Jamie's Trip to The Fair

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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This is the story of a young man who visits his old childhood fair, with some unexpectedly poofy results! A very sexy story that I banged out on a whim, in one afternoon lol who says I don't have a life?

The parade was an exciting time for everyone in the small town of Fiddlesticks, Alabama; it was the one day they could have fun, just forget about their normal, boring lives and let loose! Jamie was no exception; he was a hardworking young man who got his paycheck through manual labor and long hours. As he wiped his brow and looked at the midday sun glaring at him, he couldn't help but smile in anticipation. The parade was tomorrow!

He finished his work and gave his boss a wave as he hopped into his truck and sped away to unwind at home. The work was done for the week and everyone had the day off for the parade, so the feeling of freedom sunk into Jamie like a good tan. He pulled in to his driveway and slouched inside, smelling dinner in the oven. He put his work shirt on the hanger to be washed and walked into the kitchen, expecting to see his wife making food, but only found a fully-prepared plate inside the oven waiting for him.

"Thanks, Nancy," Jamie said to himself and smiled as he took the food out of the oven and sat down to eat. After sneaking into bed next to his sleeping wife, Jamie curled up in the warm, fluffy comforter and fell fast asleep himself.

It felt as though the next day came too late! When Jamie awoke, he found himself energized and anxious to get to the parade. He hopped into a pair of jeans and a beaten white T-shirt, then practically jumped into the car like an excited puppy.

"Jeez, Jamie!" Nancy said with a giggle. "Calm down, it's only a bunch of balloons!"

"It's way more than that," Jamie said with a wide grin. "It's relaxing for a day, it's eating corndogs and cotton candy and just taking a break!"

Jamie held his fists in the air and cheered loudly as they peeled out of the driveway and off to the more urbanite section of Fiddlesticks. Jamie could hear the music and see the bright lights as they approached the street where they were holding the parade. Come to think of it, the event was really more of a fair or a carnival than just a parade. While the parade was the "main event," so to speak, not everybody went just to see the floats. Jamie himself went more for the ambiance than anything, really, but the floats were just fun to watch!

When they got their parking spot and their tickets and finally made it onto the grounds, they were struck by that "first-fair-of-the-year" awe. They walked around, mouths agape, as they watched the shoddy rides set up in the parking lot whirl and spin, the vendors who likely worked as garbage men every other day sell mediocre food, and the almost horrifying clowns strutting like demented peacocks around the fair. Overall, it was every fair or carnival you've ever been to, but only slightly better-funded.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, ok?" Nancy said and gave Jamie's hand a squeeze.

"Huh? Oh sure, why don't we meet up by the parking lot later? I was gonna go off on my own for a bit, take in the air," he said, smiling. Nancy gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Just don't wander off," she warned with a giggle and turned to find the nearest bathroom. Jamie began walking towards the area where he saw the most mascots, outfitted in their giant puffy costumes. As he walked, he got a whiff of something, a smell like...his childhood. It was the scent that he most associated with the fair, with remembering all the hours he spent here, enjoying the freedom. He couldn't bring himself to step through the vein of that smell, however much he might've wanted to, it was just too strong of a memory! He felt drawn to it, compelled to approach it, and that compulsion just so happened to be leading him to the mascots.

"Well, hello there!" A bright, yet somewhat silly-sounding voice said to him. Jamie shook off the entrancing smell and found himself looking into the plastic eyes of a mascot dressed like a pony.

"Hey," Jamie said, smiling politely but slightly unnerved by the costumed person. Mascots sometimes gave him the skeeves...

"You look like you're in a good mood!" the mascot said happily, clapping his hooves together. Jamie was actually impressed by the pony suit now that he got a good look at it! The mouth moved as the person inside spoke, the eyes seemed to be made of solid plastic but yet somehow the pony could still see. It looked very comfortable as well, but Jamie guessed it was very hot.

"Nice costume!" he said endearingly. The pony expressed a little shyness, scratching at the ground with his hoof and putting his hoofs behind his back awkwardly. "The way the mouth moves and everything, very nice touches!"

"Aww, shucks!" he said, still putting a lot of emphasis on his cartoonish way of speaking. "You like these suits?"

"I think they're pretty _suit_able," Jamie said with a laugh. He felt dumb for just saying that, but something in his mind told him it was ok, that it was perfectly fine to say the dumbest things he could possibly think of.

"They sure are!" the pony said with a laugh. "Say, would you like to come into our tent and see how we make these cool suits?"

"Well..." Jamie said, trying to avoid committing. He didn't want to, but he felt that all the expectations were on him now. His mind told him to just say no and keep walking, but something else in his mind (the same something that had drawn him there in the first place) told him that he would be so happy just going with the pony. He looked around and tried to spot Nancy, hoping he could use her to escape, but that familiar smell moved back to his nostrils. He felt like he would've gone with the pony if he were a kid again...that would've made sense...yeah! His nostalgia overpowering his very instinct, Jamie agreed.

"Great! Well, come on back and we'll make you feel right at home!" the pony said and took him by the hand, leading him over to the red-and-white-striped tent. As soon as they pushed through the flaps, Jamie was overwhelmed by the scent. So THIS was where it was coming from!

The whole tent was very dark, but Jamie could see a group of maybe ten to fifteen people sitting in chairs and big plushy cushions. They weren't doing much, some were just relaxing, others were lying flat on enormous piles of stuffed animals and cushions, and still others were sitting next to what appeared to be stuffing machines, getting a little plushier for their next show. When Jamie entered, they all looked at him and began clapping their hands. It would've been honestly quite creepy if Jamie hadn't been lost in the smell.

"Who's this?" a puffy rooster asked, waddling over to the two. The pony gave Jamie a pat on the back with its squishy hoof.

"What's your name, little guy?" he asked. Jamie shook his head slightly, snapping him back to reality. He looked around for a moment before catching the rooster's gaze and smiling.

"Oh, hey I'm Jamie," he said, reaching out a hand. The rooster ignored it and opened its wings, bringing Jamie into a cushiony hug! Jamie first thought to react, but then felt how comfortable the rooster's suit was and relaxed into the softness. He took a deep breath and felt that same nostalgia return to him, reminding him of when he was just a boy, hugging his favorite mascot and sinking into the endless plush. Jamie's voice was quiet and meek when next he spoke. "Good to meet you."

"We've already met, little fella!" the rooster said and hugged him tighter. "We met when you were even littler of a guy! You were a little boy when I saw you last!"

"Really?" Jamie asked, pulling back to look at the rooster. "You remember when I was a kid?"

"Of course!" the rooster said and pulled him back into the hug. "I remember all of my little chickens!"

Jamie felt at home, truly, in the soft fluff of the rooster's suit, even more so than in bed with his wife! He never wanted to let go, but the rooster eventually pulled him back.

"There'll be time for more hugging later, little chick!" he said with a chuckle. "First we should show you just how we make our suits!"

"Ok," Jamie said absentmindedly. He walked around as the rooster led him to a big closet on wheels, the doors shut tight. It had to be at least nine feet tall, making Jamie wonder just how many costumes these guys had! So preoccupied by the closet, Jamie was, that he didn't notice the rooster approach him from behind and slide a warm cloth over his nose and mouth.

He sputtered and tried to pull away but the smell was already inside his brain. He felt overwhelmingly happy all of a sudden, like he was just full to the brim with bubbly warmth! The rooster gave him a gentle pat on the stomach and rubbed him as the hypnotic smell burned away all of the young man's resolve and willpower.

"Does that smell good, little guy?" the rooster asked, turning to the pony with a smile. Jamie nodded, his mind elsewhere as the rooster's soft wing touched him. He reached up on a whim and grabbed the feathery appendage, looking down in shock as he felt nothing on the inside but more fluff! The mascot was...actually just a mascot! No person on the inside, just the suit! The rooster chuckled a little at Jamie's discovery. "Well, it looks like he's getting the picture now!"

"Sure does!" the pony giggled and reached out, pulling on Jamie's shirt. Other mascots from around the tent also began to approach the hypnotized man, rubbing his sensitive skin with their soft paws and hooves, pulling at his clothes as the rooster kept him in his loving gaze. Jamie thought about fighting them, about breaking away and just running from these strange creatures, but that idea just became less and less attractive the more he thought about it. They were his friends! They didn't mean him any harm, he could tell, they only wanted to make him happy!

When his shirt and pants were removed and thrown into what looked like a type of industrial paper -shredder, ground into a fluffy pulp, the mascots backed away and let the rooster lead Jamie up to the closet, opening the doors and motioning for Jamie to enter.

"Walk right in, little guy," the rooster said. "Just walk right in and let the closet fit your new suit!"

Jamie took a step up onto the floor of the closet and stood naked, facing the crowd of mascots, waiting for something to happen. The closet doors suddenly slammed shut, putting Jamie in total darkness. He felt stuffed hands start to touch his naked body, rub over his penis and his nipples, a few of them prodding him and measuring his arms and legs. One of the daring hands even wrapped around his now-erect cock and gave it a few good strokes before letting go and giving him a gentle slap in the balls. Jamie bent over from the soft strike and felt his cock begin to throb hard. A warm feeling spread through his loins as his balls bounced and became rounder, throbbing as the hands grabbed Jamie all over and hoisted him up to the hanger-level of the closet. He struggled a little, not out of fear or a desire to escape, but just because the warm hands would slap his balls whenever he struggled! With every hit, he felt heaviness sink into his sac, a pleasant feeling like his balls were being filled with honey!

He moaned, unable to hear anything outside the sensory-deadening walls of the closet, the hands making sure he was taken care of. He felt the hand finally stop slapping his bloated sac; they let him down to the closet floor and covered his eyes as the doors swung open! The bright light would've been uncomfortable, but the ever-caring hands made sure their little boy would be spared the dreadful beams. When they moved finally, Jamie found the other mascots helping him down. They chittered and chattered amongst themselves, giggling and stroking Jamie's body as he looked down to inspect his balls.

"Like them?" the rooster asked, reaching a wing down to cup Jamie's fat, spherical balls. Jamie looked surprised! He didn't know whether to be frightened or aroused that his balls were so big! The rooster's plushy touch definitely pushed him towards the latter, though. Jamie felt dozens of hands begin to push him towards a chair next to a large machine of some kind, the rooster taking him by the balls and slowly encouraging him to walk.

"Just to the chair, now, little guy. Come on, that's a boy, just into that big, soft chair," the rooster said, bouncing Jamie's big balls pleasantly in the "palm" of his wing. Jamie felt a little drool escape the corner of his mouth as he sat down in the giant pink chair, his mind still weak as the mascots strapped him in tightly. When he was fully cuffed to the chair, the rooster kneeled in front of him and took his fat balls in both wings. He began pushing them together, making Jamie moan loudly and shake as his cock became rock hard. The rooster clucked cheerily and took a small cup attached to a hose from the machine next to Jamie. With a practiced move, he slid the cup over the head of Jamie's penis and tightened it by squeezing until it was snugly fit.

"We're gonna go through this together, little guy," the rooster assured. "I'll be right here the whole time, don't worry."

The cup on Jamie's cockhead suddenly started pulsing gently, making Jamie moan. His cock throbbed from the gentle vibrations, the rooster holding Jamie's shaking hand tightly as the cup pleasured him. The rooster then took a white cloth, likely the same cloth from before, and pressed it to Jamie's nose, letting him get a deep breath. His lungs became fuzzy, his vision following suit, and finally even Jamie's skin began to feel a little fuzzy! His eyes drooped halfway, signifying his descent into the cup's pleasuring vibrations. As the other mascots gathered around him to please him in some way, either by stroking his shaft under the cup or by massaging his nipples, Jamie began to feel love pouring into him from all sides. Though strange, he felt that the fluffy creatures loved him so much, that they just wanted to make him feel so good...

After a few minutes, Jamie shot his first load into the machine, watching it travel up the clear tube and into the machine's whirring guts. He groaned, noticing that the cup wasn't turned off! The rooster held his hand tighter and began rubbing his chest.

"T-T-Turn...tu-urn it...o-off," Jamie stuttered weakly, the smell of the cloth still lingering in his nostrils. The rooster just held his hand and shook his head.

"Not yet, little guy," he said, the cup still buzzing diligently around Jamie's head. Jamie began struggling weakly against the restraints as the cup returned his cock to full hardness in seconds! Jamie began to get louder as the pleasure built up, making the rooster reach down and get a pink ball-gag from beneath the chair. He slipped it into Jamie's mouth mid-moan, making Jamie's eyes open wide in surprise as he struggling intensified. The rooster just cooed and held Jamie's hand as the mascots stroked and rubbed, soothing the frantic male as his cock was milked once again.

"Look at me, little guy," the rooster advised, locking eyes with Jamie. "That's it, breathe. Breathe in and out and keep looking at the big rooster. Deep breaths, little guy, deep breaths."

The pleasure was so great Jamie thought he would explode! His cock felt like it was on fire, being forced to shoot twice in a row and still being pleasured! He couldn't help but feel scared, but it was the rooster's never-faltering gaze that made Jamie so alright with it. He just felt...loved! The rooster cared about him; he was helping his "little buddy" through the intense milking. The chair sucked and vibrated endlessly, sending Jamie through another six orgasms!

Eventually, the world just faded away. Jamie found that he no longer thought in a language that made sense, his mind was barren of coherency! It was scary, being unable to talk or think as your most delicate organ was tortured for what felt like hours. As it turned out, however, it had been! After four hours of nonstop milking, Jamie's head was bobbing against his chest, his balls shrunken from their swollen size to practically nonexistent. His body shook constantly, shivering from the divine torment, as his cock throbbed and bounced against his tummy. The inside of the small cup had been completely splattered with his hot cum, almost staining it from the sheer amount that it had seen. When it was finally time to stop, the rooster turned the machine off and plucked the cup from Jamie's cockhead with a soft pop.

"Good job, little buddy!" he said, watching Jamie's tender cock bounce gently. His quiet words offered soothing calm to Jamie's hectic brain. "You're alright...that's it...you're ok, little guy."

Jamie couldn't form words, an ability which the milking machine undoubtedly stripped from him, but he didn't need them. The rooster helped him to his feet and held him in an unshakable hug as Jamie's cock pressed against the soft plush of his body. In a moment, he was shuddering as a dry orgasm ripped through him, the rooster chuckling as he lifted him into his soft arms and carried him back to the closet. Jamie hadn't noticed the suit that popped out of the back of the closet when he had left, the one which a bunny and a fat cow brought up to him warmly. They put the suit on over his feet and slid it up to his hips, making sure his delicate cock was given plenty of stroking and rubbing; needless to say, they made sure his milking wasn't finished when the milking machine stopped sucking.

When the suit was pulled up to his chin and zipped shut, the head was popped on by the rooster from behind. Jamie looked into a mirror and saw a pink piggy staring back at him. The suit looked deflated though, like it needed to be stuffed. No sooner had the thought crossed his mind then the suited male felt hands all over him bringing him somewhere else. They led him to the stuffing machine he had seen earlier and held him in front of it. They pulled a small hose from a compartment on the machine and attached it to a hole on the belly of the suit. The rooster approached with a rather large glass ball full of a white, frothy liquid. Even through Jamie's pleasure/drug-induced stupor, he could tell that it was his own cum.

The rooster opened another compartment on the stuffing machine and dumped the few gallons of freshly-milked cock juice into it. The machine whirred and began making strange noises until Jamie suddenly felt a warm, thick liquid pour from the hose into the piggy suit!

"Feels good?" the rooster asked as the piggy's legs became fat and puffy, soon followed by his inflated belly and his poofy arms. The piggy looked a little shaken when the liquid reached its head and the rooster wrapped him up in a plushy, warming hug. The liquid was drying into stuffing even as they hugged, disintegrating Jamie's fleshy body and turning it into super-duper soft fluff! The feeling of pleasure in his cock suddenly became his whole body! It was like he had just become one with his own penis, the very essence of pleasure entering the very fiber of his being.

"That's a big fat piggy, isn't it?" the rooster chuckled, patting the piggy-boy's belly. The pig giggled and ran his paws lovingly over the rooster's own tummy before massaging his own. He felt that he was cumming constantly, but it was no longer centered on his crotch. His whole body (his new body, I mean) was ablaze with orgasmic pleasure! "Don't worry, piggy, you get used to that feeling after a while. You're home now! Why don't you take a little nap with Mr. Rooster and he'll help you get used to your new piggy-wiggy belly?"

The pig mascot that used to be Jamie croaked a little, unable to oink as well as he should've been. The rooster giggled and led him to a giant, plushy sphere on one side of the tent. He opened a zipper and held the space open for the pig to crawl into. He did willingly, and inside he found the plushiest, most indescribably comfortable stuffing he had ever felt! The rooster gave his fat piggy butt a push, sending him deep into the dark confines of the ball. The rooster then crawled in and pulled the zipper shut behind him. It was absolutely dark and quiet within the ball, so quiet that noises couldn't even be made from within it!

Jamie couldn't hear or see, but he could feel the plushy body of the rooster snuggling tightly against him, wrapping him into a fondling, sensory-deprived hug. His wings explored and stroked over the piggy-pie's new, poofy suited body. The piggy drifted off into a euphoric sleep, to awake as a new piggy in a new life. His rooster lover leaned over him, quietly whispering words of peace and calm into his pointed ear, words that he knew were inaudible. He hoped the piggy knew what he was saying, though, as he closed his eyes and buried his beak in the welcoming plush of the piggy's chest.

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