Casey's Not in Kansas Anymore

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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A story about a poor little boy who, after experiencing an accident, wakes up in a world just eager to help him! :) Soft, plushy chaos ensues as the inhabitants of Plushinstuff try and soften this hard-bodied boy before it's too late!

Casey's eyes opened to a bright blue light. His dilated pupils quickly shrunk and he groaned and covered his face with his hands, rolling over onto the soft grass upon which he lay. He took a deep breath, trying to get his head to stop spinning, and sat up slowly.

"God, what happened?" he asked, looking around. He didn't remember much; a bike, a car...a crash...

His eyes shot open and he glanced around, noticing the mangled corpse of his bike on the ground near him. He crawled over to it, his arm and ribs throbbing in pain. Without a doubt, he knew he had been hit by a car. But when? How? It was all a blur...

He crawled to his knees and sat in a comfortable position, one where his ribs wouldn't hurt him too badly. He looked up into the bright blue sky and the...equally blue sun? He couldn't believe it! The sun was actually a shade of bright blue! Casey shook his head a little, thinking maybe something was wrong with his eyes from the accident, but the sun didn't change.

"Wait," he said to himself. "Wasn't it raining before?"

It had been! His suspicions led to memories, memories of a ride home from...somewhere, in the rain, a bright flash and...then nothing. Not until he opened his eyes five minutes ago. Casey held his bruised ribs and groaned a little, trying to figure out where exactly he was. He was in a deep forested area, with trees going back as far as he could comfortably see. But there weren't any forests in Philadelphia...Casey definitely wasn't in Kansas anymore. He picked himself up and walked over to a tree to lean against it. The tree was startlingly soft and forgiving, his hand sinking into the trunk like one's hand might sink into a pillow!

Casey pulled back, looking at the tree strangely for a minute before pressing against it and feeling the same welcoming softness! As he pressed the tree made a soft noise, like a quiet whimper. Casey, wide-eyed, pressed again and listened, hearing the whimper coming again from...inside the tree? Casey jumped back and began walking through the trees hastily, trying to find some familiar landmark or someone to help him. Did someone bring him here? Was he thrown here from the accident? Possibly, but where the hell _was_he? And who would move him into a forest and why? Questions scurried through Casey's head like so many rats in search of food.

He pushed through a bush and felt a gentle tugging at his pants and shirt. Looking down, he saw that the bush was sticking to his clothes like Velcro! He had never seen a bush like this back in Philadelphia, or even all of Pennsylvania for that matter! He quickly pulled away from the bush, but it managed to suck up his socks and shoes, almost pulling them into its core. Casey ran now, panting heavily and desperately trying to avoid the bizarre Velcro bushes which dotted his path. There seemed to be a clearing up ahead, and Casey was nothing short of ecstatic to see it. With a grunt he heaved himself into the marked lack of strange flora and gasped a wheezing sigh of relief. The run had let him know which parts of him still worked and which didn't, and the damage from the accident wasn't so bad after all!

His arm was a little sore still, but his ribs were almost completely pain-free! He took a deep breath and then lay back on the exceptionally soft grass. Without his shoes, he had been feeling the ground as he ran, but didn't actually get the chance to feel it. It was the softest damn grass he had ever touched! It seemed to celebrate his presence, stroking the soles of his feet eagerly. He couldn't help but giggle! It was SO soft and the way it brushed his toes like that...

Casey was jolted out of his blissful rest by the sound of another creature approaching. He sat up and looked around, noticing a dark shape on the other side of the clearing.

"Thank god!" he thought, and stood up to meet his savior. "Hello? Is anyone there? I've been in an accident!"

The figure approached him quickly, but it didn't walk nor run. It hopped! Casey could see its form now, floppy and...empty? It looked like a big empty bag hopping towards him at frightening speeds! He saw some kind of nub on the top which resembled a head, but it certainly wasn't human.

Casey considered running, but the thought was further drowned out by the hope of getting taken to a hospital. The baglike think reached the edge of the clearing, but remained in the shadow of the foliage, its true form still shrouded in mystery. Casey figured he may as well try and speak with it, for if it intended to hurt him it would've likely done so by now.

"H-Hello?" he said timidly. "I...I was in a car accident, I think I might be hurt."

The bag jittered and shook, seemingly with excitement, before hopping out into the blue light of the strange sun. Whatever it was, those giant floppy ears said that it was absolutely not human. Casey was looking at a giant rabbit! Rather, a rabbit SUIT!

The rabbit stared at him with a mindless grin and occasionally ran its fat paws over its body. Casey didn't know whether to run or to stay there and hope its vision relied on movement, but one thing was for sure: he didn't want that thing anywhere near him...

In a flash, the rabbit leapt upon him and practically smothered him in piles of plushy softness! Casey screamed as the folds covered his head and blinded him, the pleasurably soft material not pleasurably soft enough to drown his quaking fear of the rabbit. The rabbit felt...empty though, like it had no stuffing on the inside, or like there was something missing. Casey stopped screaming when he realized he couldn't breathe, and desperately clawed at the folds for air!

They were merciless, however, and he felt the creeping tendrils of unconsciousness snake through his brain until he lost the energy to fight back. It was only then that the rabbit's folds finally gave way and allowed the fresh oxygen to flow back into Casey's exhausted lungs. He muttered weakly, his eyes trying to pierce the veil of oxygen deprivation as he locked eyes with the creature on top of him.

"Poor baby!" the rabbit said, sounding genuinely concerned. "Did you get hurt?"

"Y-Yeah," Casey whimpered, still weak from the lack of air. The rabbit put both paws on his head and pressed its nose to his forehead.

"Well don't you worry, sweetums," it said soothingly. "I know a place that'll fix you right up! Just hop on in and we'll hop on down!"

"I don't know where I am," Casey groaned, his vision and thoughts finally becoming clear again. "Please, bring me home?"

"Aw no can do, sugar!" the rabbit said cheerily. "I've gotta bring you back to the Hospital for treatment! That accident made you all hard and solid!"

"Hard and what?" Casey asked, confused. He struggled under the bunny's mighty weight, but could gain no purchase on the slippery soft folds. The rabbit leaned down and picked the comparatively little man out from under it, setting him on the ground and pulling his shirt up and over his head in a flash! Casey squirmed and broke free, attempting to run back into the forest, but the rabbit was too quick and it soon had him in its stuffy grip once again. He pulled down his sweatshorts and boxers and then lifted him into the air, holding him at arm's length, Casey's feet kicking the air desperately as he swung naked in the rabbit's paws. "Please, I just want to go home! Let me go! Help!"

"That's why I'm here, snuggles!" the rabbit giggled. "I'm here to help!"

Casey screamed as the rabbit held him against its chest and lifted him to its mouth! Casey's head was sucked into the deliciously soft maw, followed by his shoulders, his chest, and finally his legs and ankles all slid down into the warm bunny belly. The kicking that Casey gave the bunny's insides was positively wonderful, the big rabbit taking a few minutes to gently rub the occasional bulges that popped out of it. It leaned its head back and burped, bringing one of Casey's screams with it, before patting his tummy lovingly and bounding off to the Hospital!

Casey tumbled and bounced around his plushy prison, each jostle sending him sprawling onto another patch of exquisite fluffiness. He felt every bounce resonate through his body, each jolt making his will to fight against the rabbit almost fade was very soft in there...

He took a breath whenever he could, usually in the air between bounces, and found that the bunny smelled strangely like cotton candy and clean sheets. It was surprisingly pleasant, though! Each breath made Casey more and more excited to breathe again, and each bounce made him feel just so comfortable! Maybe this bunny-ride wouldn't be so bad, after all? He was going to a hospital, he _would_be treated...what was the downside?

"Almost there, snookums!" the stuffy bunny chimed happily and kept dutifully bounding towards the Hospital. It was totally dark in the bunny's fluffy tummy, but Casey could get occasional glimpses of light through the bunny's mouth. He felt like a piece of clothing in the dryer, tossed carelessly around the inside of a fuzzy belly. The bunny's hopping slowed and finally stopped with a big thump. Casey heard excited, high-pitched voices chattering outside the bunny, and then felt his captor's tummy vibrate as it spoke. "We have a little hard-body in need of some serious toonification!"

"Oh no! We'll get him to Dr. Stuffins right away!" a female-sounding voice said ecstatically. Suddenly, light poured into the bunny's soft belly and forced Casey to shield his eyes! Soft, stuffy hands grabbed him from all angles and dragged him out into the harsh blue light. When Casey's vision came back to him, he realized he was being strapped onto a stretcher of some kind, but it was surprisingly soft, and it looked like a red cushion attached to a table. He tried to struggle, realizing that he was headed into a hospital full of the strange plushy creatures, but he was strapped to the stretcher with belts and was completely immobilized. He looked up and saw three plushy fluffs staring down at him: a lion with a fat grin on his face, a bear with a mirror on his forehead like an old-fashioned doctor, and a pink bunny with a bright, heart-shaped nose.

"Oh no, Doctor!" the pink bunny said worriedly. "He's not looking so soft!"

"You're right, Nurse Fluff," the doctor-bear said. "We need a full-body toonification pronto!"

"I'll ready the Toonifier 3000 right now!" she quipped and rushed off. The doctor took his stethoscope and placed it on the head of Casey's penis, making the boy shiver. The doctor looked shocked.

"He's got no pulse!" he said urgently. "We need to get him to the Toonifier, ASAP! I'm not gonna lose this sweetheart!"

The doctor and the lion rushed Casey's stretcher down a hall full of fluffies walking around in patient garments and nurse's uniforms, each of them mindlessly shuffling around. The stretcher finally screeched to a halt after the doctor pushed it through two swinging doors and into a dark amphitheater. Casey considered yelling for help, but no one would hear him...the world wanted this for him...

"Toonifier is ready, Doctor Stuffins!" the bunny nurse advised and took Casey's hand to transfer him to the "operating" table. He shook with fear as they undid the belts and gently placed him on the padded table, strapping his ankles and wrists into cuffs attached to the table. Doctor Stuffins and Nurse Fluff stood over him worriedly, chatting urgently about his predicament.

"Let's begin the Toonification before he gets too hard!" the bear said and rushed over to a console on the opposite wall. He had begun to operate the levers and buttons when the ceiling started rumbling. A giant object descended towards Casey's prone and bound body, sputtering and sending off puffs of gas. The pink bunny came back in, wheeling a large machine. She lifted a smiling helmet made to look like a bumblebee onto Casey's head and firmly secured it.

"Ready to begin the braindrain, Doctor!" she squeaked. After the doctor gave the OK, Nurse Fluff leaned down and flipped a switch on the machine. It began whirring and making strange humming sounds, but Casey experienced a bizarre sensation! It felt like the helmet was sucking gently at the back of his head, but there was a sweeping tingling sensation running through his brain. He couldn't focus on it...he couldn't focus on anything! It felt like he was actively forgetting things every second! They were literally draining his brain! It was here that Casey began to cry.

"Please, please let me go," he sobbed as he began to forget where he wanted to go. The nurse reached out a paw and gently stroked his thigh. "Please..."

"Ohhh don't cry sweetheart! It'll be ok, just relax and let us make you nice and soft!" she comforted, gently stroking his belly and chest with her velvety paw. She reached up and began pulling things off of the descending machine, what looked like small cups on short hoses. She took two of the smaller cups and held them to her fingers, checking for suction. They sucked at her fingers eagerly which made the nurse smile as she gently stuck them to Casey's nipples. The little naked boy squealed as he felt the cups suck tenderly at his nipples, his cock growing harder and harder every second. The nurse clapped excitedly and wrapped her paw around Casey's hardening cock, only to slide it into a rubber sleeve on a hose. The sleeve instantly began sucking at his erection, pumping his boner for sweet cum. Casey leaned back and groaned, not noticing Nurse Fluff pulling a face mask from the Toonifier.

"Take a nice, deep breath, honey!" The nurse said as she slid the mask over his face with an excited giggle and listened for the telltale hiss of the laughing gas as it flowed through the tubes and into Casey's lungs and mouth. Casey was too shocked and in ecstasy from the machine sucking his nipples and penis to hold his breath and the sweet-tasting gas flowed directly into him. In an instant, he was giggling like a shy schoolgirl!

"There we go snuggly-boy! No more tears!" the nurse giggled and went back to rubbing his thigh. Casey was gone, the gas breaking down any semblance of resistance to the braindrain. As each of his memories slipped away from him, he became lost in his own mindless giggling. Every now and again, he would groan and shudder as another hot load was sucked out of his pounding cock, but otherwise he would just lay there, eyes half-closed and laughing. The nurse waited until she was sure that the little boy was completely drained of both brain and cum. He was shooting blanks after a few minutes, but she decided to leave the machine on, just because the little sweetie had been crying earlier. After the doctor came over and turned off the sucking machine, the nurse smiled and pulled out a big white diaper. She put it on Casey right on the operating table, wrapping his still-hard cock in the crinkly folds of the diaper. Casey shuddered as he felt the material brush against his cock and balls, which were hypersensitive from the relentless sucking they just received.

She wheeled the giggling Casey into another room, one lined with costumes and suits of all kinds. She looked through the suits and pulled out a bright orange fox suit. Casey would've shuddered at the sight of it, but he was far too stupid to even consider anything, he was just too dumb for everything.

"Alright pumpkin, do we like foxes? Hm? Do we want to be a fox?" she teased, tickling the soles of his feet. Casey giggled dumbly and squirmed in the bonds of the stretcher. The nurse giggled herself as she slipped the costume onto the braindrained boy. The fox's soft insides caressed Casey's sensitive skin, making his cock ache for more cumming. He shivered as the nurse zipped it up to his chin and popped the head on with a little effort. She clipped the padlock shut and helped the fluffy foxy to his feet. "Aww such a good fluffy! We like foxes, don't we sweetie? Yes we do!"

She led him along into his room, where he would be staying permanently. He was strapped onto the excessively fluffy hospital bed while the nurse pulled his throbbing penis free of the fluffy suit through a silky slit in the crotch. She giggled as she fitted another sleeve to the pounding organ and got it sucking away, listening to Casey squeal with delight and hump the air.

"That's a good foxy boy! Yes he is! Alright, I'll be back tomorrow to run some more tests, hun!" Nurse Fluff tickled the underside of his chin and left, her diaper crinkling under her nurse's uniform. As the door shut and Casey was left in total darkness, the machine suckling him as he shot load after load into its waiting hose, he had a flickering spark of thought.

"Home," was the only word that ran through his brain before it went completely dark. He shuddered in the suit, feeling the sucking machine squeezing him for orgasms like a wet washcloth. Shivering and alone, Casey was happy. Casey was home.

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