A Match Made in Heaven

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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Sorry I've been offline for a while, but college has been thoroughly whooping my sorry ass lol Anyway, here's something particularly special as a returning gift! For Fay Fox, without whom the Forest and another few of my favorite stories would not exist! :D So thank this lovely vixie! It's almost an alternate history, considering we were married in the last one, too lol What can we say? We love getting married! :D Enjoy!

The tall, quadrupedal vulpine scampered down the street, glancing between each store sign for the one she sought. She hummed to herself pleasantly, the sun beating down gently on her orange fur as she sniffed the air. She noticed the lovely scents of the kitchens and bakeries that dotted the street she walked, the neighborhood simply alive with bustling commuters. She had a bright smile on her vulpine face, an unshakable mask of genuine bubbliness that seemed to remove weight from the very air around her! Indeed, Fay had a reason to be, for today was a special day!

Her employer was getting married, and it was for this very reason that she found herself scampering through town. She had been sent by the enigmatic reptile to retrieve the flowers specially prepared for the occasion, but from a florist she'd never heard of. She hopped up onto the sidewalk and trotted past the various bustlers going about their business. As she skipped along she passed by an alleyway; under normal circumstances, she might've never even looked down but today, fate would have her take a passing glance into the dark corridor and stop suddenly.

At the very back of the alleyway stood a small florist's shop! Fay raised an eyebrow, caught off-guard by the strange little shop, but then entered and felt the wafting aromas of various floras enter her sensitive nose. Her smile instantly returned at the first whiff of the delicate flowers, their soft scents playing tricks on her nose and making it tingle. The door jingled as it closed behind the fox, but roused neither sound nor action from within the shop.

"Hello?" Fay called, approaching the counter and resting her forepaws on it. Her gaze slid down to the end of the long counter, where she saw with a small smile an elegant bouquet of various flowers. There was an envelope pinned by the arrangement, signed on the front with three words: For Mr. Dark. Fay tore the envelope with her teeth and scanned the message text interestedly. It read: "Dear Mr. Dark, these are the flowers you've requested complete with their special qualities. Thank you so much for your generous donation to the shop! Give my best to the blushing bride!"

Fay giggled, the methods of her reptilian employer always seeming so utterly bizarre! Still, whether his machinations were obvious or not, he was never without a plan. Random as his actions may have been, there was never a time when he didn't know just what he was doing...or at least Fay hoped, with a small giggle. She scooped up the bouquet in her teeth gingerly and exited the shop, a new spring in her step at completing her mission!

The walk back to the glass skyscraper seemed shorter this time, though; especially considering Fay had the delightful smells of the flowers to keep her busy! She pranced into the lobby and bumped the elevator button with her wet nose. The box arrived with a quiet *ding!* and the doors rolled open to allow the tall vulpine access. The top floor was a bit of a ride, but she didn't mind; her goal was at the top and that's where she was determined to go!

The elevator rolled to a stop on the very top floor, Mr. Dark's penthouse. He had employed the entire intern population to make sure his wedding went perfectly, but this was nothing new. Interns at Transformations and Binding, Inc., were equally the company's workforce as they were Mr. Dark's entertainment brigade. They were usually the first ones thrown into testing labs or given "special products to test at home." Needless to say, very few interns actually made it to full-time employee status, and those who did were typically not the same as when they entered the company. Still, that was the fate of an intern.

"Morning boys!" Fay chirped to a cluster of nervous-looking males trying to properly hang a wide banner. They gave her a hesitant wave and one mumbled something, then continued making sure that the banner was geometrically pristine. The penthouse ballroom was one of the most expensive rooms in modern society: everything in it was original and unique. From the hand-carved wooden walls to the enormous chandelier on the ceiling, each piece of the room was custom-built to Mr. Dark's specifications. The architects had all strangely vanished, of course, but that didn't really faze anyone at T&B, Inc. People went missing all the time! It was a common occurrence, happening probably every other week or so. Sometimes they'd turn up again, but usually the only way to find those taken by Mr. Dark's rubberized dragonesses would be to join them oneself...

Fay couldn't seem to find the dragon, though, try as she might! He was nowhere to be found as far as she could see. She noticed a female crocodile giving new works orders to a confused-looking intern and bounded up to her with a beaming smile. The croc, upon seeing her, took the bouquet from her snout.

"Hiya, Stacy!" she said. The crocodile returned her glittery hello with a warm hug!

"Sweetie! Congratulations!" she said, chewing a piece of bright pink bubble gum between her teeth. Fay raised an eyebrow at her strange greeting.

"Congratulations? For what?" she asked. The scaly creature giggled uncomfortably and cleared her throat, as if she'd just yelled "surprise!" a little too early.

"For um, for...getting the flowers! Yeah!" the airheaded reptile said, correcting herself with a nervous giggle. Fay couldn't stop herself from giggling either; the little croc was just so cute when she was flustered! "Master Dark was looking for you!"

"Master Dark?" Fay asked, smiling mischievously at the now-blushing crocodile. Stacy hid her face behind her clipboard and glanced occasionally at the grinning vixen.

"Mister! I said Mister!" Stacy tried to correct herself, but could gain no purchase under Fay's devious smirk. "It's this stupid gum I, like, swear! But fine, our draconic boss was looking for you, I think he might've went to go check on the caterers."

"Over in the meeting room?" she asked.

"Yup!" Stacy nodded, chewing her gum noisily.

"I'll go see if I can find him, then," Fay said and held her jaws out. Stacy placed the bouquet back in her waiting snout and gave the cute little vixen a pat on the nose. With that, she scampered off again to find Mr. Dark. When she reached the grand event room, her eyes locked onto the frame of a tall, black-scaled dragon in an expensive suit. She felt warmth start to pulse through her body as the dragon turned, seemingly in slow-motion towards her, and smiled. She hadn't even managed to get her legs working again by the time he scooped her into a swinging hug!

Wordlessly, he nuzzled his snout into the vixen's tickling chest fur and sighed happily.

"Hello to you, too! You must be excited!" Fay giggled around the flowers in her jaw, nuzzling back. "I certainly would be."

"I'm glad!" Mr. Dark smiled and gently placed her back down on the marble floor. "I can't properly tell you how excited I am!"

Fay presented the bouquet to the dragon and smiled at him; with a gentle pat on the head, Mr. Dark took the flowers and smelled them deeply.

"I really hope they make your big day even bigger!" Fay smiled.

"I know they will," Mr. Dark smiled devilishly. He picked a dark purple rose from among them, previously hidden in the throng of other flowers, and held it out to her. "This one is for you! As a token of my appreciation for picking them up."

"Aww, you're so sweet!" the vixen blushed as the dragon placed it just behind her ear. It looked absolutely stunning, the dark color contrasting her glowing orange fur splendidly. In the light of the setting sun, the radiance from the vixen's fur made Mr. Dark's heart stop.

"Indeed," he said absentmindedly. "And it has the most enchanting aroma!"

"Oh?" the vixen asked curiously as the dragon knelt down and held it to her nose. The smell was like thick lavender mixed with just the most delicate touch of rosy after-smell. It was sweet and clung to the nostrils tightly, making Fay's snout tickle. She giggled and snuffed, sneezing a small puff of purple dust into the air. Mr. Dark chuckled and stood back up as the pollen settled onto the cold marble; Fay didn't notice, but a decent amount of the pollen had landed on her luminescent fur! She walked behind the dragon as he approached the podium at the front of the room. There was a *ding!* at the elevators and suddenly guests came trickling into the expensive room!

Mr. Dark took a deep breath and exhaled his nervousness. In truth, it was a bit unusual! He was always so collected, Fay found it rather bizarre to see him so on edge, but she knew he was excited about his big day. She hadn't even met his bride yet! Of course, the wedding was in ten minutes so she merely had to wait to catch a glimpse of the lucky lady, but there were bowterflies in her stomach and her skin was prickling with anticipation.

"Congratulations, Mr. Dark," Fay said and put her forepaws on his chest. His wiry legs held him fast and he found himself staring wide-eyed into the kind face of gossamer orange fur. The vixen leaned in and pressed her lips against his, the warmth of his manic heart making her blush. After a blissful moment, she pulled her face away and licked his cheek lovingly. "She's a very lucky girl."

Mr. Dark was speechless, his thoughts made incorporeal by the touch of the vulpine goddess. He quickly snapped himself out of it, though, and gave her a blushing smile.

"I'm the lucky one," he nodded, petting her softly. With a sudden burst of invigoration, the dragon turned on his heel and took his place behind the podium. His guests, having been entertained up till this point by his rubbery dragonesses, all turned to him at the sound of his fork tapped against the crystal glasses. The room went quiet, all guests took their seats and all eyes were on him as the dragon cleared his throat. "Friends, associates, dearly beloved interns, I'd like to welcome you all to my very special night!"

Fay realized she had not yet found her seat, but a quick scan of the room revealed that a place for her had not been set! She felt a little disheartened, assuming that the dragon had simply wanted her to retrieve his flowers. She'd never get to see his bride in her beautiful gown...

"...To the dearest love I've ever had the pleasure of loving," Mr. Dark finished, turning to her. Fay caught his gentle gaze and returned it with one of confusion. He had finished his speech, and it seemed that the whole room was eagerly anticipating the next step. Mr. Dark stepped down from the podium and approached her once again, this time he knelt. Fay's heartbeat increased tenfold, her thoughts running rampant as she looked into the dragon's warm eyes. "Fay, dearest...will you...*ulp* marry me?"

Fay couldn't contain her shock, and took a few steps back in surprise! Her eyes darted between Mr. Dark and the guests, who were smiling at her, some dotting their eyes with kerchiefs. It all moved so slowly, Fay barely heard her own quiet voice answer.

"Yes...oh_yes,_ I will!" she said and suddenly felt her heart explode with joy! She leapt into his lap, sprawling him on the floor and sitting on his chest as they kissed. Their tongues explored, dancing with their partners as the two lovers embraced. Mr. Dark stood up, holding the large quadruped in his strong arms and carrying her to the podium. They were still kissing, locked into each other's snouts with a passion unseen these days. When she broke the kiss and nuzzled his neck, Mr. Dark felt goosebumps crawl down his spine pleasurably.

"You know, a blushing bride deserves some things," he said and kissed her. Fay giggled and kissed back.

"Oh? Like what?" she asked, smiling.

"First, you need a gown," he chuckled and placed her gently back on the floor. He turned to two of his dragonesses by the door and nodded his signal. In a flash, the creatures had sealed the main doors and were posted by them defensively. The guests became nervous, some knowing that the dragon was prone to...mass rubberizations...

But nothing of the sort came. Instead, a door opened and a line of magnificently-dressed rubbermaids exited in single file! They each held a bouquet in their squeaky mittens, moaning through their loveholes as they stood to one side of the podium. They were wearing the most divine pink-and-black gowns that Fay had ever seen, with large intricate bows running down the front and back. Their gowns were clearly designed with the brides' "primary function" in mind, with wide wedges cut from the fronts to allow access to their dripping loveholes. The busts were very clearly twice their usual size, regardless of the species or gender of the actual victim in the bridesuit. Filled with gooey rubbercum from their usual labor, their enormous buxom bounced and jiggled with each step. The bridesmaids giggled to each other, a few with large, throbbing bulges in the fronts of their gowns as well! Fay felt a sudden jolt of unconsciousness strike her, making her wobble...

Mr. Dark grinned as he watched her sway, the purple pollen from the rose beginning to flatten and spread along her back like a sheet.

"You'll be the most beautiful bride," he said as the rubber pollen suddenly burst to life! It slunk down to her haunches and thoroughly encased the vixen's tail and legs. With a groan, Fay felt herself forced into a standing position, the thick rubber layer sculpting her like clay. She felt the urge to fight drift away with the idea of being the dragon's bride, but it still managed to keep a foothold in her thoughts. The rubber tail held her fast, but still looked a bit wet and amorphous. Fay was about to speak when a small tendril slid into her vulnerable sex! She moaned suddenly as the tendril inflated inside her, to a thickness impossible to push out, and began vibrating intensely! Fay's eyes clenched shut as another tendril inched into her tailhole and did the same, pulsing with strong waves of vibration to make the vixen squirm.

"M...Mr...D-Dark..." she whispered, the hard pulses making her moan involuntarily. She began quivering, her front paws dangling uselessly as the rubber sheet clung to her hips. The dragon motioned to the bridesmaids, who nodded and produced from their pounds of frilly bows the loveliest wedding gown Fay had ever seen! Even through the mind-numbing haze of the delicious teasing, she could make out the shapely form of the lacy gown. Mr. Dark knelt down next to her and began petting her chest.

"Easy now," he said quietly, steadying her frenzied breathing. "That feels so good, doesn't it? Don't you want to finish?"

Fay squeaked as the vibrations increased, her mouth watering as the plugs pulsed inside her, tantalizing her most sensitive of spots. Fay felt the rubber waiting, waiting for her to finish in a sudden glorious burst...but she held out...

The dragon noticed. "You don't have to, you know. If you don't want to go through with it, you just have to hold it back. Just keep that burning orgasm at bay...forever..."

" Please...Please..." Fay looked into his eyes pleadingly, the threat of orgasm just barely grazing her thoughts. It was her choice, after all! She tried so desperately to hold back, to just keep focusing for one minute on the absolutely relentless vibrations a bit longer. They felt so wonderful; she just wished they'd never turn off! But in that moment, she felt her voice sink to the back of her throat as a roaring wave of pleasure ripped through her haunches!

She squealed and shook hard, her intense pleasure inducing the next stage of the transformation. The rubber layer binding Fay's legs together tightened sharply, making the vixen whimper as her hind legs were forced together. She felt her body squeezed tightly and forced into a shapely stem, the rubber pollen spreading over her body like a liquid. It encased her to the neck, forcing her forelegs into a curled position as the vibrations increased again in intensity! Fay moaned and shook, struggling against the burning desire to orgasm. She knew if she gave in she'd be permanently rubberized, but the pleasure was too great!

"Just hold it back forever," Mr. Dark cooed, stroking her chin as she groaned. He could tell she was achingly close to her second orgasm already. Fay couldn't bear to hold it back anymore, and threw her head back in a loud howl as she climaxed for the second time and was made into a permanent rubber flower stem. Her legs fused together inside the rubber, becoming one with the stuff as her body was squeezed. The rubberbrides carried a large, pink plastic flower pot to the rubbery vixen and placed it before her. It was in the shape of a heart, with decorative heart-shaped stencils dotting its surface. On the top of the PVC soil there was a soft latex bow, beautifully sloped and tied with a pair of juicy sex lips in the middle, suckling with need. The lips winked lustfully, pouring sweet nectar into the absorbent artificial soil. The rubberbrides lifted the squirming vixen and slowly lowered her into the gurgling sex. She felt the gentle sucking at her hind feet and struggled harder as the soft lips quivered in pleasure, pulling her down into the pot!

She pulled and tugged, but couldn't escape her fate as the vibrations began pounding her already-exhausted clit! Fay's thoughts became passionate as she felt her desire to orgasm overcome her desire to escape, and lolled her tongue from the side of her snout in absolute bliss. She felt the plugs swell slightly in size, pushing against her sensitive button so hard that she couldn't have held back even if she wanted to! Fay let out a high-pitched moan and came again, losing her voice as the bow-sex merged with the rubber of her cocoon!

The cocoon inflated into a thick penile shaft, complete with throbbing veins running down the length. The bow became the base for this new "stem" and gave it the most delightfully cute look as her curled forelegs became puffy rubber leaves. They swung and twitched as the transformation finished, becoming totally useless. A rubberbride approached the dildo-flower carrying a heavy, vinyl glans with two empty eyeholes on either side. Fay didn't have time to react as the cockhead was popped over her snout and head, then sealed into place with a quiet hiss. Her eyeholes were suddenly alive, looking around wildly as the transformation continued. The audience watched in devilish awe as the vixen's throbbing shaft was completed, rendering her a vixen no more. Her shaft began pulsing excitedly as the insatiable desire of the winking bow-sex became hers, her own sex slick with honey as the plugs picked up their pace once again.

She was so aroused! Her chest was burning with desire, her body spasming with waves of pleasure as the vibrations against her already tortured clit made her squeal from within the tight confines of her new squeaky stem! She shuddered as the vinyl glans became permanent as well, sealing her inside the fat throbbing dildo as though it were a permanent glove. Her new mouth, the cumslit of the dildo's glans, began to drip as pleasure continued to surge through her, drooling big gobs of sticky rubbercum onto the marble tiles. She felt her pleasure increasing with every moment of sweet torment as three bulges appeared on the front of her shaft, then peeled into gloriously-colored blossoms! Two appeared as breasts, full and firm with small flowers for nipples, each with a small, tight hole in the center. The third appeared lower, where her sex would've been, and managed to imitate it very well. Inside of the blossom was a lewd pair of hot pink nether lips, suckling at the air and dripping juices down the length of her shaft.

It was here that the rubberbrides then circled around the pretty purple shaft and slid her into the wedding gown they'd displayed earlier, pulling the puffy shoulders tightly together and zipping the back of the dress up. The zipper trail began to slowly disappear, devoured by the material of the gown as though it were quicksand. They fitted her breast- and sex-blossoms through holes on the front and teased each, making the dildo-flower pump a hot, gooey strand of precum onto one of the brides!

The rubberbride covered herself in the goo and tasted its sweet flavors. The dildo-flower merely squeaked loudly with every throb, straining against itself in its excitement. The others approached and began drawing select bows from their gowns to stick to hers, rendering her an _adorable_little Valentine's Day dildo! One of the brides pulled a pink strip of PVC from her dress and placed it just under her glans, stepping back as it stuck to her rubber skin. The other brides began doing the same, pulling different-sized strips from their dresses and approaching Fay's squeaky form. As the audience watched, the seemingly randomly-placed strips began to look more and more like petals! They were giggling and placing petal after petal on her squeaking shaft until she had a literal four-layer mane of them! Now all the cum she dripped would pool just beneath her glans and sit there until it ran over the edge and into her pot, a thought which made a certain dragon rather excited. Mr. Dark shooed the rubberbrides away and hid his bemused smile as she circled his flower. The desperate eyes looked at him pleadingly, still, begging to stop the endless orgasms she felt, but the dragon merely took her soft leaf in one hand and squeezed it tightly.

"I do," he said, smirking, and pulled a large box from behind his back. Opening it, Fay was almost blinded by the sparkling gems that lay inside! Indeed, it was an enormous wedding band, bejeweled with the most magnificent opals and trimmed with a platinum frill. Fay could've cried at the sight of it were her emotions not so preoccupied, but she knew that Mr. Dark expected everything she could've said. Tilting her glans down to his level, he slid the beautiful band around her "neck" and let it dangle like a necklace. Fay began squeaking loudly as she grew harder, but could do nothing to affect her own pleasure! The dragon smirked and motioned to the rubberbrides, who happily hefted the turgid dildo-flower by the pretty pink pot and followed him to his apartment at the opposite end of the penthouse.

Fay was beginning to get soft, the lack of immediate attention reducing the intensity of the vibrations in her sex and tailhole. Her thick shaft began to get flaccid, drooping slightly as her throbs became slower. The rubberbrides set her down on the floor of his bedroom and departed, giggling and moaning to each other as they went back to service the audience. Mr. Dark could barely conceal the excited smirk that played on his lips as he surveyed his bride.

"God, you are beautiful," he mused, squeezing one of her swaying leaves. Fay could only squeak back and coo softly through the slit on her glans, which dripped blobs of rubbercum into her petal-mane. He pulled his shirt off and slipped out of his suit-pants as he approached the captive beauty. With a small sigh, he began kneading her breast-blossom in one claw whilst his other tended to her slick sex-blossom. She quickly stiffened up at his touch, the pleasure of his expert finger dipping between her blossom's tender lips sending waves of orgasmic energy through her. With a series of loud squeaks, she reached her full hardness once again and began dripping regularly! Mr. Dark smirked and used a few drops of her cum to stroke himself, the viscous fluid providing the perfect resistance to his need. His length became solid, and pulsed with every beat of his heart as he began messily rubbing his head up and down the length of her juicy blossom. She hiccuped from her cumslit and spurted a long rope of thick cum onto his bed, making the dragon smile. "Excited? I hope so..."

With that, he pushed his cockhead gingerly into her blossom, making the dildo-flower shoot another rope of hot cum onto his bed. He merely chuckled and hilted in her, sliding into her lips with a deliberate slowness so as to ensure she felt every single inch. With a moan, he began thrusting into the tight lovehole as his flower continued dripping. Fay was utterly lost in the pleasure of the moment, the feeling of her groom firmly pumping into her tight slit becoming ever-presently her only desire. She felt entirely bathed in a wonderful pink light, her pleasure becoming the pleasure of her mate and his becoming hers in their twisted symbiotic dance.

Mr. Dark kept an upbeat pace, sliding his shaft between those suckling lips with increasingly pleasurable moans. More and more he felt his orgasm building in the head of his dragonhood, the aching desire to fill his flower with seed slowly taking over his mind. He reached up and groped her breast-blossom tenderly, slipping his finger into the lovehole in the middle. This new stimulation made the flower only harder, as the soft squeaking of her vinyl and rubber skin rubbing against itself became louder amidst the huffs of her draconic mate. Almost as an innate sense she could feel his desire to fill her with seed, to pump load after load of his dragon cum into her fertile blossoms, a thought which made Fay drip and leak even more!

He moaned and closed his eyes, his threshold just barely keeping orgasm at bay as he pleasured the once-vixen. Fay felt the love, the adoration, the pure devotion beat down on her like the sun's rays as her mate's humping became faster. The plugs that had up until now been rather slow began to pick up, turning her drippy leaks into flowing rivers! Her soil was fully soaked, now, the PVC only able to absorb so much of the juicy nectar at a time, but it continued to flow.

Fay squeaked with love for her mate and wrapped her puffy latex leaves around him, pulling him against the taut rubber and making him blush deeply as he lost control. With a low growl he shuddered and finished in her blossom, his knees almost giving out as the flower cooed softly and hugged him. The feeling of her warm petals against his scales and the gentle rubbing of her leaves was a heavenly sensation as he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm. Resting in the warm embrace of his flower, he moaned as her tight sex autonomously suckled him. The feeling was bliss, inspiring the reptile to tilt her squeaky glans down to his level and kiss her cumslit passionately. The feeling of his long tongue snaking down into her sensitive cockhead made the dildo-flower harder, so hard that its throbbing was practically audible! Of course she still squeaked, but now she also produced a low thumping that seemed to resonate in Mr. Dark's heart. He slowly slid his length from within Fay's blossom, groaning as his head slipped out with a few drops of his cum. Fay squeaked unhappily at the loss of some of her mate's seed, but the dragon merely stroked beneath her eyehole and silently assured her he had more to spare.

He fondled her breasts, the rubber mounds soft and pillowy in his claws as his finger slipped in and out of the tight sex in the middle. His eyes seemed to suddenly spark with twisted lust, and he spun her pot around to face the bed. Her eyes followed him subserviently, silently aching for release. He hopped onto the cushy mattress and found himself at a perfect height: his still-hard cock was level with her voluptuous breast-blossoms!

Fay's thick, squeaking shaft pulsed against itself so hard that it would visibly jump with each beat! Mr. Dark rubbed the tip of his cock against the wet sex and moaned as it tried to suck him in. With a grunt, he pushed himself halfway in and settled, letting his rubber lover wallow in the vibrations that overtook her so forcefully. In a moment, she was spurting rubbercum into the increasingly large pool around her glans. The multicolored petals looked absolute adorable arranged in a heart-shape just beneath the throbbing cockhead, from which two lustful eyes barely remained open. Mr. Dark slowly slid his dragonhood into her wet breast-sex until she felt his full package throbbing inside her breast, making her squeak loudly and shoot a nice rope of gooey cum onto the ceiling! Her draconic mate chuckled through gasps and began pumping into her, every thrust making her breast jiggle and bounce. His cock was assailed by the unrelenting pleasure of smooth, smooth rubber wrapped around his shaft from base to tip, drawing soft moans as he watched Fay's cockhead shrink a little from the spurt. Seconds later, however, she was at full size once again and practically begging to shoot again!

"Insatiable!" Mr. Dark smirked, his eyes beginning to flutter as he humped the once-vixen's bouncing breast-sex. Fay swung her petals around desperately, trying to reach her peak in the throes of her lover's torturously slow rhythm. He was hilting slowly; drawing back out until his head was the only thing inside her, then achingly hilting again. He loved watching her squeaks intensify, watching her eyes so wildly begging him to let her fall back into the velveteen embrace of another orgasm...but he held back. With a dark smirk on his snout, he thrust ever slower, intending to tease her until she couldn't take it anymore.

Her eyes began to flutter as his slow movements drove her to the very edge of climax, but not over. She could only squeak and drip in utter helplessness, subject to the whim of her groom and his simply devilish desires!

The dragon noticed her eyes light up and, at the same time, felt himself hilt once again in her tight sex. The stimulation was too much, and he couldn't hold back anymore! He wrapped his arms around Fay's throbbing cockhead and pulled her against his chest, hilting for the last time and letting out a satisfied growl as her breast filled with his seed. Fay felt his cock start pumping cum like a firehose into her rubbery mound, making the vibrations against her permanently-sealed clit too intense to bear! She shot a few more hot ropes of rubbercum onto the ceiling of Mr. Dark's bedroom, but the dragon was far too lost in the blissful lust of his mate's tight sex. Panting and moaning, he withdrew with a lewd slurp as Fay's breast-lips sucked the air with a mind of their own. He hopped off the bed and put his arms tightly around the plush shaft of his permanent flower-bride, inspecting the magnificently shiny ring placed just beneath her glans with a happy smile.

"I love you, darling," he said and kissed her shaft. Fay cooed and held him with her latex leaves, pulling him against her thick shaft with a loving squeak. Mr. Dark pulled back and looked into her eyes with a devious smile. "I've got something for you. Would you like to see it?"

Fay's excited squeaking was all the answer he needed. With a spring in his step, he retrieved another large box from his dresser nearby and held it before the once-vixen. Inside was a metal square, a plaque, made of beautiful silver with engraved lettering. It read in bold words: "Dark's Forever Flower-Bride!"

Fay felt nothing but surging love in her heart as he fixed the plaque to her heart-shaped pot and stood back up to kiss her cumslit. They looked into each other's eyes for a long while before Mr. Dark planted one last kiss on her slit and stepped back.

"I must go tend to my guests, dear," he said with a frown. "The needy cretins will require a leader. Still, we have all the time in the world now, love!"

He wrapped his arms around his mate's squishy dildo-shaft and smiled happily, melting into the body of his mate as she hugged back with her delicate leaves.

"And the best news is," he began, whispering. "This isn't even our honeymoon..."

With that, he spun on his heel and threw on a thick robe to go and entertain the plebian masses. He was scowling, hoping that he could simply shake paws with the important ones and then return to his beloved flower!

Still, he couldn't help but remember his own words: This isn't even our honeymoon...

He couldn't help but smile as his thoughts became a little...dark...

Doom in the Rubber Forest: Fay's Fate (Valentine's Day Wedding)

Vex's eyes shot open when she heard Kassi's scream from nearby! She leapt from her cushiony hiding spot among a series of harmless plushies and bounded towards the source of the sound. She didn't particularly care about Kassi, as a matter of fact...

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Mr. Dark's Indulgences

The muscled bull awoke with a start, realizing his head was pounding uncomfortably. He opened his eyes slowly and realized with a startling sense of dread that he couldn't see anything! He tried opening his mouth, but it was snugly fit with a squeaky...

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Doom in the Rubber Forest: How Rubbermaids are Rubber-Made!

Vex grabbed for the vixen's outstretched paw desperately as the vixen squealed in the stone grip of the dildo-bee! "Vex! Help! MMMPH! MMMMMPH!" she cried as the bee's suckling cunt mouth slipped over her mouth and nose. It filled her mouth with...

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