Miss Clara's Odd Profession

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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Indeed, a touching love story! A story of desire and true love...sort of...if true love included plushy bear suits, transformation and brainwashing/drugs! :) My favorites, but the only thing would make it better would be petite Domme vixens and I put one in here! :D I'm awesome, I know lol But like all my stories, I was hugely influenced by the artist RedXIX on FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/redxix/ If you've never heard of him and you like this story, check out his art. He's absolutely phenomenal.

It's 3:00 AM, Lin found out as he rolled over and glared at the bright red numbers of his alarm clock. 3:00 AM and still he could hear his neighbor's music blaring through the paper-thin walls. For the third time this week since they moved in, his neighbors had stolen from him another night of sleep. Lin took his clock and set it on the ground, turning the alarm off. He had work in three hours, there was no point trying to sleep now.

He got up, walked drearily into his bathroom, and washed his face, only a little angry that he was again robbed of his slumber. It had been a long week, one that Lin wanted to try and forget, but it seemed that fate had other plans for him. He cleaned the bits of comforter fluff out of his bushy lupine tail and sighed, hunching over the bathroom sink.

"We should go talk to them," he said to his reflection. He left the bathroom eventually and sauntered over to the couch, planting himself firmly in the welcoming middle cushion. With a click, he turned on his TV and watched it until the sun came up. What Lin didn't expect, however, was that the prior three days of sleeplessness would come back with a vengeance. 6:00 AM came and went, as did 7:00, 8:00, and finally at 9:00 did Lin realize that the sun was pouring through his window!

"Shit!" he thought and leapt off of the couch, rushing into his room to get dressed. He tore through his clothes trying to find his uniform, but the last few days had taken their toll on both his memory and his organization: his work clothes were nowhere to be found! He grumbled and rubbed his face exhaustedly, eventually deciding that he was just too damn tired for this shit. He phoned his boss, hoping she would be lenient. The phone rang for a second before a middle-aged female voice responded.

"Jackman County Auto Parts, how can I help you?" she asked, repeating her lines like an answering machine.

"Hey Tori, it's Lin. I'm not gonna be in today," he said. Her voice on the other line was concerned, but clearly aggravated. "Yeah, sorry, caught something nasty the other day. I think it might be contagious."

After a brief "get-well-soon speech," Lin hung up his phone and slumped back down on the couch. He couldn't tell her that his lousy neighbors had been keeping him from sleeping, he'd get fired on the spot for such a pitiful excuse! Tori, however nice, could be a real bitch sometimes.

After an hour or two of sleeping, Lin heard a knock at his door. Cracking an eyelid, he glared at the block of wood like it was his enemy before slowly closing it again, but the knocking persisted. With a groan, he got up and slowly made his way to the door. On the other side, there stood a small vixen, no older than twenty, holding a small measuring cup.

"Hey, sorry to bother you," she began, sounding like something out of an old movie. After her first line, she blushed terribly, looking up at his tired eyes with shame. "I know this sounds, like, completely cliché, but could I borrow a cup of sugar?"

Lin couldn't help but utter a weary laugh and smile at the short fox. "No problem, come on in."

"Really sorry to bother you again," the vixen said, still blushing as she entered Lin's modest apartment. She looked around at the pretty paintings on the walls and the attempt at classiness. "Wow, your apartment is so much nicer than mine!"

"They're all the same, I think," Lin said, tired but not grumpy. "I've just had more time to, uh, customize it."

"Well, I suppose that's how it goes," the vixen said with a giggle. "I just moved in actually, I'm Clara. Good to meet you, Mister...?"

"Oh uh, I'm Lin," he said and took the vixen's comparatively tiny paw. "Call me Lin."

"Nice to meet you Lin!" she smiled, shaking his paw. "I'm really glad the neighbors are so nice around here, I've been in some nasty places with some nasty people."

Lin laughed a little. "Yeah, well we have our problems, too. I haven't slept in three days because of whoever's playing that music all night."

Instantly, Clara's ears dropped. She looked over at him embarrassedly. "Oh..."

"That wouldn't happen to be you, would it?" Lin asked, eyeing her. Of course he knew it was her, he just wanted to sound like a good neighbor and not be bad-mannered.

"I'm so sorry," she said, turning beet-red under her auburn fur again. "Gosh I'm so, so sorry! I didn't know the walls were so thin!"

"It's quite alright," Lin said with a smile, waving his hand. "But maybe we could turn it down a bit?"

"Of course, of course!" Clara cheeped, trying as hard as she could to please her new neighbor. "I'll keep it down, you'll never hear from me again."

"Well, I might not mind hearing from you again," Lin said, unsure of why he actually said it. It seemed appropriate, but he didn't quite_want_ to say it at the time...strange. "You seem very interesting; I'd very much like to get to know you better."

"Oh?" Clara said, swishing her tail. "Well, then! How about I make it up to you for keeping you awake? Why don't you come by to my apartment for dinner tonight? After you get your much-needed beauty sleep, of course."

Lin thought about it as he pulled the sack of sugar out of his cupboard and began filling the small measuring cup. He figured there was no harm in it; after all he could use a free meal for once.

"Sure," he said with a smile. "What time?"

"Um, how does 8:00 sound?" Clara asked.

"Sounds great," Lin said and handed the cup of sugar back to the little fox, who took it gratefully.

"Thanks so much, Lin," she said, practically bowing. "Again, I'm so sorry about the music."

"Don't worry about it," Lin said with a quiet laugh. "I'll see you at eight."

Clara hopped up and gave him a peck on the cheek, a cute symbol of her appreciation. Lin smiled and closed the door after her as she scampered back to her apartment, probably to start working on dinner for him. Lin walked back into his bedroom and flopped onto his bed, feeling more exhausted than ever. In an instant he was sound asleep, peacefully a-snooze with his soft comforter wrapped around him.

Hours passed, and when his alarm went off at 7:50, Lin found himself feeling refreshed and wide awake! With a start he hopped out of bed, jumping into some nice-looking jeans and a nondescript T-shirt so as not to look particularly grubby for his..."date." Strange, that he thought of their dinner as a date, but he couldn't shake the feeling that that's what Clara had in mind.

"Whatever the case," he figured. "I'll be able to handle it."

He knocked on the door of Clara's apartment, feeling actually very excited to see her again for some reason. The little vixen sure made a good first impression, didn't she? After a second or two, the door swung open and revealed the little furry creature standing on the other side, dressed to kill. Wearing a tight black cocktail dress and a pair of black and red-speckled high heels, she made sure to make Lin feel underdressed. The coyote rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, thinking of the right words to say.

"Think I should make a wardrobe change?" he asked. Clara giggled and held out her paw.

"Nonsense! Come on in, sweetie," she said and led him by the hand into her apartment. Now, when she said that Lin's place looked nicer, she must have been on some kind of new drug...because her apartment was absolutely stunning. The walls were adorned with picture after picture of various different sceneries and animals in different poses. The pictures with animals were mostly of only one or two characters at a time, and clearly they were Clara's work. There was one with what looked like a large stuffed bear sitting on an armchair which caught Lin's eye in particular. Strange, it was an odd subject for a photograph.

"Wow, your place is beautiful!" he said sincerely.

"Aww thank you!" Clara beamed. She led him to the table, which was set up like an extravagant feast table, and sat him down in a chair across from her. She sat down herself and looked at him expectantly.

"So, I have to thank you for doing this for me," Lin began, smiling. "But I think this might be overkill."

"Aw, think I did too much?" Clara asked, looking downtrodden. Lin quickly changed his tune.

"No, no I think this is absolutely fantastic, I can't tell you how grateful I am!" he said with a broad smile. Clara blushed and smiled back, beginning to peck at her food.

"I just felt a little bad about keeping you up for three days!" she explained. "If someone kept me up for three days, I'd be arrested for murder."

Lin chuckled quietly at her joke while Clara nibbled at the food on her plate. "So what do you do, Lin?"

"I work in an auto parts yard," Lin said, also starting to eat. "It's not a great job but...what can you do?"

"I hear you," Clara sympathized. "My job doesn't do me right either."

"Oh? What do you do?" he asked and took another bite. The food was delicious, he had to admit!

"I'm a photographer," she said, almost like it was a crime. "I take photos of stuffed animals for a living."

"I noticed that," Lin said, scarfing down another mouthful. "I was curious as to how big of a market there is for pictures like that?"

"Bigger than one would think!" Clara giggled. "It puts bread on the table, y'know?"

"I completely know," Lin laughed and pointed both thumbs to himself. "Auto parts yard."

Clara laughed and took a sip from her water. "So, what do you think of my pictures?"

Lin was taken off-guard a bit, unsure of how to respond to the little female's question. Critiquing art was never his specialty and he never liked to give people news they may not want to hear...what a predicament this put him in.

"I love them!" he heard his voice say. He didn't think about saying that, he didn't want to say that...what the hell just happened? "I mean...um, they're very nice."

"Aww you're, like, the sweetest guy I think I've ever met!" Clara said and stood up. "Come with me, I'd like to show you something."

Lin took another bite of his dinner and stood up as well. He was pretty sure this would lead to sex, but he didn't want to assume. The little vixen was clearly very seductive, but she didn't quite seem like the type to fuck on the first date. Nonetheless, he followed her to her bedroom and was almost smothered by the sheer amount of color and stuffing.

Her floor was covered in stuffed animals! There were hundreds of normal-sized creatures, and five or six very large stuffed creatures in a corner on one side of the room. The large ones looked odd, though, they were dressed in diapers and frilly outfits. They looked like a five-year-old girl's dream come true!

"Wow, I guess you have a lot of ammo for your pictures, hm?" he asked, looking around at the strange fox's livelihood. Clara took a deep breath and looked back at him, smiling.

"Yeah, I definitely have a lot of them," she said. "And my collection is always growing! I'm always looking for new friends to add."

"I grew out of stuffed animals a long time ago," Lin remarked casually. If he was looking at Clara, he would've caught her uncharacteristically vicious glare at those words. When he did look at her, however, she was all smiles once again.

"Well, everyone has their obsessions," she said, a bit quieter now. She picked up a little stuffed dolphin from her bed and hugged it tightly. "It just so happens that mine is super-duper fluffy!"

As she snuggled the little creature, Lin suddenly felt weak in the knees. His head felt swimmy and his vision began to blur!

"Man, I don't feel so good," he said numbly and fell to the floor, unconscious.

Hours later, he felt the cold kiss of metal against his sides and back. His eyes fluttered open and found that they were in total darkness, he honestly didn't fully know if his eyes were even open! He tried to move, but found himself completely unable to! He was in some kind of small cage, but he didn't know where! Completely naked and panicked, he tried calling for help.

"Hmmpphhuuh?!" was all that escaped his gagged snout. A rubber object had been inserted into his mouth, and as he rolled his tongue over it he found that it was rather long and extended almost to his esophagus! The thing plugged his lips with something fat and knobby, which scared him even further. At this point, Lin was hyperventilating and futilely trying to yell through the gag. He heard footsteps approaching, and suddenly there was light!

It poured in through a large square hole in the wall where a figure was pulling him, cage and all, through by a chain. When he was finally pulled from the hole, he looked up through the bars into the vulpine eyes of Clara.

"Mmmphua?" he tried to say her name. Clara leaned down and pulled the object from his mouth, which appeared to be a model of a canine penis attached to a small pacifier. "Clara? What the fuck is going on?"

"Don't you worry about it sweetie! I'm going to add you to my family!" she chirped, bright and sunny as always. Lin struggled and tried to break out, but the cage was too small to gain any purchase. He yelled once before he felt Clara's soft hand wrap around his snout. "No yelling, no loud noises, the neighbors are sleeping."

He grunted angrily and she let go of his snout. "Look, I...I don't know if this is some weird obsession, or if you plan to...to kill me...or...look just let me go, alright? I won't tell anyone, I'll leave the damn country if you want, ok? Please?"

"Kill you? Oh, sweetie no!" Clara said, sounding genuinely comforting, and leaned down to his level. "You're very special to me, hon, and I want to prove it to you."

She stood up and walked over to her dresser, through which she began to rummage for something. After a few seconds, she pulled out a fat red buttplug and looked it over before returning to her captive. Lin was shaking from the cold and from fear, but mostly fear of what this little creature planned to do to him...

The plug had a small tube in the back and a pump on the end, which Clara checked thoroughly to ensure there would be no leakage. "So, guess where this is going?"

"You're sick," Lin said angrily. "Let me go dammit!"

"I'm actually very healthy!" she said and stroked his ear, shuddering as her fingers brushed the soft fur. "And if I let you go, how do you expect me to get paid?"

"What?" Lin asked, confused. "What are you talking about?"

Clara wordlessly got up and walked behind him. Lin shouted angrily and shook the cage before he again felt her paw around his snout.

"That's it," she said, like a mother about to discipline her child. "Now you just suck on this and keep quiet for Miss Clara, ok?"

"Fu-MMPH!" he growled as the pacifier plug slid between his jaws and sealed them shut. The knot of the penis was thick and thoroughly kept his snout shut, which instantly shut him up. Lin looked up at Clara pleadingly, almost trying to apologize for his actions.

"There we go!" she said and happily scampered behind him again. He felt her gentle touch spreading his cheeks, revealing his tight tailhole. His tail was cuffed to the top of the cage, so he couldn't use it to cover himself, not like it would've mattered to Clara. She lubed up his hole nice and slow, being sure to cover every inch, inside and out, with the slimy solution. Lin grunted and groaned as she did, clearly uncomfortable, but Clara didn't stop. She wormed a finger or two inside him and wiggled them around, gently rubbing his prostate. As he felt his cock slide out of his sheath and barely touch the floor of the cage, Clara gasped.

"Wow, sweetie!" she said, almost breathlessly. "You're very big! I might've liked to take you myself if I didn't think you'd make such a cute stuffy-bear!"

"Mmmph?" Lin groaned as she slid her fingers in and out of him. After he was nice and slippery, Clara coated the plug with lube and positioned the very tip against his tailhole. Lin began hyperventilating again as he felt the plug dip inside him, the ever-expanding shape forcing his hole to stretch around it. He expected pain, but there were only tingles of pleasure!

"That's it, sweetie, relax," Clara whispered as she slid the plug further and further into his ass. Lin groaned and felt his cock pulse as he was penetrated. "Those drugs I gave you while you slept should make you feel really good as this goes in. Does it?"

A low moan was Lin's only response.

"Good!" Clara giggled and finally popped the whole thing into Lin's tight butt. As it popped in, Lin felt his lower body shake and tingle, his cock spurting hot ropes of cum onto the floor of the cage. Clara giggled again. "Aww, did you blow already? Well, maybe I wouldn't have taken you after all. But it's ok my sweet little soon-to-be bear-plush! I forgive you, and if it makes any difference I actually like my toys to cum a lot!"

Lin was panting through the gag as Clara got up and held the plug's pump, giving it a few squeezes. The plug inside him inflated quickly, making pushing it out completely impossible. He groaned as the plug expanded inside him, pushing against his prostate.

"Tell Miss Clara when it gets too big, sweetie," Clara advised. "Because I won't stop otherwise."

The plug pumped and pumped, pushing harder against Lin's male clit. He wanted to tell her to stop but he just needed a little bit more to squeeze out an orgasm and his brain was suddenly swamped with the desire to cum. Pump. Pump. Pump. After a few more pumps, his cock was ready to explode and Clara could tell. She redacted her previous statement and giggled. "Should we stop here?"

Lin growled through the plug and moaned desperately. Clara dropped the pump and looked at him. His belly was already slightly distended from the hugely inflated plug and his cock was literally hanging on a thread, one more pump would make him explode...but Clara wouldn't be pumping it quite so soon. She giggled and pulled a small, white cloth from a box under her bed.

She took a bottle from the box and uncorked it, coating the cloth in the bright pink liquid that poured forth. After the cloth was literally stained pink, she held it to Lin's nose.

"Take a deep breath, my little puppy," she ordered. Lin couldn't hold his breath forever, try as he might, and he could feel the overpowering scent of the liquid entering his nostrils regardless...he held out as long as he could, until the air burned in his lungs...and took a deep, sputtering breath.

His vision instantly went bright pink and he felt like he was in a pool of warm water. The liquid, whatever it was, made him higher than he'd ever been before! His eyes drooped and became a shade of bright pink as well, iris included, as the corners of his mouth cracked into a stupid grin.

"That's my sweet, sweet little puppy!" Clara cooed and scratched his chin. "Feels good, doesn't it hon? Just let the soap take you where you need to go, just sink into it. Keep breathing."

With every breath of the "soap," he felt himself drifting further and further into the pinkness that was, slowly but surely, coating his every thought. He wanted to be pink, he needed_to be pink, he _was pink...

When Clara finally took the cloth away from her captive's nose, she couldn't help but literally chitter with glee! He looked SO stupid and cute! Giggling like a schoolgirl, she unlocked the cage and gave him a gentle tug by the scruff. Obediently, Lin crawled out and was pulled shakily to his feet by the smaller vulpine. She rubbed his belly, making sure the plug was firmly lodged inside him still, and even gave his extended tummy a small push. There was no give, the plug was secure. She stepped back, giving her new toy a once-over before stepping around him and entering her closet. She rummaged around through the piles of cutesie-wootsie clothes that she kept for both herself and her victims, and eventually exited holding the "perfect" outfit for Lin. She also carried with her a large, pink diaper with a heart on the crotch.

"Alright, sugar-pie," she said, holding up a fat, stuffy bear costume. The legs were so fat they were barely separate from the sphere of the main body, so there was no walking that would be done, and the arms were so short and stubby that they looked almost comedic. But Lin didn't care, Lin couldn't care! His mind was completely pink, completely and utterly infected with the pink product of that "soap." He needed to be pink and only pink, nothing else mattered. Clara laid the suit down on the floor near the other large stuffed animals, her other victims, and helped Lin first into the bright pink diaper, which he was noticeably eager to wear, and then into the soft confines of the swollen bear. After he was perfectly comfortable sitting on his plug, Clara kneeled down and looked at him. "Sweetie, I just want you to know that I had a GREAT time tonight. You're the sweetest sweetheart I've ever met, and if I didn't want to see you in this bear suit so much, I might've actually kept you as a boyfriend...maybe even a husband or something...but I REALLY want to see you in this bear suit, so I'm afraid I'll just have to keep looking. But!"

She leaned in and reached under the diaper, wrapping her cool paw around Lin's aching cock. "I did promise I'd show you how special you are to me, and I'm going to keep that promise."

She began stroking him, slow strokes that went all the way up and all the way down, her thumb playing on the tip of his penis. Her gentle strokes made his cock twitch and jump, but didn't elicit any response from Lin aside from his stupid giggling.

"He probably can't even feel it the way a normal person would," Clara thought as she stroked, making sure to press on his belly every now and again to keep his precum squirting. After a few minutes, Clara sped up and felt Lin's cock pulsing hard. She leaned down and wrapped her soft, warm lips around the head of his cock and swallowed rope after rope of his now-pink cum. It always tastes so good after the soap, Clara thought and swallowed until he stopped shooting. When he was completely lost, panting inside the fluffy suit, mindlessly squirming and squirting in his diaper, Clara stood up and pulled the head of the suit over Lin's.

The big bear's dumb, Disney-ish grin made Clara's pussy drip through the crotch of her panties. She excitedly reached down and began rubbing her clit, the sight of the fluffy creature and the knowledge of its "contents" becoming too much for her. She leaned in and picked the bear up, as though it was light as a feather, and placed it on her bed. She hopped onto its plushy face and pulled her dress around her waist, letting her juicy slit rub against the bear's soft nose. As she moaned and leaned back to give the bear's nose an easier access point, she wondered if Lin could feel what was happening. She knew he didn't know or care, but she was curious if he could actually feel the bear's face soaking up her sweet honey like a sponge, maybe he could even taste her nectar in the fluff.

"Oh fuck it," she moaned and kept riding the bear's nose until she finally splattered its face in her hot juice. Her body shook with the pleasure uncontrollably, forcing her to roll off of the plushy and lay next to it, basking in the glorious afterglow of her bizarre work. She pulled the soft comforter around her body and of her new snuggle-bear's. "Goodnight my yummy little beary-boy. I'll see you in the morning...and the morning after, and the morning after...and the morning after...and the...morning...after..."

Clara's gentle words trailed off as she sank into a deep, fulfilling slumber. But suddenly, her eyes shot open! She hopped up, rushed into her living room, and turned on the stereo. The deafening sounds of music filled the room and the little vulpine hopped back into her bedroom to snuggle with her bear.

"Almost forgot to set the bait!" she giggled and licked some of her honey from the bear's face.

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