Doom in the Rubber Forest: Prologue

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#1 of Rubber Forest Anthology

This is the setup to a little anthology I'm doing about a series of sexy vixens trapped in a magical rubber forest! These are the first two victims of the forest (at the ones we've seen transformed!), Nameless Vixen Slave 1&2! Luckily, the spicy Vex and her strange companion Kassi have blazed a trail through the fateful forest, will they escape? Or will they end up pleasured for eternity in the slubbery solitude of...the Rubber Forest!

Vex's eyes radiated a dull stinging through the rest of her mind. Her head was abuzz with memories: wild sounds and flashing colors that made only transient sense. She felt a soft paw touching her face, but found that she still lacked the will to open her eyes.

"Hey!" a female voice said. The vixen suddenly felt life jump into her lungs, making her gasp and roll into a sitting position. Another vixen looked at her curiously, wearing a skintight, blue rubber bodysuit with only her head and hands exposed. Vex shook her head and cleared the shouting memories from her mind. "Are...are you ok?"

"I...think so," Vex said, rubbing her eyes. "Why do my eyes hurt?"

"That's how they rinse your thoughts," the other vixen said, shaking her head. "Sorry."

"Rinse my thoughts?" Vex asked, coming back to reality. She looked around, noticing more sleeping vixens wearing the same suits lying around her! She turned back to the other vixen. "What's going on? Why can't I remember anything?"

"Because they rinsed your thoughts," the other vixen giggled. "I just told you. I'm Kassi."

"I don't even..." she said, but trailed off as she looked around. Her mouth dropped open and she stared, wide-eyed, at the neon glowing colors and strange flora. Trees reached to the sky, made of thick plastic and sporting squeaky rubber leaves. She could see some unfortunate bodies hanging in tight latex sacs from the various branches, squirming in their bondage. She gasped as memories flooded back to her! When she spoke again, she seemed hypnotized. "Identity: Vex Calloiulle, Security team 5-A. Status Designation: Captain. What the hell was that?!"

"That was your info," Kassi giggled. "It's who you were."

"Who I was?" Vex asked, standing and rubbing her head. "What am I now?"

"Now you're a test subject," Kassi frowned, lowering her tail. "Sorry."

"Stop apologizing," Vex rolled her eyes. "Where are we?"

"The forest," the little vixen picked up a soft leaf from the exquisitely plushy ground. "It's their newest project. We're the test."

"I remember...Mr. Dark!" Vex suddenly recalled. Kassi put a paw on her shoulder piteously.

"Sweetie," she said. "You could think about it for the rest of your life, but they did something to your mind! You'll never be able to remember it properly."

" what are you saying?" Vex asked, chilled by the vixen. "How long have you been here?"

"I have no idea," Kassi smiled. She seemed resolved that this forest was her fate, but was taking it quite well! "I can't remember, but it's always the same time in here so I'd never be able to tell anyway. I've been here long enough to know how to survive, though!"

"When did we get here?" the vixen asked, motioning to the other vixens who were beginning to wake up.

"I don't know, I check back here every so often for new test subjects to stick with," she said. "It gets lonely in here."

"There are other test subjects?" Vex asked. "What happened to them?"

"Well...the forest got them," Kassi said, pointing at the struggling sacs hanging from the trees. "It does that a lot. In other ways, too."

"God," Vex whispered as she looked past a small thicket of plastic branches and out into the artificial garden that lay before them. Bushes of Velcro dotted the plushie ground, which was split by a flowing river of blue rubber. Vex stared in awe as a faceless, female creature in a skintight rubber maid's outfit clopped on a pair of excessively feminine high heels out of the brush. She hid behind the thicket, but continued watching as it approached a tree and began prodding it and squeezing it gently. The maid reached up and pulled a previously unseen zipper on the side of the trunk, revealing a thoroughly rubberized captive within! The captive squirmed in the squeaky confines of his prison, but could not break free as the maid giggled and carried him back into the brush. His mouth and covered eyes screamed "helpmeplease!" but Vex could do nothing.

"Where are we?" one of the other vixens asked fearfully. "What's going on?"

"Kassi, explain," Vex ordered. Kassi diligently went from vixen to vixen, explaining the situation helpfully. "Thank you."

"So what do we do?" one asked. "Should we try to find help?"

"Who are we going to find?" Vex asked. "I think we should start moving."

"Why? We're safe here," one said, looking around. No sooner had she said that then a small glob of something landed on her shoulder. She reached up and touched the amber substance nervously, smelling it. "It'"

"Oh dear," Kassi whispered and stepped behind Vex.

The vixen looked up shakily, screaming in terror as she saw the source of the sap: an enormous squeaking Venus flytrap! It seemed to smile with gleaming rubber teeth as it snatched the poor Vixen into its maw and hung lazily from the tree! The other vixens screamed, a few tearing off into the plastic woods in a desperate attempt to escape, but most stuck close to Vex and Kassi as the vixen within the flytrap's muffled squealing was silenced in a torrent of gooey rubber.

"We should move, now!" Vex said and slunk into the woods. The other vixens followed her, leaving the unfortunate vixen to her rubbery fate. She felt the flytrap sucking and slobbering all over her, its mucousy sap sticking her together and reshaping her. Days, weeks, years of time passed within the impenetrable darkness of the rubber flytrap, solitude that the vixen found unbearable as the sap began making her skin prickle. She squeaked and fought as hard as she could, but she became fatigued and her struggles turned to weak bumping as the sap finally filled her mouth and nose. After what felt like an eternity of prickling isolation, she finally felt the plant open its mouth and release "her."

"Bzzzzz," she said from her new slit-mouth. Her wide eyes darted around in sheer terror as she realized she had been transformed into a fat rubber cock! She hovered in the air on a pink, silky bowtie attached to her shaft-body as a long proboscis ending in a cute little head slipped from her sappy slit-mouth. She buzzed and gurgled as the last memories of being a vixen slipped from her phallic head. A delightfully sweet aroma wafted across her sensitive "tongue," making the little Bow-terfly shiver in delight! She followed the lovely scent on her frilly new wings, gazing at the unending beauty of the artificial garden. The scent drew the buzzing Bow-terfly to a small clearing near the rubber stream. She landed on the petal of a throbbing, thick dildo-flower stuck in a large pot. The creature was shaped like an enormous dildo in a plastic pot, sporting two flowering breast-blossoms topped with fat, throbbing pussy lips.

The dildo-flower's wide, plastic eyes looked at the Bow-terfly on its petal. It throbbed hard every second, rhythmically squeaking with every pulse. As the Bow-terfly instinctively crawled down its turgid body, its noisy throbbing increased in frequency and it began leaking a thick sap from its pussy-nipples and head. The Bow-terfly's coiled, cockheaded tongue uncurled and slowly slipped into the dripping lips of one of the blossoms. The dildo-flower drooled sap around the invading appendage and squeaked loudly as the proboscis pumped and sucked the sweet sap from her breast. Her balls swelled and flushed as she drank, making the blossom shrink noticeably as the freshly transformed Bow-terfly had her first taste of the hypnosis-inducing nectar. Her mind swirled with desires as she suckled the last of the sap into her now-gloshing ballsac, then drunkenly flew to the head of the dildo-flower. The insect landed on the bright neon petals that framed the leaking head and lay herself in the pooling nectar. She dipped her tongue into it and sipped hungrily, inflating her new balls even more. The dildo-flower looked at her nervously as the Bow-terfly continued drinking her sappy cum. There was a quiet crashing as one of the vixens who had fled earlier came falling through the brush!

The Bow-terfly and the dildo-flower both squeaked and throbbed when they saw the rubbery female enter their clearing. The fly flapped her silky wings and hesitantly hovered in front of the vixen, who looked at the Bow-terfly curiously.

"Hey," the vixen said, reaching out. She touched the fly's sticky tongue, making the fly skitter back to the dildo-flower. "Wait! Sorry, didn't mean to scare you know way out of this place?"

The fly buzzed back over to her and ran its sticky tongue across her face. She giggled and pushed it away playfully, igniting a sudden impulse in the Bow-terfly! It felt its balls contract sharply, involuntarily spitting a long rope of hot rubber sap onto the realvixen. She gasped and fell backwards as the sap spread over her face and chest!

"Oh!" the vixen cried as the Bow-terfly squeaked and impulsively shot another fat load onto her prone body! Her struggling excited the fly even more, forcing it to drain its sloshing balls all over the vixen's soft fur and tight bodysuit. The sap spread like water across her body and began coating her, moving with a mind of its own to contain and transform her. It lifted her to her feet and forced her to stand at attention as the substance slid up to her mouth. "No! No, wait--MMMPHHH!"

The vixen was completely bound into a mummified statue by the sadistic cum! It squeezed her to the bones and began thickening, inflating like a balloon until she was merely a featureless cocoon of heavy vinyl. Her struggling could only be barely noticed as her new body took shape. The top of her cocoon thickened and formed into a throbbing cockhead, with veins trailing down her long shaft and wrapping around her fat balls. Her arms folded and became puffy, light leaves made of a nice thin latex. They bounced as the substance hardened and began thickening in the front as well. Her breasts were outlined and delineated, then inflated with thick rubber sap and peeled away into blossoms. Her nipples widened and became drooling pussy lips, slowly dripping large droplets of sap down her thick, squeaky shaft. Her desperate, screaming face was briefly visible as the head reshaped to bring her eyes to either side of her new "mouth." Her cockslit drooled sap down into the mane of petals that surrounded her glans. The Bow-terfly watched throbbily as her balls ached to be full again, the sight of the lovely new flower making her cock-tongue burn with need.

The fly landed on the once-vixen and delighted in her tasty nectar, taking deep drinks from the pooled sap around her neck. She squeaked in need as sap dripped from her slit and into the Bow-terfly's waiting balls.

Maybe in a bit, the fly would take a little tour of the rest of the facility, maybe she'd even slubberize another vixen if she could find one! She sucked up another glob of sap and rubbed squeakily against the dildo-flower's thick head, the soothing sound of rubber on vinyl making both the flower and the fly loose a thick river of sap from their respective slits. They rubbed and squeaked, cumming over and over together in a delicious natural dance.

The other vixens were still roaming the forest, either sticking together with Vex or on their own in the slubbery, sticky, forest...let's see if the more vulnerable vixens have some interesting adventures in our next installment!

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