Rubberman Issue #21: The Depravity of the Scarlet Suit!

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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WARNING THIS DESCRIPTION MUST BE READ IN AN 80's HYPE-GUY VOICE: In this gripping issue of Rubberman's adventures, the slubbery Scarlet Suit takes the Rubber City 1st National Bank hostage, threatening to transform all her hostages into rubber slaves! Can Rubberman stop her in time? Let's find out in this week's issue of Rubberman: The Squeaky Crusader! :D

It was a bright afternoon in Rubber City. The birds were chirping, the sky was a lovely shade of blue, and there was not a cloud to be seen. People walked their dogs in the park, took strolls around the mall, and ran as many outdoor errands as they could to take advantage of the beautiful atmosphere.

The Rubber City National Bank was a beacon to those errand-runners, boasting a friendly staff and a skylight to remain connected with the favorable weather. It was an elegant building, as well, which made the chore of handling money a bit more bearable. They were lined up in front of the tellers, pocketbooks and wallets clutched in hand, waiting to manage their finances before going out to appreciate the day. It all seemed so perfect...

"Everybody on the ground! Nobody try to be a hero, or it'll be the last move you ever make!" a slinky, female voice shouted loudly. Everyone in the bank looked to the entrance like deer in headlights, frozen and with mouths agape. There stood a vixen, encased in the tightest latex bodysuit any of the bank patrons had ever seen! The vixen held up a long, black gun-like device and aimed it at the crowd, smiling maliciously. A guard ran up to her, baton drawn in defense of the innocent patrons. The Scarlet Suit giggled and fired her weapon at him with a smirk.

"Freeze! You're--MMMPH!" the guard cried as the Suit's weapon fired a thick black goo into his face! It engulfed him completely, spreading like water over a window pane. The one shot covered his mouth and eyes and eventually turned him into a mummified rubber ornament! His baton fell to the floor as his arms and legs were thoroughly immobilized, the goo visibly eating through his clothes.

"Tsk, tsk. I did warn him didn't I? I warned all of you!" she smiled before turning to the door and shouting. "Alright ladies, time to get what we came for!"

The crowd continued to stare as four rubberized females of varying species entered behind the Suit. They were each completely covered with either black or red rubber and bore large tanks on their backs which were connected to hoses in their mouths. They rushed in and aimed their own weapons at the people, threatening to rubberize them in a moment's notice. Slowly, the bank patrons fell to their knees as the Suit's slaves bound their hands and slipped rubber hoods over their heads. Gagged and restrained, the patrons were as sheep to the will of the Scarlet Suit.

"Get into the vault," the vixen ordered two of her slaves, who mindlessly set to work banging on the vault door and trying to open it. "I'm going to go do some...recruiting."

She had her other two slaves line the people up in single file, ready to be judged by the rubberclad fox. A bull, who was first in line, had his hood removed and was forced to kneel at her feet.

"Look at me," she ordered. Hesitantly the big bull did as he was told, looking up at the female with half-fear and half-anger. "You are quite the big boy, aren't you? You work out?"

"Do I...what?" he asked. His look was that of confusion and increasing terror as the Suit's strange question put him off-balance. She suddenly kneeled down to his level and grabbed his crotch in one gloved paw, making the bull snort in surprise! "What're you--?"

"Just inspecting the merchandise, hon," she giggled, getting a big handful of the bull's fat cock. It was big enough that she could feel his heart beat through it, and he was still soft! "My, my! You'll most certainly do!"

She stood up and pressed the muzzle of her Rubberization Cannon against his forehead. The bull suddenly tugged against his bondage hard and looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"Please! I have a--PHHMMMMMPH!" he bellowed as the rubber mercilessly consumed him, turning him from a bull into a twitching cocoon in the blink of an eye! He fell over, the rubber eating through his clothes and revealing his sizeable member. The vixen kneeled down again and tapped his balls through the rubber, making the bull wriggle in his bondage.

"And now you have a new one!" she smiled, motioning for her slaves to take the bull out to their getaway vehicle. Before they did, they brought another patron, a lioness, to the Suit and left her kneeling at her feet. When the Suit pulled her hood off, the lioness immediately wrapped her arms around the Suit's ankles, sobbing desperately.

"Please don't take me!" she cried. "I'll do anything! Anything you want, I swear, just please don't take me!"

"Aww, poor darling," the Suit said and kneeled down. She gently tipped the lioness's chin upwards so she could look her in the eye, staring calmly. "You're scared?"

The lioness wordlessly nodded, beginning to sob again. "I'll forget you were ever even here, I swear. I just want to go my cats...and my couch...please?"

The Suit giggled and gave her a sympathetic look. "You'll do anything I want?"

"Anything!" the lioness said, almost smiling out of relief. The Suit's visage suddenly turned from piteous to malevolent again, and the lioness's eyes widened as the Rubberization Cannon was pressed against her nose.

"Open your mouth," the vixen ordered. When the lioness tearfully refused, the Suit cocked the gun and pressed it against her snout more firmly. "Either open your mouth, or you get rubberized right here."

The lioness, scared and desperate, finally did as she was told and slowly allowed the barrel of the Cannon into her maw. She whimpered as the Suit stood back up, her slaves finally returning.

"Now listen very well, my sweet," she said to the lioness. "You will not move unless I do, and this Cannon will stay in your mouth until I say otherwise. If you spit it out or it is removed, you can kiss your freewill and freedom goodbye. Are we clear?"

The lioness shakily nodded, cleverly pinching the gun's rails with her teeth as to keep it steady. The Scarlet Suit giggled and motioned to her slaves.

"Strip her," she ordered. The slaves quickly tore the lioness's clothes off, revealing her tight body. She had two tattoos on her lower tummy, one of a regal swan and one of a black dove. "Good girls. Nice ink, by the way!"

The Suit giggled as she shivered on the bank's cold, tiled floor. The vixen began walking, the lioness forced to crawl at her side with the barrel of the terrifying weapon still nestled in her snout. She whimpered and looked at the other patrons with wide eyes which occasionally dripped a small tear.

"Now, I'd like to take this moment to just have a word with you all," the Suit began. She paced slowly, giving the lioness some slack as she delivered her speech. "In my many years of doing this job, I've noticed that the lot of you most commonly refuse and reject my gifts. At first, I'll be honest, I was very curious..."

The lioness was still by her side, diligently holding the weapon in her maw and crying quietly. The Suit's voice was mesmerizing as she spoke, though, her thick French accent giving her a hypnotizing tone.

"But then I realized!" she said, snapping her fingers and stopping suddenly! The lioness was just barely able to stop in time, just before her last tooth slipped free of the gun's rails. The Suit looked down with a grin. "Almost had you, didn't I, love?"

The lioness shook at the Suit's feet, her fearful eyes making the vixen's body tingle with lust. She shivered a little, herself, as her slit moistened and she continued with her speech.

"But then I realized that you all have no idea why you're afraid of me, have you?" she asked, picking up her pace again. "I remove you from the social hells you put yourselves in. I pick you up, give you comfort, warmth, and love and you just spit in my face...don't you?"

The lioness was beginning to get worried now, the Suit's speech was taking a more aggressive turn and she was almost certainly going to be her first victim! She whimpered and looked up at the Suit nervously. She seemed to pay her no mind.

"I invite you into my world, where there are no rules, where you never have to work a day in your life, where you're free to yourselves!" she smiled, laughing. "To never have to eat, or sleep, or sounds like heaven to me."

She sighed as she finished and turned to the lioness, who was numb to the fear by now and was only shaking from the cold. The vixen noticed and gave her a soft smile.

"So why do you never thank me?" she asked. The lioness looked hastily between the gun and the vixen, who seemed genuine in her sincerity this time.

"Ph...phank...youh," she whispered around the barrel against her tongue.

"You're welcome," the Suit responded darkly. There was a click and the lioness fell writhing to the ground as the rubber totally engulfed her! She couldn't scream for the rubber lining her throat, but managed to train one tearful eye on another patron before becoming motionless. The Suit laughed and reloaded her gun, popping out a small clip and expertly replacing it. She knelt down and gently rubbed the lioness's slit through the rubber, eliciting a few quiet, gentle twitches and muffled moan from the bound feline. "Don't worry, darling. It's all over now."

"You monster!" one of the patrons cried. The Suit turned to the male, a goat, with a curiosity in her eyes.

"Me?" she asked, approaching him. He said nothing, but continued to stare at her.

"Rubberman works overtime dealing with scum like you," he said forcefully. "We won't be bullied anymore!"

"We?" she asked, looking at the other patrons. "It doesn't look like anyone here feels the same, my dear."

Still staring at the goat, she pressed her Cannon against the nose of a horse sitting next to him. The goat became slightly unnerved, but held his ground as the Suit tried to intimidate him. The horse looked at him as though the goat himself were holding the gun.

"See? He doesn't look like he wants you to keep talking, dear," she said and fired a glob of black goo onto his already-hooded face. The rubber swallowed him up in waves, forcing itself over him like butter over a hot pan. The Suit smiled and put her Cannon in the face of the bear on the opposite side of the goat now. "Shall we keep this up? Or are you feeling scared yet?"

The goat looked into the pleading eyes of the bear, who desperately begged him to just shut the fuck up. The goat defiantly turned back to the Suit and smirked.

"Not one bit," he said and turned away as the gun clicked and the bear became another tight cocoon. The Suit kneeled down, an angry glare meeting the goat's resolved eyes.

"I could rubber you up, right now. If I so much as twitch my finger, you'll never see the light of day again," she warned, pressing her gun into his snout. "If you beg me, naked on the floor like a dog, I just might let you go. How's that sound?"

The goat's eyes betrayed no fear, just simply stared through her. "I think I'd rather be rubberized."

The Suit huffed angrily and stood up. She seemed calm for a moment, but then screamed suddenly and bit her gun like a stressed toddler! She shook her hair out and then straightened it back, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself.

"We're cool," she said quietly, motivating herself. "Everything's cool and we're especially cool."

She turned back to the goat and gave him a vicious stare.

"Get out of my bank," she hissed at him. He gave her a curious look, as did the rest of the patrons. When he didn't move, the Suit fired a fat black blob at another innocent patron, encasing her in seconds! "I said get out!"

The goat was unbound and pushed out of the doors by the Suit's slubbery slaves. When he had gone, the vixen turned back to her flock of potentials with a smile.

"Now that he's gone, we can get back to the fun!" she said and strutted over to the teller's desk. She hopped up and looked down over the small mass of patrons, which stared back at her with desperate and fearful eyes. She couldn't have been more turned on. "Mmm, so here's how this is going to go! I don't have enough room for all of you to come with me, as much as I'd like to bring you, so some of you will leave this place unfortunately rubber-free."

She sounded very disappointed as she shouted her plan. The patrons were ecstatic, practically buzzing with relief that at least some of them would get to go home tonight.

"I've got fifteen shots left in this clip, there's nineteen of you here!" she smiled and leveled her weapon. "Good luck!"

With that, she fired volley after volley of fat rubber globs at her terrified prey! The rounds were engulfing the furs left and right, sucking them into the pitch black darkness of a rubber cocoon. They were screaming now, struggling against their binds and trying desperately to push someone else in front of the mummifying blasts!

"You! And you! You, too! Oh, especially you!" the Suit giggled as she fired into the crowd. She was so wrapped up in her work (no pun intended), that she didn't even notice the bank darkening around her as the skylight was filled with a familiar shape...

"Scarlet!" a deep voice boomed as the glass skylight shattered to pieces! The broken glass danced across the floor, showering the Suit in a magnificently sharp rain. When the Suit looked back up, she felt her heart throb pleasurably. A male, wearing a form-fitting rubber bodysuit, stood imposingly in the middle of the bank, glaring angrily at the Suit through two holes in his hood. "You've done enough."

"Rubberman!" she said, shocked. "How did you know? I disabled the alarms!"

"I have my ways," he said, beginning his approach. The Suit felt her heartbeat increase rapidly, the mere sight of her archnemesis sending her into a swoon of pleasant tingling. She hopped off of the teller's desk and aimed her weapon at him excitedly, desperate to have him in her collection!

Rubberman didn't even blink as the gun clicked...and fired nothing. Empty from her earlier escapades, the Rubberization Cannon was as useful as a wet napkin in a dishwasher. The Suit looked at it as though it betrayed her before turning to Rubberman with innocent eyes.

"I...uh, can explain?" she said, trying to bargain with the rubberclad hero. He walked her to the wall, pinning her with his eyes, before reaching out and snatching the gun away. The vixen pressed herself against the wall as hard as she could, but could not escape the squeaky vengeance of the Rubberman. "It was all their idea!"

The Suit pointed to her rubberized slaves, who were still in the process of banging on the vault doors, trying to open them. When they heard her voice mention them, they turned to her as if awaiting commands. Rubberman took one glance at them and then grabbed the Suit by the neck.

"That's it baby!" she cried suddenly, writhing under his grip. "Fuck me right here! Don't hold back, don't show me any mercy, stop me once and for all!"

Rubberman looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "I won't play your games, Scarlet. It's over."

"Not yet," she whispered, licking his hand. "Please...not yet."

He used his superpowered karate skills to knock her out before turning to her rubber slaves. Luckily they were spared a beating, for by rendering the Suit unconscious he had removed their command input. The slaves simply stood around, waiting like machines to be ordered. Rubberman set about freeing the patrons as he called the police on his wireless Rubberphone. As soon as the lioness was set free, she immediately leapt into Rubberman's arms and held him as she sobbed. Catching a glimpse of the unconscious Suit, she turned to the superhero.

"Is she...?" she asked.

"Unconscious," he replied, dispelling her wish. Rubberman never killed, no matter the situation. "I don't operate like that."

The lioness was too grateful to be angry and too relieved to think, so she simply took comfort in Rubberman's strong embrace.

A few hours later all the patrons were released and sent home to their families, unharmed but shaken to the core. Rubberman hung around to make sure that the Suit didn't have any backup plans, and also to have a word with the villainess before she was taken away. Crimes like these deserved jail time, but Rubber City had an interesting criminal justice system.

Supervillains and villainesses were separated from the other prisoners and put in a special jail. There, they were thoroughly immobilized and left in their padded cells for the duration of their sentence. Rubberman knew the Suit would be out in a few days, give or take, but she never gave up her secret of how she managed to always do it. No matter how tightly she was bound, she always managed to escape somehow, and not even Rubberman could stop her from doing it! It suffices to say, he thought, that putting a rubber criminal in a rubber cell is not the smartest of ideas.

The vixen was wheeled out on a stretcher, meant to keep her secured until they could latex her up and close the door to her cell. She had tight, rubber bags fitted over her paws and two ballgags in her snout, one behind the other. As they passed Rubberman, he stopped them and took the gags out of the Suit's mouth.

"Are you going to scold me again?" she asked, biting her lower lips and smirking at him. Her voice was childlike and suggestive, mockingly attempting to seduce him. "If you just take these cuffs off, Mistah Wubberman, I pwomise I'll be a good girl!"

"I'm going to ask you why you did this, to try and understand what made you this," he said, trying to reach her.

"Come now, my love! A girl has to keep _some_secrets, doesn't she?" she said, laughing. "Just like you have to keep yours..."

Rubberman sighed and stuffed the ballgags back into her mouth. She laughed around them as the police tossed her into the back of a transport truck. It sped away, leaving the patrons and the police standing in the parking lot. Rubberman was already gone by the time they thought to thank him, swept into the approaching night like a cow into a tornado.

He sat atop a tall building, watching the Suit's padded wagon haul her to the Confinement Chambers. She looked up through the bars at him with loving eyes as he finally turned and leapt into the darkness.

"I am bondage, I am the squeak in the night...I am Rubberman."

Halloween in Rubber City

They told Robin that going out on Halloween in Rubber City was a bad idea. Of course, the little bunny ignored them completely and ran all the way from school to his room the moment the bell rang. He threw open his closet and rummaged until he found...

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A Wedding Without Flowers

Cary couldn't stop running. No matter how much it hurt, he had a job to do. If that meant he didn't make it...well then so be it. "Are you serious, Cary?!" his best friend had shouted at him whilst numerous hands fitted his boutonniere to his lapel....

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A Night at the Club

He had seen him sitting at the bar before, the crocodile. Clearly male at first glance, he was the kind of creature that seemed to be both genders at different times. In one light, he had the build of a young male; in another, his soft curves made him...

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