Doom in the Rubber Forest: Deerly Beloved

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#2 of Rubber Forest Anthology

The next installment in the deliciously sexy Rubber Forest series! One of the more vulnerable runaways from Vex's group gets herself into a sticky situation, between a deer and a horny swarm of dildo-bees! Will she survive? And if she does, what kind of terrible thing will I do to her anyway? Lol let's find out!

The vixen stumbled through the Velcro bushes wildly, cutting between plastic trees to escape the buzzing fate that chased her. She was getting exhausted, having been running for what felt like hours. Her legs finally gave out and she tumbled down onto the soft ground! Behind her, a low buzzing got closer and closer...

The vixen tucked herself behind a nearby bush and watched in terror as massive dildo-bees zoomed up to her previous location, sniffing the air with their proboscises hungrily. The stinger-dildos on their abdomens dripped a steady stream of sticky, sweet-smelling goo, their proboscises also dripping the same liquid but in smaller amounts. The vixen shuddered behind the bush, praying that the massive bees wouldn't notice her. They hovered around the area, sniffing and dripping onto the plushie ground. The vixen felt a soft hand suddenly clasp around her mouth, making her squeal!

"MMMMMMM!" she cried, trying to pull away as the hand pulled her onto her back. She looked up nervously and found herself staring into the plastic eyes of a plushie deer! It held a hoof to its snout and smiled brightly. The vixen, realizing that the deer was not associated with the bees, nodded understandingly. The deer removed his hoof and crawled through a small thicket nearby. The vixen looked between the deer's vanishing rump and the bees, who had not yet left the area. Her only options were: follow the deer and hope that he was just one of the harmless plushies she'd run into before, or stay and ready her rubbery body to take a serious pounding by those bees...

She gulped and followed the stuffy cervid hesitantly. The deer led her through a dark portion of the thicket, through a tunnel made of soft twigs and plush grass. They wound up in a small clearing, where the deer walked into the middle and danced around merrily. The vixen couldn't help but giggle at the little creature, whom she was convinced was simply another harmless plush. He squeaked and ran up to her, hugging her leg tightly.

"Those bees are so mean!" he giggled. "But don't worry, I saved you!"

"Yes, you did!" the vixen giggled and kneeled down. "Thank you, sweetie!"

She hugged him tightly, then stood up and looked around curiously. There was only a small amount of sun creeping through the overhead canopy, making it difficult to see her surroundings. She kneeled down again.

"Hey sweetie, what's your name?" she asked, pulling him close. "I'm Sivi."

"I'm Squishy!" he giggled and hugged her. "Nice to meet you, Mistress Sivi!"

"Mistress?" she asked with a giggle. "How about you just call me Sivi, hon?"

Squishy giggled and perked his ears up suddenly. He turned towards the thicket, where another creature was joining them! Out of the plastic branches crawled two stuffed does, smiling and giggling to each other. They had large, puffy breasts swaying voluptuously as they walked, with wide, round hips and small, tight sexes barely visible against their soft skin.

"Baby!" one cried and fell to one knee as Squishy ran up to her.

"Momma!" he smiled and hugged her tightly. She hugged back, snuggling her boy as the other doe looked at Sivi.

"Hey there, cutie!" she beamed. "What's your name?"

"I-I'm Sivi," Sivi smiled, unsure of how exactly to proceed. "Um, do either of you know a way out of this forest?"

"Out of the forest?" Squishy's mother asked curiously. "What do you mean, sweetie?"

"I mean is there some door or something to the outside?" Sivi asked. "I've been trying to find an exit for...gosh I don't even know how long!"

"I'm sorry cutie, really," the other doe said, approaching her and putting a hoof on her shoulder. "But we...don't really know what you mean. Why would you want to leave the forest?"

"Because I don't want to..." she began, looking at the happy family of does. "I mean...I'm not like you guys. I don't...really wanna _become_like you guys."

When they heard this the two does began giggling and stood by each other. They giggled and hugged, looking Sivi over curiously. One reached up and gently fondled her partner's breast, making her moan quietly.

"You don't want to become like us, sweetie?" Squishy's mother asked. "You don't want to be warm and soft forever? Don't you want to get out of that tight suit?"

Sivi looked down at her suit in shock, unaware that the plushies could remove it!

" can take this thing off?" she asked curiously. The does nodded naughtily, rubbing and touching each other softly.

"We sure can, sweetie," one said with a grin. "We want to! Rubber is so tight and cold. We want to make you warm and soft, cutie! Wouldn't that be so much better? So much more comfortable?"

"I...well," she said, looking down at herself. "I really do...want this suit off..."

The does walked up to her and put their hooves on her tight body. They roamed and explored, giving her breast a gentle squeeze.

"Oh! Must you?" Sivi asked, slapping the doe's hoof away. The doe giggled and bit her finger lustily, rubbing between the vixen's legs. She shuddered at the touch and groaned impulsively. "Please! Ladies, I don't--Ngck!"

She grunted as the doe slid a slender finger _through_the rubber layer that coated her! She giggled and kissed her partner as she fingered the sweet vixen through her bodysuit. They lowered Sivi to her knees and continued fingering her as she panted and moaned. She other doe rubbed and massaged her breast, bouncing it in her palm.

"You sure you don't want to be like us, hon?" Squishy's mother asked. She turned to her stuffy son and motioned for him to come over. "Hey baby, you want to play with Ms. Sivi, too?"

The other doe was keeping Sivi busy by pleasuring her, her expert finger making the vixen moan and groan.

"I think she actually does want to be like us, honey," the other doe whispered as she guided Squishy's hoof to the vixen's excited cunny. She helped him push through the rubber layer and into the vixen's soft tunnel, making her eyes widen. "That's it...easy. She's very sensitive, just touch her very gently."

Squishy nodded nervously and continued stroking the inner wall of Sivi's hot sex. She was dripping, her sweet honey running out of the hole in her bodysuit and onto the fluffy ground. She panted and groaned as the little fawn pleasured her, his sexless body shaking lustfully. The other doe reached up to the collar of her suit and tore it slightly, revealing her fur to the warm air after days of bondage!

"Oh th-thank you!" Sivi gasped and panted in relief as she saw the suit being torn. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome, sweetie!" Squishy's mother giggled and stroked her clit through the rubber that was not yet torn. The does tore her suit to pieces, rending it in an oddly specific pattern until she was left totally naked in the artificial clearing. Sivi gasped and rolled around on the floor of the forest excitedly, the does and Squishy retracting their fingers to watch her enjoy her freedom.

"Mr. Dark," an analyst said to the dragon on the observation deck. "One of the suits has gone offline."

"Oh?" he asked, turning to the screen. He brought the scene up, chuckling when he recognized the does. "Those little devils."

"Should we send something their way?" the analyst asked, readying the various pheromones and bait triggers. In a heartbeat, he could send a hundred horny dildo-bees Sivi's way, but the dragon raised his claw.

"No, let them have their fun. But record it and have it sent to my office for...analysis," he smiled. He turned back to Sivi rolling around in the plushy grass. "There's a reason I give you those suits, dear..."

The does let Sivi roll around, giggling as they kissed and juggled each other's breasts in their hooves. When Sivi sat up and looked around, she had a bubbly look in her eye.

"Hehe, you guys...hehehe," she giggled incoherently. The does sat on either side of her and spread her legs gingerly.

"Yes, baby?" Squishy's mother asked and ran her finger up and down the vixen's slit. Sivi moaned and shivered as she flexed her toes in celebration of her freedom. The does were softly rubbing her back and taking turns kissing her as they stroked her slit and lips. She couldn't help but moan and push into their delicate stroking. As she did, she began to feel a lightness in her belly. Squishy's mother gently held Sivi's head and pushed her nipple into the vixen's mouth.

"Mm?" Sivi moaned questioningly as she felt a warm liquid run into her mouth from the doe's pillowy breast. It made her throat numb, but she felt a tingling sensation in her skin as the liquid filled her belly. The vixen began suckling, eager to drink more of the delicious milk.

"How's that taste, baby?" Squishy's mother asked. "Keep drinking, baby. Just keep drinking momma's milk."

Sivi felt her stomach tingling and an incredible lightness spreading to her breasts and torso. She looked down through squinted eyes at her body, which was changing rapidly! Her fur was becoming plasticized, her skin becoming soft and plushy! She moaned loudly in shock, but Momma's warm milk kept her calm and passive as her belly filled out with stuffing. The other doe continued pleasuring her, fingering her forcefully while Squishy gently rubbed her nipples. As she became more and more plushified, she felt her orgasm creeping through her thighs and into her clit. She gasped and clenched her eyes shut, the mother doe reaching down and giving her clit a few solid slaps as she squealed in delight. As Sivi shook in pleasure, she heard her voice squeak into silence as the plushification reached her throat! Her eyes darted around wildly as they were turned into thick plastic and ceased their movement. The does stopped stroking her and giggled, exchanging a deep kiss before turning to Squishy.

"Hey baby," his mother said, leaning down. "You want to suckle mommy?"

"Yes momma!" Squishy giggled and jumped up and down. Sivi was now totally plushified, grinning stupidly like a stuffed animal on the forest floor. The doe lifted her with one hoof and sat down on the soft grass as her Squishy sat down next to her. The other doe giggled and joined them. "You want some, too, sweetheart?"

"I think I'll try hers," she smiled, taking the plushy Sivi and sitting next to her mate. She cradled the plushy vixen in her lap and gently suckled her nipple as Squishy did the same to his mother. The other doe reached down and gently began fingering her partner, who moaned and fingered her back. The two does moaned and giggled as they worked each other, their expert fingers sweeping over their sensitive spots and clits. Sivi's milk was sweet and thick, making the doe moan as Squishy suckled her partner lovingly.

Whether or not Sivi knew it, she'd be able to move again eventually. It would just take some time for her to learn how to move as a plushy. Of course, she'd never again want to leave the forest considering she was now blessed with such a wonderful, loving family! She'd be cuddled for eternity by the stuffy deer, drinking her and her sisters' milk for sustenance and orgasming with them for the rest of her natural life!

"Who could ask for more?" Mr. Dark mused. "Have we figured out how the plushies are getting through our Isotex?"

"Not yet, sir," the analyst said. Mr. Dark chuckled.

"No rush," he said, glancing back at the deer who were still writhing under the fingers of their beloved mates.

Doom in the Rubber Forest: Prologue

Vex's eyes radiated a dull stinging through the rest of her mind. Her head was abuzz with memories: wild sounds and flashing colors that made only transient sense. She felt a soft paw touching her face, but found that she still lacked the will to open...

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Another Day at The Office

When he arrived, there was not a single employee who wasn't made aware. The long, black car pulled up to the front doors of the skyscraper and screeched to a halt. A tall dragoness exited the driver's side, wearing a glossy, skintight bodysuit and...

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Isotex: The Wave of the Future

Isotex: Project head: Dr. Armin Quent Project team: Iso-4, the "Slubberbears" (Also known as Permarubber and RB-Compound/4-G.) Description: Isotex is a multipurpose, algae-based organism, used for its unique physical properties as a...

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