Vixen Class

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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This is a story inspired by the lovely Ms. Vikki Rubbervixen! Pic here:

An enigmatic feline Master, a set of deliciously lovely synthvixens, and a really long plane ride...what could possibly go wrong? :D The syxens soon find themselves in a bit of a ahem tight situation, as their Master places them in the most delightful seats!

Enjoy, my lovelies!

The black SUV pulled onto the airport tarmac with a marked lack of hurry, dwarfed by the enormous triple-decker plane that lay just a short distance away. The driver side door opened and a rubberbound vixen stepped out into the warm air, rushing to the passenger side and opened the door. A slick shoe stepped out onto the hot surface attached to a large Siberian tiger wearing an expensive three-piece suit. He retrieved his briefcase from the floor of the front seat and handed it to his vixen slave. She bowed politely and followed him to the back, where he opened the trunk and tugged two leashes.

Two vixens, clad in supertight black rubber, hopped out onto the tarmac and bowed their heads submissively.

"Master," they both said quietly. The tiger tugged their leashes as he walked towards the enormous plane. When they reached the men loading baggage into the machine's great belly, he turned to the rubberbound realvixen. She handed him his briefcase quickly and curtsied.

"Mr. Lusala," a voice said from behind them. A bright-eyed vixen in a stewardess uniform approached them, waving. She bowed her head when she reached the tall Siberian, who handed her his briefcase and the leashes.

"Samantha," he purred, his voice a deep rumble. "I hope my gift reached you?"

"Yes Sir!" she beamed, showing off her lusciously-kept fur. "Very generous of you, Sir!"

"Must be looking our best, mustn't we?" he smiled and petted her cheek, making her blush brightly.

"Shall I take the sweeties to their seats?" she asked, straightening her blouse. Mr. Lusala handed her the leashes.

"Good girl," he said. He turned and walked to the staircase leading to the entrance of the plane. The stewardess tugged the two synthvixens' leashes, pulling them towards the entrance to the cargo bay.

"Come on, babies," she encouraged, pulling them to through the tight corridors of the plane and into a strange, dark compartment in the lower decks. There were rows of occupied seats that ran the length of the plane, each filled by a struggling figure beneath a thick layer of rubber! The synthvixens became nervous and gulped as they passed the rows and rows of squirming, mute figures bound tightly in the vacuum-pumped seats. "What do you think of all this, sweeties?"

They looked at her and squeaked nervously. "We...want Master."

"Oh! I almost forgot!" she smiled and pulled a small remote from her pocket. She pressed a button and both syxens' voices suddenly became muted! Their voice boxes turned off, they could only look between each other and the devious realvixen nervously. "Can't have those silly voice boxes getting in the way, can we?"

The syxens gulped as the realvixen led them to their seats and looked at them mischievously. She pointed to the two empty chairs commandingly, watching with a devilish smirk as the two syxens sat in their chairs obediently. When they were comfortably situated, she couldn't help but lean over and gently fondle Eve's soft, rubberbound breast. The syxen tried to squeak at the sensual touch, but her muted voice made not a sound. She squirmed silently in the rubber chair as the vixen fondled her.

"Mmmm, I wish I could afford one of you," she giggled, feeling herself getting wetter as the syxen looked up at her submissively. She reached between her legs, rubbing herself through her moistening panties. She moaned at her own soft touch, tilting her head back as she pleasured herself. Samantha felt sexy around the syxens, sexy enough that this had become a regular occurrence when Mr. Lusala used their airline for his travels. She always made sure to personally greet him and take his little darlings to be sealed up nice and tight, then take a little pleasure at their airless misfortune...

She gently rubbed her wettening lips and throbbing clit as she fondled the syxen's tightly rubbered breast. Eve glanced at her xister nervously as she was rubbed, Nexi returning her gaze in kind. The realvixen noticed with a light frown and stopped rubbing herself. She grabbed a thick, squeaking rubber sheet from around Eve's feet and stretched it up and over the syxen's quivering body. She smirked as she slowly zipped the edges shut around the wiggling "female," who looked up at her and silently cried for her feline owner. As she was sealed into the cushiony rubber chair, she opened and shut her mouth in a silent scream. Samantha giggled and pressed a timed autovac on the side of the chair, sucking the sheet squeakily to the contours of the syxen's deliciously tight body. She squirmed fruitlessly in the squeaky depths of the vacuu-chair, but became fatigued and reluctantly succumbed to the nefariously silent sucking of the vacuum.

Samantha rubbed between the syxen's legs and giggled, turning to Nexi. Nexi squeaked against the inflated rubber chair and shook as the realvixen pulled another thick sheet from around her legs and pressed it lovingly into the creases of her body. She zipped it up to the syxen's chest and gave her a small kiss.

"Enjoy the flight, sweetie!" she giggled. "Let me know if I can get you anything!"

Samantha zipped the syxen up nice and tight and gave her tummy a soft rub before turning back to herself. She rubbed the length of her slit tenderly, her knees shaking as she pleasured herself through the silky smoothness of her thong. Panting, she reached a hand up and groped her own breast, stroking over the cloth of her uniform. She was leaking sweet honey down the length of her leg, soaking her thin stockings as she groaned and watched the slender synthvixens squirming deliciously in their tight bondage. Her toned legs shook and she squealed in delight as she slapped her clit a few times, finishing with a delightful and satisfied squeak. Her nectar dripped sweetly down to her heels, making her blush brightly. If her airline catered to a less sexual clientele she might've faced some repercussions for those telling stains, but with a name like Slub-Air it was difficult to find a stewardess without some naughty stains on them somewhere.

Samantha panted and gasped pleasurably, gathering herself with an orgasmic shiver and giving Nexi and Eve each a gentle peck on the cheek.

"See you later, babies!" she giggled. She skipped back up to the upper deck, to the circular maxi-bar in the center of the plane where Mr. Lusala sat and sipped his beverage placidly. Samantha stopped when she saw him and bowed her head respectfully. "Sir, your sweeties are neatly packaged and ready for transport."

"Good girl," he said and continued sipping his drink as the realvixen blushed and scampered back to her duties. There was a crackle over the loudspeaker system and a male voice began speaking.

"Good evening, folks, this is your captain speaking," he said. "I know we're all pretty anxious to set off on the first leg of our transoceanic flight, but I'm afraid I have some bad news. The tower has just notified me that our take-off is going to be delayed for just a few more hours while we wait for this current system to move out of the area. They're keeping a close eye on the radar and right now they're projecting a window in about three hours. So just sit back and relax while our flight attendants finish securing the cargo below deck and in a few minutes they'll come around with a complementary drink service."

"Three hours?" a male voice exclaimed from next to the tiger. He turned to see a black dragon looking up the intercom disappointedly, a steaming cup of tea in his scaly palms. "Talk about inconvenient."

"Tell me about it," the tiger chuckled and sipped his cocktail. The dragon chuckled and leaned back against the bar. "Heading anywhere interesting?"

"Layover in London, then to Moscow for a bit of business," he smiled and sipped at his tea. "You?"

"Visiting clients in London," Mr. Lusala said. "Business as well."

"Oh?" the dragon turned and smiled. "And what sort of business occupies your time?"

The tiger chuckled and purred. "Ironically, the business of pleasure."

The dragon chuckled and tilted his shades down. "Then it is fate we encountered each other."

"Who do you represent?" Mr. Lusala purred, intrigued by the enigmatic reptile. The dragon produced a business card from his shirt pocket and placed it between the tiger's waiting fingers. It read: Mr. M. Dark, Transformations and Binding, Inc."

_ _ "I represent the most successful research company in the field of biosynthetic transformations and long-term organic bondage," Mr. Dark explained. "And you?"

"I represent Vix-Tech," Mr. Lusala said. Mr. Dark raised an eyebrow, thoroughly impressed. "I'm sure you've heard of it?"

"Oh, I have," the dragon chuckled. "I'm genuinely honored, sir."

"Very kind," he purred resonantly. "I think we could make the best of this delay. Perhaps by discussing"

"I'd like that, very much," Mr. Dark turned to him with a devilish grin. As the two men chatted pleasantly about mergers and partnerships, Eve and Nexi were still tightly vacuum-packed in their cushy rubber seats. They both screamed and squealed beneath the suffocating rubber sheet, but made no sound. Wiggling in the squeezing bondage, they'd sit alone in the dark until the plane took off, then for another six or so hours until the plane landed! Then another two hours as they were unloaded and finally they'd be whored around like dolls by their feline Master. Hopefully he'd be able to sell a few of their xisters, maybe even Nexi and Eve themselves! Either way, they'd be bound and rubbered again and again, just as synthvixens were designed to be!

Doom in the Rubber Forest: Deerly Beloved

The vixen stumbled through the Velcro bushes wildly, cutting between plastic trees to escape the buzzing fate that chased her. She was getting exhausted, having been running for what felt like hours. Her legs finally gave out and she tumbled down onto...

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Doom in the Rubber Forest: Prologue

Vex's eyes radiated a dull stinging through the rest of her mind. Her head was abuzz with memories: wild sounds and flashing colors that made only transient sense. She felt a soft paw touching her face, but found that she still lacked the will to open...

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Another Day at The Office

When he arrived, there was not a single employee who wasn't made aware. The long, black car pulled up to the front doors of the skyscraper and screeched to a halt. A tall dragoness exited the driver's side, wearing a glossy, skintight bodysuit and...

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