietly. "I mean, I want friends like you, Mr. Dark."

"Everybody does," the dragon chuckled. He sat up, giving the beefy males a naughty look. "You want to do something...friendly?"

"Of course," Artyom smiled, setting the smaller male down on the bench next to him. They stood before him, presenting themselves in the full buff.

"How about you two give me something to look at?" he asked, sipping at his wine as the two males smirked to each other. Standing a short distance away from their lustful boss, they flexed and stretched their massive, sculpted muscles in practiced poses. The dragon was visibly aroused, sipping at the bottle until it was empty with a marveled look on his face. He ran a claw across his chest, giving himself goosebumps as his subservient males displayed themselves for his pleasure. Artyom suddenly wrapped Keith up in a hot kiss, forcing his tongue into the bull's throat and groping his tight ass.

"Mmmmm, he wanted a show," Keith said, breaking the kiss. "Let's make him part of the show?"

Artyom chuckled and turned to Mr. Dark, who gulped nervously as the two hefty males grabbed him and carried him to the grass. They pulled his shirt and pants off, leaving the dragon naked on the ground before the much stronger males.

"Oh, heavens no!" he feigned distress, smiling behind his clever guise. "You brutes can't..."

"Oh, but we can," Artyom chuckled as he spread the dragon's legs. His cock was out and throbbing, free to be stroked by the polar bear's meaty paw. Mr. Dark moaned and ran his claws down the length of Artyom's arm as Keith sat behind him and massaged his chest. He felt the dragon shiver beneath him, thoroughly excited by the two lovely males, and lay in the bull's lap. Artyom stroked him slowly, his strong grip making the dragon moan and flex his toes in pleasure as Keith took one of his nipples and rolled it between his fingers.

"Ohhh, I..." Mr. Dark groaned from between them, closing his eyes and letting his tongue loll from his mouth. The males stroked and fondled him, making his cock drip precum onto the soft grass as Keith's hard cock pressed against his back.

"You want to fuck him?" Keith asked with a grin. Mr. Dark reached up and pulled him down to his level.

"You don't fuck me," he smiled, kissing the bull sporadically. "But you can fuck each other..."

Artyom and Keith grinned to each other and quickly found themselves wrapped up in a hot roll, kissing and licking each other's muscles. Artyom was larger than Keith, but he allowed himself to be pinned so he could feel the bull's chiseled body press against his. They moaned, inciting the dragon to sneak over and drape himself over Keith's shoulders. He stroked the bull's strong chest and nipples as Artyom positioned his cock between Keith's cheeks. With a low groan, the polar bear's cock slid into Keith's tight ass and shot a few choice ropes of precum in him. As the bull slowly humped down onto the male's throbbing erection, he flexed his biceps and thighs for the dragon who continued massaging and dripping onto the bull's back.

"You sure you're not gay?" Keith asked with a chuckle as his own cock spurted a clear load of pre onto Artyom's chest. The bear growled lustfully and grabbed Keith's cock, stroking it hard and slow.

"I'm sure," Mr. Dark chuckled and kissed his neck. "I don't have to be entirely gay to play with boys."

Keith didn't answer as the pleasure building in his cock was getting stronger. He groaned and dropped his hips more forcefully down onto the bear's thick shaft. Mr. Dark lay on Artyom's chest and stroked himself quickly, trying to finish with the males. As they quickened their pace, the dragon found himself squashed between the two beasts, panting and growling as Artyom pounded the bull's tight ass. Keith's cock was aching and ready to blow, increasing with each thrust of the polar bear's thick member, until finally he couldn't take it anymore and pressed his lips against Mr. Dark's in a hot embrace!

He shot a hot, creamy load all over the dragon's cock and belly, making him moan loudly as he blew his own cum all over his tummy as well! Artyom growled and, inspired by the lusty males, finished in Keith's rump with a mighty roar! His cum leaked out from between the bull's cheeks and down the length of his shaft, slowly seeping into the grass as they basked in the afterglow of their delicious orgasm.

"Mmmm, such good boys," Mr. Dark smiled, putting his arms around them. They chuckled and rubbed the cum into his scaly belly. The males stood, Artyom pulling his cock from Keith's slurping ass with a loud *schlorp* and picking up the dragon. They held him between each other, kissing and petting him like a housecat. With two hugely built males giving him such attention, it was no wonder the dragon curled up in the polar bear's arms and purred softly.

"I've got him," Artyom chuckled and pulled Mr. Dark into his muscley cradle once again. Keith chuckled as they left the garden. Passing the statues of the hunky males, Keith stopped by one particularly beefy bear trapped in a permanent flex. He playfully jabbed him in the ribs, the breathable concrete blocking his blow but delivering the intent. The bear's eyes followed him, rage clearly brewing just behind them.

"Shoulda just listened to him, man," he chuckled and walked after the dragon and his polar bear mount. They reentered the party and made their way up to the dragon's throne and disappeared in the crowd; with a bird's eye view one might be able to pick them out, but to the naked eye...they had simply vanished into Mr. Dark's Città di Muscoli.

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