Doom in the Rubber Forest: How Rubbermaids are Rubber-Made!

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#3 of Rubber Forest Anthology

Here is the third installment of the Rubber Forest Anthology! Here we see the last of Vex's group taken by the insidious forest and subjected to its dark pleasures! The poor little dears are forcibly inserted into the "employ" of Mr. Dark's delicious garden, so let's just see how it all pans out shall we? ;)

Vex grabbed for the vixen's outstretched paw desperately as the vixen squealed in the stone grip of the dildo-bee!

"Vex! Help! MMMPH! MMMMMPH!" she cried as the bee's suckling cunt mouth slipped over her mouth and nose. It filled her mouth with sweet, numbing nectar, making the vixen's eyes flutter sleepily. Vex struggled to hold on, but the vixen couldn't maintain her grip on the struggling female. Her cries became moans as the bee yanked her from Vex's strong grip and into the air. The poor vixen could only watch as her companion was slowly penetrated by the bee's fat dildo-stinger. It slid through the rubber bodysuit and into her dripping sex. Vex could see the vixen's eyes rolling back as the bee filled her with its thick shaft. She shuddered and dripped honey onto the plushy ground as the bee began thrusting into her and zipped away, trying to find a nice quiet place to transform the unfortunate little vixen into a fat, throbby dildo-flower!

"Damn," Vex growled as she watched the bee disappear into the plastic trees. Kassi giggled.

"I warned her not to touch the stuff," she smiled, pointing to the amber liquid on one of the trees. "It's a bee trap."

"Everybody listen up!" Vex shouted to the surviving six or so vixens, who were huddled together in fear. They turned to Vex like children to a television, listening intently to their appointed leader. "Nobody touches the honey, clear?"

"Yes, Vex," they mumbled fearfully. The vixens didn't want to touch the stuff, or really anything in this forest, but they sometimes couldn't help themselves! It was like they were compelled to touch things sometimes, and the forest tried to trick them on a regular basis into touching something anyway! Vex had been trying to herd them along a safe route when one of the vixens absentmindedly cupped a handful of glittering honey from the tree and drank it, inciting a nearby hive of dildo-bees to take her as a lovely prize. Vex turned to Kassi.

"Which way do we go, now?" she asked. Kassi looked around, taking notice of a particularly long stretch of clearing nearby.

"That ways, Ms. Vex!" she giggled. Vex looked down the stretch suspiciously.

"You're sure?" she asked. "I don't want any more surprises..."

"No surprises, it looks like," the little vixen smiled, taking another look down the clear stretch. "Nnnope! No surprises down there!"

"Alright," the leading vixen nodded and turned to the others. "We're going this way!"

They all followed her through the tunnel of plastic branches, down into a darker part of the forest. It got darker and darker as they pressed on, Kassi gulping nervously and taking Vex's paw for safety. The artificial sun couldn't penetrate the artificial canopy, which left the vixens in increasing darkness as they pressed forward.

"Vex? Vex!" one vixen called from the back of the group. Vex looked back and realized with a startled gasp that the thicket had changed behind them! Where there was once a long stretch of clearing, there was now an impenetrable wall of branches blocking their exit!

"What's wrong?" Vex called back. One vixen was looking around wildly, hugging close to another vixen in fear.

"S-Something tried to grab me!" she cried. The other vixens became startled and avoided the walls, pressing close to the middle for safety. "It was like a branch or something!"

"Where did it go?" Vex asked, looking around. The vixen pointed to spot on the nearby wall of plastic branches. She peered between the branches curiously and then turned to Kassi. "I thought you said this way was safe?"

"Did I?" Kassi asked, thinking back. "I think I said there weren't any more surprises...sorry..."

"Kassi..." Vex growled, grabbing the smaller vixen by the scruff of her neck and holding her in front. "Fine, you want to play games? You go first."

Kassi whimpered under the stronger vixen's grip as she was forced to the front of the group. Vex pushed forwards, the vixen in hand as she blazed a trail through the suspicious forest.

"Sorry, Ms. Vex! Sorry!" Kassi struggled as Vex used her as a vixen-shield against whatever strange fate the forest had planned for them. The vixens behind her felt comfortable now that a victim had been made available to the hungry woods, but still stuck close to each other. Their tight bodysuits squeaked against each other in the tight quarters, a sound that Kassi might've warned them about making if she were less occupied...

Suddenly, there was a loud shriek as one of the vixens was dragged into the woods! Vex turned to see the poor female tugged sharply onto her back by a plastic branch, then dragged into the yawning mouth of the thicket like a fish on a hook! The other vixens began panting and huddled closer to each other in the darkness of the woods. Vex raced to the back of the group, still holding Kassi tightly.

"What do we do, Vex?" the vixens asked fearfully. Vex tossed Kassi to the forest floor and glared at her.

"Ask her," she growled. "She got us into this."

The other vixens crowded around the petite creature aggressively. "Show us how to escape!"

"I...don't know how," Kassi tried to reason with the desperate females, but couldn't seem to convince them...until another vixen was dragged off into the woods! As they vixens huddled around Kassi, their suits squeaked against each other loudly, exciting the woods. Kassi grinned as two more were snatched by the branches!

"Please! Vex!" one called as she was pulled to her fate. The vixens screamed and bolted down the thicket-tunnel wildly, trying to escape. They pushed past Vex and Kassi, leaving the two alone in the tubular clearing. Kassi quickly hopped to her feet and ran after them, with Vex shortly behind.

"Where does this place lead?" Vex asked as they bolted after the screaming vixens. Kassi shrugged.

"I really don't know!" she said as they caught up with the herd. There were only four vixens left in their group, and Vex would be damned if she lost another! She almost bumped into Kassi, but the smaller female pushed her away. "Don't squeak! We'll get out of here if we don't squeak!"

"Don't squeak!" Vex called to the other vixens, who were far too terrified to hear her. They managed to stay far enough away from each other that they'd be safe for the moment, but Vex knew they'd hug for comfort as soon as they stopped running...

The dark was getting thicker as they ran through the tunnel, making it more and more difficult for them to not bump into each other. There was a small squeak followed by a petrified shriek, and their number was again reduced by one. Vex growled and sprinted forward, pushing past the other vixens and into a thick, plastic wall of branches! The crowd's weight pushed through the branches and led them into a much brighter clearing, free of the snatching branches!

The branches snapped at them from the hole they made in the thicket, sealing it up after a few seconds. The vixens giggled in desperate relief and hugged squeakily just as Vex predicted. Luckily they were outside the range of the artificial tendrils, which meant the vixens could snuggle all they wanted without fear of abduction. Vex shook herself off as Kassi stood next to her and looked around nervously. The clearing they landed in was a strange one, indeed. Sticking out of neon pink, plastic pots were dozens of dildo-flowers! They layered the forest floor, placed randomly by whatever unfortunate mishap led them there. Vex shivered at the sight of the poor victims, each looking back at her with wild, round eyes. They throbbed at the sight of the females, squeaking with each forceful pulse as a desperate plea for help. Vex couldn't help but feel a twang of pity for the creatures, forced into a humiliating prison and made to sit on the brink of orgasm until the Bow-terflies or dildo-bees pollenated them and made a brand-new sweetie from their nectar.

"I think we should go," Kassi said quietly, tucking behind Vex. The tall vixen looked down at her.

"Why? What's here?" she asked, looking around warily. Up in the canopy, she saw hundreds of bright, heart-shaped flowers hanging from thick, dripping sacs of liquid latex. She dodged a small droplet of the white substance and noticed the other vixens weren't doing the same. Small droplets struck their shoulders and heads, leaving them dotted with white spatters. "Watch out for the ceiling."

Vex's warning made the vixens look up fearfully, noticing the dripping latex and beginning to dodge the falling volleys amateurishly. There was a sudden rustling in the bushes, making the other vixens quiver in fear and huddle together squeakily. A figure emerged from the bushes, teetering on comically high heels, and stood before their curious eyes. It appeared female, but a particularly large bulge in the front of "her" short, boofy skirt made the vixens wonder. Its mouth was merely an O-shaped hole on her featureless face, filled with a ribbed, rubber sleeve for pleasuring the various denizens of the forest.

"It's a rubbermaid den," Kassi whispered and hid behind Vex. The maid wore a skintight, black and red French maid's outfit and walked with a visible discomfort. Her ankles were chained together with tight leather cuffs and her torso tightly bound in a vinyl corset, making it impossible for "her" to have anything but perfect posture as her O-mouth produced delicate whimpering noises. The vixens huddled together squeakily as more rustling bushes produced more of the identical rubbermaids, all drooling a thick liquid vinyl from their suggestive facial orifices. They surrounded them and closed in, reaching out with mittened paws for the females and grabbing them forcefully. Vex managed to break away from the group and grab Kassi, who was squeakily swatting their mittens and trying to escape. They pulled free and broke for the forest, Vex turning around momentarily to check on the other vixens still in the grips of the relentless rubbermaids. They were dragged forcefully through the clearing and towards a tall plastic tree with a ragged hole in the trunk. She thought about trying to help, but she knew she couldn't do anything against the slick rubbermaids who now dragged the screaming vixens into the hole in the tree.

"I'm sorry, girls," she whispered and turned around. "Come on, Kassi."

Kassi scampered alongside the dominant vixen as the vixens watched her leave them to their rubbery fates...

Under the tree, the rubbermaids pushed and carried the vixens down into a large chamber beneath the clearing of dildo-flowers. In the center of the clearing there sat an enormous shape, breathing softly. A few lights burst on and revealed the shape for what it was: an enormous red pitcher plant, dripping viscous, clear latex from its lid. On the front was a drooling female sex, throbbing with loud, rhythmic squeaks and leaking. The vixens struggled and fought as the maids forced them to kneel and bound their hands behind their backs.

"Wait! Please! We can--MmmMMPH!" she was silenced as one of the maids slipped a tight latex mask onto her snout, sealing it shut. The vixen found she could still breathe, but couldn't open her snout wide enough to speak! She screamed silently and tugged against the bonds that held her. A rubbermaid with a particularly excited skirt-bulge walked into a hallway and returned with a wiggling rubber sack. She carried the sack to the pitcher and peeled the rubber layers off, revealing a shaking, naked male wolf with a mouthful of thick rubber and cuffs on his wrists and ankles. He screamed and struggled as the maids lifted him over the pitcher and slowly dipped him into its gooey contents, letting him sink to the bottom and sealing the lid tightly. The clear latex coated his weakly struggling body and forced his arms down by his sides. His legs were bound together and his tummy was tightly squeezed, gently shaping his body into a feminine hourglass. The vixens watched with muted shrieks the puffy pussy lips pour nectar into the plastic dirt as the bound wolf was birthed with a loud squeak, now fully encased in the thick latex. He struggled and screamed mutely as two other maids approached with a floppy rubber mask.

"MMMMM! MMMMGGH!" the wolf moaned and tried to squirm away as the maids held him still and slipped the featureless black mask over his head. It tightened to his head, squeezing his snout shut as the frightened male struggled for air! It began to inflate slowly, filling out the contours of his head and eventually leaving it a featureless hood for the wolf to struggle in. Another maid approached from a room nearby carrying a wriggly, pink wormlike object. It squeaked and throbbed in her firm grip, its phallic head dripping a white, gooey cum onto the ground as she walked. She mindlessly stroked the little dildo-worm until it became squeakily hard and throbby, then grabbed the wolf's snout and gently forced the pink head through the rubber in his mouth and down his throat! He gurgled mutely and thrashed as the worm filled his snout and forced his mouth open, its hollow, ribbed body becoming the lining for his throat just like the other maids. After a moment, he ceased his struggling and sat straight up in his bondage mindlessly, mimicking the posture of the other maids. Another maid clopped over with a large, pink, plastic pot with a heart printed on it and laid it down on the floor beneath the canine. The maids lowered him into it and left him standing straight up like a thick flower!

They gurgled and moaned to each other as they ran their rubbered mittens over his squiggling body. The wolf shuddered hard for a moment, then the vixens could see his tightly rubbered cock gush cum onto his belly and thighs. The cum seeped between his body and the tight rubber layer, forcing it to spread across his pelvis. He shuddered hard again and filled his tight prison with even more hot cum! The maids giggled and carried his pot to the shadows, where he'd cum and cum until his bodysuit totally filled up with it, then he'd slowly transform into a cum-crazed sissy rubbermaid!

The other vixens squirmed and tried to escape as, one by one, they were each dunked in the slubbery pool and birthed into their rubber prisons. They were each planted in sexy pink pots and forced to orgasm in the tight bondage until they became maids as well. After about an hour, they were released into the forest to perform their now-implanted sissy duties. One found herself skipping merrily through the plastic woods, eventually ending up in a lovely little field of red dildo-flowers!

She instinctively fell to her knees in the field of excited, squeaky flowers, all throbbing and bouncing with excitement! The lifted her hips into the air, revealing her tight rubber loveholes, each a ribbed O-shape dripping with gooey latex. She wrapped her mitten around a particularly desperate-looking dildo and popped it into her lovehole-mouth hungrily. She gulped down on it, sucking it deep into her throat as the ribs ran its full length. She had no urge to gag, and the deeper it slid down her throat, the wetter she got! She was practically pouring latex onto the plushy ground as she swallowed down on the squeaky toy. She sucked and slurped until finally the toy pumped her tummy full of white rubbery cum with a loud and constant squeaking! She pulled her ribbed lovehole from the shaft and turned her attention to another desperate cock.

Cock after cock she gobbled them into her lustful maw and pumped them until they filled her belly with hot cum. Her tummy distended, filled to the very brim with slick rubber sap, but she persisted with her hungry suckling until every flower in the whole field had blown a hot load down her tight throat. But that was their duty as rubbermaids! Not only to water and feed the lovely rubber plants, but also to make sure that every leaky dildo got a chance to blow! She and her slubbery, dumb sisters made sure the Rubber Forest operated according to the sexiest standards...only the best for my dear victims!

Vixen Class

The black SUV pulled onto the airport tarmac with a marked lack of hurry, dwarfed by the enormous triple-decker plane that lay just a short distance away. The driver side door opened and a rubberbound vixen stepped out into the warm air, rushing to the...

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Doom in the Rubber Forest: Deerly Beloved

The vixen stumbled through the Velcro bushes wildly, cutting between plastic trees to escape the buzzing fate that chased her. She was getting exhausted, having been running for what felt like hours. Her legs finally gave out and she tumbled down onto...

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Doom in the Rubber Forest: Prologue

Vex's eyes radiated a dull stinging through the rest of her mind. Her head was abuzz with memories: wild sounds and flashing colors that made only transient sense. She felt a soft paw touching her face, but found that she still lacked the will to open...

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