Halloween in Rubber City

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Because I'm totally nuts, I really thought the idea of a rubber superhero would be the sexiest thing ever lol So I wrote up an idea about a rubber hero protecting a rubber city...from rubber villains! I'm a genius!!! :D I've also always had kind of a weird thing for Harley Quinn, cuz she wore that skintight suit in the old series.

They told Robin that going out on Halloween in Rubber City was a bad idea. Of course, the little bunny ignored them completely and ran all the way from school to his room the moment the bell rang. He threw open his closet and rummaged until he found his prize: a small brown box with a red "R" drawn in crayon on the top. He slammed the door to his room, silencing all but the excited frenzy of a young superhero...

When Robin walked down the stairs, his mother giggled at the sight: her son, Robin, wearing a skintight Rubberman suit and matching mask. He posed, trying to look super in the light of the modest kitchen, but could only look adorable. He had been waiting to wear the costume almost all year, since he had watched a bank robbery foiled by the masked vigilante. In their city, they didn't have any Batman or Robin; they had the Rubberman. He was a squeaky crusader in the night, soaring across rooftops in the tightest bodysuit you've ever seen, bringing criminals to justice the only way he knew how: slubbery. Truly, he was a beacon of hope to all citizens of Rubber City.

"Alright Rubberman, are you ready to go?" his mother asked. Robin shook his head nobly.

"I'm going alone tonight! Superheroes don't have their moms go with them," he protested.

"Well when they're ten years old they do," his mother laughed and put on her coat. "Which way do you want to go first?"

"But mom, I'm serious!" Robin said. "I'm almost eleven! Can't I just go out with Billy and Bobby from next door?"

His mother was about to insist she go with him until she considered his proposal. The neighbors were good people, and Robin was friends with the boys...

"Well...alright," his mother relented. Robin leapt in the air happily.

"Evil beware!" he said and ran across the small yard to the neighbor's house. He pretended to knock on the door, seeing that his mother was watching to make sure he got in alright. After a few seconds of fake knocking, he looked at his mother and pointed to the back, a usual alternative entrance to the neighbor's house. His mother, thinking they just couldn't hear the door, understood and nodded her approval as he ran into the backyard and out of her watchful sight.

She returned to the house, ready to warm up a bath and have some personal time. Robin, on the other hand, was just tingling with joy as he deceived her and quickly ran out to the next street to begin his trick-or-treating...the sun was going down...

Hours later, he had a bag full of candy and a huge smile on his face. He was so happy about being a superhero that he didn't even notice how lost he was getting himself! When he saw the wooden docks and the stretching Slubber Bay, he realized he had no idea where he was!

"Uh-oh," he whispered as it got darker. Suddenly, there was a sound like something being swung through the air and Robin's world went dark...

His head swam groggily, sloshing as though there was water in his ears. His vision was blurred and shadowy, only barely able to make out the shapes of the people around him.

"He usually puts up way more of a fight!" a squeaky voice chirped excitedly. "Bring him back to my place; I wanna have some fun with the little guy before we get rid of him."

When Robin again found the power to open his eyes, he found himself looking down at a gray metal floor. His eyes adjusted to the light and he realized he was hanging by his arms from a chain attached to the ceiling! He struggled weakly, whimpering as he tried to pull away from the chains but found them too strong. He looked around and noticed a figure walking up to him.

"Oh good! I was wondering when you'd wake up, Rubbermaid," the same chirpy voice said, only this time with a decisively French accent. Finally, the figure stepped out of the shadows and revealed herself. Wearing a skintight rubber suit, patterned with black and red streaks, was none other than the Scarlet Suit. She was clearly a fox, but she wore the deceptive eye-mask donned by so many cliché heroes and villains that obscured her identity. Robin shook at the sight of Rubberman's arch nemesis, who was feared by the populace for her tendency to kidnap at random. Nobody ever knew what happened to her victims, but she always claimed responsibility and no one she ever caught was seen again...

"Did you get shorter?" she asked. Robin's eyes widened...she thought he was Rubberman!

"Please, I'm not Rubberman!" his voice was a timid squeak. The Scarlet Suit giggled, her breasts' bouncing contained by the skintight rubber she wore.

"Ha! As if I haven't heard that one before," she smiled, approaching him seductively. "Now what on earth were you doing out there? With candy? Was it some kind of trick, Rubberman?"

"No, please you have to believe me!" Robin protested, eyes wide. "It's just a costume, I'm only ten!"

The Scarlet Suit looked confused for a moment, but then burst into laughter!

"Oh my goodness, how silly of me!" she said, her accent flaring. "I was wondering why you were so short. What were you doing out there, little fellow?"

"I...was trick-or-treating," Robin said, calming down. "I just want to go home, miss. Please?"

"Aww poor dear," she said, stroking his cheek. "I guess I could let you go..."

"Oh thank you!" Robin said excitedly. The Scarlet Suit stepped back into the shadows, grinning malevolently. Robin looked around, suddenly fearful. "Where'd you go?"

Without warning, the vixen leapt back into the light and stuffed a ballgag into the little bunny's mouth! His scream was muffled, but his fear could not be stifled.

"I said I could let you go," the Scarlet Suit giggled. "I never said I would! You see, I don't get to win a lot around the real Rubberman, and that sometimes gets to your head! So I think that, for you, I'll just pretend you are my dear Rubberman, trapped helplessly at the paws of his archrival!"

"Mmmphh!" Robin screamed, struggling against the chains that held him. The Scarlet Suit flipped a switch on the wall and the room lit up! Robin looked down and began thrashing on the chain when he realized that he was dangling over a pit of black, bubbling liquid! He screamed through the gag, but the Scarlet Suit only laughed and pinched his nipple through the fabric of his suit. She grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her.

"Now listen here, little toy," she said sternly. "You're mine now. All that nonsense about going home or ever seeing your family again, forget about it. Now you belong to the Scarlet Suit."

"Mmmphmm," Robin groaned, looking at her with desperate eyes. With a firm grip, the older female grabbed his crotch and squeezed the head of his cock. He squealed and rattled the chain, but nothing could break the Suit's iron grip. When the vixen finally got tired of his terrified screams, she let go and stepped back.

"Now listen here," she commanded, snapping in his face. "I like fear, darling. I like seeing fear, smelling fear...tasting fear..."

With the last line, she ran her long tongue up his cheek. She stepped back and continued her speech.

"I want to see every little fearful look in your eyes, hear every little squeak of fear in your voice," she went on. "So I'll tell you what I'm going to do to you, little one. First, I'm going to drop you in that vat below you...do you know what's in there?"

Robin shook his head slowly, shaking. The Suit smiled and patted his crotch.

"That, my little imposter, is six-hundred gallons of liquid rubber," she said menacingly. "It only takes about two gallons to fully encase a full-grown adult...how many do you think it will take before you're entirely immobilized?"

Robin began crying, the Suit's dreadful plans becoming too much for him. The vixen only laughed and put her finger to his lips.

"Shush now, little one! I've only just begun! You want to know what happens next?" she asked, laughing when Robin only continued to cry. "Well, after that, I'll be pumping a thick rubber into your tight little cocoon, furthering your immobilization."

The thought of never moving or seeing his mother again only made the bunny sob harder into his ballgag, which in turn only made the vixen wetter.

"And after that, I think I'll add you to my collection," she concluded. "Would you like that, little one?"

"MMMMMPHH! Robin screamed as the vixen stepped back and pressed a button, lowering the rabbit into the rubbery goo beneath him!

"So long, Rubberman!" she cried and cackled maniacally. Robin thrashed and screamed as the rubber enveloped his legs, pulling them together and sealing them in a tight layer of thick rubber. Further and further he sank, and further his body was encased until only his hands stuck forth from the black liquid. Even they, too, were eventually swallowed up into the goo and the Suit pressed the withdraw button.

The rubber cocoon slowly rose from the rubber vat, still weakly struggling. It bounced and bobbled as the rabbit inside fought to escape. The shape of his body was generally preserved, but he was completely mummified in the tight rubber. The Suit unclipped him from the chain and hugged his drying body tightly. The feeling of her tight suit against his own was enough to make her hips bump gently, desiring so desperately to just rub his squeaky rubber body. She carried him to another station in her rubberification room, a thick chair with a series of hoses running to it. She sat the slubbery bunny in the chair and began connecting different hoses to him.

"Ah, this is my favorite part!" the vixen squealed happily. "I just love watching those movements finally stop, all that rubber finally making you just relax. Can you even hear me?"

Robin didn't respond, but continued to struggle. He was likely still screaming, but the rubber was completely soundproof. The Scarlet Suit was overjoyed when the final hose was connected and the rubber began flowing. Robin's cocoon slowly began to fill, turning into a fat balloon. The Suit stuck a tube into a slot in his ballgag and laughed as Robin began swallowing gallons and gallons of black rubber. Eventually, he was as good as immobilized and the vixen unplugged him from the many hoses. His thrashing had finally ceased, made completely impossible by the sheer volume of rubber in the balloon. Robin was still very much conscious and could breathe through the specially-designed rubber, but he was deprived of his senses and left utterly alone. He could struggle and scream and fight all he wanted, but the rubber in his belly and surrounding him made his battle entirely psychological.

The Scarlet Suit carried the rubber balloon to a nearby room in her rubbery lair and entered. The room was dark but vast, containing hundreds of thousands of similar balloons! She flicked a lightswitch, illuminating the balloons which hung from the ceiling like so much meat. The Suit found an empty hook and hung Robin's balloon from it, giving him a hard punch and watching him swing lazily before laughing and exiting, leaving Robin in total darkness for as long as she wanted.

"Ah, that was fun!" she said as she returned to the vat room. She hesitantly stripped out of her skintight suit and tossed it to the side, shivering in the terrible openness of the air. She felt so...unconfined. As she slid delicately into the pool of bubbling rubber, she groaned and shivered pleasantly. "But I mustn't let this get in my way of the _real_Rubberman!"

She began to sink down into the liquid, mewling exquisitely as it thoroughly bound her.

"Soon, you rubbery darling," she whispered as she finally slid under. A bubble escaped the simmering goo and released a single word: soon.

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