Another Day at The Office

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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Just another average day in the T&B, Inc., Headquarters.

When he arrived, there was not a single employee who wasn't made aware. The long, black car pulled up to the front doors of the skyscraper and screeched to a halt. A tall dragoness exited the driver's side, wearing a glossy, skintight bodysuit and matching hood. Her wings were bound tightly to her back, and she had a large ballgag snugly stuffed into her snout.

A small crowd gathered outside the backseat doors as the rubbery female pushed them aside and opened the doors. They immediately leapt back and allowed the dragon some room to breathe. He wore a long, black overcoat on top of an expensive black suit, and kept his eyes hidden behind a pair of thin shades. The crowds eagerly buzzed with questions.

"Can we take your briefcase, sir?" one asked.

"May I park your car, sir?" another asked, looking between the dragon and his bound driver. He raised a claw and silenced the crowd, handing his briefcase to the one who asked and then nodding to his dragoness. She bowed and wordlessly drove the car away to be parked, then sat mindlessly in the driver's seat as the built-in vacuu-chair packaged her for later. The dragon walked into the building, surrounded by his entourage of various interns and secretaries. One secretary, a female crocodile, pushed through the crowd holding a clipboard and chewing a piece of bright pink bubble gum.

"Morning, Mr. Dark!" she quipped, her long tail swishing as she kept his pace.

"Morning, Stacy," Mr. Dark said, keeping his eyes forward. "The new gum keeping you occupied?"

"Yes, sir!" she smiled. She managed to keep his pace well, considering she was the newest intern he'd had since about a month ago. The last one had brought him Earl Grey just one too many times when a pomegranate-cherry blend was far more preferable. To that extent, he'd had to hire Stacy (originally Bobby) out of necessity. Good as "she" originally was, Mr. Dark felt a bit...uncomfortable having a straight male managing his schedule, so he placed a new order that straight males applying for the secretary position must be thoroughly bimbotized according to the T&B, Inc. standard for airheaded secretaries.

"You're comfortable as God made you?" the dragon had laughed. "Not in my company."

"I've been chewing it for ten days, never felt girlier!" Stacy beamed, curling her hair.

"What's the situation report on those offshore mergers?" he asked, continuing forwards at his own pace as Stacy kept up a step behind him. The lobby went quiet as he and the crocodile passed by.

"Merging as we speak, sir," Stacy smiled, chewing her gum noisily. In the dawning silence of the lobby, her chewing became cacophonous. The dragon stopped dead in his tracks and gently pinched the croc's snout shut.

"Noisy," he said and continued walking. "So they'll be ready for acquisition in how long?"

"S-Sorry sir. Well, the predicted optimal merging time is four hours--" she began, but was stopped by the dragon's quiet scoff. They approached a row of elevators through the grand lobby and stopped at the one in the middle.

"Four hours?" he rolled his eyes. "Did they use the starved Isotex I had prepared for them?"

"Yes sir!" she nodded, checking her clipboard. "But for some reason it's taking longer than usual. We have the merger meeting on video-comm in your office if you'd like to see it?"

"Very much," he said as the elevator closer. Mr. Dark pressed a button with a strange symbol on it, then inserted his keycard into the slot on the bottom of the panel and leaned against the far wall. He turned to Stacy and tilted his shades down, looking over "her" shapely form. "Any notable negative side effects of the gum?"

"Hm? Oh! No, sir!" she said, realizing she was drifting. "I, sometimes I can't, like, really focus on things, sometimes it gets hard to think about stuff for, like, a really long time, but I'll be fine! It's all part of the job like you said, right?"

"Of course. The company needs to maintain appearances, and male secretaries just aren't practical," he nodded and leaned back against the wall. It was a long ride to the top of his seventy-five floor skyscraper, but that was the price of success. He gave Stacy a sideways glance. "Have you been practicing?"

Stacy suddenly blushed a bright red and looked down at her feet.

"I...yes, sir," she said quietly, looking back up at him.

"Show me," he said, quietly but sternly. She took a deep breath, then hesitantly approached him and leaned against his chest. She pressed her lips against his and squeaked as he swept her into a passionate kiss. Blood rushing to her head and swooning, Stacy felt as though she would pass out from the intensity of the situation! She couldn't help but giggle absentmindedly, the sweet taste of her feminizing gum making her tongue tingle. The dragon pulled back after a moment and righted the young reptile, whose knees were shaking terribly. "Better than last week."

"R-Really?" she asked, excited. Suddenly, her male brain snapped back into control and reminded her that she shouldn't care about how much better she is at kissing her boss she is this week. "But, um, Mr. Dark, sir? long do I have to keep chewing this?"

"Until you find another job," he smiled as the elevator rolled to a stop at the seventy-third floor. He walked out onto the floor and strolled to his office, leaving Stacy temporarily on the elevator, stunned.

"But it's, like, reversible, right?" she asked hopefully, running after him. "My dad's kind of old-fashioned, y'know?"

"Of course, my dear, very reversible," the dragon grinned wolfishly. He unlocked his office door and stepped inside, tossing his overcoat and suit jacket to the crocodile as she entered behind him. "Tea, please. And I strongly encourage you to keep in mind why my last secretary had to be let go."

"Yes sir!" Stacy said, giggling nervously. "No Earl Grey, gotcha!"

"Good girl," he said and stroked her chin. She blushed and tried to hide her smile sheepishly before running out into the fields of cubicles to fetch his beverage. The dragon sat down at his African-blackwood desk and sighed, smiling happily. There was a pile of research summaries on his desk, in alphabetical order, detailing the new project updates of this previous week. He took a look through them, stopping on one in particular. He tossed his shades onto the desk and skimmed it with his eyes, a project called "Inflate-a-Bull," and raised an eyebrow when he reached its thesis. "How very ambitious."

"Tea, sir!" Stacy chirped as she laid the small cup on his desk. The dragon sipped at it pleasantly, continuing to read the project.

"Have you heard anything about the incident last week?" he asked, eyes still glued to the report.

"You mean, like, about that poor sweetie--" she squeaked and looked like she had just spoken another language! "I mean that _fellow_from the IT department? I hear he's doing better...they say the pieces won't grow back but he doesn't seem to be too upset about it. I hear he's, like, actually quite optimistic!"

"Good to hear," Mr. Dark nodded. "Leave next Wednesday open, I'd like to pay him a personal visit."

"No problem, sir," she said and quickly tapped the data into her wristwatch-PDA. "Shall I prepare a basket for him?"

"Indeed," the dragon said and swiveled in his chair. "What're some good gifts for men? What do men like to get in gift baskets?"

"Like, how should I know?" Stacy said without thinking, her voice a different entity. She looked like she had a bad taste in her mouth and looked around nervously before turning back to Mr. Dark, who was smiling devilishly.

"Something on your mind?" he asked. Stacy gulped and continued chewing the gum diligently.

"N-No, sir," she said and then thought hard for a moment. "Idk, like, guy stuff? Oh, how food or something?"

"Very helpful, Stacy," Mr. Dark chuckled and waved her away. "Go on. You've done enough."

She half-bowed politely and skipped from his office.

"Cute little thing," he said and sipped his tea. "Inflate-a-Bull, hm?"

The project looked interesting, especially considering the recent string of failures regarding containment. Perhaps his bumbling development team finally came through for him?

He leaned back in his chair and pressed a button under his desk. A wide screen slowly rose from the center and blinked to life as Mr. Dark sipped his fruity tea. The screen showed a foreign conference room with individuals sitting around a table motionlessly. As the screen clarified, it revealed that the individuals were thoroughly slubbered in thick Isotex! Mr. Dark smirked, enjoying the occasional desperate struggle from any one of the muted employees. They squealed and struggled as the rubbery prisons pleasured them endlessly. He pressed a button on the intercom.

"Acquisitions team," he said. "The merger is complete, go fetch my new ornaments."

"Yes, sir," a growly voice said. The dragon reclined in his chair and watched the screen as his new captives struggled fruitlessly.

"Mr. Dark! Mr. Dark, sir!" Stacy cried, running back into his office.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked, standing to his feet.

"There's an emergency in Goo-Lab 2!" she said and held tight to his sleeve. After a moment she cleared her throat and straightened up, trying to hide her damsel-in-distress mentality behind her wall of atrophying bravado. "I mean, uh, like, I could totally go handle it if you wanted? I'm strong...and stuff..."

"Come along, dear," he said urgently and rushed to the elevators. The machines themselves seemed to understand the situation, and it felt as though they were moving at twice their normal speeds! They went below the lobby, below the basement, below the subbasement, and finally stopped at the second Goo-Lab. When the doors opened, they revealed just what kind of emergency it was...

"Tiffany, please! It's Dr. Bens, you know me! Pl-MMMPHHMMM!" one doctor tried to beg before he was swallowed up into a black, amorphous blob! The viscous slime slithered across the walls and floors, engulfing all the living matter it could get itself on. It seeped endlessly from one of the hotlabs, where only the most volatile and active specimens were kept. Mr. Dark shook his head and walked out into the lab.

"I warn you all to keep the damn doors shut, don't I?" he muttered as he stepped over the bodies of various employees imprisoned in the black muck. They screamed and squirmed in terror and ecstasy as the goo slid into their various orifices and across their sensitive spots. The goo seemed unaware of him, but definitely noticed Stacy's panicked hyperventilating. A few tendrils slunk closer to the elevator as she pounded the button to close the doors to no avail.

"Mr. Dark hel-PPPMMMPPHHH! She squealed as a thick tentacle wrapped across her snout at lightning speeds!

"Relax, you'll be out in no time," Mr. Dark said, his voice flat and factual. Stacy tugged at the tendril until another wrapped around her wrist and pulled it down to her side. She was mummified in the stuff first, each tendril wrapping around her like another layer of tape until she was entirely sealed! Her intense struggling prompted the slime to send a long tentacle down her throat, where only then did her muffled shrieks become moans. The goo melted her already-revealing uniform away and then pasted her firmly to the back of the elevator, where she squirmed like modern art as Mr. Dark set about correcting the failures of his employees.

On his way to the hotlab, he stumbled across the encased body of a familiar rhino. Kneeling down, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial of white liquid. The liquid seemed to repel the stuff as it struck the engulfed male's goo-covered face. Eventually, the goo subsided and the terrified Dr. Krahn found himself staring into the unmoving eyes of his boss.

"Having a bit of trouble, Doctor?" he asked, amused. The rhino struggled and shook as he felt the goo slither and slide across his naked body.

"N-No sir--Ngck!--We were j-just fini-shing UP!" his voice jumped a few levels in volume as the goo slid into his tailhole, forcing its way up through his body.

"You've got maybe five seconds before it reaches your mouth, and I'm not wasting another drop of my formula," Mr. Dark warned as the rhino felt the goo surging into his stomach from below! "This is the second serious incident that's happened beneath your watch, Doctor. I won't have any more failures."

"S-S-Sir, please! I can help!" he begged as it reached his throat. Mr. Dark only smirked and stood back up. The rhino gurgled in miserable ecstasy as the black goo poured from his mouth and nose, covering the hefty male again in the thick slime. He struggled and screamed futilely as Mr. Dark watched his long cock get harder and harder beneath the gooey prison.

"And think about what you've done," he said and gently prodded the rhino's thickening length. With a chuckle, he stepped over the squirming ungulate and continued on his quest.

He entered the hotlab and located the source of the goo: a black, semitransparent googirl sitting in the corner facing the wall. She was shuddering, huddled against the far wall like a frightened child. Calmly, he approached her and kneeled behind her.

"Hello there," he said. She immediately spun around and gazed at him curiously! He could see she was afraid, not aggressive, which would make this all the easier. "You must be Tiffany, hm?"

The gooey thing only copied his face and wordlessly mouthed what he said. He couldn't help but laugh at the cute gesture, taking pity on the frightened little thing.

"What's gotten you riled up? Did it get too hot for you? Or too cold, perhaps?" he asked, trying to determine the cause of the outburst. The googirl shook her head and rubbed her upper arm sorely.

"Did they poke you with something?" he asked. "Like this?"

He gently poked the little thing in the shoulder with a pen from the floor, making it squeal and flatten itself against the wall! He nodded, throwing the pen away.

"You didn't like that, did you?" he asked. The googirl slowly reformed and shook her head slowly. "You poor thing. Who did it?"

The googirl looked confused for a moment then perfectly imitated the face and upper body of Dr. Krahn as he attempted to take a sample from her with a long syringe.

"There's a reason I don't provide you with needles, Dr. Krahn," Mr. Dark said to himself and shook his head angrily. "My dear, I'm terribly sorry about this. Are you alright?"

The googirl bounced happily and smiled at him. He reached out and gently took her hand, the goo sliding over his wrist but going no further. Try as she might, whatever tendril she would try to ensnare him with would simply fall away, repelled by a thin layer of his formula which coated his skin. The googirl looked up at him, clearly confused by her inability to engulf the strange creature! He merely smiled down at her like a father to a child.

"You can't have me, my dear," he said and patted her gooey cheek. "I need to go make sure you grow up big and strong! And I've also got to make sure more nice people stay here with you, instead of that mean ol' rhino. Don't you want to meet some nice people?"

She nodded emphatically, excited at the thought of meeting new people! She bubbled and brimmed, trying to slough onto the dragon lovingly.

"Ok, ok," he chuckled. "You're excited, I can see. But I have something to ask of you, ok?"

The googirl nodded, ready to please her new friend.

"You've got to let these nice people go," he said, hoping the little creature would remain civil. "They just want you to be safe and comfortable. If you just let them go, I promise that you can keep the rhino for as long as you want."

Her imitation eyes widened brightly (and a little mischievously) as she realized she could get some well-deserved revenge on the rhino, making Mr. Dark smile. The little blob of goo bounced and shook with excitement as she retracted all of her tendrils! The goo slid away from each of the captives, releasing them to their squealing as they were left at the brink of orgasm by the sudden departure of the black muck. A few finished themselves off where they lay, so desperate to cum that they blew their loads all over their chests and bellies, a few females even screaming out loud as they climaxed on the cold floor of the lab. Mr. Dark walked out of the hotlab holding hands with the little googirl.

As he stepped over the still-encased body of Dr. Krahn, he made sure to kneel down and give the rhino some last, parting words.

"Dr. Krahn, it's been great having you at the company. Unfortunately we feel that you're just no longer pulling your own weight," he smiled, knowing the rhino couldn't hear him. "You've been a valuable resource for the company and yadda yadda yadda, please remember the good times yadda yadda yadda, and don't forget to check out the gift shop on your way out!"

Tiffany slunk over to the rhino and watched him quiver. He shook hard for a moment and Tiffany marveled at the small reservoir at the head of his penis, which inflated as he climaxed into her gooey embrace. The googirl was intrigued and poked the bubble of cum curiously. A small tube formed at the tip and quickly connected to the goo on his snout, sending all of the rhino's hot seed right into his own mouth! The burly creature frantically squirmed in his prison, but could do nothing to escape the punishment he was to receive, sitting in isolation until he was again forced to cum in his own mouth. Mr. Dark laughed, patting Tiffany's head, and returned to the elevator as the rhino was dragged back into the hotlab. "You're fired, Dr. Krahn."

"Stacy, dear?" he asked the crocodile as she sat on the floor of the elevator, still shaking. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah I'm super...I just...oh!" she exclaimed suddenly, holding her snout. "My gum! I think I lost my gum!"

Mr. Dark handed her another piece from his coat pocket, wrapped tightly in a bright pink wrapper. "Always carry a spare."

"OH I will! Thank you, sir!" she beamed and tore through the wrapper to pop the little candy in her mouth. "Mmm, much better!"

As the staff got themselves back together and shook off the entrancing pleasure Tiffany's embrace left on them, Mr. Dark took out his cell phone and tapped a few buttons in quick succession.

"Clothing crew to Goo-Lab 2," he advised the operator, who thanked him and assured that a clothing unit was on its way. "Thank you."

"That...that was amazing," Stacy said, shaking. Mr. Dark chuckled as he covered her with a discarded labcoat. She was very aroused; her nipples and cock were hard as rocks and her tight chest rose and fell excitedly. Mr. Dark couldn't help but trace his eyes down her beautiful body, stopping at her thickening shaft. When he shook himself back to normal, he looked up to see Stacy smiling coyly at him and twisting her gum on her index finger. "You see something?"

He cleared his throat and stood back up, pressing the seventy-third button and watching the doors close to the Goo-lab. Stacy had already stripped him down to his suit-pants by the time the elevator reached Mr. Dark's office, the two reptiles kissing passionately and exploring each other's bodies. They stumbled into the dragon's office, where the effeminate crocodile pushed him back onto his desk and held him by his tie.

"You're very good at this, for a straight boy," Mr. Dark said, smirking. Stacy stepped back and shook her head frantically, trying fruitlessly to clear her mind of the feminine thoughts. She desperately tried to stay afloat in the turning sea of her own head, but found it so much easier to just sink under the water and drift...

"Thank you, sir," she said softly and blushed brightly. She hopped onto his lap and pinned him by the shoulders.

Mr. Dark wrapped her up in a passionate kiss and practically tore his pants away! Stacy moaned when she felt his throbbing member press between her soft cheeks and pulse softly. Her heartbeat increased as her own cock got harder. Mr. Dark reached down and began stroking her length slowly, making the littler reptile shiver.

"Do you feel like a girl?" he asked, stroking her slowly.

"Y-Yes," she stammered, her breath becoming taxed. "Yes, I f-feel like a girl..."

"Do you want to?" Mr. Dark asked, stroking a little slower. Stacy gasped and shook hard.

"I...I..." she whispered. Mr. Dark's unfaltering gaze made her chest tingle with excitement, her nipples becoming more sensitive as she bathed in the warmth of her own femininity. Mr. Dark stopped his stroking.

"I don't sleep with straight boys," he said, turning his gaze towards the window. Stacy felt her cock twitch and ache with need, suddenly desperate to get the dragon stroking again. Mr. Dark got softer and Stacy felt her tailhole flare open hungrily. "Are you a straight boy? Or are you a girl?"

"I...I really don't want to be..." she said, trying to focus on thinking. She looked down into the slitted pupils of her enigmatic boss and began panting. She needed him, she needed men! She felt her thoughts swimming with pictures of cocks and muscles, of pretty pink bowties and frilly lace panties. She couldn't bear the feeling of his cock so very close to her but not inside her! Suddenly, her eyes widened and she adopted the widest, naughtiest grin that Mr. Dark ever saw. When she spoke again, her voice was a sultry whisper: "But I am."

Mr. Dark leaned up and pulled her into a strong kiss, worming his tongue across hers and rubbing her nipples. She shook with pleasure as he centered the smaller reptile over his throbbing cock, spreading her cheeks wide and letting her gently lower herself onto the pulsing head.

"Easy," Mr. Dark held her tightly as she slid onto his length, moaning like a virgin. "Nice and slow..."

When the dragon hilted in her, Stacy couldn't help but squeal like a bitch. Mr. Dark thrust his hard cock deep into her tight ass, making the crocodile leak precum onto his stomach.

"Fuck! Is that...?" Stacy asked, eyes wide.

"You're excited, yes," Mr. Dark panted and smiled as he began slowly thrusting into her. "You like cumming like a girl?"

"Ohhh god, yes!" Stacy moaned and threw her head back in lust as she began lifting her hips and riding her boss's fat cock like a real slut! Her ass bounced on his shaft, jiggling like a bowl of jelly as it was speared. She felt warmth spreading through her lower body, starting at the tip of Mr. Dark's pounding cock. "Yes! Yes! Oh fuck yes! Harder!"

The dragon gently wrapped his claw around her throat and began humping into her aggressively. With every thrust, he felt his balls slap against his sissy secretary's bouncing cheeks, making him eager to cum. He held himself back, however, noticing how much Stacy loved it. Her cock was pouring a steady river of precum onto her dragon lover's chest, but Mr. Dark didn't mind, he was far too busy burying himself deep in Stacy's new pussy.

"I-I'm gonna C-CUUUUUUUUM!" she screamed and clenched her eyes shut as she shot a couple thick ropes of hot, creamy cum onto Mr. Dark's chest. She blushed hard and shook, still impaled on his rod. "Fuck...fuck...did I just...?"

Mr. Dark growled and pulled her close by the throat. "You're not done yet."

Stacy gasped as he drove his cock into her ass again, shooting a little precum of his own into her depths.

"S-Sir! Please, I don't--!" she was quieted by another hard thrust.

"My dear, you do want to keep this job, correct?" Mr. Dark asked, pumping into his slut again and again.

"Y-Yes!" she said immediately, dripping a glob of precum down her shaft and balls. Mr. Dark reached down and began stroking her.

"Then you need to keep going until I finish," he advised. She squeaked and looked at him lustfully, biting her lip naughtily. She looked like a regular pornstar, but better. She was a secretary!

Mr. Dark stroked her cock softly as he reached up and pinched her nipple. With a high-pitched squeak, the crocodile's cock jumped and spat another hot load onto the dragon's chest. He couldn't help but smile at the transformed sissy boy.

"You're going to have a lot to clean up, girl," he warned, smiling.

"Yes sir! I'll clean it all up!" she said, continuing to bounce on his meaty shaft. "I'll lick up all my sissy cum!"

She suddenly clasped her hands around her snout bashfully and looked around. Mr. Dark chuckled and gave her nipple a hard pinch. Her concern was suddenly replaced by a look of absolute bliss! She wordlessly opened and closed her mouth as another hot load splattered the dragon's scales. He merely smiled and chuckled as he thrust into her.

"That's a good girl," he mused. "Very good girl."

" you S-Sir," she moaned, her cock dripping. Mr. Dark was so turned on by the sight of the sissy crocodile, her cock covered in small rivulets of her own cum, that he couldn't resist the urge to finish in her tight ass anymore!

"Stroke yourself off, Stacy," he ordered. Stacy's mind snapped to his superior's command, immediately reaching down and stroking her cock slowly. She felt shame burning in her cheeks, but she couldn't disobey her boss if she wanted to keep her job! Somewhere deep down, her male brain was screaming for her to get the dragon's cock out of her ass, to leap out of the office and run to the nearest hospital and undo this sissification! But in the end, the sissy crocodile merely continued riding his cock hard and stroking herself like a good girl, the sweet taste of her gum melting her mind into girly pink cotton candy. Her cock was screaming for release after she realized how much of a slut she was, but she found herself unable to shoot! Stacy stroked harder, trying to force her orgasm out as hard as she could, but realized that she was simply unable to cum...

"S-Sir...I..." she whispered. "I can't..."

"You can't what?" Mr. Dark asked with a smile. "You can't cum?"

Stacy nodded eagerly, hoping that the dragon would be able to help her!

"Well, I think I can help," he chuckled and moaned, leaning his head back and growling as he approached the point of no return. He thrust harder, making the crocodile gasp and squeal as she tried so desperately to shoot her cum the only way she knew how! Mr. Dark groaned loudly as Stacy felt warmth fill her gut. Her eyes widened and she began hyperventilating as she realized she was now full of another man's hot seed. The dragon reached down and gingerly took her cock in his hand, pleasuring her with a bright smile. His chest was already soaked in crocodile cum, but he didn't seem to mind. "If you want to cum, I'd suggest first cleaning me up."

Stacy looked between his chest and his eyes as the pleasure in his little shaft built up. Pressure built in her balls, unable to be released without the help of her draconic employer, as she hesitantly bent over with his cock still buried in her pussy and began licking the cum from his scaly chest.

"Tastes good, doesn't it?" he asked, dipping his finger in a small puddle of the sissy's cum and dripping it onto his tongue. He made a face as he tasted it, indicating his displeasure with it. "You could use a different diet, though."

"Wh-What?" she asked, confused, as she lapped up another mouthful of cum.

"I'm going to send you a list of foods you're allowed to eat," Mr. Dark said, reclining against his desk with a smile. Stacy looked at him fearfully.

"I...I want to eat what I want," she said, leaning over to drink more of her own cum. Mr. Dark laughed and patted her cheek softly.

"You're scared, little one?" he asked, calming the crocodile down. She nodded and slurped up another mouthful of her cum. As she did, Mr. Dark held her snout shut firmly. "Do not swallow that."

She felt like her throat was sealed by Mr. Dark's command, unable to swallow the cum in her mouth. It tasted bitter, potent, and unpleasant, and she couldn't help but make a disgusted face.

"See? It could be sweeter, couldn't it?" he asked with a smile. The crocodile nodded, looking into his eyes understandingly. "How long do you plan on working here, Stacy?"

She could only look at him, a small tear appearing in her eye. When she looked like she was ready to talk, Mr. Dark nodded "I don't wanna be a sissy..."

Mr. Dark pulled her into a warm hug, a rather unusual departure from his usually distant demeanor. "I know you feel like you don't, but you do. Your gum tastes so good, doesn't it? And you like pleasing me, don't you?"

She shuddered in his arms, his cock still deep in her.

"Y-Yes...I do," she said, letting the tears drip. "I want to please you, sir, but...please don't make me a girl, please! I can be a good boy! I promise!"

"I'm sure you can be, Stacy," Mr. Dark said, taking another piece of gum from his pocket and placing it in front of her snout. She looked at it hungrily, but he could tell she was trying to fight it. "So I'll have it reversed as soon as you finish this regimen of gum. Does that sound good?"

Stacy looked at him, hoping she could convince him to save her from the sissification. She licked the piece of gum, trying so hard to refuse the voice in her head telling her to keep licking, chewing, and sucking whatever her master put in front of her.

"Yes, sir," she said and gingerly took the gum. She chewed it diligently, wiping her eyes.

"That's a good girl," he said, petting her cheek. She blushed deeply.

"I am?" she asked, swaying her tail back and forth. Mr. Dark nodded and smiled. He reached down and began stroking her shaft again, making the effeminate male pant and groan. After a moment, her dry balls tried to fire another rope or two of cum, but found that could produce no more. She gasped and shook, smiling and giggling.

"Hop off," he said and patted her soft ass cheek. His cock flopped free with a quiet *schlorp*. Mr. Dark smiled broadly when he saw that not a drop slipped free of her sissified hole. "Good girl, very good girl. You see? Doesn't that feel good?"

She giggled and rubbed her belly, which was now full of hot cum. The dragon patted her tummy softly, whispering sweet things as he massaged her. She couldn't hide her blush and instead buried her face in his shoulder affectionately. "How about you go get me another cup of tea, hm?"

"But...I'm naked," she said, looking over her body. "What will the others say?"

"Don't be scared, my dear," he assured. "We're on _my_floor."

Stacy nodded, taking a deep breath and walking outside his office to fetch her master another beverage. Mr. Dark shook himself out and sighed happily as the croc peeped her head through the door.

"Um, Sir?" she asked. "Um...this...this _is_reversible...right?"

"Of course, my dear," he smiled and walked to his closet of identical black suits. The sissy croc smiled again and scampered down the hall, giggling excitedly, as the other employees (who weren't completely rubberized) watched her. Mr. Dark sighed as he remembered the last secretary, feminized during the first few days of his time at the company. Of course, the little creature was fired and rubberized still a sissy, meaning that Stacy's fate would be the same. However, he hoped that she'd eventually forget about her male side and realize that her new life was so much warmer. Either way, she'd deal with it.

The dragon sat down at his desk, taking another look at his situation reports.

"Inflate-a-Bull," he chuckled, taking another look at the file. "Stacy! I'm going to oversee a project. Ensure that they know of my arrival."

Isotex: The Wave of the Future

Isotex: Project head: Dr. Armin Quent Project team: Iso-4, the "Slubberbears" (Also known as Permarubber and RB-Compound/4-G.) Description: Isotex is a multipurpose, algae-based organism, used for its unique physical properties as a...

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