Doom in the Rubber Forest: Fay's Fate (Valentine's Day Wedding)

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#4 of Rubber Forest Anthology

What could be more beautiful than a wedding? MY kind of wedding! :) This is the end of Vex's adventures in my lovely Rubber Forest, but I'm going to keep producing more unrelated works from inside the forest. If you'd like to test your fate in the devious rubber jungle, shoot me a PM and I'll have it done in no time! For clarification, this is not a commission, i don't want your money lol

Also, Fay belongs to don't touch her 'sona without asking, or I'll find you guilty of asshattery and sentence you to rubber without parole :D

Vex's eyes shot open when she heard Kassi's scream from nearby!

She leapt from her cushiony hiding spot among a series of harmless plushies and bounded towards the source of the sound. She didn't particularly care about Kassi, as a matter of fact she was actually turning out to be rather antagonistic to her survival in the Rubber Forest, but she was the only other living thing in the whole place that didn't want to turn her into something else.

"Kassi!" she called, hearing a muffled shriek in response! She jumped through a Velcro bush and landed in an insidiously clear clearing, where she could see the little vixen trapped in a sticky situation...

She was coated from head to toe in a sticky amber sap! Struggling and squirming, the sap bound her to herself and made her unable to move. The sap was leaking from a large pitcher-plant above her, which occasionally dripped large gobs of sap onto her already slubbered body. Vex rushed over to the vixen but stopped short of touching the sap, knowing that she'd get coated, too, if she tried removing it. She quickly uprooted a Velcro bush and carried it to the bound vixen, using it to remove the sap around her face and neck.

"Vex! Oh thank god you're here!" Kassi gasped as air reentered her lungs. She struggled against the sap that bound her as Vex shook her head.

"You didn't see that thing right above you?" she asked, annoyed.

"I swear it just showed up!" she protested. "I don't know what happened!"

"I think I can shed some light on the situation," a male voice said from nearby. Vex snapped to the source of the voice: a tall, black-scaled dragon wearing a business suit, his suit jacket hanging over one shoulder. Vex glared at him curiously.

"Who are you?" she asked, growling. "How'd you find us?"

"Very simply, my dear," the dragon chuckled. "I looked."

"What?" she asked, looking around for cameras. "You've been watching us?"

"Of course!" the dragon laughed. "You're my experiment, what would you expect me to do?"

"Experiment?" Vex asked.

"Perhaps I should elaborate," the dragon smiled. "You actually do know me. My name is Mr. Dark, you used to work for my company."

"I don't..." Vex said and suddenly clutched her head as memories flooded back to her! The dragon's face, his company logo, her old position as captain of Sec-Team Alpha! She remembered all of it!

"Pain? Dizziness? The feeling like someone just hit you in the nose with a shovel?" Mr. Dark accurately identified her symptoms. Vex nodded. "I wish my memory-blotter could be less intrusive, but that's why we test isn't it? To fix the glitches?"

Vex just looked at him as the headache subsided, leaving her with all her memories. She glared at her boss.

"Mr. Dark?" she asked herself, remembering how he visited their lab after an incident. She remembered the was the one that got her demoted! She had been on the job that day, managing her team, when there was a sudden explosion of black goo! She remembered being smothered by it, being unable to order her squad as the goo covered everything, from doctors to desks and everything in between. After the fact, she remembered Mr. Dark's office, talking to the dragon shrouded in a wreath of shadows. Her memories seemed to leave her with a bad taste in her mouth. " fired me?"

"That was the second incident under your watch resulting in faculty losses, Captain Vex," the dragon said sternly, pointing at her. "You were warned on multiple occasions that your lack of foresight would put you in a bad place. Well, here you are."

"So, you put me in here?" she asked, still slightly confused. "You couldn't have just fired me?"

"You are fired, Vex," he chuckled. "You've been fired since last week."

When she heard "last week," her eyes widened. It had felt like months since she'd woken up in the clearing with the other vixens! She glared at him angrily.

"Alright, what do you want now?" she asked. "You're here, in the forest, which means you've got something to say."

"Dammit Vex!" Mr. Dark shouted, dropping his jacket disappointedly. "You're so damned good at your job! Why couldn't you have just had a little more common sense, hm? Why couldn't you have just been more alert?"

Vex didn't respond, merely continued glaring at him. "What do you want, Dark?"

"That's Mr. to you," Mr. Dark smirked, picking up his expensive jacket. He began approaching the two vixens, one of whom was still trapped in the sap. Vex backed up defensively, knowing she could beat the untrained male in hand-to-hand if it came down to it. He was a bit thinner than she was, with far less muscle mass, making him an easy combatant if she needed to fight him. His pace was slow and relaxed, making the vixens all the more uneasy. A small droplet of amber sap dripped down behind him, inspiring Vex to steal a glance at the gurgling pitcher plant above them. She smirked and stopped backing up, making the dragon stop as well.

"You know what, Mr. Dark?" Vex smiled, standing up straight. "This forest is your experiment? Then I guess you're just a test subject, too!"

With that, she grabbed a branch off the ground and hurled it at the pitcher! The plastic branch smacked the fat bowl of sap and sent it careening down in a splash of orange goo!

"Oh dear..." Mr. Dark said quietly as the pitcher fell straight on top of him, engulfing him in the sticky goo. Vex smiled as she watched the struggles from within the pitcher slow and finally cease. She stood up and turned back to Kassi, who had a horrified look on her face. She picked up another Velcro bush and was preparing to wipe her companion free of the stuff when she heard a small rustling behind her...

"Hug?" Mr. Dark asked and wrapped his arms around her! She turned around, shocked, and found that her arms were suddenly bound to her chest! The dragon smirked at her as he brushed the sap off like water dripping onto the ground.

"What the?! How did you?!" Vex struggled against the sap, which was beginning to snake up her body.

"Get out?" Mr. Dark chuckled. "My dear, I _designed_this forest!"

"We designed this forest!" Kassi's voice chirped from her prison. Vex turned her head slowly, ready to kill the vixen...

Kassi was smiling nefariously, the sap beginning to slip from her body like a snake sheds its skin. She walked over and stood next to Mr. Dark proudly.

"There's my girl," he said and wrapped an arm around her rubbered shoulders.

"Kassi?" Vex asked, furious at the betrayal. "What are you doing?"

"I'm doing my job!" Kassi smiled. "And the name's not Kassi, love, it's Fay."

"Fay?" Vex asked, struggling against her bonds. "Let me out of here so I can pull your heads off!"

"So violent!" Fay giggled, poking the sap. "Whatever shall we do with her, Mr. Dark?"

"Good question, my dear," he said, smirking. He began to circle the trapped vixen predatorily, observing her form as she was encased up to her neck. She looked so delightfully bound, so squeezed in the sap, that she was maintaining the most delicious hourglass! Tummy nice and thin, hips made to look wide and inviting, her bust displayed and highlighted like a piece of art...his eyes suddenly widened. "I know what to do with her."

He nodded to Fay, who smirked and approached Vex with a small black box in her paws. She held the box up to Vex's nose and pressed a button on the back, releasing a sweet-smelling gas into her snout! Vex coughed and felt her head swim as she was suddenly thrust into unconsciousness!

Hours later, when Vex was sure she'd been killed, her eyes fluttered open and she found herself in a large...chapel? Indeed, they were in a wedding chapel! There were streamers hanging from the ceiling, covered in pretty pink flowers and ribbons, while two inflated-vinyl church bells squeaked above them. She was looking down the aisles, at the various rubberized employees allowed to join the festivity, none of whom she recognized. She saw Mr. Dark standing next to her, smiling proudly as the bells stopped squeaking. The dragon looked up at them, then leaned in and whispered in Vex's ear.

"Good timing!" he remarked. "The wedding is just about to start!"

Vex tried to speak, but found her mouth and throat plugged by something rubbery! She growled and tried to fight, but Mr. Dark grabbed her by the snout and held her still.

"Shh! This is her big day!" he said, trying to get the struggling vixen to understand. When she continued thrashing, she grabbed her again and adopted a more serious tone. "If you make one more sound I'll have you Isotexed and buried in concrete, are we clear?"

Vex looked at him for a moment, eyes wide with knowledge that he would do it, then nodded hesitantly and stayed quiet. Wedding music blared through the single chamber, the inflated pipe organ played by a single rubbermaid in a bridal dress. The doors at the end of the chapel swung open and Fay walked in, wearing a plush, expensive-looking bridal gown adorned with the silkiest bows and lace. She blushed as she passed the rows of encased onlookers, all "happy" to see her in such a beautiful dress! When she reached the podium, she stopped and looked at the dragon and Vex.

"Dearly beloved!" the dragon said, smiling at a small cluster of plushy deer in the front row, who giggled and squeezed their plush vixen tightly. "We are gathered here today in the sight of Me, to join these two in holy matrimony!"

Vex glared over at Fay angrily, but the bubbly vixen only smiled and waved quietly. Mr. Dark went on, babbling about the loving bond between a pot and its flower, until finally he finished.

"Who has the pot?" he asked, checking his own pockets. The doors swung open once again and two identical rubberized dragonesses entered, carrying a giant pink flower pot between them! It was the frilliest thing Vex had ever seen: completely covered in pink stencils shaped like hearts, frilly lace lining the rim, and an enormous pinkish bow in the middle! As it was carried to the front of the church, Fay giggled and looked at Vex with a glint of mischief in her eyes. The pot was placed in front of Vex, but the dragonesses then carried the vixen to the center of the stage. Mr. Dark chuckled and stood behind her. She was still bound in a tight, translucent sap cocoon, making her struggles moot, but she could growl through the gag all she wanted.

She struggled as the dragonesses left her standing in the middle, all (rubbery) eyes on her. She looked around nervously, waiting for the bondage to come like one waits for an execution. A large chair rose up at the back of the stage, to which Mr. Dark and Fay hopped into and snuggled comfortably.

"Comfy?" he asked, petting her fuzzy head. Fay giggled and buried herself into the fluffy chair with a chirp. "Good! Tivo, start recording!"

With that, the ribbons on the ceiling suddenly came to life! Like snakes, they slithered down the wall and onto the stage, some keeping their "tails" up in the rafters for support. They slunk towards Vex, who was struggling hard at the sight of the slinky creatures! They suddenly lashed out, snatching her bound feet and hoisting her into the air as hundreds of coils began to wrap around her! She began screaming behind the gag, which muffled her operatic voice so terribly that Mr. Dark stood from his chair and called for the wrapping to stop!

"Stop!" he ordered, much to Vex's relief. He quickly approached her inverted body and held her head. Vex looked at him curiously, then couldn't stop herself from smiling with relief when he pulled the long gag (shaped like a canine penis) out of her throat.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Vex gasped. "I'll get more training, I'll do anything, nothing will ever happen under my watch again!"

"Of course it won't," he responded with a small chuckle. "Oh, you're still going to be mummified. I just wanted to...increase the sound quality..."

He tossed the gag to one of the rubberized audience members, who squealed and immediately drove it down her own throat excitedly. Mr. Dark couldn't stop his demented giggling as the vixen returned to being mummified, still screaming promises and begging for mercy! Fay was giggling, too, enthralled with the spellbinding motions of the ribbons as they finally reached the end of their lengths, leaving Vex a squirming pink mummy. Her arms were bound behind her back uncomfortably, her curvaceous figure captured in a stunning form! The dragon smiled and approached his new mummy with a loving sigh. He took out a small black glove and slipped it on. With a buzz, two red lights shone on the back of the glove which Mr. Dark then gently touched to the top of Vex's mummified head...

There was a loud crackling sound and Vex was suddenly visible through the ribbons! They had become like glass, trapping her in a solid, impenetrable tomb. Her bodysuit melted away, leaving her totally on display for all to see! Her eyes still darted back and forth within the prison, but that was the extent of her motion.

"I'm so glad we funded that project. Bring my brand-new sculpture to my office, please," Mr. Dark ordered one of the dragonesses, who obediently did as she was told. The Vex-sculpture was hoisted and carried away, still looking around wildly as she was brought to her new home in the dragon's office, where she'd stay until it was time to reentomb her.

He stood up and approached the podium, pulling from beneath it a small neon green egg! Made of plastic and feeling hollow, Fay was curious when it was handed to her. She hesitantly cracked it open and a silky, squeaky material rolled out into her lap! She held it up and realized with growing joy that it was a new black latex bodysuit!

"For me?" she asked, beaming. Mr. Dark nodded. "Oh, you're too sweet!"

"I know, I know," the dragon chuckled. He reached down and took the suit politely, holding it up in front of her. "Try it on?"

She tugged at the bodysuit, peeling it away with the expertise required to remove it. When it was removed, the vixen fell to all fours and became quadrupedal! She shook her fur out and stretched, happy to be out of the old transmogrifying bodysuit.

"Sorry you had to wear it for so long," Mr. Dark chuckled. "But I needed an agent to make sure that all my experiments were working just right and they might've been suspicious of the only non-anthro among them."

"Happy to help!" she chirped, rubbing her head against the thick vinyl suit.

"Hey," Mr. Dark said, smirking. "Want to see something cool?"

With that, he released the substance and watched it fly onto Fay like a magnet! She was instantly absorbed in the black material and forced into a pose, with her hind legs bound together and erected like a large tail. Fay yelped and shook as two solid appendages slid between her legs and into her tailhole, then moaned as warm vibrations began surging through them. Her haunches were morphed into a kind of stem-like structure, still liquid and wet-looking. The pulses were so strong she could barely keep her eyes open, but she could hear the dragon's voice through the roaring of hot blood through her ears.

"You have a chance to get out, you know," he said darkly. "If you can stop yourself from climaxing, you'll have a chance to escape...but if you do finish, you know what will happen."

She groaned and shook as the suit held her erect and continued covering her, seeping up to her front paws and stopping at her panting chest. The dildos in her tailhole and wet sex pulsed irregularly, never letting her settle into one rhythm. Movement was impossible, and every wiggle only made the pleasure intensify! Struggling would be her doom, but she had few other options. She was trying so desperately to hold back, but her mind soon abandoned her and she slipped into the golden halo of a squealing orgasm...

Instantly she felt her legs tighten up, permanently fused together like a thick flower stem! Her new appendage changed colors from black to bright pink and quickly began puffing up as the pulses in her pussy and tailhole relentlessly continued. She tried speaking, but could only manage a tortured squeak as the pulses slowed mercifully. Two rubbermaids, encased entirely in shiny, heart-covered catsuits approached her, giggling like schoolgirls as they lifted her by the stem and carried her to the plastic pot. The bow in the middle was made of a wiggly rubber-polymer, and in the middle of the silky curves was a winking, suckling female sex! It slowly dripped juices onto the plastic soil beneath it, desperate to pleasure something or someone. Fay struggled and whimpered as the rubbermaids forcibly inserted her stem between the soft, wet lips and backed away.

Again the pulses increased in her dripping sex, making her stem quiver in need. She knew that if she came again, she'd be stuck in the pot permanently, too! She couldn't stop shaking, the pulses and soft vibrations hitting the sweetest of her most sensitive spots and making her moan out loud. The audience had taken to stroking and hugging each other, producing a squeaking cacophony of lust in the chapel. Mr. Dark couldn't help but smile at the shivering vixen.

"All you need to do is hold back," he said, smirking. "Simple."

The pulses increased in intensity, angered that the vixen was trying to resist. Her resolve couldn't bear the sudden surge in pleasure and she felt hot juice pool inside the squeaky vinyl. The pink vinyl of her stem melded with the pink rubber of the drooling sex-bow, permanently satisfying the bow's aching need by transferring it all to Fay! Her "stem" began throbbing hard, squeaking against its own vinyl as it inflated into the puffy shaft of a giant dildo. Her forepaws, which up until this point had been flapping in a futile attempt to escape her fate, began to puff up and morph into squishy latex leaves! They changed to a shade of neon green, squeaking as they flailed uselessly in the air.

Just above the soft lips of the bow-sex, Fay's stem puffed into fat balls with large, pulsing veins crisscrossing them. She squealed loudly as the need of the sex-bow entered her own loins, endlessly satisfied by the intense vibrations. Her libido was unstoppable, and no amount of orgasm could shake the furious need in her stuffed sex. The sex-bow sucked at Fay's stem, trying to pull her tightly-bound body down into its hungry depths but couldn't swallow the throbbing balls. She could feel the cold of the marble floor beneath the pot, her bottom half becoming one with the shiny plastic!

The rubbermaids came back, this time with a large rubber costume, of sorts. It was a frilly maid's outfit, designed to be worn on a penis! They slipped the uniform onto the weakly struggling vixen and zipped it up in the back, the zipper disappearing as it slid up. When she was fully sealed, they left and this time they returned carrying a giant cockhead! It was molded to match the snout of a fox on the inside, but Fay's eyes were clenched in the torturous pleasure and her vision too blurred to notice. One of the maids held her snout straight up while the other slipped the squeaking glans over her head and forced it firmly into place!

There was a sound like air being sucked into a vacuum and the glans was securely where it belonged, almost permanently sealed to the vixen's wiggling head. She felt the vibrations increase once again, this time so strongly that Fay had to struggle just to keep from passing out! Her head and sex were on fire, burning in a purple maelstrom of forced pleasure as she cried out and finally lost her voice.

"You know," Mr. Dark began, the last words she'd ever hear. "This wedding wasn't for Vex, nor was it for me...this wedding was for you and your lovely new attire! I now pronounce you...vixen and suit!"

The last orgasm for Fay was the first breath of life for her as a flower, which throbbed and spat golden sap from its cumslit. A closer look revealed that the slit was actually a quivering vinyl sex, slowly dripping down the pulsing shaft and onto the flower's thick balls. There were two wide, round eyeholes on the hot pink cockhead, darting around in terror as she felt the glans seal around her. Her balls pulsed and bounced with every throb, dripping a little goo from her cum-sex every so often. Fay felt a sudden jolt in her loins as the pulses increased, a small bulge forming in her squeaky shaft. The bulge peeled into petals and became a bouncy latex flower, complete with a wet, slippery sex in the middle! She drooled from her slit and newly-formed pussy as the rubbermaids squeakily teased her. They ran their mittens over her entrapped body, still quivering needily inside the pulsating dildo, and dipped their thumbs into her flower-sex lovingly. She was the perfect ornament, a rock-hard erect dildo, pointing straight up at the sky as its internal victim watches in horror. She could never escape the toy, by cumming she'd permanently bound it to herself!

"Hmmm, it seems to be missing something," the dragon mused. "Isn't it almost Valentine's day? Oh it is! Well, we must certainly adjust for it! Ladies!"

The rubbermaids returned, carrying between them a giant mane of latex petals! The petals were a bright pink as well, slightly brighter than the squishy artificial dildo shaft that was once Fay. They layered the petals on in sequences, with the largest layers going on first until only the smallest ring of petals was left. As the maids slid the ring over the glans, Fay felt her whole body tense up in unimaginable bliss! The pussy on her cockhead shot a hot load of sap onto the two maids, who made sure to suck up every drop like vacuum cleaners. They stuck the sap to each other and dripped it back into the mane, where more squeaky rubber sap was pooling up.

Mr. Dark took a walk around his newest sculpture and grinned, tapping the plastic pot with his shoe. On the opposite side, there was a small metal plaque stuck to the side of the shiny plastic which read in bright green letters, "Mr. Dark's Super-Permanent Throbacious Dildo-Flower Bride!"

"Very nice," he marveled, squeezing the soft material with a small shudder. The enormous dildo-flower merely gurgled as it spat another load onto the maids. As Mr. Dark turned around, he met the confused look of one of his dragoness guards. She was looking between him and the Fay-Flower, questioning his motives. The dragon scoffed. "Don't look at me! She _asked_for this!"

The dragoness stared mindlessly at Mr. Dark as he pointed to the turgid, squeaking, cumsap-leaking dildo fox-flower. "Take her to the lobby, if you don't mind? She'll be the seasonal décor for my lovely clients!"

The rubbermaids continued playing in the rubbery cumsap, swallowing it where they could and rubbing it into each other's loveholes. Mr. Dark followed the two dragonesses as they hefted the giant drippy flower and carried it diligently to the lobby, where it would be left until the season was over, then stored in a tight latex stasis unit until the next Valentine's Day! Lucky!

Mr. Dark's Indulgences

The muscled bull awoke with a start, realizing his head was pounding uncomfortably. He opened his eyes slowly and realized with a startling sense of dread that he couldn't see anything! He tried opening his mouth, but it was snugly fit with a squeaky...

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Doom in the Rubber Forest: How Rubbermaids are Rubber-Made!

Vex grabbed for the vixen's outstretched paw desperately as the vixen squealed in the stone grip of the dildo-bee! "Vex! Help! MMMPH! MMMMMPH!" she cried as the bee's suckling cunt mouth slipped over her mouth and nose. It filled her mouth with...

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Vixen Class

The black SUV pulled onto the airport tarmac with a marked lack of hurry, dwarfed by the enormous triple-decker plane that lay just a short distance away. The driver side door opened and a rubberbound vixen stepped out into the warm air, rushing to the...

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