From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 4: The Game

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#4 of Diary of Jun

Jun arrives at Lily's home.

I was having a million thoughts a second. This was crazy. Before class she hadn't even been able to get my name right. Now she was inviting me over. For what, I couldn't be sure. I could read into it what I wanted, but reading her hadn't exactly been easy. I was so confused. What was her game? Was she just playing with me? Did she plan on humiliating me?

Or was this all out of some sense of pity?

Whatever it was, I clearly didn't care enough to not go as I was standing in front her of her door. I rang the bell, heart pounding.

"It's unlocked," her voice called from somewhere in the house. "Come in. Lock it when you do, please."

I did as I was told, entering the front hall of her rather large home.

"Upstairs," came her voice again. "Last door down the hall."

Following the instructions I willed myself not to run up those stairs and down that hallway. I remained about as calm as I could as I reached the door to the last room down the hall. I turned the knob and pushed it open, finding myself standing just inside of the largest bedroom I'd ever been in.

More accurately, it was two rooms. I currently stood in the bedroom, which was massive all by itself/ A large semi-circular bed eating up the majority of the wall to my right. Directly across from me was another door, this one open, that lead into what looked like a rec room. I could see the giant screen TV from where I stood, and in front of it I could see a huge plush couch, over the back of which Lily's head was visible.

She turned and beamed. "Jun! You're so punctual," she said. "I like that."

There was definitely a different tone to that part. Husky. Inviting.

"I could use some help, why don't you come inside my parlor," she shuttered her eyes with that invite, then turned her attention back to the TV.

I crossed the vast expanse that was Lily's room towards what she had maybe referred to as her "parlor." But the moment I crossed the threshold I stopped cold, assaulted by a familiar smell. Or, at least, a smell that invoked a familiar taste.

I started to strain against my pants as I stepped into the room and walked around the couch. And there she was in all her glory, not a strip on her.

That damned tail rubbed lazily up and down her slit, giving a little flick each time it reached her clit. While it did her hips thrust just barely against it. Her lips, both sets, were parted slightly. Her flat stomach, showing only the barest hint of the abdominal muscles beneath the skin, gently clenched and unclenched. Her left hand played with her full, round c-cup breasts, while her right gripped the remote with which she now turned off the television. Her eyes, half-lidded, locked onto mine.

"So glad yoummm came, Jun. I have a bit of a problem and I was hoping you could lend me a tongue."

Her tail moved away, her legs spread apart even further and the aroma from her sopping hole practically slapped me in the face. I still had no idea what she was playing at. What her goal was, here. But I didn't care. I just wanted her.

I take a step towards. Then another. And another. I was like a zombie. This was the girl I had been pining for the better part of a year. I was alone with her in her house, and she was offering herself to me. I hadn't had a thought since I walked in that door.

Before I could reach her, however, she stretched out one of those long, lithe legs and placed her foot gently on my chest, her ankle bracelets chiming together..

"Aren't you a little over dressed for the occasion?"

"I-it's all I brought," I answered, like an idiot. But to be fair, there was a lot of blood that would have otherwise been in my brain being used for a different purpose.

But it got a giggle out of her. "Then you brought way too much."

I finally got the hint and went to unbutton the cargo pants I had worn over when her foot slid down my stomach and landed on the obvious bulge. My knees nearly gave out.

"Take it from the top, sweetie."

I reached back up and grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head, jostling my glasses which I had completely forgotten about. Once I'd gotten the shirt off I was going to remove the glasses as well, however:

"Leave them on. Tits next, please."

So I left my frames on and undid my bra, letting it fall to the floor, and freeing my breasts for the world to see.

"Oooh! They're even bigger than mine!" She ran her hands up her sides then cupped her own as if offering them to me for comparison.

"Ditch the pants. And when you drop your undies, make it hot."

I blushed. I'm not sure she could see it, black fur.

"I can't do that," I answered, looking away.

Lily frowned for the first time since I'd been there, apparently nor happy at the denial. "And why not?"

"Not wearing any."

The grin from earlier returned and Lily leaned forward in her seat, using her hands to balance practically her entire weight on the edge of the chair. Her eyes lit up.

"Show me."

So I did. I dropped my cargo pants to the ground, allowing my cock to shoot up like it was spring-loaded, flinging a line of pre-cum across from me right into Lily's face. My entire dick was slick with the stuff. My quim was drooling. And my swollen, desperate balls were drenched from both.

"Yummy," Lily intoned while licking my pre from her lips. "I was looking forward to this. I'd pictured you having an adorable little mousey girlcock when I decided to play with you in class. Imagine my surprise finding that big fat dick." Her foot pushed aside my testes in order to look at my slot. "Such a pretty contrast, that bright pink on black. C'mere."

Her leg pulled back into position opposite her other perched on the edge of the cushion, spread wide. Lily reclined, watching me fall to my knees in front of her. Once my nose was only centimeters from her delta, I closed my eyes and inhaled. I loved that smell. Her scent. I already knew I'd follow it to the ends of the earth.

Gently, cautiously I slid my tongue over her mound. Twice. Three times.

"Nmm, you don't have to be so careful, sweetie, I'm a big girl."

I ignored her. I knew what I was doing. A few more gentle swipes before I start to really lap at her, digging my tongue into her without actually penetrating yet. Slowly, meticulously I got my jaw into the action as my speed increased. Lily started to writhe in her seat. I could feel her growing more and more soaked.


I slurped at her juices. I was right. This was the flavor. So good. So very good. I dug in deeper to get at more of that flavor. I finally penetrated Lily just as her hands came down to grasp my ears.

"HSSSShit, girl! You're good. You're really fucking good!"

I was. I knew it. I'd been told before. My own pussy was drenched, my cock was begging for attention, but I had none to spare for either. And besides that, I could see now that this was a part of the game. I opened my eyes and raised them to look at her face. Twisted with the pleasure that I was giving her. It was beautiful. So was she. Her eyes cracked open and found mine. The smile I gave her caught her off guard, and so did what I did next.

On the next pass I dug deep. Really deep. But I wasn't focusing on the tongue lashing I was giving her. Instead I had angled myself so that while I rapidly lapped away at her honey pot my nose pushed hard against her button.

I felt her arms pull me in harder as her legs joined them wrapping around my back. I redoubled my efforts.


That shriek was music to my ears, and the juices that poured from her were my ambrosia. I sucked and slurped, and licked, and tongued for all I was worth. I didn't want to leave a drop of her essence behind.

Finally Lily's body went limp after, exhausted from the orgasm she'd been brought to. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but as her arms and legs fell away from me, and her body collapsed back onto the couch, I felt a small swell of pride.

Fuck. I'm horny again. Give me a few, diary, and I'll finish the story.

Jun, Age 17

From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 5: Whatever Lily Wants

For as hard as her orgasm seemed to have hit her, Lily's recovery was fast. With a quick stretch of her limbs and back , she seemed to return to form. She placed a paw on each side of my face and stood, coaxing me to follow her up. I stood about four...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 3: A Game of Cat and Mouse

I think I'm in love. Wait. Let me start over. I know I've talked about my physics class. The one I've had trouble concentrating in ever since the seating arrangement changed? Because I can't stop watching the way that the girl sitting in front of me...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 2: Chat Log – Jun and Bet

[9:35 PM] UnevenOdds: Hey, babes. [9:35 PM] TheLongShot: Hey, Bet [9:35 PM] UnevenOdds: What's up? [9:36 PM] TheLongShot: Just getting ready for bed. [9:37 PM] TheLongShot: How about you? [9:39 PM] TheLongShot: Bet? [9:40 PM] TheLongShot:...

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