Jackie's Debt: Plushified by Miss Tabitha!

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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Poor little Jackie's been framed for a crime he knows he didn't commit! As punishment he must go and apologize to the enigmatic battress Miss Tabitha. Unfortunately for Jackie, Miss Tabitha may have something far more devious in mind as punishment for his crime.

"C'mon, mom!" Jackie complained. His mother shook her head.

"Jackie, no! You made your bed, now you have to lie in it," she said sternly. Jackie groaned insubordinately, wanting now more than ever for something terribly miraculous to get him out of his predicament. His mother picked a steaming pie off of the kitchen counter and brought it over to the waiting cub. "Now you bring this over to Ms. Tabitha and you apologize immediately."

"I didn't do it!" Jackie protested. His mother thrust the pie into his arms and practically shoved him out of the door.

"It was your BB they found in Ms. Tabitha's window, it was your airsoft gun that shot it...what do you expect me to believe, Jackie?" his mother asked rhetorically.

"But I mean it! I didn't shoot her window! I was shooting it but I hadn't been shooting it that morning! It must have been somebody else!" he tried to explain.

"So someone broke into your room, took your BB gun, and shot out our poor neighbor's window? Come on, Jackie, show some responsibility for your actions," his mother said finally and shut the door. Jackie was left standing in the warm morning air with a hot pie burning the pads of his paws. He grumpily walked down his street until he reached the elegant mansion at the end and stood timidly on the edge of the driveway.

"All we have to do is go and give her the pie, say we're sorry, and then get right back home," Jackie thought to himself. He hadn't ever really been to Ms. Tabitha's house before, let alone inside it, but since he had been wrongly accused of shooting out her window he had been forced to in order to make amends. He had only even seen the woman maybe once or twice, only while she was stepping into her car to leave for days at a time, and always at night! Of course being a bat meant that she would be nocturnally inclined, but for her to be so completely detached from the rest of the neighborhood? It just seemed weird to Jackie. Regardless, he had his mission and he knew his mother wouldn't let him back in the house until he completed it, so he began tentatively walking up to the front door.

He knocked on the dark wooden body of the door, hearing the sound resonate a little on the other side. He listened for footsteps or a voice, but heard neither. He had his ear pressed against the door when it suddenly swung open, sending Jackie falling into a fuzzy exposed midsection!

"Excuse me!" Jackie said quickly, pulling back and looking at the middle-aged female standing crossly in the door jar. "H-Hi, Ms. T-Tabitha, I w-was just..."

"Yes?" she said after a few seconds, making the boy look down embarrassedly.

"My mom wanted me to bring you this," he said, holding up the pie. "For...well..."

"For shooting my window?" the enigmatic battress finished for him. Jackie's head shot up in defiance.

"But I wanted to say that I really didn't do it!" he said, hoping he could sway Tabitha more than he could sway his mother. The purple-black female shifted her weight to her other hip and raised an eyebrow amusedly.

"You have a lot of fight in you, little boy," she said and tussled his hair. Jackie pulled back a little, and held out the pie stubbornly. Tabitha chuckled a little.

"How far away do you live, hun?" she asked.

"Down the street," he said, still angry that he was being falsely blamed.

"Perfect," she said and stepped aside, opening the entrance to her home. "Come inside, please."

Jackie looked unsure. It was darker than a normal house, probably on account of Tabitha's nocturnal habits. The windows looked like they had heavy blinds covering them, and only a few small slivers of light peeked through. "I'm just supposed to give this to you..."

"I know. So put it on my kitchen counter and we'll be squared away," Tabitha said, smiling. Jackie gulped, completely unsure of what he should do. Of course, he did want to get away from his mother...

"Go inside," a gentle voice said in the back of his mind. His body obeyed, entering the lavish foyer and jumping slightly as the heavy door thumped shut. Tabitha walked into the kitchen and shot him a half-cocked smile, resting her elbows on the countertop. Jackie felt rather uncomfortable, but something told him that he was still alright. He felt secure, at least.

"Just put it right here," she said and tapped a spot on the marble counter. "And our debt is settled."

Jackie was still hesitant. He didn't want to move anywhere, lest closer to the shadowed female at the countertop. He tried to force himself to do it, but his muscles just felt like they were locked up. Hel felt energized, though, when he heard the same gentle voice from earlier whisper: "Do it. Do what she says."

Jackie's legs began moving on their own, bringing him to the counter. His arms reached up and placed the pie on the counter where the battress had been pointing. He looked up at her and then back at the pie.

"C-Can I go now?" he asked. Tabitha looked down at the pie and then at the little cub with a broad grin.

"You may," she said and gave his head a gentle pat. With a sigh of relief, Jackie turned and began walking quickly towards the door. He was so thrilled to get out of the dark place that he didn't even notice the coffee table in his way! His knee bumped into the corner of it and sent him sprawling across the living room carpet! When he reached down to his scraped knee, he realized that Tabitha was hovering over him, her wings draped over his form as she wrapped her arms around him. Deftly, she slipped a white cloth over his nose and mouth and watched as the little male struggled weakly for a second before slipping into the sweet bliss of unconsciousness. When he went completely limp, the battress lifted him in her arms and scratched his soft fur.

"Gotcha!" she whispered and carried him up the stairs.

Hours passed, and when Jackie finally shook the chloroform's jarring effects he realized he wasn't where he remembered he was. "What happened?"

"You took a bit of a spill, darling," Tabitha's silky voice spilled into his ears. He looked around, unable to see in the darkness of the room, trying to determine where the voice came from. A bright light burst on overhead, illuminating a small space around the cage that Jackie was currently in. He was clearly shaken, but he wasn't outwardly afraid, which made Tabitha glad! She liked when she had particularly willful prey to break!

"Hey! What's going on?" the little male asked. He was beginning to shake a little, Tabitha noticed as she moved closer to him.

"Well, I've decided to take a bit more than your mother's pie as compensation for your...crime," she said and reached through the bars. Jackie jumped to the other side of the cage, making Tabitha withdraw in annoyance. "Well! Who says I wanted to pet you, anyway?"

She approached the entrance of the cage and opened it, motioning for Jackie to crawl out. He stayed at the far back of the cage, however, and growled at her aggressively.

"Well, aren't we the fighter?" she giggled and walked to the other side, opening up the cage wall behind Jackie and dragging him out by the scruff. She held him in the air and reached up, slapping a collar around his neck before putting him back down on the floor again. "There we go! What a good boy!"

"What?" Jackie asked confusedly, pulling at the collar around his neck before turning to the battress fearfully. "Why are you doing this? What're you gonna do to me?"

"Oh I love it when they ask that!" Tabitha giggled inside, her excitement rising. "Well, my little criminal, I think my window was worth a little more than a pie. I've decided to take YOU as payment! Isn't that fair of me?"

"What?! No! Let me go you crazy - YIPE!" Jackie yelped suddenly as his collar beeped and gave him a small shock! He grabbed it and tried to pull it off, but it only shocked him more. Finally, after three or four shocks, he fell to a panting heap on the ground. Tabitha kneeled down next to him.

"Quite shocking, isn't it?" she giggled. "The more you disobey and resist, the more you get shocked. Understand?"

Jackie panted and looked up at her angrily before shooting his eyes back down to the carpet. "Yes."

"I didn't catch that," Tabitha asked, holding her ear out to him. "Was that a 'yes ma'am'?"

Jackie said nothing until another sharp burst made him shiver uncontrollably. "Yes ma'am!"

"Good pup," Tabitha smiled and gave his back a gentle rub. "On your feet."

"I'm not a puppy, lady," Jackie said, quieter now that he knew the collar's sting. Jackie felt himself being pulled to his feet by the collar, his shaky legs finding the ground with little difficulty. Tabitha stood over him.

"As long as you're in my house, you're whatever I want you to be...pup. Now, let's get some things straight," she said. "First, you will not be going home. You live here now. Second, you will call me Mistress, Ma'am, or Miss Tabitha, nothing else. Third, I am not afraid to use that collar, so do remember that your disobedience is easily remedied. Are we clear?"

Jackie looked up at her indignantly, disbelieving of his situation. He apparently waited too long, however, as another shock skirted through his neck. He yelped and clawed at the collar a little before reluctantly putting his paw down by his side, afraid of another shock.

"Aww, my puppy's learning!" Tabitha said and scratched under his chin. Jackie considered biting her, but he knew that he would only get another shock. Instead, he just glared angrily at her and let her scratch him. "That's it, be angry at me. I love breaking boys who think they can win."

Her words were so...factual! The way she said them, it sounded like Jackie was only one of dozens! Like he was just another pet to come through her home. He felt this settle into him and only then began to become afraid. He realized that this woman was very serious about not letting him leave...

"I want to go home, please...ma'am," he said, hoping she would just let him go. Tabitha laughed.

"That's unfortunate," she said and grabbed his collar, leading him out of the room and down the lavish hallway to her bedroom. The room was brightly lit, but Jackie had no idea whether it was because it was night outside or not thanks to the heavy blinds. He felt Tabitha let go as she shut and locked the door behind her, and Jackie took the first opportunity to stand at the other end of the room. The battress giggled when she saw him pressed against the wall, trying to phase through it to get away from her. "Alright boy, let's get you settled in, ok?"

Jackie said nothing but continued to stare at the female as she approached. The closer she got, the further Jackie pressed himself against the wall, to the point that he felt he would break through! Tabitha stopped and looked him over.

"This is actually a great opportunity to test you!" she said, smiling. "Here are your options: you may either get undressed on your own, or I can shock you into submission and undress you myself. Which will you choose, pup?"

Jackie was breathing quicker, especially now with all the pressure on him. He didn't want to listen to her, but he knew that she wasn't kidding about shocking him. He saw her hand pull a small remote control from her pocket and put a finger over one of the two buttons.

"You have five seconds," she warned. "Four, three, two..."

She pressed the top button, making the collar emit a constant beep, a warning of the imminent shock...

"Stop! Stop I'll do it myself," Jackie said as Tabitha took her finger off of the top button. She smiled and walked over to her bed, sitting down comfortably and watching the cub get undressed. When he was standing in his underwear, he stopped and looked at her. She raised an eyebrow and cocked her head, waiting for him to finish.

"The underwear, too, sweetie," she said. Jackie's eyes widened. He was shaking when he spoke.

"R-Really? Do I -" he asked as the beeping sound resumed. Tabitha gave him a stern look which made the boy shake even harder.

"Five, four..." she began.

"No please!" Jackie begged. He slowly slid his underwear down his legs and threw it into the pile with the rest of his clothes. His little sheath was tucked tightly against his body as he shivered in the bright light of Tabitha's bedroom. The older female approached him and leaned on one hip as she looked him over.

"Not bad," she mused, looking over his tight young body. "Could use a bit of fluffing, but not bad as is. I'm debating what to do with you at the moment, so do bear with me if I have conflicting desires."

"You could let me go?" Jackie suggested hopefully.

"So you could get me arrested for kidnapping?" she laughed. "I think not, pup. You're here to stay. But I could maybe take you for walks around the neighborhood sometimes? Would you like that?"

Jackie shrunk back. "No..."

"You wouldn't want all your old friends and family to see you walking with Miss Tabitha?" she giggled and stroked his head. "Naked, on all fours, leashed?"

"You wouldn't do that," Jackie whimpered quietly. "Would you?"

"Don't question it, even for a second," Tabitha warned. "Whatever I say, you can be damned sure I will follow up on. So when I say 'all fours, pup...'"

Jackie looked up at her expectantly, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

"Cute boy, but dumb," she sighed, shaking her head as Jackie was shocked again and fell to all fours. He felt tears well up in his eyes from the whole situation, the shock finally wearing off. Tabitha saw the little cub beginning to cry and it disappointed her. "What, are you going to cry now? After being brave for this long?"

Jackie sniffled, not wanting to look up at her. "N-No..."

"No what?" Tabitha asked and held the remote in front of his face.

"No ma'am! No Miss Tabitha!" he said quickly. Tabitha patted his head.

"Good! Then I expect to see not one single tear touch my nice carpet, understand?" she asked, holding his face to hers. Jackie nodded and wiped his eyes. Tabitha let go of his snout and pointed to the bed. "Good, then this is your first day of training. On the bed now."

When he was up on the bed, Tabitha crawled on as well. She motioned to a spot on the bed and patted it enticingly. "Lay right here, puppy."

Jackie did as he was told and lay down, looking up at Tabitha from the soft pillow upon which his head rested. Tabitha shook her plump hips out of her jeans and tossed them to the side, straddling the little male's face and planting her silky lips right on his snout! Jackie thrashed furiously as he tried to get his nose out of her folds, but she pressed her knees into his arms and held his little legs down, preventing him from escaping!

"Breathe through your mouth," she ordered calmly. "Breathe."

Jackie eventually did as he was told, opening his mouth and gasping as her pussy slipped and slid against his nose. It tasted surprisingly sweet, but musky and potent, making the experience somewhat odd for Jackie. He gasped as air flowed into his lungs once again, but coughed the sweet flavor out of his mouth as it flowed in.

"Good boy, just breathe nice and slow," Tabitha began to rock her hips against the male's snout gently, helping him calm down. "When you catch your breath, start licking or you get shocked."

Not wanting to get shocked again, Jackie instantly began running his tongue over the juicy pussy. It felt like small arcs of electricity coating his tongue, running up through his eyes and into his brain, listening as Tabitha let out a soft moan.

"Very good, little puppy!" she said, giving his tummy a gentle rub. "Very good. Keep licking, just like that. I promise you won't get shocked if you just do what Miss Tabitha says."

Jackie kept licking, curiously drawn to the strange feeling he got from Tabitha's nectar. She felt his tongue tenderly prodding her, amateurish and new, and it made her moan louder. She knew he was scared, but he was getting more and more aroused by the second and that just made Tabitha WET!

She dripped into his mouth, eventually filling his snout with her honey! The little boy couldn't lick any more with her juice in his mouth, and the sudden lack of tongue was making Tabitha antsy. She hopped off his face and quickly wrapped a paw around his snout, trapping her liquid inside.

"You have another five seconds to swallow it and get back to work, or you get your first punishment," she warned. "Five...four..."

Jackie couldn't force himself to swallow, but he was terribly afraid of "punishment." He was at a total loss, and couldn't do anything more than stare blankly at his captor.

"Two...one..." Tabitha finished and pulled him to his paws and knees. She continued holding his jaw shut and held the remote in her other paw. "Swallow what Mistress has given you or you get shocked."

Jackie just looked up at her, breathing faster. The shocks hit him three, four, five times before he finally gulped down the sugary juice and Tabitha released the crying lion cub's nose. She looked down at him unsympathetically, crossing her arms.

"That was part one of your punishment," she said. "You need to learn very quickly that your situation isn't changing. The sooner you get that, the easier this will get. Now up."

Jackie was dragged to his feet and made to stand in the center of the room spread eagle. Tabitha reached down and grabbed his tender balls, making the young male squeal. She squeezed ever so gently, giggling as Jackie began shaking.

"Does that feel good?" she asked, squeezing a little harder. "Should Miss Tabitha get her puppy neutered?"

"Oh please no! Miss Tabitha please no!" Jackie's eyes widened as he begged through Tabitha's squeezing. She looked up at him curiously.

"Well, it's not like you'll be using them any time soon," she said. "How old is my puppy?"

"F-Four-TEEN!" he shouted the last part of the word when Tabitha's grip tightened dramatically. She giggled as she rolled his balls around the palm of her paw.

"Well, maybe I could put you out to stud eventually," she said with a laugh. "Wait, is that horses?"

She gave his balls another tight squeeze. His spread thighs began quaking in fear, making the battress smile naughtily.

"Scared?" she asked. Jackie nodded, shaking. "Good. Remember this."

She let go of his shivering balls and stood back up, walking over to the bed again. "Now finish me off and then we'll get to part two."

Jackie walked shakily back to the bed, his world going dark as Tabitha's shapely thighs settled on either side of his head. After a few more minutes of licking, juice-swallowing, and Tabitha's increasingly loud moaning, she finally splattered his face with her hot cum and stood up, panting.

"Good boy! What a good tongue you have, my sweet!" she praised as Jackie caught his breath. She shook herself out, the glow of Jackie's well-performed licking shining from her short fur. She slapped her thigh. "Come."

The cub hesitated for a moment but eventually crawled over to the battress. She gave him a pat on the head and scratched his chin lovingly. "Good boy! You crawled without Miss Tabitha even having to tell you!"

She began leading the little lion by the scruff down the hall to another room. Jackie's head had begun to sway, feeling quite lightheaded. His thoughts felt sluggish, like he had to concentrate to even form a coherent thought, making him shake his head in an attempt to clear the fog.

"Feeling ok, sugar?" Tabitha cooed sweetly, kneeling down and holding Jackie's cock in her cool paws. Jackie shook at her touch, looking into her eyes as he felt his mouth move on its own.

"Y-eth...Mistreth," the cub drooled, suddenly aware of how slurred he sounded! He was getting more and more scared, having never felt anything like this before, but Tabitha's slow stroking was keeping him grounded. After a gentle pat on the cheek, the purplish battress stood and led Jackie by his erection into the next room.

Jackie looked around the room, a light flicking to life and illuminating the room's bizarre contents. It appeared like a seamstress's fantasy! Long lengths of cloth hung from hangars on the walls, half-full buckets of spare fabric and small piles of stuffing laying on the ground here and there, and at least five sewing machines! Jackie looked around drunkenly, the heavy feeling in his head beginning to smother his thoughts completely.

"Alright, sweetie-boy," she said and kneeled down, continuing to stroke him. "Now I've decided that I don't want a puppy anymore!"

Jackie heard her words through the haze of whatever this feeling was, realizing that she might be letting him go! "R-Rully? Yurr leffing me go?"

"Cute, darling, very cute," Tabitha giggled and squeezed his cock. "No, I'm afraid I'm just going to turn you into something else!"

She stood up, releasing Jackie's rock hard cock and leaving the lion cub humping the air futilely. With a sideways glance, she giggled as she watched him. "Excitable little sissy."

She walked around the room, looking at the different lengths of cloths. "Hmm...what kind of toy do I want?"

She gasped and pulled out a large, rubber-looking sack. It had a fat, inflated head at the top in the appearance of a wolf, its blank stare gazing into Jackie's eyes. Jackie was a little scared by it, its seemingly mindless eyes looking through him.

"Ohhh! This'll look so cute on a puppy!" she said with a giggle. She walked over to him and tried matching the outfit to him. She frowned, pressing the suit against his chest, seeing how it looked on him. "Hmm...maybe not."

She tossed it aside and began searching again. She pulled out two new costumes, one bright yellow and one dark blue. They were both bunnies, evident by their dopey-looking grins and giant floppy ears, but they were ridiculously fat in the thighs! Tabitha did the same with these suits, matching them to the boy's chest. She frowned again.

"Hmm....these won't do either!" she said and tossed them aside. She took a glance at Jackie as he was, stark naked and throbbing hard, crossing her arms and thinking. "Maybe we could just slide a chastity belt on you, or just bag you and leave you in the closet? How would this hard puppy like that, hm?"

She giggled when the boy shook from her delicate words. He could barely form the words to speak! "M-Misth..."

"No? No, I wouldn't want to see your little cucumber all bagged up, either," she giggled. "I think I'd like to see you especially sissified, that's what I'd like I think!"

Jackie didn't quite understand what she said, the drunken feeling slipping into the very essence of his thoughts. With every breath he felt his feeble will crack and splinter under the weight of Mistress Tabitha's sweet words, dripping like honey down into his body. She took him in her hands again, stroking with both as the cub uttered a small whimper. Tabitha thought as she stroked, considering how best to sissify her little puppy. She thought about everything she could make, everything she had available, and even some things she'd have to order! But as she looked into his eyes, draining of intelligence and will every second, she saw something. It was something wonderful, something like a bolt of lightning striking her brain!

"You're Tabitha's good little sissy bunny girl, aren't you?" she said with a broad smile. The cub looked up at her, only barely conceiving of what she said, and smiled dumbly. She squealed and giggled happily, hugging Jackie excitedly. "Yes! My little puppy's gonna be a big fat frilly bunny isn't he? He's not going to be a boy anymore is he? Is he?"

Jackie just stared blankly ahead, smiling and nodding to whatever Tabitha had just said. The battress gave his cock a gentle slap, a small rope of precum spurting onto her thigh. She giggled and stood up, letting Jackie hump the air like he had taken to doing when her hand was gone from his cock. She strolled around the room, picking up a bright pink suit, a stuffy bunny head, and a few other fetishy things for the puppy.

When she returned, the first thing she did was slide the pink, rubber pacifier-dildo into Jackie's mouth and pressed a tab on the end. The dildo inflated rapidly, sealing the pup's mouth up tight, then turned him around in place and bent him over. His cute little cheeks were spread and his hole subjected to a vicious tongue-bath by Tabitha, who lubed it up in preparation for the fist-sized, purple butt plug that was almost itching to enter.

"Deep breath, pup," she said, knowing Jackie couldn't hear her through the fog of her sweet, drugged pussy juice. Jackie's hole swallowed the fat plug hungrily, the knot sliding in with a soft pop as Jackie's cock spurted another few ropes of precum. Tabitha turned the plug on, letting the soft, pulsing vibrations run through her boy's legs and cock. He shook intensely, his cock beginning to throb and pound rhythmically. Tabitha grabbed his cock in one hand and squeezed hard. "Now listen my sugary-sweet, brainless pup. Miss Tabitha knows you can't hear her, but she expects you to know that cumming is strictly forbidden without her permission. Understand? For every rope of cum, you'll be punished. You may not be able to stop, but I don't really care! For every, single rope of sweet cum you shoot, you'll be thoroughly punished."

Jackie groaned as she stroked him, tapping his plug occasionally. After a few moments of this sweet torture, the pleasure building in Jackie's cock until he shot three hot ropes of adolescent cum onto the carpet. Tabitha slapped his balls, making the boy shoot another hot rope!

"Bad boy! What'd Mistress just say?" she asked, squeezing his cock again to milk his last drops out. "Now you get punished, cub. Now you get to wear Miss Tabitha's bunny suit forever!"

Jackie groaned as another rope shot out of his tortured cock, making Tabitha giggle. "Such a bad puppy! Well, good thing you won't be a puppy much longer!"

She picked him up in her arms and brought him over to a large armchair in a corner of the room. As the plug pulsed quietly inside Jackie, making his cock drool and spurt clear shots of precum onto Tabitha's tummy and breasts, Tabitha sat down and held the cub on her lap. She slid his feet into the legs of a white, fluffy cloth diaper, and then pulled it up his thighs. It hugged his boyish hips, bulging where his aching cock was begging for more release.

"Aww, how old is my puppy again?" she asked, knowing Jackie wouldn't answer her. "Fourteen? Certainly not old enough to stop wearing diapers!"

She giggled and gave the crotch of the diaper a few strong slaps, Jackie's cock spurting in the crinkling diaper, coating his length and making his slippery enough that he could hump the inside pleasurably! He went to town, humping away as he practically filled his diaper with hot cum!

"Wow, sissy-boy! That's a lot of cum from such a small sissy bunny!" she mused, tapping his exposed head every so often. With every touch, his cock twitched and dripped a little more cum onto his own belly. Tabitha picked him up and began to slide his feet into a pair of silky stockings, his hands into some plush, fingerless paw-mittens, and his head into an adorable frilly bonnet. She giggled, seeing how deliciously sissified he looked, and gave his chin a few loving scratches.

After she helped him into his new plushy home, she zipped the suit up to his chin and looked at her puppy one last time.

"Aww puppy you're gonna love being a sissy bun-bun!" she giggled, giving him a soft kiss. "I promise, you'll be so happy!"

She kissed his lips once more, tasting her own intoxicating juice on his lips before sliding the head over his and locking it tightly. There was no escape now for the little fella, but she still felt...incomplete. She felt something was missing from her sissy...

"Oh of course!" she said with a snap! She got up and rushed into her personal closet of sissy-wear. After frillifying the fat pink bunny, she slid another diaper around his fat hips and gave it a quick knee, making the bunny shudder as its sole inhabitant came hard once again! Tabitha slid him into a purple dress, some tight stockings, and a pair of arm-length glove-mittens that covered the bunny's paws completely before finally stepping back and applying some silly bows to his outfit.

The battress wiped a small tear away and looked proudly at her new toy. "She's going to make her mother so proud!"

No sooner had she said that then a loud knock resounded through her foyer. She smiled and left her immobile toy standing in the center of her dressing room, opening the door with a smile.

"Hi, sweetie!" Tabitha said happily and hugged Jackie's mother tightly.

"Heya, love! How'd he come out?" his mother asked, swishing her tail. "Did he pay for his crimes?"

"With interest!" Tabitha said and motioned for Jackie's mom to enter. "He's become such a good girl! I don't think you'll be having any more problems with him."

Jackie's mother blushed hard and giggled excitedly when she saw her son in the plushy suit.

"Aww!" she squealed. "He's too cute! So much cuter than he was before! Can he hear me?"

"Oh he can hear you just fine! If he can _understand_you...well, that's a different story," Tabitha and Jackie's mother giggled together. Jackie's mom approached her sissified son and began to feel his new, exquisitely soft body. She made sure to pay special attention to his big poofy diaper, giving it a few pats here and there to test its plush. Tabitha took notice. "Why don't you give him a good kick? He always cums when I do it!"

"Really?" Jackie's mom asked in disbelief. She eyed up the bunny's crotch and delivered a strong kick to his plushy diaper! A small groan from within the bunny and a wave of shuddering proved that Tabitha was correct! Jackie's mom was impressed. "Can't we all be so lucky?"

"Apparently not, dear. We didn't have loving mothers like you!" Tabitha said with a smile and put her arm around the lioness. "Why don't we have a drink and talk about how to get this sissy back home, hm?"

"Oh, do you think we can fit him - I mean, her- into the car?" Jackie's mother asked concernedly. "I'm sure we can just walk her back when it gets dark, right?"

"Perhaps," Tabitha said as she turned off the light and left Jackie standing there in the dark, his cock still pounding from the kick his mother had given him. It was going to be an interesting life now that Jackie was Jacquelyn and he was a she. Still, though, he couldn't be happier! His mother would love him far more now that he was a stay-at-home sissy, Miss Tabitha could come over every so often to give him a good kick in the diaper, and he didn't have to go to school anymore! If Jacquelyn could think, she would certainly be thinking about how incredibly lucky she is.

"By the way, dear," Tabitha said as she poured them each a glass of wine. "That was an excellent plan. I was thinking about simply stuffing him into a sack one day as he walks home from school."

"Well, I just thought it would be smart to put him in the attitude of being punished. He's always more obedient when he's in trouble and knows he's being punished," the lioness explained, her tail swishing behind her. Tabitha sipped her glass and mused.

"Indeed! How very intuitive!" she giggled. "I had no idea you were such a good shot with a BB gun!"

"When the husband and son are away, the mothers must play," she giggled and blushed. Tabitha giggled as well and delicately sipped at her wine glass, her mind still buzzing with thoughts of playing with the mindless stuffy upstairs.

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