Bailey's Birthday Present

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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This is a little blurb I wrote up after a furious argument with some chump about older women. His thesis: cougars (meaning older females) couldn't be good mothers because they've never matured past the juvenile stage mentally. By god I've never once wanted to punch a man more XDD Still, it's worth noting that people do often assume cougars are just predators (and I'll go on record saying that males and females of all ages should be able to get involved with each other, provided that the intent of neither party is malevolent) in a more seductive guise. Bullshit. Older women are sensitive, passionate creatures who generally have all parties' best interests at heart, just like a loving mother would. So this is a story about a very caring mother who just wants to give her pup a damn good birthday! Let's show some support for the mommas out there! ?

Before we begin, I'd like to propose a question to you, my lovelies: If a woman (cougar or otherwise) had a steady job, took care of herself, and made her child smile on a regular basis, would preferring younger guys make her a bad mother? Think about that, just in the back of your minds.

Bailey sat next to his mother as they drove through the city, the streetlights casting shadows across her silver Porsche as they sped to the restaurant. The little wolf was nervous, especially considering the conditions of this particular escapade.

Ever since the rise of "cougar" culture and the subsequent overthrow of all laws regarding incest, Bailey's mother had been spending almost all of her spare time seducing younger males. His mother was promiscuous, that he knew, but she could at least be subtle about it! She seemed to bask in it, though, the stares from older men as the sultry wolfess passed them by with her diminutive date. She wished the boys she brought out were a bit more talkative, but to be fair the wolfess could be a little intimidating. Imagine if you were half the size you are now, then put at a table where a hungry wolf stares at you like an entrée ready to be think you'd wanna speak up?

The point was that Bailey felt his mother was different. It wasn't that she didn't spend time with her own pup, quite the opposite! As a matter of fact, she was taking Bailey out to dinner for the sole purpose of stoking their relationship! But she seemed more...predatory now that she could be free to scoop up a random boy on the way home from school and blow him in the back of her car. Indeed, this was a different time.

They parked in front of the five-star eatery and sat in silence for a moment.

"Hey sweetie?" Bailey's mother asked.

"Yeah?" he asked, clearly trying to maintain the façade of comfort.

"I know I've been acting a little...wild, lately," she began, looking over at him. "But I want you to know that I still love you very dearly, and nothing has changed between you and me. Ok?"

"Sure, mom," Bailey smiled, doing his best to sound confident. Of course nothing had changed, she was still his mother! But the knowledge that one's mother is sleeping with likely every boy in your grade was a bit...disconcerting. They got out of the car and entered the marble building, the wolfess shaking the kinks from her long reddish hair and approaching the gentlemen who would seat them.

"Karen, dear!" the effeminate male said.

"Joey, sweetheart!" Karen giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek. Even as a mom and professional cougar, Karen needed friends like Joey. He was a bit too old for her, even if he was gay, but she could still see herself taking him to bed if he was just a little bit more...well, interested.

"The usual table, I presume?" he asked.

"Of course, darling," Karen smiled. "Unless you'd have us sit with the plebeians?"

"Certainly not, Madame!" Joey joked and led them to their table, a large booth near the back of the restaurant where only "special guests" could dine. Karen was, of course, one of these guests, and was offered a complimentary bottle of wine as soon as the chef learned of her arrival.

"Do you...come here a lot?" Bailey asked, marveling at the pull his mother possessed.

"I come around here every so often," she giggled. "But it's mostly because when I do, I tend to fill their pockets rather well."

"Is that why I didn't get my birthday present yet?" Bailey asked, eyes lighting up. Karen shrugged and giggled.

"Your present is coming, baby!" she patted his cheek. It was Bailey's birthday in two hours, and his mother had promised him an explosive gift! She had said she was saving it until dinner, which was all the more reason for the pup to join her, even if he did feel a little uncomfortable alone with the wolfess. "Be patient!"

"I can only be patient so long, mom," Bailey giggled. He was glad that his mother hadn't actually changed in personality, otherwise he would've felt twice as uncomfortable, but she was still the same mother he'd loved all his life. A wave of relief washed over the pup as his mother sipped from her glass. The wolfess was only half-distracted, meaning she only drifted and stared at the boys nearby when Bailey wasn't looking at her. She counted two, maybe three suitable young fellows she could sneak away from their mothers and ravage, but certainly not while she had Bailey with her. Their food came and went, reminders that the time was ticking by. Bailey couldn't wait; he knew his mother had gotten him the best present, whatever it was. She always did, whether it was a new bike or that action figure he'd been dying for, she always seemed to know exactly how to please him.

"Want dessert, hon?" she asked as Bailey finished the last bites of his meal. He shook his head, satisfied.

"I'm ok," he smiled. When the waiter came back, Karen pulled him in and whispered something into his ear. He nodded politely and grabbed their plates.

"Of course, miss," he said as he went back into the kitchen. As he passed, Karen couldn't help but take notice of a particularly cute little cub walking in with his parents. He was probably no more than twelve, but that was just perfect for Karen. She blushed a little and quickly turned back to reality only to find Bailey staring at her.

"Why do you like them so much?" he asked, curious.

"Who?" she asked, hoping her innocence would seem genuine.

"Boys my age," he said, not letting her weasel out of this one.

"I...well! I um...I..." she stumbled, trying to think of a good reason.

"Is it...because you want a different son?" he asked. He knew it was a hurtful thing to say, but he wanted her to know how much she meant to him. She was stunned, completely caught off-guard by the boy's question.

" could you ever think that?" she asked, taking his hand.

"You're always looking at other boys," he noted. "I just thought you might've gotten tired of me."

"Bailey, you know you're my baby," she smiled lovingly. "You mean the whole world to me and I couldn't have asked for a better son. I may be a little wild sometimes, but I'm still your mother! And my puppy always comes first!"

Bailey smiled, happy to hear her say that. She was glad she could set his fears at ease, though she knew he would still need time to get more comfortable with her lifestyle. Suddenly, the waiter returned bearing a large slice of the most delicious chocolate cake Bailey had ever seen!

"Compliments of the house, ma'am," he said as he laid it down in front of the wolf pup. "Happy birthday, my friend."

"Thanks!" Bailey said, smiling widely. He looked up at Karen. "Is this my present?"

"You are eager!" she giggled. "This is only part one, dear. And I thought you said you didn't want dessert?"

"Oh I changed my mind!" he beamed. "I can do that, right?"

"Of course, honey," Karen smiled and patted his cheek lovingly.

"Thanks mom!" he said and dug into the cake. Karen giggled and settled into her chair, preparing herself. Now, it was time for part two.

Bailey felt something tap his leg gently, but that didn't take his attention away from the cake before him. He stopped when it tapped him again and traced its way up his leg, over his thigh, and right onto his crotch. Looking down, he saw his mother's red high-heeled footpaw laying on his young malehood, tapping gently.

"M-Mom?" he asked. She raised an eyebrow.

"Yes dear?" she asked innocently. "Whatever is the matter?"

"Could you...move your foot, please?" he asked, a little nervous. The wolfess smiled and took his hand in hers.

"But that's your present, sweetie," she said quietly, leaning in. She continued tapping the toes of the heels against his crotch, making him jump occasionally.

" present?" he asked, confused. Karen giggled and sat back.

"Why don't you undo that belt, hm?" she asked. "All that cake must've made you pretty full."

"N-No, I'm...I'm fine," he said. Karen's foot slid back under the table like a shark into murky water, only to return a moment later, sans the heel. With her other footpaw, she pulled his chair closer, so his lower body was hidden by the tablecloth completely. She took both of his hands and held them steadily.

"Sweetie, you trust mommy, don't you?" she asked affectionately. Bailey nodded nervously as he felt her footpaw expertly undo his belt and zipper, then gently rub against his sheathe through the fabric of his boxers. "Say yes."

"Y-Yes, I trust you," he said, feeling his sheathe tingle. The gentle rubbing was exciting him, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Good," Karen smiled. "I promised you an explosive present, didn't I? Well, here it is."

"But--!" Bailey began before Karen's toes slid his boxers out of the way. She let her big toe play around with his sheathe a little, until she felt his cockhead slide out. Bailey looked around, hoping nobody would notice what his mother was doing! He squeaked involuntarily, an outburst which alerted maybe only one person for less than a moment.

"Shhh, people are trying to enjoy their dinners, hon! Don't disturb them," she warned, smiling predatorily. "Just relax and let momma give you your present."

Bailey shuddered, her expert strokes teasing his cock into the open. He felt it slide out onto Karen's ankle, allowing her some choice angles to rub and tease his length.

"Good," she encouraged, gently pleasuring him. "That feels so good, doesn't it?"

Bailey didn't answer, but merely whimpered as the soft fur of her paw slid across the underside of his shaft, slowly, back and forth. She made sure his hands were tightly held so he wouldn't make a scene, and soothingly stroked his palms as she teased him. When he didn't answer her, she pinched his thickening knot with her toes. "Say yes, Bailey," she ordered.

"Yes!" he squeaked quietly, shuddering under her practiced strokes. His mind was reeling; was this even moral?! If he finished, he knew his mother would entice him into doing it again, but she wouldn't let him pull away!

"Good," she winked, releasing her grip. His knot was getting thicker and thicker, filling with excitement. She ran the soft pads of her soles across his undershaft, drawing small ropes of precum onto her ankle and lower calf. "That's it, just like that. Don't worry about what your friends would say, don't worry about where it's going to go, just sit back and let mommy take care of you."

Karen was panting as she stroked him now, growing wetter and wetter as her pup relaxed. She let the tip of her claw rest against his cockhead, ever-so-gently poking the skin. Bailey jumped at the touch, bumping his stiff cock against the table! Karen held his hands tightly and used her footpaw to force him back into the seat.

"Easy! Easy," she cooed, taking a quick look around. Nobody seemed to notice, so her heart ceased its fluttering and the wolfess could turn back to her pup's present. "Just take it slow, baby, breathe!"

" was too much...can't we stop, mom?" Bailey asked, hoping she'd say yes and they could forget it ever happened.

"Not yet, hon," she smiled. "You still haven't finished..."

"I'm fine! I don't need to--!" Bailey squeaked as she clenched the tip of his cock shut with two toes.

"Bailey, if you don't sit down and relax right now you're grounded for two weeks," Karen warned sternly. Bailey stared at her, open-mouthed, as she resumed her stroking. "Tell me when you're going to finish..."

Bailey felt his cock jump suddenly as her fur slid across his sensitive knot, making his balls ache for release. He looked up at Karen, who only raised an eyebrow and looked back questioningly.

"Gonna blow?" she asked, stroking his undershaft again forcefully. Bailey didn't speak, afraid of being grounded, but merely whimpered and panted as Karen drove another forceful stroke across his throbbing erection. "Say it, say 'I'm gonna blow, mommy!'"

Bailey clenched his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as Karen stroked him harder.

"Just say it, hon," she whispered. With every stroke she brought him closer to the edge until finally he was on the peak of orgasm. She held him at bay, using her exceptional skill to keep him desperately excited. "Just say, 'please let me shoot my load, mommy!' Say 'let me shoot all over your fuzzy paw!'"

"Pl-Ple-ease..." he stuttered. "Ple-ase mom-my..."

"Please what, sweetie?" she asked, still holding him on edge. She gripped his hands tighter, knowing he would definitely squirm when she finished him off. "The sooner you say it, the sooner you finish, hon. 'Please let me shoot my load for you, mommy!'"

"P-Please let m-me shoot my l-l-load, mo-mmy!" Bailey begged, only barely able to get the words out. Karen leaned in, holding her ear out.

"Just one more time, sweetie," she whispered, feeling the pup's frenzied heartbeat through his desperate shaft.

"P...Pl...Plea-se!" he pleaded, looking into the unmoving eyes of his lupine mother. She merely giggled and leaned back in her chair.

"Sorry, baby! But I just don't know what you're asking!" she giggled, stroking another long rope of precum onto her calf. "Say it one more time and I promise it's over. Just one more time, baby."

"M-Mommy...I...I'm gon-na...blow!" he said and looked up at her desperately. "Please mommy...oh please mommy!"

"Happy birthday, honey," she giggled and ran her paw up his shaft once more, eliciting a small squeak from the pup as his cock shot ropes of thick cum onto her calf and thigh. She pulled her dress back so wolf's sweet cum wouldn't stain it, but continued stroking until every last drop was spilled onto either her foot or the marble floor. She let him bask in the afterglow a little, as she knew boys loved to do after a good orgasm, as she wrung his little shaft dry. Bailey was twitching and shuddering involuntarily, so much so that Karen was glad her booth was so out of the way! "Easy, little baby, easy. It's over."

Bailey's head was swimming from the lustful overload, leaving him in a daze as the wolfess paid the bill in cash and left a little something extra for Joey, whom she knew would be the one to clean up Bailey's cum.

"Now wasn't that a fun gift?" she asked, leaning in. Bailey could only giggle as occasional spasms of pleasure skirted through his lower body. "Would you like another present sometime, sweetie?"

Bailey nodded absentmindedly.

"Say it," she ordered. Bailey looked at her, eyes wide with fear. She only giggled and gave his shaft a gentle prod. "Just teasing, cutie!"

After she helped him repackage his member, she led him back to their car by the hand despite his shaking legs. As they drove home, Karen couldn't help but squish her toes together and feel her pup's juicy cum pool between them. She looked over at Bailey, who had fallen asleep, and wondered if she had made a terrible mistake. She hoped the little darling would be able to see what an amazing opportunity having a cougar for a mother was for his sex life! He'd be getting girls all day if she helped him!

Still, she was his mother and she was supposed to be his guardian. She was supposed to teach him how to be a good man and how to be respectful, but so far she only taught him to cum quietly.

"Hell of a legacy, Karen," she scoffed to herself. A mother wasn't supposed to stroke her son off under the table of a five-star restaurant, but at least she could've been doing worse. I mean, it's not like she didn't have a job or didn't take care of him. When it comes right down to it, what's so wrong about a mother giving her pup a little pleasure?

She smiled. Yeah! What the hell's wrong with making your boy happy? Certainly she'd still be his mother, but that didn't mean she couldn't give him a good stroke when he misses the bus or has a bad day, right?

Karen is a thirty-three year old wolfess. She works two jobs, one on Wall St. and one at home being a good mother. She spends time with her pup, maintains a healthy social life, and even manages to go for a run every so often! She hires no help, she asks for nothing in return, and, most importantly, she makes her pup smile in any way she can. What the fuck is wrong with that?

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