A Wedding Without Flowers

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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Personally this is my favorite of all the things I've ever written :) Cary's mission: To retrieve flowers. He doesn't know where from, but he knows that his only option is to succeed. Sexiness ensues when he discovers "Exotic Florist," a strange plant shop which claims to be able to help him! How could THAT possibly go wrong? :D I'll tell you how: tragically!!! Yay!!!

P.S. I'd like to emphasize that I'm completely insane, so I hope you don't mind some bizarre plant TF and serious smell hypno :D

Cary couldn't stop running.

No matter how much it hurt, he had a job to do. If that meant he didn't make it...well then so be it.

"Are you serious, Cary?!" his best friend had shouted at him whilst numerous hands fitted his boutonniere to his lapel. "We only needed those flowers for another ten minutes! Ten goddamn minutes!"

"I know, I'm sorry! I had it all planned out!" Cary protested, aware that this was all his fault. He had left the door open to the refrigerated flower room the night before, resulting in their deaths and subsequent withering. It was irreversible, though, and it was astronomically unlikely that Cary would be able to find someone who could prepare at least a thousand floral arrangements in ten minutes!

"That's it, Cary! That's fucking it! You've fucked up before but now...you just better find a florist," his friend had warned. "Because if those flowers aren't here when they're due, you're not welcome back."

The words spurred him on. He was looking for a florist, any florist, who could help him even a little bit. Just ten flowers would do! Five, even!

He blew past a row of shops and finally saw what he was looking for: EXOTIC FLORIST!

The poor florist was almost startled to death when the young male ram burst through the front doors! She jumped and clutched her chest.

"My goodness!" she said loudly as the ram ran up to her.

"I just screwed up my best friend's wedding, killed all the stupid flowers, NEED new ones!" he blurted out. The florist, an older female rabbit, giggled when she heard his story.

"Now, now," she said, patting his shoulder. "Nothing that I can't help with! How many did you need, dear?"

"Five! Less than five!" Cary argued with himself. "Just one! Just one damn flower!"

He couldn't hold the tears back anymore. After ten years with his best friend, it would appear that he finally grew tired of the excuses, the mistakes, and it had just sunk in for Cary. His friend's warning: "Or you're not welcome back" rang through his mind as he cried into the rabbit's shoulder. She petted between his horns soothingly, having been a florist long enough to know that flowers sometimes made people crazy.

"There, my dear," she cooed, her voice as gentle as dripping sap. The smells of the flowers between Cary's sorrowful sobs made his heart flutter a little, furthering the peace that the lagomorphic florist was spreading in him. "Shhh, I'll make sure it's all taken care of."

"I-I'm sorry," Cary said, straightening up and drying his eyes. "I just...this is the last straw for me...with him and I...well..."

"It's not my business sweetie," she smiled, putting a hand on his cheek. "I don't need to know if you don't want to tell me. Now how many flowers do you really need?"

Cary sighed. "A thousand?"

"And what kinds?" she asked, unfazed by the amount. Cary was shocked beyond consideration, and was speechless until the rabbit snapped her fingers in his face. "Darling? You don't have much time to get those flowers back to the wedding, and I can't make such a big order without knowing what kinds you'd like."

"Oh! Oh, of course!" Cary was ecstatic. "There were some petunias, lilies, a handful of roses and--"

"Alright, alright!" the rabbit giggled, writing as fast as she could. "I think I have enough to go on. But how about we go for something a bit more exotic, hm?"

"What?" Cary asked.

"Well, this is an exotic flower shop!" the rabbit said. "I can make a thousand flowers of any kind, ready by the time the wedding starts, but would you like to come back and see which kinds there are? I guarantee they'll look twice as dashing as any old petunia."

"Well, I..." Cary thought for a moment. If she could get them done by the wedding, who cared what kinds of flowers they were? But still...something about bringing back some beautiful, expensive flowers made Cary's dream of redemption seem all the more enticing. "Ok, sure!"

"Come to the back room, I'll show you what I've got," she said and led the ram to a door behind the cash register. They entered a dark room, which was partially illuminated by a series of heat-lamps lining the ceiling. A light flicked on and the room was revealed as a greenhouse! Cary looked at the bizarre plants, the strange shapes and colors that adorned them, and the strange way they moved with no wind.

"Wow," he whispered, awestruck. He smelled a soft scent above the others, one that didn't seem to associate with the other flowers. He could tell, somehow, that whatever plant was giving off that smell was the plant he would bring back to the wedding.

The florist could tell he had caught a whiff of something he liked. "Looks like you've made your choice?"

"Y-Yeah but..." he said, unsure of how to go on. "I smell one that I really like..."

"Smell it out and I'll prune it," the florist said, almost a command. Cary didn't notice, he was too drawn into the smell. He walked forwards, guided by the invisible silk of the mystery-plant's magnificent odor. The florist followed delicately, stopping occasionally to stroke a plant's petals or take a long breath. When Cary realized the plant which he smelled was not here, he looked at the rabbit like a lost child.

"It's...not here," he said sadly.

"Are you sure?" the rabbit asked with a coy grin. "Maybe take another smell?"

Cary took a deep breath and realized, to his awe, that the source of the smell was the florist!

"It's...you?" he said, unsure. The florist produced a small, red flower from her apron pocket and held it to his nose. He took a breath and instantly his eyelids fluttered. The room spun until he was sure he would fall, but strangely felt secure and immobile.

When he awoke hours later, he would realize that the sensation was merely a production of his own lack of awareness. After slumping to the ground on the floor of the greenhouse, the florist had carried him down into a small series of rooms beneath. He was strapped tightly into a chair and, when his groggy eyes finally agreed to open, he found he was totally naked.

"What the-?" he said out loud, realizing his predicament. His wonder quickly turned to fear when the situation fully sank in.

"Good, you're awake!" a familiar voice said. The older rabbit entered the room and stood before Cary, wearing something a bit different from her previous attire.

Cary gawked at her full-rubber bodysuit, completely flat against her body! Her face was the only skin showing, otherwise she was entirely encased in the squeaky catsuit.

"What...the fuck...is this?" Cary asked, his fear intensifying. The florist giggled, her breasts bouncing lusciously in the shiny rubber.

"You wanted flowers, didn't you dear?" she asked, her voice still a soft tone. "I'm going to give them to you!"

"But what the fuck is going on? I don't understand!" Cary shouted, confused. The florist rolled her eyes.

"Of course you don't, sweetie," she said, unamused. "If you did, you'd be much more frightened than you are now."

She walked away after finishing her sentence, making Cary hyperventilate with fear. He panicked, pulling at the chair's restraints to no avail, trying futilely to free himself from whatever the rabbit was going to do to him. He only succeeded in tiring himself out, however, and when the rabbit came back into the room she was none too pleased.

"Stop that!" she said, slapping his upper thigh. His cock bounced out of reflex, making the florist's hostile demeanor fade. She giggled and leaned down, her large bust hanging just beneath Cary's field of view. Her rubber-clad paw roamed over his body, squeezing and testing his musculature. He did his best to hold his head back and not show enjoyment, but he suddenly found that he very much liked the florist's inspection. She caught his eyes snapping between the ceiling and her breasts, making her giggle as she held his head still. "What on Earth are you looking at?"

"I...I-I uh..." Cary stuttered, unsure of what to say. She smiled and pulled his chin down, forcing him to look at the rippling mounds on her chest! Cary's eyes first widened, then shut tight, and then opened wide again.

"That's what I thought, sugar," she said and pushed her huge tits into his face, instantly smothering him. Cary struggled as she straddled him, his snout still firmly lodged between her massive endowments. She loved his struggling, the firmness of his body against her rubbered skin, his terrified screams as she wrapped her arms around his head and held him. "Not long now, just relax. Shhhh, just relax."

After a few minutes, the ram's struggles died down and the rabbit finally removed his face from her cleavage. He had gone unconscious from lack of oxygen, but the rabbit only giggled. He woke up not a second later, breathing heavily and gasping.

"Please! Please no more!" he moaned, catching his breath. "Please...I can't breathe..."

"You can breathe now," she corrected, giggling. She produced the small, red flower from earlier and held it to the ram's nose. "Breathe."

Cary grunted and turned his head, making an effort not to breathe the flower's intoxicating aroma, irritating the rabbit. "I said breathe!"

She forced the flower into his nose and held it there, smiling as the ram's lungs gave out and he sucked in a lungful of the sweet smell. His head spun and quickly he found himself in a world of darkness once again!

"That's it, little boy," she whispered, stuffing his face back between her breasts. She felt him gasping for air, struggling weakly. She reached a paw down to her crotch and massaged her tight slit through the rubber, moaning as she felt the ram reenter reality. She pulled his head from her cleavage and looked into his delirious eyes lovingly. "How's that, sweetie? Feel good?"

"Pl...Please...no m-more," he begged, his voice weak. "Please...I don't...wanna die..."

"Aww you're not going to die, sugar!" the rabbit insisted, hugging his head tenderly. Even though she had kidnapped him, stripped him, suffocated him, and drugged him, he somehow knew that she meant it. She didn't want to hurt him. "I'm going to make you feel so fantastic. Please don't think you're going to die."

The flower was pushed back into his face and watched the world fade into a mosh of color once again. The rabbit gingerly kissed his forehead when she again forced his snout between her breasts and held him there. His struggles were getting weaker and weaker as the oxygen deprivation crept into his brain. The strange flower's otherworldly aroma also pervaded his thoughts, bringing to mind only one need: release.

Strange, though it was, Cary felt sudden intense surges of pleasure in his loins. He knew it was neither the time nor the place, but he couldn't stop! It wasn't his doing!

"That's it," the rabbit stroked the back of his neck gently as she held his snout between her breasts. "Starting to feel it in your cock? In your legs? Feel that creeping sensation, slowly crawling up your thighs, filling up your balls..."

Cary heard her voice, but not her words. It didn't matter, they weren't for him. She was touching herself as she held him, sitting on his naked lap as she felt his cock harden beneath her. Her pussy drooled inside the rubber, and she loved feeling the tight material slip and slide over her clit, pleasuring her as she slowly ground her hips against him. She released the ram once again, giggling as he fell backwards, completely unconscious.

"Wake up, sweetie!" she said as she tickled his chin. Cary's eyes opened slowly; he was very obviously drunk on the flower's delicious aroma. He looked around sluggishly, his voice coming in a hoarse whisper.

"Please...more..." he said. The rabbit leaned down, putting her ear against his lips.

"What's that, honey?" she asked sweetly.

"M-More...please!" he said, his eyes rolling around lazily. His lungs were burning, but not for air...they burned for the sweet scent of the flower! "P-P-Please! Please more!"

"Are you sure, hon?" she giggled, knowing very well what he would say.

"Y-Yes...please, miss," he begged, desperate to smell the red flower again. He had just begun to regain full movement when it touched his nose delicately. Breathing in sharply, the flower's euphoric scent filled his nose and went straight to his brain. The rabbit giggled, liking Cary's sudden devotion to the plant, until her ears suddenly perked up and she turned to the doorway. There was no one there, but she heard Her words...

"Bring him to me, my dear," the female voice said. The rabbit took the flower from the ram's nose slowly and hopped off his lap.

"M-Miss, please! Bring...the flower back," he groaned, his cock hardening as the skirting sensations of pleasure trickled up into his brain. His legs shook as the rabbit got behind him and leaned the chair back, wheeling it wordlessly out into the hallway. Cary hadn't even noticed the chair _had_wheels, but he was far too preoccupied with the flower's mind-altering scent.

"Shhh, little boy," the rabbit cooed, listening to her Mistress's voice command her.

"Bring the sweet boy to me," She said, Her words sloping and soft. The rabbit wheeled her intoxicated captive to a set of large doors, ornately designed with vines and more of the red flowers! Cary was ecstatic to see so many, he didn't even know why!

"Just...let me smell one," he pleaded, his eyes desperately hoping the rabbit would let him just get one more breath...he only needed _one_more...he was sure of it...

"You'll have your chance to smell all the pretty flowers you want, hon," she said and stroked his head once again. She pushed the doors open and stood to the side, revealing what was hidden behind them...

An enormous flower, sitting in the middle of the room, was bathed in sunlight which poured through a hole in the ceiling. The bright green vines twisted and snaked through the room's ancient-looking architecture, snaring the beams of light in their strong coils. The flower in the middle seemed to sway as they approached, the vines moving of their own accord towards the rabbit.

"Mistress," the rabbit whispered as the vines snuck through her legs and over her squeaky body. They teased and stroked over the rubber, but took great care to avoid touching her face. One of them slid between her legs and wrapped around her torso lengthwise, crossing her shoulder and slinking back down to caress her sex through the rubber. The length of the vine's shaft slowly slunk back and forth, dragging across her eager lips ever so slowly. She couldn't help but shake and moan as the vines made their way to the tied ram.

Cary struggled a little as the vines undid his bondage, but stopped when they backed away! He looked at them cautiously, trying to clear his mind of the desperate addiction to the sweet smell of the flowers. The giant one in the middle of the room seemed to quiver and the rabbit squeaked in pleasure as the vines stroked her to orgasm.

"Ohhhh, Mistress," she moaned as the plant tenderly stroked her down. She stood with shaking legs, caressing the vines as they slunk away from her. She quickly looked at the giant flower, as though it had said something. "Yes, Mistress. Sweetie?"

Cary turned to the rabbit, his mind a swirling vortex of confusion, arousal, and addiction.

"Do you like how those flowers smell?" she asked. Cary nodded emphatically, but thought otherwise.

"I love them," he said absentmindedly. His mind was separate from his body; no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't vocalize what he thought! His mouth was an entity all its own. "Please let me smell them, miss?"

The rabbit approached him seductively and helped him to his feet, holding him in a loving embrace. With both of their legs shaking, they made their way to the giant flower and both fell to their knees before it.

"This is my Mistress, little boy," she said, stroking his hardening shaft. Cary moaned as she did, his mind being overtaken by the pleasure of her rubbered hand. She had to hold his chin to get him to pay attention. "She's the Queen of all these pretty red flowers. You like these flowers, don't you?"

"Y-Yes, I do," Cary moaned. "I...I love them...so much..."

"Good, good boy," she smiled. "Would you like to smell them forever?"

Cary's mind raced! He didn't want to say yes, he knew it would be the death of him if he couldn't get away from these wretchedly aromatic flowers!

"Please say no," he thought. "Please, please! Please just say no!"

"Yes! I...need them..." he heard himself say. Tears filled up his eyes as he felt the flower quiver once again, a feeling he subtly recognized as pleasure. The rabbit straightened him up, so that he was in good posture as the flower's vines slowly snaked around his arms and legs and lifted him into the air. His skin became warm and tingly where the vines held him, softly entangling him in their gentle embrace.

"Relax, sweet boy," he heard the rabbit say as two vines wrapped around his member. The warmth instantly filled his whole body, and he cried out in pleasure. The flower quivered delightfully, making the rabbit giggle. "Yes Mistress! He's quite a vocal boy isn't he?"

The vines stroked slowly, creating a coil around his cock. Cary's legs trembled in the air as his vine-harness pleasured him ever so delicately. He looked down at the rabbit, his mouth half-open in a silent plea for mercy, but she simply smiled and waved. When he looked back at the flower, he was shocked to see a multitude of vines, each adorned with a beautiful red flower, hovering just inches from his face.

"Breathe nice and deep, sweetie," the rabbit said as Cary reflexively dipped his face into the nearest flower and inhaled deeply. The sweet pollen stuck to his nose and mouth, making him cough, but he couldn't stop. He breathed faster and faster, sucking down the airy drug as quickly as his lungs would allow him to!

Cary looked down at his legs when they began to tingle intensely, only to stare wide-eyed in horror at the change he was undergoing! His legs had joined together, stuck with some kind of sap-like substance. They were more than stuck together, though, as he soon realized through the haze of the flowers that he couldn't move them separately anymore!

"Wh-What's..." he tried to speak, but couldn't finish as another flower was shoved in his face.

"Relax, honey," the rabbit's voice entered his ears and poured water over the fire in his brain. Her voice was soothing, gentle, like a trickle of water across a clear window pane, gently caressing his very thoughts into submission. The flowers were making his mind into a whirlpool of colors and sounds as his skin began to feel sticky. His fingers stuck together and he realized that he couldn't pull them apart, his toes following suit and soon his lips were even becoming difficult to separate!

"Wait...wait! Please...dohn...du...vissss..." his words became nonsense as he realized his lips were now fully stuck together. The rabbit wasn't even paying attention, she was too busy laying on her back as another vine stroked her wet pussy through the thick layer of black rubber! Cary knew he was finished.

He closed his eyes and just melted into the pleasure as one of the flowers seemed to expand before his eyes. It enclosed his head and plunged his world into eerie red darkness. Warm air flowed into his nose, which was left unstuck, bringing with it excessive amounts of a deep red pollen. The pollen stuck to the inside of his throat and layered his lungs as his body became fully coiled by the vines. The rabbit looked up to see the male hanging in a cocoon of flora, the only thing peeking through a small breach was his throbbing erection.

"Mistress?" the rabbit asked of the enormous flower.

"Yes my lovely, sweet girl?" the Queen's voice was honey in her ears, making the vine at her crotch's teasing sensations more than she could bear. She finished with a small whimper, her juices coating the inside of the suit and making it slick. Every movement sent the layer of rubber squeaking across her delicate clit, making her every shake another stroke.

"May I...finish him, if it would please Mistress?" she asked through the pleasure. The vines quickly helped her to her feet and provided support as she slowly, orgasmically, approached the cocoon of vines and the meaty cock that poked through it. She gingerly wrapped a paw around his length and slowly stroked him. There was no movement or noise from within the cocoon, but she could tell by the way he throbbed in her hand that he was enjoying it.

"It would please me, my darling," the flower said, Her deep tone making the rabbit's mind tremble in glorious awe. The Queen was so generous, so easy to please, She demanded nothing of Her loyal...save that they bring Her new subjects to appreciate Her magnificent scent.

"Thank you, my Goddess," the rabbit said and continued to display her devotion to the omnipresent Queen. She stroked the ram's pounding cock at an even pace, not wishing to seem too eager in front of her Mistress. Of course the Queen already knew her thoughts, but it would seem zealous of her to finish the ram speedily. The Queen liked things slow; She liked to take them in stride and to take Her time with things. If the rabbit wanted to one day be a part of the glorious Queen's body, she would have to demonstrate that she could also be slow and steady.

Unfortunately, this meant that the ram would have to endure the most excruciatingly delicious handjob of his very life. The rabbit's gentle, deliberate strokes hit his sensitive spots and kept his load just barely in the head of his cock. She could feel his need, his desire to release his seed for his new Mistress. His mind was Hers now, they were together in the flower and the rabbit could feel it. She heard the ram's screaming emotions in the back of her mind the same way she felt her Mistress command her, with no words but with passionate feeling. His thoughts were colors, exploding in their collective mind as the rabbit suddenly felt the ram's pleasure surge through her like fire through a line of gasoline. His mindless, unmitigated scream for release was finally too loud to ignore. The Queen quivered harder than the rabbit had ever seen Her do so before, forcing a torrent of her nectar to drip down her rubber-clad legs. A vine carrying a lone red flower positioned itself in front of Cary's aching cock, hungry to be splattered with his sweet cum.

"Finish him, darling, my sweet darling," the Queen said. Cary's final thought before his individuality faded away was a color. It was not a word, it was not the name of a color; it was the color itself, the only visual descriptor of an emotion impossible to conceive by one mind alone. The color of the flowers, the color of the Queen, the color of the very air that the rabbit breathed...Cary was truly one with Her now.

The rabbit, the Queen, and Cary all screamed as they climaxed together, their pleasures exploding together like so many fireworks! Cary's hot, throbbing member shot fat ropes of thick, creamy cum onto the red flower, shooting until his balls were completely empty. When the flower was painted white with dripping, thick cum, it finally withdrew and lay motionless in the sun, slowly absorbing the tasty seed into its petals.

"Oh my Goddess," the rabbit whispered as the vines gently laid her down on the soft, grass-covered earth. She lay in a shaking, rubber mass on the ground, whimpering and moaning as the Queen unwrapped the once-ram from Her vines and let the new product fall to the ground.

It was a bizarre-looking thing, shaped generally like a ram but missing the horns. It was coated from head to toe in a thick, black rubber, much like the rabbit's but quite literally organic. The only thing that wasn't coated in the slubbery substance was its still-hard cock. It sauntered over to the Queen and pressed itself lovingly against Her thick stem. The rabbit looked up at it and managed to lay beside it, stroking between where its horns once were like she used to. The creature gurgled hopelessly as it felt one of the Goddess' many flowers wrap delicately around his member. The rabbit guided his penis into the flower's "mouth" and lay back as the once-ram was sucked like a cow on a milking machine.

"He's beautiful, my Queen," the rabbit said, still stroking the creature's head.

"He is a welcome addition to us," the Queen's vines slunk down to touch her favorite servant. The rabbit kissed her two fingers and laid them gently on the vine's head.

"I love you, Goddess," she whispered, curling up in the Queen's loving embrace. "And...if it pleases you, Mistress, I think I may know where to find more servants just begging to join us..."

The wedding had almost just begun when a truck arrived at the front doors labeled "Exotic Florist."

"What is this?" the groom asked his new best man. "Are they with the caterers or something?"

As it turned out, Cary had come through for them after all! The wedding proceeded without a hitch, even though the groom was disappointed Cary wasn't there. He had forgiven him not two minutes after he sent him to get more flowers, but for whatever reason the ram hadn't picked up his phone!

"Maybe he's done with me," the groom thought to himself. "Maybe I was too hard on him..."

He sipped his glass of wine and smiled at his wife, noticing a new smell in the air. In a moment, he would know exactly where his best friend went and why he didn't answer his phone. He and his blushing bride might not understand at first, nor would the other hundreds of guests at the wedding, but after a while...those little red flowers on their lapels would ensure that they did.

A Night at the Club

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