From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 5: Whatever Lily Wants

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#5 of Diary of Jun

Jun finishes explaining what happened at Lily's house.

As always, comments are appreciated.

For as hard as her orgasm seemed to have hit her, Lily's recovery was fast. With a quick stretch of her limbs and back , she seemed to return to form. She placed a paw on each side of my face and stood, coaxing me to follow her up. I stood about four inches shorter than she did, so when she kissed me, she had to lean just a bit.

Her lips parted to allow my tongue, still carrying her taste, access to her mouth as her own entered mine. I held her by the waist as we probed one another, and felt her hands leave my face. They slid down my neck until they reached my shoulders, then followed my arms to my hands. I let her move them from where they were down until she placed them pointedly on her ass. I got the message. I pulled her tight to me, the bottom of my shaft pressing hard into her cunt. I held her there and my hips began to rock, pushing myself even harder into her.

"Hnnnn," she half-laughed/half-moaned into my mouth.

"Mmmnn," I agreed.

We carried on this way for a minute or two more, until she'd decided it was enough. The kiss broke, a string of saliva still connected us for a moment and the underside of my cock was coated with her slime.

"Come on, we're not done yet," she said, and turned away. Her hand caught mine and I was led into the bedroom.

Like I said before, her bed was huge. It could probably fit the both of us twice over comfortably. She stopped just in front of it and turned us so my back was to it and she was facing me.

Her hands traced my body back up to my shoulders, making an extended stop to play with my breasts. She pushed me backwards onto the bed.

"Crawl away now, little mouse girl."

I did as I was told, crawling up the bed until my head hit headboard. Lily followed, climbing onto the bed and then stalking forward on all fours until her body was over mine. While she held herself up with one paw, the other reached between us, between her thighs, and wrapped it around my dick, jerking it slowly. Not trying to get me off, just trying to keep my attention.

"Caught you, mousey. Kitty's hungry." Her voice was heavy and lustful.

"What does kitty want?" Mine came out in gasps and moans.

"Meat," she declared, and her waist dropped down. My first seven inches slipped inside of her without issue, but she started having trouble after that.

"Hrrrnnprrrrr, come on, mousey. Help me. Feed kitty," she begged.

My hands went back to her waist. I pulled down on her, my hips left the bed. I wanted to be inside of her. All the way. And she wanted me in her just as much, pressing down as hard as she could, holding me steady in her paw. Her eyes were squeezed tight, her tongue poked out of from between her lips in the cutest look of intense concentration.

"Feed kitty. Feed kitty. Come on. I want you in me little mousey."

She started to buck against me in time with my thrusts and slowly but surely she started to make progress.

"Oooouuuunnnghhhh." Her relief and pleasure were obvious

There were still two or three inches left outside of her when my cock bounced off of something deep inside.

"That's... as much... as I can squeeze in," I breathed. "Don't... want to... hurt you."

She looked down at me, and she was a sight to behold. She was dripping in sweat, her hair was disheveled, her chest rose and fell rapidly. But the look she gave me was manic. A fire burned in her eyes and her grin was mad.

Lily pushed herself up until only the barest part of me was left inside of her. Then, in an amazing show of agility, she swung them out from under herself and dropped down with her entire body weight. It was more than enough, and I speared straight through her cervix.

Lily brought her legs back down. Her paws shot behind her head. Her eyes went wide. Her body arched as far back as I could imagine being possible. Her jaw dropped open in a silent scream. After a second or two, however:


She came with a fury, and now it was my turn to go wide eyed. I could feel it coming. My balls roiled and swelled in preparation. I came hard in normal circumstances, but this one was going to be big.

"Get off! Get off! Getoffgetoffgetoff!"

Lily panted, catching her breath. Her hands rested on my stomach. Her sweat dripped down onto me. She looked me in the eye, a smile was on her face.

"Just did, baby. Give me a minute to start again."


I'd had blue balls for hours now, so when I fired off, lodged as I was in her womb, it went off like a bomb. My first wad spread her entire tunnel wider before shooting out, visibly distending her belly. The impact managed to dislodge me from her just a bit and she finally got the message.

Lily raised herself from me just in time for the second blast to paste her entire lower body with my seed.

I grabbed my cock and held on for dear life. One hand squeezing it off as best I could, the other covering my piss slit. Semen sprayed from between my fingers as I worked against my own inner pressure.

"If... you don't want... your room soaked in mouse cum... help."

Lily was quick to act, at least she was once she'd managed to break the webs of my spunk that held her momentarily in place, pulling an empty trash can from the corner of the room to the edge of the bed. Finally I let myself go.

The splash back was massive, but there was less of a mess than there would have been if I'd just blown my load freely. In the end, I'd just managed to not overflow the can, and Lily and I both were coated in my nut.

Lily touched her stomach and then looked at the can where I'd made the rest of my deposit. The surface continued to bubble and churn despite no outside force being applied.

"Is that what's happening inside of me? Feels like a satin buzzsaw in here."

I blushed.

Lily and I laid in her bed, I was still hard, but she looked fucked out. She grabbed the hand that I'd used to plug myself up and began to lick it clean.

"This wasn't your first time," she said. It wasn't a question, but I still answered.


She placed one of my fingers in her mouth and sucked it clean.

"Where'd you learn to eat pussy like that?"

I mumbled my reply.

She held the next finger between her teeth.


"I said I have a lot of aunts."

I blushed at the admittance. A bunch of aunts raised by a hyper with a brother that couldn't get them pregnant. They were used to a certain amount of... accommodation and were more than happy to give me a crash course when mom wasn't looking. I was afraid it would gross Lily out.

She just giggled as she finished cleaning that finger.

"Lily, thank you."

"For what?"

"For, you know, this."

She crawled on top of me and began licking my face clean.

"Why are you thanking me? I was horny, you were horny, and people who are dating fuck. What's to thank me for?"


She moved lower now, sucking one first one nipple and then the other before starting to lick clean the rest.

"That's what you were going to ask this afternoon, right?"

"How'd you know that?"

"I'm not stupid, Jun. You've been watching me half the school year."

"How'd you know that!?"

"'Cause I was watching you the other half. Why do you think I got moved in front of you? I go after what I want."

"But you didn't even know my name this afternoon."

She moved lower still, now eyeing at my cock with a mixture of adoration and awe.

"Kitty likes to play with her food before eating," she said. She grabbed hold of me and opened wide, popping the head of my dick into her mouth, trying to work her way down.

"You're tired, Lily, you don't have to do that."

She pulled back, sucking hard as she did. Her lips left me with a loud "SSSHHPOP" sound.

"You're my girlfriend now, right? You can still fuck, I'll just have to get more stamina." She reached down and patted her belly. "And stretch out a bit more."

"Thank you."

"Shut up and let kitty enjoy her meal."

Hell. Yes.

Jun, Age 17

From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 6: Shuffle Off, Buffalo

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 4: The Game

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 3: A Game of Cat and Mouse

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