Training a Naughty Puppy: Part 2

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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Part 2 of Aubrey's journey into the plushy world of puppy training! Now a fully hypnotized puppy slave, it's up to the nameless pony-plush and the lovely Momma Red to ensure that Aubrey becomes the stuffy little slave he was meant to be!

When Aubrey opened his eyes again, the world was no longer a pile of stuffed pony butt in his face. He blinked a few times, his head swimming with strange thoughts. Most of them, curiously enough, revolved around stuffing and "being good."

He looked around, trying to recognize where he was, but to no avail. He was no longer in the training room, that was for sure, and neither the pony nor Momma Red was anywhere to be found! He looked down at himself, the light in the room revealing his predicament. His arms and legs were bent and bound to themselves so he could only move on his elbows and a dog...

"Momma!" he heard his voice cry out fearfully, shocking him even more. He heard a door open and the pony trotted in, smiling and still rather fat from all that stuffing. She giggled when she saw him and gave him a pat on the head.

"Hey, look who's up!" she smiled, scratching his chin. "How's a good boy? Hm? Is he ok? Did he sleep well?"

"I...good?" he asked, unsure of what to say. His thoughts seemed normal but he felt like he wasn't saying what he wanted to say, or that his thoughts didn't match his words. Panicked, he looked around wildly. "Momma!"

"Shh, sweetheart!" the pony said. "Momma will be right in, she just had some other sweeties to train! Ok?"

No sooner had the words exited her fluffy mouth, the door swung open and in stepped Momma Red, clad in a full pink rubber frock and overall attire!

"See? There's your momma!" the pony giggled, stepping aside to let the fox approach. When she got close enough to Aubrey, she gave him a soft pat on the head and smiled brightly.

"How's my sweet little puppy doing this morning?" she asked, petting him lovingly. The pony rubbed his belly while Momma tenderly scritched her puppy.

"He missed his momma," the pony said, making Momma giggle. "Isn't that right, pup?"

"M-Momma," Aubrey's mouth said, his thoughts too sluggish to stop it. He felt himself pushing into her paw, enjoying the feeling of her nails running through his fur.

"Aww poor baby!" Momma said, feigning pity. "Well, don't you worry sugar! Momma's not going anywhere, I'm going to be training you all day!"

With that, she walked to the wall and pressed a button next to the light switch. Instantly, the bed upon which Aubrey lay began to rise to the ceiling! A hole opened in the floor and Aubrey was in the training room once again! Momma Red walked in with the pony a moment later and helped him to his...well...elbows. Shaking on his new paws, Aubrey looked up at the two fearfully. Momma kneeled down and rubbed his back, a pleasant series of scratches the seemed to skirt through Aubrey's chest.

"Alright puppy," Momma said happily. "Come!"

Aubrey, mind already weakened from the night of heavy hypnosis, couldn't think of another option and slowly made his way to the rubber fox. When Momma clapped at his success, Aubrey felt an odd sensation in his mind: satisfaction! He wanted to please his momma!

He felt his head press against her chest and felt her un-rubbered arms hug him tightly.

"Such a good boy!" she said happily. She turned to the pony. "Dear, would you mind bringing me a diaper? They're just on that shelf."

"Yes Momma!" the pony grabbed a large, puffy diaper from the shelf nearby and brought it back to the fox diligently.

"Alright boy, up!" Momma said, standing. Aubrey instantly drew up on his knees, balancing. Momma somehow managed to slip the diaper on over his bound legs and then let him drop back down to all fours. The diaper was crinkly and felt like velvet against Aubrey's sheath. He found himself suddenly humping the air, trying to feel the soft material caress his length as it slowly slid forth. He tried to think about how absolutely wrong this was, but his thoughts wouldn't align! He just couldn't finish a thought before it faded away into the blankness of his mind.

"Mmm-Momma," he moaned, his cock sliding out of the sheath and into the diaper's warm embrace as Momma rubbed his belly and the crotch of the diaper. She giggled when his tongue began lolling out of his mouth mindlessly, the cat being far too preoccupied with humping to notice it.

"Alright boy, now we have to teach you the things Ms. Tabitha will want you to do," Momma said. "That means we have a long way to go!"

Aubrey was just gone, humping into the diaper like a wild animal, when Momma snapped a leash around his neck and led him to the door. When they reached the dotted floor and pink walls, Aubrey shivered.

"M-Momma," he said meekly. Tugging on his leash, he tried his best to avoid walking down the hallways that initially hypnotized him.

"Aww is my puppy scared of the hallway?" Momma asked. "Well, don't worry sweetie! The floor is there to help you, just watch it pass and don't think about it! Don't think about anything! Just follow Momma and be a good puppy."

Aubrey was lead gently out of the training room and into the bright hallway, the floor's trademark dots and dashes glaring at him like angry eyes. He did as he was told and just followed the rubber-booted feet of his Momma as she walked merrily down the hall and to a door. When they arrived, Aubrey felt like his thoughts were numb. The floor had been doing its job; his mind felt emptier than it ever had before!

"In, boy," Momma said, motioning for Aubrey to enter the room. Momma entered after him along with her ever-present pony, and the two set about looking for a nice suit for the puppy to wear.

"How about this, Momma?" the pony asked, holding up a bright pink dress.

"Oh no, dear! We've got to make him a puppy_before Ms. Tabitha gets home tonight! Not a _sissy!" Momma giggled. The pony looked confused.

"Can we make him a sissy puppy?" she asked innocently. Momma thought for a moment, rubbing her chin.

"I don't think Ms. Tabitha would mind that! Sure!" she said happily. The two giggled together as they raced around the room, picking up cloth and clothes and bows and diapers and all other manner of frilly outfits. When they had a suitable pile picked out, Aubrey was hoisted to his knees and a series of clips were fashioned to his wrists and ankles. They lifted him into the air and held him aloft, his tail swishing beneath him as they held outfits up to his chest and giggled when they disagreed.

"What about this diaper, Momma?" the pony asked, holding up a diaper so stuffed that it looked close to bursting!

"Oh my goodness, yes!" Momma squealed as she fitted the enormously poofy diaper over Aubrey's current one. Aubrey's cock was rock hard by now, spurting loads of precum into his diapers, when Momma reached in and pulled it out. The cool air made it immediately stand at attention, the pony giggling as it throbbed to full hardness.

"May I suck it, Momma?" she asked, excited. Momma waved her finger in the horse's face.

"No, sweetie," she said, still smiling. "Not until I get his hypnosis set up! You wanna watch with him?"

"Oh yes, Momma! Please?" the little equine asked. Momma nodded happily and walked over to a panel of buttons similar to the one beneath the training room. A television slowly dropped from the ceiling and stopped right in front of Aubrey's nose. Two more followed suit and they formed a semicircle around the little kitty's head. There was something like a dull roar in his ears when all of a sudden the sound in the room cut out completely.

Momma approached and made sure the earmuffs were fully soundproof before turning each of the TV's on. Images flashed of fat plushies in sissy outfits, some doing sissy jobs like cleaning with feather dusters, others just standing or sitting mindlessly. Aubrey got harder and harder watching those stuffed sweethearts stop occasionally and visibly quiver as whatever devices they wore under their plushy suits made them cum time after time. The pony noticed his pounding erection and looked over at Momma.

"May I suck him now, Momma?" she asked excitedly.

"Alright dear, but gently!" the fox giggled as the horse squealed in delight and kneeled in front of the bound kitty. She wasted no time and stuffed the dripping cock into her dry stuffed mouth, letting the sweet precum soak into her plushy skin. She bobbed up and down on it, pleasing and teasing it, her velvety throat making the cat moan and hump into her mouth. As he did, Momma came up from behind him and slipped a mask over his nose and mouth. Aubrey moaned once before the citrus-smelling gas flowed into his lungs and he suddenly felt lightheaded...actually, scratch that. He felt _empty-_headed! Like his brain had just been liquefied, he couldn't even form a cohesive thought. All that swam through his mind was pleasure, the desire to blow his load all over the pony's sweet stuffing. His cockhead twitched and jumped in the horse's stuffy maw, shooting drips of precum down into her velvety innards. When the pleasure finally built up to a point where he could no longer bear it, he instinctually turned to Momma Red, whom he knew was the only source of release for him. Momma had encoded it into his mind to always need permission, being a puppy and all. She smiled at him and then looked to the pony.

"You ready for him to cum, sweetie?" she asked politely. "Or do you want more sucking time?"

"I wanna suck him more, Momma!" the pony insisted. Momma giggled.

"Sorry puppy, but you'll cum eventually!" she said, turning to leave the room. Aubrey didn't understand her, but he knew that if she left he would never get to cum. The pony was having too much fun! She hadn't sucked anyone since the last puppy they trained for Miss Tabitha, and it was her favorite hobby besides eating stuffing and cuddling with Momma. She loved the feeling of his long, drooling shaft sliding between her lips, of his throbbing, purple head bumping the back of her throat and making small bulges in the back of her neck. Aubrey shook and quivered, moaning mindlessly as he was sucked dry by the pretty little pony.

After three hours Momma finally came back into the room, but she was not alone. Behind her was the enigmatic purple and black battress of whom they had been speaking. She giggled when she saw the kitty squirming wildly, squealing and groaning as his cock was pleasured endlessly. The pony stopped sucking when she noticed Momma and Ms. Tabitha enter, the sudden end to the pleasure making Aubrey practically scream around the mask. He took a deep breath, which melted his brain further and sat, moaning and crying in his diapers as his aching cock begged for release.

"Momma! Miss Tabitha!" the pony beamed, precum staining her lips with wetness.

"Heya sweetie!" Tabitha said happily, hugging the little plushy. "You're looking so cute!"

The pony blushed. "Not as cute as your puppy, Miss!"

"I see!" she said and walked over to the bound, brain-drained cat. "Hey there, Aubrey! Glad to see you've been taking such good care of my little Prissy!"

Her sarcasm was practically palpable, making the pony and Momma giggle.

"He's been such a good boy, though!" Momma said, smiling. "He took his hypnosis well and he hasn't even finished once yet! Maybe you'd like to give him permission?"

"Oh I'd love to!" Tabitha clapped her paws together. "Pony, do you mind if I finish him off?"

"Oh not at all, Miss! Please do!" the little equine giggled, kneeling next to the kitty as Tabitha kneeled in front of him and wrapped her soft paw around the kitty's length. He began squirming again and tugging at his restraints as he worked desperately to cum. Tabitha stroked him faster and faster, giggling as Aubrey's eyes bulged, then squeezed shut in pleasurable torture! His eyes turned to Momma desperately, but she simply looked over at Miss Tabitha. Aubrey's wet eyes begged for release, silently pleading with Tabitha for the chance to shoot. She relented and, with a small nod, allowed him to cum. He screamed loudly, clenching his eyes shut as he finally shot huge, thick ropes of cum all over Miss Tabitha's face and mouth!

"Mmmmm, you need a new diet, pup," she said, licking his cum from her paws and swishing it in her mouth. She cleaned herself and then gave his balls a solid pat before standing up. "How about we fit him?"

"Already done!" Momma Red smiled as the pony approached with a white and black rubber sack. She unclipped Aubrey from the restraints and pulled the sack over him completely, zipping it up in the back. As she did, the zipper disappeared and the suit fitted itself to his body. It was that of a collie, with a smiling dog's face and poofy, fingerless paws. Tabitha giggled.

"Awww!" she cooed. "What a cutie-pie! He could be a bit fatter though, he's kind of skinny as is."

"Then let's fatten him up!" Momma said and took two hoses from the wall, dragging them to the cat and attaching one to his mouth and one in his rubbered butt. They began pumping stuffing into his suit and into his mouth, down his throat and into his now-plushy belly! The cat gurgled and whined as the smooth stuffing filled his insides, making his belly fat and round under the rubber puppy-suit. Tabitha petted his head as he got fatter and fatter, until his belly was the size of a watermelon! Finally Momma unplugged the hoses and gave the puppy's belly a gentle rubbing. "There we go! Nice and fat, like a puppy should be!"

"Such a good boy!" Tabitha giggled and pressed against his tummy, making the puppy whine. Momma clipped a leash to his irremovable collar and handed it to Tabitha.

"There you are, Miss! He's fully trained now!" Momma smiled and produced a wide butt plug from a table next to her. She knelt behind the puppy and popped it in expertly. The puppy's tail shot up and he immediately came into his diaper. Shaking, he was led out the doors by Tabitha and into her car, tied up in the trunk so no one would see him cum as they walked. Tabitha chuckled to herself as she started her car and waved goodbye to the pony and sweet Momma Red.

"I should go away more often," she thought to herself as she drove away, the rubber-clad puppy squirting load after load on the bumpy ride home.

Training a Naughty Puppy: Part 1

"God dammit, Prissy!" Aubrey shouted at the little poodle as she knelt down to pick up the chewed pillow. Prissy growled as he did, pulling back as though they were playing tug-of-war. When Aubrey finally ripped the ruined pillow free and stood back...

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