From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 6: Shuffle Off, Buffalo

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#6 of Diary of Jun

Jun gets a Birthday Surprise

I maneuvered my tail beneath my chair and brought it up to poke at the back of Lily's jeans, looking for a loose spot I could slip in.

It was last period physics again and it was a good thing the two of us were both pretty smart. We hadn't been paying attention to anything being said in this particular class since we'd started dating two months ago. Instead it had become the battlefield for our own personal war of foreplay. Who could get the other one hotter. Who could force the other one to make an embarrassing noise first. On days where it had been a while, who could make the other one come in their pants. I usually lost. I had a reach advantage, but Lily was in front and she had a lot more parts to play with than I did. Plus her tail had fur. It tickled!

But Lily was hot today. I could feel it on my tail. I wormed my way down the crack of her sexy ass and popped up in front and had a poke around. I had her squirming for a minute before I felt her hand grab me from outside of her pants. Her tail crooked slightly and discreetly motioned to our left.

I had a look out of the corner of my eye and saw what she was pointing at. Rob. Seven feet six inches and four hundred pounds of pure Bison muscle. Except for the hair, which probably made up ten or so pounds of the weight by itself.

Rob played linebacker on the school's football team. Apparently he was good. They said he was probably the best linebacker in the state. I wouldn't know, wasn't a fan.

Rob was looking right at us, this big, stupid smile plastered on his face. His tongue, big and thick, left his mouth. He gave his lips a big sloppy lick and winked in my direction.

That was embarrassing.

After class Lily walked home with me.

"So tomorrow's your birthday, Jun?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Why? Because it's your_birthday_, mousey. That's matters."

"I guess."

"Finally hitting the big 1 one eight."


"Meet me after class tomorrow? I've got a surprise for you"

"Of course."

I was riding high. School was out soon and Lily and I had plans for the summer before college. All in all everything seemed great and I was feeling good about myself.

Of course that feeling couldn't last.

Today was my birthday and class was over, so I went looking for Lily. I waited by her locker for about fifteen minutes, but she didn't show up. I thought it was a game, like she'd played with me the day we started dating. But she wouldn't have me on her to follow. So it was a game of detective. And the first trick in any detective's book was to retrace steps. Luckily I knew Lily's schedule. She had trig as her last class on days when it wasn't physics. So that's where I headed.

I reached the door to her Trig class and was about to turn the handle when I heard voices. I didn't want to risk interrupting someones tutoring session so I peeked through the window. Rob was in the room, pants undone. A mammoth cock jutted out, fully erect and giving the occasional twitch or jerk as it was stimulated. It made mine look small by comparison, and I'm nothing to scoff at. But Rob and his dick weren't important, what was important was what was at the end of it.

On her knees, shirt pulled up and over her tits, hands jerking Rob for all they were worth, was Lily.

I shook my head and squeaked out a quiet "No." I didn't want to believe what I was seeing.

"That's right. Mmm," I could hear them through the door. "Work it. This is what you were made for. This what you're good for. Just a fucking slut for big bovine dick."

Lily's mouth fell open. Her tongue lolled out and she redoubled her efforts. I could feel tears stinging my eyes.

"Just a repository for bison sperm. My personal little fuckslut." He grabbed Lily's arms in one of his giant mitts and pulled her away. With his other hand he grabbed his cock and started pumping it himself.

For her part Lily simply whimpered and lapped at the air in front of her.

"Tell me what you are or you won't get anything!"


"Say it!"

"I'm your whore! I'm a silly little hole for bovine cock! I'm anything you say I am!"

"Fucking right," Rob shouted as he pulled Lily's face right up against his dickhead and unloaded. With the first shot alone she was painted entirely white. He raised her to make sure he included her breasts in his claiming of territory. He turned her around and pasted her back and ass with his semen as well. And then he dropped her in the pool of cum he'd left on the ground.

I was in tears. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Had she planned this? Was this the surprise? I couldn't think straight. And then the smell hit my nose.

It felt like a slight chill up my spine at first. Then a tingle in my head. I wasn't consciously aware of the change. I still felt like me. I still, at first, felt hurt. But the tears stopped. And my mind started to function the way it should. Why hadn't I seen it before? That size. That quantity. That star potential on the field. Rob wasn't just an average bison. Rob was a hyper. And if he was a hyper, that meant two things. There was a good chance that Lily never agreed to what just happened...

And that I was Alert.

And despite the calm I felt, I knew was pissed. If Lily had chosen to betray me of her own volition, that was one thing. But no one forced Lily to do something she didn't want to.

I unzipped my pants and shot a hand down them, around my cock, beneath my balls, all the way to my pussy. I worked myself hard as I watched with cold eyes Rob instruct Lily to roll over. To get on all fours. To prepare herself for him.

"From now on, this is mine. You don't fuck anyone unless I say you can. And you don't ever let the mouse stick her cock in you again."

The door swung open.

I hit the wall of hyper scent and like a knife my own cut through it to the two other occupants.

Rob turned around when he heard the door swing open.

"Well if it isn't the little mouse bitch herself. Here to watch me take your girlfriend away."

I continued to stimulate myself in plain sight of Rob and Lily.

"Yes. But you don't want her first, Rob. Do me," I panted. My tail came up to continue the work of my paw as it left to join its counter part ripping open my shirt and playing with my tits.

"She's used goods anyway. I'm not as big as you, but I'm still pretty big and I've been in her. Nothing my size has been in here."

I lift my nuts and show off my slit. If Rob had been in his right mind he'd probably have turned me down and made me watch as he took Lily. But I was already reeling him in. And as my own musk penetrated his, Lily started to regain her senses.

"Come on, Rob. Please. I need you. I need you inside of me."

He started to plod over, looking a bit dazed. "Yeah..."

"Deep inside of me. Stretching me out. Filling me with your calves."


He was there in front of me. Towering over me by two and a half feet. He looked down with the dumbest shit eating grin I had ever seen.

"Kiss me first?"

"Yeah!" He bellowed it out like a triumphant battle cry. And then bent to do just that.

My hand, covered in my feminine fluids struck out and latched onto his snout, giving him a nose full of my Deevi scent. It brought him to his knees.

"Good boy. Now Bobby, open wide."

Second best blowjob of my life.

Jun, Age 18

From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 7: Needs

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 5: Whatever Lily Wants

For as hard as her orgasm seemed to have hit her, Lily's recovery was fast. With a quick stretch of her limbs and back , she seemed to return to form. She placed a paw on each side of my face and stood, coaxing me to follow her up. I stood about four...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 4: The Game

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